chwerizard · 7 years
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@ushioi-week - Conflict/Confrontation 
I wanted to do something silly, sorry if ushiwaka sounds ooc
Based from this! 
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ushijimaenthusiast · 7 years
@ushioi-week prompt day 2: firsts
the ushijima in here is inspired by @aniaroa's boy next door ushijima and I hope I did it justice ;-;
[read here or ao3]
The first time he sees his new neighbor, it’s 5:30 in the morning and he’s out jogging. His neighbor, that is. Tooru is shuffling up his walkway, his feet heavy and clothes reeking of smoke and alcohol. He barely gets a glimpse of his neighbor’s face as they pass by one another, the taller man’s focus completely on the task at hand. All Tooru has time to register is the fact that his neighbor is ripped and that it’s too goddamn early to be out running.
He makes his way inside and collapses into bed fifteen minutes later, all thoughts of his new neighbor vanishing.
Some time in the afternoon when Tooru is able to drag himself out of bed and shower, finally washing away the smell of the bar, he grabs leftovers from the fridge and makes his way outside to eat on his patio. It’s nothing special, just a slab of concrete stretching into his backyard with a couple chairs and a small table, but it’s quiet, and he likes watching his wildflowers sway in the afternoon breeze.
Except. His wildflowers aren’t there.
Tooru’s mouth falls open as he takes in the pile of dirt that’s been dug up. His flowers are strewn around carelessly and have already started to wilt.
He’s on his feet in seconds and dashing over to properly take in the damage. But even from a distance he could see that his flowers were beyond saving. They lay limp and brown in the sun, and Tooru has to wonder how long it’s been since they’ve been dug up.
But that’s silly. There’s no dogs around here. Dogs are too wild and loud for this peaceful neighborhood. Unless it’s a stray. Is Tooru going to have to call animal control? Tell them that a wild beast is on the loose and is wreaking havoc on his flowers?
Hm, he knows they’d never go for that, unfortunately. A few dug up flowers is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Tooru sighs, then goes about picking up his flowers, carefully cradling them as he inspects each one in the hopes they might be saved. But of course he’s not that lucky, and he spends the remainder of his morning filling in the hole and mourning his lost plants.
Two days later there’s a knock on his door, and he opens it to find his new neighbor standing before him, a dead flower held between them.
“Um. I believe this is yours.”
Tooru looks from the dead flower to his neighbor, shoulders straightening immediately at noticing the height, at the man’s impressive build. He can’t help but admit to himself how stunning the other man is, but for some reason, it just fuels his anger.
“So I’m guessing the mutt who dug up my plants belongs to you?” Tooru finds himself sneering.
The man’s face shifts from confusion to a protective anger as he frowns. “She’s young. She got excited. We just moved here the other day and she’s not used to the area.”
“So are you saying you let her roam around without a leash?”
“Animals shouldn’t be restricted.”
“When they’re causing property damage they do.”
The man huffs, then after a moment reaches forward to grab Tooru’s hand to deposit the flower into it.
“We are both sorry for what she’s done. It won’t happen again.”
Tooru watches as the man spins on his heel and storms off, his long stride carrying him easily down the walkway, the sidewalk, and up his own walkway one house down. Tooru doesn’t understand why he didn’t just walk across the grass, but he shrugs it off. Maybe the man was trying to be a little more kinder to Tooru’s yard.
He ends up throwing the flower away, just like the rest.
 The first time he sees the dog, it’s taking a dump in his yard.
He squawks and runs after it, yelling and waving his arms about to chase it off. It isn’t until it rises from its crouch that he realizes just how big it is. He stutters to a stop a few feet away, and his mind quickly supplies itself with the breed. It’s a Doberman, he’s pretty sure. Something he’s seen in movies where they’re junkyard dogs that like to eat trespassers.
Suddenly nervous, Tooru gives a shaky laugh, body frozen and arms still held out in front of him as if that’ll ward the dog away. But obviously it doesn’t work because the dog starts to step towards him, head tilted into the air as if sniffing him out.
He’s seen too many funny and cute videos of dogs to be truly afraid of them, but looking at this stray, sleek black beast that comes up to his hips, Tooru might be shaking, just a little. He starts to take a step back, eyes trained on the dog while he tries to calculate how fast he’ll have to run if he wants to make it to his house before the dog could get him.
He’s just tensed up and is ready to bolt when there’s a loud whistle from the yard next to his. The dog’s ears perk up and it darts off with a bark, not even sparing a second glance at Tooru. He huffs as he watches it run to his neighbor’s house, his eyes narrowing as he sees the dog jump in excitement at its owner.
Tooru won’t dare admit how beautiful the man looks when smiling.
Instead, he sucks in a lungful of air, points at the mess and shouts, “You better clean up the shit your dog left in my yard!”
He waits for confirmation of his neighbor hearing him before he goes back inside, thoughts on looking up fencing options already brewing.
 The first time he learns his neighbor’s name, it’s when the man is hosting a BBQ and one of the people invited shouts it for the whole neighborhood to hear.
Tooru tries to deny that his mouth mumbles the words after hearing it, as if testing it out for himself. The name sounds familiar, but Tooru doesn’t know where he might have heard it.
He tries to pretend like the party next door doesn’t bother him, like he’s not jealous that his increasingly--annoyingly--attractive neighbor has friends over and never thought to invite Tooru. Who cares if it’s a housewarming party? It’s been two months, the house is plenty warm.
The last time any of Tooru’s friends were over was after a particularly nasty night at the bar when Tooru had gotten drunk and started a fight with a regular, and he’d needed someone to take him home and patch up his knuckles. The only reason he kept the job is because his brother owns the place.
He pretends that it doesn’t hurt that Ushijima has a crowd of people around him, and Tooru has no one.
So he sits out on his patio, his lunch beside him as he pretends to read a gossip magazine, eyes hidden behind a pair of shades. He’s positioned in a way he could shrug it off as sunbathing if asked, because how was he supposed to spy on the party if he had to constantly look over his shoulder?
The most eye catching in the crowd is a loud man with shockingly bright red hair--his voice carries so well that Tooru can almost hear every word he says--and he never lets Ushijima too far out of arm’s reach. Tooru would call him clingy if he was actually hanging onto Ushijima, but he does manage to keep some space between them.
There’s another man who appears younger, but just as excited to be around Ushijima. He reminds Tooru of the dog whenever it's around Ushijima, all wagging tail and happy yips.
Tooru hasn't found any more surprises in his yard, and he's begrudgingly happy about that.
The rest of the party goers don't stand out to Tooru, but he does notice they're all fairly tall and muscular, just like Ushijima. He wonders if they work together, or have been friends for years. Tooru tries to hold his jealousy in check.
After an hour, Tooru loses interest and flips himself over on his stomach to continue sunbathing, not intent on getting caught watching the party, no matter how good the food smells.
He's halfway asleep when a shadow falls over him, and the clearing of a throat has him jumping awake, shades slipping down as he takes the sight in front of him.
"You shouldn't fall asleep in the sun," the voice says, "you could get sunburned."
Ushijima Wakatoshi towers above him, skin-tight shirt hugging everything. His shorts are also a little on the tight side, and Tooru has to quickly look away before he's able to make out anything.
Then the words catch up, and Tooru clears his own throat, pushing his shades back up his face. "Who said I was falling asleep? And maybe I've already put on sunscreen."
Ushijima's eyebrows raise, then he points at Tooru. "You're skin is turning red. I thought I should tell you before it gets any worse."
Tooru huffs and throws a glance over his shoulder to check the color of his skin.
It takes everything in him to not cry when he sees the ugly tomato color blooming across his back.
Instead, he frowns and forces himself to stand from his chair. The pain hasn't settled in yet, so he's able to grab his things with minimal discomfort and walk away with maximum dignity.
"I don't know what you're talking about. It's always like this."
Later that evening, he calls a friend to ask about sunburn remedies.
 The first time he sees Ushijima outside of their neighborhood, he's pulling up a stool in front of Tooru, his face twisted in a frown as he stares down at the grimy countertop.
Tooru has to resist rolling his eyes or hiding in the back, but then Ushijima is catching his eye, his face morphing into confusion before his lips tilt into his version of a smile.
Tooru swears his stomach does not flip at the sight.
"What can I get for you?" he asks instead, playing nonchalant and like he doesn't know who Ushijima is.
He keeps his gaze averted as he wipes down the countertop, making sure to get up all the sticky spots, but he doesn't miss the way Ushijima continues to stare at him.
"I'll just have a beer."
He knows he does a poor job at hiding his scowl when he hears Ushijima huff out a laugh, but really, beer? He would have pegged Ushijima as a whiskey drinker. Or maybe tequila. Or maybe Tooru is just projecting because really, he could use a drink right now. Tonight has been too long and Ushijima showing up to this hole-in-the-wall bar is not something he ever expected to see.
Somehow though, the two get to talking. Tooru finally notices the gold hoops in Ushijima’s right ear and points them out, and tries not to fidget when Ushijima subtly says they’re not his only piercings. Tooru has to wonder where the rest are at, and if there’s ever a chance of him seeing them.
It’s also how he finally learns where he’s heard Ushijima’s name before, and it has him pounding a fist against the countertop while he laughs.
“An underwear model? Seriously?”
Ushijima just takes a sip of his beer, eyes narrowed and lips curved at the edges. Tooru has to gulp at the heated ook.
“It pays well,” Ushijima says when he lowers his glass, “and I quite like it. It’s a very… flexible job.”
If anyone asked, Tooru did not leave work early to go make out with Ushijima in the alley behind the bar. He suddenly wasn’t feeling well and Ushijima was kind enough to take him home. And spend the rest of the night blowing his mind with how flexible he is.
 Their first fight is brutal.
Tooru is tired and sore, his nose running and eyes burning as he tries to calm himself. It’s been hours since it happened, since he lost her, and now Wakatoshi is yelling at him, calling him words like irresponsible and untrustworthy. He tries to explain what happened, tries to tell Wakatoshi what was about to happen, but he can’t get a word in.
The insults Wakatoshi throws at him feel like slaps, and each one stings harsher than the last. Seeing Wakatoshi get so livid over a missing dog, something that’s replaceable and a dime a dozen, makes Tooru feel worthless.
It’s clear Wakatoshi doesn’t care about him, so Tooru shuts his mouth and forgets about trying to explain himself.
“I’m sorry,” he says again in the silence following Wakatoshi’s outbursts, “but I’m sure she’ll turn up.”
He lets himself out without another word, quietly closing the door behind him.
He manages to make it to his bedroom before the gasps and sobs catch up with him. He has to force himself to turn on all the lights before crawling into bed, not wanting the room to be shrouded in darkness. He used to never be afraid of the dark, or knives or strangers lurking in alleys. He doesn’t even know why this event shook him up so badly. He’s been in bar fights before! He’s broken his knuckles on other men’s faces, has had bottles broken over his head. Why should this time be any different?
Because he’s never been pinned down before. Never had a knife pressed against his throat, while horrible words are whispered in his ear and filthy hands pat him down.
He’s never had something protect him before.
Calling Wakatoshi’s dog replaceable was careless of him. If not for her, Tooru’s not sure what would have happened to him.
Wakatoshi knocks on his door the next morning, dark circles under his red eyes and hair mussed into a mess that’s beyond shrugging off as bedhead. Behind him sits his dog, her tongue lolling as she pants happily, big black eyes jumping from Tooru to Wakatoshi.
A rock lodges itself in Tooru’s throat when he hears the gruffness in Wakatoshi’s voice.
“The police found her attacking a man. He confessed to trying to mug the dog’s owner, but the dog chased him away. He had your wallet on him.”
Wakatoshi holds out Tooru’s wallet, his fingers shaking. In his haze, he forgot about it being taken, didn’t even care when his boyfriend’s dog was missing.
“I am so sorry, Tooru,” Wakatoshi whispers. The dog stands and squeezes past her owner so she can get to Tooru, her face bright as she tries to lick his hands. He lets her, the urge to hug her overwhelming him.
She’s a little dirty, more brown than black, but otherwise she looks perfectly fine.
Wakatoshi’s hands rest on his cheeks, thumbs brushing away his tears. When did he start crying?
“I’m so sorry,” he says again, his guilt palpable. “Can you forgive me?”
Tooru just wraps his arms around Wakatoshi, hugging him tight.
 Tooru first realizes he’s in love with Wakatoshi when he finds himself curled up on the couch with his head in Wakatoshi’s lap and the dog resting at their feet. Fingers are carding through his hair and there’s some nature documentary on the TV that neither of them are paying attention to. What he is paying attention to is the vase of flowers set on the coffee table just below Tooru’s line of sight.
Wakatoshi surprised him with them this morning. An exact replica of the flowers he used to have in his yard all those months ago. He was sure Wakatoshi had forgotten, or at least wasn’t sure of the types. Tooru doesn’t even know their names, honestly, but the vibrant yellows and blues he could never forget. He’d fingered the petals to feel their softness and to check that they were real, and Wakatoshi had apologized once again at what the dog had done. Had apologized about how their first meeting had gone. Tooru had waved him off with words like “It’s all in the past” and “Honestly I forgot about that” even though they both knew he hadn’t. Wakatoshi simple smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
He knows his feelings are a jumbled mess, but just lying here with Wakatoshi, the one thing Tooru knows is that he’s happy. He’s never felt so happy before, never felt so content and peaceful and warm. He’s beyond thrilled at the relationship they’ve managed to develop, how they’ve moved past petty indifference to quick fucks in the bar to this, all within a few months. It hasn’t even been a year yet and their relationship has been a whirlwind of emotions and activity.
There’s a part of Tooru that thinks they’re moving too fast, that maybe his feelings have developed too quickly and all of this will crash and burn around him in moments.
But he’s sure of himself. In this moment, curled up against his boyfriend, he knows he loves Wakatoshi. Nothing will change that.
When the fingers stop carding through his hair and move to pick up the remote, Tooru has to wonder if Wakatoshi feels the same.
 Wakatoshi is the first to say it.
Tooru almost doesn’t hear him, doesn’t even realize what he’s saying, until Wakatoshi’s hands cup his cheeks and his head is being tilted up. That soft smile is back, and his eyes are hidden behind his glasses--Tooru laughed for ages when he first saw Wakatoshi wearing them, then was the one to blush and stutter when he pulled out his own pair and Wakatoshi kissed him senseless--and the fingers against his skin are softer than his own and dammit Tooru just wants to be kissed already.
He gets his wish.
Soft lips gently press against the tip of his nose before Wakatoshi is pulling away again.
“I love you,” he murmurs, and Tooru would be lying if he said his knees didn’t shake at the softness in his boyfriend’s tone.
Tooru’s lips split into a smirk and he throws his arms around Wakatoshi’s neck, pulling him down for another kiss, a deeper kiss, that has Wakatoshi moaning.
“‘Bout time.”
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dontdropthattuturu · 7 years
A little party never killed nobody
For day 3 of ushioi week. Prompt: drinking/ party games Warning:/
There was a party in Oikawa dorms, so of course the grand Oikawa just had to attend. The only downside was, that Ushiwaka-chan also was there. Mercifully and openly he may have accepted thin as part of the university’s volleyball team and there for his ally, he wasn't ready for any kind of interaction that went beyond that. Still, here he was. At the same party as Ushiwaka. It's a tragedy but at least there were so many people here the chances were slim that they would even see each other, not to mention speak to each other. Because that was a bad thing damnit, he curses his mind as it supplied him with pictures of an undressed Ushijima from the changing room, okay yes Ushiwaka was hot and he may or may not have had one or two or twenty fantasies about him but they were still....something.....probably not nice...to each other. Anyway he could admit that Ushijima was hit but that was it. His personality still was shitty and that weights harder than any potential hotness. Except that in the few months he had spent with Ushiwaka as his teammate he had learnt that his personality was anything but shitty, he was gentle, patient, earnest and compassionate. Okay he had a crush. On Ushiwaka of all people. Damnit. Instead of worrying Tooru decides to down some drinks since he was way to sober for any of this. At the same time Ushijima questioned his life choices. Why was he even here? Because if the slim chance that the gorgeous setter appeared, with whom he had been in love with since middle school? Probably, yes. Exasperated by his own foolishness he sight, what did he expects to happen anyway? Oikawa sees him forgets about all his distaste for him, falls in love with him and kisses him. Yeah sure, super realistic. Those things didn't even happen in his dreams! Still here he was with a beating heart, even though the chances for winning in lotto were higher than for oikawa miraculously liking him back. But hope dies last, than what would we be without it? Most of the evening goes by without even seeing a glance of Oikawa and just as Ushijima is about to leave the party, since he’s getting a headache from the loud music , he spots him. Dancing. With sole this glance Ushijima is completely enraptured. The sway of Oikawas hips mesmerizing, the light screen of sweat glistering on his skin intoxicating, his fluffy hair mussed in unspeakable ways and his face. If that expression. Darkened eyes half lidded, almost maddening him with their intensity and red port lips, promising pleasure he can't even imagine. He feels himself being sucked in, pulled towards Oikawa. Like a predator closing in to the part he moves towards Oikawa, to lost in the sight before him to acknowledge any if the other people dancing. Shorty before reachining Oikawa he lets go of an animalistic, deep, possessive growl. He's so close to touching Oikawa,if he would just reachn out, he could pull him close and kiss those tempting lips, feel the curve of his hips. His motion is abruptly cut short through a heavy hand on his shoulder. Ushijima turns around and is met face to face with an exceedingly intoxicated Bokuto, who practically screamed at him:” Yo, Ushijima we're gonna play truth or dare.” This was all the explanation he got as Bokuto drags him towards an calmer room to play. Accepting his fate, Ushijima settles down between Bokuto and Kuroo. He looks around and spots the other people, who he will play Truth or Dare with, except for Oikawa, who sits beside Kuroo, he recognizes none of the others. For the first few rounds things are pretty uninteresting, neither Oikawa nor Ushijima have to play and from the other two only Kuroo had to play one round. The dares and questions had been rather tame as well, run three laps in the room, dance the Macarena, was this or that rumour about you true? Most of the players left after that, only Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa and he remained. “Okay, time to spice things up a little.”, Kuroo grinned. “Truth or Dare, bro?”, Kuroo asked mischeviously. “Ahhh, that grin of yours promises embarrassment,bro. Sign me up with a sweet Dare.”, Bokutos grin rivaled Kuroos and now the two of them grinned at each other like Cheshire cats. “I dare you to flirt with Oikawa.” Bokuto got up imeadeatly and stalked over to Oikawa, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively he said with a deep voice:”Is there a phone in your back pocket? Because I hear that as calling for me.” Oikawa just raised an eyebrow, while Kuroo seemed to die via laughter but Bokuto ignored them and instead pushes further:” I lost my phone number, can I have yours?” The setter visibly texted back: I don’t have a phone, which made all three of them burst out in laughter. After five minutes of straight laughing they considered Bokuto Dare as done and decided to move on, for this Wakatoshi was glad since watching other people flirt with your crush never was a charming experience. Next of was Bokutos turn to choose someone, of course he choose Ushijima. He briefly considered what to take but in the end rolled with the easiest one.”Truth.”; he said. “Were you ever in love?” Before he could even start to answer that question Tooru snorts:” Of course not, he probably isn't even capable of that.” That hurt. Hurt a lot and probably explained his harsh interruption:” I have, in fact I still am. Thank you very much.” The other three players looked at each other surprised, since Ushijima was busy avoiding to look at Oikawa he missed the short sparkle of hope in his eyes. The other two didn't. “My turn end!”, Kuroo all but squealed, Ushijima wanted to protest since it was his turn but the challenging look in Kuroos eyes made him shut up. He didn't even have any ideas for any Truth or Dares. For a second Ushijima had been lost in thoughts but was startled out of it by the words:” I dare Oikawa to sit in Ushijima lap for the rest of the game.” In his slightly drunk state Oikawa didn't protest and instead all but crawled in his lap, while all Wakatoshi prayed was to not get a biker right now even though that would be tough. This went on for a few more rounds mostly dorky and funny dares and truths such as: For the rest of the round behave like an owl, what’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you and last but not least prank calls. A few more risky ones also happened ( mostly for Ushijima and Oikawa) such as: Strip your shirt of ( Oikawa), whisper dirty talk in the others ear ( Ushijima ) and do the talk about the birds and the bees ( also Ushijima). Now all of them were severely intoxicated, they decided to wrap things up and Kuroo requested the last dare for Oikawa. “Kiss your crush.”, Kuroo mindlessly giggled,” Your so damn obvious I wonder how he couldn't notice.” Now Ushijima was confused, Oikawas crush, he hadn't even known that Oikawa had had a crush, he felt his heart splitter into thousand pieces. Just as he was to get up and excuse himself Oikawa turned around and with a loud “smack” kissed him. It was over so fast Wakatoshis drunken brain needed a moment to process that he had just been kissed and what the implications of that were. Apparently he had taken to long since Oikawa just looked at him in shock for a second before getting up and excusing himself with a hurt expression, all while he had sat there, in shock. He blinked once, twice, than hurried to get up and follow Oikawa to the restroom. Thankfully they were alone there, he didn't need an audience for this. Tooru stood at the sink and splashed water on his face, his eyes were slightly red rimmed as if he had whined shortly before. “What do you want Ushiwaka-chan? Haven't I embarrassed myself enough for tonight?”, Oikawa sounded sad and tiered, he probably just wanted to go home and sleep all his worries away, but before that could happen he still had to make a vital confession.” I like you. I had a crush in you since middle school.”, blurted Ushijima out, that may not have been the most elegant way but he said what counted. Oikawa just looked at him in stunned silence, tears started to spill again and he threw himself at Wakatoshi whining:” You idiot, I realized my crush on you a few weeks prior but do you know how long I probably had been in denial?” Oikawa apparently didn’t really need an answer, since he just kissed Wakatoshi over and over again, instead of letting him answer. Not that he was complaining, at last he got to taste those plump lips, feel that slim body against his. He could die right now and he wouldn’t care.
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goshiyachi · 7 years
How Oikawa drunkenly seduced his future bf without meaning to
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi/ Oikawa Tooru; Kuroo Tetsurou/Sugawara Koushi (background); Bokuto Koutarou/Shirofuku Yukie (background) Summary: Never did Oikawa believe he would consider kissing a stranger after one dance. Or that it would lead to something more. Prompts Used: Drinking, Party, Games, Celebration, First, Alternate personas @ushioi-week
Or read on Ao3
There were hardly any good reasons as to why Oikawa Tooru would accept an invitation to a party. (Let alone a college dorm party.) It was obvious; he was hardly popular. He was the definition of a wallflower, someone who had two left feet and someone who couldn’t hold his liquor; Iwaizumi could testify to that last statement.
Which was why he couldn’t help but sigh in defeat and shiver when he was peer pressured by his study group (that for an unfathomable reason consisted of beautiful popular athletes) to go out that night. It was a Friday night after all, and their assignment wasn’t due until next Thursday. He had already confirmed that he was done with ninety percent of his homework load; there was nothing stopping him from partying a little. Not when he made the mistake to take off his glasses in front of Terushima. He didn’t like the look of mischief Terushima had when he was sizing him up.
The next thing he knew that was happening to him was his backpack being cleared up from the library table, they went to one of his group mates’ room and got an outfit for him to try. The outfit was a little snug, and a little uncomfortable. But apparently, it was approved by his whole group. He couldn’t help but blush when he got a couple of whistles his way as he was asked to turn around in encouragement. Oikawa didn’t bother to stare that long at the mirror (He was too embarrassed).
There was a hand close to his side making a motion for Oikawa to take off his glasses. He looked at Miya with a long look, “I can’t see without my glasses.”
He was hesitating, they all could see that. They slowly tried again talking to him making Oikawa wonder what exactly did they see in him that he couldn’t. Not even all the prep time could make Oikawa feel like he could belong to their group even when both Kuroo and Bokuto tried to give him fast tips of dance moves before they were leaving. His awkwardness only started to take shape when they were close to his room where Terushima tried again to convince him to leave his glasses behind.
“You do have contacts, right?” Oikawa nodded making Terushima grin, “Good. Because, I suggest you use them tonight so you don’t lose these pair.”
Oikawa was apprehensive but listened to the advice. When they all walked to where the party was Oikawa took a deep breath before being pulled into the hot room. The music was already blasting with bodies dancing all over, he felt like he could hardly breathe or move without intruding on someone else’s space. His study group were starting to scatter slowly as they met up with their friends and teammates. Oikawa was surprised that Terushima and Kuroo stayed by his side and guided him around. They both shared turns telling Oikawa who was who when they passed other students.
It was like a different world that he stepped into, the way most of the crowd were beautiful and all invested in some forms of athleticism. He could tell that he wouldn’t find that many people to have something in common with. (That is if he found some courage to talk to anyone in the party first.)
Three songs in Oikawa eventually ended in the food table where there were drinks at close hand. Kuroo had found his boyfriend and started dancing while Terushima was in the middle of a conversation with a tennis player. And while they were near him and trying their best to make him relax Oikawa couldn’t exactly see his future doing that. He didn’t like all the music that was playing, the food was okay though. But it was the company that was surrounding him.
He wished that Iwaizumi had applied to his university right now and was here with him. There were too many strangers flooding in his direction. He would stay for an hour only…he had established that Terushima before they entered the building. Looking at his watch he just needed to suffer for only forty-five more minutes. Then he would be home free. And maybe he should have seen it coming; of boredom looming over his head and making him fling responsibility out of the window when he took a sip, then another until it turned into six cups. That’s when the music started to pump his veins, where it became easier to talk to Terushima and his friend. As well, the need to dance on the floor.
He didn’t know when his body was moving to the beat, or that he peaked someone’s interest. Only that the room was getting hotter by the minute.
“Would you like to dance?”
Oikawa almost felt a heart attack come on, he looked up to see another individual in front of him. “What?” he couldn’t have heard correctly.
It was getting a little harder to concentrate.
The guy in front of him soften his face, “I said: Would you like to dance.”
Oikawa felt like his face was heating up, “Yeah. That sounds cool.”
Everything sounded cool right now. Oikawa was sure it was the alcohol; his body was almost in autopilot the way it glided in the limited space. Like his muscles retained the quick lessons from Kuroo and Bokuto. It was almost unfair the way his relaxed body was able to dance better than when he was sober. It also made it easier to blame the alcohol for his body to move shamelessly. Because lord knows if Oikawa from six cups ago was coherent enough he would have squealed and ran off from the way he moved closer to his dance partner.
The party was semi-bright making him see how clearly Oikawa wasn’t the only one enjoying their time together. A little game was going on between them, as they teased each other. They hovered with their fingers brushing on each other’s waist or chests. Neither of them stopped or looked away, Oikawa was getting too excited with the way he was winning. He would lean oh so close and mimic a kiss before pulling away. He loved how he could string in such a beautiful guy, the way he saw his dark olive eyes burn with desire but trying to desperately keep in check. (Oh, what a gentleman.)
The longer he stayed on the floor Oikawa knew he had to make a decision. He could stay and let everything fall into place, or he could try to listen to the small portion of reason and head back to his room. The way his partner leaned closer and his body craving a kiss Oikawa almost gave in. Instead, he twirled from the beat of the song and winked at him before swaying goodbye. Oikawa Tooru may have drank more than he should have but that didn’t mean he would dive too deep. Because he knew what kind of person he was; and a party animal was not one.
Leaving the party was still a little difficult the way the alcohol impaired his walking. He was lucky that Kuroo and his boyfriend, Sugawara lived nearby his dorm room to help him get back. When his head hit his pillow and his senses were still dazed he was grateful of his body shutting down and blocking his ears of the memory of Kuroo making Sugawara scream his name a couple of doors away.
Waking up from his hangover was horrible, even after a whole day of lazing around didn’t help. The weekend went slow and dull like how he preferred. His memories were foggy making him a little scared of the damage he could have caused. When he regrouped with his study group on Monday Oikawa wanted to die. All their recounts of watching him dance with Ushijima Wakatoshi (whose name alone was too popular around this campus) made him almost run away. He couldn’t believe that his drunk ass even caught his attention in the first place.
“Oikawa, dude calm down.” Bokuto patted his back. “You were like totally awesome on Friday.”
Oikawa tried his best to calm down, but he couldn’t the way he watched Bokuto smile all carefree as he called out loud for his girlfriend, Shirofuku to come over. He didn’t want to listen to Kuroo and Terushima try their best to confirm how Oikawa was fun.
“You can’t dismiss the fact that you had fun though.” Miya said when the group was starting to jump into a new topic.
Oikawa made a face. “Still, why didn’t anyone warn me who I was saying yes to dance with.” His face was too warm. “This is why I don’t drink. I get too weird.”
“And ruin the fun you had on Friday?” Terushima interrupts, “Dude you need to lighten up a little more. Too much studying isn’t good for you.”
It didn’t get any better the way the Monday afternoon rolled in with mummers intensifying in the hallways. Oikawa was in the middle of walking to the library to work on a couple of last minute revisions for a paper when he felt the voices become louder. Their faces were too daunting; it made him feel like he was back in third grade, where he failed saying his one line in some silly play and instead threw up. It didn’t help when he heard someone call out to him.
Behind Bokuto he caught a flash of olive eyes and hair, a broad smile on that face and a crowd of people watching Oikawa freeze. He rigidly waved back hoping he could disappear. When it didn’t happen and instead Ushijima got closer Oikawa had a couple of choices to make:
1. Run away without explain anything 2. Do number one but instead say he is late for something as he prepares to run away 3. Stay and die from embarrassment 4. Or like die right now so that the conversation can’t happen with so many witnesses
He didn’t have any sharp items with him, and he was in good health, so he couldn't die on spot. His body was too paralyzed, so he couldn’t run away or pretend he was late to something. Therefore, he was stuck with fuzzy memories and a second-hand account of what happened on Friday. It didn’t look so good.
Bokuto was all too relaxed when he walked over to Oikawa and slung and arm over his shoulder. “So, I was in the middle of practicing my spikes when Ushijima over here”, he pointed to him with his free hand, “mentioned about the party. It was crazy and fun.” Oikawa, felt he was being tortured the longer the conversation lasted. “Naturally we got to the part about the guests and how a certain someone made a huge impression on him.”
He could only sigh internally the way the crowd didn’t disappear because of course his life would amount to this kind of shame. He just had to have the misfortune of living in a world where drunk Oikawa made an appearance in front of Ushijima Wakatoshi (of all people!). It made no sense as to why people kept insisting he was inciting. (Like why did they bother on lying straight to his face.) He wasn’t amused. It made him wonder though, about Ushijima’s standards.
“…and so, after all that I told him I knew who he was referring to.”
Oikawa didn’t know how he looked while he went through his inner monologue when he felt Ushijima’s gaze, but it looked like Bokuto felt pleased about this kind of reunion. “So here you go.” He stepped away from Oikawa and slapped his back hard making Oikawa yip in pain and surprise. The force itself made him lose his stance as he stumbled forward. He managed to catch himself before falling straight into Ushijima’s feet. Bokuto by then was ushering the crowd away with the posse that came with them earlier. It didn’t help his stomach.
Nor the way he felt Ushijima still studying him; there were no lingering remnants of confidence in his stance. “You were a lot less shy then.”
Oikawa’s nose scrunched up, “Alcohol tends to have that kind of effect to some people.” Ushijima hums, making Oikawa wonder if he lost interest already. Ass. “Was there something that you needed? Or did you just wanted to know my name.”
Ushijima smiled like it was a natural response, “Ah yes,” he looks a little too hopeful and cheerful. “I was wondering if you were free sometime this week and maybe get something to eat.”
Oh, maybe he wasn’t an ass. Either way he didn’t know how to respond.
He was popular, Oikawa was not. Ushijima had the (whole) campus enchanted, while Oikawa was an invisible academic. It was practically a cliché story of a nerd and jock getting together. Although it wasn’t like some cheesy 80’s musical. (Which was good because Oikawa sucked at singing.) He didn’t know how long Ushijima was still waiting for a response, he almost felt bad for him. After all, debating over it for too long wouldn’t get him anywhere.
Not with the way Ushijima was still smiling at him. Too sweetly and charming. (Damn that guy with his pretty smile and attractive voice with a body that was too distracting.) Just because he was popular didn’t outright mean he was asshole. Right? His study group was mostly compromised with popular jocks, and they were nice to him. If Ushijima genuinely wanted to get to know him then...
“I’m free Wednesday afternoon.”
He had to take a chance.
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ushioi-week · 7 years
UshiOi Week Day 1
It begins! For 7 consecutive days starting from today, we’re dedicating the week to Ushijima x Oikawa! 
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Prompt: Celebration / Festival
Celebration; The act of showing appreciation for something good that’s happened in one’s life. Whether it’s coming of age, achieving goals or for doing a great job, let them know how to have a good time.
Festivals; Bright lights, delicious food and great entertainment. Besides spreading culture and fun, festivals are meant to bring people closer together!
These are just basic ideas of how you can expand the prompt, but feel free to twist it however you like!
Please tag your work as #ushioiweek17 AND mention us @ushioi-week to make sure we receive your entry!
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dontdropthattuturu · 7 years
One year further
Written for day 1 of ushioi week. Prompt: Celebration Warning: just pure fluff
Ushijima awoke to an rather odd beginning for his 24th birthday. Normally his significant other woke him by showering him with gentle kisses, he would have prefered that to the smell of burnt food. Sighing he got up from their comfortable king size bed and begrudgingly made his way over to the kitchen, yawning and scratching his belly . What awaits him is both beautiful and a desaster. On the one hand his pretty boyfriend looked really cute pouting and cursing under his breath as he eyes the indefinable burnt mess that should be breakfasts, On the other hand the kitchen was a mess. The fire alarm beeped, the frying pan had burnt food in it, that stuck to it and would be a hassle to clean later, their was smoke and the awful smell of burnt food that would lingerin their whole apartment for days. Not to mention that spilled food and messy cooking items were everywhere. Oikawa still hadn’t noticed him, so he walked up to him and snuck his arms around his lovers waist Startled Oikawa let out a little scream before he pouted:“ Ushi-baka your not supposed to be up yet. I was supposed to wake you with a flawless selfmade breakfast.“ Deeply inhaling the scent of his boyfriends coconut shampoo while nuzzling his hair he hums:“ Good morning Tooru.“ At these words the brunet flushes lightly and mumbled:“ Happy Birthday Wakatoshi.“ Ushijima couldn’t help himself as a small content smile etches itself on his face. Silently he ushered Oikawa over to sit down on the table while he cleans up the kitchen and made breakfast for them. All the while Oikawa moped in his corner contemplating how he had wanted to surprise Wakatoshi because he was as good as never up before him and never made him breakfast. Ushijima just smiles to himself and assured Tooru calmly that he had no problem with making breakfast.
Shortly after Ushijima finished cooking and served them scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. At first they eat in silence but Oikawa vastly overcame his of state and started rambling about anything and nothing. How iwa- Chan will come back from his Europe trip in a few weeks, what happened in the most recent X- file episodes and whatever interesting thing happened at his part time job. Occasionally sipping his coffee and munching happily Ushijima contents himself with listening to Oikawas ramble while observing whatever cute expression he makes while rambling. Just as Oikawa is complaining about a new part timer at his part time job he couldn’t hold it in anymore and interrupts his speech with the words:“ Your cute when your so worked up. You get that sweet little flush.“ To empathise his point the taller man reaches over the table to cup Oikawa cheek within his big hand and strokes over it with his thump. Ironically Oikawa blushes even harder at that, while huffing:“ Of course I am I’m always cute.“ After breakfast Oikawa excitedly told him that they would go out on a date, since it had been a while since their last. First off they go to the cinema near their apartment. It been a while since Ushijima last went so he decides to let Tooru decide, he always seems more informed about such things anyway. They stand a good fifteen minutes in front of the cinema, in which Tooru contemplates which movie they should watch. To Wakatoshi it’s obvious that his lover wanted to see the new alien film and in fact isn’t to thrilled to watch the documentary about bees. As much as Tooru tried to hide it the adorable sparkle in his eyes at the mear mention of the alien movie gave him away and to stay truthfully Wakatoshi would give everything to see that sparkle paired with the genuine wide goofy smile of his lover. Five more minutes of watching Tooru struggle to decide and Wakatoshi walked over to the cashier and paid for two tickets for that indie alien film. Oikawa just huffed at that, murmering something about always trying to decide for him, even though he knows that Wakatoshi just wants to make him happy. They leave it at that and move on to buying two large sodas and a gigantic popcorn bowl. The film was okay, nothing to fancy or interesting in Ushijima opinion
Then they went to go casually shopping with Oikawa promising to buy him anything he wants. Tooru has to backpaddle with that statement as soon as they walk past the port shop, where there are puppies visible through the window. It’s love at first sight. Ushijima saw the Labrador puppy and he was gone. Those big soulful eye begging him to buy him, to give him a loving home. With gleaming eyes he looked over to Tooru and whispered with a pleading voice:“ We need to adopt this puppy. Can we? I mean think of what horrible people would adopt her instead. We need to make her happy. She deserved it. She’s a good puppy.“ Oikawa just laughed and told them that they neither had the time to care properly for a puppy nor were they allowed in their apartment. In order to drag Ushijima from his spot in front of the pet shop window Oikawa linked their hands together, gave him a tiny peck on the cheek and purred:“ Come on Toshi, if you desperately need someone at your command I can fill that gap.“ Wakatoshi just looked at him unblinkly saying:“ You can’t fill the place of the puppy silly.“ Tooru just sighted with a pained expression and drags Ushijima further down the street away fronbyhe pet shop. Neither of them lets go of the others hand.
Next of the went to a flower shop down the road. It was a charming little shop, a bell gave of a pleasing ding when they entered. They were surrounded by the smell and sight of fresh flowers. This must be what heaven must be like , Ushijima thought to himself. The two of them ventured further into the shop looking at the various flowers. Soon Oikawa spots the cacti, excitedly pointing them out.“ Look Ushiwaka-chan, they fit you perfectly. They’re just as prickly and bland as you.“, there is no malice in Toorus voice, just playfulness. Wakatoshi just huffed and moved in, leaving Oikawa behind. Tooru decides to not follow him since he may feel a little petty after just being so blandly disregarded. Exactly what Wakatoshi had hoped, with a small smile playing his lips he moves towards the cashier. He asked for a dozen red roses, pays and looks around searching for Tooru. As soon as he laid eyes on him, he moves over, presenting him the roses while whispering in his ear:“ In think those flowers fit you just perfectly. Your just as lovely as them, even more so if you ask me.“ This is met with a second of stunned silence in which Tooru processes what just happened. Oikawa blushes an impossible shade of crimson as he takes the bouquet ant tries to hide his face behind It in embarrassment, mumbling with a slight tremble in his voice:“ You can’t just go and do something that romantic out of nowhere Ushiwaka-chan. This was so cheesy.“ Tooru shyly lowered the bouquet, still blushing, giving him the most brilliant smile and softly said:“ Thank you Wakatoshi.“ Ushijima couldn’t help himself and answered the smile with an equal happy one. They exit the flower shop, both in a happy daze, holding hands and on Oikawa part also a lovely flower bouquet.
At last Tooru proposed the idea of going shopping for Ushijima , so that he quote: looks as cute as me(Tooru). Ushijima just nods in agreement. Soon they enter the shopping centre and Tooru drags Wakatoshi from one shop to the next. Pushing him into the changing room with the clothes he picked out, taking pictures and giggling when he emerges out of them. To Ushijima this feels less like serious shopping and more like playing dress up but as long as Tooru is happy he is too. In the end they don’t buy anything for Wakatoshi but Tooru finds a cute oversized sweater, with a space background and the rainbow caption: too alien for earth, to human for outer-space and buys it. They decided to take a short breather before continuing to go shopping by taking a stroll through a park nearby their apartment. Just five minutes into their stroll it starts to rain and with that he meant that it rained cats and dogs. They share a Look, silently conversation and decided to run back to their apartment. Even though they’re getting soaked by the rain there’s just this certain appeal of running through the rain, holding hands with the person you love that makes you smile and laugh in delight. It had been a short run to their apartment, still try arrive soaked to the bones but smiling and slightly out of breath from all the laughing while running. The flower bouquet Tooru had managed to hold onto all the while got placed in a vase on their dining table.
Giggling Tooru decides they should shower together, so that they both could warm up again. Wakatoshi is more than happy to oblige. Under the shower they share sweet kisses and gentle touches full of affection.
Dressing comfortable they cuddle up on the sofa under a cozy blanket. They order pizza and put on Wakatoshis favourite movie. The lion king. Halfway through the film Tooru to freely murmers:“ I’m sorry. I wanted you to have the perfect birthday since you always make me so happy on mine but I failed. I didn’t even buy you anything. I don’t deserve you, always making me your priority and having so much patience with me even though I frustrate you so much and never listen.‘ Pressing a gentle kiss atop of Tooru fluffy locks Wakatoshi answers gently:“ What are you even saying? Today was perfect. We spent the whole day together and had a lot of fun. There couldn’t ever be a better birthday. If anything I don’t deserve you and your dedication. I love you Tooru.“ Tooru just hums already dozing off:“ Love you too Toshi..“
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dontdropthattuturu · 7 years
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Demon Tooru and knight Ushiwaka for day 7 of ushioi week. Prompt: free day
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dontdropthattuturu · 7 years
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For day 4 of Ushioi week. Prompt: Role swap I just needed an excuse to draw them in each others Volleyball Clothes.
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ushioi-week · 7 years
UshiOi Week Day 4
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Prompt: Role Switch / Alternate Personas
Role Switch; What happens when roles are reversed? A fortune cookie turn into a recipe for disaster? It can range from a simple gender bend, or switching bodies, or even switching teams! Simple things such as role reverse in court or elsewhere counts too.
Alternate Personas; An online identity, an off-court identity, or even a secret identity counts as alternate personas. Such as being idols, or spies, or maybe even aliens. It’s up to your creativity!
Remember that you can pick one or both prompts. We are accepting entries from day 1 up to day 4. If you have to send in something for the future day prompt, we will queue it up for that day.
Please tag your work as #ushioiweek17 AND mention us @ushioi-week to make sure we receive your entry! Let us know if we missed it out by sending us a fan mail with the link to your piece!
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ushioi-week · 7 years
UshiOi Week Day 3
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Prompt: Drinking / Party Games
Drinking; Sometimes a little booze brings out the fun side- or even the honest side! What happens under the circumstances?
Party games; The King Game, Spin the Bottle, 7 Minutes in Heaven, Never Have I Ever to name some! Coming up with a new game is totally fine too!
Remember that you can pick one or both prompts! And we’re still accepting entries from day 1 up to day 3.
Please tag your work as #ushioiweek17 AND mention us @ushioi-week to make sure we receive your entry! Let us know if we missed it out by sending us a fan mail with the link to your piece.
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dontdropthattuturu · 7 years
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Demon Tooru and knight Ushiwaka for day 7 of ushioi week.
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ushioi-week · 7 years
UshiOi Week Day 6
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Prompt: Graduation / Reunion
Graduation; While this looks like another call for celebration, there’s more to it than gifts and hugs! Is there something they might want to let the other know before leaving? PS: Did you know also about the second button tradition in Japan?
Reunion; Where, when and how do they meet after their last one? Can they at all, or is there something holding them back?
Oh boy, we’re nearly at the end of the week! We’d like to take a moment to support our fellow artists and writers who have joined us to celebrate so far! Do remember that these daily prompt introductions are just basic ideas to get you started if you haven’t already! You can choose to do one or both prompts. We are now accepting entries from day 1 up to day 6.
Please tag your work as #ushioiweek17 AND mention us @ushioi-week to make sure we receive your entry! Let us know if we missed it out by sending us a fan mail with the link to your piece.
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ushioi-week · 7 years
UshiOi Week Day 7
Prompt: Crossover / Free theme
We’ve come to the end of the week! Thank you for joining us thus far and for supporting UshiOi whether by drawing them or writing them, or even just for showing your love on the art pieces contributed!
We will now be accepting entries from day 1 up to day 7 for the rest of the week! Please tag your work as #ushioiweek17 AND mention us @ushioi-week. Let us know if we missed it out by sending us a fan mail with the link to your piece.
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ushioi-week · 7 years
UshiOi Week Day 2
Prompt: Firsts / Last
Firsts; What can be said or felt from the first time they met, or when they did something else? Savor the moment, it could be the start of something beautiful!
Last; Some sort of end, if you will. It could be something bittersweet or angsty, but it doesn’t have to be! What about the last time they faced each other in court, or the last time they see each other? Perhaps it won’t be the last time after all?
We will be accepting entries all week so don’t worry about the timespan! Even if it’s a little late, it’s the content that matters to us :)
Please tag your work as #ushioiweek17 AND mention us @ushioi-week to make sure we receive your entry! Let us know if we missed it out by sending us a fan mail with the link to your piece!
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ushioi-week · 7 years
UshiOi Week Day 5
Prompt: Conflict / Confrontation
Conflict; It’s a given that the pair is one with unresolved tension. How does the lover’s quarrel goes down? Was it a silly misunderstanding, or a long term built up tension?
Confrontation; It doesn’t have to be a hostile one! What if they were confronted with their feelings? Or what about the bigger issue of communication that lies at hand? How do they deal with confrontations, or maybe they’d choose to avoid it?
Only two more days to go until the week is over! But don’t worry, we will still be accepting entries even afterwards. Remember that you can choose to do one or both prompts. We are now accepting entries from day 1 up to day 5.
Please tag your work as #ushioiweek17 AND mention us @ushioi-week to make sure we receive your entry! Let us know if we missed it out by sending us a fan mail with the link to your piece.
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