#usually theyre total gibberish
pumpkinsy0 · 22 days
One last ask about the Arab Curtis Brothers…
I feel like in the western world, you wouldn’t usually see two male friends to be walking hand in hand or grasping elbows, but for arabs it is so much more common! (I think Sodapop would probably wrap his arm around Steves when walking side by side; or maybe Ponyboy with Curly)
I think when they are speaking, or particularly upset about something, they speak through the gestures of their hands, but extremely dramatic when it comes to being angry lol
Darrys accent would totally be there, but maybe not so much for Soda and Pony since they would’ve typically spoke more English than Arabic
Maybe when they’re having a dispute, Darry would switch to Arabic, while Pony would do the same, but it’s just a mix of Arabic and English together.
I think Mr and Mrs Curtis definitely had nicknames for each of their children..
Darry — Qalbi (My Heart)
Sodapop — Ya Ruhi (My Soul)
Ponyboy — Hayati / Ya Omri (My life)
aw yea,,,this is the one,,,,
when it comes to physical touch (pony or soda w curly or steve) curly n steve arent used to it, but they dont push them away either, its more like a “oh ok hes doing that” at first theyd tense up but as time goes on theyre used to it n enjoy it
and i knowwww ponys the one who gestures w his hands the most, ESPECIALLY when hes passionate about something, hes also a lil too clumsy and has smacked someone or something on accident before
and pony speaking arabic and english it would surprise me if in arguments, his brain goes faster than his mouth and he ends up saying gibberish on accident, darry thinks its cute but wouldnt tell pony that for his own sake, hes already annoyed and embarrassed when it happens</33
darry calls soda “ya sanadi” (which means my backbone in lebanon im sure) and pony “ˁayuni / ˁeyuni” (which means “my eyes”) feel free to correct me but i hope u get what im on about and u get the idea
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
Dreamt I was walking around Kamurocho with Kiryu, we literally were just wandering around quietly together and eventually he stopped us at a little food cart and I watched him lay his hands flat against seemingly the counter so I decided to mimick him and do the same but rather than counter top it was actually the hot plate and we both seared the absolute fuck out of our hands. He did manifest a scarf from nowhere and wrap it around my hands though, which was sweet, albeit likely unhygenic.
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lesbianfreyja · 6 years
just a thot but tbh the fact that he never got any affection from any adults in his life growing up could b a factor. he's so touch starved and lots of people only really receive affectionate touch during sex
not to sound complex but i don’t think his mommy issues manifest in sex and this is probably because hes gay… it’s probably partially bc of touch starvation and i feel like him and mrs reynolds took their time whereas afaik he usually didn’t when he slept with women (usually he just had messy quickies & rarely at his own apartment). also
not to have my braindead-ness jump out by spewing gibberish but i think mac’s “”older woman fetish”” is just…hes not attracted to women anyways so it’s easy not to go for the ~traditional tall tan blonde girl because he’s no more or less into her than he is into older women. also older women know what they want & are more experienced so he doesn’t have to worry so much about not knowing what he’s doing/not being into it because they’ll just tell him what they want (”i can make adjustments, i’ve had to do that before, and it hasn’t been a problem….”). despite being a “type” there’s less competition to pick up cougars so it’s easier for him to score and prove how ~totally hetero he is without putting in the effort. personally as a gay, the quality in men i fixated on was lean non-threatening muscles (get it? theyre not scary but they still have that traditional aspect of masculinity to prove how straight i am) and i think mac fixated on women’s experience/confidence more than any physical trait (well, that and projecting attraction onto big tits the way he learned from the men around him that he should)
i luv him
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