#usui dmmd
lady-of-sorrows · 5 months
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a detail of a fanart I’m working on
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theklaapologist · 9 months
Sei dmmd and Usui dmmd are literally a t4t couple. The answers to why this is true can be both a simple “Sei is trans and Usui is an extension of them” or of an esoteric nature and far more complicated, they can however be interpreted as whatever t4t type exists from a very binary transmasc/transfemme to something that completely abandons the concept of gender. The truth is [someone shoots me with a gun because I got too based and annoying]
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nebuart · 2 years
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aob and usui doodles and that god forsaken birthday piece i could never finish
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notadecepticon · 6 months
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dmmd as text posts: Sei
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Nitro Direct Tokuten / Nitroplus Benefits Direct Drama CD / Virus & Trip's Daily Life
Please excuse that it's, like, 3 in the morning where I live...
I wasn't aware the entirety of this drama CD wasn't translated (only track 3 by user ancestralmask, right here!), so I wanted to give it a go.
The official title is quite long: ニトロプラスダイレクト特典 ドラマCD「ウイルスとトリップは碧島のヤクザだが、普段は一体何をしているのか…… その日常をちょっとだけご紹介」
Or, in English: Nitroplus Direct Bonus Drama CD — "Virus & Trip are yakuza of Midorijima, but what do they normally do...? Introducing: a glimpse of their daily lives!"
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Virus: "Salutations. I'm Virus..."
Trip: "And I'm Trip!"
Virus: "As I'm sure you all know, we are the so-called yakuza of Midorijima."
Trip: "That's right~"
Virus: "That being said, a sole question remains: what exactly do we usually do on the island?"
Trip: "A question like that... I don't understand why we need to answer that at all."
Virus: "I agree, but today, I'd like to take this opportunity to share a bit about a situation that happened not long ago."
Trip: "Fine by me."
Virus: "Well then, let's begin right away. And... start!"
*Virus & Trip are casually walking down the street; the sound of cheering can be heard vaguely in the background.*
Virus: "Well then... where should we go today?"
Trip: "Let me think... hm?"
*They stop their stroll as the bantering voices from the background grow louder, indicating there is a large crowd in a nearby alley.*
Avid Rhyme Fan: "Hey! It's Usui! A Rhyme match is gonna start!"
Trip: "Over there... oh, a Rhyme match. Do you think it's in that alley today?"
Virus: "Good grief... whenever a Rhyme match starts, a flock of idiots simply cut loose and show no restraint."
Trip: "As much as it is bothersome, it IS interesting to watch."
Virus: "And it IS an excuse to skip out on work... new plan; let's go, Trip."
Trip: "Yeah, yeah."
*They walk over toward the crowd of excited Rhyme players, watching the spectacle. Usui is already on the field, preparing the match for the crowd.*
*The crowd of Rhyme fans cheer, while Virus and Trip silently keep watching.*
Usui: "GAAAME... START!!!"
*The Rhyme match begins as the crowd keeps the hype going.*
Virus: "Hm... for now, there aren't any problems. It's quite peaceful, actually."
Trip: "Remember the guy we caught yesterday that was acting up? What happened to him?"
Virus: "I let him go. Even though I just gave him a gentle threat, he kept apologizing, over and over. He was like a broken record; it was getting annoying... so eventually, I made him pass out."
Trip: "That's what too much Rhyme can do to someone, huh? Things get worse when Rib's involved too."
Virus: "Once someone plays Rhyme all the time, they fall into the myth of them being the strongest person alive, invincible from anything and everything..."
Trip: "Is that so... hm? Hey, is that...?"
Virus: "Ah... it looks like trouble has come at last."
*During the match, a fairly vocal Ribsteez player approaches the area.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Hey!!! Quit playing Rhyme here! Don't you know it's just a bunch of nonsense, you big-headed nerds?"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "Tch, who do you think you are? You're just some loser who goes out of his way to ruin everyone else's fun."
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Really? It's not my fault that me and my fellow Rib guys can't seem to read the room, given there's NOTHING to read in the first place!"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "What did you say?!"
*The avid Rhyme fan and the rude Ribsteez player were at each others' throats at this point; calmly, Virus claps twice to get their attention.*
Virus: "Alright, alright, that's enough. This is becoming quite a nuisance, so could you please cut it out?"
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Tch, what?"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "It's the yakuza..."
Trip: "That's right, we're the local yakuza."
Virus: "We're your friendly, neighborhood yakuza. It would be very troublesome if conflicts like this ran wild on our lovely island, don't you think?"
Rude Ribsteez Player: "... Hahah, YOU'RE the yakuza? Why should I be worried; you guys are buddies with us Rib guys, aren't you? Look at you, thinking you can get everything your way just by using violence."
Virus: "You're technically right, but, hey, rules are rules. Trip?"
Trip: "Mm."
*Trip casually walks over and lifts up the rude Ribsteez player without any trouble, making him unable to leave. He struggles for a bit, clearly agitated.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Gh—! Let go of me!"
Trip: "Nah."
Virus: "No need for the pointless arguing. You don't want us to expose you as a pathetic little brat in front of everyone, do you? Hm?"
*Trip's grip tightens on the rude Ribsteez player, causing him to slightly groan in discomfort.*
Trip: "Tell them you're sorry, then I'll let go. Come on, spit it out."
*His grip begins choking the rude Ribsteez player, making him struggle to breathe.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Gh... ack... I-I'm sor...ry...!"
Virus: "I can't seem to hear you."
Trip: "Say it clearer."
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Ugh...! Haugh—! I-I'm sorry...!"
Virus: "Alright! You did such a good job~"
*Trip lets go of the rude Ribsteez player, who gasps for breath, followed by rough coughing. Some of the Rhyme fans are watching in silence, even though a Rhyme match continues in the background. Virus takes notice and addresses them without missing a beat.*
Virus: "Ah, sorry to have disturbed you! As long as you behave yourselves, you all have nothing to worry about."
Trip: "Right, right."
Virus: "Now then, don't mind us. Feel free to continue your Rhyme match."
*Virus & Trip are again walking down a road, presumably a different one from before.*
Trip: "Where should we head to next?"
Virus: "Good question... oh?"
Trip: "Eh?"
Virus: "Over there... it's Aoba-san!"
Trip: "Oooh!"
*Both walk toward Aoba's direction, who doesn't notice their presence until they call out to him.*
Virus: "Aoba-san!"
Trip: "Yoo-hoo!"
Aoba: "Oh, it's you guys."
Virus: "Today must be our lucky day, bumping into you like this."
Aoba: "What're you talking about? We see each other pretty often."
Virus: "Nonsense; any day we see you is a lucky day, Aoba-san. Anyways, are you working right now?"
Aoba: "Yeah; delivery in progress!"
Trip: "What was the name of that store? Heijitsu?" (平日 = heijitsu: meaning weekday, regular workday, non-holiday, etc.)
Aoba: "It's Hei-BON." (平凡 = heibon: meaning mediocre, humdrum, ordinary, etc.)
Trip: "Right, right, that's it."
Virus: "We're also in progress, patrolling our turf."
Aoba: "Your turf, huh? So, how's that going? Are you guys keeping the peace in the Old Residential District today?"
Virus: "Ah, it's been good, somewhat. As usual, though, Rhyme and Rib players can't seem to get along and see eye to eye."
Aoba: "Hah? Did another fight break out?"
Virus: "They've been nonstop; now that I think about it, I can't recall a day where there HASN'T been a fight."
Aoba: "Has it gotten THAT bad?"
Trip: "Especially lately."
Aoba: "It must be tough work for you guys... Take care of yourselves, try not to get hurt, okay?"
Virus: "Thank you for worrying about us. Ah, but it's fun when we patrol sometimes."
Trip: "Like that one cake shop."
Aoba: "A cake shop?"
Virus: "There's a new one near Delivery Works, towards the end of the street. A young couple is running it."
Aoba: "Eh?"
Virus: "If you have any spare time one day, we can go there together."
Trip: "Let's go~"
Aoba: "Three guys going to a cake shop together...? Don't you think that's... a little embarrassing?"
Virus: "Not at all. Even men like us want to eat delicious things, so there's nothing to be ashamed of... don't you think?"
Trip: "Right, right. I ate a 'Pink & White Fluffy Heart♡Love Sweets!!!' cake the other day. It looked delicious."
Aoba: "The name sounds like it caters more toward women..."
*Despite Aoba's tone, Virus lightly chuckles at his response.*
Virus: "Aoba-san, it's a date, then. Let's go one day together."
Aoba: "Hahah, yeah. I got it."
Trip: "I'm looking forward to it."
Aoba: "Yeah, yeah."
Virus: "Well then, we didn't want to bother you during work for too long, so we'll take our leave."
Aoba: "See ya, then!"
Virus: "Yeah, see you."
Trip: "Bye-bye!"
Virus: "... Alright! That's all for your small glimpse of the daily work of Virus & Trip!"
Trip: "That's all~"
Virus: "Well, even with all that, we do a lot of other things as well. But for now, this is what our lives look like."
Trip: "That's right."
Virus: "That being said, let's meet again someday. This has been Virus and—"
Trip: "Trip."
Virus: "It's been fun!"
Trip: "Bye-bye!"
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likeanegg · 2 months
Finished Ren's good route/the game! Incoming screenshot dump
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crystalsparkblog · 1 year
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Rhyme Start! 
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drakoslykos · 2 years
Has anyone ever counted Usui's arms? She has ten!? Not eight!?
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slybluehologhost · 9 months
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DRAMAtical Murder > Sprites [JAST USA Release, 2021]
I'm quite sure other folks have pulled the sprites from this game before, but I figured I'd still do it anyway just for the sake of completion. Lots of different sizes & crops for these bad boys, so feel free to take your pick. (Clear even comes with a whole host of emotion assets that you can add to anyone else!) These are great for fan games, sprite edits, or making a big cardboard cutout to bring on dates.
Package details & links are under the cut, or you can click here for a static page.
Sprites — [ L I N K ] > Includes sprites for Aoba, major characters [Clear, Koujaku, Mink, Noiz, Ren, Trip, & Virus], other notable characters [Akushima, Alpha, Alpha-2, Haga, Kio, Mio, Mizuki, Nao, Ryuuhou, Sei, Tae, Toue, & Yoshie], Allmates [Beni, Clara, Junker, Tori, Usagimodoki, & Usui], & NPCs > Sprites are organized by character & categorized further by cropping, variant, &/or affiliation > These files contain spoilers for all routes — proceed with caution if you have not yet 100% completed the game
Looking for even more DMMd assets? > [ L I N K ]
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audmmdism · 1 month
The fact that DMMD has two endings that can be described as "Beatiality and Incest but not really" is so funny to me. The fact that the endings are more or less unrelated makes it even better.
Like Nitro Chiral really committed to the bit and I'm so happy they did.
Honestly that's how I view all their games. Commiting to the bit. The creatives in charge know what they want and they're gonna make it happen 🫡
Reading the liner notes after finishing a game is such a blast. They're freaks like the audience for real for real.
Usuis number one fan lives rent free in my mind 🙏
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Nitro+Chiral Characters Fighting Ranking ( & Game Stats?)
Big dumb brain moment. On the Dmmd discord, we suddenly had a conversation ranking the N+C characters based on their fighting skills. (Subject to change as we discuss more!)
Protagonists + their love interests:
Rhyme!Ren (Dramatical murder) > Nano (Togainu no Chi) > Clear (Dmmd) > Shiki (TnC)/Rai (Lamento)> Madarame (Slow damage) > Asato (L) > Bardo (L) >  Desire!Aoba (Dmmd) > demon!Koujaku (Dmmd) > Rei (SD) > Mink (Dmmd) > Konoe (L) > sane!Koujaku > drugged!Keisuke (TnC) > Akira (TnC) > Reason!Aoba (Dmmd) > Noiz (Dmmd)/Rin (TnC) > sober!Keisuke (TnC) > Fujieda (SD) > Towa (when not malnourished) > Taku (SD)/Motomi (TnC) > human!Ren (Dmmd) > Tetsuo (Sweet pool) > Zenya (SP) > Makoto (SP) >>>>>>>>>>>>> Youji (SP)
(Thanks @yukirayu & some other people that I can’t find on tumblr.)
And then some bonus headcanons for a Smash-style crossover fighting game w/ the characters + some other characters cause let’s be honest; don’t we wanna see Koujaku vs Shiki or smash-versions of Rhyme!Ren shooting cannonballs at Towa throwing beer bottles? Or Mink riding on a Tori-motorcycle, Minecraft Steve style xD
Ren: All-arounder or zone breaker. Obviously he’s just gonna be his Rhyme battle version with the same powers, which have long range attacks like the arm cannon which can also be good close range attacks when in blade/claw form, good defense, and i think in a rhyme battle he once regenerated his own HP? Plus he was Desire!Aoba’s champion Allmate for several years with Sly Blue.
Aoba: Rushdown. He’s agile, mostly known for kicks, but isn’t super defensive. However Desire!Aoba is able to come out as his ult move for some serious brain damage 1HKOs. Alternatively, Desire!Aoba is a separate glass canon fighter who has has Scrap as his ult?
Sei: His real body is weak but he could be a puppeteer for Usui who would do the actual battling.
Youji: Ok we had to get real creative with this because the cast of Sweet Pool are all high school weaklings xD Basically he’d be a zoner who summons meat monsters/shoot meat chunks for attacks, and then has the Pure breed do something for his ult.
Towa: Also got creative with this- along with close combat moves, he also attacks with beer bottles, molotov cocktails, art canvases, and then his ult is pouring oil paint or paint thinner on the ground and lighting everything on fire.
Mink: He’s a grappler and he can bring out the Tori-motorcycle to do some Smash Minecraft Steve-style cart riding. And also ride onstage himself.
Keisuke: He should have screwdrivers cause of... that scene. But otherwise a glass canon rushdown.
Makoto: More Sweet pool weakling creativeness. A box cutter would be his primary weapon, but he’d also have biting attacks cause of... that scene.
Clear: As cute as he is... I think he’d also be a zone breaker or dominator. Superhuman strength, (usually) immediate self healing, very fast/can jump hella high, high defense due to being a robot (he survived an acid attack man), and music powers.
Uuuuh more to come!
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theklaapologist · 9 months
If I had 10 arms I would smoke 9 cigarettes at once and use my remaining one to fuck my twink boyfriend
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bunycube · 2 years
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i was mostly just messing around on colours 4this one
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notadecepticon · 5 months
Usui's design makes me wanna make a HM/Story of Seasons dmmd AU... Fuck it:
Aoba - Player character therefore out unsuspecting farmer, gets left his parent's farm on the edge of town. Doesn't find out till he turns 23. Previously worked at Haga-san's general store. Can see forest sprites, which other people cannot.
Tae - Town Doctor who runs a small clinic that sells animal medicine as well. Aoba used to live with her at the clinic before moving out to live on the farm. Still comes by all the time to eat.
Haga - Runs the general store in town. Sells farming supplies and basic goods. The terrible trio still run amuck in this shop too.
Yoshie - Mayor and #1 nosey neighbor. Gives town improvement quests. Often sends Aoba treats and recipes in the mail. Akushima - Town's police. Constant harassing you about regulations and minor rule violations. Always patrolling around town.
Sei - Mysterious stranger that starts showing up in town after Aoba takes over the farm, seen in town only on sundays. Sometimes can be found in the forest clearing. Turns out he is actually a human form of the Harvest Goddess. Goddess form is Usui. Gives player farming quests to restore the town to balance with nature. Mizuki - Owns the town's only inn. The Black Needle, which is also a tavern that the townsfolk often gather at in the evening. Still does tattoo work in a private studio in the back. Sometime people come from out of town to seek out his skills.
Koujaku- A hairdresser who moved back to town a few years ago, used to play with Aoba as kids. Opens up a shop that- in addition to serving as a salon- sells new outfits. Very well liked in town and known for lending a helping hand to anyone who needs it.
Noiz - Moved to town somewhat recently and has a permanent room rented out at The Black Needle. He is barely seen out around the town, only at the occasional meal time in the tavern. No one knows him very well or why he moved here. Sticks out in the otherwise tight knit town. Said to be a programmer of some kind, working freelance.
Mink- Runs his own farm just outside of town. Lived here a long time but is fairly reclusive, but well respected. Comes to town to do carpentry work for the townsfolk. He offers to sells seeds from his farm to Aoba once he starts his farm. He can be commissioned to improve farm buildings as well.
Clear - Somewhat mysterious man who lives down near the ocean. Moved here after his grandfather passed away. Wanted to be near the ocean. Collects sea shells and baubles for a living. Gives the Aoba a fishing rod he bought but never figured out how to use (wanted to catch jellyfish). Can still be a secret robot, harvest moon get's wild sometimes. Ren - Basically the secret bachelor option in this game, like the witch/wizard character usually is. Forest sprite that is close to Aoba. Was in the form of a small fluffy talking dog that Aoba has known since he was a kid. Hangs out on the farm with Aoba. As part of doing a side harvest goddess quest line, Sei grants Ren a human body.
Allmates - Torn between keeping them as-is (minus ren) or making them all Forest sprites that start socializing with townsfolk as your progress the Harvest goddess quests and more people are able to see them again.
Virus and Trip - Weirdos who come to town on occasion and cause problems for Aoba. Interested in the the legend of the Harvest goddess and the power associated. Show up to hinder or help with the main questline depending on their mood.
Thank you for reading this far if you did lmao
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fizzie · 3 years
usui is hot asf
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like-a-ghost · 4 years
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I very rarely post on here, but I decided to draw this 10-armed babe. This took me 2 days and my back hurts from it :)
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