#use firefox it's not that hard to switch and it makes ALL the difference
nykloss · 11 months
I'm seeing so much actively harmful misinfo regarding boycotts.
If you are spreading information on a boycott PLEASE focus on just what the BDS is asking you to boycott. In my honest opinion even THAT is a lot to keep track of, but boycotts work better the more laser-focused they are.
This is the closest thing to an official boycott being asked:
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I've seen a lot of posts both here and elsewhere asking people to boycott not just everything on that list, but also Walmart, Amazon, Google, PespsiCo, Coke, Nestle, 4 dozen other big name conglomerates, and a big list of at least 50+ individual celebrities/CEOs/actors. That is not boycotting.
If YOU want to personally abstain from every Israeli-supporting-prduct/service you can, please do it!!!! Even before now, I've personally always abstain from chick-fil-a and 🏴‍☠️ most of my media–but that isn't an organized boycott. In fact, spreading info that every single one of those companies/individuals are "part of the boycott" is blatant misinformation and actually harms the boycott.
Giant lists that include dozens to hundreds of giant conglomerates and individuals that are hard to keep track of are meant to overwhelm individuals and dissuade them from boycotting at best, and are actively impossible to personally enforce at worst. If you are reading this post, chances are you are breaking one of the many unofficial "boycotts" being asked of you.
For example, following every ""boycott"" being asked of you 100% means: stopping use of any Google products (quitting a job that uses Google workspace, abandoning your Android phone, switching to Firefox or Safari web browser, not using Gmail, not using YouTube), stop using most/all social media, making entirely home cooked meals (every restaurant, even small ones, support Pepsi/coke), only being allowed to buy ingredients for those home cooked meals from physical, local small businesses (which may be wiped out in your area/take more gas to drive to/cost more money to buy from), and cross-checking every single item you buy with a giant list (that I hope you printed out, because chances are you can't use your phone/the internet without sending precious ad profit to Google!).
Telling someone to "do that much or do nothing" is going to result in the vast, vast majority of people doing nothing. Think about the every day people in your life–parents, coworkers, community members. Are they going to do that much? If the answer is no, then a boycott is ineffective. (Plus, doing a lot of that stops you from staying informed on the situation, which is top priority right now!)
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Stick to spreading the image at the top of this post. The more people boycotting a small handful easy-to-remember companies, the more effective a boycott will be. A small amount of companies will lose a lot of money, and will have to re-evaluate their stance to give money to Israel–the point of a boycott. But, if everyone only ends up boycotting a handful of completely different companies depending on what list they were given online, all of those companies only lose a little money and no impact is made at all.
TLDR: Feel free to personally abstain from whatever products/services you want, but spreading that they are part of the boycott if they AREN'T is harmful!
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rohirric-hunter · 12 days
I made an @ellipsus-writes account yesterday and with one day under my belt here are my first impressions.
It's basically Google Docs, but without being associated with Google. You're able to edit documents from any device with a web browser, which is a lot more convenient than the WebDav server I'm currently using.
Things that are less than ideal:
There aren't a lot of customization options. You can switch between light and dark mode, but I would like to be able to set my document backgrounds to a color. Also it would be better if you could change your view layout. Right now it looks like this:
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and I would prefer to have these documents in a list, rather than these big bubbles. The bubbles might be cool if you could change their color or add an image background to them, but as is they're just boring white and taking up a lot of space. I have only 12 documents in this folder and it's a bit silly that I can't see them all at once.
2. You might also notice that these documents appear to be in a completely random order. They're actually in the order I last edited them in. I prefer my documents to be in alphabetical order, and this is an option that exists, but a) when switching to this view it for some reason defaults to reverse alphabetical order and I then have to manually select regular alphabetical order, and b) this setting will not be remembered between sessions.
3. I can't seem to get rid of the, "Need help? Chat with us" popup at the bottom of the page. It takes up an annoying amount of space, and I wish it was collapsible.
Things that worry me:
Instead of having a password system, Ellipsus sends you an email link every time you go to log in. There's nothing wrong with doing it this way I guess, since you can access the link from the same device you're accessing the website from, but it kind of just smacks of being different for the sake of being different. Makes me worry about security. Not that I write anything worth stealing.
Instead of having a normal profile system, Ellipsus uses Gravatar, which is some "universal internet account" nonsense that I will absolutely not be using. This probably won't be a huge issue, though, as I don't really plan on using the collaboration tools, so I won't need to make a profile. I wish I could change my email address, though, as I accidentally used the wrong one to make the account. I might make a new account.
I don't understand how all this is being paid for. There are no ads, the account is free, but the hosting is all done by Ellipsus. While text does not take up a ton of space to host, it does take up some space, and that costs money. Are the creators doing it out of their own pockets? Do they have a donor? Will there be donation drives to support it later? Or will they adopt advertisements in the future or introduce a "premium" option where you can pay for additional features? The last one normally wouldn't worry me, but since it is currently so bare-bones I'm a bit antsy. What if you have to pay for the option to have your documents in alphabetical order by default?
Their advertising is. Vague. I put this off for a long time because looking around on their website there was a lot of talk about how you're a writer and super creative and also they'll never steal your data to train AIs, but it was really hard to find a place where it outright said what the product was. This concerns me because it makes me feel like the company has something to hide.
Good things:
It's a platform that does the same thing as Google Docs without actually being Google Docs. This is a powerful pro. I'll probably keep using it for now.
Oh yeah and they don't have an app. A few years ago this would have gone in the less-than-ideal section for me but these days with the way app stores are about user generated content it's probably best to avoid the whole thing. I followed their suggestion to set a link on my homescreen (through Firefox) and it works very well. I was worried it might be laggy (Tumblr was laggy when I used it through Firefox) but it's been very responsive. No server access if you're not connected to the internet, but if you have the document already open then you can keep typing into it and it will update when you reconnect. This is the same way I used Google Docs back in the day and perfectly serviceable in my opinion.
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bprpg · 1 year
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Hello! I hope everyone is having a lovely day today.
There's something we want to talk to everyone about regarding posts and replies.
It is very important that everyone read this post in full, so please do so! We'll be able to tell who has and who hasn't, and anyone we notice hasn't read it will receive a link to this post via tumblr and discord until we know it's been read. You've been warned!
As you probably know, Tumblr launched a new post editor a couple of years ago that hasn't been officially, fully implemented onto the site. Because of this, when making posts and doing replies, some of us are still able to toggle on and off between the legacy editor (the one we've been using for years now) and the new one. However, back in May, tumblr announced that they would start removing the legacy editor for some users, meaning that the eventual takeover of the new post editor is inevitable. Because of this - and a lot of reasons that we will go into further detail below - we think it's time to say goodbye to the legacy editor and only use the new post editor when posting starters and doing replies.
The thing is, as much as we love the legacy editor (RIP), you've probably noticed that sometimes using it to reply to posts that were created with the new post editor will make them a bit... wonky, to say the least. Your reply will appear twice, maybe the entire post will duplicate and then be impossible to delete (or simply require too much energy to fix). It complicates things for everyone. It's not anyone's fault! It's Tumblr's updates. It's also very hard to know when a post has been made using the legacy editor vs. the new post editor, so it's impossible to know whether a reply will work or not. To make things easier for everyone, I think it's important we all switch to the new post editor starting effective immediately.
Here's a couple of questions you might have.
Does XKit work with the new post editor?
The short answer is no. At least not the New XKit, the extension we've been using for ages now. If you've been roleplaying for a while, you probably remember there was an extension simply called XKit before New XKit came about, which was back when tumblr changed their post format the last time circa 2015. They got rid of blockquotes in reblogs! Remember? You couldn't edit your partner's reply even if you tried. And they did it again, except this time, it was a little harder to fix, so New XKit is no longer working with this new format. Reblogs using the new post editor look differently now. You can see an example of the difference below.
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Does that mean I can't cut posts anymore?
Nope! You still can. The process is a little different, but if we're all using the new post editor, it shouldn't be very complicated.
You can use something called ✨ XKIT REWRITTEN ✨
It's another extension! (everyone say: thank you devs)
Because we are no longer allowing anyone to use the legacy editor, I would encourage everyone uninstall the New XKit extension you have and replace it with this one. It has basically the same features as the last one and is very user-friendly!
Download for Chrome
Download for Firefox
How does Trim Reblogs even work?
You can find a guide to using Trim Reblogs that explains it a million times better than I ever could right here. We'll have it linked in the resources channel on the discord as well, in case you need to check it out.
What about my current replies using the legacy editor?
Because we know you have active threads using the legacy editor, we'll allow you to play those out still using New XKit and editable reblogs, but any and all starters going forward have to be made using the new post editor. If your replies with your partner are duplicating or not working, you can either continue to write them that way, removing any duplicates if possible, or reach out to them and ask them what they want to do; try to figure something out that works for both of you.
So, TL;DR (but I DO hope everyone read this!):
Using the legacy editor will no longer be allowed in the roleplay. If you are currently using the legacy editor in replies, finish those but going forward, please post every starter and reply using the new post editor, install XKit Rewritten and toggle on Trim Reblogs to be able to cut your posts.
If you have any questions at all regarding this new rule (because we'll be adding it to the rules shortly with updated information and links to everything you'll need) please feel free to reach out to us!
To make sure everyone read this, I'm going to go very Tumblr 2012 and ask you to like this post and send me a discord message with a picture of your favorite animal. Thank you.
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sonicenvy · 1 year
on the subject of my new PC, my continued thoughts:
The entire display assembly seems pretty chinsy, both the hinges and the thickness of the screen. I think the screen thickness thing is just a computers these days thing that I'm just not used to because my newest computer until I bought this one was from 2014. (my old gaming PC). That gaming PC still had an externally removable battery (a nifty feature that I can't believe tech companies all collectively decided to do away with. the PC people were copying apple's homework on that and it was a bad choice)

The fans are not as loud as the reviewers made it seem. Not sure if this is just because I am used to incredibly loud 10+ year old fans that are cranked to max when you have too many photoshop windows open. I also test played civ v on it last night and the fans were quiet enough that I really couldn't hear them at all with my headphones in. Could be that the reviews also just play newer and fancier video games than me. (I'm not a WOW or COD player).

It does get somewhat hot around the vents around hour 1.5 of civ, but it is way less hot than my old computer or my macbook so I'm going to give that a pass. It's not generating that much heat having firefox tabs of tumblr, ao3, reddit, 10x wikipedia, and 10x misc articles and research. It started to kick up a little when I added 1x photoshop instance. It was also fairly hot with loudish fans while it was downloading like 100gbs of software, video games etc

Huge fan of the keyboard feel and the groovy blue backlight. I might turn the backlight off to reduce battery consumption. It's a little bit wider and larger than my mac so when I switch to it for games it's always a weird moment of adjustment.

That radeon GPU SLAPS y'all graphics as I've literally never experienced them on a computer before. Like this computer's GPU has 10GB of video memory and that really makes a difference. My last gaming laptop had 5gb of video memory in its GPU, so this is massive upgrade!

That Samsung NVMe SSD is SO fast y'all. I need to get me some kind of sata to PCIe or NVMe adapter for my macbook. Between the 16GB of RAM and that hard drive this thing boots in like all of about 4 seconds. holy shit. love that.

Still hate windows 11. However, though the use of copious regedits, the installation of an open source system patcher, the creation of several XML files in the user library, and the running of several lines of code through elevated powershell and the uninstallation of a bunch of bloatware it has become tolerable to use. still looking for a solution to kill the "search the web" feature in the start menu search so that it only searches the system. Also looking for a solution to remove the recommend searches from bing and the search suggestions. Doing all of this took many hours of research and fiddling but god was it worth it. Maybe I'll make a post on this later so any of you who have to deal with this can fix this problem without hours of research.
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dritaofficial · 2 years
Tab suspender for firefox
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#Tab suspender for firefox install#
#Tab suspender for firefox software#
#Tab suspender for firefox Pc#
#Tab suspender for firefox free#
#Tab suspender for firefox windows#
Then, when you want to browse again, either activate the tab you want to use or activate all your tabs.
#Tab suspender for firefox install#
The extension will install and you’ll see a new toolbar icon that gives you the ability to control your tabs.īy choosing “Suspend this tab” you can put the currently active tab to sleep or by selecting “Suspend all tabs”, you can stop Chrome from using all but a bare minimum of your CPU cycles so you can work on a Powerpoint deck, play a game, or work on a cool new infographic in Photoshop. To install this great extension, just go here:Īnd choose “Add to Chrome”. It allows you to put a tab (or all the tabs) to sleep so they don’t bog down your computer while you are working on other things. Chrome doesn’t know that when I’m not looking at a tab, I want it to go to sleep and stop consuming resources. You see, whether you are using those tabs in Chrome, they are still consuming resources. The answer is an extension in the Chrome Store called “The Great Suspender”.
#Tab suspender for firefox windows#
Tips for reducing Chrome’s usage of Windows resources.
Are there ways to speed up Chrome on Windows?.
Why are there multiple Chrome processes running in the Windows Task Manager?.
Ironically, this led me back to Chrome to run some Google searches like: I could ditch Chrome altogether, but I actually like the integration with my phone (a Samsung Galaxy), so I wanted to find a way to keep Chrome, but have it run more efficiently. I opened the same 11 tabs in Firefox and it’s running a single process using significantly fewer resources than Chrome. In fact, take a look at the image above and notice that Firefox is running. But if you run multiple tabs, here are a few tips to keep it from killing your computer's performance. Yes, I had 11 tabs open in Chrome and that was probably a little on the high side, but for there to be 13 different memory hogs and CPU hogs slowing down my computer…that’s just bad architecture. So, the next questions become why is Google Chrome using so much memory? Why Is Chrome causing high CPU usage? Why are multiple Chrome processes slowing down my computer?Īfter thinking about this for a couple of minute and Googling for a couple minutes more, I realized that each of the tabs I have open in Chrome are being treated as a separate process, and are consuming their own allocated resources. Seriously, Chrome? You are running 13 different process that are consuming a TON of resources on my machine? Google Chrome in the task manager shows multiple instances and high CPU and memory usage When I did that, I saw something very, very interesting.Ĭhrome. The best way to see what is using all those CPU cycles is to switch to the Processes tab and then order the CPU column from highest to lowest by clicking the column header twice. As you can see from the image below, my CPU cycles are really high…that’s what I’m trying to figure out. You can see how your CPU(s) are performing by selecting the Performance tab. You can open the Task Manager by choosing Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Since the easy stuff was done, but my CPU was still cycling high, I turned to the Windows Task Manager to see what might be causing the issue. Unfortunately, it didn’t really help speed up my computer, so I had to continue the search. I followed my own advice and used Defragler to clean up my hard drive space. Just to make sure that disk fragmentation wasn’t slowing the computer down. The final step I took was to defragment my hard drive. Took 30 minutes using the CCleaner tool, cleaned up quite a few old registry keys, but no luck in calming down my CPU. Since I didn’t find any offending malware installed, my next step was to clean my registry in case there were old registry keys that were mis-pointed or just out of date that would be hurting the performance.
#Tab suspender for firefox free#
Here are links to a couple of tools that offer free trials that will get you going: If your computer is running slow, the first step is to run a spyware scan.
#Tab suspender for firefox Pc#
BTW, if your PC is running slow and you haven’t run a spyware check recently, now would be a good time to do it.
#Tab suspender for firefox software#
I spent a considerable amount of time looking for spyware to see if some malicious little software spy had been installed, but came up empty. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you buy something from those links.Ĭhrome can slow down your computer by using too much memory and causing high CPU cycles I get commissions for purchases made through those links. Please note: Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links.
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0 notes
nyerus · 4 years
🌸 Updates and FAQs for Watching the TGCF Donghua! 🌸
✴️First, check out my detailed guide HERE if you want to know how to subscribe to YouTube or Bilibili!
Please read through these if you have any questions first before sending in an ask, as it's probably answered here (or the previous guide)!!! If you don't see it here, or still have confusions afterwards, then feel free to send in an ask or DM me!
✨Important Notes/Updates✨
Bilibili is allowing non-members to watch for free! No region locks, and you don’t even need to make an account. Free watchers will be one week behind paid members. But this is a legal and free way to support the donghua if you’re unable to pay! (This actually means that you’ll be able to see the episodes faster and for free on Bilibili than you would on YouTube, because YouTube has a two week delay instead of just one week.)
Funimation is broadcasting TGCF in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. These are some of the regions which are blocked by YouTube, so this is an available alternative for those who don’t want to go through Bilibili. They have also stated they will launch in Mexico and Brazil this winter.
ALL broadcasts are in Chinese with hard-coded/embedded English and Chinese subs. (I.e., they come with the broadcast itself, on top of the image. Nothing to toggle on/off, they are automatically there.) They are the exact same across all the platforms.
Please support official releases so that we can get more seasons, and high quality! This is still niche content, believe it or not!
✨Frequntly Asked Questions✨
1.) "Where is the best place to watch?"
I still reccomend Bilibili's native website/app over all other streaming platforms. This is due to some key points:
Bilibili's website/app gets the episode the very second they drop. There is no delay whatsoever. YouTube and Funimation have been delayed the last two weeks. It's unknown if this is just a hiccup or what, but if watching new episodes ASAP is important to you, going through Bilibili ensures you will not have to worry about any uncertainty.
Price breakdowns: Bilibili's website/app 3-month membership is $10-11 USD. Their YouTube channel's "MBBM Lv2" membership varies by region, but in many places is similar or just a tad more. In the US, the MBBM Lv2 membership and Funimation membership is the same price ($5.99 per month, or $17.97 for 3 months). So you can actually save some cash by going through Bilibili directly.
In the end, this is largely up to personal choice and comfort. Some people may find it difficult to navigate Bilibili's website even with guides and google translate's auto-translate feature. In this case, YouTube or Funimation are fine alternatives. If you also have an existing Funimation sub or plan to use it to watch other shows, then that's perfectly valid too. Similar with the MBBM lv2 sub on YouTube, especially if you want to use it to see other shows (e.g. Legend of Exorcism which is only English-subbed on YouTube).
2.) "Where do I watch for free?"
On Bilibili's website, you can watch episodes for free! You will be one episode behind paid members, but it's a legal way to support the donghua. You don't even need to create an account!
3.) "What episode will be airing when/where?"
Check out the table below for the differences in airing times. Time is 11AM China Time.*
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NOTE: Funimation is technically supposed to be the same as Bilibili members/YouTube MBBM Lv2, but the last few episodes have been delayed so I have no clue.... *Additionally, YouTube's episodes have been delayed by a little bit, but they've aired the same day.
4.) "How can I support the donghua?"
Free, on YouTube: Subscribe to Bilibili's YouTube Channel, give likes to TGCF videos/clips, and leave nice comments!
Free, on Bilibili: Everyone can follow the official TGCF account and page, plus leave likes on videos. All this following stuff requires you to have passed the Bilibili quiz to unlock levels: If you are lv2+, you can leave comments and give coins to offical TGCF videos. (Log in daily to get 1 coin/day if you're lv1+!) If you are lv4+, leave a good 5-star review!
Paid: Buy subscriptions to watch the donghua! Also, merchhhhh~
1.) "What's the difference between Bilibili's YouTube Channel's MBBM Lv1 and Lv2 memberships?"
MBBM Lv2 allows you to watch the episodes on the same day as Bilibili's website broadcast.
MBBM Lv1 has new episodes delayed by one week, meaning you will be one episode behind the others. There actually is zero point in subscribing to MBBM Lv1 (unless you want to watch other subbed donghua) because you can watch the same content on Bilibili for absolutely free, since Bilibili is allowing non-members to watch TGCF one episode behind paid members.
You can also watch two episodes behind on YouTube.
2.) "If I have YouTube Premium/Red, do I still need a membership on Bilibili's YouTube page?"
Yes. YouTube premium is completely separate from the channel-specific memberships.
3.) "Are episodes simulcast on YouTube?"
While originally stated as being simulcast, there actually seems to be a bit of a delay on YouTube as of now. It's unclear if this will change with future episodes.
4.) "Do I need a VPN?"
If you are from one of the restricted countries, then yes, you'll need to use a VPN. You can still pay for the subscription as normal, and then use a VPN to watch the donghua. It will not affect payment.
1.) "Do I need to take that 100-question quiz to sign up for Bilibili or the membership?!"
No, it's totally optional! You do not need it to either watch the free episodes or to buy a membership. It's only if you want to comment and stuff. It might make you think you gotta do it, or enter a code, but it's actually not needed. Check out THIS post for more info!!! (However, you may still want to do it in order to level up and eventually leave a nice review for the donghua!)
2.) "I'm only able to watch 6min on Bilibili's website when I watch from my phone. Do I need the app?"
You do not need the app. Switch your browser to Desktop Mode in order to watch the video in full.
Be sure to download a browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, etc that supports this mode if your native browser doesn't allow for it.
3.) "Can I get the app on iPhone/iOS?"
This depends on if you are in a country where the app is not region locked in the app store. If you're able to download it that way, great! If not, try using a VPN and setting your region to mainland China. It may work. APKs are not useable on iPhones, so unless you know how to sideload apps onto your device, you may be stuck with the app store only.
Do note that you might be unable to pay for a Bilibili membership through the app, depending on version, but you can always simply pay through the website and then use the app as normal. It will apply account-wide on all devices.
4.) "Why are there two versions of the app?"
One seems to be the international version, which is more basic and lets you pay via GooglePay/ApplePay. The other one seems to be made for mainland China, and allows you to even buy merchandise through it (Chinese address/bank acc required). Mostly, both have to be downloaded via APK on Android. But some iOS users have reported different versions of the app being available for them through the app store (namely the int'l ver, and some have said they can use a VPN to get the mainland one).
5.) "Is there any benefit to having the app over just using the website?"
Not really, no. With the app you can buy very cute hualian themed skins for your profile, though (if you have the mainland version of the app). Plus you can save videos for offline viewing.
6.) "Do I need to enter my area code for Bilibili when signing up/in?"
NO, you do not enter your area code in the phone number field. Select your country from the drop-down list and it will automatically consider your area code. (E.g. if you're in America, select 美国 and enter in your number like 5557779999.)
7.) "I didn't get to set a password when signing up, so how do I log into my Bilibili account after being logged out?"
Use the same phone number you did to sign up. Instead of a password, you'll enter in a one-time key that is sent to your phone via text message. (NOTE: some people have reported not receiving these messages, which may vary by phone carrier!)
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As mentioned above, don't include your area code when filling out your number.
Also, if you are signed in on the app on your phone, you can scan the QR code on the log-in page through the app.
8.) "How do I turn off the barrage comments filling up the video I'm watching?"
Select the little button that reads "弹" under the video:
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(Website vs App)
9.) Is the Bilibili subscription auto-renewing?
No, the 1-month (¥25), 3-month (¥68), 1-year (¥168) subscriptions will not automatically renew. They are a one-time payment only!
Notice that the renewing payments all say "连续" in front of them, which means "continuing" or "successive" types of subscriptions. They are also cheaper than the one-time payment. (E.g. the renewing 3-month sub is ¥45 instead of ¥68.) Moreover, the renewing types are not even available to purchase with PayPal, afaik. You need Alipay or WeChat Pay, etc.
10.) "Can I use the app/membership to read the manhua too?"
Unfortunately, not quite! Your Bilibili account is universal, but you'll need to download the manhua app seperately and topping up M-coins to pay for the manhua. (One-time purchases, either by volume or by chapter as per your choice.)
11.) "What resolutions are available?"
You can watch up to 480p as a free member. Paid members can watch at 1080p and high-bit-rate 1080p. It's possible to chromecast it to TV, too. (I haven't tried it, but others have!)
12.) "Can I watch across multiple devices?"
Yes, you can!
13.) "Do I need a VPN?"
No, Bilibili is not region-locked. However, some particular countries may have Chinese apps blocked.... :(
14.) "I want to leave a comment/review. How do I level up on Bilibili?"
Log in daily, watch at least one video per day, give coins (attained by logging in) to your fave videos, etc! It will definitely take a while haha.
15.) "Will I be able to watch other donghua like MDZS or SVSSS with my membership on Bilibili?"
No, those two donghuas are produced by TenCent, not Bilibili. You will need either a TenCent/WeTV account, or you can watch them on their YouTube channel (free).
1.) "Is Funimation's broadcast a simulcast?"
It is supposed to be, according to their initial announcements. They seem to be having some technical difficulties, but those may be resolved soon. I suggest keeping an eye on their twitter for updates if you are interested in watching through them!
2.) "Do I have to pay extra on my Funimation sub to watch TGCF?"
No, afaik, the regular $5.99 sub covers TGCF too.
I hope this helps out people further, so we can all have an easy time watching the donghua! And please do support it legally! 🙏
If you still need help, feel free to send in an ask!
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anarchopuppy · 4 years
Working on weaning myself off google! Its hard tho 'cause I've almost always used google docs for stuff. But I've already partially switched over to using Firefox for like half my stuff! And Im planning on transitioning more!
I love hearing about this stuff. Please tell me about anything I’ve inspired you to do, from starting an autonomous zone all the way down to installing an adblocker. Every ask like this makes it all feel that much more worth it, that the trajectory of humanity is going in a good direction and I’m at least minutely negligibly responsible for that
I also get asks every once in a while from someone thanking me for opening their eyes to anarchism, and while I don’t typically answer those (because it feels vain to highlight someone complementing me and because I don’t have much more to say to them than “thanks this means so much” and that gets old on repeat asks), I enormously appreciate them, because every single person that I can inspire to see the world a different way and take action to improve it can make a huge difference
Hearing about your actions gets me through hard times, y’all. Please keep sending them. I love all of you so much
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piccadilly-lilly · 4 years
Digital Self-Sufficiency 101
I’ve noticed that the chaos of 2020 has caused many people to notice that commercially available technologies have grown increasingly intrusive, expensive, and restrictive. Therefore, I thought I would put together some easy ways to maintain privacy and self-sufficiency as much as possible in the digital age.
Using incognito mode or private mode in your browser actually does nothing to prevent your internet service provider from watching your activity. The Tor browser is your easiest option for keeping your search history private.
To keep downloads, system updates, and activity from other applications private, consider using a VPN. Personally, I sometimes use ProtonVPN for this, but some people might find it uncomfortably slow. A proxy server will not provide the same layer of protection but suffices for day-to-day use.
Never reuse passwords, but it is usually okay to choose a common theme for them, and choosing long or uncommon phrases is actually safer than using random strings of characters.
Password managers are also relatively safe. KeePass is a good open-source choice that creates an encrypted password database on your device and so keeps your information entirely private.
Consider switching browsers. Chrome (including Chromium) and Edge both send data to Google and Microsoft respectively. Firefox is heavily customizable, open-source, and focused on privacy; Opera is closed-source but does provide useful features such as a built-in browser VPN.
TrackMeNot is an add-on that performs automated random Google searches, making it much harder for Google to determine your search activity. Also, use an adblocker wherever possible - AdBlock Plus is an effective free choice.
Archive.org is an excellent source of ebooks, journals, music, etc. that allows you to borrow materials and download them or read them online without requiring any personal information.
DRM, or digital rights management, is a form of software used to prevent people from copying files or accessing them outside of certain applications (such as iTunes for music, Adobe Reader for ebooks, etc). It is perfectly legal to remove DRM from works you have purchased, so that you actually own the file and not just a license to access it within a certain framework.
There are several plugins available for the Calibre ebook library that get rid of DRM on book files; this is the one I use. I don’t have iTunes or Spotify, but I’ve heard good things about NoteBurner, and I know that plenty of alternatives exist for DRM removal of music files.
Also, youtube-dl is a useful tool for downloading videos from YouTube. Be careful to use this only on open-source or public domain videos.
Linux has advanced astronomically in the past decade -- it is definitely the best option for privacy and security, and is now fairly easy to use.
If you’re just beginning, Ubuntu is a great choice with graphics that will make your PC look and feel a bit like a Mac. You can completely opt out of giving any data to the developers, and it’s by far the most commonly used distro in the Linux community, meaning that most support and apps are developed for it.
Take a test drive! Here is an easy tutorial for how to put Ubuntu on a USB stick and run it on your computer without affecting your Windows system or changing any of your files.
On most hardware, an out of the box Ubuntu installation works fine for browsing the web, watching movies, studying, and day-to-day use -- do test it using a USB before installing it, though.
The best thing about Linux is that you are the absolute dictator of your own computer. The appearance, functionality, and resource management of your system is all up to you. Also, there are hundreds of different operating systems and configurations under the Linux umbrella.
The fact that most viruses and malware are designed to run on Windows offers a degree of protection to Linux users, and those running more obscure distributions are less vulnerable, but security consciousness is still very important. ClamAV is a good open-source antivirus specifically designed to scan for malware targeted at Linux systems, and chkrootkit can detect any rootkits that may be installed on your system.
If you use Linux exclusively, the WINE toolkit can allow you to run programs designed for Windows. It does require some setup but eliminates a lot of compatibility issues (*pointed glance at my online classes*).
A computer with standard Windows installed will never be all that private or independent, given the limitations hard-coded into the system, but there are still plenty of things you can do.
Don’t use a Microsoft account on your personal computer -- this enables Microsoft to combine data sent from your computer with your personal information. To turn this off, go into Settings, select Accounts, find your own account, and click the “Delete” option.
If you are installing Windows on a computer, don’t connect to the Internet during the setup process. When it asks you to connect to WiFi, click the “I don’t have Internet” option in the bottom left corner -- this will allow you to set up Windows using a local account, bypassing the requirement to create a Microsoft account.
When it comes to protecting your PC from hackers, choose strong passwords and be careful what you click on, and after that Microsoft Defender should do the trick. For the most part, commercial antivirus software is not necessary; any malicious actor worth their salt will be able to circumvent common choices like McAfee or Norton.
The Windows updater includes many invasive features without a way to opt out, and can be disabled. Hit the Windows key + R to bring up the Run menu, type “services.msc” in the text box, and press Enter to open the Services Manager. Find Windows Updates and Windows Update Medic, right-click on both of those, and select “Disable.”
Use caution when electing not to update Windows; oftentimes patches for important security vulnerabilities are incorporated into the updates, and Microsoft doesn’t allow users to select which updates to install.
OS X / iOS
The entire Apple business model is based on hardware that’s far below the industry standard for the price range and software that’s obsolescent from the moment you purchase it. These products are pure fashion over function and are pretty much inseparable from their surveillance software and use restrictions.
Don’t get a new laptop simply because yours is getting older or slower. Hardware available to the average consumer hasn’t changed significantly in the past decade. If your computer is getting older and feels slower, that’s probably because Windows has grown heavier and less efficient with every update.
Self-sufficiency and durability go together in technology as in all other facets of manufacturing.
SSDs may be slightly faster than conventional hard disk drives, but they don’t have as much storage capacity and will fail more quickly, so for most uses an HDD is probably more practical. Anything that has “flash memory” as its sole form of storage should be avoided.
Entry-level laptops in 2020 are usually worse in terms of design and specifications than they were in 2015. Second-hand options can be a good idea, especially workstations designed for business use (my PC was made in 2012 and is still humming along with no problems).
Swappable batteries are increasingly rare but go a long way to increase the usefulness of a PC while traveling or offline. Also, touchscreens always shorten battery life by at least an hour or two. 
Intel Atom processors are common on lower-cost laptops but are very slow and prone to overheating unpredictably.
Also, anything without a fan (look for a visible vent on the underside) can overheat in the summer and is probably indicative of lower processing power.
The vast majority of two-in-one laptops and tablet hybrids are severely underpowered -- the extremely small size prevents the use of proper computer hardware.
Source: am a Linux user and hobbyist programmer who learned most of this using the time-honored Mess Around and Find Out methodology.
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