#v. anbu
xhatake · 1 year
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" So you just ... make poison, in your body? " Kakashi probably sounds a little too interested. His gaze was still transfixed on the palm of Akira's hand. It was still seeping blood from the poison-coated kunai he had just hurled at his opponent. Kakashi was amazed, to say the least. He had read about such an ability in a very old book, but the information had been limited. He was briefed on the abilities of his team but seeing it firsthand was different entirely. It wasn't something he expected from the other, who was so prone to soft smiles & hopeful ideals. He probably sounds foolish so his gaze finds a spot behind Akira to focus on. Still, he continues, " and it just... comes out? "
@writelives || inspired by!
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flawlessstriker · 8 months
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Naruto Kinktober 2023 Day 12 - Root - Stealthing - Athletics AU @narutokinktober
Did another collab with my bf @damien-wolfram-art for today. His post is right over here!
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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hatredcurse · 5 months
It was about two days into the escort mission, of which Sasuke was assigned to Gaara out of the gracious, good-heart of incumbent hokage, Naruto. Like any other job, Sasuke took it with grace and without complaint, dishing out his usual protective services obedient as a dog; his heart longing for a challenge that will never come.
The kazekage was tolerable, for the least part. For that, the Uchiha was grateful.
It made the brunt of this work easy. A smooth-sail for the two of them where the little raven could keep to himself and his escortee didn't seem to take too much offense to it. If he did, well, he was more than welcome to write a lengthy complaint and file it to ANBU captain Sai later.
The first day passed by as quickly as it came. Sasuke retrieved the Gaara from his safehouse tower before they took to the road, the former far too busy keeping his sights on all angles around the two of them. Sunagakure was taxing to oversee by himself and a labor on his gifted vision, almost spurring on a premature headache. That, and trying to maneuver around wandering guests and shinobi searching for the kazekage's undivided attention. There was nothing in Sasuke's protocol to require action nor inaction, so he had push additional energy into preventative measures.
The second day no different than the first, only now they were nearing the border where the Uchiha could focus his attentions to wider and clearer radius than the tight street corners and shifting crowds. They were alone among the towering dunes and that's when the shared silence broke:
"It bothers you, does it not?" asked Gaara || @desertgourd
"What does?" Sasuke responded, flat-toned but curious.
Everything bothers him, all the time. Painful reminders of his childhood, heady reminders of his sins, annoying conjecture and unsolicited opinions on his character. But, what would Gaara know of it? Sasuke doubts he'd refer to any of that because he assumed the redhead to be polite, unless he wished to close the wide gap between both their worlds; seeking for familiarity in the middle ground.
He was Naruto's acquaintance after all, but Sasuke was only a bystander.
"The desert is hot, but bearable," he went on and assumed the least offensive topic here.
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irukasenseii · 9 months
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[Mobile friendly verse post] Feel free to specify for a specific verse if wanted when doing starters or sending in asks!
Canon verses: [v: prankster][v: teachers aide][v: pt 1][v: time skip][v: pt 2][v: blank space][next gen] These verses start from after the kyuubi attack when Iruka was still terrorizing people with pranks as a child, straight up to his promotion as vice-principal. They follow canon as closely as possible/are set during different periods of the show/manga. Next gen covers the boruto-esque era, but is inclusive for all the next generation oc babies (not just the canon ones). He's no longer a teacher and acts as headmaster.
Non-canon verses [v: papa-ruka] [Affiliated w/ @silverfaxg] Iruka takes in Kadia and cares for her as if she was his own, stepping in as an uncle/father figure when she needs it and providing a place for her to stay when she doesn't want to be home. He hopes to nurture her love for teaching and the path she wants to take as a medic-nin.
[v: traitors aide] // [v: forevermore] [Affiliated w/@thecopynin-kakashi] After his life is saved by Kakashi and he learns the reasons why the other went rogue, Iruka resolved to help him and stubbornly refused to take no as an answer until Kakashi agreed to let him help. He chose to secretly aide Kakashi in his endeavor until Kakashi could return to the village. Their partnership turned into a secret relationship and Iruka is now engaged to Kakashi; who is now the sixth hokage
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alukaforyou · 8 months
today im thinking of.. anbu!mads oooh that would be Seck See wat mask would he have im biased so i wanna say cat cuz i love nekos but open to suggestions tbh
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daybreakrising · 2 years
@kyugens​ sent:  ❛ THIS is your breaking point ? ❜ - from itachi @ yamato
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There was something so detached about the calm, quiet voice coming from behind the blank face of the mask. That was part of the point of having them, of course, beyond anonymity. They were nothing more than soldiers, nameless, faceless weapons. Even so, as used to it as he was, there was a thread of unease in Tenzo’s heart when he looked at the youngest of their team.
“Everyone has one.” His own voice was equally calm and quiet, a leftover habit from his ROOT training. “This is mine.” That was the one thing ROOT had been unable to take from him, and he intended to hold onto it no matter what. He had his limits. He had lines he wouldn’t cross. He would take down whatever enemy he was aimed at, in whatever means necessary.
But not children. Not even brainwashed, bloodthirsty teenage assassins from an enemy village who would slip a kunai into his heart without remorse if given the chance.
“I’ll contain them, subdue them, but I’m not putting them down. If the team goes in there to kill, you can count me off this mission. I don’t care what the orders were.”
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
तमिलनाडु में कुछ दलित गांव प्रधानों को नहीं है झंडा फहराने का हक, टीएनयूईएफ सर्वे का खुलासा
तमिलनाडु में कुछ दलित गांव प्रधानों को नहीं है झंडा फहराने का हक, टीएनयूईएफ सर्वे का खुलासा
TNUEF Survey On Dalit Panchayat: ये कैसी आजादी है जो अभी तक भेदभाव से नहीं उबर पाई है. देश आजादी का 75 वां जश्न मनाने जा रहा है और इसी देश के एक सूबे में दलित ग्राम प्रधान को राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराने का हक तो बैठने के लिए कुर्सी तक नसीब है. कहीं दूर की बात नहीं ये दक्षिणी राज्य तमिलनाडु (Tamil Nadu) की कहानी है. तमिलनाडु अस्पृश्यता उन्मूलन मोर्चा-टीएनयूईएफ (Tamil Nadu Untouchability Eradication…
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skyahri · 29 days
Hate |Naruto Men X Reader| HC
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Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: Hate is a strong word, but it's also a very fragile one.
Warnings: Brief smut, kissing mentions of p and v. Some angst, but all comfort. Mentions of blood, violence, and death.
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Kakashi Hatake
You hated how full of himself he was. He was always talking down to people, to his teammates and so-called friends. He goes out of his way to show people up no matter how inappropriate the situation may be.
He hated that you always stuck up for people he considered weak. He hated how much time and energy you put into helping others instead of focusing on your own training. He hated that you had so much potential, yet seemed to waste it at every opportunity.
As time went on and you were forced into each other's inner circles, your occasional arguments became a constant bicker. It got even worse when you were assigned to his ANBU team. You questioned his every move and fought every decision he made.
In return, he always gave you the least desirable night shifts. He'd make you write all the reports, saying something about needing to learn to respect your elders (he's only a few months older than you).
Once you were put in charge of your own team, things quieted down. Not because either of you had mellowed out, but because you didn't cross paths as often anymore.
Because of how rarely you saw him, you always made sure to make your brief encounters worth it. You had practically written a list of insults to throw his way. He returned the same energy with out hesitation.
Eventually, after his genin team had gone their separate ways and you had finally retired from ANBU, you had a seemingly infinite amount of time to rekindle your rivalry with him.
He always seemed to be heading in the same direction as you were. It didn't matter if you were on your way to the Hokage's office, the shops, or meeting up with someone- he was always there.
You tried to fight with him like the good old days, but it was different now that you were grown adults. Maybe the ungodly amount of trauma combined with the wedge distance had created in your odd relationship had finally put an end to your petty war.
Thinking back, maybe this is what it had been all along, and your stupid kid brain was too proud to admit what was really going on.
Your arguing had turned into kissing the moment he stepped through your apartment door. Things moved quickly, expert hands doing away with endless layers of Jonin uniforms in a rushed attempt to feel more of each other.
It felt right. Like the decades of tension had finally come to a head and you were being forced to deal with it in the most animalistic way possible.
"I hate you."
Your mumbling between desperate kisses. He doesn't acknowledge you immediately, opting to instead lift you by your ass so your legs could wrap around him. He pushes you against the wall, pressing his clothed election right against your womanhood.
"I hate you, too."
Neither of you acknowledges the elephant in the room, that the word you're looking for isn't actually hate. But that's beyond your cloudy minds right now.
Shikamaru Nara
Shikamaru has never really bothered with social pleasantries or subjected himself to cater to what people like and dislike. In fact, he often chastised people for caring what others think.
He always commented about what you wore, how well groomed you were, and the overall effort you put into your appearance each day.
You hated listening to it, which is why you always did your best to avoid him.
It wasn't even about you specifically. You hated hearing how rudely he'd shut down Ino when she would ramble on about anything. You hated when he complained about how loud Naruto and Kiba were despite knowing that they're just excitable people. You hated hearing the damn near sexist remarks he'd make about how stupid people were for giving any shots about how they looked.
It was annoying. It didn't seem to phase anyone else anymore, but that almost made it worse.
You were at your breaking point. Just one comment away from losing your composure and you prayed to God you'd be able to refrain from saying anything too harsh.
But alas, Kakashi had assigned you to yet another mission with him- the sixth one just this month.
At least he waited until you were at the Inn before he started up with you. You honestly don't know why he let you shower first if it was going to be such an issue.
"Finally. I thought you'd be in there forever."
"What the Hell is your problem with me?"
He paused in his tracks. He wasn't expecting you to say anything to his usual grumbling, and especially didn't expect it to be so hostile.
"You always take forever in the bathroom."
"It was twenty minutes. You'll live."
"It wouldn't be that long if you didn't bother with all the extra shit you use."
"Why is it such a problem that I care about what I look like? I don't ever involve you in it and yet you're always talking about it."
He rolled his eyes, about to blow off whatever you were saying, but you started up again before he could.
"All you ever do is bitch and whine and moan about dumb shit that doesn't concern you. I like to look nice. I like wearing clothes that compliment my figure and putting time into the health of my hair and skin. It's not the end of the world, so shut the fuck up about it already."
You walked past him and lay in one of the twin beds, tired from the journey and pissed about your teammate's usual poor behavior.
He didn't say anything. He continued with what he was going to do before the argument and carried on like nothing had happened.
He kept any conversations strictly professional for the duration of the mission, something you were ecstatic about.
It wasn't until a few days after you returned home that you heard from him. He showed up at your apartment unprompted, looking irritated and slightly flustered.
"After talking with my team, it may have come to my attention that I might be kind of an ass."
You invited him in, curious as to what he had to say. He admitted that he had never been called out on it. Most people don't take him too seriously and he may have gotten a bit too comfortable voicing every thought that crossed his mind.
Although he had mostly soothed any nerves you had, you still decided he owed you.
You dragged him into your room, sat him at your vanity, and laughed when he groaned. You pulled out all the stops for him. You took him through your entire routine start to finish and when you were done, you asked him hiw it felt.
He hated that it felt nice. He hated that he suddenly realized how dry his skin usually was and how clean he suddenly felt. He would never fully admit that to you, though.
Him showing up at your apartment the next day, conveniently around the time you usually started these things, was all the confirmation you needed that he no longer deemed it a waste of time.
Sasuke Uchiha
He hated going to the Hokage's office, not because he was still in the thick of earning his freedom after the war, but because he hated Kakashi’s assistant.
You annoy him. He hates that you so confidently push his buttons. He hates that you're just a civilian, but you've been given so much authority over him. It was an unfit existence for the last Uchiha.
You enjoyed messing with him. He would grumble when given his assignment and you made sure to mock him with a playful pout. You'd check in with the ANBU watching over him to make sure he was behaving. You always used that word- behaving. As if he were a child.
Unfortunately for Sasuke, Kakashi isn't in the village right now, meaning he's stuck taking orders from you. He swears Kakashi picked you to oversee him intentionally, knowing how much it would bother him.
He's sitting next to you, helping you go through seemingly endless piles of paperwork. He wasn't sure if this was better than all the D-rank missions he'd been assigned lately, but he begrudgingly accepted the change of pace.
He glances at you through his peripherals. The sun is just going down, the orange light illuminating your soft features. Your usual bratty expression was replaced with a more peaceful one.
This was most likely just as much a break for you as it was for him. He wasn't oblivious to the way you had to reel Kakashi in every day, damn near having to tie him to his chair to get anything done.
"You can go home. I'll finish up here and we can resume tomorrow."
He didn't argue, thankful for relief from the horrifically tedious task. As he was leaving the building, he suddenly got this feeling in his gut that he should stay.
Of course, not wanting to do more paperwork than he was required to, he ignored the feeling and carried on.
He should've stayed. Just an hour after he left, while you were packing up for the night, the tower was raided by rogue nin.
The alarm sounded in the village, immediately calling all available shinobi. Bee, the ANBU assigned to him, gave him permission to lend a hand, and off they went to the tower.
He teleported himself to Kakashi’s office, knowing you would most likely be in there or at least somewhere near. What he wasn't expecting, however, was you standing over a body, kunai in hand and blood splattered across your body.
You didn't move, couldn't move. He reached forward, tugged the blade out of your shaky grip, and let it fall to the floor. You let him, not really in the mood to fight any more than you had to right now.
"Is he dead?"
Your question caught him off guard.
"I've never killed anyone before."
Ah. Civilian. Right. Sure, you belonged to a Shinobu village and even worked under the Kage, but that was vastly different than being on the front lines.
He thought for a second. Was he in any sort of position to be responsible for you at the moment? Should he hand you off to one of the other nin and return home?
"Cover your eyes."
It took a minute for his words to register in your hazy mind, but once they did you obeyed. If there was one thing you knew would benefit you, it would be allowing him to take the lead for now.
He put his hand between your shoulder blades and guided you through the hallways, down the stairs, and away from the tower completely. He glanced around, but couldn't find Bee, so he opted to take you back to his apartment. It would cause a lot less trouble if he was where he was supposed to be after all.
At home, he sat you down in the tub and turned on the water. He left you there, letting all the blood loosen from your skin. He returned a moment later, setting a stack of clothes down on the counter and grabbing a rag from the cabinet.
Neither of you spoke as he gently scrubbed your face. When he was done, he got a little bit of shampoo and worked all the red out of your hair.
You were slowly coming out of your daze. It was nice being brought out by something kind and comforting. It was almost enough to distract you from the night's events. Almost.
When he was done, he handed you the cloth, telling you to finish up and see him when you're done. You nodded, standing up and undressing when the door closed. You noticed how clean the water ran, most likely due to how thoroughly the Uchiha had taken care of you.
When you stepped out of the tub, you noticed the clothes on the counter. Upon closer inspection, they were similar to the ones he was wearing now- a t-shirt and sweats.
You joined him in the adjacent bedroom where he waited patiently. He all but forced you into his bed, shutting down all of your protests. When he went to leave the room, you quickly grabbed the fabric of his shirt to stop him.
"Please stay."
He didn't fight you. He walked around to the other side of the bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard and staring blanky in front of him.
You were thankful for the comfort of simply not being alone. Not after tonight, when so much had happened and the trauma was still fresh in your mind.
He tried telling himself that this was not a personal act, but instead one that would aid his village. But who was he kidding? He was realizing you weren't all that terrible and he had just allowed his angst brain to manipulate him into thinking so.
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xhatake · 1 year
“I’m chatty. It’s part of my charm” from genki! || @rewrittn
Kakashi had departed from Konoha after being assigned a mission. It was simple on paper, a group of bandits had taken over an abandoned temple & it was his job to wipe them out. It hadn't warranted dispatching out a whole team & so the task fell upon Kakashi. It was just more orders to him, more blood to spill. It was supposed to be quick, clean & efficient --- unfortunately, that was hardly the case. He had only managed to split one throat before it became apparent that his intel was flawed. The men that had banded together weren't just mindless brutes; they were shinobi. Still, he had foolishly pushed forward. Perhaps it was pride; or a persistent disregard for his own survival.
Kakashi had shifted in & out of the shadows, a heavy silence following him. His steps were light and calculated. The only thing that gave away his presence was the soft sound of a sharp blade tearing through flesh. He managed to drag his kunai across the throats of four men before their bodies were discovered, alerting the bandits to the intruder. It hadn't been long before they found Kakashi, hands drenched in their friends' blood. There were more men than he had thought, more than he had been prepared to deal with. He may have summoned his ninken if there was even a moment to think, dancing in between attacks. He did all he could to deflect their blades, but their numbers were overwhelming ----
But something unanticipated took place. Another man entered the fray, tearing through flesh & providing Kakashi with a sliver of hope for their survival. Though he didn't know the man, they worked well together --- there was a certain understanding that they were on the same side. They left a trail of bodies in their wake, uncovering a network of hideouts like this scattered throughout the area. Initially, Kakashi had taken him to be missing-nin --- he wore the telltale sign of someone who had defected around his neck. Through interactions, he quickly learned that it was more of a sentimental statement & that Genki had only ever served Genki.
It left Kakashi weary. To serve no one was to have no accountability and no direction. Someone like Genki could be dangerous as they were commendable. Regardless, Kakashi would likely be dead if not for him. Up until now, Kakashi had been a brick wall. He hadn't been too keen on sharing the details of his mission nor how he fell short. Instead, he had opted to listen to the other chat, occasionally sharing a passing thought. They had set up camp, deciding to pursue the information they had uncovered. Kakashi had spent the earlier part of the evening caring for his wounds & listening to Genki fill the silence with whatever thought popped into his head.
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" You do have a lot to say. " Though he tries to sound annoyed, he doesn't try that hard. It was oddly familiar, though he had known very few like him. They're sitting across from one another, on either side of a small fire they had started. Kakashi couldn't help but admire the other's willingness to be forthright. It wasn't a common quality in any shinobi, but not many were allowed to define their own secrets... it was disarming, in a way. He tries not to let his voice betray any intrigue the other sparks, keeping his tone flat. " It's not every day you meet a chatty shinobi. "
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risuola · 5 months
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It's so easy to love you and it's even easier to admire how hardworking you are. You trained and became strong, you assisted in creating the ANBU leading the first unit. You were the pride and joy in Tobirama's life, but with all of that came also the fear. The terror of losing you.
cw: not much, it's mostly fluffy. it gets a little steamy towards the end, so reader discretion is advised — 2,5k words
note: when I was translating this chapter, I realized that the timeline can be a little blurry, though I tried to make it as clear as possible, but I'll summarize this here quickly: one year has passed since the wedding until the events from chapter V, then one year she was training and working in ANBU and then the mission took another year. so it's three years since they married ❥
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Sometimes, you felt like you and Tobirama were meant to be. Like this whole arranged, political agreement was planned somewhere by someone who has way more power than you’d think, because even after nearly three years with that man, you still find it difficult to understand how on earth you worked so well when it’s more than clear that you shouldn’t.
There were just too many differences between you and your husband. He’s cold and stoic whilst you are warm and bubbly. Your calmness doesn’t make a fraction of how calm he is, or rather, used to be. You loved to touch him and for his entire life, Senju faltered from physical contact. And yet, all of it changed, when you stepped into his life. A princess from the foreign village, a diamond that was kept in the cage made of gold and luxury, a bird that was yearning for freedom and safety. Tobirama gave you both of these things.
The feelings between you two only solidified after the incident in your homeland. It’s almost two years after the unfortunate chain of events that led the young Senju to leave the negotiations in Konoha to save you from abusive ritual that took place in Yu; a pathetic display of parenting that your father thought was a favor to your husband. After that, and the little time you needed to heal completely with a help of one of the best medics in the leaf village, you had made a decision to go back to training. Ever since you moved, you spent your time learning topography of your new home, befriending people, helping – none of which you put into your own development and it’s only after you were defeated so easily, it got to you that everything that you thought you knew was not even a fraction what you should be able to execute.
That’s why for the months after that, you trained – mostly by yourself, but Tobirama was more than happy to help you anytime he had some spare hours. He found you admirable, the way you wanted to become the best shinobi possible even though there was no need for that. You were excellent even before, the idea of you lacking never crossed his mind and yet you stood up for the challenge and it was in his best interest to help you achieve the goal. You were, after all, his beloved wife, his sunshine, his pride. Quickly, it turned out that on top of all these things, you were quite deadly.
You began taking missions, standing on top of a group consisting of the best ninja from Konoha – ANBU, as Tobirama called it. A set of exceptional individuals, the most skilled ones available. It was a project that Senju wished to finalize, it was meant to provide the village with safety, with the strong asset able to infiltrate, fight and protect and you… You became the leader of it, representing the highest skill of them all and supporting him in establishing the unit.
Tobirama found you incredible, time after time finding himself in awe because of your achievements. There was no such term as impossibility, it seemed, everything he assigned you with, you finished with success, caring about your team well-being and the quality of the process. As much as he felt the endless amount of pride, his heart was also filled with fear. The idea of losing you haunted his dreams anytime you were outside Konoha, dealing with something he himself ordered you. The contradicting feelings weighed heavy on his shoulders – he wished to keep you safe and yet, it was only fair to give you tasks that were relevant to what you were able to do. It would be against his nature to spare you the difficulties, to limit your progress only because of the selfish want of keeping you far from harm. That led him to assigning you with one of the most difficult missions he had to offer.
“I’m gonna be honest with you,” he had told you the day before. You remember him joining you in bed late at night and the way he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you flush to his chest was enough of a hint. You knew him well. “I don’t want you to take that mission,” honest as always, and nervous when he spoke quietly. His roughed-up fingertips were circling little ovals against the delicate skin over your spine, his hand buried underneath the shirt that you used to sleep in.
“I know,” you replied, pressing your lips to his bare chest. Oh, how well you knew him. The moment he gave you the details of the job earlier that day in his office, you already knew how hesitant he was and once you read the description, you understood why. “But it’s gonna be fine, I promise.”
“How can you promise me something like that?” He found his way to your chin, lifting your head up just enough to look you in the eyes. “I know you are strong, you are the most skilled ninja I have, don’t think I’m underestimating you, love. But yet, I can’t help but fear, the idea of you not coming back from that job, from something I send you by my own order… it feels unbearable to think.”
Tobirama wasn’t a man that’s easily scared. In your entire time with him, spending so much time as his wife, you saw him worried at most, only few times so it shook you deeply, seeing his sincere eyes glaring at you in nothing but concern. The soft red shade of them looked straight through your soul, you could feel the way his jaw was tensed when you placed your hand on the side of his handsome face.
“I will come back to you, my lord. I know how dangerous the mission is and I would be lying if I told you that I’m not scared of it. But I also know how important it is, how crucial the data I need to gather is to keep Konoha safe and it is my duty to serve the village. It’s my home, I swore to keep it protected.” Your words were honest, Senju knew that. It was difficult, the hidden leaf stood on the verge of war, it was nearly palpable in the air and the information that you were meant to collect had a power to stop it before the blood of innocents was spilled.
The love you developed to Konoha was something Tobirama couldn’t help but admire in you. Despite it being a foreign land to you, you grew to care of it as if you lived here since the beginning. Truth is, you did feel like you were born in it. What hidden leaf gave you was freedom, was love. It showered you in things that before that, you only silently dreamt about, it was a place that you truly began being yourself, hence why you wished to give it back all of yourself.
“I know you’re gonna do your best. It’s just… I wouldn’t mind standing to fight later if you’d say you don’t want to take the job. I wouldn’t mind giving my life in battle if it could save yours.”
“Your life is too precious to be lost, Tobirama,” you leaned into him just slightly, your lips a breath away from his. “You are needed, you are so incredibly fundamental for this village to function properly, you have no idea. Without you, there would be no Konoha, doesn’t matter how great of a hokage your brother is. You are what makes this place a home to so many people, you are the mind and heart of it, so please don’t say such things.”
“It’s you who have my heart. If I have to risk losing it along with you, how could I be one for the village?” Senju exhaled, closing his eyes for a brief moment before closing the distance and pressing his mouth to yours. A kiss of love that’s indescribable, it bore everything that he was too afraid to word out loud. “Just… come back to me.”
“I will always come back to you, my love.”
The reassurance you gave, although carrying uncertainty, you followed with yet another kiss. The intimacy you shared later that night carried an unspoken goodbye, it was intense and oh so full of passion as if it was the last time you were to be so close.
Early in the morning, you were already gone, heading towards the unknown land where you were meant to spend the next weeks, working undercover. In the morning, Tobirama watched you leave, hating himself for letting you go as the sweet taste of the last kiss you shared still lingered over his lips.
* * *
“Later,” Tobirama groaned, responding to the soft sound of knocking against the wooden doors to his office. He was busy, digging through copious amounts of documents and reports, annoyed to the very core of his existence. His mind was already far in the future, balls deep in the upcoming negotiations that were meant to take place in Konoha in just few days. They were important, the safety of the village depended on the results and Tobirama made it very, very clear that unless the matter is absolutely, death-threatening urgent, he’s unavailable to anyone.
But the knob twisted and despite his objections and rough tone the doors opened and he couldn’t help but scoff. His blood was boiling, his brows creasing and even the deep breath he took, trying to calm down his nerves didn’t help at all. The rage inside of him burned with hellfire, it got him out of his chair, smashing his fist on the desk.
“I said fucking late—” he stopped. The sight of you, standing there in the entrance to his office made his voice catch in his throat. Was he even breathing? He felt like the world faded away, time slowed down and the chaos inside his mind calmed in an instant when his eyes met yours. He couldn’t believe, were you really here? In the last report he’s got from you, the one from a month prior, you wrote that at least twelve weeks will be needed to finalize the job and yet here you were, standing just few meters in front of him. After a year.
“I heard you the first time, my lord,” you chuckled softly, watching how his expression changed from rageful annoyance to surprised confusion. It was a display of emotions you were yet to familiarize yourself with, giving Tobirama’s spare range of expressions. “I was told you’re busy and expecting no one to bother you, but I took the freedom to disobey.”
The Senju stood there, flabbergasted for a little longer before his head dropped. A wave of laughter that shook his body made all of his tension go away. You really were there, he could see you, feel your chakra. After long, twelve months of undercover mission he gave you, the one that required you to stay in Iwagakure, gathering intel of governmental nature you finally got back. You had not seen each other during that time and Tobirama had only received few letters from you, all of which being more like short reports about the mission status rather than lover’s notes. But now, you were here, safe, alive.
“You came back,” he said, his voice so much lighter than what he greeted you with. Tobirama took a second to look at his desk, assessing the piles of documents before he pushed everything to the side. Papers flew off and scrolls unraveled on the floor but he couldn't possibly care less about any of those, when you were here, finally after a year of absence, in a flesh and bones. Being so messy was unlikely of him, you had never met someone more organized than Tobirama, but to him, it was more important to now have you on this desk, rather than documents.
“I promised I’ll come back to you, didn’t I?” You smiled, pushing the doors closed behind you and approaching him, placing the box with all of the reports and information regarding your latest work on the floor, before you circled the furniture, meeting him finally.
“You did,” he replied, finding his way to press his lips to yours. His large hands pulled you closer by the back of your neck and you hooked your arms around his shoulders, burying your fingers in the silver strands of his hair, scratching his scalp gently and causing him to purr into the kiss. It tasted sweet, addicting, with the longing being carried through every movement of his lips and tongue. It was heavy with feelings, breathtaking, nearly suffocating with how much it bore, how many unspoken words, how many worries that were now releasing. Tobirama pulled you towards himself, your body now flush to his own as he made you lean against the edge of his desk. It took no time before you were situated on top of it, with his large frame between your legs and his hands wandering all over the lines of your figure.
Tobirama was hungry. He had no idea how much until he saw you, until he tasted you. You taught him how to love, you opened the world of intimacy and touch to him, you showed him the pleasure of marriage and once you took all of it away, he was lost. The need to have you close was unfulfilled for such a long time where he couldn’t even see you, it left him with the burn of craving inside his chest. He was incomplete without you, unable to focus as much as he would usually do, his mind was wandering to the places where your image was stored.
“I missed you so much, my love,” you whimpered, feeling his lips smearing the wet traces of kisses along your neck and down your throat. At that moment, he was not caring about the marks he was leaving, he wanted to make you his own again. Nothing else mattered, only you, the taste of your mouth, the sweet scent of your skin. He would love to be more romantic, to welcome you with something more appropriate – a nice dinner, some pretty flowers, but being romantic was never his strong suit and frankly, things like bouquets and food were last on his mind, when he had you near his body.
“Love,” he groaned against your pulse, his hands making contact with the bare skin on your sides where he pushed the fabric of your black blouse up. He missed you so damn much. His body longed for your touch, for your skin flush to his, for everything that came with you.
“I thought you were busy, my dearest,” you teased, your voice soft and playful as you run your hand down his stomach. It was risky to do so in his office but he did nothing to prevent you from reaching his manhood and as you did, you stroked him gently through the fabric of his pants. A breath hitched in his chest, your touch burned him with lust, he felt like a fire was consuming him just because you put your touch over him.
“I am,” he muttered, sucking a spot onto your neck, reminding your body to whom it belongs to and you gasped softly at the feeling of his lips against your delicate skin. “God, I’m so damn busy.”
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TAGLIST: @garouaddict @bluebreadenthusiast @nelivv @drthymby @humongousdreamlandbear @darlingxoxo15 @gaozorous-rex-blog
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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Here is the masterlist for Kinktober 2023!
Werewolves(Karl Heisenberg- Resident Evil Village)
Hair Pulling(Kyojuro Rengoku- Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba)
Double Penetration(Hidan and Kakuzu- Naruto Shippuden)
Mirror Kink(Agedup!Denji- Chainsaw Man)
Threesomes(Jiraiya and Orochimaru- Naruto/Naruto Shippuden)
Monster Fucking(Prince Sidon- Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild)
Face Fucking(Ryomen Sukuna and Agedup!Yuji Itadori- Jujutsu Kaisen)
Lingerie(Sebastian and Sam- Stardew Valley)
Somnophilia(Legendary Dark Knight Sparda- Devil May Cry)
Overstimulation(Gyutaro Shabana- Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba)
Sex Slave(Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto- Jujutsu Kaisen)
Bondage(ANBU!Kakashi Hatake and ANBU!Yamato Tenzo- Naruto/Naruto Shippuden)
Blindfolds(Alucard Tepes- Castlevania)
Body Mods(Aki Hayakawa- Chainsaw Man)
Striptease(Alex- Stardew Valley)
Creampies(Naruto Uzumaki- Naruto/Naruto Shippuden/Boruto)
Spanking/Exhibitionism(Jason Todd/Dick Grayson- Batman)
Role play(Reno Sinclair- Final Fantasy 7)
Cockwarming(Professor!Son Gohan- Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Super)
Corruption(Zack Fair- Final Fantasy 7/Crisis Core)
Squirting(Shikamaru Nara- Naruto/Naruto Shippuden/Boruto)
Intoxication(Dante- Devil May Cry)
Uniforms(Tengen Uzui- Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba)
Dub-con(Ganondorf and Link-The Legend Of Zelda)
Vibrators(Toji Fushiguro- Jujutsu Kaisen)
Aphrodisiac(Agedup!Tatewaki Kuno- Ranma 1/2)
Orgasm Denial(Agedup!Ranma Saotome- Ranma 1/2)
Dirty Talk(V- Devil May Cry)
Breeding and Daddy(Kento Nanami- Jujutsu Kaisen)
Praise(Son Goku- Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Super)
Face sitting(Vegeta- Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Super)
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥;; 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦
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[ 🌸 ] uchiha version
characters: itachi uchiha; obito uchiha; madara uchiha; sasuke uchiha; shisui uchiha
genre: fluff
warnings: none, fem!reader, umm mentions of the word v*gina i guess?, also mentions of menstrual pads annnd colics
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itachi uchiha
* oh boy
* itachi is a genius
*He really is
* But being a genius doesn't mean he knows what he should do with you sometimes
* Especially these days
*Fortunately, Itachi had the fortune to work with women in the past when he was in ANBU so you could say he has experience
* Are you experiencing mood swings because you don't like something? Itachi will take care of it right now, don't worry. Are you cold? “Come here my dear, I'll keep you warm until you feel better”
* He is a good cook, so he will make you something delicious for you to eat
* "Love? This is good?". "Yes, but... isn't that a lot of food?" "Not at all my love, I want you to feel good"
* Sometimes you think that he just wants to fatten you up with the large amount of food that he prepares for you
* Did you say chocolates? Do you want chocolates? Then just tell him the Brand and the flavor you want or any type of sweet you want
* Do you want ice cream?, Right now you gonna have it (it brings you ten different boats of ice cream in case you want a different flavor every day that you are in your days)
* Oh no, did the compress get cold? And the pain doesn't go away? Don't worry, he'll take care of it
"Hmm?, what are you doing Itachi?"
"Heh, don't worry love, it's just a little jutsu" said your beloved boyfriend as he put his big hand on your aching belly
"But what is it...? oh-", Just at that moment Itachi's hand began to heat up, apparently the compress would no longer be necessary ;)
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obito uchiha
* Day of the month?
* Is today??
* Poor of you ;(
* No, but seriously, sweet boy who doesn't like to see his princess suffer ❤️
* "Hey love, I'm at the store to buy your menstrual pads, but what is the size of your vagina?"
* Innocent boy, please guide him
*He wants to help, but he doesn't know what to do
* "Does your belly hurt? What can I do?", “Can I hug you?”, “Are you sure I won't hurt you if I hug you?”
* Do you suffer from mood swings? Don't know what to do?, Don't worry!... he doesn't know what to do either :D
* Fortunately, this only happened the first time you had your period together.
* "Honey, I brought you chocolates and compresses.". “Thank you Obito”
* The boy does his best to take care of you and although he may not have known what to do the first time, he learns quickly.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you!"
"... you are too good, what did I do to deserve you?"
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madara uchiha
* “So… blood is coming out of your vagina. How it feels?”
* Another guy who doesn't know what to do with you
* Being raised in a clan where only strength and power mattered, and being raised in times of war... it's not like he had time to learn anything about this.
* Fortunately, he is willing to learn how to take care of you and treat you at this time of the month
* Do you want chocolate? You got it, do you want soft blankets? Right away
* He is giving orders to the servants from left to right to treat you like a queen
* He is hardly at home, unfortunately. Well, being the leader of the clan is not an easy task and unfortunately that keeps him away from you, but that's not why he's going to neglect you.
* He was very graphic about what he would do to himself if he neglected you or worse if someone did something to you
* "I'll beat myself up if you're not okay at the end of the day because of me." "Madara, darling... that's very cruel"
* He will make sure you are well and you assure him that it was more than enough ❤️
"Are you sure that blanket is okay?"
"Yes, Madara they are comfortable"
“Are you Sure? because I can tell the servants to bring you softer ones…”
"Madara just hug me"
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sasuke uchiha
*Knows something from the talk about the male and female body due to the academy, but still...
* "My belly hurts a lot..."
* -Sasuke having a mental breakdown internally- "what am I supposed to do?"
* You are patient? God bless you because he needs you to guide him
* the poor man is confused, why are there so many menstrual pads for different occasions? And why do you use tampons?
* "Sasuke, can you buy me tampons?". “Wouldn't that be rape? Why not a night pad instead? They are more comfortable and extra large”. “…”
* Yes, no… he's not the best at this, bUT he's doing his best
* The last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable
* After a full 3 hour explanation of tampons and your needs, he already knows what to do
* Oh, do you want a compress? Sure, just don't move, he doesn't want colic to attack you.
* Do you feel dirty?, he will accompany you to bathe
* Sasuke is a good boyfriend, he will take care of you and protect you, but he is still secretly afraid of tampons, he is afraid that tampons will hurt you.
"Sasuke, we've already talked about this..."
"I know."
"Tampons won't hurt me."
"I trust you, but still... I don't like the idea." calm your man's fears, please 😂
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shisui uchiha
* funny boy
* It will actually keep you happy during the day
* Had a bad time and now you're grumpy? Don't worry, he will tell you as many jokes as necessary along with lots of pampering
* “Do you feel bad, beloved? Where it hurts?"
* He buys you a lot of ice cream for you to eat
* Oh, do you want to watch your favorite movie? Now? No problem, you find the movie and Shisui will find the blankets and food
* He has some experience due to the fact that like Itachi he has had female teammates
* But that doesn't mean that he understands what your body is going through
* Even so he will do his best to treat you well
“Y/NNNN!, I brought ice cream”
"Oh my- Shisui thank you, can we watch my favorite movie again while we snuggle together?"
"Of course my love"
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* In any case; I imagine that if their S/O asked them for a massage they would gladly give it to them lmao. also, i think im gonna do a part 2 with konoha boys mmm
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mixelation · 10 months
i wrote. con stuff
Kakashi was refilling water canteens when he saw him up close for the first time. 
There were water jugs, set up along the hallways of the hotel. They came with nearly useless paper cones, and the space beneath the spigot wasn’t quite right for a Konoha-issued canteen. Kakashi was tucked into an alcove of one of the less trafficked corridors, finagling water into his canteen with the grace of a genin field-dressing their first wound, when he was hit with the scent of cinnamon. 
Kakashi looked up. There was a gaggle of people headed his way, their loud civilian footsteps muffled by the carpet. They were all clearly orbiting around one person. 
Kakashi found himself craning his head to look. He’d seen that guy from afar, before– he was the three-time winner of the Hokage Look-alike contest. He was in full costume, and Kakashi had to admit: this guy did make that cloak look good. He had cooler boots than Minato, even, and a roguish smile that made him look just a little dangerous, and a sword at his waist that Minato would never use but certainly offered a specific aesthetic. He was tanned and tall, and even though his hair was clearly bleached, it was cut well to frame his handsome face. Instead of a flak jacket zipped up to his neck, he had a low V-neck shirt that showed off he was as fit as everyone thought a ninja should be. He even smelled cool: sandalwood soap and cinnamon whiskey. 
Kakashi watched him as he passed by and then entered a screening room for some terrible TV show, his entourage of men and women alike babbling along behind him. The guy walked with the confidence of a Kage, even if his swagger was painfully civilian. 
Kakashi had spilled water all over his gloves. This was not a big deal, except he’d been refilling fucking Itachi’s canteen along with his own. Kakashi found him with the rest at a table in the little food court, and as he took his canteen, Itachi’s eyes traveled from his damp hand to his face with a look of judgment, like he knew exactly what happened. 
Itachi’s judgment, if one were to qualify and analyze all his facial expressions (or lack thereof, considering he had on an ANBU mask today), was mild. But it still felt like intense scrutiny. 
“Maa, Sensei, I saw your clone,” Kakashi said, sliding into an empty seat. Someone had bought him an extremely disappointing looking lunch. Wonderful. “He had about ten people following him.”
“Oh, so like the real Hokage,” Tori quipped. 
Minato amicably rolled his eyes, pushing a drink at Kakashi. Kakashi was pretty sure Itachi was technically on duty now, as Minato’s guard lost their shit whenever he decided to randomly leave Konoha for the day. There were a lot of cosplayers in bad ANBU masks wandering around, but Itachi wasn’t the type to break regulation for a quick costume. 
Tori would probably wear anything, though, Kakashi thought as she unpacked a plastic bag to show off her purchases. He should buy her a bird mask. She’d hate that. 
A chicken, he decided, flipping over a doujin to read the back. 
“Well?” Minato prompted, leaning forward conspiratorially. “Was his costume accurate?”
“Not really,” Kakashi replied. The doujin was about a fictional kunoichi realizing she was the Third Kazekage’s lovechild. Weird. “He sort of had… pirate vibes?”
Minato squinted at him uncertainly. 
“But cool,” Kakashi assured him. 
“His name is X,” Tori said very authoritatively. “Just X. That’s what’s on all his registrations.”
Minato frowned thoughtfully at his own lunch. “Is that cool? I can’t decide if that’s cool or not.”
“They think it’s cool,” Tori said, pointing to the entrance of the food court. 
X must not have liked the TV show very much, because he and what looked like an even bigger gaggle of fans spilled into the food court. Minato turned to watch blatantly and Tori followed suit, like gossipy children. 
(Itachi was much more subtle as he checked out the guy. He was in uniform, after all.)
“Wow,” Minato half-whispered, turning back around. “He does have pirate vibes. But, like, cool?”
“Is that an earring?” Itachi asked. 
“Should I get a shirt like that?” Minato wondered, staring down at himself. 
“I’m going to go talk to him,” Tori announced, kicking her feet over the bench. “Investigate. Find out his secrets.”
“Find out who made his cloak,” Minato told her. “Mine’s getting raggedy.”
Tori sauntered off. She always stomped around cons with the gait of a civilian, but Kakashi watched her add a little sway to her hips as she sashayed directly up to the mass of people floating around X as he ordered a shave ice. 
Kakashi watched Tori’s mouth as she twirled a strand of hair and asked if X also had Minato’s famous ANBU tattoo, which Minato absolutely didn’t have. She punctuated this by brushing her hand against his bicep. 
Kakashi read X’s lips as he smiled back at her: A true fan, are you?
“Damn, those dimples,” Minato commented. “I think I’m a little in love.”
One of the women who’d been floating around X looked absolutely stricken when Tori replied to a teasing accusation of being bold with, The Yellow Flash is quick but I’m quicker. 
“Does that even make sense?” Itachi wondered. 
“Should we…” Kakashi started. That guy was at least thirty, and Tori was seventeen. But also: Tori would eat him alive. Kakashi wasn’t sure where this train of thought had been going. 
Now she was leading him back over to them. She was quick. She had a little skip to her step on par with the time she’d shown him a seal made out of bacteria in a Petri dish. 
“This is X,” Tori introduced. Five separate people had sort of filed after them. “X, this is my Uncle, Minato.”
Itachi did a sort of full body twitch that made Tori’s eyes glint. If anyone connected the dots, no one showed it. Minato’s actual name wasn’t very common knowledge among civilians. 
“Er, hi,” Minato said, awkwardly standing to bow. His cheeks were pink. “Um– nice costume.”
X’s return smile was a little too cocky to be truly friendly, but also, those cheekbones. 
“Oh, you have a whole little group,” X drawled. “That’s cute.”
Itachi twitched again. Tori’s smile was starting to gain a sort of manic quality. 
“Thanks,” Minato replied slowly, clearly completely unsure what else he was supposed to say. “Uh, I was wondering– your cloak–”
X laughed, patted Minato on the shoulder, and promised him his own cloak was good enough. Then he shot Tori a wink and walked back to the rest of his entourage, just like that. 
“Umm,” Minato said, standing there dumbly. He twisted his face down to stare at where X had touched him. “Hmm.”
“I planted a tracker on him if you want to follow him,” Tori said, plopping down into her seat.
“I…” Minato continued to stand there, staring at his shoulder. Kakashi, somehow, understood this. 
(“I think we should find his hotel room and go through all his things,” Tori said. “Maybe steal his girlfriend. It’d be fun.”
“Entirely unnecessary,” Itachi replied.)
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kirasenju · 10 months
Nidaime-sama (Tobirama Senju x Fem! Anbu Reader)
Chapter V: Strict
Your shift ended just now, but he sees you still working.
“Yes, Hokage-sama?”
“Go home. We talked about this, you wont stay here more than necessary.”
“Ha… look who says. Sometimes you dont even go home!”
“I know you want to help, but you still need to get a proper rest.”
“Same for you.” You said while frowning, looking at him concernedly. “You are the Hokage, yes, but you’re still human. You are working hard for Konoha, i know you value your people. But it’s enough, i am tired of begging you to rest!”
“I have a stamina way stronger than yours. You don’t need to worry too much. But you need to worry about yourself.” He stands up, walks toward you. “You lost weight.”
“What? No.”
“Yes, you did!!” He said angrily. “You have such a fragile body that you can get sick easily in harsh weathers, and you still don’t eat properly?!”
You really lost few weights, but you thought no one will notice because it wasn’t so obvious, indeed no one did until now. You started skipping your meals when your nightmares came back. It's like you relive that day over and over again every night. Besides not being able to sleep, it also affected your appetite. It's like you're back to the beginning, right after you lost them.
“But i eat when i am hungry… it’s not like i am starving myself. I still eat well.”
He gets closer, suddenly grabbing you from your waist and lifting you in the air. You shock.
“W-what are you d-“
“How much do you weigh now? If you lie, i will know.” He said sternly, referring to the fact that he is holding you in the air now so he can understand if you lie.
“Just put me down!”
“Tell me.”
“…” You stay quiet, he will drop you eventually anyway.
“If you think you can get rid of this, I can do this all day.”
You look away, it’s like he read your mind.
“42 kilos…” You said quietly, almost cannot be heard.
“You what?!”
“It’s enough… you are coming with me!”
“My home, so i can keep an eye on you!”
You frown. “No.”
“Oh, yes!” He teleported you both with hiraishin ninjutsu, you find yourself at his home now.
“Hokage-sama! It’s not necessary!”
“Yes it is. You need to gain weight and stay warm, i will make sure you do.”
“Will you please let me go if I promise you that I will eat properly?”
“Why not?!”
“Because i told you so. From now on, after your shift ends, i will send my clone with you to my house.”
“Just do as i say.”
“I-“ You sneeze. He looks at you. He seems mad now.
“You are sick already…” He sighs. “Follow me.”
“…” You follow him to his kitchen. You sit on a chair while he prepares some food.
~ “Hokage-sama, i am really full.”
“Are you trying to make me angry? You didn’t even eat half of your plate.”
“Maybe it’s because the plate was too full at first?!”
“It doesn’t matter. Just finish it.”
“Say it again?!”
“I said no!”
He grabs your upper arm tightly, leans closer and whispers. “Behave now…”
You look away, trying to ignore the pain on your arm. “You must know how i don’t like being disobeyed. Believe me… You don't want to see that side of me, girl.”
You knew he was an authoritarian, but you didn’t know he was that much. Your arm hurts so much that you want to scream, but you don’t. You just keep looking away with teary eyes. He lets your arm go, you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding back. You take the hashi back and start eating again.
“Good girl. Come upstairs after you finish your food.” He leaves you alone. As he left, you check your left hurt upper arm. He wouldn’t hurt you on purpose, you know he didn’t notice his power on his grip. You decide not to tell him about your injury because he will get mad when he finds out you didn’t tell him that it hurt when he was grabbing you.
After finishing the food, you felt so full but it wasn’t too uncomfortable. He was right, you needed to eat. You go upstairs, but you suddenly felt dizzy. Then you fell. Now it’s all dark.
You opened your eyes, found yourself laying on a futon. You sit, you are only wearing a kimono now. You can feel your underwears are still there but you have no bra underneath. The kimono is for men, probably it’s his. It reaches down to your thighs, your legs are exposed. Luckily the fabric is thick so you don’t need a bra. You feel wrapped bandage around your back and one breast too, and more bandages around your body. You got panic. What happened? Did he changed your clothes without permission?!
“You fell down from stairs…”
You look at him, sitting in front of the large window with a cigarette in his hand. There is no light except the moonlight in the room.
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(Pic is not mine)
“…and don’t worry. I called for a female iryō-nin, she took care of you. You have a fever, so it’s better if you stay like this. It covers you enough anyway.” He said, referring to his kimono fits big on you that reaches your thighs. “I wouldn’t do something like that without your permission…”
“I-i know…”
“Do you feel any pain?”
“Not too bad…”
“Come here.” He pat his lap.
You hesitate, he notices and says again, more commanding:
You go there, nervous. As you sit on his legs, he pulls the kimono collar aside to expose your unbandaged upper arm besides your upper breast. Your arm has a bad bruise.
“She said she couldn’t use healing jutsu for here… because your bone is broken, it’s dangerous for taking any chakra. I sent her back to check myself… that if i really broke your arm. It seems i did…” He said with a gentle tone of him you’ve never heard. He put ointment on your arm and wrapped a bandage around it gently. The ointment is strong, even if your arm isn't in a cast, it will be fine as long as you don’t move it. He leans closer, resting his face on your exposed upper chest. “I’m sorry… i was too harsh.”
“It’s okay…” You said softly with your teary eyes. You didn’t get mad at him because it was an accident.
“No, it’s not okay. I broke your arm and I didn’t even notice. You shouldn’t forgive me so easily.”
“But i do.. I forgive you. I know it was an accident.”
“Y/n… dont do this to yourself.”
“What do you mean?”
“I know your feelings… i always knew.”
“H-huh?” You shocked.
“I dont deserve you. But at the same time, i want you for mine… but I have no right to be greedy. I swore to myself that I would protect you from everything, but I couldn't protect you from myself.“
“I love you.”
Tears start flowing down from your eyes. You look at him as he raised his head from your chest.
“I-i love you too…”
He caresses your hair. “Do you want to be mine, although who i am?”
You stay quiet for some seconds. “Y-yes…”
“What if i hurt you?”
“I know you wont.” You put his hand on your cheek and look into his eyes.
“Then… will you marry me?”
He leans closer and kisses you from the lips. After minutes kissing each other, he breaks the kiss and gives a kiss on your teary eye. “Dont cry anymore…” He holds you tight. Being careful to not touch your hurt arm.
A/n: The art:
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lightweaving · 9 months
KakaKarin for #7 (extra points if it’s crackfic heh)
i tried. i really, really tried to make it crack. But this one seized me by the heart and refused to let go, so buckle in for angst! (also the brainrot was v real so i posted it here and i'm definitely going to continue it)
Length: 1.9k
Prompt: “Are you this touchy with all your friends?” “...No.”
Summary: Karin needs some help passing her psych eval.
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“In the last 6 months, how often have you felt restless, agitated, frantic, or tense?” 
“All the time!” Karin snapped. “I had no idea what Sasuke’s plan was, I had no idea what that Madara fellow wanted from him, from us, the world was going to shit – what’s the point of all these questions anyway?” 
Kakashi sighed, lowering his clipboard. He wished he could be somewhere else. Anywhere else. Being in a meeting with those wizened old crones, Homura and Koharu, sounded more appealing. “It’s important,” he repeated. It felt as if he aged ten years every time he repeated that phrase. It was important. Sakura was right. If there was one thing they had all learned from the Fourth war, it was that shinobi could not simply shrug off their emotional wounds and go about their lives.  This was necessary. 
He just wished it could be someone else dealing with Karin. 
His shoulders sagged as she continued her tirade about how they were all wasting her time – how she had places to go, people she needed to meet. He was never going to trust Sakura or Shikamaru again. They’d given him an innocuous looking proposal about shinobi mental health to sign, and hadn’t bothered telling him about the all-important clause: that in the event a suitable counselor could not be matched to the shinobi, the Hokage themselves would be required to take on the case. 
He sighed again and rolled his shoulders. “Unfortunately,” he said, cutting her off, “if you want your clearance back, you have to pass this evaluation. And you’re going to need to continue attending these sessions until you’re fit to pass.” 
With a hiss, she leapt over his desk and landed on him, straddling his lap. Her hands twisted in his ceremonial robes. Kakashi gulped, relieved that he hadn’t sent his ANBU guard off an errand to find him a highly specific stone or some other nonsense today. At least he’d have a witness in case someone walked in to find Karin on top of him like this. “Then just say I’m fit!” she bellowed. “It’s not like you want to be here either. I can feel it. Your chakra’s flickering so much it’s giving me a damn headache.”
“Sakura will never let me hear the end of it if I just let you off,” he replied. It was true, but wasn’t the entire truth. He could have revoked the clause that required him to do this duty. He would have, if Sakura hadn’t fixed him with a look and told him that Karin had no one else in the world who cared. That if she was in danger of hurting herself, there was nobody who could catch the signs. “Well, it doesn’t have to be that bad,” he tried. 
“Doesn’t have to be that bad? I have to answer all these questions about my feelings and about my eating and my sleeping and,” she leaned back to wrench the bundle of papers Kakashi had been referring to and shook them in his face, “my sexual activity! I’m not talking about these things to some old pervert like you!”
Kakashi would probably have been more offended if he didn’t have the case notes from all her other previous assigned counselors documenting that she’d called them all perverts too. “Sakura insisted,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. 
“Are you the Hokage or not?” she shrieked. “Just tell her I cried about what a shitty childhood I had and I’m all better now. Or order her off your back, send her on a six-month mission or something!” 
He wasn’t going to bother explaining to Karin why it was a bad idea to send one of Konoha’s most eminent medics out on a six month-long mission. But it did give him an idea. 
“We’ll do it this way,” he said. “Just meet me to train. Once a week. After some time, I’ll tell Sakura that you’re provisionally cleared to resume your duties. Then from there, we’ll give it some more time, and then I’ll clear you fully. That sound good?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Once a week,” she repeated. “And how many of these… sessions do I have to go through before I get even that provisional clearance?” 
He shrugged. “Hard to say. It does have to be good enough for me to get Sakura off my back. But if you show up properly and on time, I should be able to get that for you after about four weeks?” Obito would have laughed himself silly watching this scene. At how Kakashi was setting expectations about punctuality after all his years forcing people to wait on him. At how Kakashi was the one trying to make someone confront their emotions. Karin sniffed. 
“Fine,” she said. “But you’d better not try anything funny, pervert!” 
Kakashi wondered how she possessed the audacity to say that while she was still on his lap. It wasn’t just Obito – Rin, Kushina-sama, and Minato-sensei were surely laughing their heads off too. 
It had been two hours, and she hadn’t shown up. 
Kakashi shrugged, snapping the 10th anniversary edition of Icha Icha Paradise shut. He’d kept Shikamaru waiting long enough, he supposed. He should probably go discuss that tax proposal with him. 
He’d tried. If Karin didn’t show up, that wasn’t his fault. 
She has no one else in the world. 
He was just assuming that she had chosen not to show up. What if she was injured, or unwell? She’d been put on suspension from her hospital duties too, until she got her clearance. Nobody would be expecting her to show up anywhere. It could be days, weeks, before anyone noticed that something was wrong. 
Hatake Sakumo’s corpse had lain cooling in their living room for three days before someone had bothered to come check on them. And that was only because their neighbor had been worried that she hadn’t seen Kakashi out and about. 
Karin didn’t even have children. Who would bother to check on her? 
With a groan, he dragged himself to go looking for her. 
She was lying on her kitchen floor, staring at the ceiling. She was still breathing, and he’d noticed her tensing when he’d begun fiddling with the lock on her window, before she forced herself to relax. She was alive and conscious of what was going on around her. She was fine, and he had gone above and beyond what was required of him. He could go. 
But something about that sight – of her lying so still in the dark – made him stop in his tracks.
He’d just go in and get a few words out of her. That would be all. Then he could put in his report that he’d spoken to her and that she’d been unresponsive and he could call it a day. Sakura probably wouldn’t even lambast him too much. She knew well what Karin was like. 
“What do you want?” Karin grumbled as he entered. 
“You didn’t show up to our meeting,” he replied. 
“Yeah, because you wanted to train. It’s not like I’m even a real shinobi,” she scoffed. “What good’s training going to do for me? What, you’re going to teach me to smash trees and the ground? I’m already a medic, right? Might as well make me into Sakura 2.0!”
“That’s not what I –” he began. 
“Isn’t it? She’s dating Sasuke, I used to be on Sasuke’s team. She’s a healer, I’m a healer. Sort of. Her hair’s pink, mine’s red. Go on! Tell me how I’m so much like her, only worse!” 
Something within Kakashi stilled. “Who said that to you?” he asked quietly. 
She sat up, looking at him sharply. “I don’t want your pity,” she snarled. “Get the fuck out of my house. Get out.” 
But she made no move to actually get rid of him. “It’s not pity,” he tried. “I’m just worried –”
“Bullshit!” A can of tuna came flying at him. He plucked it out of the air and set it carefully on the ground. She didn’t qualify for much of a stipend, given that her status was equivalent to a genin’s. A genin who didn’t go on missions, at that. 
“Karin,” he started, before another can flew out at him. Beans, this time. 
“Stop looking at me like that!” she screamed. “Get out, get out, get out!” 
A certainty grew within Kakashi, one he disliked. He flung himself on top of her, pinning her wrists to the floor. “It’s no wonder you don’t have any friends, if you treat them all this way,” he said cruelly. 
Sure enough, her body relaxed. “I have plenty of friends! More than you, but not like that’s real hard. You just haven’t met them because you’re such a shut-in.” 
He somehow kept his sympathy and horror off his face. It would not be well-received. “Prove it.” 
“Prove to me that you can make and keep a friend. Be one to me. If you can fulfill this task to my satisfaction, I’ll give you back your clearance. I’ll overrule anyone who says you aren’t fit for duty.”
Her eyes narrowed, as she sifted through his possible motives. “Why you?” she challenged. “Why not literally anyone else in the village?” 
“Because unlike you, I don’t have a built-in lie detector. You should be flattered.” She’d say anything to get out of what she viewed as pity. That was for certain. And unfortunately, any sort of compassion — even of the sort normal humans showed one another — appeared to qualify. 
Her entire face scrunched up. Kakashi absently found himself thinking that her expression looked rather like Pakkun, back when he’d still been young and adorable. “You don’t trust me,” she wailed. 
“I don’t,” he said, keeping his expression as bland as possible. “Training grounds tomorrow, at 3pm. Don’t be late.” As she opened her mouth, he pressed her lips shut with his thumb and forefinger, trusting that she was no longer going to try to fling something at him. “I’m no healer either,” he said. “I’m not going to bother training you in something I can’t do. But you’re of no use to me in the hospital. I want you out in the field. This way, I kill two birds with one stone.” 
She nodded slowly. This was something she could understand, and accept. Overtures of friendship from someone who viewed her as an asset, rather than as a person. It had taken Gai to break through those barriers for him through all those years in ANBU, and afterward. 
But Kakashi wasn’t Gai, and Karin wasn’t Kakashi. He couldn’t bulldoze through those walls with a thumbs up and a smile. He could only go along with them, and let her at least get a sense of independence back. 
Her shoulders sagged further, and Kakashi started to withdraw, knowing that she would no longer protest. 
“You said you wanted me to be a friend to you,” she said slowly. “Are you this touchy with all your friends?” 
‘You started it’ was hardly a befitting response for a Hokage. Neither was ‘it was either that or muzzle you so you’d stop talking’. His face heated, and he was thankful for the mask that would conceal the flush that was surely spreading across his face. “...No,” he said finally. 
“I knew it!” she shrieked. “Fucking pervert!” 
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