The Gang Comes Together - Burt Gummer/Heather Gummer, Kate Riley/Earl Bassett, Rhonda LeBeck/Val McKee, Nancy Sterngood.
A/N: Day 1 of @yeehawgust​ , here’s some more simple little @thetremorssaga​ goodness. Totally G rated. 
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Burt will never explain why he and Heather took in the two boys who helped out the first time the graboids came around. Nancy and Mindie had moved into their shared home soon after the first incident, the concrete boundaries newly laid helped a lot and even as Mindie slept Nancy settled with Heather and Burt, learning how to protect herself better. Val of course had been the first to come back, buying up an empty home and asking Burt’s help to settle the house and make it Graboid proof. He’d smiled when Burt walked him through the new finds, nodding and setting to work. Rhonda had settled in easily, working as both the local science tutor and a travelling scientist. Earl had returned later, Kate tucked quietly into his side, steady but clearly a little wary of meeting so many of his friends at once. Burt had smirked slightly at her, moving to wrap an arm around her shoulder when Earl and Val broke off to talk, steering her towards first Heather, who had come home only when she heard Nancy was homeless now, and Nancy, then Rhonda. Rhonda had smiled as she greeted Kate, discussing science easily with Kate, smiling when Kate relaxed a little, her laugh warm when Kate muttered about getting way too used to smelling like graboid guts. “That happens… just let it. You can always come shower when the day’s done.” “You guys have showers… that work?” “Yeah, Burt’s kinda smart like that.” Rhonda shrugs and Kate laughs. “Sounds good to me…” “You guys got a house yet?” “No…” “Get the feeling the reason Val got us such a big one is so you guys can move in…” “Is that okay with you?” “Sure, why not… at least I wouldn’t be just listening to Val pine for his best friend.” Kate had laughed again then shrugged. “At least now we can work together too, right?” “I’d love that.” Rhonda agrees with a smile. It's a fresh start, and one she sorely needs, thinks Kate. The ‘posse’ of friends Burt had mentioned turned out just right. Although she wonders if this is all she had to meet or if more might show up.
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nek-ros · 1 year
Does any of your ocs workplaces comply with osha guidelines
i imagine alix and rhonda have to comply by Some rules since they're in a nuclear submarine but rhonda wants to put as much seacreature genes into people and cant be stopped. val however does whatever she wants by filling the walls with infestation and other things
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Trolls: Band Together TV Series (Idea)
Trolls: Family Harmony
Plot: Now that their siblings are back in their lives again, Poppy and Branch try to adjust to their new normal while also keeping up with their responsibilities in Trollstopia. Becoming one big family won’t be easy, but getting to know each other is sure to make for some interesting new adventures!
Episode Ideas:
Pilot: Poppy and Branch give their reunited siblings a tour of their home. Branch tries to keep his grey past a secret from his brothers while Poppy struggles to keep Viva from attacking her friends at random.
Dude, Where’s My Armadillo?: Rhonda goes missing after a wild party, so Branch, Floyd and a frantic John Dory try to track her down.
Adventures in Muppet-Sitting: Poppy volunteers to watch three of Bruce’s kids for him, bringing Holly and Val along for backup.
Bored Games: Branch and Clay try to find a hobby they both enjoy, and discover they both share a love of puzzles.
Tech-No-Pop: Stuck in the medical pod after a panic attack, Floyd forms an unexpected bond with Synth.
Three’s A Crowd: Peppy’s birthday rolls around, and he ends up giving Viva more attention than Poppy, so Branch gives his girlfriend a crash course in sibling jealousy.
Return Of The Switcher-Ruby: The day before BroZone’s first official concert in Trollstopia, Branch and Poppy accidentally come in contact with another Switcher-Ruby.
Long Time, No Sing: Branch discovers that John Dory used to date Delta Dawn, leader of the Country Western Trolls.
Bruc-andy: Bruce tells his brothers the story of how he came to Vacay Island and met his wife, Brandy.
Prank Day, BroZone Edition: Clay only lets his old “Fun Boy” persona out one day a year, turning Prank Day into a fight for survival.
Dance With Me: Synth wants to dance with Floyd at Dante’s dinner party, but finds his confidence falling every time he tries to ask him.
Moving Day: After learning that Clay and most of the Putt-Putt Trolls are moving to Trollstopia permanently, Viva must decide if she wants to return to her old home or make a new one with her family.
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 6 months
MeTROLLpolitan Museum of Art Gala
Symphonyville has finally been returned to its former glory!
In celebration and appreciation, the Classical Trolls have extended invitations for their most exclusive of art and culture festivities.
The Met Gala.
This years theme: 'Trolls in Nature"
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General Princess Viva is the first of the Pop Trolls to walk the gold carpet.
This will be the first year that art from other tribes will be included in the exhibitions. The Tribal leaders as well as the most famous names in all Trolldom are invited i.e. Kismet, Brozone, Sugar Gals, Bad Hair Day and Val Thundershock.
Viva's outfit inspired by butterflies because 'she has emerged' and is 'rejoining Troll society'. Also I wanted Viva and Clay to kinda match. You'll just have to wait and see why Clay's matches this.
I am designing all of Brozone plus Poppy and Viva.
And in case you were wondering.
Rhonda is also ready to party!
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@jorjafrozen :D
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imholtorf · 6 months
Brozone captured - Rocking Harmony au
For @starfyhero2, the four members of Brozone get captured by the Hard Rock trolls.
John Dory sits down on the ground with his knees to his chest, his ears drooped, sniffs, and bursting into tears "I'm sorry, Brothers...You were right those over 20 years ago, that I had been pushing you guys to be perfect" JD admitted while choking a sob.
"The reason why is because, I was afraid...afraid of losing you, you're all what I have left in this family, and I ruined it. I had promised Mom and Dad to look after you before they got eaten like Grandma. When the band broke, I had failed their promise. I'm a failure as a band leader, a brother, a son, and grandson" John Dory couldn't hold it anymore as he cries.
Bruce, Clay, and Floyd's eyes widen by this, until they came to his side as they placed their hands on his shoulders "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, Big Brother" Bruce said "You were doing your best look after us" Clay added "It's really hard being the oldest, carrying every burden on your shoulders" Floyd added.
"But, you don't have to do this alone" Bruce said "It's not your job to protect us" Clay stated "Or either of us to protect you" Floyd added "We look after each other, because that's what brothers do" he explained.
John Dory wipes his tears and hugs his brothers "I love you, Little Brothers" John Dory said "We love you too, Big Brother" Floyd replied. Then, they released each other from their hug "Come on, let's go find Branch, the three of us owe him a 20 year apology" John Dory added "Fair enough" Clay added "Me too" Bruce agreed.
"You'll be with your brother, sooner than you think" a voice said as they jumped while Clay recognized the voice. The source of the voice comes out of the shadows revealed to be Val Thundershock accompanied by her crew "You!" Clay hissed. John Dory looks at Val with a stern expression "I guess you must be Val Thundershock that Queen Barb sent you to capture Clay, Viva, and Putt-Putt trolls?" he stated.
"Correct, get them!" Val ordered, however Demo, Val's manager was standing there in tears and holding his sobs "Sorry Val, I got caught up in that emotional moment Brozone had, can I go back to the ship?" Demo asked "You're excuse" Val replied as Demo leaves "Anyone else?" Val asked "No, we're good" her crew replied "Get them!" she ordered.
"Fat chance!" John Dory retorted as he pulls out his machete and Clay got himself ready to fight with his claws out "Bruce, Floyd, defend yourselves!" JD said as he tosses them weapons: Bruce got the brass knuckles and Floyd got a bo-staff "Rhonda, go find Branch!" John Dory ordered as Rhonda complied.
The four older brothers fight Val and her crew as they will not be captured the hard way "Seems you Brozone, won't surrender without a fight" Val said as she and John Dory are fighting with their guitar and machete "I don't want to brag, but we are incredulity resourceful and resilient. By, "we" I mean all five of us" John Dory replied "Oh really?" Val retorted with a smug on her face.
She does a shockwave from her guitar as John Dory dodges it, then she blocks his strikes. John Dory swings his machete at Val until she hits him in the head with her guitar. John Dory laid on the ground face first, he groans in pain, and slowly turns over, laying on his back. His vision is fuzzy and his hearing is faint as he could only hear his brothers calling out his name before he loses consciousness.
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tigirl-and-co · 5 months
i CANNOT start writing Tremors fanfiction. absolutely not.
...but if not me, then who? who will write val and rhonda moving to the midwest so she can get a college teaching job in like. idk lansing or something.
or like maybe they travel overseas to speak with scientists and val feels inadequate bc he's just suddenly gone from being a handyman in a town of 14 people to following His Girl around like a lost puppy while she very confidently stands toe to toe with some of the greatest biologists, paleontologists, and ecologists in the world
and she comforts him bc while he's not smart he is sure damn clever and resourceful as all hell and he saved her life and she wants to give him the world
and she says they can go back if that's what he wants but he won't even consider taking her dream away from her.
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The loser is either too queer to be a cishet movie or too cishet to be queer...
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How is it cishet media?
LSoH: Little shop of horrors. one of its main plot points is a cishet romance. besides the space plant thing which is the main plot.
Tremors: features 2 primary cishet romances (claire/bender, allison/andy)
How is it lgbt?
LSoH: AUDREY AND SEYMOUR ARE T4T. to me. also audrey ii <3 she, in the theater, is traditionally played by someone w a masculine voice. that’s lgbt to ME.
Tremors: Val, Earl, and Rhonda like so clearly are into each other. They may not have ridden THE worm but they definitely think about riding each others'. Reba has an elephant gun. Gender envy scientist Rhonda also.
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brigitttt · 1 year
the untapped potential of Val/Earl/Rhonda Tremors (1990)..... the whole movie is Earl trying to get his boyfriend to get a girlfriend, and also giant worms are there
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softiedancers · 3 months
this was anoned to me :)
the soty judges vary category by category so the judges for each category are:
ballet: jessica keller, matthew dibble, luis javier fuentes & kelby brown
jazz: eboni nichols, blake mcgrath, martha nichols & rhonda miller
tap: kelsey mccowan, denise wall, michael keefe & charles renato
hip hop: eboni nichols, tucker barkley, lyle beniga & blake mcgrath
lyrical/contemporary: jessica keller, samuel roberts, akira uchida & martha nichols
musical theater/ballroom/acro: rhonda miller, jenna johnson, val chmerkovskiy & io alfonso
posting in case anon still needs it!! thank you:)
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When Strangers Marry
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William Castle opens his WHEN STRANGERS MARRY (1944, Criterion Channel), reissued as BETRAYED, with a lift from Alfred Hitchcock’s THE 39 STEPS (1934) as he cuts from a scream to a train whistle. In lesser hands that might seem like a cheap gimmick, but for Castle it’s the start of a film whose imagination more than compensates for its low budget.
The King Brothers, former bootleggers turned producers, were out to improve the quality of the films they were making for Monogram Pictures. So, they borrowed Castle and composer Dimitri Tiomkin from Columbia and Kim Hunter and Neil Hamilton from David O. Selznick. For their male leads, they turned to Robert Mitchum, who had already worked for them and was still a year away from stardom, and Dean Jagger, who’d worked at Monogram. The result was a surprisingly stylish piece that garnered praise from no less than Orson Welles and James Agee.
Hunter has come to New York to join the husband (Jagger) she met when he traveled through her small town in Ohio. Only she can’t find him. Old friend Mitchum tries to help her track him down, but as she learns of a murder and robbery in Philadelphia, she and we start to believe Jagger’s the killer. Will she turn him in to homicide detective Hamilton or try to save him?
There are atmospheric shots of Hunter gazing out windows at night as neon lights flash outside and a creepy scene in which she walks through a tunnel while haunted by her suspicions. In addition to Hitchcock, Castle borrows from Val Lewton’s 1940s horror films at RKO, with an obvious “bus” (a shock that turns out to be benign) when sirens herald not Jagger’s arrest but the arrival of a boxing champ in a Harlem nightclub. That scene, with some lively dancing and jazz, may go on longer than it needs to for plot purposes, yet it adds a moment of levity to the film as Castle just explores the life in that location for the sheer pleasure of it all. And there’s some crackerjack editing at the climax that can stand beside the car accident in THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE and the broken suitcase in THE KILLING as an example of the workings of fate in film noir. Keep an eye out for Minerva Urecal as a crabby landlady and Rhonda Fleming, in her film debut, as a young innocent.
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Lost And Found Love - Kate Riley/Rhonda LeBeck, Val McKee/Earl Bassett
A/N: Part 5 of the big bingo from @julybreakbingo . Little more @thetremorssaga​ fluff.
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“I thought I lost you…” Despite everything, the sound of Kate’s voice drags a slight huffed laugh from Rhonda as she pushes herself up to a sitting position where she’d scrambled clear of a graboid attack, surviving by mere inches. “I’m fine.” She speaks softly, moving to tuck soft blonde hair out of Kate’s eyes. “I’m fine.” Little did they know the same discussion was happening between Val and Earl. Val had scrambled to pull Earl up to the same rock he was sitting on at the last minute, his breath escaping him as a slight huff. “I thought I lost you…” “Gonna have to try harder than that.” Earl’s comment is light, though he sighs. “You think everyone’s fine?” “Probably.” Val pauses then mutters. “Might ask Heather to check on Kate though… god knows she’ll know where Rhonda went.” “You say that like it’s a bad thing our girls get on?” “Naw. Just… a little surprising I guess.” Later they all come together and Earl knows instantly from the way Kate held tightly to Rhonda’s hip over her jeans that maybe, just maybe, life was going to rearrange itself. Despite the chaos of the last couple hours, he didn’t mind the thought.
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squirrelpatties · 6 months
episode where none of the boys even make an appearance, just the girls. nobody says anything about this at no point in the episode is this pointed out. poppy's just having a nice day with her sister going around talking to smidge and satin and chenille and delta and barb and harper and holly and minuet and val and r&b and laguna. branch shows up at the very end to reveal that he and his brothers have been on a (disastrous) camping trip with rhonda and that's the only time one of the boys gets a speaking line. poppy and viva go off to make candy necklaces before the credits roll
i think rhonda should be part of the girl group and the boys should starve in the woods cold and alone
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nek-ros · 2 years
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blorbos from my brain
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midnightcowboy1969 · 1 year
It’s lonely being a bigger Kate pegs Earl to hell and back fan than an Earl/Val/Rhonda fan. There’s so many more fans for the latter (and just Earl/Val) like 😭 did Kate do nothing for you? She admired that ass for us!! Call me a queerphobic bisexual because I am
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
Movie Meme 🎬
Post 7 comfort movies
I was tagged by @lighthousebeams , thank you 🥰
The Truman Show (1998). I could watch this movie on a loop until the end of time.
Gremlins (1984). I'm THISCLOSE to getting a tattoo of the three Mogwai owner's rules.
Tremors (1990). Both Val and Rhonda had me by the throat because... I mean come on.
The Matrix (1999). This movie still blows my mind every time I watch it.
Scream (1996). A perfect horror movie from start to finish and I will die on this hill.
Tangled (2010). This movie helped me process a lot of trauma I didn't realise I was holding, and I still watch it under a blanket when I'm sad.
Ace Ventura Pet Detective (1994). The very first movie I ever considered a 'favourite', I didn't realise how much of an impact this had on my early life until I realised when I dance, I do it EXACTLY like Ace when he's wearing the tutu.
BONUS: Die Hard (1988). It's just a mindless bang bang boom boom shoot the bad guy get the girl popcorn movie and I love it.
I'm not sure who has or hasn't done this yet so consider this an open tag to anyone who wants to join in!
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
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Full name: Valerie Pinciotti-Martin
Nicknames: ‘Val’ (by everyone), ‘Mom’ (by Ridge), ‘Aunt Valerie’ (by Leia, Mitch, and Kristie), ‘Miss.Pinciotti’, ‘Mrs.Pinciotti-Martin’ (by everyone), ‘Honey’ (by Bob and Midge), 'Babe' (by Alan)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthday: December 19, 1957 (age 38)
Birth Place: Point Place, Wisconsin
Occupation: Teacher
Family: Bob Pinciotti (father), Midge Pinciotti (mother), Donna Pinciotti (younger sister), Tina Pinciotti (younger sister), Midge's Sister (maternal aunt), Jenny (aunt), Leia Forman (maternal niece) Eric Forman (brother-in-law), Kristie Forman (niece), Laurie Forman (sister-in-law), Ridge Pinciotti (son), Mitch Pinciotti (nephew)
Romances: Alan Martin (husband)
Friends: Rhonda Tate
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