#v : undecided.
emry-stars-art · 1 month
In my earlier design of Laila she was the shortest of the four main tsc characters but now the vibes have me indecisive again (and I can't remember if this was addressed in canon) so I'm curious:
(I'd be fine to hear if it is stated in canon but this poll is about YOUR OPINION, what did you imagine for Cat and Laila whether you have read tsc or not)
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amyothername · 5 months
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@chopperpirate: Understanding that today was a holiday celebrated by most humans, Chopper smiled wide. This was supposed to be in honor of showing love and affection, such things that Chopper was deprived of for almost his entire life. With that in mind, he rather naively assumed that most people were in holiday spirits similar to the way they would be for Christmas or birthdays. Approaching his hedgehog friend, the small reindeer held a gift-wrapped box of chocolates out toward her, his smile wide as his large, brown, baby-like eyes sparkled with excitement. "Happy Valentine's Day!" He cheered, hoping that his love-filled gift would be accepted. Hell, with the confidence and optimism he showed, it was almost like he already knew that she would accept it.
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"Awe! For me?"
Pointing to herself, she smiled at the antlered fellow as he offered her a gift. Not really expecting to receive any chocolates from him but none the less appreciated his generosity. Gingerly, she took the wrapped box of chocolates from his hooves. She definitely would have to partake in these later on.
"Thank you so much, Chopper!" Amy wrapped her arms around him for a firm hug, holding him close to her as her tail wagged softly.
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luminescenc1e · 4 months
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A titter of amusement at her expression. She had always seemed frightened, for those brief moments where she hadn’t had enough time to scold her expression into boredom or disinterest. A peculiar little thing, he thought. She had no reason to fear him, she had all the reason to be terrified. But she wasn’t supposed to know that. For her, along with almost everyone else, his performance had been intricately woven. A promising student from Hogwarts, now working at Borgin and Burkes, knowledgeable about various topics, on his way to a far more successful career.
There had been no stone left unturned in his immaculate portrayal. So he had expected her to react like everyone else had, enthralled and delighted. What a perfectly nice young man. Was that not how he was perceived? Could she know something about his true self, about his knights? No, impossible. It should be impossible. A light touch to her chin, as he forces her to look up, look at him.
Tom smiles, but it does not reach his eyes, now trained on every minuscule shift in her expression. “ Have I managed to insult you? You seem to be weary of me in a way that I don’t think I can understand. And no matter how much I think about it. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe I’ve missed something? Maybe you can enlighten me? ” Soft, meek, inviting. But it slipped, a small shift in his tone, a command.
mugglebrn asked: [ 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧 ] + reverse (for tom!) / MEME - accepting.
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mallfoii · 14 days
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The hallway adjacent to the music room was luckily empty as they walked there. He did not want any more prying eyes or nosy little girls sticking their faces where it does not belong. “ Pansy told me about what happened. ” Keep it vague, make sure that she knows what you’re talking about, but beyond that, do not reveal anything else. “ I’m guessing that you might want to get something out of this obviously lucrative situation. So… ”
Pulling out a leather wallet with his initials out of the inner pocket of his jacket, Draco opened it. He always had some money there, the school was far away from the nearest city, so it was useful to have some cash, but he made sure to get more especially for today. “ Considering that you need it. So name the price, let us be over and done with this, so we can go back to not having any connections whatsoever, as intended. ”
It wasn’t the first time that Pansy was in trouble, it wouldn’t be the last, but that didn’t matter. They looked out for each other, it was the same with Theo and Blaise. Same thing since they were kids, and he was be darned if he let some random welfare nobody mess anything up, just because she was at the wrong place - wrong time.
plotted started for @mugglebrn <3
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ruthlesslistener · 2 months
Oh my god i got so involved in my own guardian ocs that it never occured to me that i could fuckin. Bug game them. And ofc as soon as i thought of that i realized that Aeris and Marcie have an *extremely* similar dynamic to Hollow and Hornet HSHFHSJ
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silverxwords · 10 months
@dontpetmeibite sent "🔄"
D-16 is, by now, thoroughly lost-- though, at least here in these narrower, twistier streets he's not getting as many hostile stares from smaller mecha. And they don't seem as polished, either.
The sky is farther away, too, which is something of a relief. Open sky was nearly too much to handle, for how beautiful it had been.
He isn't sure where to go, so he just keeps moving. And then he rounds a corner, and first slows, then stops completely, to stare.
Who was that?
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notyetfixed-a · 7 months
@caelumangeli continued from x
The rogue looked to her companion as he doubled over, her brow quirked in curiosity. People like her? There was a bit of a laugh to that wording as she wipes the ichor from her blade off and into the dirt, counting the others to make sure everyone was caught up and safe from the surgery theater. Once the headcount was complete, she turned back to the azure haired male who was motioning in frustration, kicking the dirt, and making it known that he was very much so stressed out beyond belief.
"Well," Colette started softly as she moves over to him, "You are definitely allowed to be frustrated and feel all the ways you want to feel. No one is telling you not to." She pauses and pulls some strands of long-rotted guts that were stuck to the side of his armor. "People, like me, are just well used to this carnage and...chaos. The blighted lands are a bit out of my reach, but! We have the lute! That's one step closer, right?" The blonde grinned softly, head craned to the side as she stood up straight.
"I'm not saying to not have feelings about what's happened...but we survived. It's just a positivity thing. The world is a shit place, but if you can at least look for the light at the end of the tunnel, shit doesn't feel so bad."
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churchfoundling · 1 day
@potestmagice / starter call.
❛ surprised to run into you here. ❜
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oathfcrged · 2 months
@stcllata : “Oh. Didn’t you get the memo? This is my favourite spot.” [ from theo. ]
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" I take it I am interrupting something then? " He needed a place to rest even if it was just for a few moments. After walking all day, out of choice on this occasion, his thighs ached and he only had half of his water left - after a short break he'd start his walk home.
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Even if it was this guy's favourite spot he didn't see anywhere else to sit - his mind was already made up so he sat and got himself comfortable. " It is polite to share and if I do not sign my legs will give way from underneath me. "
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hexja · 4 months
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🔮 . ‧͙⁺˚*・༓ ☾. A DASH OF DISMAY. ( open starter / mutuals only. )
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  " — i sincerely suggest cutting down on the recklessness if you're going to be twiddling about with this sort of thing. " it's command disguised as suggestion, sharp nails plucking a corkscrew cap from a mysterious bottle of something foul while tharja muses her thoughts. three identical sized drops are added to the concoction, and a half - hearted wave of slender fingers stirs the liquid. it bubbles ; and she cants back, pleased.
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  " not that i expect you to actually know what you're doing, let alone care as much about the process as you do the result. ... but slip - ups are far more common than you think. you could render a tincture completely null, or better yet — the complete opposite of it's intended effect. " a thin smile, one most grim. " and say bye - bye to the land of the living. "
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amyothername · 4 months
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[❤] ||@hifimuses:
"I see someone is interested." Shadow with glitter all over his hands looking and picking up the bingo card. "Never would have guessed, but you seem to be my type according to the card."
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"Seems so!" She had to refrain herself from giggling at his hands. Maybe she shouldn't of used that much glitter. Amy cleared her throat to distract herself from his hands. "So ... what now?"
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luminescenc1e · 5 months
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Mister Chandler, when stripped from his cowboy persona was very intuitive. A great asset and gift, one that she did not feel particularly grateful for at the moment. A shiver passed over her, a kind of cold settling itself in the pit of her stomach. One that had nothing to do with the weather or the winter months. She had foolishly hoped that she had bested the wretched demon that held her in his rains for so long, that at last, she was free to resume her life or start it anew.
Finally able to reach out and almost touch the normality that was all around, in every mother with her unruly child, in every chimney sweep, and in all the small fruit stalls where customers carefully picked out deliciously ripe apples. But it was perhaps her own punishment, that she would never fully be able to be part of that life.
“ Ethan…” She says on the exhale as they make their way down the cobblestone street. It was rather late at night and Sir Malcolm had asked them to meet at the London Zoo. “ I don’t want to lie, but I’m afraid. I’m afraid to speak of these things, afraid if I mention them, it would lure them to me once again. Afraid of what might happen. Afraid of who I might hurt. ” She looks at him now with a tenderness that she should conceal but does not want to, or does not know how. “ You understand, don’t you? ”
fullintenticns asked: ‘you can't lie to me. i can tell when you're lying.’ For Vanessa from Ethan / MEME - accepting.
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maxfortress · 11 months
He's tired.
Red Alert keeps panicking at him.
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youthstolen · 2 months
" where's my fucking teenage dream? " from tribrid hope
@nklsdttr / prompt.
❛ probably in the same circle of hell mine went. ❜ being a teenager is hard enough, being a witchy teenager is awful... davina can't wrap her mind around the idea of being in hope's shoes. the first (and only) of her kind, it must be so lonely. but, if the witch is honest, she's more than willing to be there for her. while the relationship she holds with the mikaelson family is complicated to say the least, davina doesn't hold hope responsible for any of the pain they inflicted. she's innocent, in that sense. ❛ want to talk about it? or just rant? rage room it? ❜
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prophaecies · 2 months
@hcpemikaelscn / sc.
❛ life is about more than just surviving. ❜
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churchfoundling · 1 month
@theresastargirl / sc.
❛ it's a funny story. ❜ the laugh that follows that statement is a strange one. a mix of genuine humour, nervousness, anxiety and a hint of fear. impulse has gotten the best of her again but ruby is fairly certain that she's failing to hide that part. ❛ i saw another ladder in the sky and i jumped. need to know where's going. summat's off about it and i gotta find out what! ❜
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