#nancy sterngood
The Gang Comes Together - Burt Gummer/Heather Gummer, Kate Riley/Earl Bassett, Rhonda LeBeck/Val McKee, Nancy Sterngood.
A/N: Day 1 of @yeehawgust​ , here’s some more simple little @thetremorssaga​ goodness. Totally G rated. 
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Burt will never explain why he and Heather took in the two boys who helped out the first time the graboids came around. Nancy and Mindie had moved into their shared home soon after the first incident, the concrete boundaries newly laid helped a lot and even as Mindie slept Nancy settled with Heather and Burt, learning how to protect herself better. Val of course had been the first to come back, buying up an empty home and asking Burt’s help to settle the house and make it Graboid proof. He’d smiled when Burt walked him through the new finds, nodding and setting to work. Rhonda had settled in easily, working as both the local science tutor and a travelling scientist. Earl had returned later, Kate tucked quietly into his side, steady but clearly a little wary of meeting so many of his friends at once. Burt had smirked slightly at her, moving to wrap an arm around her shoulder when Earl and Val broke off to talk, steering her towards first Heather, who had come home only when she heard Nancy was homeless now, and Nancy, then Rhonda. Rhonda had smiled as she greeted Kate, discussing science easily with Kate, smiling when Kate relaxed a little, her laugh warm when Kate muttered about getting way too used to smelling like graboid guts. “That happens… just let it. You can always come shower when the day’s done.” “You guys have showers… that work?” “Yeah, Burt’s kinda smart like that.” Rhonda shrugs and Kate laughs. “Sounds good to me…” “You guys got a house yet?” “No…” “Get the feeling the reason Val got us such a big one is so you guys can move in…” “Is that okay with you?” “Sure, why not… at least I wouldn’t be just listening to Val pine for his best friend.” Kate had laughed again then shrugged. “At least now we can work together too, right?” “I’d love that.” Rhonda agrees with a smile. It's a fresh start, and one she sorely needs, thinks Kate. The ‘posse’ of friends Burt had mentioned turned out just right. Although she wonders if this is all she had to meet or if more might show up.
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scifipinups · 5 months
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Marcia Strassman Tremors (2003)
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thebutcher-5 · 4 months
Tremors 3 - Ritorno a Perfection
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo passati all’animazione, cercando di fare alternanza, e per cambiare abbiamo deciso di prendere in esame la Sony Animation Pictures con una delle loro commedie che trovo interessante, Hotel Transylvania. Il Conte Dracula, per proteggere sua figlia Mavis dagli umani, decide di costruire un hotel dedicato ai soli mostri e che possa…
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crossoverworldtree · 2 years
Tremors: The Series
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Name: Burt Gummer Motivation: Keep off the Government's radar Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 3, Dex 4, Con 5, Int 3, Per 4, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 12, Brains 12 Life Points: 57 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Adversary (Enemies of Perfection), Contacts (Governmental) 1, Honorable (serious), Mild Cruelty, Demon Hunter (Exception: El Blanco), Severe Obsession (Guns and Firepower), Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Steel, Hard to Kill 5, Mild Paranoia (Against Government control), +3 Mr. Fix It, Resources (Hurting), +4 Gun Fu
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 18 - 11 - Bash Big Knife - 18 - 11 - Slash/Stab Small Pistol - 18 - 14 - Bullet Pistol - 18 - 17 - Bullet Big Ass Pistol - 18 - 23 - Bullet Rifle - 18 - 25 - Bullet Auto-Rifle - 18 - 21 - Bullet Grenade - 18 - 35 - Bash, 25 at 3 yards, 10 at 5 yards Shotgun - 18 - 25 - Bullet SMG - 18 - 17 - Bullet, sprayed Tanq. Gun - 18 - 1 - Narcotic Poison Strength 6 Sniper Rifle - 18 - 25 - Bullet Machine Gun - 18 - 35 - Bullet Elephant Gun - 18 - 30 - Bullet
Burt Gummer is a gun enthusiast and survivalist. He moved to Perfection, Nevada due to its isolation. It turned against him during the first Graboid resurgence. He survived and became an expert in the species--hunting and exterminating all but the sterile El Blanco wherever they appeared (and as long as they covered his ammunition and armaments fees). He hit a particularly rough spot when Graboids returned to Perfection--leading to the (unnecessary) destruction of his first underground bunker. He largely makes ends meet by giving survival training to tourists and hunting strange beasts when asked to by the government.
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Name: Tyler Reed Motivation: Make a living, adventure! Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 4, Dex 6, Con 4, Int 3, Per 2, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 14, Brains 10, Life Points: 57 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, +3 Driving, Fast Reaction Time, Attractiveness +1, Athlete, Covetous (Mild Lechery)
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 14 - 11 - Bash Kick - 13 - 13 - Bash Pistol - 14 - 18 - Bullet Rifle - 14 - 23 - Bullet
An Ex-Nascar driver and Owner of Desert Jacks Tours, Tyler is one of the newest arivals to Perfection, setting himself up as a tourguide. He often finds himself assisting Burt in disposing of the strange beasts that rise up in the valley (thanks to an old Eugenics Wars-era lab being hidden there).
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Name: Rosalita Sanchez Motivation: Make a living Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 3, Dex 4, Con 3, Int 2, Per 4, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 14, Brains 10, Life Points: 43 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Attractiveness +4, Minority (Mexican), Emotional Problems (Fear of Rejection), Resistance (Fatigue) 3, Situational Awareness, +2 Acrobatics, Hard to Kill 3
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 14 - 9 - Bash Kick - 14 - 11 - Bash
This Ex-Vegas showgirl inherited a ranch in Nevada and, when her dancing career seemingly couldn't get any worse, she decided to give ranching a try. Dodging giant predatory worms was unexpected, but she adapted.
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Name: Nancy Sterngood Motivation: Art and the Environment Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 2, Dex 4, Con 2, Int 3, Per 4, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 12, Brains 14, Life Points: 26 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Artist, Attractiveness +1, Honorable (Serious)
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 12 - None - Defense Action
Nancy Sterngood is an artist who went to perfection with her daughter in order to be more in tune with nature to enhance her poetry craft. Unfortunately, to make ends meet these days, she makes Graboid sculptures for the tourists.
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Name: Jodi Chang Motivation: The Store Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 2, Dex 2, Con 2, Int 3, Per 3, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 10, Brains 12, Life Points: 26 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Covetous (Serious Greed), Contacts (Financial) 2, Honorable (Minimal), Status (Towns only store owner), Situational Awareness
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 10 - None - Defence action
Daughter of the late Walter Chang (who coined the name "Graboid"), she has inherited his store and has taken to it like a fish to water. She truly enjoys entrepreneurial endeavors and runs her business quite well. Unfortunately, being the owner of the general store of Perfection, it's often ground zero for the critters that pop out, which is always bad for business. She got to name the third stage in the live cycle: Ass-Blasters.
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Name: W. D. Twitchell Motivation: Keep things quiet Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 2, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 3, Per 3, Will 2 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 12, Brains 13, Life Points: 30 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Rank (Agent) Department of Fish and Wildlife, Contacts (Governmental) 2, Contacts (Criminal) 1
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 12 - 6 - Bash Pistol - 12 - 14 - Bullet
To keep an eye on the 'endangered species' of Perfection (El Blanco), the government sent Twitchle. He's and the locals (even the stubborn Burt) have devloped a mutual-tolerance of each other.
Burt still doesn't like him, though.
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Name: Harlowe Winnemucca Motivation: Day to Day life Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 4, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 2, Per 4, Will 3 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 12, Brains 12, Life Points: 38 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Buff Guy, Minority (Native American), Nerves of Steel
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 12 - 10 - Bash
The Native American ranch hand at Rosilita's. He is another recent immigrant to Perfection, and like the others, has grown to love the wide-open desert valley.
Name: Cletus Poffenberger Motivation: Enlightenment in the Wilds Critter Type: Disgraced Scientist Attributes: Str 2, Dex 2, Con 2, Int 5, Per 4, Will 3 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 10, Brains 16, Life Points: 26 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Brainiac, Resources (Poor), Secret (Multiple), Contacts (Supernatural) 2, Contacts (Governmental) 2
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 10 - None - Defense Action
Possibly the only surviving scientist from the eugenic-wars lab, he now wanders the desert, living off the land and only occasionally dropping by the general store. He once had a companion from his lab-days: Project 4-12. Unfortunately, it had to be destroyed when the strange beast went wild and attacked both him and the locals of Perfection.
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Name: Melvin Plug Motivation: Money and Power Critter Type: Businessman Scum Attributes: Str 2, Dex 2, Con 2, Int 3, Per 4, Will 2 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 10, Brains 14, Life Points: 26 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Resources (Wealthy), Contacts (Governmental) 3, Contacts (Criminal) 1, Cowardice (Mild), Cruel (mild)
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 10 - None - Defense Action
The locals have a lot to say about Melvin, none of it is good, or even repeatable in decent conversion. Melvin want to turn Perfection into a pre-fab condo area, but can't develop as long as an endangered species (El Blanco) remains there. He's tried several times to circumvent this problem, but so far he's failed in his plans, but has yet to meet his end at El Blanco's jaws.
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Name: Larry Norvel Motivation: Excitement Critter Type: Fanboy Attributes: Str 2, Dex 2, Con 2, Int 3, Per 4, Will 2 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 10, Brains 12, Life Points: 26 Drama Points: 2 Special Abilities: +4 Usueless Trivia, Misfit, Obsession (Weirdness)
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 10 - None - Defense Action
Larry Norvel is a paranormal enthusiast who found his way to perfection in the wake of the lab-escapees and chemical spills that occurred, unleashing a torrent of mutant and altered beasts. He seeks to put together a website detailing the weirdness of Perfection, Nevada.
When Weird US was published, he was one of the consultants for the Nevada section.
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Melvin: “Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.”
Nancy: “You and me!!!”
Melvin, tearing up: “Okay.”
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ocmerunaway · 3 years
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After Brigitte is stuck in Perfection she finds a new life helping Nancy raise Mindy, the only question is can she face starting over again after she lost her family the first time? Can Nancy heal her?
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giallofever2 · 5 years
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Un Grande International CulT!
Regia Ron Underwood
Musiche Pam Dixon
Soggetto S.S. Wilson, Brent Maddock, Ron Underwood
Sceneggiatura S.S. Wilson, Brent Maddock
Effetti speciali Fantasy II Film Effects, Illusion Arts
film ha avuto cinque sequel e una serie TV:
Tremors 2: Aftershocks (1996)
Tremors 3: Ritorno a Perfectio (2001)
Tremors - La serie - serie televisiva (2003)
Tremors 4: Agli inizi della leggenda (2004)
Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015)
Tremors 6: A Cold Day In Hell (2018)
Cast: Michael Gross, Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward, Robert Jayne, Finn Carter, Reba McEntire, Ariana Richards, altri
Personaggi: Burt Gummer, Earl Bassett, Rhonda LeBeck, Valentine McKee, Mindy Sterngood, altri
Registi: Ron Underwood, Steven Seth Wilson, Brent Maddock, Don Michael Paul
Case di produzione: Universal Studios, Stampede Entertainment, Universal Pictures
Interpreti e personaggi
Kevin Bacon: Valentine "Val" McKee
Fred Ward: Earl Bassett
Finn Carter: Rhonda LeBeck
Michael Gross: Burt Gummer
Reba McEntire: Heather Gummer
Robert Jayne: Melvin Plug
Charlotte Stewart: Nancy Sterngood
Tony Genaro: Miguel
Richard Marcus: Nestor
Victor Wong: Walter Chang
Ariana Richards: Mindy Sterngood
Sunshine Parker: Edgar
Michael Dan Wagner: Vecchio Fred
Conrad Bachmann: Dottor Jim
Bibi Besch: Megan
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discutindoasseries · 3 years
Turma do Anglo-CID VS Personagens de “O Ataque dos Vermes Malditos”
Seguindo a retórica de quem seria páreo para competir com quem...
Randal VS Valentine McKee
Edson VS Earl Bassett
Lyara VS Rhonda LeBeck
Raul VS Burt Gummer
Bruna VS Heather Gummer
Amanda VS Nancy Sterngood
Léia VS Mindy Sterngood
Daniel VS Walter Chang
Fernando VS Melvin Plug
William VS Miguel
Samira VS Kate “White” Reilly
Marcelo VS Grady Hoover
Lucas VS Señor Carlos Ortega
Ligia VS Jodi Chang
Chico VS Jack Sawyer
Como eu só assisti aos 3 primeiros filmes então é isso aí, pessoal!
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graboids-on-ice · 9 years
T5 Countdown-Vlad-Prompt 8
“Tyler! Wait up!” Nancy ran towards the young tour guide before he could get into his jeep. “I need your help with something. Immediately and before Burt gets here.”
Tyler gave her an odd look. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” she replied shortly, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the store. “I just need to make sure Burt isn’t in town for the next few days while we plan and set up his birthday party. I am determined to surprise him this year.”
“How are you planning on do that?”
“I’m throwing it a week early.”
“No, I meant keeping him out of-”
They entered the store and Tyler’s eyes widened slightly at the array of candles and hung cloths. Jodi and Rosalita were setting up a centerpiece on one of the tables; a crystal ball with a few flowers and herbs around it. Harlow lighting the candles while Larry sat patiently at the table, looking bored.
Tyler grinned. “Ohhh, I get it.”
“Get in position, he should be here any minute. Harlow, get the lights.”
Burt pulled up three minutes later to a dark shop. He frowned as he made his way inside, pausing in the door in confusion.
“Oh, spirits of the dead, hear me!” Nancy cried overdramatically. “I call upon you to seek your guidance! Please-”
“What. In the world. Are you doing?”
The table turned as one to stare at him. “Do ya mind?” Tyler asked. “We’re trying to concentrate here.”
Burt raised an eyebrow. “Concentrate on…?”
“Oh, we’re trying to contact Old Fred,” Larry supplied cheerfully. “We wanna know his secret pea soup recipe!”
“That is so not what we’re doing,” Jodi said with a disgusted look.
“Old Fred didn’t even have a pea soup recipe,” Rosalita added. Larry slumped in his chair dejectedly.
Side-eyeing them oddly, Nancy shook her head and turned to Burt. “Would you like to join us?”
Burt just stared at them for a moment before looking to Tyler, as if expecting him to say he wasn’t serious. Tyler looked back with innocent sincerity.
“Um, Burt, ya wanna hurry it up?” Harlow asked. “We don’t wanna lose the connection we already have. It’s kinda hard to get it back.”
The others nodded seriously and Burt closed his eyes, trying to keep his composure. Sometimes he really wondered… Pointedly avoiding any further eye contact, he turned around and went back to his truck. The group listened to him drive away before Nancy released her hold on Tyler and Jodi’s hands and clapped her own together.
“Great. That should buy us about three days. So who has ideas?”
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Hidey Hole - Kate Riley/Rhonda LeBeck, Nancy Sterngood/Heather Gummer, Burt Gummer
A/N: Some good ol’ @thetremorssaga​ fanfic for this one. Another square filled for @julybreakbingo​ ‘s Mini Bingo.
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 Burt would later wonder if the basement had been the wrong choice. Nancy had always been close with Heather, of course, and he did care for Kate and Rhonda but the losses taken had been a lot. Val had fallen first, then Earl crying out for Rhonda to look after Kate even as he fails to reach safety. He had left, slowly, to fetch back what was left of Val and Earl, burying them carefully within his compound walls. He returned to chaos. Heather cradling Nancy who was whimpering just slightly, calming her as gently as possible. Kate, meanwhile, was silent, turning the ring Earl had given her around and around on her finger. Rhonda, in the end, had lead Kate away to a quieter corner, speaking slowly, softly, gently and promising she would do all she could to keep Kate safe from now on. They would survive, mourn together and months later, choose to live together alone, asking Burt to help safeguard their home.
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Tyler: “Are you an ‘arr’ pirate, or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate?”
Nancy: “I’m a ‘I’m not paying $600 for photoshop’ pirate.”
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baubeautyandthegeek · 3 years
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baubeautyandthegeek · 3 years
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baubeautyandthegeek · 3 years
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baubeautyandthegeek · 3 years
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