#uwasa of the ten thousand year sakura
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Rumor of the Eternal Sakura transparent
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raposarealm · 2 years
Rapo Ramblings, Sakurako Edition
Discord is having a conversation on character deaths, and Sakurako and the other Uwasa got brought up because of the Uwasa Aquarium event. Apparently, Uwasa can die, but their definition for death is a bit different. They can be destroyed by pure force, and once Nemu dies, all Uwasa will be erased, since their home, her book, will be erased as well.
Sakurako is an Uwasa, but she’s also tied to Touka’s server in Arc 2, so she’s technically a program as well. So, I’ve now decided that Sakurako is the Magireco equivalent of a Navi: Program (Uwasa) yet holds her own life force, an artificial human but also inexplicably not, tied to the state of someone else’s life and subsequent death (if Nemu dies so does Sakurako)...
Actually, wait, Uwasa are the equivalent of Navi, and Sakurako is the equivalent of Rock. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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ultimatemagicalgirl · 4 years
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🌸 Eternal Sakura 🌸
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silvermoon424 · 2 years
Differences between Magia Record's anime ending and game ending
I'm seeing some anime onlies wondering why Magia Record players are so disappointed with the anime ending/wondering what the differences are, so I decided to make a list of everything I can think of. Please feel free to add onto it if I'm missing anything, I'm just writing everything that comes to mind and I'm sure I'll miss a lot:
The biggest one is the deaths. Nobody dies at the end of Arc 1 of the game. The closest it comes is that Mifuyu's Soul Gem cracks and she falls into a state of near death, but Iroha is later able repair the cracks in her Soul Gem. Meanwhile, the anime ends with the deaths of Momoko, Mifuyu, Alina, Touka, Nemu, and Ui.
The Doppel system is presented much more positively in the game. There are hints that it has drawbacks or long-term side effects, but in general it's presented as a valid way to save magical girls. Iroha and co actually want to expand it in Arc 2; they only opposed the Magius' methods of sacrificing innocent people. Meanwhile, the anime shows that there are significant drawbacks and it's a very flawed system that won't work in the long run. Imo this was a shitty thing to do, because it gets rid of a lot of the driving force behind the plot and the chance of magical girl salvation.
The Doppel system seems to have disappeared at the end of the anime, whereas in the game it's still in full effect around Kamihama. The plot of Arc 2 in the game actually revolves around various magical girl groups trying to gain control of it.
The overall tone of the anime is much more bleak than that of the game. While the game has its dark moments (and Arc 2 is shaping up to be more serious than Arc 1), it stresses the importance of magical girls working together to overcome the odds. Arc 1 ends on a very happy and upbeat note, with Iroha and Ui reunited, Walpurgisnacht defeated, and most of the magical girls of Kamihama forming the Kamihama Magia Union so they can discover a peaceful way to expand the Doppel system to save other magical girls. Meanwhile, the anime ends with the narration and Kyubey saying "Magical girls will continue to suffer in the dark, you'll die to offset entropy, nobody will know about your sacrifices. Oh and also a bunch of people died"
In the game, the Holy Quintet is alive and Homura manages to escape her time loop hell (at least for now). The anime heavily implies that Madoka died fighting Walpurgisnacht, as we see Homura resetting the time loop. This is a decision that, again, actually pisses me off, because in the game Madokami herself basically says she's happy the Magia Record exists without her interference because it's the one universe where she and Homura are able to live together happily. The anime turns the Magia Record universe into yet another one of Homura's failed timelines.
In the game, Touka and Nemu immediately abandon their plan once they remember Iroha and Ui (also, Nemu lost her memories of Iroha and Ui alongside Touka). In the anime, they decide to keep going with their plan out of a desire to save Iroha. I actually liked this change.
In the game there's a character named the Rumor of the Ten-Thousand-Year Sakura, or Eternal Sakura for short. She is a Rumor (or Uwasa) who was created to fulfill the promise that Iroha, Ui, Touka, and Nemu would meet again someday under a cherry blossom tree. She plays an important role in the story and later becomes a pseudo-magical girl. She was entirely cut out of the anime save for a few references to cherry blossom trees (which is a shame because I was dying to see Sakurako animated)
In the game, Madokami interferes in the timeline to give the magical girls a rain of feathers that revitalize them and give them the strength to keep fighting. She says it's all she could do without her presence causing the timeline to break. In the anime, Madokami's presence is briefly alluded to but it seems like more of a cameo than anything else. In the game she's actively watching over the Magia Record universe because as I mentioned before she wants it to succeed (she actually can't interfere and do her normal magical girl salvation thing for unknown reasons btw, she's not just sitting on her ass lol)
There's not really anything to compare it to in the anime, but I just wanted to point out that in the game during the Arc 1 finale there was a raid event where players teamed up to battle Walpurgisnacht. It was really cool and recreated the chaotic energy of dozens of magical girls teaming up to take on a super-Witch.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I definitely recommend checking out the game story, imo it's pulled off much better. @muffinrecord has a Youtube channel where she has archives of the footage from the NA server.
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