#using this to manifest next years 25 year reunion
sophsun1 · 4 months
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Gale Harold & Randy Harrison – People & Entertainment Weekly Queer As Folk Reunion 2018
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animebookworm16 · 3 years
Who Are You? - Angst
For @j3ssisam3ss
This is my angst piece for @maribat-angst-fluff-april, prompt 25 Childhood Friends
It was the middle of winter in Gotham when she showed up. A tiny girl everyone guessed to be about three. She never spoke or made a sound, but she often smiled, even on the coldest nights. The little girl would just curl up to whoever had taken her that day and smile. At first the other homeless believed she'd never make it to spring. But the little girl was full of surprises. Not only did she survive the worst of the winter, she thrived once spring arrived.
Everyone knew she had a name, no one knew what it was, but they knew she had one. They also knew she was old enough to know it. Surprisingly, no one ever tried to give her a new name. Sure she got nicknames. More nicknames than a toddler could ever hope to keep track of, but somehow she did.
The little girl grew. As all children must. And the older children and adults always made sure to enunciate whenever she was in the area, hoping to teach her how to speak. They all banded together, like they always do for the especially young kids, and kept her away from the worst of the drugs, gangs, rogues, and the overall darkest parts of Gotham.  She grew, and most people started calling her Pixie. Their little fairy caused laughter and mischief wherever she went. Even still she rarely spoke, her words as few and far between as they were, were always impactful to whoever she spoke to.
When Jason Todd started living on the street, everything changed. Pixie stuck to his side like glue. She laughed, she started talking, Pixie acted like the entire five years she had been living around Gotham she had been solely waiting for Jason to show up. The ones who raised her would have felt jilted if it hadn't been for how happy the little girl looked. Two years passed and the two ten-year-olds rarely left each other's sides.
Then Jason stole the hubcaps off the Batmobile and Pixie was finally picked up by CPS.
Pixie had to be strapped down by CPS so that she wouldn't hurt anyone. Luckily for her, a young French couple had been passing by when they saw what they were doing, and demanded to adopt the young girl. CPS didn't want to deal with the girl for much longer and agreed. When Tom and Sabine found out she didn't have a name, they quickly named her Marinette Dupain-Cheng and decided her birthday would be the same day they adopted her. 
The newly named Marinette was quickly taken out of Gotham and out of the country as the couple returned to Paris.
She never knew that Jason had been adopted by Bruce Wayne.
Jason was picked up by Batman and quickly adopted by Bruce Wayne. Before long he had taken up the mantle of Robin and was fighting crime.  He looked everywhere for his friend but no matter who or where he asked, no one had any idea. As the months passed, Jason lost hope for ever finding Pixie again.
He would never know that she had been picked up by CPS and adopted by a Parisian couple and taken back to Paris.
In Paris, Marinette always appeared happy, and her new parents were always busy but tried to make time for her. Marinette had taken to wandering Paris. She wanted to be familiar with her new city, even if Tom and Sabine didn't always agree with her new habit.
When she started school, Marinette stayed quiet. Friendly, but quiet. This made her a prime target for the mayor's spoiled daughter Chloe. Marinette allowed it to happen and did nothing to change the status quo. three years passed in this way until suddenly Marinette was seated next to an extremely outspoken girl named Alya, who would absolutely not stand for the status quo, so Marinette filled that space, doing what she'd always done since she'd come to Paris molded herself into what everyone around her wanted. The same day she met her new deskmate, and self-proclaimed bestie, Marinette also became one of the two heroes of Paris, fighting an emotional terrorist who thrived on negative emotions (and just being from Gotham made her a prime target). Marinette became Dame Nuit, with her partner Mister Bug.
She listened to everything Plagg told her, especially the warnings and consequences of using the Black Cat Miraculous.
For the next four years, Marinette would fill every mold she was placed in. The hero, the Guardian, the class president, the perfect baker's daughter, everything. 
Then the consequences started showing up. Marinette knew she had to wrap up Hawk Moth and Mayura quickly. She started pushing it so much that Mister Bug called her out one night and in a single moment of weakness she told him what was happening. What her Miraculous was doing to her.
Mister Bug immediately wanted her to stop and let him give the Miraculous to someone else, but Dame Nuit shut it down saying that even if she stopped now, the damage was done and nothing would change that. In fact, using the Miraculous, while it had started the process, was actually slowing it down. Mister Bug cried when she told him that.
Together they redoubled their efforts to bring Hawk Moth and Mayura down. Of course, Mister Bug insisted on bringing in more permanent heroes, under the guise of keeping one of the two things Hawk Moth was after out of the fight. Dame Nuit then argued that it should be the Ladybug because it's the one that can fix everything which just left them going in circles. But even still she conceded to his request for more backup.
Within six months, Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur had been stripped of their Miraculous and Paris was free to feel their emotions once more. All the Miraculous were returned and Marinette and Adrien revealed their identities to each other.
Adrien stuck to Marinette's side and became an unofficial brother. He helped her as the build-up of chaos in her soul took a physical manifestation, and began to destroy her 
A year after Hawk Moth's defeat Marinette's entire class was granted a trip to Gotham City.
Marinette would have laughed at the irony if she didn't know it would probably be the last place she saw. It was strangely comforting to know that the city that held her most precious memories would also be the place that would hold her last.
In Gotham, Jason grew into a young man. He discovered the woman he thought was his mother wasn't. He tracked down his real mother, then got beaten half to death by the Joker only to be blown up by one of Joker's bombs.
Jason died.
Then Jason was revived by the Lazarus Pits and trained by the League of Shadows. He grew to hate Batman and wanted nothing more than to see the end of the Joker. 
Years later, Jason would return to Gotham only to find he had been replaced and that the Joker was still running free, and alive. Jason tried to kill the new Robin, a kid named Tim Drake, Batman, and the Joker. He managed to end none of them.
Bruce convinced Jason to stick around and one thing led to another and Redhood became part of the Batfamily patrol rotation. He doesn't stay in the manor but he does drop in at least once a month for family dinners at Alfred's request. On the weekends, Jason would take Tim out and teach him how to spot a sniper, an assassin, what different guns look like when someone is trying to hide them, and most importantly, how to defuse a bomb. It becomes a bonding time for the two, but Jason still calls Tim 'Replacement' but now as a term of endearment.
He never forgets Pixie and she is one of the few things that kept him sane during the worst of the Pit Madness.
Then Damian shows up and Jason has no idea how to deal with the tiny Demon Spawn. It's rough going for a while but they all found their ways of bonding and before long they are one large dysfunctional family. 
When Jason turned eighteen, he, Dick, Tim, and Damian welcomed a French class to Wayne Industries for a week-long tour. And that is where he thought he saw someone he would never see again.
Without his permission, Jason called out to her, "Pixie?" It was barely a whisper, but she heard it.
Her head whipped around and she stared at him, "Jason?"
He wanted to say it was a happy reunion. And it kind of was. They hugged. Her class and his brothers stared. Then the tears started. Pixie was smiling but tears were streaming down her face.
One of the other students came over and asked her in French if she was okay. Pixie shook her head and the blond boy asked if there was somewhere she could rest. Jason offered to show them a room. The three of them sat in a quiet room as Pixie cried. She kept leaning into Jason and he wasn't about to stop her. After who knows how long, Pixie dried her eyes and haltingly told Jason what was going on. She told him, how she'd been adopted and went by Marinette now. How she was dying and no one besides Adrien, the blond, knew. How she probably wouldn't make it out of Gotham.
Jason's first reaction was to want to hurt something. His second was to hold Pixie as close as he could and never let her go. Jason cried. 
For the rest of the week everywhere that Pixie went, Jason was close behind. The other Waynes noticed and on the fourth day of their stay, invited Pixie and Adrien to join them for dinner.
There, a not-so-subtle interrogation went down, asking Pixie how she knew Jason. At which point, even Pixie's failing health allowed her to spill so many childhood stories about Jason that even they couldn't resist her knowledge. In return, Jason told Adrien stories he had collected about her as a toddler and little kid. It was the brightest smile Adrien had ever seen on Marinette, and the first real smile Pixie had given Jason all week. He could almost pretend that she wasn't dying.
After dinner Pixie said, "Jason, did I ever tell you about the dream I've had ever since I was a little girl?"
"What dream Pix?"
"I've always wanted to stand at the very top of the Wayne Industries building at dawn, and feel the wind at the top of the world."
Pixie smiled a soft sad smile, "Yeah. Do you think we could do that tomorrow?"
Jason suddenly realized what Pixie was talking about, and had to fight a lump in his throat to answer, "Yeah. Pix. Yeah, we can do that."
Adrien and Pixie stayed the night that night. That morning at about three, Jason woke them up and took them to the top of Wayne Industries. Pixie stood as high up as she possibly could. Adrien and Jason watched her with tears in their eyes. Before long, they were joined by Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, and Robin, who all wanted to make sure she wouldn't fall. Jason didn't have the heart to tell them they couldn't stop what was about to happen.
As dawn started to creep up on them, Adrien broke down sobbing, begging Marinette to fight a little longer. When the light hit her head, Marinette closed her eyes and smiled. They all saw her start to fade.
Her hands went first. Like dust. As the light increased so did her fading. Before she faded completely, Pixie walked towards them a peaceful smile on her face. Jason was crying now too. His Pixie looked like a ghost.
And as she faded completely, everyone on that roof heard her say, "My name is Jeanette. It's so nice to meet you!"
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arohlanceur · 4 years
A Gentle Wind
2020 has been the most tumultuous & spiritually-testing season I've yet endured. God has used this year to teach me about the depth of value in laboring fruits of patience, faith, and perspective. As Christians, a prolonged season of singleness can often feel draining. Sometimes it feels eternal, mentally writhing, hopeless, depleting, and absurdly confusing. It can be seemingly agitating and infuriating to feel we’re not *doing* enough to progress unto the next season or to furthermore *prove* our “enjoyment” during this lonesome season. Due to the sake of our vulnerability, the devil thrives and capitalizes on this time for his enjoyment in our turmoil. That said, our dependency on God may drastically drop frequently due to mere mortal exhaustion. And that’s okay. We’re human, with a genuine and diehard desire for companionship, for marriage, for building a life that will honor and glorify our Lord. Often times we may even feel our own Purpose is tied into this vision for marital unity. That said, waiting on His Timing can seem near impossible. We question “how much longer? How many more lonesome birthdays, life celebrations, holidays, without the one I’m meant to love? How many? How much longer?” Abraham said the same thing after God delivered His Promise. "The LORD said to Abram: Go forth* from your land, your relatives, and from your father's house to a land that I will show you. 2* I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3c I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” (n Genesis 12:1-3). Abraham was 75 years old when he received this vision. He waited 25 years for the deliverance of God’s breakthrough. That’s just one of numerous Biblical examples to demonstrate the labored fruit of patience (and irritability) of waiting on God’s Timing.
Additionally, as single Christians it can be highly agitating to hear Godly couples continue to claim “all in God’s Timing!” without further testifying to their journey of faith. I know each life path is individualized according to our call for His Purpose, but I can promise you, their path of faith wasn't easy either. The devil fights tooth and nail for anything remotely threatening to him, and spiritual alignment of God’s Ordained is the top of his hit-list. That said, have ease on yourself. Take care of yourself first. It’s taken me quite a long journey to realize the value and directed steps into a path of pursuing self-love. Furthermore, it’s taken that much deeper of a dive to fully embrace the Reckless Love that God had in the intricate fabrication of my own character. Every flaw, every mistake, every minuscule detail of my personality was intricately woven through the mind, spirit, and experiences of growth that God used to cultivate my enrichment. I am, at most, His Kingdom Child and there is no greater honor to ever come above, near, or beyond that.
To pursue a path of self-love is to fully learn, embrace, and intimately meet the masterpiece of your Spirit by the hands of our Creator, Himself. The relationship that we have with him, particularly in our season of singleness, allows us that vulnerability and opportunity to fully indulge in discovery of his craftsmanship within the cultivation of ourselves. I’m not saying it’s easy. This is hard, delicate, progressive, ugly, convicting work. But it’s a progression that not only builds our own self-confidence and sense of security, it profoundly demonstrates the *identity* of Christ that dwells within us. That’s why the devil attacks the hardest when we are the most vulnerable in our season with God. Because this, THIS is the time, in which we learn WHOSE we are. We grow in our endurance, our strength, our determination of being a Kingdom Child. We begin to break down each part of ourselves in order to learn our genuine Purpose. We begin to identify flaws and weaknesses that the devil may use to project guilt and temptation upon us. (When you know your weaknesses, you can better defend attacks that come against it). Above all, we learn of our Kingdom Power as a child of God. We learn of our inheritance within the Kingdom through the sacrifice of Christ. We not only begin to learn and utilize the depth of His Word in scripture, we learn of its defense in demonic attacks. We begin to *thoroughly* implement His Word into our daily lives, mindsets, and patterns of behavior. In this season of singleness, we realize the definitive promise that *NO weapon formed against me will EVER prosper, in His Name.” In your season of singleness, there is no distraction. There is no barrier between you and your Creator. In this season of singleness, your learn the extent of your devout invincibility through Christ and that is above all the *greatest attack* against demonic terrorism.
If this is your season, I ask you to pray. I ask you to be raw, be real, be vulnerable, be authentic with the expression of your emotions. Trust that God sincerely knows. Above all, I ask you to hold on for every season has its expiration date. "For everything there is a season, and a time for every [a]purpose under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). This season can be ugly, prolonged, exhausting, seemingly hopeless, and wrought with a daily deliverance of repetitive mundanity. Change seems impossible. I ask that you hold on. If you seek first the righteousness of God and He has instilled the somewhat desperate desire for marriage within the depths of your spirit - know that he IS working it out for your good (Romans 8:28). For a long while, you may not see of it; you may not feel of it; you may doubt, try to quit, take back directional [life] control, and lose faith in Him. That’s okay. He knows. Remember that even an ounce of faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. Even if you quit on trusting Him for a short time, He will still deliver you in His time. Just *hang* on, even if by the fraying of a thread.
Additionally, please remember that “what is for you will always be for you.” As it’s often been heard, God is not in the business of delivering a package to the wrong house. No amount of witchcraft, peer manifestation, universal begging, or prophetic exercise will change that. God is the most High. Entrust in Him with this gentle reminder that perhaps while you’re developing in your season of singleness, your future spouse is praying for you to remain in a state of solitude until divine timely reunion. I have heard this gentle whisper from God myself for nearly two years now. Every time the devil tries to rile me up with rumors, doubts, questioning, *heavily* bestowed anxiety, mental scenarios of potential heartbreak, and reminders of our cultural dating patterns to deter me from my trust in God…. my Father reiterates this limitless, gentle whisper. “He’s waiting for you. He is divinely protected, and saved, by My Hand for your spiritual unity. Do not question, do not doubt. Be at peace. He is my Promise to you, and the answer to your Prayers. He will be for you, as I am for you. He will soon be with you. Trust in Me.” This has been the most refreshing *daily* reminder from my Provider.
If you’re enduring this tumultuous season of singleness, or you’re in a tiresome (seemingly obliterate) season of waiting on God, know that we’re in different boats enduring the same storm. The boat that carries you may be structurally assembled different than mine, you may be carrying a different weight, enduring a different depth of emotion or frustration, and weathering a different duration of this season; however, you’re not alone. We’re all lost in the same direction, trusting in the One who calms the storm. For what it’s worth, for however far you’ve made it, even if you’ve found yourself retracted into old habits and patterns, or feeling dismayed by a stump in the road… know that I understand, I am immensely proud of you, and you are doing an incredible job. This journey is not easy. At times we find ourselves in a Boston Whaler confronting a tsunami. You’re doing good a good job. You’re still doing good. And I promise you God has not quit on you. Even in times when you’ve quit on yourself. He will make a way. You’re doing good, and He is so proud. He gave you the endurance to outlast this trial because he knew you would conquer the quest. Just hang on. Remember to breathe. Rest in Him.
Better days are around the bend.
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hwaryungrp · 5 years
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Looks like they’ve been wandering around Hwaryung! You can find them living at HYESUN APARTMENT #P201 or if they’re not home they’re probably working at STREFA99 AS A GRAPHIC DESIGNER. If you can’t find them offline, feel free to message them @diabolus.
yujin is the second offspring of bang subin and bang eunbyul, both persimmon farmers in gimhae. the income they get from selling their products was barely enough to get them by, especially with the arrival of yujin’s younger sister two years after his birth.
hence, yujin understood the need for—and importance of—money at an early age. he would sell canvas paintings made of repurposed linen from his neighbors and old acrylic paint from his uncle, often at the expense of attending school (which he never wanted to go to, anyways). he carved small figures out of blocks of wood to sell to the older girls in town, and often his income would go towards buying rice for supper, something he often wallowed about, since he wanted all the money for himself.
as he grew up, yujin never really had any friends, nor was he interested in making any. his sharp tongue didn’t help matters, as strangers and new acquaintances alike were easily put off by his brutal honesty and general cynicism.
socializing became a crucial skill to learn as time passed, as he had to work multiple jobs throughout his adolescent years. of course, no one would want to hire a grouchy teen with calloused palms, so he had learned to utilize an appropriate façade when the need arises.
yujin would resent having to give his hard-earned pay to his parents, who would then use the money for his older brother junhyuk’s tuition (who was studying law at dong-a university at the time). despite being the middle child, yujin was considered the breadwinner of the family, as his hyung was too swamped with schoolwork to even think about getting a part-time job while pursuing his degree. yujin even had to go straight to work after graduating from high school, despite expressing his desire to pursue an art degree.
all of the unfair circumstances thrown at him only served to tear him down further. his anger towards his family, especially his older brother, manifested itself in his art. painting was his only comfort; being able to depict the world in his own colours freed his senses, and destroyed the darkness that slowly consumed his heart. he continued to spend the majority of his salary on buying canvases and acrylics and brushes—until one day, his father found one of his receipts from the art store, and lashed out.
what happened afterwards was a blur. to this day, he remembered very little of it; the next thing he knew, he was in a hospital.
yujin moved into his grandfather’s estate in hwaryung after the incident. the words grandfather and estate were a complete shock to him, as he never knew of any family members outside of his parents and siblings; moreso, that his only surviving grandparent was rich enough to own an estate his own.
the unexpected reunion with his grandfather—whose name happened to be bang yujin as well, much to his surprise—caused a lot of things to change in his life, in a very rapid fashion. he learned of his father’s transgressions in his youth, and the events that led to his disownment; more importantly, he realized that his struggles were all for naught. it was his father’s fault all along.
police officers questioned him about the incident multiple times, but he would always just tell them that he couldn’t remember anything. he even told one of them that he wouldn’t have thought the murder actually happened if it weren’t for the wake currently being held for his parents and little sister, coupled with the unsightly wound on his stomach.
junhyuk’s graduation took place on the day of the funeral. his eyes flashed with anger when he saw yujin, then—
he just looked empty.
twenty year-old yujin decided to pursue an art degree. he dropped out two semesters later, after getting into a heated argument with one of his professors.
a year later, his grandfather acquired a dilapidated art studio in daeryungdong. strefa99 used to be one of the top art studios in the city. however, after its past owners acquired vast amounts of debt, it was acquired by a local bank and sold at an auction. yujin’s grandfather happened to be at said auction, and knowing his grandson’s love for art, decided to acquire it.
yujin was poised to take over the business, which he considered a great opportunity to further his skills. while renovating the building, he educated himself on topics such as business management and dealing with clients through reading books, attending seminars (in which he duly ignored every other person who attended, save for the lecturer), and getting lessons from his mogul grandfather.
eventually, yujin had managed to refurbish the old studio into a fully-fledged graphic design company. being the creative director, he had utmost control over the projects his company accepted, which he then distributed to his designers.
two years after its re-opening, strefa99 had earned a reputation as the forefront multimedia design company in the city. yujin’s reputation as a respected artist grew along with his company, and despite his youth (he was only twenty-three at the time), he had managed to sign a three-year exclusive music video production contract with entertainment agency tunite.
at the moment, twenty-five year-old yujin enjoys a high net worth, an audi, and millions of won in dividends every month thanks to his vast investment portfolio (which can be attributed to his grandfather’s hobby in buying stocks and real estate properties for him). he lives on one of the top floors of hyesun apartments, and every night he would consider jumping off the roof and ending his miserable existence.
despite his success, yujin still suffers from being selective with the people he socializes with. along with that, he’s been experiencing headaches whenever he tries to remember what happened in his past—and his grandfather’s dismissive attitude concerning the event wasn’t helping.
( + ) resourceful, easygoing, straightforward  ( - ) aloof at times, cynical, insensitive
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flauntpage · 7 years
What They’re Saying About The Eagles
The season’s first loss is a pill that’s never easy to swallow, and the week leading up to the next game always feels just a little bit longer.
This was a winnable game for the Eagles, marred by mistakes, injuries, and questionable coaching decisions. Let’s see what they’re saying about the Birds’ week two setback to the Chiefs.
Philly.com’s Paul Domowitch graded every area of the Eagles on Tuesday and gave the birds a C overall:
Yeah, it was a tough road game that everyone had put an “L’’ next to before the season. With the exception of the long TD run they gave up to Kareem Hunt, the defense played pretty well. But the offense has a number of issues, including a non-existent run game and a continued propensity for third-and-longs.
Speaking of grades, Pro Football Focus broke down the game and doled out their own marks, with Rasul Douglas receiving the highest rating of any Eagle. Carson Wentz received a 50.5 and these remarks:
Carson Wentz struggled mightily against the Chiefs defense, the only real success the Eagles offense passing game had was the last drive where the Chiefs played soft coverage and a lucky 53-yard pass which bounced off a Chiefs defender’s arm into Zach Ertz’s arms. When Wentz was pressured (10 passes) he only completed 2 passes for 10 yards.
ESPN Eagles writer Tim McManus analyzed the shunning of LeGarrette Blount and why it’s a bad thing:
The early returns have not been good, but where can they turn if they turn away from Blount? Sproles is 34 and cannot be used as a workhorse at this stage of his career, Smallwood has not shown himself to be a reliable option to this point and undrafted rookie Corey Clement is no sure bet. Start cutting Blount out, and you run the risk of alienating a veteran presence in the room without a sound Plan B.
The Eagles are in this bind largely because of the front office’s inability to hit on running backs in recent years. The disastrous decision to trade away LeSean McCoy falls on former coach Chip Kelly, as well as owner Jeffrey Lurie for allowing him to do it, but executive vice president of football operations Howie Roseman has had a couple of offseasons to try and build the position back up.
CBS Philly listed the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from Sunday’s contest and this falls in the “ugly” column:
Left guard Isaac Seumalo had a tough time, which manifested itself in the Eagles’ third-and-10 at their 25 with just over 3 minutes left in the half.  Dee Ford bull rushed over Seumalo for a 9-yard loss.
The lackluster performance by the offensive line led the Eagles to throw the ball often. One of the bright spots resulting from that was the emergence of Alshon Jeffery after basically being invisible in the season opener. Bleacher Report listed winners and losers from the game and the former Chicago Bear was a winner:
Jeffery finished with seven catches for 92 yards and a score, hauling in an impressive 16-yard catch for the game’s first touchdown.
Lining up against Chiefs No. 2 corner Terrance Mitchell, Jeffery could hardly be stopped and showed the type of dominance Eagles fans expected when he came to town this offseason.
As strong as the Eagles’ passing offense looked in the opener, Jeffery’s disappearing act for much of the game had Philly fans worried. But he refused to give himself credit for his strong personal outing, per CSN Philly’s Dave Zangaro: “They won the game. None of that s–t matters.”
Jeffery is right; the Chiefs did win the game, and because of that win, Sports Illustrated’s MMQB moved KC to the top spot in their NFL Power Rankings. The Eagles are 14th. Meanwhile, ESPN has Philly dropping from 9th to 15th in its Power Rankings. They did, however, praise Wentz:
How many Eagles quarterbacks have thrown for 300 yards and multiple touchdowns in each of the first two games of the season? Four. Ron Jaworski (1982), Randall Cunningham (1994), Donovan McNabb (2006) and Carson Wentz (2017). Wentz does not appear to be primed for a “sophomore slump.”
On the Chiefs’ side of things, Kansas City’s KSHB had several local media personalities dissect the game. They seem to be lauding the Chiefs, with one even saying:
“I don’t know that the Chiefs have had a more promising 2-0 start!”
SB Nation named Andy Reid one of the winners among all the reunion match-ups in week 2 and took a swipe at Philly fans in the process:
Eagles fans used to complain about Reid not running the ball enough (what don’t they complain about though?) during his days in Philly. That’s been the key to his success this season with the Chiefs, thanks to electric rookie Kareem Hunt, who picked up two touchdowns and 109 yards from scrimmage.
On the topic of Reid, Sam Mellinger of the Kansas City-Star complimented the head coach for his role in the Chiefs’ win:
But I also think we should talk about the head coach.
Andy Reid has brought a steadiness, and reliability to the Chiefs, and anyone old enough to read this is old enough to appreciate that. At halftime against the Eagles, the Chiefs had 130 yards. They were being pushed back, outgained, and outmuscled.
Based on reaction, this was a big win for the Chiefs and a telling loss for the Eagles, who have now several glaring issues. The good thing for the Birds is that they face the Giants next, a team reeling from an embarrassing Monday Night Football loss. The home opener is nearly upon us, and if the Eagles fall on Sunday, the boos will be harsh and the media reaction in next week’s post could be even worse.
What They’re Saying About The Eagles published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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