mmroad · 5 years
Through Pain Lies Beauty
They say beauty is pain. But what does that mean. It works when you think of love. Love can be so beautiful, but more often than not, it's painful. Beauty is pain; pain is beauty. Love is beautiful; love is painful. Why work so hard for something that is painful? …because it can be beautiful. But beauty can come from pain. When a phoenix dies, a new one is born from its ashes. When a tree dies, eventually new plants grow from the nutrient rich soil. Life comes from death. Beauty comes from pain. Old relationships have to die in order for new, better, healthier relationships to form. Old love dies, and it's painful, but it’s only to make room for something more beautiful.
Tobin was meandering, trying to get away from all the thoughts running around her head. The only thing on her mind, holding Tobin hostage, was her recent break up. She had been with Alex Morgan for two years. And if you ask Tobin, she would tell you they were the best two years of her life. What she wouldn't tell you, though, are all the red flags she had been ignoring for the past six months. However, if you asked her friends and family, they could point out every last red flag in painstaking detail.
Like they say, love can be beautiful. It can be so beautiful that you look past it when your girlfriend doesn't like your friends, and your friends definitely don't like your girlfriend. I mean, there was that one time when Alex never showed up to Tobin's birthday dinner, and Tobin cried, cried, and cried in the bathroom for a majority of the night. But Alex forgot, and you can't be mad at someone for forgetting something; you don't forget on purpose. Plus, birthdays aren’t that special anyways.
You also look past it when your mother, for some odd reason, just had a bad vibe about "this one." Tobin's mom would never trust Alex, not after that time when they got into a heated fight.
"Alex, I just think you need to distance yourself from your family from time to time for your own good."
"Your family has just as many issues as mine Tobin; don't pretend like your life is perfect."
"Yeah, my life isn't perfect, but just because your mom left, and your dad is a drunk doesn't mean you can drag me down with you!"
Alex didn't mean it though. She apologized immediately afterwards. She told Tobin she loved her for the first time that night. Tobin had been waiting a long time for that. Tobin tried to cover the bruise with makeup (the little she had), but when her mom came down that weekend, they both knew soccer balls didn’t do that. Plus, Tobin should have never said any of that in the first place.
You might also tell yourself that these people in your life simply just don't "get it" because clearly you are the very first person on this earth to find a love so deep and so passionate that no one else could understand. Yeah, "beautiful love" can do that to you.
Tobin had definitely fallen into that trap. Alex and Tobin's friends could fake being cordial for about an hour or so before emotions would run high and names would start spewing out. However, Tobin always thought she was just attracted to strong, sometimes abrasive, personalities. They were all playfully fighting to be the line leader in Tobin's life. Tobin had a way of doing that, spinning a situation into the fluffiest, softest version of itself. Love, foggy love. Although, Tobin did struggle a little more with her mother's opinion of the love of her life, even before the “soccer ball to the face” incident.
When Tobin first brought Alex home for the annual family fourth of July cookout, Tobin was ecstatic to get her mother alone in the kitchen to hear her thoughts on Alex. She could only assume all the amazing things her mother would say about the diamond in the rough Tobin had found. However, to Tobin's surprise, her mother's thoughts were slightly less than enthusiastic.
"So…what did you think?" Tobin stated in somewhat of a whisper as she sauntered into the kitchen to help her mother clean up from the festivities.
"What did I think of what?" her mother questioned back clearly paying more attention to the dishes she was drying than to Tobin.
"Of Alex, obviously" Tobin said in carefree voice while jumping up onto the counter to sit.
"Oh…she seems nice" her mother said.
Tobin was caught off guard "Just nice!?"
"Yes, she seems nice."
"What about how gorgeous she is, or how funny, smart and energetic she is?"
"I mean all that matters is that you think that" her mother stated back with a slight lilt to her voice.
"You don't like her…" Tobin accused.
"It's not that I don't like her…I just don't necessarily like her for you" her mother said through gritted teeth. She was clearly trying to spare her daughters feelings, but was also trying to get her motherly point across.
"Why don't you like her? What's not to like?"
"Honey, I think she's nice. It's fine."
Tobin stormed out. Tobin's mother hadn’t loved every girl that she brought home, she just didn't understand. What Tobin had with Alex was special and different. It would be fine. Her mother would come around. Her mother never came around. Love, delusional love.
All of these, anomalies, or at least that's what Tobin thought at the time, were playing around in her head. The walk around campus was meant to clear her mind, but instead it seemed like her whole relationship with Alex was on replay. Unfortunately, it wasn't the beautiful moments.
All these thoughts were reeling around her head as Tobin pranced around distracted. There was so much coming to light. All that Tobin had missed during those two years was coming to fruition. She turned the corner, not paying attention. All of a sudden, she was knocked on the ground trying to pull herself out of her foggy mind and return to reality. Then, there was a hand in her face helping her up. Tobin looked up to see a girl with a wickedly stunning smile and long, dark, curly hair. She had to catch her breath. "I'm sorry I knocked you over," the girl blurted out. Tobin took her hand and stood up, still a little star struck. "No, no. it's my fault." Tobin said blushing and rubbing the back of her neck "I'm kinda in my head a little." The other girl flashed that brilliant smile back at Tobin "I sorta know what that's like…" she stuck out her hand "hi, I'm Christen Press."
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hannahbobanna90 · 8 years
I was thinking about @uswntfandom and ended up finding this gem of a video 
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lexi2024 · 8 years
uswntfandom replied to your post:BACK AT IT AGAIN 6-0
Would a fake fan change their icon. I mean
Exactly what a fake fan would do smh..
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britt22any · 12 years
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Megan Rapinoe Pumpkin
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mmroad · 5 years
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...what have I stumbled onto...
Could this be...what I think it is...
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mmroad · 8 years
The Auction
Chapter 11: The next morning, Tobin woke to the light shining through the floor-length windows of Alex’s bedroom. After reminding herself that she was, in fact, in Alex Morgan’s bed, naked? yes definitely naked, a giant smile found its way to Tobin’s face. Tobin turned to her left to see Alex, still asleep, tangled in the crisp white sheets. She looked so peaceful as her chest slowly rose and fell. Tobin giggled as she remembered the previous night; it was a lot of fun, but it was nothing compared to waking up next to the beautiful brunette that she loved. Tobin quickly leaned over to the end table next to her and texted Lexa to let her know she would be taking the morning off. Lexa just responded with a winkie face along with a sly, “take all the time you need.” Tobin rolled her eyes and laughed. She put her phone back down and slowly maneuvered over to Alex who was dead asleep on her side. Tobin carefully moved her breast right up against Alex’s back and wrapped her arms around her. As soon as Tobin touched Alex, Tobin could feel Alex wiggle subconsciously and effortlessly into her embrace. Even half asleep, Alex still searched for Tobin’s touch. Tobin moved her chin up over Alex’s shoulder just enough to put a light a kiss on her temple. She could feel Alex relax under her. A few seconds after, Tobin heard Alex mutter out, "just like old times…” in a mutter tone, still half asleep. “Just like old times,” Tobin whispered back. After a few minutes, Tobin could tell by Alex’s now more cyclic breathing that she was fully asleep once again. Tobin gingerly ducked out behind Alex and searched the ground for any clothes she could throw on. She found her underwear but no shirt. Tobin tip-toed over to Alex’s closet, stepped in, and flipped on the light. Damn. Tobin didn’t expect this many clothes even from Alex. She combed through the massive amounts of shirts until she found an obviously oversized, heavily-worn Courage spirt shirt with a thirteen on the back. It was just long enough to cover her butt. After slipping the shirt over her head, Tobin slipped out of the bedroom door and made her way to the kitchen. Alex was obviously exhausted from her soccer game the night before, among other things, so Tobin decided to whip her up a nice little breakfast in bed. Of course, the giant kitchen took a while to get accustomed to—Tobin feared that by the time she made it all the way to the fridge to get the garnishing strawberries, her French toast would be already burnt. One small consolation was that the kitchen came equipped with everything. “Do you really need three sets of every instrument, plate, and utensil, Alex?” Tobin asked herself as she eeny-meeny-miny-moed among the different sets of plates for her masterpieces, two pieces of golden-brown French toast with strawberries (hold the powdered sugar: she’s an athlete,) an egg sunny side up for some protein, and Tobin even took the time to squeeze some fresh orange juice because she didn’t want Alex’s immune system to falter. She tried to be as quiet as possible during this whole endeavor to make sure she didn’t wake the sleeping beauty upstairs. Once the food was ready and plated, Tobin headed upstairs with the tray of food in her hands. She gently pushed the open the cracked door, expecting to see Alex sound sleep, but instead, she found the girl propped up in bed with a slightly sad and confused look on her face. “Good morning beautiful,” Tobin said with a goofy smile on her face as she walked over to her lover and placed the tray on her lap, “I thought you could use some breakfast to refuel from last night,” Tobin winked at her with a gaping smile. Alex looked at her for a second and then reciprocated the giant smile, grabbed Tobin’s loose shirt, almost dropping the plate of Tobin’s slaved-over food, and pulled Tobin’s lips to hers. Once Alex eventually switched from digging into Tobin’s face to digging into her food, Tobin jumped into bed next to her girlfriend. She wiggled over to Alex and put her arm around the girl as she ate. “When I woke up and you were gone…I thought that you…” Alex wondered until Tobin interrupted her, “leave a girl as a pretty as you without saying goodbye? Not a chance.” Alex just looked down at her food. “I didn’t know…” Alex went on; Tobin knew that not everything could be easy right away. Tobin leaned over and kissed the side of Alex’s head, “I took the morning off work so we could spend a little extra time together.” "Tobin,” Alex turned to her with a questionable look, “you didn’t have to do that for me.” “Shhh—I wanted to do it,” Tobin smiled back at the girl. Once Alex was finally done with her power-breakfast, she crawled over onto Tobin’s lap and looked down at her. Tobin couldn’t help it, but her heart began to race. When Alex looked down at the girl she loved, she also noticed the t-shirt she was wearing. “You’re wearing my t-shirt,” Alex stated. “Yeah, is that okay?” Tobin gave Alex a quizzical look. “That’s amazing—I mean like you’re in my house, and it’s morning, and you slept in my house and…” “ALEX STOP QUOTING THE SANVERS SCENE FROM LAST WEEKS EPISODE OF SUPERGIRL!” Tobin yelled out jokingly. “Okaaayyy,” Alex pretended to pout before looking into Tobin’s eyes and giving in to her act with a slight, slight giggle. Tobin pulled the girl on top of her closer until she could kiss her lips. Alex finally hopped off Tobin and headed to the bathroom. “Hey wait,” Tobin harped, “I didn’t think we were done just yet;” she ended with a dirty a smirk. Alex poked her head out of the bathroom, “Listen to you, Ms. Bad Influence! Some of us can’t just call off work: I have practice in an hour.” Tobin understood, she didn’t want to make Alex miss anything. Tobin’s job was important to her so she respected Alex for caring so much about hers. The game meant everything to her. “I’m going to shower,” Alex continued, “but come in here so I can talk to you for a little before I have to leave.” Tobin hurdled out of the bed and moseyed on over to the bathroom. If Tobin was impressed by the kitchen, she was blown away by the bathroom. This bathroom had everything one could imagine and more. The floor was all white marble leading up to the sleet walk-in shower. The shower had water jets on the wall allowing perfectly clear water to be projected at all angles and even a rain shower from above to make you feel like you’re outside. The door was pure glass, so Tobin could peer right in if she felt so inclined. There also was a giant Jacuzzis with a fire place at the foot of the bath. The bathroom even had a granite island. “Who needs an island in a bathroom?” Tobin thought obnoxiously to herself. Tobin made her way to the wall across from Alex’s shower and slumped down to the floor with her back leaning against the wall. Alex wasn’t the only one worn out from last night. Alex came out of the linen closet in the corner with a white fluffy towel wrapped around her. Alex walked over to the sink, dropping her towel and looked at herself in the mirror to make sure there were no marks from last night that were going to have to be covered up before practice. But Alex noticed as soon as she dropped her towel, Tobin quickly turned her head the other way. Alex wanted to test out her little hunch; she walked over to Tobin who continued to turn her head only more and more noticeably. Tobin still wouldn’t look straight at her. “Tobin, yanno,” Alex said in a tasty, sassy way, “Why won’t you look at me? You did a lot more than look last night,” Alex said jokingly through her toothy smile. Tobin turned her head to take in her full body all at once, “I was just…” “I know,” Alex interrupted, “you were just being Tobin,” as Alex bent down and kissed the girl on the cheek. “And that’s what I love about you,” Alex said over her shoulder as she made her way to the warm shower. Alex stepped in and let the water fall over every inch of her body before she slicked her hands back through her hair. “Why do you have to shower anyways, you just showered last night,” Tobin said with a hint of a pouting. “If I walk into that locker room today with my skin glowing and smelling like I do now, the whole team will know something is up and they don’t need to know what’s going on just yet.” Alex explained from the shower while pulling her lavender shampoo through her long brown hair. “Ohh so you’re embarrassed of me, I see,” Tobin said from her spot on the floor with a hint of jealousy and sarcasm in her voice. Tobin heard a loud laugh come from the shower. “I’m sorry, Heath, but trust me, I’m not embarrassed. Last night, I was with my high school sweetheart, and we had some great sex if I do say so myself. I would shout it from the roof tops if I could, or at least tweet about it. But it’s just different. This is good, and I want to keep it to myself right now,” Alex chimed with her eyes closed while rinsing her hair out quickly and stepping out of the shower. She beamed over to see Tobin trying to hide the goofy smile plastered all over her face. “Shout it from the roof tops, aye,” Tobin playfully said to herself. “And then some,” Alex responded lovingly as she made her way to the closet to change for practice. Once Alex was all ready for practice, she and Tobin made their way downstairs. The whole morning was filled with little touches and nudges between the two. Neither of them could help that they got more touchy as it got closer for the two to separate. “Tonight—“ Alex broke the peaceful silence, "come over after work.” Tobin nodded her head in agreement. “That way we can order the U-haul together and you can move all your stuff in tomorrow.” Alex said with a smirk. “Aleeeex,” Tobin rolled her eyes at her lover dressed in her full-on soccer gear. “I’m kiddddinngggg, I was just trying to fit the lesbian stereotype, duhhhh!” Alex said jokingly with a flip of hair. “But really though,” Alex’s voice took a serious turn, “come over tonight, and let’s talk about how we want this to go. Call it a date?” Alex said as she locked the house door behind her and headed to her car. “It’s a date,” Tobin reciprocated. They both drove away in their respective cars. As she drove to her job that seemed so unimportant now, Tobin couldn’t restrain the gargantuan smile drawn across her face.
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kriegs-liebe · 8 years
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uswntfandom replied to your post: “Just in case you needed to have @uswntfandom summed up in one picture…”:
Jessica... I'm forgot...
Listen Jennifer. "I'm forgot"
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kriegs-liebe · 8 years
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uswntfandom replied to your post: “uswntfandom replied to your post: “hey what’s your fave color? haha”:...”:
Um pretty sure they're a more specific color than just green
Jen. I will give you $50.77 if you can tell me the EXACT color of her eyes... Just try.
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kriegs-liebe · 8 years
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uswntfandom replied to your post: “Are we all just going to collectively agree to avoid talking about...”:
Do any of them use condoms? I DON'T KNOW HOW STRAIGHTS DO IT JESSICA
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lexi2024 · 8 years
uswntfandom replied to your post:Go Long!
I wrote this. Always loved allie long. Fave
I totally would purge with her.
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kriegs-liebe · 8 years
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uswntfandom replied to your post: “(1OO spoilers) So now Clarke and Octavia are going on a revenge spree,...”:
It's only going to be Octavia and Clarke left by the end
Lol it's just going to be Bellamy because you know Jrot won't dare touch a straight, white boy...
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lexi2024 · 9 years
Change your bio!
Never Jenny. @uswntfandom 
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