#v. deal with the devil.
flockoff · 4 months
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In a another world, Peak of Combat has a plot that involves Time Travel Shenanigans which puts V in one of the Funniest Situations.
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meifaism · 2 months
Waking up to oscars post race interview after sleeping to radio silence from him is actually gut wrenching, you are an absolute angel Oscar Piastri, never let anything in the world change you, you stand as a role model of character and maturity laced with nothing but race craft and talent. Never change Oscar, never change. And lando norris won too
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bleedingivorydraws · 5 months
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No. Something about blood-soaked men just hits different
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wayfaringellie · 6 months
Y'know, I think Val would tell So Mi "I'd do it all over again" the next time they got to talk to each other after The Killing Moon. "Even if that meant you'd certainly die?" And Val would just say yes without hesitation.
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garciapimienta · 20 days
It’s a real shame Madrid won, not even because I hate Madrid with every fiber of my being, but because they weren’t even the better team out there. Throughout the competition Madrid hasn’t been nearly as dominant I think as people have been portraying them to be, yet they win because they manage to score goals in the dying minutes of the game no matter how shit they played before that and people eat it up. I’m not a BVB fan, but I sympathize because the better team didn’t win and they should’ve. Makes it all the worse that the two Madrid players who scored are literally the two scummiest players on the team, a fascist team wins because of fascist players. What a joke of a club Madrid is.
that's the thing with real madrid every time though, isn't it???? they never play "better" than the other team, and yet
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plaguery · 1 year
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deteriorating girl swag doodle
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johnnyjoez · 4 months
more of Alichino btw, this little fucker
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inseparableduo · 7 months
Twins are fully capable of making deals with other people on the verge of death who just want to live. Usually they just save and heal them no problem but most times the deal is “live the best life that you can” which can be taken many different ways but also if they wanted to their deals can be more sinister just like deals with the devil
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haemosexuality · 11 months
it wouldnt be that hard to do a chainsaw man universe x adventure time universe crossover honestly. the only thing that would have to change is humans being more aware of magic/demons before the war
ok i was writing this in the tags but i hit the limit so its here now
and the magic in that time being stronger obv. other than thay everything fits perfectly. i think. adventure time lore is extremely complicated and i only read csm once
oh also hell is called nightosphere now. marceline coming back from the nightosphere like Hey guys this is my new bud the Chainsaw Devil oh wait what would marceline be a devil of?? and hunson? vampire devil.... actually her and hunson would probably be the same thing since theyre related. what would hunson be? soul devil maybe? since sucking souls is his whole thing. vampire devil sounds cooler tho also can devils in csm even procreate like that
would marceline be a fiend? since shes half human in at. marceline couldve been born human in this and her transformation was her becoming the vampire devil fiend instead of her being born a demon and later being turned into a vamp. if we're going with '''ooo characters come to modern day earth''' would pb be a human or a devil? shes not a demon in at but shes also very much not a human being. and i think being the Candy Devil is hilarious
what the fuck would jake be. shapeshifting devil??? thats too specific what would be a devil w shapeshifting powers. the fucking uuuuuuh. slime devil. oh hey doesnt jake turn into slime during elements. eh idk
finn is just a human. FINN IS A HUMAN WHOS A DEVIL HUNTER AND HAS A CONTRACT W PB uh no but wait what would a candy devil even help you with lol she uuuuuuuh. actually pb could be a science devil who just happens to be pink ig. having a contract w a science devil would probably be useful and his part of the contract could be something like letting her run experiments on him. im thinking shed be like makima like just running around earth no big d not being killed or anything. but still probably kept away from society as being pink doesnt make blending in very easy
marcy is a vampire fiend who manages who hold in her urges very well if she gets a steady blood supply. she also works as a devil hunter but she doesnt rlly care she just wants to be able to hang out w her friends (finn and pb and jake etc...) and have blood. jake is there too i cant think of a devil for him to be and i donoh fucking wait hes just a dog devil lmao. who can shapeshift bc fuck you idk. i have no idea where simon would fit in this hes just some guy w alzheimers ig who marceline knew as a kid before she turned into a fiend? who else is there
peppermint butler: butler devil. yk the "the butler did it" trope. ive seen someone say before that bmo is the videogame devil and i agree. phoebe is the fire devil shes very powerful. VK was the devil that possessed marcy's corpse but like most of her brain stayed. idk where denji and makima and the rest are theyre doing their own thing. maybe finn&the rest r in the us (where OOO is) and all the csm plot is happening as usual in japan
fern was uuuuuuh. ok so a clone devil or whatever cloned finn and finns clone (wait was the version of finn trapped in the sword the alternate reality finn or was he the original finn? i dont remember) died and then the. grass devil. the plant devil (plants can be scary ok this devil could be powerful) fiended him and that was fern. maybe magic man was the madness devil and betty made a contract w him bc she thought he could somehow help her cure simons alzheimers but in turn he made her go insane? god i wish i was a writer bc im going nowhere with this does any fanfic wirters wanna steal this u have my permission
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corpocyborg · 1 year
God, if you'll excuse me tooting my own horn for a minute, I was having some sort of epiphany when I put this song on my post-DE V playlist. The vibes. The chills.
"Is there somebody on top of me? I don't know, I don't know. Isn't anybody stopping me? I don't know, I don't know."
God, I just... I fucking love the Devil Ending. I love playing evil PCs and I love when my evil PCs are forced to face the consequences of their own actions. The horror of knowing you did this with your own two hands and there's no one left to stop you. Fuuuuuck...
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echoarts03 · 1 year
4 Characters from Shows/Video Games/Webcomics that Have my Heart
I think I have a thing for villains, ngl-
#1. Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
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Okay, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't downright OBSESSED with this asshole. His design is INCREDIBLE, and I can just feel that his personality is going to be everything I love about villains.
I am down BAD for this man, and I am okay dying on this hill I have climbed upon.
I can't WAIT for this summer to come!
#2. King Dice (Cuphead)
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Ah yes, King Dice and his many, many variants. I love each of them for seperate reasons, though.
The game version of King Dice is just awesome because of his boss fight and how smug and cunning he is shown to be. The shows version of him? Oh man, whats NOT to love about this gay and giddy music man? As for Casino Cups...he's just so loveable and well-written that it's hard NOT to fall for his charm!
#3. Striker (Helluva Boss)
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A friend and I have this constant running joke where I once said he "makes me question my asexuality" and I still kinda stand by it? I dunno, I just adore his voice, his personality, (AND HIS DESIGN? HOOO BOY-)
He is voiced by Norman Reedus so maybe that's why, Norman has a damn nice voice-
#4. V (Suitor Armor)
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I. Love. This. Man.
He only has a few episodes so far, but DAMN DID HE DELIVER A SHOW! His mystique and calm demeanor, the way he speaks to Lucia in such a cold yet respectful manner, I'm sorry but I'm head-over-heels for this man. Also, the fact his nickname is because of the scar where his wings were removed just adds icing on the cake.
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violetclarity · 11 months
my best friend is moving in with his boyfriend and I am Not handling it super well so real grown-ups of tumblr, how do you deal with it when a good friend has a long-term, serious partner who you think is...fine?
#I've not had to deal with this before because all of my partnered friends are with people who I either#a) genuinely like as people or b) do not feel bad about disliking#this man is fine? he treats my friend well but I personally would never choose to hang out with him if they weren't dating?#like I don't know what my friend sees in him#and I'm also not sure what he sees in my friend#not in a 'I don't think my best friend is worthy of love' way o b v i o u s l y#but they started dating fairly soon after the partner got *divorced* and it kind of seems like#he just really wanted to be in a serious relationship again but like. with a man instead of a woman.#but my friend also never talks about his feelings so I have no real insight into his pov!!#I'm kind of concerned about his logic but he also processes things way differently than I do and y'know it's not my life#so I'm sure it will be fine#also part of what I am having trouble with is definitely that I never thought this friend would *be* in a serious relationship#and there are some minor betrayal feelings happening (especially bc he's moving an extra 20 mins away from me booo)#(why you'd want to move from a cool place near things to a boring place in the boring suburbs is beyond me but I digress)#but (despite my friend's preferences) I'm going to be seeing a lot more of the partner now that they are living together#and I'd like to get to a point where I actually like him maybe?#that may be too tall of an order. where he doesn't actively annoy me??#the man once tried to devil's advocate brittney greiner being stuck in russia I don't think I can be blamed for being annoyed lmao#that feeling when you think all your friends deserve The Absolute Best In The World when it comes to romantic partners#so you get pissed when their partners don't seem to recognize their amazingness
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fatestouch · 1 year
cornered mice.
“Come on, we have to keep going, they’re coming--!”
Three pairs of feet sprinted as fast as their legs could carry them, in an increasingly vain attempt to shake of their gaining pursuers. They just needed to shake them off, get to a new safe place, something--
They’d been doing so well in dodging them so far. They’d predicted their movements, sensed their presence... but the three had gotten sloppy. And now they would pay for it.
Shaking his head, the eldest of the three grabbed the hands of his companions and tried to run even faster. Until their flight led them to the bushes of a... well, the only thing they could call it was a mansion. A really huge one.
Shushing the others, the eldest kept quiet, listening out for voices and hoping that they wouldn’t be found.
Of course, life seemed to have it out for them yet again. In his haste to get way, he’d forgotten to Look.
“Well, well, well. What have we here~?”
The three runaways looked up in fear at the Cheshire grin peering down at them, as a man with stark white hair and blood red eyes stared them down.
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“Hm... Morgan, Azrael? Seems we’ve got a few little rodents in our garden.”
And in a blink, two others were there--one with hair just as white as the first and only one eye, and another taller than the others, with long, flowing red hair.
The tall redhead spoke. “My, my... so we do. Humans with some power, by the look of them. I wonder how you found your way to our abode, little mice?”
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The one eyed one looked the three up and down. “Humans with power are dangerous, brother... let us take care of them before they become nuisances--”
“Wait!” Pulling his two cowering companions behind him, he looked up at the three imploringly. “Please... please, don’t. We were chased here, we’re being hunted down... please, please just let us go. I’ll--I’ll do anything you want, just... just let them go, at least.”
The taller redhead gave him a calculating look. “Anything, hm? And what could you possibly have to offer us, little mouse?”
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“I’m... I’m a Seer! I can See into the future, whenever I want... and, and I can talk to spirits!”
“Seth, no--” But it was too late... all three witches were looking at him with interest, now.
“Whenever you want? My, that is quite the power...” Azrael’s eyes went to the other two behind Seth now. “And what of these two? A seer is one thing, but I am not a fan of offering charity.”
A beat of silence, before one of the other two spoke up, eyes dull and resigned.
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“I... I’m telekinetic. Strong too. And I can... control ice, if I wanna.”
The last--and definitely most terrified of the three--looked at his companions... and then he “spoke” as well.
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[I’m a telepath... and I can see spirits too. S... sometimes I attract them, and I can ask them to do things...]
“All three are psychics?” Morgan seemed quite interested now. “And quite powerful ones at that... it is one thing to read minds, but to project ones thoughts takes considerable concentration... and yet the little blue eyed mouse here seems to use it as a way of normal speech.”
Cecil’s grin widened with a snicker. “Azrael, I think we’ve just been gifted three fun little surprises~”
“Indeed... alright, then. Seth, was it? We will give you three our protection. So long as you have it, no harm will come to you. But in exchange...” He offers his hand, a dark smile on his face as his eyes glowed crimson, and when he spoke next, the words seemed to reverberate around them, shaking the three psychics’ very bones.
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“All three of you are ours, now.” 
Seth swallowed, unable to look away from those eyes, and raised a shaky hand to take Azrael’s. And shook it once, and a sort of a… shock went through all three psychics.
It felt like they’d signed a deal with three devils.
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interxstitial · 1 year
@idleds​ sent: ’ just one date. i’ll owe you one. ’ (4 juli from musician sg o_o)
to say julien hadn’t expected this would be a lie. he’d seen it coming for several weeks now, as invitations to the studio grew in frequency and they continually saw less of their mutual companion. it was bound to happen. still, julien finds himself a little amused when seunggi actually does it. glancing up from a well-worn copy of le morte d’arthur, julien holds the other’s gaze for a handful of seconds before returning to his novel. to keep from smiling too widely, he bites the inside of his lip and turns to the next page. the same track continues to play on loop, a buffer for the brief silence. eventually julien sets his book aside, bookmark tucked neatly in place, and smiles at seunggi with a curious tilt to his head.
“just one? are you sure?” now, he tilts his head the other way. “is this to shake off a crazy ex or a persistent parent? i think that’s fair to ask before i say yes.”
fake dating prompts: ACCEPTING!
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askkassandragf-v-2 · 2 years
Redesigning my old Cuphead ocs. :›
Snowy the ice queen 🧊❄️
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Vanellope the daisy 🌼
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V: helping Lila escape with Seven
Me, holding a passed out Ray: We good to go?
V: how—
Me, proceeding to pick V up as well: Yeah I'm not trusting you to actually come with us and sacrifice yourself, so we good Seven?
Seven: what.
See, you were prepared for this. You knew what you had to do to avoid a burning building and the prime minister. So, you take one look at Saeyoung and go: "Grab the Mint Man. Do not let him go away alone. I am manifesting problem-solving right now. You'll probably thank me later when I tell you what we're avoiding! But, first, escape time!"
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