#usurper king
wordsbymae · 6 months
Price of War
Ok I lied, I was gonna do something for an oc, but I have been obsessed with Arcadie: Second Born since I played it so I had to do very short piece inspired by it. Sorry if it isn't as good as you guys are used to! It has been awhile since I've written anything.
The last of your name, the last of your blood. The sole survivor of a massacre enacted solely to destroy your family, to murder each and everyone of you. The King and Queen were dead. Throats slashed from behind as they feasted and cheered atop their great seats. Next came your older brother and sister. They were fierce warriors but caught completely unaware, in the once assumed safety of their great familial hall. Cut down by those they once called friends. Your uncle, barely leaving his seat, was the fourth to fall. Numerous other family members, those you loved, those you cared for and even those you barely even knew, were slain after. Their blood mixing in with that of their fallen kin. Screams and cheers coming together in a wicked display of evil. Those not of your name ran for their lives, leaving behind their loyalty for the fallen royal family behind in the muck of betrayal.
It was an extermination. Leaving you, youngest of the King and Queen's children, and the last of your entire family, to live. It was due to no cunning or skill of yours that you were still alive. No mercy from above or a chance of fate. The traitor willed you to live and as such you were spared. But, as the traitor sat on the very seat your father was murdered on, used your mother's still warm body as a foot rest, and cleaned the sword he used to cut your brother down, you wished, and not for the last time, that you had fallen with your kin.
He sat before you, lazily wiping your brother's blood from his great sword. You recognised it as the sword your mother gifted him for a successful campaign in the east. The great hall was silent now. There had been gargles and moans of the dying but it was finally silent. Death had come for your once great house. Those complacent in the massacre stood tall and motionless, like statues that littered the walls. And like statues they held no guilt for what had occurred.
You stood, shaken and teary eyed. You tried to hold back emotion, lest the traitor in front of you saw you as weak. You had been dragged from your hiding place while your family was still being butchered, you thought the same would happen to you. Instead you were dragged through rivers of blood and over dying bodies. Your second cousin had gripped onto you ankle with such a force you could still feel his nails digging into your skin now. You could feel his blood drying on your face too, the memory of those who had been dragging you kicking and slashing him as he laid on the floor, until his grip finally loosened.
The traitor in front of you let out a sigh, lulling you back into the present. He seemed bored or at the very least disappointed.
"I thought it would have been harder" he spoke, pushing your mother's body back and forth with his foot, until he bored of it and pushed your mother down the stairs, to your very feet. You stared at her, her eyes dull, yet screaming at you with fear and sadness at the very same time.
" I thought it would take more to bring down the once great royal family". You couldn't tell if he actually wanted an answer, or was just pushing salt into the emotional wounds that littered you.
He stood and began to slowly walk down the steps to meet you. Upon coming across your mother's body he kicked her to the side. There was a time you found him attractive, there was once a time one might say you had 'feelings' for him. But it was nothing but a child's fancy. The man in front of you was no longer your childhood companion, no longer was he the trusted general of your father's armies, no longer the Kingdom's most valued hero. He was a murderer, a villain, a traitor. A suddenly occurred to you, that the tribes and chiefdoms that your father ordered him to raise to the ground, had known him long before you as only as that, an evil, wicked man.
"Do you know why I spared you?" he asks, the face of your childhood friend, corrupted with the blood of your kin.
You opened your mouth to answer. To tell him no, to tell him to go fuck himself, to make a morbid joke of him wanting to torture you in front of the kingdom. You weren't quite sure what you were going to say. But he cut you off, clearly not in the mood to discuss his internal plans.
"Because you are the key to peace and the price of war" he states, eyes drilling into yours. You stared back in confusion, he was never one for riddles.
" I have fought in countless battle, killed hundreds, caused pain to thousands, and what was it for? hmm? Nothing, not a single fucking thing" he spits, you try to step back, but he only inches closer.
"I was lied to, we were all lied to" he shouts, pointing to his men who stiffen as he does so. "we were told war is the maker of peace, we were told that for every life we take, every family we slaughter, our kingdom, our homeland would flourish. It was nothing but a filthy fucking lie."
He turns back to where he left his sword, leaning on your father's seat. He grabs it, and turns back to you.
"I was given this as a gift for my battles in the east, but it was not what was promised to me" he snarls, his arm lifting until the sword was pointed at you, he steps forward, the tip coming to rest under your chin.
"Your mother promised me you" he whispers, the anger from before shifting to desperation. His arm lowered and so did the sword.
"It was the one thing I asked for when I left for the front lines, that if I survived I would have your hand in marriage, as we had planned as children, as it should have always been. But your mother lied, told me that of course she would be honoured to have me as your husband if I came back a hero, but a soldier and a hero are not always the same. I did what I was told, killed all those who opposed us, and for what? A scrap of metal to be thrown at my feet because I was not noble enough? That unlike your family's spoiled brats, I actually fought along side my men? I didn't stand on some ridge over looking chaos and watch as if it was some sport?"
"They lied to me, about everything. Why we were fighting, why we were killing, why my soldiers had to die in a foreign land to a foreign hand. Peace we were told. It wasn't peace, it was greed. Now it is time for us to be greedy. It's time for us to make war to make peace. This land will be rid of those who sent us to war for scraps of metal and gold. And a new dawn, a new kingdom for the common people will be born. It's finally time for me to get what was promised to me, for all the shit I've been through, for all the blood I split, I finally will have you. And I will be the king this kingdom deserves"
You let go of a breath you didn't know you had.
"The kingdom will never accept you as king" you whisper, trying to swallow but only finding a parched mouth. "They will see you as nothing but a bloodthirsty tyrant"
He stares at you for a moment, until a deep chuckle fight past his lips. He laughs for a few moments, his silent statues of men begin cracking their façade and laugh along with him.
"Of course they will accept me. I'm the kingdom's valiant hero, who not only protected them from the eastern tribes, but rescued them from the tyranny of your parent's rule. You live a sheltered life your majesty, you know not of what is beyond the castle walls"
Your heart races. Surely your parent's were loved by all? They seemed to think so, hosting large parties and feasts in honour of the peasant and common folk. Yet you now only find it odd that your never truly saw common folk at these gathering, unless of course you count the servants.
The usurper king continues speaking.
"But suppose you are right, that there are some who would refuse to see me reign, well as you as my spouse, how could anyone refuse, after all you are the sole living survivor of your family, you are therefore the ruler of this kingdom, and with me as your king, none shall dare threaten us." he chuckles, a dark and violent sound.
"Any child of yours is the heir to the throne, and I intend to sire that child" his eyes gleam dangerously in the candle light of the hall.
You look down at your mother, kicked to the side, eyes open forever unseeing. For a moment you wished that you could lay down beside her one last time and be one with your family again, forever unseeing, yet forever out of reach of the usurper king's hands.
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dcsmdcsm · 2 months
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ladydreamfyyreee · 15 days
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𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 & 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐡𝐮𝐥 & 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐲𝐤𝐨𝐬.
𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 : ( 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐦𝟎𝟕𝟏𝟐 ) 𝐨𝐧 𝐗
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Aegon II, drunk: Do you think our dragons ever get water hungry?…
Aemond, also drunk: You mean thirsty?
*Aegon staring at him blankly*
Aegon II: …no, .water hungry.
Aemond:….I've got to stop hoping for intelligent conversations with you.
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Aegon Targaryen x niece!wife!Reader
Aegon loves you with all his heart, knowing very well that you might never feel the same for him
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The fire crackled softly in the hearth of the royal chambers, casting flickering shadows against the stone walls. The warmth from the flames should have comforted you, but there was a persistent coldness within you that could not be shaken. You sat quietly in your chair, gazing at the elaborate tapestry hanging on the wall, your mind miles away, yet your heart weighed down by the present reality.
The silence was broken by the creak of the heavy oak door opening. You didn’t have to turn to know who had entered. Aegon’s presence was unmistakable, the air shifting slightly with his arrival. He stepped into the room with a quiet confidence, yet his eyes—those familiar, intense eyes—betrayed a softness when they landed on you.
"My love," he said gently, his voice steady yet laden with a yearning that you could hear every time he spoke to you. "I brought you something."
You turned your head ever so slightly to see him approach, carrying a small box wrapped in the finest silk. His movements were deliberate, careful as if he feared startling you. When he reached your side, he knelt, lowering himself to your eye level. You caught the faintest scent of dragon leather and embers that always seemed to cling to him—both powerful and comforting.
"You didn’t have to," you whispered, your voice soft as a feather. Aegon smiled, but there was sadness beneath the surface. He knew you would say that. He always knew. And yet, he continued to offer you gifts—silks, jewels, rare books, and delicate trinkets—anything that might bring a flicker of joy to your troubled heart.
"I know," he replied, placing the box in your lap. "But I wanted to."
His fingers lingered near your hands for a moment before retreating, as if he longed to touch you but feared you would recoil from his affection. You stared down at the box, your fingers trembling slightly as you unraveled the silk ribbon. Inside, nestled upon velvet, was a hairpin made of Valyrian steel, adorned with delicate rubies and black pearls. The craftsmanship was exquisite—just the sort of thing you once loved before your world had been torn apart by the civil war, before your mother and uncle had become enemies, and before you had become Aegon’s wife.
Your breath caught in your throat as you gazed at the pin. It was beautiful. He had chosen it because he knew you favored such elegant and understated beauty. He always knew what you would love. And yet...
You swallowed hard, your emotions a tangled web of confusion. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest, torn between conflicting loyalties. How could you show affection to the man who had taken the throne from your mother, who had driven a wedge between you and the family you had once known? And yet, this man—this king—treated you with nothing but kindness, never forcing you to share his bed or make vows of love. He had given you freedom within your cage of gold and silks, all while quietly yearning for something more from you.
"It’s beautiful, Aegon," you said softly, feeling the weight of his eyes on you. You could feel his hope like a living thing, wrapped around you, suffocating yet strangely comforting. He wanted so desperately for you to accept him, for you to love him. And though your heart stirred in the quiet moments like this, the fear held you still.
He rose to his feet then, standing tall above you, yet he looked down at you with none of the arrogance others had come to expect from him. Instead, there was a tenderness in his expression that made your chest ache.
"I would give you the world if I could," Aegon said, his voice low, almost vulnerable. "I know… that you don’t feel the same. Not yet. But I hope that, in time, you might."
You turned your head away, unable to bear the weight of his gaze. You were afraid—afraid of what loving him would mean. What would your mother think if she knew? What would the realm say if you, Rhaenyra’s daughter, gave your heart to the man who had usurped her claim?
"I…" Your voice trembled as you tried to find the words. "I don’t know how to be what you want me to be."
Aegon took a step closer, his shadow casting a long, dark silhouette over you. But his voice remained gentle, never demanding. "I don’t want you to be anything you’re not," he murmured. "I only want you to be… you."
The silence stretched between you, heavy with unsaid words, until finally, you found the courage to look up at him. His eyes held nothing but a deep and genuine love for you, a love that terrified you, but also warmed a part of you that had long been cold.
"I’m scared," you admitted, your voice barely more than a whisper.
Aegon’s expression softened further, and he knelt before you again, taking your hands in his. His touch was warm, grounding you in the moment.
"You don’t have to be," he said quietly, his thumb brushing lightly over the back of your hand. "I will wait. As long as it takes. I will wait for you."
Tears welled in your eyes, but you blinked them away, not wanting him to see your weakness. Yet, Aegon saw everything. He always did. And still, he waited—patient and unwavering.
"I don’t know if I can ever…" you began, your voice faltering, but Aegon silenced you with a small, sad smile.
"I know," he whispered. "And that’s enough for now."
For a moment, you allowed yourself to lean into his warmth, to feel the steady beat of his heart beneath his tunic. He wrapped his arms around you then, holding you close, as if trying to shield you from the turmoil both inside and outside of these chambers.
You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to imagine—just for a moment—that the world beyond these walls didn’t exist, that your mother wasn’t leading armies against your husband, that you weren’t torn between the two people you had loved most.
In Aegon’s arms, the world was quieter. And maybe, just maybe, you could find some peace here, if only you allowed yourself to let go of the fear.
But even as the thought crossed your mind, the coldness and the fear returned.
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notbecauseofvictories · 4 months
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completely and entirely forgot that Vetinari and Carrot get together to gleefully "reward" Samuel Vimes and also ruin his blood pressure forever.
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dedicatednotobsessed · 5 months
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New bts of Tom in season two 😍😍😍
Can’t wait to see how unhinged he becomes after B&C. Tom is going to do beautiful 💚
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divinesolas · 7 months
Discovering yourself
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Request: Hiiiii. Would you please write something with Aegon x f!reader? I would love to see something where the characters are opposite. Would it be okay for the reader to be a bit shy and socially awkward and loves books and music but at the same time wants to experience a bit of life but doesn’t know how and is a bit afraid to get out of her comfort zone. Once she gets to know someone she talks and is super fun but it takes her a bit of time. And then there is of course Aegon who we know is quite the opposite. The reader fancies him and the two fall in love? Could that be possible? Thank you.
w.c: 3.4k
c.w: baratheon!reader, ooc aegon probably, hes a bit of an ass sometimes, fluff, insecure/shy reader, sfw! no smut since the request didnt state it, not proofread
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Unlike the rest of your family you had been more than happy when your family received an invitation to stay at kings landing in the red keep for a helena's name day festivities as she had become close with your sister floris. You had not been able to come with the rest of the family last time as you had been in bed rest. 
You couldn't even imagine how big the red keep had been and while on the way there you could barely sit still your sister hitting you on the shoulder more than once to stop you from moving around.
“Welcome back to the keep.” Alicent greeted the rest of your family before he eyes locked onto yours, “I don't believe I recognized you.”
You open your mouth to say something but there's a pause and nothing manages to come out so you put your head down as your father speaks, “my daughter, lady y/n, she was bedridden the last time we came to visit.”
Alicent lets out an acknowledged hum and you keep your head down fiddling with the fabric on your dress. You're sure your father will scold you later. 
“a pleasure, this is my son aemond and his lady wife heleana, aegon could not be here..”
you can hear the annoyance in her tone but choose to not acknowledge it and greet the other two siblings.
more formalities are exchanged between the two families, “it is so wonderful for house baratheon to join us for heleanas nameday festivities, she has grown quite fond of your family-” 
the doors of the room you were all in burst open, all head whip back to look in shock, “prince aegon!”
“I am here.”
“You are late.” you hear his mother hiss quietly to him as he stands in place next to his siblings.”
“apologies, my son prince aegon.” 
alicent introduces her son. You had heard the stories of Targaryen beauty and thought the two Targaryen siblings were gorgeous but Aegon, despite the fact he looked tired and a little sloppy, was a different level of beauty. He hadn't even needed to try and he wowed you. 
as if he could feel your stare he locks eyes with you and you shyly put your head down towards the floor oblivious to the smirk that's grown on his face.
Some more pleasantries were exchanged but you didn't bother to lift your head still feeling his stare. You wish you weren't so awkward, if you had been anything like your sisters who could keep their heads up high and smile while locking eyes while you could barely hold a sentence with these people.
You barely even notice you had all been dismissed until you felt yourself being dragged away by your sister floris. A part of you can't get the idea of Aegon out of your head, even  as you fall asleep that night you wonder if you'll get the opportunity to speak with him.
Today was meant to be the first of a three day long festival including a grand feast, a tourney and finally a ball all in honor of heleana.
The second you walk outside you are immediately hit with hundreds of people, it was definitely a celebration with music, people dancing, some watching the performers. It was magical, you had never seen such life brought to one place before. 
You and the rest of your family were sitting in one of the higher tables closer to the targaryens, you watch as floris eagerly runs up to greet heleana while you stand with your sisters who make many comments on the festivities.
“I can't believe he can put that whole sword down his throat.”
“It was just on fire too, how preposterous.” 
“Maybe he just has a lot of practice. Do you think he’s fond of men.”
Cassandra and Ellyn turn to you in horror while maris lets out your name in a chuckle while hitting your shoulder.
You shake your head with a grin but are horrified to hear the sound of laughter behind you and turn around.
“Prince aegon.” you're all clearly mortified as you all bow but he moves to stand next to you and stare at the man. 
“If he is not he should start to be there is so much potentially to be held.” 
“I am so sorry my prince i should not have-”
He waves you off with his hand and continues to look on in the crowd, “these events are such a bore they practically force you to make such a joke.”
“I did not mean to offend-”
“You talk like my brother.”
You have nothing else to say back instead just stand and watch the crowd disperse. It is only then you notice your sisters have all walked off elsewhere and you curse them in your head as the two of you stand in silence aside from the gulps Aegon takes from his chalice.
“What do you think about her?”
He points towards a contortionist not too far from where the two of you were standing. She had her leg way over her head.
“She is very pretty.”
“Oh come on, you must have some other comments to make.”
You tilt your head at her as she moves into a split and lays down flat on her stomach.
“Men must certainly fight for her attention, I am sure she is a rather capable woman.”
Your words are faster than a bird and quieter than a mouse but Aegon certainly hears them and bursts out into a roar of laughter causing those around you to turn and stare. Your face flushes and you stare at the ground as Aegon composes himself still chuckling. 
“You are a scandalous lady, y/n.”
You shake your head, “I do not know why I said such a thing.” 
“You said it because it is true, look,” he leans in closer to you, much too close, and subtly points, “look at lord simon staunton he looks like he wants to eat her alive.”
You gasp and bring a hand to your mouth as you take notice and look back at Aegon who has a smile on his face, “he is old enough to be her grandfather, no even her great grandfather! That is ridiculous.” 
Aegon shrugs, taking another sip of wine with a chuckle. “I rather think that's what he likes about it.”  
You can't help but laugh for the first time in this whole conversation keeping your head down. Once you finally lift your head and look at him he's already looking at you. You feel a rush of heat flood your face, he stares at you for a moment longer, his eyes drift down to your lips. He opens his mouth to speak but before he can you hear your fathers voice call out your name.
“I must go.” you quickly turn, feeling embarrassed about the sudden tension between the two of you and barely hear him as you rush away, “i shall see you lady y/n”
You can barely relax the rest of the day your conversion with Aegon playing in your mind over and over. It was the first time you had been sop open with somebody you barely knew. It was so refreshing to be able to joke and laugh with someone who was not your family.that night you toss and turn in bed with a big smile on your face. In turn you cannot sleep so you sit up and contemplate what to do. 
You would normally read a book but your father wouldn't allow you to take any on this trip saying there was no need for it but right now youre groaning and fall flat back on the bed. 
An idea suddenly hits you, you remember from the tour one of the guards had given you there was a library not too far from your room. It wouldn't be an issue to go and grab a book really quickly right. A grin finds itself on your face as you realize the red keep has many books you have never read or even heard of and before you know it you throw on an overcoat and begin to quickly make your way over to the library with a lantern in hand.
Nobody would mind if you just took one maybe two books to keep you sated for the rest of your stay here right? That's what you think as you manage to sneak in and out of the library with two books under your coat as you quickly try to make your way back to your room. You almost reach your door before a voice behind you rings out.
“Now what could you be doing, wondering about by yourself..”
You turn and gasp, “prince aegon.”
In your shock the books fall out of your hands, you quickly bend down to pick them up missing the ‘ah’ that had escaped his lips.
“So you read?”
“I am so sorry-”
“You did not answer my question.”
You stall for a moment, not daring to lift your head from the floor. “Yes.”
He hums, “you are quite like my brother. I see no fun in it.”
At a loss for words you keep quiet and take a step back closer to your door, turning around fully before you speak, “i shall bid you goodnight-”
“You will sit in the royal box tomorrow for the tourney.” your movements freeze and you're thankful you are not facing him as your face must be full of shock. 
You manage to compose yourself not turning around, “i thought my family would be sitting in one of the lower boxes-” 
“Not your family. You. you shall sit in the royal box. With me.” 
You feel a wild course of emotions run over your body. What does he mean, just you? Is he attempting to court you? He is trying to seduce you? Does he want something from you? Or maybe he is just trying to be kind? Maybe he takes pity on you after you had embarrassed yourself the last two days? 
You must be frozen for a while because he begins to laugh. You take a deep breath, “I must decline.” because you certainly cannot sit in the royal box with the prince. What would the people think? What would your father think? You cannot even imagine having to try and explain why you would be sitting with them tomorrow.
“This is not a request. You shall join me tomorrow. I am the prince. I say it is so.”
“But my family.” “They shall sit in the box in one of the many stands below.”
“I cannot just leave my family.”
He tsks and huffs, “then so be it your family shall join us too. I'm sure heleana would be happy to be seated with floris.” 
Did he want you to sit in the box so badly he was willing to just add your family at your request just like that? No, he wanted you to sit in the box. With him.
“alright, goodnight my prince.” 
You do not even wait for a response as you book it down the hallway and slam the door to your room shut. The books you had gotten drop to the floor as you cover your hands with your face. Out of breath like you had just ran a marathon you find yourself unable to stop smiling. 
When you and your family make your way outside you pretend to be shocked when your family is escorted to the royal box. You all greet the royal family who all stand to greet you. Aegon grabs your arm and ushers you to sit down next to him. You ignore the burning stares of your family as aegon quickly makes conversation with you. 
“Isn't the view so great from here aren't you happy I told you to sit here?” it's not a question more so a statement and all you can do is nod your head.  
“Oh come on you must have something to say to me.” he pouted at you and you swiftly turned away from him, “well you did not ask.” you mumble and he smiles, shaking his head and takes a drink of wine. “I certainly did not. You would have sat here one way or another.” 
You're thankful Aegon is sitting in the front row of the box while the rest of your family is all the way in the back so at least you won't have to deal with the questioning of your family.
“Did you prepare a favor lady , y/n?” you turn back to face queen who addressed you and nod, “yes my queen.” not mentioning it is the same favor you've had for awhile as no one had ever asked for your favor. You do not take notice to aegons clenched jaw at the question and narrow eyes at the question.
The journey begins and you've never seen a tourney as big as this one. But as it is it is pretty uneventful. You cannot hold your surprise when you see aemond being introduced. “He is competing?”
Aegon next to you hums as he continues to drink, “he does not like this stuff, calls it horse shit but heleana wanted to see him compete so he entered.” 
He of course comes up and asks heleana for her favor which she gladly gives him before he rides away.
“And his opponent, ser bronn beesbury!” The man rides in full confidence. When he takes off his helmet you can't help but admit he is a very handsome man, certainly not more handsome than Aegon but he was a very attractive man. He rides over near the royal box and Aegion sits up for the first time this whole tourney.
“Lady baratheon, you are the essence of beauty.” he holds up his hand towards the box and you're shocked in a haste you look over the edge and toss out your favor for him to catch. 
“You bless me this day my lady.” 
You sit back in your seat unable to say anything. You end up glancing at Aegon expecting him to make some comment about the man as he had been doing with all the other fighters that day. He was not even looking at you. An unreliable look on his face as he tapped his fingers on the table next to him. He started dead at aemond who stared back for a moment before nodding and slamming his helm down. 
The match began and you were wowed as aemond swiftly takes ser bronn down with an extra hard hit and ser bronn hits the floor and doesn't stand back up. You gasp as he's dragged off the scene and for the first time in the last couple minutes Aegon laughs turning to you. “What a fool thinking he can go against a targaryen.” 
A part of you feels like he's not just talking about aemond.  
you didn't speak to Aegon after the tourney as the men went out on a hunt and you're grateful especially since you're more than embarrassed after your thoughts during today's tourney. 
Though it is very tough to answer your family's questions when you don't even know yourself.
Finally it was heleanas name day and the day of the ball. You spent the morning with your family, the royal family nowhere in sight seemingly preparing for tonight's ball.
When you arrive back in your room that afternoon to prepare for the ball you and your maid are shocked to see a beautiful red and black gown laid out on the bed. “Did my father prepare this?”
The maid shook her head, she's been your maid for as long as you can remember so she freely speaks around you, “the baratheons may be wealthy little ones but your father could not afford a dress like this one.” 
The dress is gorgeous as you run your hands down it you can barely believe it.
“Well come on little one let's get you dressed.”
When your family comes knocking on your door their eyes all drop to your dress, “what is this look about?”
“Where did you get that dress?” 
“Oh I made it just today.”
“Shut your mouth and tell me.”
“I had no idea it was simply on my bed when I walked into my room.”
The discussion of your dress continued until you had been standing in front of the door waiting to be announced.
“Is it not obvious the prince has given her the dress?” You and Cassandra whip your heads to look at maris who shrugs. 
“Oh come on it's in the Targaryen house colors and obviously he seems obsessed with our dear sister.” 
“Be quiet you three” you would be surprised if your father could not hear the pounding of your heart as you consider maris’ idea.
Would the prince really leave you a dress like this? What could that possibly mean? Before you have any time to think, you and the rest of your family are being announced.
As you walk into the room you fail to ignore the stares of your fellow peers as they all seem to gawk at the dress you had been wearing. Keeping your head lowered slightly you eagerly rush to your seat. 
Soon after the main family is announced and everyone stands. When you see Aegon, a pit forms in your stomach. The suit he wears is basically identical to the dress you had on, your sister maris clearly also takes notice of this as she leans towards you, “told you so.” 
As the queen gives a speech and thanks everyone you attempt to hide yourself behind your father out of embarrassment but still manage to notice the smug look on aegons face as he looks over at you. 
Soon enough dinner is served and the music starts and you forget for a moment why you had been so embarrassed in the first place laughing with your family over good food and good music. After the food in front of you had been cleared you feel eyes staring into your back, refusing to turn around you attempt to continue the conversation you had been having with your sister maris who comments on the fact that one of the lords had stepped on ever girls foot whom he's danced with which causes you to laugh. 
A throat clears behind you and you freeze, maris smiles, “good evening my prince.” Everyone greets him as well and he gives a greeting back. You turn back to look at him and your eyes widen as he holds out his hand. 
“Dance with me.”
He says it in the same tone he had told you you were to sit in the royal box with him. It is not a question. “Aren't there any other ladies you would prefer to dance with?”
“No. Now come on.”
You glance over at your father who smiles and moves his head signaling for you to dance. 
You grab aegons hand and he is more than eager to let you onto the dance floor with him. “I heard you are fond of music.” 
“I am my prince,, where did you hear that?”
“One of your sisters had mentioned it. The plain looking one.”
You gasp, “how could you say such a thing?”
He chuckles his eyes never leaving yours, “I am simply stating the truth, I apologize.”
You huff and turn your face away from him, “if anything i am the plain one my prince.”
He huffs as he grabs your chin and turns your head to face him, “you are not. Now shut your mouth.”
A silence fills between the two of you as he continues to stare at you. “Why do you think that?” A pathetic laugh escapes you, “I am not the funniest, I am not the most pretty, not the most talented. I am the quiet sister who has no idea how to speak to people or has no confidence in anything. I shall remain alone forever as a spinster while my sisters all go off and get married.” 
The song ends and the two of you stand still while everyone claps. You do not look at him while he stares at you.  
“If you are so boring then why have you captured me so. If you are not unfunny then why do I find myself laughing more in your presence than I ever have. If you are so untalented then why are you the first lady I've enjoyed dancing with? If you shall remain alone forever then why do I wish to be by your side.” 
You don't even notice that all the eyes in the room are staring at the two of you, aegon is your whole world right now.
“Marry me. And I shall open up the world to you.”
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some-pers0n · 4 months
I keep forgetting that the Will Wood who makes EVIL!! jazz music and sings songs about rats and skeletons and the Will Wood on the fuck shit piss podcast about the apocalypse that goes on long rambles about whatever game he's playing or Jordan Peterson are the exact same person. Like how can somebody do both of those things at once
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
Can we talk about how one so-called “solution” certain people have for avoiding the war is Viserys naming Rhaenyra his Hand and “teaching” her how to rule?
Are we seriously going to ignore the fact that she ruled Dragonstone for over 10 years before her father died? That doesn’t count for experience in ruling in their book? Dragonstone is the Targaryens’ ancestral seat and a practice run for the future monarch, which is why the heir to the throne is named Prince/Princess of Dragonstone.
In medieval England, the Prince and Princess of Wales were sent there to establish their own household and learn how to rule.
How exactly would staying in King’s Landing benefit Rhaenyra? So she could waste her time fighting off the snakes her father let into their nest? Waste her time trying to fix her father’s mistakes?
And the argument “Viserys should have taught her how to rule” is absurd. What could he have possibly taught her? That going back on your word is not ok? That marrying an ambitious upstart and letting her bully your child is not ok? That naming your daughter heir and then endangering her future rule by fathering spawns on a malicious woman way beneath your station is not ok? That marrying your daughter to a rumored gay man and minimizing her chances of having heirs is not ok? That pushing away the brother who has always been by your side is not ok? That renaming a dangerously ambitious man as your Hand after you know perfectly well what his intentions are, is not ok? That letting your wife keep a traitorous murderer as her sworn shield is not ok?
I think Rhaenyra learned all that between the ages 8 and 16. There is nothing useful Viserys could have taught her in preparation for her ascension (he may have been a good man but he was a shitty king).
What about Aegon the Usurper? What did he do those 10 years? Drink and hump while his family was “plotting” to make him king and not even bothering to let him know? Yeah, he sure is king material…
I love how focused people are on what Rhaenyra should have done to make the transition easier but no one talks about how Aegon did absolutely nothing and got everything handed to him by his mommy.
Rhaenyra is “entitled” but Aegon isn’t?
Just admit you’re a misogynist already.
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witchy-v1xen · 7 months
I know this might be a random ass thought but , now I'm curious to see what would've happened if Aegon and Rhaenyra got married like Otto suggested.
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dcsmdcsm · 2 months
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So real yet so sad...
Brothers love VS Brothers rivalry
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ladydreamfyyreee · 6 days
“𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧, 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 & 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧.”
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*Y/N walking around the Red Keep*
Y/N: Aeg, why are you following me?
Aegon II: Mother told me to follow my heart.
Y/N, confused: That doesn't answer my question-. Oh?!
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 2 months
Aegon Targaryen x Reader
Drunk and heartbroken Aegon crashes his ex's wedding
Modern AU
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You never thought you'd be standing at the altar with another man. Not after the whirlwind that was Aegon Targaryen. He was everything your parents had warned you about—spoiled, reckless, a playboy with too much money and too little sense. But he was also the most thrilling, exhilarating thing to ever happen to you. Your relationship with Aegon was like a rollercoaster with no brakes: wild, dangerous, and utterly intoxicating. But it couldn't last, and you knew it. So, when your father introduced you to a proper suitor—a stable, successful man with a future—ending things with Aegon had seemed like the right decision. It was time to grow up, to move on.
Or so you thought.
Today was supposed to be the start of that new chapter. The day you married the man who was everything Aegon was not—reliable, respectable, safe. Your father approved, your family adored him, and you had convinced yourself that you were ready to settle down.
But as you stood at the altar, looking into the kind eyes of your soon-to-be husband, something inside you felt… off. Maybe it was just nerves, or maybe it was the weight of your past threatening to crush the perfect life you were trying to build.
The officiant cleared his throat, starting the ceremony. You tried to focus on the words, but your mind was a thousand miles away, tangled up in memories of Aegon.
And then, as if summoned by your very thoughts, the church doors burst open with a crash that echoed through the hall.
Every head turned in unison, and there he was: Aegon Targaryen, looking as disheveled as you'd ever seen him. His silver hair was a mess, his shirt half-buttoned, and a bottle of expensive alcohol dangled from his hand. He staggered into the aisle, blinking against the bright light and grinning like an idiot.
"Y/N!" he slurred, his voice carrying through the stunned silence. "Wait! Stop this madness!"
Your heart skipped a beat. "Aegon?"
Your groom’s expression hardened, his grip on your hands tightening protectively. The guests began to murmur, shocked whispers filling the church as Aegon made his way unsteadily down the aisle.
"Y/N, baby, what are you doing?" Aegon called out, swaying slightly as he walked. "This guy?" He pointed vaguely in the direction of your groom, his disdainful tone making it clear how little he thought of him. "He’s not the one for you! You’re making a huge mistake!"
You felt your cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and something else—an involuntary rush of adrenaline, like you used to feel when you and Aegon were sneaking around, doing things you shouldn’t.
"Aegon, you need to leave," you said, trying to sound firm, but your voice wavered, betraying you.
But Aegon was far beyond reason. "Leave? Leave? Why would I leave when the love of my life is about to marry the wrong guy?" He stumbled closer, his words growing more impassioned—and more incoherent. "I’m the one, Y/N. I’m the guy who knows how to make you feel alive! Remember? Remember how we used to be? God, those nights…"
Your eyes widened in horror as Aegon began recounting the more intimate details of your past together.
"We were crazy, Y/N! We had passion! Fire!" Aegon waved his arms dramatically, nearly toppling over in the process. "No one—no one!—can make you scream like I can! Like… remember that time at my dad’s beach house? Or that hotel in Dorne? You were so loud, I thought we’d get kicked out!" He grinned, clearly proud of himself, and the guests gasped in shock.
Your face burned red, not just from embarrassment but from the sheer audacity of it all. Your father looked like he might explode, and your poor groom—he was just standing there, mouth agape, trying to process the trainwreck unfolding in front of him.
"Aegon, stop it!" you hissed, your voice desperate as you tried to salvage what little dignity you had left.
But Aegon wasn’t finished. "No, you need to know!" he insisted, pointing at the groom again. "This guy—this guy will never satisfy you like I can! He doesn’t know you like I do. He’ll never make you feel the way I can. Y/N, we were made for each other, baby! You and me, we’re wild!"
The guests were either mortified or barely suppressing laughter. Your mother looked like she might faint, and your groom’s face was a mixture of outrage and disbelief. The officiant had no idea what to do, glancing between you and Aegon like he was hoping someone would call security.
Finally, two of the groomsmen stepped forward to drag Aegon out. "Get your hands off me!" Aegon protested, but he was too drunk to fight back. They each grabbed an arm and started hauling him toward the door.
Even as they dragged him away, Aegon kept yelling, his voice echoing through the church. "I’ll always love you, Y/N! I’ll be waiting for you! And when this whole mistake blows up in your face, I’ll be right there, ready to pick up the pieces! Ready to make you scream again!"
As they shoved him out the door, he managed one final shout. "This guy will never satisfy you! Never!"
And then, with a heavy thud, the doors closed, sealing Aegon outside.
The silence that followed was deafening. All eyes were on you, waiting to see how you would react. Your father looked ready to murder someone, your mother was clutching her pearls, and your groom—well, he looked like he wanted to disappear into the floor.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. The chaos had passed, but your heart was still racing, and you couldn’t help but wonder if Aegon was right about one thing: there would never be another relationship like the one you had with him.
But you were committed to this new life, this new future. It was time to close that chapter for good.
You turned back to your groom, forcing a smile. "I’m so sorry about that."
He nodded, though the hurt was evident in his eyes. "Do you… do you still want to…?"
You looked at him, at the man who had offered you stability, security, and a life without the chaos that had defined your relationship with Aegon. He was a good man, and he deserved better than what had just happened. He deserved a wife who wasn’t secretly wondering if she had just made the biggest mistake of her life.
But you pushed those doubts aside. This was your choice, and you had made it.
"Yes," you said, squeezing his hands. "Let’s finish this."
But as you repeated your vows, the memory of Aegon’s last words lingered in the back of your mind.
"I’ll be waiting for you…"
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rinalunaapiril · 1 month
The Green Siblings
This is going to be a lot of numbers 😭💀 but I honestly do believe that hotd Helaena was probably 16 and hotd Aegon was probably 18, when they were forced to marry each other. Meanwhile hotd Aemond was probably around 15. So perhaps in season two, hotd Helaena might be 20, hotd Aegon might be 22 while Aemond is 19; since in the show, they look much more older than their book ages. Also why are some interesting people obsessed with “Helaena is 17 in season 2” despite the fact she looks much older.”
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