#used preamplifiers
audio-luddite · 8 months
I was talking with a guy.
Hey if I am mentioning it here it was about audio.
The question was how to get started in serious audio (lets not call it audiophile yet). It is a remarkably simple and yet complex question. Spend lots of money?
So to start, the front end is the tricky bit. That is source and control. Source is what you are listening too. Control is selection of source, if you have more than one, and basic volume control. In most systems control is the preamplifier.
The back end is the speakers and power amplifier. Actually really simple. What fits in your home and how much can you afford. Easy to change if you want.
The first big issue is source. By that I mean hard copied media or virtual. The first is category is CDs and their ilk such as SACD etc, and of course Vinyl LPs. The second is streaming online.
The second one first. (interesting sentence that but perfectly correct)
Streaming is far from simple. It has the least initial cost for the media as it is just a subscription fee (forever). It has an enormous even overwhelming variety and quantity of content. It also is only permission to use the content, but you do not own it. You can have a huge "collection" but it is virtual. Also there is a controversy about payments to artists.
Often not said is that almost all the streaming services are at or below CD quality. CD quality is not considered truly great by the tribes. That is all I am going to say about that right now.
The hardware is not simple for high end streaming. In very general terms you need a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), a box to buffer or hold the downloaded files, and a computer to do the downloads and host the streaming service software. That is three boxes. In high end they are all expensive of course.
There are devices that do all three things, but they are not cheap. They also do not have the quality of the "best" systems.
Audiophiles like dedicated computers and streaming servers and DACs of eye watering expense.
In summary the streaming front end is very expensive. In my looking about for adding that to my system it is thousands of dollars. Conservatively about $5000 for my quality goal. Emphasis on that is only the front end.
Now to my thesis.
I say the least cost path to high end sound is with vinyl. WTF?! A high end capable Turntable starts at hundreds of dollars. Much more can be spent, but in today's local classified ads there are dozens under $500 and a few very good ones up to $1000. An older model refurbished unit is perfectly fine for the job. And I mean high end sound extraction. Brands such as Technics, Rega, Thorens, Micro Seki, Kenwood, Pioneer are good candidates.
A high end phonograph pickup or cartridge can be had for under $500 bucks. I have three all around $400 ish or less. I like Grado, and Audio Technica. There are more, but I don't have any of those. Moving coils need not apply. Those are euphonic, which is they add seductive sounds that are not in the source material.
That is the whole vinyl source hardware list. Under $1400 bucks or less and you are up and running. The only caveat is your control preamp needs to have a phono input which most old ones do.
In my case have a high end hybrid tube FET preamp that can be had for $2000 or less depending on the phase of the moon. You need that anyway. My opinion is the preamp is the major contributor to the overall performance of your system.
So that brings the full front end to less than $3400 for a high end system. If you take into account all my extra phono cartridges I still spent less than that. Just.
There is an intriguing option in a high end integrated amplifier from Technics (SU-G700) that is a preamp and DAC and very good class D amplifier with a phono input for about $2400 USD. Just add speakers and turntable and you are over the threshold to high end. It is rather spooky. If I had to start from scratch I would be tempted. Far less than an ARC suite. I could no longer claim I was a Luddite though.
Yes with vinyl you still have to buy LPs, unless you are an old fart like me and have hundreds, but it is actually rather fun. Compared to the initial cost of a high end streaming system the cost of an extensive LP library looks reasonable. I search for high quality boutique stuff usually, but I also find stuff in the racks. Garage sales anyone?
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I have high end sound in my home. I dare say it is the best sounding system I have every heard. Vinyl is not a compromise. There is a lot to be said for getting up to flip a record every 20 minutes. Hell I have a watch that nags me to get up and move if I stay seated for more than an hour. (yes I am a geek) It's good for you Mr couch potato.
Obviously to play at this game money will be spent. You can start off modestly and build over time (decades in my case) or jump in. In the end you will have a sonic place to spend time appreciating art at the highest level.
Interesting that I really cannot afford to add high end streaming to my system. I don't need to.
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musicianstechhub · 1 year
You have your dream electric guitar, and it’s time to find a matching guitar amp now. Amplifiers come in all shapes and sizes, and it is wise to consider the basics first. There are two basic categories of guitar amplifiers – combo amps and amp heads. Combo amps, for the unversed, pack speakers with a preamplifier and the power amplifier, and that makes these amps quite easy to use. Amp heads, on the contrary, need additional speakers. So, how do you choose the best guitar amps of all time? We have a guide below that may come in handy.   
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swldx · 7 months
LRA36 RN Arcangel 2203 21 Feb 2024
15475.9Khz (USB) 2158 21 FEB 2024 - LRA36 RN ARCANGEL (ANTARCTIC) in SPANISH. SINPO = 15121. Spanish?, male announcer (deep voice) and occasional music (flute? orchestral?) bubble up to the rather high noise level once in a while. s/off @2201z. Backyard fence antenna w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 300W, beamAz 180°, bearing 163°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 12429KM from transmitter at Base Esperanza. Local time: 1558.
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teardownit · 1 year
DIY Dumble-like sounding MOSFET Overdrive
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The Hermida Zendrive guitar pedal we will study, assemble and listen to today is a true masterpiece. Many say its sound is close to the Holy Grail of guitar amplification - Dumble Overdrive Special.
Other people are more pessimistic in their judgments. Still, the precise response to the picking dynamics, the Voicing tuning options, and the sheer beauty of this overdrive's sound are simply impossible not to love.
But before we study the Lovepedal Zendrive or its copy of the Landtone Phoenix song, or the Aion effects Azimuth dynamic overdrive, we'll study the evolution of the MOSFET overdrives that finally resulted in the development of this gem.
Fulltone OCD
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Mike Fuller was one of the first to start using MOSFETs instead of diodes to limit the amplified guitar signal in 2004.
His Obsessive-Compulsive Drive overdrive-distortion pedal is built on a standard circuit with one dual op amp. The first operational amplifier, X1, amplifies the amplitude of the guitar signal by a factor from 8 to 463 times, depending on the position of the drive control X3. This is a 1-megohm potentiometer.
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Further, through resistor R9, the signal is fed to the limiter, which comprises 2N7000 MOSFETs M1 and M2 connected in parallel. A germanium diode D1 - 1N34A is additionally included in series with M2, which makes the limiter asymmetrical and, therefore, makes more interesting sound.
A limiter in overdrives is usually included in the negative feedback circuit of an operational amplifier (i.e., in parallel with C6). Such a limiter is called a soft limiter.
And here, a hard limitation is applied: clipping sections are included between the preamplifier output of the gain section and the virtual ground - half of the supply voltage Vref, formed by resistors R4 and R7.
Virtual ground is used in the unipolar powering of operational amplifiers to amplify analog signals, such as audio signals. The guitar signal does not change from zero to plus but from minus to plus, passing through zero.
To prevent the signal from being limited to the circuit's ground, it is shifted in the plus direction by half the supply voltage.
Such hard limiting is typical for distortion pedals. But by using MOSFETs instead of diodes or LEDs, the top of the signal is not cut hard but softly rounded. Therefore, OCD can work as both distortion and overdrive.
Due to the smoothed peaks of the limited signal, the sound is highly dependent on the sound's attack dynamics. For rock and especially blues, this is very valuable. With modern metal pickups that compress the dynamic range of the signal, it can help make solos sounding more sweet.
The second operational amplifier X3 amplifies the limited signal by a factor of 3.8, correcting its timbre. Capacitors C6 and C9 prevent the self-excitation of operational amplifiers at high frequencies.
Next is a simple passive tone knob, which implies a treble leak circuit. Potentiometer X4 10 kilohms and capacitor C11 47 nanofarads are connected in the same way as on the pickguard of any electric guitar.
The Switch1 switch changes the circuit's output impedance as if the high-impedance and low-impedance pickups were switched. When it's open, you get a transparent overdrive like the Klon Centaur, and when it's closed, you can get a more aggressive sound like the Marshall Plexi.
Hermida Audio Zendrive
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The Zendrive pedal's authors, Hermida audio technology (now produced by LOVEPEDAL LLC), have undoubtedly studied the Fulltone OCD thoroughly. Let's find the differences between the two circuits.
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First, the limiter is included in the operational amplifier feedback, that is, between the output and the inverting input, not between the output and virtual ground. That is, here we have a soft limiter.
Secondly, one diode is added in series with each MOSFET. Clipping remains asymmetric: we have one diode in the left arm of the limiter and two diodes in the right arm.
Third, the second operational amplifier is used as a voltage repeater, aka buffer: the output is directly connected to the inverting input.
Fourth, the tone control is implemented a little differently: two OCD`s switchable resistors are replaced by a potentiometer.
And finally, the most critical, fifth difference. A potentiometer is included in the tone correction circuit between the inverting input of the first operational amplifier and the artificial midpoint.
This fourth knob, Voicing, or Character, allows you to smoothly adjust the lower frequencies in the overdrive structure over a wide range, similar to the Resonance control on many tube guitar amps.
The potentiometer is signed as a trimmer in the diagram because some pedal makers don't want to install a fourth knob on the pedal`s body. This is what Landtone did when developing the Phoenix Song Overdrive DIY kit.
The developer suggests installing the trimmer on the PCB, and to access it, you need to disassemble the pedal by unscrewing the footswitch nut and taking out the PCB.
But I will not be lazy to drill an extra hole in the pedal body and install a potentiometer with a knob, connected to PCB by wires instead of the trimmer. Because I consider this regulator simply invaluable and irreplaceable.
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Before we get to assembly and testing, let's look at another pedal with a similar adjustment. However, it is based not on the Fulltone OCD but on the Ibanez Tube Screamer.
The Precision Drive
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This is a signature pedal by Misha Mansour of Periphery, manufactured by Horizon Devices. Compared to the original Overdrive Pro TS808, the circuit adds a noise suppressor, which we will not consider, and an exciting ATTACK switch.
The Precision Drive scheme was studied and partially replicated by PedalPCB and PCB Guitar Mania. They are manufacturers of DIY kits for guitarists. Their products are called Dwarven Hammer and Collision Drive, respectively. A noise gate is not provided there, but the attack switch is implemented. This is the main difference between Precision Drive and many other overdrive pedals.
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In the Fulltone OCD schematic, we saw a resistor switch at the tone shaping circuit in the output section. The Zendrive has a variable resistor in the preamp's RC circuit which is controlling the overdrive structure.
Precision Drive has a constant resistor in the same place, between the inverting input of the overdrive section operational amplifier and the virtual ground, but the capacitors are switched.
This is the same thing: we change the time constant of the RC circuit, which adjusts the audio signal's frequency spectrum. At the same time as the time constant, the complex impedance changes, thus the gain.
A resistor is a resistance to both DC and AC current. At the same time, a capacitor is only resistant to AC current because DC current does not flow through a capacitor. Since DC current does not flow through our RC circuit, there is no difference between adjusting the resistance and switching the capacitance.
But the active/reactive ratio affects the circuit's Quality factor, i.e., its resonance. It's no coincidence that the knob on guitar amplifiers, which adjusts the same frequencies as our potentiometer or switch, is often called RESONANCE. And it is used to adjust to the resonance of the electromechanical system - the loudspeakers in the cabinet, along with the masses of air in and around it.
The reactive impedance accumulates energy and gives it away, except for losses due to dielectric recharging and magnetizing the magnetic core in inductors. This is why coreless inductors are often used in high-end equipment, so-called air inductors. They weigh a lot, take up a lot of space, and are expensive because copper is more expensive than steel. But these are the laws of physics on which technology is based.
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Unlike reactive impedance, active resistance converts electrical energy into heat, thus reducing the Q-factor. In some cases, it is necessary and useful. In others, it is harmful. Or it simply creates a unique sound character.
That's why switching capacitors and turning the potentiometer knob in the feedback circuit of an audio frequency amplifier is almost the same thing, but not quite. And it's great that there are such different variants of guitar overdrive pedals!
Landtone Phoenix Song Overdrive
Now you can hear how my Zendrive from the Landtone OD-1 kit sounds, with a Seymour-Duncan SH4 humbucker on a Gibson MM Explorer guitar, into an Orange MT20 with a Torpedo Captor X. And see how I assembled the pedal and also a kitten walking around the table and prancing around.
I liked the pedal, especially its fourth magic Voicing knob, which does things to the sound that other tone controls can't. I also liked the bird on the body. Because I love birds. And in the music world, the decoration of instruments and hardware plays no small role because it inspires creativity. And the fact that the pedal is assembled by my hands also warms my soul and creates inspiration.
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mundus2035 · 4 hours
Fundamentals of CB Configuration you need to learn
The Bipolar Junction transistor has three terminals
Emitter (E)
Base (B)
But to connect the circuit connections, four terminals are required two terminals for input and another two terminals for output. We use one terminal as common for both input and output to use three-terminal devices as a four-terminal device.
However, we construct the circuits using these and the combinations of these connections are known as transistor configurations.
There are three different configurations of transistors
(CB)Common base configuration
(CC) Common collector configuration
(CE) Common emitter configuration.
The behavior of transistor configurations according to gain.
(CB) Common Base Configuration: voltage gain only
(CC) Common Collector Configuration: only current gain
(CE) Common Emitter Configuration: both current gain and voltage gain
CB Configuration (common base)
As the name suggests in the common base configuration, the base is used as a common terminal both for input and output.
Here the weak signal input is applied between the base and emitter terminals and the corresponding amplified output signal is taken between the base and collector terminals. however as the base is shared, it is grounded base terminal grounded.
The input voltage and current parameters are VEB and IE, and the output voltage and parameters are VCB and IC. The current flowing through the emitter, which is the input current is always higher than the base current; therefore the output collector current is less than the input emitter current.
For common base configuration, the current gain is equal or less than unity. The amplifier circuit configuration of the common base configuration is known as a non-inverting amplifier circuit. however, due to the high voltage gain values, the construction of a common base configuration is complicated.
A series resistor RE is connected between supply and emitter in the circuit to limit the emitter current IE.
The input characteristics of this configuration are looks similar to the characteristics of a photodiode. The output characteristics common base represents a forward-biased diode. The common base configuration of the transistor has high output impedance and low input impedance. Also, the resistance gain is elevated, i.e., the ratio of output resistance to input resistance is high.
The voltage gain for common base configuration of circuit is given below.
AV = Vout / Vin = (IC×RL) / (IE ×Rin)
The current gain can be given as,
α = Output current/Input current
α = IC/IE
The common base configuration circuit is frequently used in single-stage amplifier circuits; however, in microphone preamplifiers or radiofrequency amplifiers due to their high-frequency response.
read more at- https://mundus2035.com/fundamentals-of-cb-configuration-you-need-to-learn/
also read-
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hte-bd · 16 hours
38kHz IR Receiver Module
Table of Contents Introduction to the 38kHz IR Receiver Module Key Features Integrated Photodetector and Preamplifier Internal PCM Frequency Filter Enhanced Anti-Interference Ability Specifications Applications How to Use the 38kHz IR Receiver Module Conclusion 1. Introduction to the 38kHz IR Receiver Module The 38kHz IR Receiver Module is a critical component for any electronics enthusiast…
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alisa-hitechpcb · 8 days
Main usages and applications of aluminium PCB board:
Audio devices: input, output amplifiers, balanced amplifiers, audio amplifier, preamplifier, power amplifier etc.
Power Supply: switching regulator, DC / AC converter, SW regulator .
Telecommunications electronic equipment: high-frequency electric amplifiers, filtering appliance, transmitter circuit etc .
Office automation equipment: electric motor, drivers etc .
Automotive: electronic regulator, ignition, power controllers etc .
Computer: CPU board, floppy drive, power device etc .
Power Modules: converter, solid-state relay, power rectifier bridges etc .
Lamps Lighting: with the promotion of energy-saving lamps, Aluminum base PCB ,  are widely used on LED lights.
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bigjoe11 · 28 days
Vera-Fi A40 Power Amplifier – World’s 1st review!
The Vera-Fi A40 Power Amplifier – World’s 1st review! Keeping the A40 in context with the gear I’d probably pair it up with if I were building a system for about 10-15k is a home run. An out-of-the-ballpark, across the fence, into the parking lot home run. Using an older ARC SP-9 preamplifier (about $900 – used), the Naim CD5is CD player (about $2k new), a used SOTA Sapphire turntable (again…
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myerseng · 1 month
Understanding ADS-B LNA: Enhancing Aircraft Surveillance with Low Noise Amplifiers for Better Signal Clarity
Aircraft surveillance has undergone significant technological advancements over the years, with Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) being one of the most notable. ADS-B allows aircraft to broadcast their position, velocity, and other critical data to ground stations and other aircraft. This system has revolutionized air traffic management by providing more accurate and real-time information compared to traditional radar systems. However, for ADS-B systems to function optimally, they require specific components, one of which is the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). Understanding the role of ADS-B LNA is crucial for those interested in aviation technology.
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What is ADS-B?
Before diving into the details of ADS-B LNA, it’s essential to understand what ADS-B is and how it works. ADS-B is a surveillance technology that relies on aircraft broadcasting their GPS-derived position and other data to ground stations and other aircraft. This system improves the safety and efficiency of air traffic control by providing precise and real-time information. Unlike traditional radar, which requires ground stations to actively track aircraft, ADS-B allows aircraft to passively share their position, reducing the reliance on radar and enhancing coverage, especially in remote areas, antenna preamplifier.
The Importance of ADS-B LNA
One of the critical components of an ADS-B system is the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). The LNA is a device that amplifies weak signals received by the ADS-B receiver while minimizing the amount of noise added to the signal. In simple terms, it ensures that the ADS-B receiver can pick up signals from aircraft that are far away or have weak transmissions without being drowned out by background noise.
The primary function of the ADS-B LNA is to boost the incoming signal strength without significantly increasing the noise level. This is crucial because ADS-B signals, transmitted on the 1090 MHz frequency, can be quite weak, especially over long distances. Without an LNA, these weak signals might be lost or degraded to the point where they are no longer useful for surveillance purposes.
How ADS-B LNA Enhances Performance
The inclusion of an LNA in an ADS-B system has several benefits:
Extended Range: By amplifying weak signals, an LNA allows ADS-B receivers to detect aircraft at greater distances, improving coverage and situational awareness, especially in areas where ground-based radar coverage is limited.
Improved Signal Clarity: The LNA enhances the signal-to-noise ratio, which means the ADS-B receiver can distinguish between the actual aircraft signal and background noise. This results in clearer and more accurate data for air traffic controllers.
Better Performance in Challenging Environments: In environments with significant interference or obstacles, an ADS-B LNA can help mitigate these challenges by boosting the desired signal above the noise level.
Cost-Effective Solution: Implementing an LNA in an ADS-B system is a cost-effective way to enhance performance without the need for more complex and expensive solutions.
Choosing the Right ADS-B LNA
When selecting an ADS-B LNA, several factors should be considered, such as gain, noise figure, and power consumption. The gain of the LNA determines how much the signal is amplified, while the noise figure indicates how much noise the LNA introduces to the signal. Ideally, a high-gain, low-noise figure LNA is preferred for ADS-B applications. Additionally, the LNA should be energy efficient to minimize power consumption, especially in installations where power is limited.
ADS-B LNA plays a critical role in enhancing the performance of ADS-B systems by amplifying weak signals and reducing noise. This allows for improved aircraft detection, better coverage, and enhanced air traffic management. As ADS-B continues to be a key technology in modern aviation, the importance of choosing the right LNA cannot be overstated. Whether for commercial aviation or hobbyist applications, understanding the benefits and selection criteria of ADS-B LNA is essential for optimizing aircraft surveillance systems.
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Equipment for Voice Recording
when researching the equipment you need for voice acting i found the equipment I expected like a microphone, headphones and a computer but I learned that you need a lot of very specific equipment like an audio interface and a pop filter.
its about making sure you capture your voice in the highest quality you can by cancelling unwanted sound in your room with soundproofing, having a built-in microphone preamplifier that can create strong interfaces that boosts the microphones signal strength and learning how to use a editing software on your computer like adobe Audition or Audacity.
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audio-luddite · 29 days
Things lead to other things.
I have a full "B team" stereo that has been sitting in the corner for a few years. I pulled it out and swept the dust off. The Harman Kardon Citation 12 had some work a few weeks ago, but the rest had been idle.
The rest are:
A pair of Large Advent A3 speakers that I rebuilt as they had been blown. Nice Walnut veneer boxes. The boxes cost 20 bucks. The repair cost more.
A SAE Mark 30 (XXX) preamplifier.
A Harman Kardon ST 5 linear tracking turntable.
As a set they are a reasonable system from the 1970s bumping up against high end. Double Advents were considered entry level high end by Harry Pearson of TAS.
The mission was to see if it all still worked.
In the Advent rebuild I replaced the old cross over capacitor with a new Polyester film type and recalled I had a problem as Solen sent the wrong size. They made it good, but I dint recall if I had put the correct ones in or not. So I got out the screw driver and pulled the woofers off to check. You know the wires from the cross over to the filter are very thin. Hey the wire in the inductor is thin.
The woofer that needed a full rebuild was hooked in backwards so I had to confirm polarity with the famous small battery check. And yes I did it right. The Capacitor was 12microfarad and the factory used both 12 and 13 so Ok that is fine for a 6db/octave type. I put the thing back together.
Next was to drag out the turntable, preamp, and some wire I had lying about to fire the beast up. Those speakers are heavy and the citation 12 is not light even though it is a fraction of the ARC Cl60's mass.
The ST5 was also quite heavy. It follows rule one of good stuff, heavy is good. I mounted my Signets Tk7e Cartridge in it. It has an ATN 12S stylus which fits the old body.
I hooked it all up and saw no smoke or heard horrible sounds of electrical failure. Nice and quiet. Put on a record. Sounded thin. The Citation has to warm up but errr. OK I had the speakers out of phase, the battery test again. Naked wires are sometimes hard to see what is plus or minus. Swapped that and it was better. Let it run and it got better.
I did not set them up in the "ideal" position for Advents, that was not the goal. The sound had traces of quality for sure. It was the "B Team" after all.
Two things struck me. My speakers are far more open sounding and have far better Bass. In the day the Advent was noted for good Bass. But it also predated the Thiele - Small equations by a decade. It was a seat of the pants design by one of the gurus of the age Henry Kloss.
The Advents have a ten inch woofer, my speakers have 8 inches. Mine are vented, the Advents are sealed. I had math on my side.
I plan on doing an extended loan to my son-in-law. As he gets familiar with good sound and buys his own I will get these sold.
As I did a couple more albums I think it hit a plateau and sounded fine. The 70s were not bad even in the cheap seats. Some progress was made since.
Until you hear better it is probably good enough. And that question of what is better still lingers around.
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soundwave021 · 2 months
All You Need to Know About Buying an Amplifier for IEMs
Amplifiers are a crucial part of any sound system-be it for In-ear monitors, home theatre, car stereos or professional musical instruments.
In general, an audio amplifier is an electronic device that can make the audio signal louder. Audiophiles are already aware of the role that portable amplifiers play in the In-Ear monitors or sound systems.
However, those people who are still new in the field of sound & music should know that an amplifier is the main component to bring about the feeling of the perfect audio quality. 
A great amplifier can give you the impression of being at a live concert with soaring highs, deep bass notes, and crystal-clear sound. The market is flooded with amplifiers and a beginner would surely have a tough time choosing the right amplifier for themselves.
Thus, it is so important to recognize different kinds of amps as well as what factors to look at when purchasing them. So, be it your desire to enhance your sound system, buy new studio equipment, or just want to do it for the love of audio technology, this blog will let you know some of the best tips for buying an amplifier for your needs. So, let’s get started with the basics of the amplifiers. 
What are Amplifiers?
Amplifiers are electronic devices that are used to increase the power, current and voltage of a signal.
In digital audio and communications systems, they are the building blocks, which produce stronger signals from the received signals, thus enabling their further processing.
Whether it is an amplifier for In-ear monitors or a professional power amplifier for instruments, it amplifies the sound and boosts the performance of sound quality.
Exploring the Different Types of Amplifiers
The amplifiers can be divided into various categories: Preamplifier, Power amplifiers, Headphone amplifiers, Integrated amplifiers, Tube Amplifiers and more. 
Most preamplifiers and power amplifiers are designed with inputs and outputs that are broadly compatible. This means that you don’t always have to use the same brand for both devices all the time.
If your amp is separate from your preamp, you can upgrade it without changing anything else.  Some power amps come with a “trigger” connection which is typically a 3.5mm socket.
When this socket is connected to a compatible audio preamplifier, turning on the preamp will also turn on the power amplifier.
Preamplifiers, which are also known as preamps, are made to amplify low-level audio signals from sources like turntables, microphones and musical instruments. They are also popular for providing basic tone control as well as signal-switching functionalities. These devices usually serve as a means by which signals can be read for further amplification through a power amplifier.
Power Amplifiers
Power amplifiers are the elements liable for giving enough power to the speakers. They receive and magnify the signal which has been already amplified by a preamplifier up to the needed level for the speakers to produce noticeable sound. Power amps find extensive application in household audio systems, live sound settings, and professional audio equipment generally.
Headphone Amplifiers 
Headphone amplifiers are also popularly known as headset amplifiers. These are the devices specifically designed to drive headphones. Many music players, mobile phones and laptops do not have the power to drive high-impedance headphones to their full capability. That's the reason why headphone amplifiers are used. A headphone amp has the capacity to resolve these issues by offering them enough power & control. By utilising headphone amplifiers, devices are able to deliver rich, vibrant, and more dynamic listening experiences. 
Integrated Amplifiers
Integrated amplifiers combine the functions of preamplifiers and power amplifiers together as one unit. They are convenient all-in-one audio solutions that let you simplify your setup without sacrificing sound quality. Additionally, they have inputs for various sources and built-in power for driving speakers too. 
Tube Amplifiers 
Tube amplifiers are generally popular for their warm and natural sound characteristics. However, these amplifiers are different from those solid-state amplifiers that use transistors. Basically, it relies on vacuum tubes to amplify audio signals, resulting in pleasing harmonic distortion production for an engaging listening experience. These tube amps are generally used in premium music audio systems and by the guitarist looking for that classic tube tone. These amplifiers require some extra maintenance compared to their solid-state counterparts, as the tubes need to be replaced periodically. Overall, the feedback from the audiophiles concludes that it offers a superior sound quality which can bring a new dimension to your music listening. 
Exploring the Different Classes of Amplifiers 
Class A
Class A amplifiers are popular in the audio category for their high fidelity and excellent linearity. These amplifiers run by the output transistors conducting for the whole 360 degrees of the input signal cycle, making them constantly on. This further leads to highly accurate and linear amplification, making the Class A amps the best one to consider for high-end audio applications where sound is the only main priority. However, their continuous operation also results in a high level of heat generation, and power inefficiency. Therefore, much energy is dissipated as heat rather than being converted to useful output power. So, they are less practical for applications where efficiency is key. 
Class AB
Class AB amplifiers are a balance of Class A and Class B amplifiers. In Class AB amplifiers, each transistor conducts for more than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees of the input signal cycle. This further regulates a slight overlap when both the transistors are conducting. Furthermore, this minimizes the crossover distortion typically associated with Class B amplifiers. In other words, Class AB amplifiers consume more power than Class A amplifiers but still manage to maintain an acceptable level of distortion, which makes them very popular among audio source applications. 
Class B
Class B amplifiers are designed to increase the efficiency of the device. Each of the output transistors operates precisely for 180 degrees of the input signal cycle. So, in the process, one of the transistors takes over the positive half of the waveform. While the other transistor works on the negative half.
The great thing about this method is that it requires much less power and generates less heat than Class A amplifiers do. And it happens since a transistor is off for each half of the cycle. This switching of the transistors introduces a kind of distortion called crossover distortion which comes about when the signal steps from one transistor to the other. The consequence here is that Class B amps are considered less appropriate for the purpose of high-fidelity audio amplifications. However, they are more likely used in setting out the efficiency criteria rather than the sound quality.  
Class C
Class C amplifiers operate by minimising the conducting time of each output transistor. In Class amplifiers, each output transistor works for the input signal cycle of less than 180 degrees. Such amplifiers are most efficient because these output transistors are off most of the time. Therefore, it generates less heat and small power, making it ideal for various sound applications. However, these amplifiers are not suitable for audio applications where sound is the ultimate priority. It is because of their distortion in the output signal. Instead, these Class C amps are widely used in RF (radio frequency) applications, such as in transmitters where amplified signals can be filtered to remove the distortion. Hence, these highly efficient amplifiers are perfect for these specialised applications where power efficiency is of utmost importance
5 Specifications to Consider While Buying an Amplifier 
Power Output
The power output of an amplifier is a key thing to look at because it determines both the volume and the dynamics of the sound. It is usually measured in watts and should match with the suitability of the speakers. 
Noise & Distortion 
The term Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (THD+N) describes the amplifier’s level of distortion and interference. A lower THD+N value means that the produced sound is more clear and accurate. So, when shopping for an amplifier, you should look for an amplifier that has low THD+N values to ensure high-fidelity audio output.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 
When looking for an amplifier the importance of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) should not be underestimated. It signifies the ratio of the desired audio signal to background noise. The higher this value is the better because it means that the audio amplifier will produce clearer and more detailed sound, especially at lower volumes. Therefore, if you want your music or movies to be of high quality make sure you have a good SNR.
Crosstalk is the interference between the left and right channels of a stereo. It can ruin the stereo image and also the overall sound quality. In choosing an amplifier, take note of its crosstalk specification as this will help reduce any unwanted signal jumping from one channel to another. Thus providing you with a more immersive music listening experience.
Inputs and Connections
To determine the versatility and convenience of an amplifier, you may look at the inputs and connections it offers. You should also check the compatibility with audio sources through the kinds and quantity of inputs like RCA and digital inputs. Besides, features such as Bluetooth connectivity or USB input may also help in increasing functionality as well as ease of operation for the amplifier.
Key Takeaway!
Overall, Amplifiers are the most important part of a sound system whether it is an IEM or a speaker without which one can never have a good listening experience. So, knowing about the amplifiers in detail and the specifications is so much of importance. While purchasing an amplifier, being mindful of these specifications will definitely help you in finding the ideal one for you. So, get the right one now! 
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swldx · 7 months
LRA36 RN Arcangel 2346 17 Feb 2024
15475.9Khz(USB) 2334 17 FEB 2024 - LRA36 RN ARCANGEL (ANTARCTIC) in SPANISH. SINPO = 35232. Spanish, female announcer interviews male in studio. @2342z musical selection. Backyard fence antenna w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 300W, beamAz 180°, bearing 163°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 12429KM from transmitter at Base Esperanza. Local time: 1734.
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accusticarts · 3 months
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hollosene · 4 months
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"Devon Turnbull: Old School Hi-fi Influencer" by Rade Arnott & Photography by Isa Saalabi
See HiFi Pursuit Listening Room Dream No. 2, Turnbull's audio installation on view @ SFMoMA May 4, 2024 through August 18, 2024).
"Devon Turnbull, who produces audio equipment under the moniker OJAS, is a multidisciplinary artist who also works in music, fashion, and graphic design. Known for his brutalist, high-performance, hand-built sound systems, he is a sculptor of speakers and an icon of audiophiles. Turnbull created HIFI Pursuit Listening Room Dream No. 2, a site-specific immersive sonic environment, for Art of Noise. This listening room-one of a handful of his "shrines to music" is a functional sculpture that facilitates exceptionally high-fidelity music playback using analog media.
The custom-built system consists of alnico and beryllium compression drivers on brass and steel horns; alnico and paper woofers in plywood enclosures; alnico and beryllium super tweeters; autoformer-based crossovers; lacquered, cotton-covered, copper speaker wire; tube amplifiers; autoformer volume control; tube phono preamplifiers; custom-built turntables; phono cartridges; a digital signal processor, a multichannel class D amplifier; and a 1970s Studer A80 reel-to-reel tape player."
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sreseo-blog · 4 months
MBL Audio
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MBL Audio has long been revered for its unique approach to audio reproduction. Inspired by the vision of its founder, Wolfgang Meletzky, MBL Audio combines state-of-the-art technology with a passion for artistic expression. Their audio systems are designed to provide an unparalleled listening experience, enveloping listeners in a sonic landscape that captures the essence of recorded music with remarkable accuracy.
Extraordinary Design and Craftsmanship:
One of the standout qualities of MBL Audio is its extraordinary design and craftsmanship. Each MBL Audio system is a work of art, meticulously crafted with attention to detail and precision. The distinctive Radialstrahler omnidirectional loudspeakers, renowned for their unconventional shape, are a hallmark of MBL Audio's commitment to creating an immersive soundstage. From the polished aluminum cabinets to the finest materials used throughout, MBL Audio products exude a sense of luxury and refinement.
Innovative Technology:
MBL Audio pushes the boundaries of audio engineering with its innovative technology. The Radialstrahler drivers, based on a unique omnidirectional design, deliver unparalleled dispersion and an enveloping soundstage. MBL's proprietary technologies, such as the Linear Phase Filters and the Corona Ion Tweeter, further enhance the clarity, precision, and coherency of the audio reproduction. These advancements result in a sound that is remarkably detailed, dynamic, and lifelike.
Product Range:
MBL Audio offers a comprehensive range of audio systems and components, catering to the most discerning audiophile. From their flagship Reference Line to their Noble Line and Corona Line, MBL Audio offers a diverse selection of amplifiers, preamplifiers, CD players, turntables, and loudspeakers. Each product showcases the meticulous engineering, unparalleled craftsmanship, and sonic purity that define MBL Audio.
Collaboration with UnitedHomeAudio.com:
UnitedHomeAudio.com serves as an esteemed platform for MBL Audio, allowing enthusiasts to explore and acquire their exceptional audio systems and components. The partnership between MBL Audio and UnitedHomeAudio.com brings together the expertise and passion of both entities, creating a seamless experience for audiophiles seeking the finest audio equipment. UnitedHomeAudio.com provides detailed information, expert guidance, and personalized customer support to ensure that customers make informed decisions and derive the utmost satisfaction from their MBL Audio purchases.
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