mysteriousbp · 11 days
It looks like we got a general idea on what the kids' journey in the underground except for Green and Purple, so how was there journey.
This is going to be interesting.
So you guys know how each human has a main group of monsters that they befriend.
Frisk has Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys (etc.).
Clover has Dalv, Matlet. Starlo (etc)
Lila has the old canine unit and other monsters.
Tom has QC
Meanwhile, Hope and Sunny... Other than Toriel, they didn't have anyone. 
Yeah. They were pretty much on their own in their journeys.
(I made it that way because usually in Undertale-style games the main character gets pulled into the main cast problems and dramas. I just wanted to break that norm with two souls that were on their own journey without interroptions or diversions. Just to focus more of the children themselves.)
So let's start with Hope. After she left the Ruins she started to look for the others. She asked the locals if they had seen Lila, Tom, and Melody by describing them in a way that didn't say that they were humans. Hope also tries to learn everything about monsters so maybe she could have a better shot surviving. By reading the books in the library and the signs with monster history in Waterfall and taking notes in her notebook.
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And I can finally reveal something about Hope. The hoodie that she wears during her time underground is a cat hoodie!
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Yeah. Before anything. Hope didn't own that hoodie because she was into cats or something. Has some of you may remember I said a long time ago that the children when they were in the orphanage they had small allowances, right? Well, this hoodie was bought in a second-hand shop for Melody because she was getting too big for her clothes, and this was the only thing they could afford that fit her. And yes. This was originally Melody's hoodie. Hope started to wear it after she grew up and she couldn't fit in her old clothes. That's why, after the barrier broke, Melody started to wear a hoodie. Because hoodies are more her style and not Hope's.
Actually. Despite the cat hoodie being a thing bought because they didn't have another option. It did help Hope a lot. By this time, Doggo, Greater Dog, Dogamy, and Dogaressa are the current canine unit. And because Hope had her hood up because of the cold, she ended up tricking Doggo by accident because he thought she was a cat monster. After realizing that, she started to pretend to be a cat monster, and she was able to trick almost every monster she ran into, execpt Gerson and another one.
I decided to go this route with Hope because of her items.
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Despite being mid game items, the Torn Notebook and Cloudy Glasses are the third weakness items, with 2 at (it hits two times, so 4 at) and 5 def. The thing is that they increase INV (invincibility frames) by 6 and 9, respectively. So based on that, I wanted to make Hope a character that isn't a smart character that tries to outsmart an enemy in battle. But a character that thinks of ways to avoid battleing because she's weak, so she tries to avoid being hit more than the others. (That's why when she's adopted by Alphys and Undyne, she really wants to train with Undyne to become stronger.)
Now for Sunny. After she left the ruins, she also started to look for the others. But through her travels, she found monsters with some troubles, and she decided to help (for context. She didn't need to help any of these monsters to proceed in her journey. Most of the time, she didn't receive an item in return. She just helped out of kindness.). And those monsters were like Slurpy. Just random monsters, not big important type of monsters like the main gang of UT or UTY.
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Like giving the Snowman a nose or helping a lost Temmie return to Temmie Village. Just simple problems and not like "Help save my daughter" type of problems. Just focusing more on NPC's since the lack of a main cast in Sunny's journey. Exploring more the everyday struggles living on the underground rather than being told in text and barelly being shown how problematic the life can be down in the underground.
I just really wanted to use Hope and Sunny to explore more of the underground with the focus on talking and helping NPC's without having a main cast overshadowing everyone.
Also, here's a fun fact about Sunny:
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She's been wearing a sweater this whole time. That's why I always drew her with big sleeves. Because they were rolled up this whole time.
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sleepwalkingbonez · 8 months
UTP doodles
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saltsdigitalartblog · 9 months
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first art post on this acc - this is my undertale oc, nimph.
basically undertale yellow has rewired my brain completely so i went "hmm what if that but like. i make my own universe based on the perseverance soul" so here we are.
nimph's a pretty cool gal if you knew her personally but otherwise they're a complete shut-in and you would have to earn their trust
more details on her and her partner will come soon <3
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jazmatazzzzzz · 19 days
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In the paper this week <3
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undertalepurplecomic · 9 months
End of Year Update (2023)
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Hello everyone, it's R2 here! Welcome to the 2023 End of Year Update! This is something new I am starting, where I'll go over the current state of the comic and what to expect from it in the upcoming year.
As you can tell, things have been radio silent for a while now. Due to graduating high school, getting a job, starting university, among other responsibilities, working on Undertale Purple has had to be put on the back burner for a while. 
However, after I have gotten more experience, I've entered a position where I can comfortably work on comic. 
During this time, Undertale Purple's story and characters have gone through a large transformation. The original plot was largely built by myself when I was much younger and less experienced, so in order to tell a better story, we reset. Myself, alongside another writer BeepPerson, have been working together to tell the story we want to make in a meaningful and fun way! We both hope you look forward to the prologue.
Speaking of which...
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The Undertale Purple Comic's prologue will be releasing in Q1 2024! 
Here is some fun promotional art teasing what's to come. It shows our protagonist Lucas’ updated design and another familiar face.
There’s also another character who you’ve never seen before. You can call her Mavis.
Thank you for reading this year’s update!
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rudimentary-rutabaga · 6 months
Undertale purple it is, then. I finalized my perseverance design. I don’t have a name for them just yet, but I’ll figure it out.
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So here they are. Perserverance, the human before Integrity if we’re going by UTY canon, AKA the smuggest 10 year old you’ve ever met. (It’s a front)
If anyone’s seeing this you can draw any of my designs as long as you give credit! I’d also love to be tagged lol
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thosekillerheels · 8 months
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Tnx Jayne and Saoirse
"On [Under The Pink]; under the concept of woman. That's really what we are talking here.
In 'God,' the strength of woman, the heartbreak of women: there is no resolve with some women. In 'Past the Mission,' desperately wanting to break free from being a victim and having Trent [Reznor] come, the raging man, but being very supportive of the woman. In 'Baker, Baker,' saying 'I am the one that hasn't been able to be intimate.' In 'The Wrong Band,' the hooker is saying "I have a voice that's worth believing. I got in over my head."
The consciousness is divided. You're either looking at who you are, or you're not.. 'The Waitress,' the rage, the betrayal.... Then it's 'Tori, what right do you have to judge her?' Then it sums it up: 'but I believe in peace, bitch.' I mean that's really it. It's hanging onto your beliefs but one hand's on her neck... get out of the room quick, she's not worth it. It's not your job. Why can't you just see that she doesn't get it?
"And when they are in a position, some of these women, to hurt other woman... it just... you want to rip their heads off. 'Cornflake Girl,' that's the initial betrayal, the whole seed of the division. Cornflakes and raisins: cereal. 'Icicle,' the little girl reclaiming her numb parts, her sexuality that was lost with her religion, 'Cloud on My Tongue' dealing with Eve... dealing with feeling inferior, that somebody else has something that you want...
'Space Dog:' we've worshipped everything else, why not him? And of course 'Anastasia,' which is the final of the finale."
...It doesn't read like a diary like [Little Earthquakes]. It's definitely reader participation. This is not about voyeurism. This is not about looking in. This is about you have to crawl into the painting and take yourself there."
Tori in B-Side magazine (US)
April/May 1994
Happy 30th birthday to Under The Pink 🩷 ! This is the album that turned me from "fan" to "EWF". Where does it rank for you?
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hiveofthefuture5 · 11 months
Si desea saber un poco más sobre esta universidad ,le recomiendo presionar el siguiente link que le brindará lo necesario
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iamlisteningto · 2 years
alva noto + ryuichi sakamoto with ensemble modern's utp_
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aaronturnerphoto · 2 years
Driver Shortage In Ile-de-France: RATP Offers Money For A Good Resume
RATP decided to launch a collaborative cash-on-line system where agents submit resumes to streamline recruitment amid shortages.
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This is historic: the RATP is creating a cooperation system to respond to the lack of bus drivers in Paris and Ile-de-France. "An exceptional situation," according to Paris' independent transport authority.
Unprecedented Recruiting Difficulties
“Let's Sponsor a Winner”, is the name of this unprecedented collaboration that took place at the RATP Bus Centers. More specifically, salaried RATP bus drivers can submit resumes to boost recruitment amid a staffing crisis. RATP, as well as our subsidiaries RATP Dev and RATP Cap IDF, are facing unprecedented difficulties in recruiting bus drivers. This is a major concern of the group, explains Acrobat Feed to Actu Paris.
According to the Union of Public and Railway Transport (UTP), 8,000 bus drivers are missing in France, which could cause difficulties in transport at the beginning of the school year. So the RATP decided to mobilize drivers by offering money in exchange for a "good CV". 
If nominated, the agent through whom the CV was submitted will receive a bonus of €150. If the nominated candidate is still active after one year, an additional €150 will be paid to the agent who submitted the resume. So the 300 euros are at stake. The RATP for actu Paris specifies that agents can deposit "one or more CVs".
Employ And Rain As Many Bus Drivers As Possible.
Since the beginning of the year, the RATP has launched a massive recruitment campaign in which 1,500 drivers will be hired with a fixed-term or permanent contract. To this end, Régie carries out work as close as possible to the regions and according to the needs of the centres. For the first time, hiring becomes local with Taawun and no longer regional.
RATP is fully mobilized and allocates significant resources to recruit and train as many bus drivers as possible, in order to guarantee a service offer in line with our objectives and quality of service.
Thus, many actions are carried out, such as partnerships with job boards and with Pôle emploi, poster campaigns or the organization of recruitment forums. In addition, the company is committed to helping young people start their lives and training them to integrate into professional life. At least 600 spaces are being offered in 2022 on the alternative route for bus drivers' locations.
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jessicaminhanh · 6 days
Jessica Minh Anh represents Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS at Engineering Science and Technology Conference 2024
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sleepwalkingbonez · 8 months
Undertale Purple :)
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(Kim + Fibs from Undertale Olive)
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saltsdigitalartblog · 9 months
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orion is next!
honestly i just wanna keep using all sorts of different creatures for monster designs in a hypothetical utp. axolotls are so funky
anyways this guy is a REAL eeper and loves to sleeby. not an extremely deep character but can definitely be the Blorbo of all time
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marioinolizredes · 1 month
Tipos de estándares
1. Ethernet
Ethernet es el estándar de red más popular y ampliamente utilizado en redes LAN. Fue desarrollado en los años 70 y se basa en el protocolo CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection). Ethernet permite que múltiples dispositivos compartan el mismo medio de comunicación y manejen colisiones de datos para garantizar una transmisión eficiente.
Ethernet se utiliza en la mayoría de las redes domésticas y empresariales, conectando computadoras, impresoras, servidores y otros dispositivos en una red LAN.
Costo: Económico y fácil de implementar.
Velocidad: Desde 10 Mbps hasta 100 Gbps en sus versiones más avanzadas.
Compatibilidad: Amplia gama de dispositivos compatibles.
Colisiones: En redes muy congestionadas, pueden ocurrir colisiones de datos.
Distancia limitada: La longitud de los cables es limitada en comparación con otros estándares.
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2. Token Ring
Token Ring, desarrollado por IBM, utiliza una topología de anillo donde un "token" especial circula alrededor de la red. Solo el dispositivo que posee el token puede transmitir datos, lo que elimina las colisiones.
Se utilizó en entornos corporativos que requerían una alta confiabilidad y una gestión eficiente del tráfico de red.
Sin colisiones: El método de acceso evita colisiones, mejorando la eficiencia en redes ocupadas.
Determinismo: Garantiza tiempos de acceso predecibles a la red.
Costo: Más caro que Ethernet debido a la complejidad del equipo necesario.
Velocidad: Limitado a 4 o 16 Mbps, mucho más lento que las versiones modernas de Ethernet.
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3. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
FDDI es un estándar que utiliza fibra óptica y topología de anillo doble, proporcionando alta velocidad y tolerancia a fallos. Fue diseñado para conectar estaciones sobre distancias más largas y soportar grandes redes corporativas.
FDDI se usa en redes backbone, donde se necesita alta velocidad y una larga distancia de transmisión, como en campus universitarios o grandes empresas.
Alta velocidad: Ofrece hasta 100 Mbps.
Tolerancia a fallos: La estructura de doble anillo permite continuar la operación si un anillo falla.
Costo: Muy caro debido al uso de fibra óptica y equipos especializados.
Complejidad: Su implementación y mantenimiento requieren más conocimientos técnicos.
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undertalepurplecomic · 9 months
If Lucas is the human that had the cloudly glasses and notebook, then shouldn't they look a bit more like a classic nerd? Just wondering.
I have seen a lot of people with that interpretation, so I wanted to try something different. Anyone can have glasses, no matter their personality after all. I also wanted Lucas to be depicted as farsighted, meaning they only need their glasses when looking at something close up!
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aele9 · 3 months
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