#vagueposting about welcome home
theneighborhoodwatch · 9 months
i would be a fool to deny that wally has, as the kids like to say, a touch of the ‘tism, or that i find him an ultimately sympathetic character, but i must admit i dislike the implication i’ve seen from a few folks that either:
A) because wally is autistic, he cannot possibly be doing anything morally dubious
B) if he Is doing anything morally dubious, then we can no longer count him as an example of Good Representation™, and must instead rely on the other characters to pick up the slack
maybe i’m jumping to conclusions here, but like, i dunno, aside from the obvious fact that disability rep shouldn’t be treated like a competition between characters - i like wally in part because he’s given a level and a Type of moral complexity/ambiguity that i rarely see in visibly autistic characters, even in indie productions. i have a hard time imagining the kind of person for whom that’s a bug and not a feature.
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peculiarbeauty · 17 days
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◈ NAME  ⋯  you can call me rose !
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she / her / hers
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯ so my main muse will always be belle but i also write in the persona fandom. <3 i absolutely do have other blogs but they are currently inactive and i really have no idea when my activity will pick up again on them. this blog and my other most active are:
peculiarbeauty : you are here !! welcome.
fatedprincess : this is haru okumura. she is my little meow meow.
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  &.
people reblogging callouts for unjust reasoning between friend groups that really should stay within a friend group. people dogpiling one person and assuming the position of a good human being for that. people overall spreading vagueposts , gossip , and other slandering things. in my opinion , unless people are threatening your very life or are a sexual predator , you should keep drama between you and the person in question. sort it out !! stop dragging the entirety of tumblr into your feud. i only learned this big lesson about tumblr callout culture over a year ago.
burnbooks : gross behavior to make a blog centered around talking badly about people.
elitism : people who believe that they are the only one out there who can write a muse and try to slander another person who likes the muse just as much as they do.
copying people's blogs and then preaching about how people should stop stealing from you : it's gross and i just find it so so hypocritical that anyone can say that they have been stolen from when they straight up are doing it themselves. look in the mirror , please.
autoshipping and forceshipping : first of all , if i did not agree to a ship , please do not suddenly act like it's okay to ship with me. it's okay if we build up to it but instantly shipping makes me question where our threads are going. not everything is about shipping , we can write many threads together. i would like to write many threads together before we instantly ship as some muns have chemistry with their writing more than others. forceshipping is gross and being a victim of someone attempting to forceship with me pretty continuously as well as stalk and harass me for years .. i'm really really not okay with it.
◈ EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯   i have been writing on platforms since 2008. i started on youtube back in the day ! i joined tumblr , however , back in 2015. i wrote in the disney fandom when it was CRAZY busy with blogs. i wrote for snow white very briefly around that time but had no true idea of how tumblr worked lol. it really was an experience. i remember roleplay groups were HUGE and there was one particular roleplay group in disney that was super popular. <3 i'll always remember that.
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  FLUFF AND ANGST IS MY GO TO. i do not write smut.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  it depends on the day you ask me this question tbh. most of the time it is memes because i am a teacher and i am perpetually tired when i get home. it's hard to think after work for me. on weekends though ?? i say plots. i am in a good headspace at that time.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  this ALSO depends. i am someone who can write a TON if the thread strikes me. like , angst ?? an ANGSTY long thread ?? i'm so there , girl. sign me up.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  i throw everything in the queue. i tend to find my writing habits existing more in the early parts of the day.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES  ⋯  if i said i was like my muse , i would feel like i need to humble myself a little. belle is an amazing , empathetic , intelligent woman. she is such a wonderful human being. am i a wonderful person ?? i definitely can work on that a little more. i will tell you though that i am very close to my father like belle is with her own. i love reading , literature is everything to me which makes it easy for book talk in threads. belle and i have a similar taste in stories too. belle and i are also empathetic towards people for better or worse. we love people and try to make the best decisions for them if they need advice or help. i just try to keep it real ?? there is a lot we can learn from disney princesses about how to live. so YEAH she inspires me truly. <3
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tagging : @guujies / @adversitybloomed / @revoeu + you ! tagged by : @historiavn ( thank you my love ! )
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daenerysstormreborn · 11 months
I think it's always better to just do this stuff in private like on discord, but doing a screenshot with the OP removed is better than engaging, in the end no one is wasting their energy on changing their mind and seriously hearing other points of view on silly fandom stuff. Keep in mind if the post was in the tags though people will still be able to figure out who it was easily
Hmm yes the problem with doing this in discord is that servers tend to be for like-minded groups and it contributes to the echo chamber problem. Any server I’d join (and I’m not in any asoiaf servers) would likely all agree with me and that’s not really what I want. But I guess most people who follow me probably also agree with most of my takes so posting a screenshot isn’t any better.
There are plenty of things that honestly I WOULD and DO seriously engage with other points of view on when it comes to media interpretation, and my mind HAS changed on things as a result. But maybe you don’t mean “serious discussions of meta and analysis” when you say silly fandom stuff. Silly fandom stuff to me would be like “is the Tully hair color ginger?” because auburn is definitely not ginger but it’s not clear if true auburn is the hair color George actually had in mind when writing—he seems to have been thinking of something a bit closer to ginger than auburn. But the real application of that to the text is limited and ultimately it doesn’t really matter.
But something like “is Tyrion a villain?” or “who is the girl in grey?” or other things that take serious consideration and bear weight in the plot and major themes, I think may be worth discussing.
Really my entire line of thinking comes from realizing that I’d much rather have someone engage with my post directly as long as they’re doing it in good faith and not just mocking. It’s okay to disagree with me and even if someone doesn’t change my mind, being presented with an alternative perspective enriches my experience.
And sometimes people are just factually incorrect and I care about correcting misinformation and would want to be corrected. For example: I’ve previously (not on this blog, back on my main a long time ago before I even created this blog) said that there was no way George would consider a certain pairing that I find particularly distasteful. But I have since learned that he said there’s “definitely something there” and has ship art of the two of them on his wall in his home. I was wrong. Boo. And I’m glad someone corrected me. Likewise, one of my sort of vagueposts was about someone analyzing the show to point out how Jon certainly didn’t love Daenerys in the show. And well, the actors had shit chemistry and didn’t sell it. But the poster was praising the actors for conveying Jon’s true feelings. However, the script indicates that Jon did love Daenerys through to the very end. It wasn’t a matter of subtle acting. It was BAD acting coupled with bad writing. This isn’t a matter of opinion. I probably seem biased because I like Jonerys (in theory) but this is about what the script states. Whether OP didn’t know that or just didn’t care, it doesn’t matter. Misinformation bothers me. I just didn’t know how well it would’ve been received if I’d engaged with the post directly. A Dany blog popping up in the notes to say “hey, you are wrong” may not be very welcome because not everyone is as open to this kind of discussion as I am. Which isn’t to say I think they should be. I do think it would make the fandom better, but I also understand that some people just want to post what they like and engage with people who agree and that’s just as valid as my desire to challenge my own interpretations and opinions.
Anyway point is that I just wish it was easier to present differing perspectives without it leading to drama or getting blocked and I wish I had a way to know who is okay with being engaged with like that and who isn’t. Thanks for the input!
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gigglesx333 · 1 year
i am an everything blog.
minecraft diaries. welcome home. the magnus archives. vagueposting about people. minecraft. the hotel content will be coming the moment i finish it. im going to start posting my art. i am an everything and anything that catches my interest blog.
I like bones and bugs and mold and fungi and psychological horror and i am rapidly approaching. I am rapidly approaching and i am armed. I will hold you at knifepoint and infodump about anything and everything.
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rataltouille · 3 years
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[start id / a symmetrical photo of a large garden, with green hedges and pink-flowered shrubs placed next to a small flight of stairs leading up to a fountain-like structure. at the bottom of the stairs is a small stretch of cropped grass, and a bronze statue of two people sitting while looking at each other. over the image, in white italicised letters, is the text “@alicewestwater” / end id]
hello! i’m al, i use they/them pronouns, am desi and if you met me irl you’d probably laugh at how short i am. i’m obsessed with literary fiction, the movie ratatouille and playing dangerous games like “how many times can i describe this sunset before i get punched in the face?”
A MILLION HOMES AND NONE OF THEM IS YOURS: [ongoing] a mother-daughter duo find themselves in a dangerous, magical world after a fight and are forced to sort out their tumultous relationship in order to find their way back before the mother’s pregnancy is due.
wip intro. wip tag. spotify playlist.
FORCE MAJEURE: [temporarily on hold] a dark coming-of-age novel about twins ananya and naveen, who get separated while escaping their home, only to find themselves in completely different places—one stumbling onto a hidden commune by the beach, the other pulled into a group of thieves in the city. now, the twins must confront their obsessions with things they can’t control and what they’re willing to do to belong.
wip intro. wip tag. updates tag. spotify playlist.
GOD COMPLEX: [ongoing] a collection of all my short stories! ft. unhinged narrators, high realism and trash human beings.
wip intro. wip tag. updates tag. short story intros tag.
HOUSE PLANTS: [completed] a sapphic coming-of-age novel about a young girl and the upheaval of her circadian life— along with the strange, disconcerting relationship she has with her reserved mother— after the arrival of a bold, new girl in her secluded town. ft. lots of flowery prose that’s been described as surrealism so many times that at this point it might as well be.
wip intro. wip tag. monthly updates tag. spotify playlist.
BONFIRE, BONFIRE: [ongoing] flash fiction + poetry collection based on this celebration post.
wip tag. read part one. part two [to be posted]. read on wattpad.
they lied about the gold. recurvial. chemtrails for the wicked. the incompetent children. finding orion. what you’ve lost in the jasmine woods. sweet briar.
poetry tag. i no longer post my poems on tumblr but i do enjoy the form!
writing memes tag. vagueposting about the writing process.
writing craft tag. insight into my writing process and what works for me.
resources tag. signal boosts + spreading awareness.
art tag. i actually draw a lot but post mostly on my instagram!
personal tag. giving me unlimited access to the internet along with a platform... this is how i use it 🙋
my carrd.
art instagram.
tumblr wip page.
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Hello fuckers! This is the ridiculously long fic I've been vagueposting about for like weeks. 23k words sitting in a doc! I'll be trying to post maybe once every two weeks, but once school starts again it will be a lot harder to get out 3k words in a week. I have seven chapters written, so I'll consistently update for probably 2-3 months and then no promises after that. This is going to be a fucking epic.
Note that not all warnings  apply to all the chapters, so I'll be warning for triggering/upsetting content in each chapter individually. Please heed those!
You all also get to play a game of 'guess which song the chapter title is pulled from', which is made more difficult by my music taste ranging from musicals (les mis! DEH!) to my chemical romance. I'll let you know what the chapter title was from when I post the next chapter. Also, the POV switches each chapter, so that info is also in the notes.
Title: Coming, Coming Home
Chapter Title: Do you want to live out loud?
Chapter Wordcount: 3099
The story of 109 WKIL, from the mother that began it to the daughter who saw the end of it.
Warnings: None for this chapter!
Taglist: @wishiwasthemoon-tonight @sleevesareforlosers @stressed-depressed-emo-mess @tasteofamnesia @dagger-queen @no-braincells-here @piratecherricola (message me, send an ask, or reblog/reply to one of my posts if you want to be added or removed)
AO3 Link
(Actual fic under the cut)
It began with a handheld radio.
The killjoy who was already beginning to be known as Dr. Death Defying had stolen quiet a few of these portable transmitting devices when he left the army of the corporation called Better Living Industries. Now, he began to give them out, one after another, to the small clusters of rebels who were just beginning to call themselves killjoys. With those, the groups kept each other updated for a while, passing whispers back and forth over the airwaves. The positions of squads of dracs, who had extra supplies, where there were good buildings to scavenge from or shelter in.
Those were highly effective in the small rebellion, news passing quickly between the few rebels, but as more killjoys began to enter to desert, take up the colors and masks and ray guns and form themselves into a true rebellion, it was getting to be not enough. 
“We need something with a wider reach.”
Dr. Death Defying was sitting at the so-called strategy table (which in actuality was a shitty kitchen table strategically repurposed), listening to White Lily talk about rebellion. It was another ordinary afternoon, or as ordinary as one could get in a post-apocalyptic nuclear desert plotting to overthrow an evil mega corporation. The sun was shining brightly overhead, and he and his best friend, the fiery spirited White Lily, were in a partially wrecked house out in Zone Four, where they had been staying for most of the time since the Helium Wars. Both former soldiers, they had served together for a little bit after D had first been recruited. He had been transferred to a different squadron soon after, and they hadn’t deserted together, but they’d met up after the wars and become close friends. Two dreamers who wanted to save the world, she had said. And so now they were trying to do just that, one killjoy recruit at a time.
“If this is going to be a true revolution, Walkie-talkies aren’t going to cut it,” White Lily went on. “We need a way to reach more people. Get the word out quicker.”
“Did you have any particular ideas?” Dr. Death Defying asked dryly.
Her eyes gleamed in the way that meant she did, in fact, have an idea. “A radio station.”
“A what?”
“A radio station. I know I sound crazy, but hear me out. If we can get our hands on the equipment, a lot of killjoys already have radios and that way we can also reach the ones with only a car radio. We broadcast news- who’s dead, where bli is attacking, just generally what’s going on. We can also make speeches over the radio, like what’s his face, the president guy, did with his fireside chats."
“FDR. And you can make speeches over the radio.” It wasn’t that he couldn’t, per se, but he would rather leave the main speaking part of it to her.
White Lily briefly made a sad face, but was back to determination within seconds. “Right, well I can make big speeches if you do daily announcements and news, deal?”
“Deal.” They realized a second later what they had just accidentally agreed to and sighed. 
The other just grinned. “Time to get some radio equipment!”
And so it began with a hand held radio and a duo of Helium Wars survivors, and 109 WKIL was born.
109 WKIL didn’t actually broadcast until two full months and a new crew member later. It turned out to be not exactly easy to get their hands on the equipment necessary to send out signals, and neither of them knew precisely what running a radio station required anyways. They researched as best they could, asking around and reading any old books they could find, but supplies were scarce and electronic equipment especially so. And so they didn’t get the radio station fully running until after the arrival of their third crew member.
It was another of the somewhat lazy afternoons in the desert when Cherri Cola showed up at their house in a stolen BLI News Van. White Lily was gone, off talking to a small band of neutrals and trying to persuade them to aid the rebellion, so it was Dr. Death Defying who was there to see a no-longer white van screech to a stop. He kept his ray gun close as he stepped outside, since the van was Better Living Industries, but the side of it had a sprinkling of graffiti and it was covered in dust, which reassured him somewhat.
The van’s engine clicked off and Dr. Death Defying breathed a sigh of relief as a lean teenager hopped out, squinting in the sunlight. They were clearly a killjoy, given the pink mask, and they also wore scuffed jeans and a too-small black jacket despite the warmth of a desert afternoon. Their hair was brown and a sandy mess, and they were perhaps an inch or two shorter than Dr. Death Defying. They were completely and utterly un-intimidating with the sole exception of their eyes, which blazed with fierce and bitter kind of anger. 
“Another killjoy?” Their voice squeaked a little, undoing any effect of those fiery eyes, and they cleared their throat. “Uh, another killjoy?”
At loss for words, he nodded. “I’m Dr. Death Defying, he/him and they/them.”
“Cherri Cola.” They fiddled with their shirt hem. “He/him.”
“So…I’m assuming you’re looking for White Lily?”
“Was actually just looking for a place to stay the night,” Cherri Cola mumbled. “I didn’t realize you were already staying here, I can leave-“
“Absolutely not, get inside.” They hoped their voice didn’t sound too firm. “White Lily and I are happy to let people stay with us who need.”
“Oh.” D pretended not to notice the relief on his face as he ran a hand through his hair. “Thanks.”
“Of course. Do you want to come into the shade? It’s baking out here.” He didn’t mention how hot the other killjoy must be in that jacket.
“Yes, please.” 
So he led the strange teenager inside, half-wondering what made the teen’s eyes so old and filled with hurt and rage. It wasn’t an uncommon sight in the zones, per se, but this kid’s eyes were striking in their pain.
“So, how old are you?”
“Sixteen, you?”
“Twenty. Do you want some power pup? We’ve got a bit of extra, I think.”
Cherri nodded eagerly, and he devoured everything D put in front of him. “It’s been a while since I’ve been able to pull off a raid or anything, and hacking vending machines isn’t as easy as it looks.”
That would explain why he was so lean. “You’ve got the look of someone who’s been out in the desert a while.”
“Almost since the end of the wars.” There was no need for him to specify which wars. The Helium Wars loomed over everyone and everything, desert and city. 
“Ah. I’ve been here since the very end of the wars, so not too much longer than you. My friend White Lily and I were both deserters, we met up and decided to stick it to the man, as it were.” 
“So you live together?” Cherri Cola’s face had softened into curiosity.
“Yep. We’ve been sheltering in this house for quite a while now, but we’ve lived together for longer than that.” 
Cherri nodded. “I’m on my own. Runaway from Battery City, never found a crew. It must be nice to live with your friend, though.”
At that moment, said friend came tromping through the door. “Hello, D!”
“Hey, Lily!”    
Cherri waved with a quiet “Hello.”
“Hello, random stranger in my kitchen!”
Dr. Death Defying sighed. “White Lily, this is Cherri Cola, he/him. Cherri Cola, this is White Lily, she/her.”
“Nice to meet you,” Cherri said politely. 
“Nice to meet you too, kid! So I’m assuming this softy offered you a place to sleep for the night?”
“I did, he needed a place to stay.”
“Softy.” White Lily turned her grin on Cherri Cola. “You’re welcome to stay for a bit, we’ve got a nice place and an extra room, so I don’t see why you wouldn’t.”
“I can pull my weight,” he offered quietly. “I know how to sew and some first aid and a little bit of fighting, but I’m not great yet.”
“What makes you think you have to pull your weight for us to give you a room for a night?” Lily’s face was genuinely concerned. “Can’t believe I’m going to say this, but chill, kid.”
There was something in Cherri’s eyes that reminded D a little of a wounded animal as he glanced up at Lily. “You’re sure I don’t have to be helpful? I can do a lot of things- okay, not a lot, but I’m pretty good at fixing things and I know how to fire a ray gun, even if I can’t really do hand-to-hand combat.”
"Well, if some dracs attack, then you can put that to good use,” D told him.
“Wait, did you say you can fix things? Tech skills?” Lily leaned forward, and D didn’t have to see her face to know what she was thinking. 
“My…I knew someone who’s an engineer,” Cherri explained.  “I know how to fix a lot of things.”
“You don’t happen to know anything about radio equipment, do you?”
“Lily,” D sighed.
“Some, why?”
“We could use some help getting a radio station off the ground. And shush, D, if he’s going to stay anyways, we might as well figure out if he can help.”
“A radio station…do you have a transmitter? Or anything of the sort? And you need modulators.”
“We’ve got the modulators,” D told him. “We need a transmitter, the little one I found isn’t near powerful enough.”
Cherri Cola frowned, tilting his head. “Well, I’ve got a news van with what I’m assuming is a very powerful transmitter, haven’t tried to use it yet, though. We’d have to figure out how to make it work with audio instead of video, but I bet you could use the antenna from that. An FM station shouldn’t take too much technology, depends on how wide you want the range to be. Power is probably more of an issue?”
“We’ve got some large batteries, do you think we need a more permanent power source?”
They talked until the sun was starting to set, Cherri having quite a bit of useful advice and knowledge to supplement what little research D managed.
And after Cherri was safely asleep in the spare room, Dr. Death Defying and White Lily convened back at the shitty kitchen ‘strategy’ table. 
“You’re not seriously thinking of letting him stay forever,” Lily said as soon as she had taken her seat.
“Why not?” Usually, it would be Lily who asked this question, but “He needs a home.”
“This better not be fucking Socks all over again.” Socks, being, of course, the cat D had tried to take in during the Helium Wars. Not only had he been a lot of trouble, he had eventually run off onto the battlefield, and neither of them had been able to stop him. They could only assume he had been killed in the final days of the wars.
D still regretted that, but this was different. “He’s not a cat, Lil. But he does need a safe place to stay. Besides, you were the one who was grilling him about radio station technology.”
“At first. Then you took over with all your technical words and phrases.”
“All we were doing was talking transmitters.”
“Nerd boy.” 
D sighed. “Anyways. He can clearly be helpful, given how much he knows about radio technology and other things, and he’s obviously in need of a place to stay.”
“Well, we’ve got one of those at least,” Lily sighed. “He better end up a good radio station assistant for you.”
D knew that meant Cherri was staying. “We’ll offer to let him join in the morning.”
“We will.” Lily’s face was serious. “Be prepared for him to say no, D. We’re not famous yet, but being friends with rebellion leaders probably isn’t an easy lot.”
“Of course not.” The flashlight they had hung for light flickered. “We’ll warn him about a friendship with us means, but we can’t just kick him out.”
“Technically, we can, but we’re not going to.”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
The next morning dawned slightly overcast, which was rare in the desert. It provided somewhat of a gloomy atmosphere as Cherri Cola wandered into their living room area with a tired “Morning.”       
“Morning,” Lily yawned back. D was the only one properly awake at the crack of dawn, always an early riser. 
He found it somewhat amusing how non-functional Lily was until she had had some coffee or gotten some adrenaline from a fight. “Good morning.”
Cherri settled down in one of the chairs cautiously as Lily opened her mouth again. “So, D and I were talking. Big softy that he is, he wants to let you stay with us if you want, and I figured you might be pretty handy when it comes to radio stations.”
“Don’t let her twist it, she’s equally on board.” D resisted a sigh. “We do have to warn you, we’re leading a rebellion. Lily is, at least. I’m something like a right hand, I suppose. So it will be dangerous and difficult to be friends with us, and the radio station will not be an easy endeavor either.”
“Can’t be worse than…” Cherri trailed off. “Can’t be worse than wandering the desert on your own in a stolen news van. Do you really want me to stay?”
“Hey, we always want another pair of hands.” White Lily’s joking tone didn’t get a grin out of him.  “You seem like a neat kid, why not let you stay?”
“Guess so.” Cherri yawned again. “So, do you happen to have a screwdriver? I think I’ve got some ideas about the modulators.”
So Cherri Cola came to live with them. His primary occupation was trying to get the radio station able to broadcast, alongside Dr. Death Defying, combining each of their respective technology skill with a lot of guesswork and the knowledge gleaned from whatever books they could find. He rarely went on runs with White Lily at first, but as they found out a week or so in, he turned out to be more than a decent shot with a ray gun.
“Holy fuck, Cola.” White Lily was staring at the empty can he had just knocked over- from a distance of a hundred and twenty feet, further than D or Lily had managed yet. 
“Is that a good or a bad ‘holy fuck’?”
“Good. Holy shit. D and I haven’t hit that yet, not with a shitty little ray gun like yours anyways.”
“What’s wrong with this ray gun?”
“No offense, but that’s a piece of shit.” D watched as she took the ray gun and weighted it in her hands before handing her own to Cherri. “Feel what this one’s like- it’s a little heavier, but it’s a lot nicer. Yours doesn’t even have a stun setting.”
It took him one or two practice shots, but within a few minutes he was shooting even more effectively.
“A hundred and FIFTY feet! D, did you see that?”
“I did,” D told her, glancing over at the youngest of their little trio. “Cherri, we need to get you a better ray gun.” 
The better ray gun would have to wait, though, as the next day, they finally found the last few pieces of equipment and things that they would need for the radio station. They had decided that 109 WKIL would broadcast from the news van Cherri had arrived in, since the antenna was already attached and that way it could be portable if Better Living Industries managed to track their signal. So a few days of fixing later, they had cobbled together a working radio apparatus that could broadcast at a range of thirty miles or so. It had taken a lot of swearing, banging around, and failed test runs, but eventually they had it figured out.
The very first broadcast fell to D, as it was decided he would be the main DJ, and he settled at the panel a little nervously. Cherri was crouched beside him, fiddling with the last few cords. 
“Think we’re good to go,” he whispered.
"Right. Here goes nothing.” D took a deep breath. “One-oh-nine in the sky and the pigs won’t quit, welcome to the very first broadcast by one oh nine WKIL, the rebellious radio station of the desert. I’m Dr. Death Defying, and I’ll be your usual DJ, keeping you updated on all the news from claps to raids to Mad Gear concerts.”
The script had been decided on beforehand so that he didn’t stumble too much, but he still had to pause to take another quick breath and steady himself. “We’ll be doing our broadcast at this time every morning, pretty soon after alarm clock radiation, and we’ll be fanning the spark of this desert into a flame. So tune in, listeners, for all the latest updates, weather, traffic reports, and the best music we’ve got. One oh nine in the sky, this is Dr. Death Defying signing off.”
Cherri gave them a broad grin and a thumbs-up as D fumbled to click the right buttons to get the music going. D grinned right back, and White Lily came charging into the van a few minutes later, brandishing the radio they had been using to test their broadcasting capabilities. 
“It worked! You came though loud and clear, even a good ten miles away, and you’re already getting good at this. I told you, you could do it!” She gave him a high five, grinning, and turned to Cherri. “And good job, soda kid! You’re already a radio station technician.”
Cherri laughed and high-fived her. “Wasn’t expecting to become one at sixteen, but not the worst place I could have ended up.”
They had tried to spread the word as best as possible about the radio station beforehand, so D knew there had been a fair amount of killjoys already listening to the first broadcast. And word travelled quickly in the desert, so he didn’t doubt their listener base would grow over the years. But for now, the rebellion was small, and the twenty-one-year-old leader and her two best friends were heading inside for a celebratory breakfast of power pup.
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konboyblues · 7 years
On Why Ibushi/Omega Can Wait Until Sakura Genesis
I've written before how important the month of April is to Bullet Club leaders' character development in the overall New Japan narrative, and as we step closer and closer to Wrestle Kingdom, the more I realize that Sakura Genesis 2018 is likely going to be the critical turning point for the inevitable Bullet Club/Elite split. As far as we know, Kenneth will not be defending the US title at Power Struggle, and is likely to hold onto it going into Wrestle Kingdom. For all intents and purposes, it's pretty much expected that Kenny Omega will be issued a challenger either during Power Struggle, or during the World Tag league. At Power Struggle, that allots Kenneth two months to build an on-screen story with his challenger. If it happens during the World Tag League, then it leaves New Japan with less than a month of storytelling to push into Wrestle Kingdom 12.
Now, can they build Ibushi/Omega in two months? Sure. The Golden Lovers storytelling has been predominantly done through social media, however, if two solid months were used to build up an on-screen feud, then it could very well come to an culmination at Wrestle Kingdom. But what's the point of spending two months on a simmering feud when that rarely gets any live content? Personally, I think this is where Suzuki and Tanahashi step into the game.
Please realize that there is very little chance that Ibushi/Omega will be the semi-main event of the night when he haven't even factored our bloody Ace into the game. Is Ibushi/Omega a draw? Absolutely, but you out yo damn mind if you think Tanahashi Hiroshi's match is gonna play back-up dancer to a feud that's only going to have two months of live footage and some vagueposting on Twitter. Of the last five Wrestle Kingdoms, Tana's only semi-main evented for one- which was this year's Wrestle Kingdom. The other four? He main evented. He won three out of the five Wrestle Kingdoms, and though he might just lose at this coming one on January 4, 2018, it still won't erase the fact that he's arguably one of their most powerful characters and has a lot to offer to the story.
So where does Tanahashi factor into Kenneth and Ibushi story?
It could very well be that at Power Struggle, Tanahashi will lose to Ibushi. If he loses, then he's free to wrestle whomstever he wants, and Ibushi goes into Wrestle Kingdom as champion. Now, I understand some of y'all are thirsty for a unification match between the IC and US titles, but recognize that the US title hasn't even been in existence for a year- there is no point in unifying it with the IC title bc the IC title doesn't need the US title. It is a prestigious title on its own, whereas the US title doesn't even have ten defenses underneath its belt. Unifying it would be like throwing crumbs at a person already enjoying a feast.
Best case scenario for if Tanahashi loses? He challenges Kenneth at Wrestle Kingdom, and the US heavyweight title suddenly gets elevated to semi-event because Tanahashi is about to validate it. Tanahashi might just lose, which would make perfect sense since then the US title will be strong enough to pull in mighty top draw challengers instead of midcarders, and Tanahashi can finally take a fucking break to heal up. Ibushi, on the other hand, can either battle Goto (to whomst he lost in the G1), or Suzuki, since his welcome back into the New Japan fold included him getting jumped by Suzuki-gun. Or, it could be someone out of thin air, but we'll see what Gedo's headass is up to in November.
But what if Tanahashi wins? Kenneth is still champion, a unification match could still happen, but if it doesn’t- why would Ibushi get a shot at another title when he couldn't come through for the IC title? Tanahashi, at least, was a champion if he were issued a match against Kenneth. Ibushi doesn't have a damn thing underneath his belt since returning, so two title shots and a G1? Nah. It doesn't make sense in terms of the battle narrative, but who knows. If Ibushi loses, he could very well challenge Kenneth, but at the end of the night, all it'll do is... be a battle for the US heavyweight title. It won't be any special commentary on Golden Lovers, Bullet Club thottery will still be at a record high, and whoever wins, wins, and whoever loses... loses. That's it. As for Tanahashi, he remains in the semi-event scene, and Suzuki could very well challenge him for the IC title if he loses to Yano at Power Struggle, since Taguchi Japan and Suzuki-gun have had steady beef streaming for these past couple of months.
But at the end of the day, all I'm tryna say is- we ran out of time. If Ibushi/Omega had been a steady presence through the G1 and into the Destruction series, it would have been a credible match for the future. But that's not what happened. Kota returned to New Japan and linked his return to Shinsuke and then reconnected with Tana- those are kayfabe facts. Kamigoye is not a homage to the V-trigger. It is an homage to Shinsuke Nakamura, the man whomst Ibushi fought in arguably one of the best matches in professional wrestling history, and now Kota's challenging Shinsuke's biggest rival- one Tanahashi Hiroshi.
Kenneth, on the the hand, had his series with Okada tied up, and now his main feature is to build the US heavyweight title. Besides the tidbits that we see in the backstage videos and the Twitter posts, the story is a mere fetus compared to overall narrative of New Japan. I wanna remind y'all that Golden Lovers is a DDT love story that transitioned into New Japan. New Japan has only the years Golden Lovers lasted as a tag team, and the betrayal that took place at Invasion Attack 2015. When they split the team, New Japan tried to build each man separately. They essentially tried to suppress the story, or at least make it go away. It was Kenneth and Kota who decided to keep the remnants of it alive. Don't believe me? Watch the rise of Ibushi Kota as a singles competitor in New Japan, versus the rise of the Cleaner. Also note that the actual New Japan equivalent of the Golden Lovers tag team was none other than Apollo 55, so watch that story for how New Japan concluded the story of the ultimate betrayal.
At the end of the day, Wrestle Kingdom simply isn't the time to tell the story of the Bullet Club leader and the man he betrayed to lead the Club. As y'all be knowin, it's the long-haul that counts in New Japan, and if there is a story to be told about the Golden Lovers- it's gotta start after the Dome show. Start it at the Dash, and you have a story that'll build up over months to culminate at Sakura Genesis 2018 in April- much like how Fergal and Ryusuke's story came to an end at Invasion Attack 2014 after it reignited at New Year Dash 2014. It also gives Gedo and the characters a series of shows in which to tell the story live, and to also incorporate the larger narrative of the Bullet Club collapsing in on itself while the Elite drifts farther and farther away. It also allows Ibushi to build relationships with others and perhaps either a) create a faction of his own, or b) join a faction, since he doesn't have a home stable for the time being. Wrestle Kingdom? Premature, and a poor choice as it does nothing in terms of the overall narrative. If drawing power was all New Japan thought about, we’d be watching WWE- but we’re not.
And those are my thots.
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tamiddyinyourcity · 4 years
8:03pm, life is a never ending trainwreck and I'm just a passenger on it, trying to make it stop, but life stops for nobody.
Yall know what day it is, im not saying it. Go fuck yourself.
I've got a looong list of problems.
And no energy.
Since staying up till 4:30am this morning to think about how much of a shithole my favorite ex boyfriend, Patrick #1, really was like, *did* help me not focus on #2 Patrick.
But it did make me angry.
I hate it so much.
Anyway, I woke up at 4pm today. I couldve gotten up at 10am like i originally did, but i was dealing with menstrual depression, seasonal depression, as well as a heartbreak and normal depression about several other men who never deserved me...
That I laid my ass back to sleep. In the amazingly fuzzy 10 dollar blanket I splurged on for myself.... fuck yeah.
Aaaaand then I had a series of weird dreams.
The only one that sticks out is that a member of the Yakuza broke into my (in dream) luxury socialite apartment with his gang members to kill me.
Somehow, he killed my friend, some random bitch that i didnt know.
And right as he was gonna kill me, he noticed i didnt give a shit? And somehow he got a boner???????? To make a long story short, it was a weirdly hot dream, and I didn't understand what any of it symbolized. But it ended with me dating the Yakuza member, and he got me lillies.
....I know the flowers directly correlated to what I said the other night.....
Maybe its just a dream thats reflective of what I want next in a man? I dont know? But yeah, dreams glorifying the Yakuza, arent cool.....
Dreams of getting piped down by a 7 inch long schlong on a hot older guy with a eye patch? (I think he had an eye patch, i dunno.) THAT is welcomed, those are always welcome.
It felt a little too realistic, so i woke up like, "AM I HALLUCINATING AND IM BEING INTRUDED ON IN MY BEDROOM", but nope. Same old bedroom, same ol shit. Nothing super great.
One of my instagram mutuals made a post on their page like "whatever you lost, im gonna be honest, was never yours to begin with if you could lose it. now, youve got options. not great options, but still options. so pick one, and roll with it."
Not sure if it was a vaguepost, since I was sharing videos from hangouts with Patrick #2 on my instagram story, but I did need to see that.
.....my options for men still suck.
There's the redheaded ginger, who most likely has a black girl fetish, and just sees me as another pair of brown cheeks to smash. (Gross dude, not a big fan of fetishization...)
And then some random horndog blonde dude, who I'm not really into either. (And of course, just messaged me since i am single, and in his words, "cute and funny and might have something in common with"..... But, made it clear he's "looking to feel, but not catch feelings", and obviously is a fuckboy with a Grade A Drake Copycat personality..... Like, die.)
I asked out the latter, for the sake of getting dolled up and going out this week. Sleeping and eating random gummy bears and takis isnt the healthiest thing i can think of.
So, a date with someone I'm not that into, still counts as "a step in the right direction".
Hell, I didn't like Patrick #1 when I first met him.... And I was already seeing Calvin, so it was more of a "fuck it, you need to socialize, otherwise you will fucking regret it" level situation.
(A good way to never be emotionally attached to anyone, is to have too many "someones", ive noticed. Since which seems better, staying at home, exhausted and pining to see Calvin again? Or, getting free chinese food, with the guy who got my phone number months back?)
Exactly. :)
.....But to be fair, it was instant attraction when I first met Patrick #1. Marco was being uninterested in me the whole time we "had a platonic hangout", (we made out, but whatever man,) but ohhhhhhhhh, the second I take a number from the hot guy giving me hella samples at Ben and Jerry's, suddenly I'M the bad guy?
Fuck you, Marco, you can't be the only thot.
But Patrick #1 took forever to find a day to meet with me, me and Calvin became more of a thing the more we started fucking, and whatnot. And Patrick is terrible at taking photos, so it didnt help if the day I met him, I thought, "DAMN, his muscles are just showing through his shirt.... He's got REALLY nice blue eyes too, holy shit, i gotta stop staring and smiling."
Buuuut his unphotogenic ass sent me photos at the WEIRDEST angles. Photos that made his smile crooked, forehead hella big, teeth look tiny, jaw hella weird, even his eyes looked dark brown instead of his actual color.... How the hell do you achieve photos like that, of looking super unrecognizable?
The day I hesitantly showed up to the date, it was, "Okay, he IS hot. But how the fuck did his photos look so unrecognizable?"
And he seemed too....... idk, tame to me.
Or well, how do I put it.... straight edged?
I don't like people who are too straight edged, and he fit perfectly into the "self obsessed, very airheaded, overly cocky, and jocky athlete who saw me as a sexual pursuit instead of an equal human being", box I had perceived in my mind for him.
And that.... doesnt fit me great.
Especially if I'm a huge fan of men that listen to me, are humble, caring, and treat me as an equal and less of a "hot tail to chase, out of all girls out there".
Plus, explaining things like my gender identity, sexuality, weird sense of humor, brashness, and basically anything about me that Fox News could bash, to this straight cis white dude......... is cringe.
But there I was; pink lip gloss on, and a cute outfit too, that he couldn't be bothered to compliment. (That hurt, since he didnt try to hide it, either. I dont like being objectified or expecting to do the most for men, that wouldnt do the same for me...... I did what I felt was a great and sexy, stunning outfit, after looking and dressing not the greatest for some time... then i got bashed for it.)
He's such an asshole! God!
......I knew he was, though. First date, despite many pleas of wanting to go home, and desperately needing to piss, he did a fake yawn and insisted on "pulling over for a small break, since im just soooooo tired"....
Aaaaaand death staring at me.
Not making me the slightest bit comfortable.
Nothing makes a shy and underweight girl more comfortable, than it being 2am, and an asshole guy pulling over to an abandoned road at night, aggressively staring you down in silence, trying to force chemistry that isn't there. (And, i was gonna fucking piss fucking everywhere if nigga didnt take me home.)
......we kissed. I didnt like it. Preferred Calvin, and im admitting it now, since I am single, and neither of these men are in my life. Nigga kept trying to grope me anywhere he could too, or just not let me go.
I eventually just pulled a "oh hold up, wait", and pretended like i was reaching for something in my seat.
He let me go, and said, "oh hey, whats wrong?"
I then fully let go of his grasp, sat far away near my window, buckled in my seatbelt and said, "im ready to go home now", with a smile. "As i told you several times before, i really need to pee. Lets take me home now."
....this story ends with him rudely speeding off before i even get all the way up the stairs, and ruined paints, all thanks to him.
I only kept seeing him as a time killer. "Hot girl summer" means having joyful presence and nice company to be around. It was a better alternative to staying in bed, and yeah.
We grew a lot from there.
He became more aware, became more thoughtful, etc.
.....its a shame he never stayed that way.
But, it just meant it was a temporary facade he thought he could keep up.
Just like all the others.
I better go shower and wash my hair. Its falling out. :)
8:35pm, slightly less of a trainwreck than most people i know.
Feels nice.
Peace out.
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