mothgrudge · 1 year
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11 years ago, yves and ren met for the first time. it was a chance meeting: in the hallway and going opposite directions, and they’d never even spoken before that fateful day. but after a brief conversation, yves looked the soon to be him in his eyes, and with a wide grin said words that would change both of their lives forever:
“it’s nice to meet you. i think we’re gonna be best friends!”
r: and i mean, i guess you were right we’ve been best friends for 11 years and dating for 6 SO lmao—
y: i am psychic :3c
we started making stories together “officially” into our first year dating or so and the stories we had grew pretty much exponentially. even now we constantly come up with characters for each other or just because and drag the other along into whatever shenanigans. whether these stories just stay fun ideas, or eventually evolve into webcomics or novels or something in between, we love each other & love our ocs so we wanted to share our creations with the lovely people of writeblr too (since ren already is doing so and is dragging yves into it lol).
but for basics:
REN (🍣) -> y’all already know me from @vacantgodling and all my wips there but are y’all surprised that there’s somehow more? lmaooo there’s more. he/him, queer asf, 26
YVES (🐑) -> you can follow me on here on @absinthysia or you can support my other love of painting on my face on instagram @raytuuuh :3c they/them, 27, your favorite queer goth hibimbo
you can find a master list of our ocs and stories HERE! and thank you for reading 🩷🖤
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angsty-prompt-hole · 3 months
☾ - sleep headcanon & ☯️ for haven?
Haven is a cuddler and there is a nonzero chance that if you are in bed with her you will end up being the little spoon. She will not warn you about this because she refuses to acknowledge that she might crave human contact from time to time.
For likes/dislikes, she LOVES dogs, especially big dogs, but having a pet dog would only fix her for a few years, because when the dog died she'd immediately start killing people about it because she can't process grief normally.
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spicy-lefaiye · 6 months
💖 What’s your favorite part about writing sex scenes?
🖤 What’s your favorite kink to write?
TEEHEE thank u :3c
💖 What’s your favorite part about writing sex scenes?
okay i have two answers for this one.
answer one: i love love LOVE using sex scenes to show the audience something about the characters involved and their relationship. i think that sex scenes offer a unique look into the characters' dynamic that you can really have a lot of fun with. it's also a good way to examine characters themselves! salvatore is probably the best example of this--my internal essay about salvatore's relationship with sex grows every day.
(i think i've accidentally been writing him as asexual. still figuring that out tho)
as an example. an excerpt from one of many sex scenes i've written but not published with him, in which he sucks a dick for the first time:
"tell me-" sal clears his throat, hating how raspy his voice sounds. "tell me what you want, freckles. you want daddy to choke on your cock?" even like this, on his knees, sal refuses to let go of being the dominant one in this situation. bruno doesn't call him on it. "yes," he says, "p-please, oh god-" sal dives in once again, trying a second time to deep-throat bruno. it goes a bit better, sal relaxing his throat to take more in, but he still isn't used to the intrusion and ends up having to pull back very quickly. he takes another few seconds to catch his breath, wiping the drool from his mouth with the back of his hand. finally, bruno speaks again. "you don't have to-" bruno tries to say again, cutting himself off. "look, i-if you want, i don't mind, but you don't have t-" "i got it," sal says irritably. "just let me-" he sighs, thinking for a second.
something something salvatore forcing himself to deep-throat his bf way too fast and almost hurting himself in the process as a metaphor for sal rushing into intimacy to keep up his image as a big macho sexy tough guy.
and as for the second answer to this question: horny. i just like to write horny. because i'm horny.
🖤 What’s your favorite kink to write?
ASJDFKL;... BREEDING KINK............... listen i'm a simple man. i like this so so much. i haven't shared most of the breeding kink smut i've written b/c i'm embarrassed, but ohhh oh trust me. trust me. it exists. it's out there.
but yeah lol this is the One True Kink for me.
(another one i really like to write, though, is a very inexperienced bottom guiding a less experienced top on how to pleasure them. that's something i'm obsessed with ngl.)
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valeffelees · 8 months
📷 🎵 🌸 🎤
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
i think i have it set to this snowbaz fanart, but i dunno for sure. my mobile has been dead for over a week... er, actually. i think it might be coming up on two or three weeks now. i don't even know where it is at the moment. might be in my pillowcase, but sometimes it falls under the bed and just stays there for a while lmfao
🎵 Last song you listened to?
physically incapable of listening to anything but this and ruthlessness at the moment. i have a friend that's really into this musical right now so i said i would listen to it, 'cause what else are friends for if not enthusiastically indulging your interests, and now my brain is glitched
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
ok, so. when i was in 8th grade i had this awesome teacher. she was new at our school, but she was the teacher you wanted to have, y'kno? and she was insanely supportive of my writing whenever we did creative-type writing assignments, she would always read mine out in front of the class, and there was even one time when i wrote a short story and printed it out for her and she read it in her spare time and told me what she thought about it. and it wasn't like i was fucking busted at writing when i was 13 or something lmao i think she could just see how passionate i was about it and wanted to encourage me but here's the bit: i can't remember anymore if it was 2018 or 2019, but i'm like 18 or 19 years old at this point and haven't seen this woman in years, but i'm the oldest of three, right, and so my sister comes home from school one day and she tells me she ran into my old 8th grade teacher, who recognised my sister and asked her about me. she wanted to know if i was still writing. she told my sister to pass along that i was one of the best young writers she ever taught and that she hoped i was doing well, and i still think about it all the time
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
i know all the lyrics to most songs i really enjoy. i have a shit memory, but lyrics have always come easy for me for some reason, especially musicals
come ask me things!
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writeblrsupport · 1 year
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you know who's been doing some fucking amazing work lately? @vacantgodling . his worldbuilding always blows me out of the PARK and i love seeing his work and reading about his ideas.
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thelittlestspider · 7 months
📙 🦋?
📙 Who would be the tutor and who would need the tutoring?
i feel like jessica/tambra would be able to tutor people, but gilly/georgia/tameka would need tutoring.
🦋 Who looks for magic in the everyday and ordinary and who needs it pointed out to them?
jessica/tambra: i feel like they're both surrounded by such weird stuff every day, they need someone to point out the magic in ordinary things.
gilly/georgia/tameka: gilly and tameka are the ones who point things out to georgia. tameka points out various species of bugs and different plants, gilly points out stuff like flowers, architecture, the sky.
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transmonstera · 1 year
ALDER!!!! congrats on the surgery i’m so fucking hype for you. much love from across the ocean 💛💛
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caracteresolaires · 1 year
1-5 for the character ask game?
thank you ren!!! i'm gonna do my girl alessia :)
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Alessia is the oldest of her 'siblings' - the one she's closest with is Solemn, a Titan who has been there for her through the years and is a huge part of the reason she has never completely given up. They're very different - he's quiet and solemn, as his name suggests - but they love each other deeply.
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Alessia doesn't really have a mother - she's a Guardian, so she was Raised by a Ghost (who is not a mother figure, more like an older brother). There are a few women who are important to her, primarily Ikora, but she's not a mother figure either.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Alessia and Joshua are pretty close, in all honesty. For a long time he didn't agree with her lifestyle, but he still loves her as a daughter, and now he's happy she's 'settled down' (stopped doing drugs) and is more focused on helping other people, as well as herself. Alessia will fully admit he was right to call her out on her bullshit, and they've forgiven each other.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Yes! A long time ago (about 300 years) Ali was involved in a large-scale conflict; she saw a lot of people die and has never been able to get that out of her head. She ran away from Earth and processed her trauma pretty badly. She doesn't tell many people about this - her family knows, Ikora knows, Atlas knows, I think Fawkes and the Drifter know too? And Eris of course.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Lip balm, lipstick, book of love poems, and moist towelettes
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
☕️ + random interests that people wouldn’t expect you to have
you sent this so long ago lmao
but yeah this was for the like. send this emoji and i'll share an Opinion.
anyway i don't know if this would be unexpected per se, but i have a lot of thoughts about the state of indie horror games right now. not anything that hasn't been said before, but... yeah-
so a common complaint i see is that there's an oversaturation of low-effort mascot horror games that are all extremely derivative of each other and focus on marketing and merch rather than giving a complete, well-rounded experience. and uhh.... i agree with that lol. however, i think something a lot of people don't keep in mind here is that outrage marketing (for lack of a better term) plays into this.
like... take gar/ten of ban/ban for example. i'm not trying to knock people who do find enjoyment in that game, but a significant amount of the traction it's received is from people talking shit about it. and.... again, i am not knocking the people who enjoy this game. but to those who don't...... you need to understand that even by getting the game just to speedrun it and refund it, you are contributing to the chokehold this game has on public consciousness.
like even ironic attention and support... is still attention and support. i hate to say it, but genuinely if you hate this game and think it doesn't live up to or deserve the hype... then you should ignore it. because ultimately it's really not doing anything productive to go "UGHGHG LOOK AT THIS BAD GAME" and in fact incentivizes them to continue making the game you hate because they will continue to get the attention and revenue from the exposure. outrage marketing is real and y'all are falling hook, line, and sinker for this shit.
(also this should go without saying, but it's also unacceptable how people have been harassing the devs. what the fuck y'all.)
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yourlocal-lichen · 1 year
1, 2, 12, 19 for the road trip asks?
Which OC is the driver? Where are the other OCs sitting in the vehicle?
honestly probably Nox. my gut says Ambrose but I don't think he can drive, but he's definitely the one I would trust the most behind the wheel lol. Nox strikes me as the type to own a car. Bard would always call shotgun but Ambrose would be the one getting it because a) it's way easier to get in the front seat and b) modern AU Bard can't read a map. at this point I'm assuming minivan because that's the only thing that could fit them all, so Tulle would be driver's side middle row, so they can have extra space and look at the cars in the other lane. Bard would be passenger side middle row so that he can talk to as many people as possible and be on aux. Sylvia would be back row passenger side so she can have some quiet and look out the window.
2. What form of transportation are your OCs using (RV, motorcycles, on foot, etc.)?
Oh yeah I guess I made the assumption of minivan and yeah that fits. I doubt Nox would own a minivan but it's the only thing that would work with them all. I've never been on a road trip with anything else honestly it's hard to imagine all the possibilities lol
12. Which OC insists on stopping at every fruit stall to buy snacks and chat with the seller?
Tulle wants snacks and Bard always chats up the fruit seller. he always puts them behind schedule but everyone else pretends they don't mind.
19. Imagine your OCs getting pulled into a side quest when one OC claims that they saw a cryptid
will do. Tulle sees it and makes everyone stop. no one else minds it, this is one of the things they like about Tulle and budget time for.
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angsty-prompt-hole · 3 months
🦐- Talk about a time when you made yourself laugh or cry?
🐍- How do you deal with it when you come across a plothole?
🎻- Where do you look when you need some inspiration?
🦐- Talk about a time when you made yourself laugh or cry?
So I have a thing I do where if I get a partial scene or an idea that's haunting me I do a writing, where I just write whatever is burning holes in my brain that isn't conducive to working on a project, and I have a whole section of them that I call blacklist writings because they made me cry while writing them. They're pretty much all first drafts of major character deaths.
🐍- How do you deal with it when you come across a plothole?
I leave it alone for a little bit usually to simmer in my brain and drive me insane. Usually if I leave it long enough my brain will solve the plot hole on its own. When I have to force it for whatever reason, I just relentlessly interrogate OCs until they give me lore that patches the hole lol
🎻- Where do you look when you need some inspiration?
Depending on what I want inspiration for, I have a rotating roster of shows and movies I'll rewatch, or I'll pick something new to watch if it seems like it'll fit the vibes I want. Or I'll listen to music that consistently sparks my muse. For something like Dimension Jumpers, I'll rewatch Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something like that, and for stuff involving Haven I watch horror movies or the SyFy show Haven (yes, it is what she's named after).
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
just a general question for blorbo blursday— who would you consider your main blorbos from your wips & who do you think future fans/audiences would claim as their blorbos? are they the same?
Love me some good general questions >:) but how are you doing, Ren? Writing/art going well?
Also thank you for the ask <3
who would you consider your main blorbos from your wips & who do you think future fans/audiences would claim as their blorbos? are they the same?
For the sake of not having this be too long, I'm just sticking with my main 2 WIPs, Nite & Daye and Unveiled Dissolution (:
My main blorbos from N&D are Nite, Soz, & Vell and my main blorbos from UD are Ayre, Silence, & Vex.
Based on what I've seen so far, I would absolutely not be surprised if a lot of people chose Nite as their blorbo! I think Aleah and Silver might be big ones too but I could absolutely see Nite and/or taking home the trophy as like #1 blorbo or something haha.
For UD, I can see a lot of people claiming Silence but with the massive cast of characters (yes, technically even bigger than N&D), it's kind of hard to tell? I think each character are very relatable in lots of different ways that I can for see the blorbo crown being split several different ways (':
As for the last question, I can see a lot of them being the same but with my obsession of creating a slightly large cast with plenty of diversity, I think it'll be an interesting outcome if that makes any sense haha
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valeffelees · 9 months
11 for fandom year in review?
11. Biggest squee moment of the year
i'm gonna say it's when i got my Russian edition of Carry On. i started collecting various editions of the Simon Snow novels shortly after i finished the third book, and i dunno if it's just because i'm in Canada or what, but i had such an unnecessarily hard fucking time finding this goddamn book. i was checking all these used book reseller sites and shit, and none of them had a copy, and all of them said shit like "we receive less than 1 copy of this book every 6 months", and i figured, fuck. well, ok. i guess i just don't get a copy of this one. but i still checked around for it periodically, yk? and then one day a listing appeared for it, a single copy being sold out of Atlanta, and i'm fucking obsessed with this thing. baz is wearing a cape, simon's hair looks terrible, his shirt is unbuttoned unnecessarily far down his chest, Google translates the title to "Keep it up!", the book is marked 18+ on the front. there are just so many good things.
[questions are here, ask me things!]
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writeblrsupport · 1 year
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@vacantgodling 's magic system sounds very well thought out and expansive. I'm interested to see where it goes, even if in the current magic polls I usually ended up voting for the lesser liked option. Keep it up!
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thelittlestspider · 11 months
🖊 🖊 i wanna hear more about tameka or georgia LOL
🖊 - tameka becomes a beekeeper later. i think georgia ends up becoming a doctor?
🖊 - georgia likes having tea parties. it sort of helps center her. the others will show up and use it for gossip sessions or to do homework. every once in a while georgia will accidentally bring the dishes or the furniture to life and it scares the shit out of them (bc they'll start breathing and have actual blood and guts and stuff and they can move).
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transmonstera · 1 year
i know you enjoy horror movies, what are some of your favorites and why?
the entire Saw series will always be so special to me because it was the first horror series i ever really watched and latched onto so they can be as cheesy and confusing as they want and i'll still love them. same goes for final destination tbh!
aaah i love so many though this is so hard to just pick a few favourites um i'm gonna just list a few that i scored high on my letterboxd with a lil tagline of thoughts for them! (follow me if you like and see all the movies i've watched lately!)
Malignant - i like fucked up faces and bodies doing weird things
It Follows - that tall man in the doorframe still haunts me
As Above So Below - feel like it gives an accurate representation of being in France
Hellraiser - sexy gay and transsexual :)
Incantation - one of the very few movies that has ever actually made me feel nauseous!
Nope (+ all of Jordan Peele's movies tbh) - i have no notes it was just perfect
Bones and All - [with my face covered in the blood of my beloved] this is a love story
Titane - the eroticism of the machine and the horrors of the flesh
Terrifier 1 & 2 - i love gratuitous gore and i will not apologise for it ESPECIALLY when it's practical effects
and this is like not even scratching the surface as my letterboxd only started getting updated properly recently so i've seen a Bunch so like anyone and everyone is free to recommend me a movie and if i've seen it i'll just repond with what i think of it!!! <3
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