hiseyeisonthesparrow · 2 months
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chloe12801 · 1 year
I feel like this may be an odd request but I have the biggest crush on Lamar. Could I ask for relationship headcanons for him if you are up for it? SFW and NSFW would be appreciated but totally up to you. I feel like the odd woman out in my love for him lol Thank you!
Lamar Davis Headcannons
TW: non-graphic sexual details
There’s actually quite a few who love Lamar, I’m one of them! If he had more screen time even more people would, imo. He’s a great character and this request was not odd at all! I had fun doing it :)) I hope you enjoy!
- He loves spending time smoking weed in his house with you. It would be one of his favorite date night activities
- Pet names like shawty, lil mama, sweet thang, sexy, and some other reference to you as a person (ex: pumpkin/pumpkin head if you are really into fall/autumn just to be a bit cheeky)
- He’s an ass man, his hands will be all over yours all of the time
- He’s a great roaster, you two will likely have roast sessions where you just go back and forth dissing each other. It’s all in good fun though
- Loves you as much as chop, but not more than him. He’s chop, essentially Lamar’s son, after all
- Will want to share his raps and poems with you, also will be very happy if you’re receptive to his philosophies. No one else really is so it would be a nice change
- Will let you keep one of his hats because you look cuter in it, will be happy to see you wearing it out and about
- You will probably fight about his impulsivity and recklessness that always ends up with him being in danger. You just worry about him and wish he used his brain more in serious situations
- He thinks he’s almost invincible, so he won’t understand why you’re concerned. He thinks he can handle his own even if it’s him against every man in LS
- Lamar is really loyal so if you have any enemies or people you simply don’t like, he’s going to feel that way about them too (unless it’s someone from his circle, in that case he will try to keep the peace between everyone, defending all of you to each other)
- He’s going to want you to be the same way to him, very loyal
- He’s goofy, tries to stay positive, and wants other people to relax more. He will do what he can to make you more like this as well
- For example, if you’re stressed he will joke and try to calm you down with reassurance and positivity
- He can be jealous and petty (just look at the whole employee if the month situation). If someone is coming on to you he’s going to be clingy and have a grudge against them for a long time, even if the grudge just consists of bringing up the situation to the person coming on to you for years
- He’s spiritual and into learning about spiritual types of things. If you like crystals and chakras, for example, he’s going to eat up every word
- He’s good in bed. He doesn’t take it too serious, he makes sure you are having a good time, and his nickname “long dick” isn’t an overcompensation
- I don’t think he has many kinks, perhaps roleplay of wild animals/predator prey situations. He mainly likes trying new positions and paces
- He thinks sex is a spiritual thing, especially if you love the person. He feels like it connects you to higher powers and gives you better energies
- He’ll be honest with you about everything, like if you have something in your teeth. He can be blunt about it, but he doesn’t mean any harm
- He will want a bunch of kids, likes the idea of a little Army of Lamars running around
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Alexander Skarsgård, Mia Goth – Infinity Pool ’23 Interview - Parviz Khosrawi, Celebrity Interviews, uploaded 14 April ’23 (x)  Thanks Skarsjoy (x)
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my313 · 5 months
who in txt is merman coded
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koushirouizumi · 27 days
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{K Y O U K A R A M A O U!} ~ Y U U R I & W O L F R A M + Y U U R I & G R E T A (as P l a t o n i c L o v e)
(They were for {Y u u r i}'s {b i r t h d a y}}!!) -> {Jul. 29th 2.k.2.4!!}
{via Official here and here!}
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Today's aceshipping headcanon is that Masumi tries to go on a test date with each of her guy friends after realizing she kind of has feelings for both of them to see which one she'd like being with more, and at the end of both outings she still can't come up with an answer. Why can't she just date both of them...
Wait. Can she?
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nostalgia-tblr · 9 months
i suppose this is a book review
I finished a book! It was The Usurper King: The Fall of Richard II and the Rise of Henry of Bolingbroke, 1366-99 by Marie Louise Bruce (Amazon link, sorz - I read this Kindle edition). I wasn't that keen on it at first so I skipped some bits early on and in the middle but once the actual usurping got underway it was quite exciting. I think one of the parts I skipped was the Peasants' Revolt (oops) so I shall have to find out about that from somewhere else, and as usual I kind of gave up on keeping track of who all the various nobility were who changed their name every time they got promoted (and in this particular story occasionally demoted). This is all part of the backstory for the Wars of the Roses though so I had some idea who most of the the most-royal people were already - this is the bit where we skip from the son of the first son of Edward III to the son of his third son and the kid who doesn't get the throne in this one is Important Later On, or at least his descendants are.
Anyway, Richard II is the son of The Black Prince (nobody seems to know why he was called that, so let's just say he was a goth) and he is quite unpopular with basically everyone, and he got semi-deposed in the 1380s but hung on and then got vengeful about it a decade later. Anyway he'd pissed off everyone and he'd had this weird sort of sexual tension loyalty-but-also-bitterness thing going on with his cousin Henry (son of the third son of etc) and then banished him and disinherited him, at which point the book notes that Henry considers this to be Richard breaking his coronation oath and adds ominously that all this fuckery therefore dissolves Henry's bond of fealty to his king... and then shit - as they Americans say - gets real.
So Henry comes from France to England with about a dozen boats and he has maybe 200 men in his can't-really-call-that-an-army BUT as mentioned everyone fucking hates Richard so as he wanders across England his forces grow signficantly. (If England had a penny for every time an invading Henry has overthrown an unpopular Richard...) And Richard's at this point off oppressing Ireland and for some reason dilly-dallys a bit there despite the Cousin-Usurper-Has-Invaded-England thing, and when he does show up (in Wales) he promptly falls for some oath-breaking (of which there is A LOT in this story, mostly from Richard himself) and gets arrested and deposed.
At this point the author expresses some scepticism about whether Henry really had much in the way of grounds for claiming the throne (oh and also he'd told most of his new allies that he wasn't going to - see previous mention re: the shocking amount oath-breaking going on here) but he manages to get it and then to hold onto it he of course has to kill Richard but he's not keen on the idea and then there's a failed rebellion and then soon after that Richard conveniently dies, possibly because they stopped feeding him (GRIM!) and then there's the history equivalent of a post-credits teaser for the next film, where Henry (now the IV) dies and apparently his son liked Dead Richard more - I should look into that as it sounds a bit fucked up. And like I said the 'skipped-over second son' plot point will become important in the 1460s or thereabouts.
Some of the primary sources are quoted in the original Badly Spelled English - though in fairness there's no standardised spelling as yet (and won't be for some time) but still it's hard to make sense of in places so I often just skipped those quotations. There's also the odd bit of untranslated Latin (thanks, shitlord!!!) but never more than a line so it could be worse. Sometimes events are referred to without further explanation which is a bit annoying - I want to know why Henry V will be so pissed off at his dad! And why an archbishop gets executed in some later installment! But yeah mostly I found it a bit of a slog early on but once - as the French say - la merde got le real it picked up a lot and it became quite the page-turner which is partly the nature of the events but points to the author anyway cos I know that - alas! - a bad writer can turn any bit of history dull.
I'd initially given this 3 stars but then upped it to 4 when I was finished because it got rly good in the last half.
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chibigaia-art · 2 years
you is a cool dude. keep being cool my man
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on it boss
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cthoniccompanion · 2 years
I don't think I was clear enough about this in the first wave of Tumblr migrants:
If you come to follow my blog and you have a DNI that includes any kind of shipping discourse, trust me when i say you are not gonna want to follow me.
I'm old and I don't care. Ship whatever you want. But if you're gonna come out front and try to police that for other people, I'm blocking you.
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lovphobic · 9 months
talked in stream ab getting a friend to watch a/ib (without naming it). everyone asked me what show i was talking about. i dragged like another 2 people down with me i think. im doing what i do best. its taken me a while but good god i am doing what i do best
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lokh · 10 months
now you might think......... wolfs rain and op crossover once is already surprising. well its gonna happen again
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kogameh · 11 months
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reposting this here because i can't believe this is a crossing animal line %%&£&%^£
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chloe12801 · 9 months
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Lamar core
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
For the character ask game - Curtain and/or Nicholas for 2, 7, 27? <33
2: When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
honestly i'm not sure when i started to like him, but it irritates me. you bastard. obviously i didn't like him at first considering how he treats everyone around him, although i thought he was really funny bc of all the cringe things he does. but somewhere along the line--even before the redemption speedrun, although that kinda sealed the deal bc seeing curtain do the big 🥺 eyes nicholas usually does was a trip--i started liking him and im very mad about it. couldn't tell you when though.
7: A quote of them that you remember
okay, to take pressure off, i'm not going to try to think of the best/funniest quote, i'm just going to give the first one that comes to mind.
[visibly crying and reddened with anger] "I AM NOT SAD! I AM FINE!!!!!" (<- said while screaming at a twelve year old)
27: If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
ohhhhh man. i don't know. i have no idea. i was looking at my crossover polls for ideas and actually now i have a nonsensical answer. the scooby gang i've decided. as in scooby doo not buffy oh god i hope no one thought i meant buffy. not that buffy is bad but i did mean scooby doo. ANYWAY.
i dont have an explanation. i just think it would be funny.
2: When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
i loved him immediately. just right away. look at him how could i not
7: A quote of them that you remember
once again just going with the immediate first answer that comes to mind and for some reason that's "is this bird......mm, trained in the art of, ah. c. conveyance? and round-trippery? hehehh???"
27: If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
once again no fucking idea. there are so many good options for him to parent (my god please let him adopt the baudelaires and alex rider and--) but also my GOD can you imagine him and the gang meeting artemis fowl. it'd be such a huge fucking mess oh my god. how does artemis react to a genuinely kind and well-meaning adult who also isn't a complete idiot? how does nicholas react to a small child who is clearly in a bad situation but is also fucking ruthless and a mean little shit and oh god he reminds him of nathaniel please oh no
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fightwing · 1 year
roadtrip jason voice: i’m gonna push you out of the car if you don’t move your hand. / @failrobin
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IN DICK'S DEFENSE, JASON is technically over the tacit, rules of the roadtrip line. since there's only two of them in the backseat, the MIDDLE seat is supposed to be equally divided and jason's leg is crossing the threshold into DICK'S space so, you know, law of dick's land and all. and maybe, like an ADULT, he could say something like 'please move' (he doesn't need the space, doesn't even really want it), or could just ignore it all together (he probably should sleep at least a little before they get there), his ultimate decision lies in something he hasn't done in probably twenty five plus years. he scoots closer. close enough that there's not even a breath in between them, nothing but a single pointer finger that given one small speed bump would probably set off civil war: roadtrip, but decidedly NOT specifically touching him. if he really thinks about it, he's probably scolded his own kids for using this exact same silly (but effective) tactic, but there's just something about a sibling that begs for buttons to be pushed. it's then he says " i'm not touching you. "
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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{K Y O U K A R A M A O U!} ~ W O L F R A M & G R E T A (as P l a t o n i c L o v e) + Y U U R I & W O L F R A M {from this} (Official Side Story!)
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