#uwuwuwu you guys<333
junhyukiscute · 4 years
to all the boys i’ve loved before (mcnd x reader)
100 followers special! thank you so much!
author note: thank you guys for 100+ followers!! i didn’t know how to express my gratitude so hopefully this ot5 mcnd x reader will help??? also this doesn’t fully follow the movie at all <333
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my letters are my most secret possessions. i write them when i have a crush so intense, i don’t know what else to do. there are 5 total.
minjae, the star of my school’s football team and partner in english,
sungmin, the class clown who shows me magic tricks whenever i’m sad,
huijun, the shy nerd who helped me study for history when i was failing,
junhyuk, the artist who asked me to become a model for him,
and seongjun, but he’s my older sister’s boyfriend.
nobody knows about my crushes. no one except for me. until one fateful day.
“hey sis! you’re welcome,” your older brother, wooseok said.
“what do you mean?” you questioned while you ate your cereal.
“your letters, i sent them out,” he replied.
“WHAT?!” you slammed your hands on the table as you stood up, “wooseok, how did you even find those?!”
he grinned, “i was snooping through your closet to borrow some clothes and a box fell on me. i decided that since i’m such an amazing brother, i would send all those letters that were in the box to the guys you addressed. five guys, huh.”
“wooseok- those, those weren’t supposed to be sent out?! what’s wrong with you?” you cried out before grabbing your backpack to run to school. great, today was just not going to be your day, huh.
“good luck, lil sis,” wooseok cackled. you really were related to the devil. you prayed that you wouldn’t see any of the guys today.
your first period was pe, thank god. you shared the class with none of the boys. you were just walking around the track with your friend who was chattering very excitedly about this new rookie group’s comeback song called “spring”.
“hey (y/n), can i um, talk to you?” said a low voice. you widened your eyes as you turned around to see junhyuk in his tennis uniform. what was even worse was when you saw your mint green envelope in his right hand. oh great, you forgot that he was apart of the tennis team, who had practices during first period. your friend stopped talking and gasped as she pieced the situation together before wiggling her eyebrows at you and started to jog away. great. you were about to jog off with her but junhyuk grabbed your wrist before you could. “i read the letter last night and i was kinda shocked. did.. did you really mean it?” he asked with desperate eyes. his grip on your wrist tightened almost desperately as he grabbed your other free one with his, “please be honest with me and don’t give me any false hope.”
you gulped as your face turned red. “false hope..? junhyuk, i don’t understand..”
he sighed before looking at you again, “meet me at the tennis courts after school today. this isn’t finished,” he hesitantly let go of your wrists before waving to you with the letter in his hand, “see you later, (y/n).”
after the traumatic morning you had, it was second period. you walked slowly to class as it dawned upon you. great, you though, i have huijun in it. as you walked into the class, you avoided eye contact with everyone in class and waited for the teacher. the minutes felt like hours, but once your teacher came in, you let out the breath you didn’t know you’ve been holding in.
“okay class, take out the books in your desk and open to page 401,” your teacher yawned. you grabbed the book from the little space you had under your desk and a folded lined piece of paper fell out on your lap. “for (y/n)” it said in near handwriting. out of curiosity you opened it and it read with neat handwriting: hey (y/n), i received your letter. i didn’t know that you thought of me like that.. i feel the same. can we meet up at the top media cafe later to talk about this? love, huijun
“ahem, (y/n), is history that interesting?” the teacher crossed their arms. you got out of your shock from huijun’s small confession before shoving the paper in your backpack.
“uh- no, um i mean yes?” you meekly replied. the class laughed as the teacher shook their head before returning to the lesson. you snuck a glance at huijun who was writing diligently before looking up and waving slightly at you. you sighed before pulling out a pencil and paper.
it was passing period now and you were walking to your locker when you saw seongjun leaning against it while holding a brown paper envelope. nope, not today, you thought before turning the other way.
he caught sight of you before yelling, “(y/n), wait! i need to talk you!” you widened your eyes before running off to your next period: english. not a lot of people were there yet so you just sat at your desk and huffed. this day seemed to weird to be true. you buried your head in your arms. you weren’t even halfway done with the day yet you were ambushed by more than half of the boys already. deep in your thoughts, you jumped when you heard the chair next to you screech. minjae, you thought. you panicked because, well, he was going to be next to you this whole period. you pretended to snore so you wouldn’t have to talk to him until the teacher came. a few moments later you felt a jacket drape over you. the warmth it had was too inviting and then you actually fell asleep. 
the bell had rung, signaling for fourth period. “(y/n), wake up, you’ll be late for your next period,” minjae gently shook you. you lifted your head up drowsily and saw a few books standing up to prevent you from being seen by the teacher. oh, he took cover for you so that you could survive the whole period napping.
“hmmm...?” you rubbed your eyes to get a better look at minjae smiling softly at you.
“hurry up, (y/n), you slept through the entire third period. i covered for you because you seemed really tired. i’ll walk you to fourth period.” without thinking much, you grabbed your backpack and nodded.
“thanks for covering me, minjae,” you yawned as you guys walked to your next class. 
“yeah, no problem. i wanted to ask you about something though,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “so i got a letter earlier? did my smile actually brighten up your week?”
you inwardly cringed at the memory of writing such a sappy love letter to him, “haha, what letter?? it couldn’t possibly be the- oh” you stopped as minjae held up a pink envelope with a cherry pattern on it. you blinked a few times in disbelief as he carried it with him this entire time.
“this letter. i can’t believe that you’d write something like this, it’s kinda cute. i always knew you were a good writer,” he grinned as he waved the letter around.
“don’t just wave it around like that, give me it!” you said as you tried taking it away. it was unsuccessful as he lifted the letter up and away from you. he put it in his pocket.
“you’re not even gonna let me finish what i was saying?” he smirked. you guys reached your classroom and as you were about to walk in, minjae hugged you from the back and whispered in your ear, “come to the football game tonight, i’ll save you a front row seat,” before letting you go. your eyes widened at the sudden affection before looking around. great, now you see the minjae fangirls glaring at you. you shuddered at the ice cold tension that was in the classroom before making your way to your seat. 
it was only until the bell had rung when sungmin had ran into class. “safe!” he yelled out with a salute as you heard a teacher yell “detention!”. the classroom was filled with light giggles at his energy. you made eye contact with him and his smile slightly faltered before smiling again at his friends. ouch, you thought. you rolled your eyes before pulling out the materials for this class.
once fourth period was over, it was lunch. you sighed in relief to finally be able to eat your problems away. as you exited out of the classroom, a hand grabbed your shoulder. you let out a small shriek before whipping your head to see sungmin, with a small grin on his face.
“can we talk?”
you nervously laughed, “look, if this is about the letter, you can just forget about it.”
“well.. what if i don’t want to forget about it? (y/n), these are your feelings. you can’t just hide them forever or throw them away like it’s nothing,” he said, his grin never faltering. wow, where did the happy jokester go? you rarely ever see him being so serious, so this was probably really important to him. 
you cracked a small smile, “listen, sungmin. those feelings were hidden for a long time, it could’ve been forever if you never had been given the letter. i appreciate the words but i... really need to go now, i’ll see you,” you said as you walked away. 
“check your blazer’s pocket!” he yelled from across the hallway. you stopped and looked back, but sungmin was already gone from your sight. you found a paper sticking out of your pocket. that silly boy, he probably put it in when you weren’t looking. when you took it out, you saw a ticket to the school’s dance showcase after school at 5 pm with a post-it note saying “i hope to see you there <3 i’ll perform a song just for you”. you shook your head before putting it in your binder. 
once you entered the cafeteria, you got your lunch tray and walked outside to sit under one of the school’s trees. once you plopped down onto the cool grass, you sighed and leaned against the tree’s bark. you cursed wooseok for sending the letters and cursed at your horrible luck when you saw seongjun walking towards you. 
you were too tired to leave the relaxing shade so you just sighed as he stood in front of you. 
“(y/n)...” he started.
“before you say anything, that letter was a mistake. i know it was wrong to write a letter to my sister’s boyfriend. i don’t like you anymore,” you said a bit too quickly.
he crouched down to your level before letting out a smile small, “i broke up with your sister after i read your letter.” 
your eyes widened and you sat straight up, “you did WHAT?!” you shrieked, “h-how could you?! my sister really loved you! oh my god, seongjun! what the hell..?”
he ruffled your hair like he would always do when he visited you, “i know you wrote more letters. your older brother told me.” oh my god, you felt like such a horrible person. the guilt you had for liking him, the fact that you had probably ruined all these friendships you had, it all weighed down on you and you found yourself crying.
“i’m sorry.. i never meant for any of this to happen.. if only i didn’t write those letters..” you choked out.
he shook his head before gently pulling you towards him so that you could cry in his chest, “it’s okay, (nickname), you can’t control who you like. it’s none of your fault for liking someone, or should i say some people?” he joked. you punched his stomach lightly as he laughed out loud.
“not funny, seongjun,” you mumbled, “you know, i don’t know why i had liked you in the beginning.”
“well, for starters,” he said as he pulled out the letter from his pocket, “you said that i had a personality that was just so warm and inviting and-” you punched him one more time, a bit harder, as you sniffled, “okay, okay, i get it. who were the other people you wrote to? i think i’m the only one who knew of multiple being sent out, so you’re good.”
“.... minjaesungminhuijunandjunhyuk,” you mumbled.
for some reason, seongjun caught all of that and widened his eyes, “really?”
you sniffed and nodded, “yeah but can we go back to why you broke up with my sister so suddenly...”
he sighed, “man, you’ve always been really persistent, haven’t you?” he thinks for a bit but the lunch bell rings and cuts him off once he opened his mouth to speak.
“you’re kidding me!” you cried.
he stands up and gives you a hand to take. once you take it and grab your backpack, he ruffles your hair one last time, “if you want to hear the rest, then wait for me after school. i’ll walk you home and explain all of it, okay? see you (y/n).” the next actions shocks you as he mumbles “don’t hate me for this” and he kisses the top of your forehead before walking off. you blushed at the sudden contact before shaking your head and walking back into the school building.
fifth period had gone by quickly, and the last period was a self study period. you doodled on your notebook as you pondered over your choices. huijun had always helped you out whenever you needed help or was called out by the evil teacher. junhyuk was the shy boy who asked you to model for him because he found you pretty, and had gotten closer to you during the process. minjae was like a childhood friend you’ve known forever because you guys had always gotten along and always had each others backs. bic was like a breath of fresh air; he’d always cheer you up whenever you had a bad test score, there was never dull moments with him. lastly, there was seongjun, your older sister’s boyfriend, who had always treated you so well and listened to your problems while never criticizing you for your mistakes. 
you never imagined this happening to you, let alone, even have your feelings being reciprocated. you giggled a bit, you sounded like some main character in a wattpad fanfiction. you tapped back into reality as you thought about it. if you choose one, you would ditch the four others who would be patiently waiting for your answers. actions really do have consequences, you thought bitterly. your stomach dropped as you heard the last bell ring.
who do you choose to go to?
song minjae
bang junhyuk
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sanshine · 2 years
of course it's not just another day pup it's the day you were born my love, it's EXTREMELY special, but I'm glad you had your fun today💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💞
my day wasn't that good but your day was so it makes my day better :)♡ did you get presents today?? i want to hear all about it :))))
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 YOU ARE THE CUTEST!!!! <3333
you wanna hear all about the day??? well i hope you enjoy this essay!!!! dhfvhvfbsbf
so first i got a bunch of messages at midnight from people waiting to give me their wishes which made me feel super special <33 I EVEN GOT AN AUTOMATED ONE FROM MY BIAS WHOSE MESSAGING THING IM SUBSCRIBED TO WHICH MADE ME HAPPIER THAN IT SHOULD HDFVBHSDBFV then i went to sleep lmao and woke up to more messages and a gifset from the lovely megan who took the effort to make something for me <333 it was GREAT and then bc it was a special day i ordered a mountain of sushi for lunch!!!! after my tummy was happy me and my mom went to hang out to spend some nice time together, we went to a café had some coffee and a cake and had a lovely time but!!! a funny experience of the day!!! when i went to pay for our coffee the waiter accidentally gave me 10€ more back than he shouldve so after i noticed i came back to give it back to him telling him he made this mistake and then he got so happy seeing there still are honest people left in this world who will give money back instead of keeping it like most people would and it made me really happy to have made his day like this fdvhsdf however the story doesnt end here!!! as me and my mom were packing to leave this old man next to us started staring at me and then went on about a rant about how im basically the whole package HFDVHSFDH HE STARTED RANTING ABOUT HOW PRETTY AND KIND AND YOUNG AND HONEST I AM AND THAT IF HE WASN'T 71YO HE'D DEF APPRECIATE TO HAVE SOMEONE LIKE ME LMAO WHICH WAS KINDA WEIRD BUT SWEET IN A WAY???? FBSVBHSDVB THE WAITER CAME BY IN THE MEANTIME AND THEN THEY BASICALLY BOTH STARTED TALKING ABOUT HOW RARE IT IS TO SEE HONEST PEOPLE THESE DAYS AND HOW MUCH THEY APPRECIATE IT ETC ETC YOU GET THE IDEA LMAO MEANWHILE THE OLD GUY KEPT GOING ON ABOUT ME FVBSDFVBHSDF SO I EVENTUALLY MENTIONED ITS MY BIRTH TODAY!!! AND THEY GAVE ME THE SWEETEST WISHES and it was honestly just a lovely experience full of kindness and sweetness its so nice to see good people out there it really made me super happy and gave me quite a confidence boost sfbvhdsfhvsd
after that!! i went to get my nails done at a very luxurious looking salon as a treat!!!! and surprisigly enough the ladies working there were both in awe at how pretty and healthy my nails are despite???? me literally not taking care of them???? JHBHDBFV LIEK THATS WHY I WENT TO GET A MANICURE TO GIVE THEM SOME SHAPE?????? fvdvbshdf so that was kinda funny but my nails are so pretty now again!!!! which is a mood booster on its own!!!! dfhfvbhsv and then i went to buy some more snackies and came home where i hung out with my beloved friend uwu after that i giffed for a bit ad then just enjoyed the rest of my day doing whatever being all happy and giggly uwu OH and an old classmate of mine messaged me for my birth and we started talking a lot and we're gonna meet soon and that makes me super happy too to reunite with an old friend again dfhvbhfsvb IT WAS SUCH A LOVELY DAY!!!!!!!! <333333333 and tomorrow me and my mom get to bake a cake for me and it's gonna be another amazing day uwuwuwu
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drangues · 3 years
I’m sleeping, don’t worry- I’m just a naturally tired person, I guess? And I respond as I’m about to go to sleep, because I’d feel bad leaving it until the next morning. Anyways, for some reason Atsushi with a vending machine,,, Cute,, I feel like he’d just be very- Maybe not amazed, but happy? At food being readily available for such little money (I feel like he’d especially like the hot item vending machines that I’ve heard about, haha). (Nyanon, 1/5)
Kenji and Kyouka would hold hands, you’re right and you should say it. They like swinging their arms together as they walk. Moving on from vending machines- Listen, Chuuya and Dazai are both chaotic bastards and they will absolutely fist fight each other when given the opportunity. This is only exacerbated by children having Awful Impulse Control. I love it (also, Chuuya no, talking about that in line where strangers can hear will give them Bad Ideas about that scenario). And! (Nyanon, 2/5)
Of course I like your art!!! The colors are always chosen very well, your styling is very,, smooth? Is that the word I’m looking for? Either way, it’s very nice to look at! And the way you draw eyes is amazing, I’m a sucker for well drawn eyes, as weird as that sounds. Anyways, I’m glad we agree that Fukuzawa makes a nice “queen” who just wants to be able to pet cute cats... Someone bring him one from the normal world!!! Let him spoil a kitty,, (Nyanon, 3/5)
Let him take all the pictures he desires, the man deserves it. And I’m just,,, I know using “overused” tropes is okay but I am: An Anxiety. At all times, I’m nervous about some non existent rule. It’s stupid but them’s the breaks, I guess. Anyways, YEAH I could see the kids surviving somehow... Actually, maybe that’s how Oda adopts him? Atsushi runs away from the orphanage, and comes across some guys kidnapping? A bunch??? Of kids? After he‘s been on the streets. (Nyanon, 4/5)
And since he wants to be a Good Person, he intervenes, panics, and squirrels the kids away at wherever he’s hiding. Cue family shenanigans once Oda finds them all. Moving on to a Scenario Concept, however: Somehow, someway, every person working with the ADA has taken to writing fanfiction, or drawing art. The kicker is that they’re all fans of each other’s works, and they somehow? Never??? Noticed??? Who their favorite artists/writers/analysts were. At most, Ranpo figures it out. (Nyanon, 5/5)
ohhh a naturally tired person!! im the same, yet im also energetic, it doesnt make sense but ill be yelling in your ear and then the next second sleep in class. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KENJI WOULD DEFINITELY SWING HIS ARM AND KYOUKA WOULD DO THAT CALM SHY SMILE AS HES SMILING REALLY WIDE PLS HES REALLY HER SUNFLOWER BOY<333 
y-you think my colours are chosen W E L L ??? *slaps knee and wheezes, turns around and cries* ive been struggling s o hard with colour theory and just hating how it LOOKS and it never looking “right” so that comment made me HAPPY and uwuwuwu i love drawing eyes, tho it can be a pain in the ass . especially when i try to get it in bsd’s anime style
well i can reassure you as many times as you want uwu no worries, your anxiety is not a burden to anybody but yourself (since it tells you wacko stuff smh) but ooo!!! maybe atsushi saves the kiddos from the bomb and oda finds them and is like “thank god youre safe” and out of the corner of his eyes he sees a kid whos older, around dazais age whos just standing awkwardly with ragged clothes “who are you?” he asks, and the boy answers “atsushi” and oda wonders where his parents are so he asks that and thats when he learns atsushi is Indeed an orphan
which is why odas like “get in loser we’re going to get you a nice family” and atsushis like O-Okay . either way, after the near death experience of his K I D S oda is like fUCK this life im out so he yeets out, not without telling dazai tho (which is what makes dazai leave maybe??? i dont kNOW)
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wannawrite · 6 years
혼자야 - forever rain 🌫
blog navigator !!
day6 masterlist~
group: day6
members: park jaehyung, kang younghyun
genre: platonic, brotherly "fluff" :">>
a/n: jaehyungparkian but written with no intention of making it gay HAHAHAHA i really love their relationship +++ I WAS IN SUCH A BIG WRITING RUT so this was birthed ¡¡¡ originally a reject of my youngk series (when you love someone) LOL
imagine that brian doesnt know jae well yet and vice versa yEA HAHAHA this takes place before congratulations era~
Just as the clouds shrouding the city in mist had so subtly predicted, it had began to rain, and it had began to rain mercilessly.
The raindrops fell from the clouds, plummeting towards Younghyun's bangs at a lightning pace as if the seemingly harmless, rolls of white and grey had finally reached its breaking point and decided to offload their anger on the public.
Gradually, with each droplet gathering into one big puddle, and escalating into a waterfall, he could see the drops draping precariously on the rough tips of his brush shaped bangs, as if he was wearing beads on the tips of his hair.
Younghyun sighed as a song he held dearly to his heart, the song that spoke for their hustling generation, Forever Rain started to play, perfectly in sync with the now, unlike him. He had sighed a lot of times today, but that was most probably, his expression to life most of the time.
His songs, too, were sighs of his own. Younghyun's self written songs were never a voice of his own-they were simply a insignificant puff of hot steam, emanating tiredly into the air like a ball of wispy feathers only to disappear into thin air two seconds.
This song on his phone too, was a sigh.
A beautiful sigh.
Just like you
If I could
Just knock on somewhere
If I could kiss
The whole world so hard
Would someone welcome me
Maybe embrace my weary body
His pretty, gradually angled eyes looked up to the sky with the gaze of a baby lamb-innocent and demure. The world seemed to stop for him as he saw the beautiful teardrops of the sky pour down, knocking furiously onto his shoulder and asking for an invitation to come in.
The clouds were of white, grey, and dark grey hues, all layered vaguely together in a gently fierce gradient as their feelings oozed out onto the lamp posts, from the tips of Younghyun's raven locks to the edges of his tailor made black shoes, skimming to the depths of the drain.
The sky when it cried was so beautiful, and so unjudgemental to whoever it poured out its feelings to.
However, beneath the curtain of his clustered, jet black hair hid Younghyun's gentle sigh-in the knowledge that he'd never be able to do the same with his group members.
Still, for the first time since he had come to the thriving, fast paced city of Seoul, Younghyun felt raw, enveloping love drip through every vein in his blood as he stood upright amidst the care of the rain, and listened silently.
"Younghyun! What the heck, why are you standing like that there? You're a soaking mess, get over here!"
Revelling in the quiet of the rain caressing his ears gently and quickly, Younghyun hadn't noticed anything amidst his little zone of peace until his ears opened before his eyes did. Standing across the road was a tall figure with a striking, red umbrella domed over his even more striking blonde bangs.
"Wait, I'm sorry, I just-" Younghyun struggled to gather his words, scrambled across the road like the rain puddles as he broke from his standing position, with rising fear of disappointing his friend in his chest.
"You don't have to apologise. I know you've always liked the rain, you told me that." Jae laughed in his low, boyish voice before placing a hand on Younghyun, who had finally came back to reality and started to approach his friend. Knowing very well that it wasn't the reason for him standing there, the younger boy couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt surface to his forehead as he nodded slowly.
As both of them walked to the venue with a sudden, yet somehow not so awkward silence hanging around them, Younghyun knew, with an uneasy feeling in his heart-that someone that took to socialising like a duck to water, would never understand the pleasure of having something as insignificant as the rain to accompany them.
"Have you ever felt lonely before?"
The squeaky sound of Jae's rubber soles ceased with his question, and they stopped walking, in sync with the previous calmness that had soothed Younghyun.
Filling the awkward silence was the pattering of raindrops, crashing louder on the field of ridges in the pavement but a little softer on their umbrella.
Suddenly, the rain didn't seem so comforting after all.
"Lots of times." Jae suddenly spoke to break the silence, with an unreadable, blank expression on his face. Not being able to see a smile spread across his dashing, clear cut features felt very foreign to the younger boy, and seeing Jae feeling lonely, felt just as foreign to him.
Surprise was evident on Younghyun's face as he susceptibly raised an eyebrow.
"You're joking." he said disbelievingly.
Jae shook his head quietly. "No, I'm not."
He looked to the floor with an unusual maturity emanating from his gaze, and paused for a bit before speaking again.
"Just because I have a lot of friends doesn't mean I don't feel alone."
Instinctively and unconsciously, Younghyun's lips parted ever so slightly, gaze transfixed sharply onto the sad sliver of light skating across the curves in Jae's small, miniscule pupils.
He never really saw Jae this sad over something as small as being alone. Over being away from home, sure-over occasional fights with members, sure-but never, the hollowness of not having someone by your side.
Then, an uncheerful-maybe even condescending, maybe even bitter laugh slipped through the gaps of Jae's loosely clenched teeth.
"Ah, Younghyun, I really, really can relate to All Alone more than you think I can." he said, tone a lot more gentle than before before continuing, "It's funny, isn't it? When you have so many people surrounding you but it makes you more lonely than you were before."
Slowly recalling the sting of past incidents, Younghyun found himself nodding as he replied, "Yeah. It really just feels like...just feels like..."
"No one really cares."
The same words had come out from the mouth of two seemingly different people.
Then, with a brief exchange of glances, Younghyun started to giggle with an understanding, almost happy feeling in the crease of his eyes, and in turn, causing Jae to giggle back.
They both stood stupidly in the crowd, in the prominent presence of the storm clashing behind them-laughing, laughing and laughing, before reality hit their smiles like a brick and put a halt on their silly fit.
"H-Hey, Younghyun-or should I say, Brian-" Jae teased, with the corner of his smirk digging a small dimple at the side of his lips and earning a slap from Younghyun- "whenever you feel lonely, talk to me, yeah? We can be lonely together."
Casually, he hung a lazy arm around Younghyun's shoulder, eliciting an endearing, hearty laugh from the younger boy.
In turn, Jae's smirk softened to a smile.
"I'm totally cringing at myself for saying this, but-I'm always there for you."
Feeling the warmth amidst the cold weather beneath the laces and crosses of Jae's soft, red jumper, Younghyun's heart blossomed a small spark of warmth himself-a warmth he had never felt upon arriving in Seoul.
"I'm always there for you too, chicken-hyung." he smirked, masking his gratitude well and subsequently, arousing a strong reaction from Jae. "Hey, excuse you, since when were you-hahahahaha-allowed to-HAHAHAHAHA-tickle me?!"
In the rain, as two children played, beneath his squeals of laughter Younghyun thought inwardly-that if this was really the after effects of the rain, he wanted it to rain forever.
forgive me for how absurdly cliché this story is, this is just a warm up LOL i was having writers block after church camp but ughhh i learnt sm and grew sm spiritually <333 my life has honestly changed forever and isjdjsjsjdjs im so SOOOOO thankful rnnn hhh
anywaY like this was originally supposed to follow up w my current youngk series but i didnt really write it w my emotions so i was largely unsatisfied ://// so it was an unfinished reject sitting in my notes for a while and i really never intended to publish it HAHAHAHA until i realised i hadnt wrote in ages and then liKe i felt so so empty nd i felt like i had forgot how to immerse myself properly whenever i tried to start a chapter so all of them came out really fake and it was like a 8 year old composition quality work LOL but anyway even tho im not that happy w this either i needed smth to write (without having to think up an opening LOL IM WORST AT STARTING A STORY) to help me grasp my emotions better again <33 so i started today at "H-Hyung" HAHAHAHHAAHA obvi it has to be about my 2 day6 biases uwuwuwuwuwu
IF YALL CLDNT TELL BTW THe sCOPE OF THIS STORY WAS LARGELY INSPIRED BY MY MANS KIM NAMJOON UWUWUWU stream mono guys he deserves it :3333 alt this mixtape has been getting a lot of hypE BUT hehehe idk ilh and forever rain especially :)
also i apologise if yall are getting sick of seeing so much day6 on this blog lol as u can see i have been SO SO hooked onto their music and knowing more about them so ;------; i will write whilst i have the most inspiration to do so !!
thanks for sticking by my shitty posting times rip :"""" this is also to revive the blog because l and i r on vacay watch it slowly die for the next few days iM SORRY :(
from your favourite chicken and briyani enthusiast ^3^
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