#i just live 2 stress this lil fucker OUT
waywcrdsons-blog · 6 years
The look on Ashley’s face was nothing short of sheer concentration, scrutinising the small obscure picture on his phone and trying to verify if the person sitting where he and his online suitor had arranged to meet.
As always, he was ten minutes late which made him unsure if they had waited or was he looking at a random who just happened to be there?  
(This was what he got for going back to Tinder.) 
The only photo he had been able to sleuth of the person he matched with an hour earlier was more of a body shot -- a nice one at that -- which was great  for his eyes but not so illuminating when it came real life. 
Deciding to just say fuck it instead of loitering by the bar staring like Valdez’s very own answer to Quasimodo, he slid into the booth, phone in hand so the face of it was facing out towards the other. 
“Hey there, sorry if this is weird but is this you? I’m supposed to be meeting someone here and.. Yeah.” 
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niccage · 4 years
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vinaxxo · 3 years
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WARNINGS/MENTIONS OF: humiliation, bondage, S&M (sadism, masochism), public sex, eating pussy, blindfolds, choking, biting, slapping/spanking, degradation, blood/knives, scratches, leashes and collars, roleplay, overstimulation, hair pulling, whips, anal sex, exhibitionism— that‘s fr most (if not all) of his kinks/specialties
A/N: gonna do my best to keep this thought process organized. are the category banners tacky? i think they look tacky. but im not making a 4th round of banners so they're staying
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well built, works out daily (not a scary buff though) scars, you can find scratches on him often because of his job, freckles EVERYWHERE
casual: (jeans, t shirts, sneakers.. etc..) sportswear for workouts (tanks, mock necks, gym shorts that make his thighs look good)
has piercings: 2 on each earlobe and a helix on one ear, tongue piercing, belly button piercing, (complicated looking tattoo on his shoulder to bicep??)
wears his hood or hat + a mask to seal his identity when he wants to be left alone
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ON CAMERA: cocky, confident, slutty, charming, & sweet (cocky enough to refuse dildos in his videos unless its for his own ass)
HIM ALONE/CLOSE FRIENDS: a lonely, caring, empathetic, crybaby. he only cries when he's in his deeper feelings <3
BOTH: a bit narcissistic, emotionally closed off when he isn't alone with his thoughts, a whore/horny, sadistic.. run for your life? good luck he'd tie you down (if you consent) lol
loves to completely humiliate whoever he's fuckin'
lives for the thrill of being caught in a public area
100% sadist, 100% masochist
deep down, he yearns for someone to put him in his pace n make him grovel
there's a subby lil bitch hiding in him somewhere, but all fail to discover that side
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It all started when he decided to fuck himself in a mirror. He's always been satisfied with the way he looked, so why not? He loved the way his face twisted up with pleasure, the way his hand looked covered in his cum-- everything. Eventually, he began making his own private sex tapes with his hookups.
Izuku then started to look around for a gig, checking every source to make sure the one he was interested in wasn't a scam. Turns out that it wasn't, and he was able to get the position in no time. Because of his sexy-cute look and skills, he blew up in the industry quickly and it became his new job. He usually features himself as a guest star or a camboy.
SPECIALTIES: humiliation, bondage, S&M, public sex, eating pussy, blindfolds, choking, biting, slapping/spanking, degradation, blood/knives, leashes and collars, roleplay, overstimulation, hair pulling, & whips, anal
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Not gonna lie to ya'll, he posts thirst traps. clips of him working out with the sheen of sweat on his baby-soft skin, sweatpants low n loose enough on his hips that they reveal the branded waistband of his boxers and sharp v-line in photos, clips of him eating a chick out with his head between her thighs from her POV.. yep.
moving on to a more private life
amazing kisser; he’s saving his lips for someone special
he eats healthy and has his cheat days
baby boy loves his katsudon weekends <3
keeps to himself in his nice apartment aside from having a hookup to relieve stress once in a while
in his bed late at night, izu yearns for someone to just hold him. he needs it
when he's off, he likes to wander around the mall near his complex to clear his head or think
(random fact) he has lots of piercings, a tattoo, and a fierce reputation, but this fucker has never smoked anything in his whole life. weird way to end this but oh well
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This concludes the headcannons & background for my introduction/characterization of pornstar izuku! if you have questions don't be shy to ask :)
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© All content on this blog belongs to @somberess. Do not copy, repost (reblog is fine), or steal my works. Do not use my characterizations of Izuku for your own benefit.
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Wounded Love (Lady Dimitrescu/F!Reader) Pt. 3
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for blood/violence and language Genre: Action with a lil bit of fluff Warnings: Lil bit of blood Notes: There's an unnamed character in here who may or may not end up as recurring in my stories. I don't really have anything in particular planned for her, she's kinda just here to fill a role/allow for some easter egg type shit in the next chapter. Previous Chapters: Pt. 1, Pt. 2
{Wounded Love 3: Bloody Valentine (No, not that Valentine)}
“Mother Miranda, I must insist, if these lycans stray any further they might start feasting on the village as well! Pray tell, who will you use for research then? We can’t just-... Forgive me… Mhmm. Yes, I understand. Of course… Have a good night, Mother Miranda,” Lady Dimitrescu said, before setting her phone down with a loud thunk. Her hands shake a little, and for a moment you worry that her vanity won’t survive the coming moments. Then you make eye contact with her reflection, giving her an encouraging smile, watching as her gaze softens. “I’m afraid there’s nothing she can do, my dear. I cannot allow Heisenberg’s negligence to go unpunished, but we will have to take care of it on our own, without Mother Miranda’s support.”
“Is that wise, love? To go behind her back like this? I can’t imagine she’ll be terribly pleased if we cause chaos for one of her favored few,” you replied, clicking your tongue as you thought things over. Again you see anger cloud Alcina’s face, though she makes sure not to direct it at you.
“We are not the ones who started this mess,” she reminded you, through clenched teeth. “But we will be the ones to end it, one way or another. I don’t care if I have to gut that wretched man-thing and bring Miranda his corpse as proof of his incompetence! He has shown his lack of loyalty hundreds of times… and now he will pay.” Gulping, you rise to your feet, wanting to comfort your girlfriend. While you had understood that your injury angered her, you hadn’t (until this moment) realized the sheer intensity of that rage. How much blood would be shed before this was over?...
Crimson drips down the beast’s side, across matted fur, before hitting the wooden floor. A stench as awful as you had ever found filled the air, only made tolerable by the nearby presence of scented candles. What a mess, you think, glad that you wouldn’t be the one to clean it up. Why had the girls insisted on bringing the damn thing inside? Couldn’t they have simply snatched a few teeth from its jaw as a prize? Somehow you doubted that the thought had even crossed their minds. Violence was a passion of theirs, and they preferred their trophies to be as large as the effort they put into getting it.
“How close to the path did you find it?” You asked after finishing your examination of the lycan. Next to you, the eldest daughter is rapidly taking notes in a leather-bound journal. Both of her siblings stand near the fireplace, hands held out next to the flames, needing to warm up after being outside for so long. It wasn’t even that cold of a day, with temperatures averaging around eighteen degrees celsius. All the snowfall from the prior week had now melted. While you knew of the family’s weakness, you also knew that they had bundled up before leaving, and had even taken a torch with them in the hopes of using it on a lycan. Their powers had taken somewhat of a hit, temporarily, but not nearly enough to prevent them from killing a single lycan.
“Heard it howling almost as soon as we left the castle. We couldn’t smell it until halfway to the village, though. Once we could we tried to track it, only for the stupid thing to come charging at us. Must have been eight, maybe ten, meters away by the time we collided,” Cassandra answered. There’s a bit of a shiver to her voice, and you can’t help the rush of sympathy you feel in response. Being out on the path, wearing little more than a dress and scarf, had been absolute hell for you. Even if it was warmer outside now, you imagined that being weak to the cold just about made up for the difference. “There was a little more howling once we started walking back here. Louder, if not closer. Heisenbitch isn’t even trying to keep these fucking things in check.”
“Cassandra, language!” Came a voice in the distance, making everyone present look up at once. Strutting down the stairs was a clearly miffed Alcina, eyes narrowed, body tense. “Did you three really have to bring the mutt inside? Surely you advocated against this, Bela? Or did you think I wanted new bloodstains right by the entrance, where everyone can see them?” Next to you Bela winces, but doesn’t respond, too worried about angering her mother further. “And you, my dear, what on Earth are you doing on the floor? You should be resting, in an actual chair, if not lying in bed awaiting my return. There’s enough for me to worry about without you limping around on a useless leg!”
Now it was your turn to wince.
“Please, love, I know you’re stressed, but I can still help. Given enough time I could help ascertain these things’ weaknesses. At the very least I could pass on what I learned during my fight with one,” you pleaded. Then you tried to stand up, wanting to prove yourself, only to stumble, barely avoiding a faceplant- and only doing so because of Bela’s quick reaction time. She helped you to your feet, letting you lean on her, then lead you towards a bench. Begrudgingly you sit back down. “You’re only doing this because I got hurt. Helping you in your endeavor to avenge me is the least I can do.”
“Don’t be foolish,” Alcina snapped, now just a couple meters away from you. Even with that space between you, her presence was intimidating, and you almost felt like a child being scolded. “Were you to get hurt again, how would we avenge you? If you fall by your own hand, there will be naught I can do other than lock you away somewhere without any dangerous elements. What sort of existence would that be for you? I simply can’t allow it, no exceptions.” At this you pout, feeling rather disappointed. It’s not as if you were asking to carry a gun and shoot Heisenberg yourself! Not that you would be opposed to doing so, of course. “Try to put yourself in my place, my dear. Could you live with yourself if you failed to protect me?”
“I suppose I could not, love. Very well, I shall simply root you on from here, and kiss away any injuries you return with,” you replied, at last giving in. Then you found yourself smiling… and on the receiving end of a very soft forehead kiss. “Nothing will separate us, my love. None can tear apart that which the universe has stitched together.”
“Like I said, my Lady, I already want him dead. Did you really think that your family was the only one to suffer because of his machinations? I know half a dozen people who would love to put a bullet in that fucker’s skull, bare mims,” the huntress said, white teeth showing in her half-smirk. There was an odd coolness to her voice, like this whole ordeal was just another job, and you couldn’t help but feel uncertain about her. Could she really be the solution to Alcina’s problem? You couldn’t even judge her arsenal, considering she had been instructed to come unarmed. After all, she was a hunter of monsters, with a sizable history to her name. If not for her hatred of Heisenberg, you would never have felt comfortable letting her come within two hundred meters of your girlfriend.
“How can I be sure that you’ll succeed? The last thing I want is to have that wretched man-thing come crawling out of the filth he lives in, angry and coming for vengeance,” Alcina responded, scrutinizing gaze locked on the huntress.
“Didn’t Duke give you my file? Or at least read the good bits out loud? I’ve been in my fair share of scraps, with all sorts of bioweapon mutant freaks. Besides, I don’t plan on leaving any receipts behind. If he manages to survive, which is already one hell of an if, there’s no way he can prove that you asked me to do it. Considering he’s already seen my face, and knows I want him dead… yeah, he won’t bother accusing you, not when I’m in the picture, and certainly not when you’ve got such a big reputation for following Mother Miranda’s word down to the very last letter. So, you gonna make this official, or what?” The huntress asked, gesturing her arms wide. Although you’re still not convinced, Alcina nods quietly, seeming ready to make her decision. Regardless of how you feel about the stranger in front of you, you’re more than willing to support your girlfriend in whatever she planned.
“Very well, huntress. Show us just what you’re capable of.”
Flames licked at her heels, even as she charged forward, tickling like hot breaths against her skin. Behind her half a dozen lycans roared and screeched in unison. Smoke and ashes flew upwards, into the air, but could not poison her lungs, not when she had come prepared. Still, the mask was not as easy to breathe in as she had hoped, making her chest heave with effort at each intake of air. Good thing I’ll be gone soon, she thought, sparing a glance behind her as she ran. Dozens of trees were aflame, and countless glowing eyes watched from between the branches. They wouldn’t be there for much longer, not with what she had done.
Soon enough an explosion would shake the Earth. Then, finally, both the lycans who had killed her father and the man who desecrated the remains would be dead. And if a certain countess happened to pay her for her services? All the better, really. Funerals could be expensive, especially in such a remote village. More than that… there was no guarantee that she’d be able to outrun Mother Miranda on her own. A little money would make the flight out a hell of a lot nicer.
Assuming she made it that far. There was another scream behind her, this one more human, though somewhat warped by mechanics. It wasn’t a pained cry. No, it was filled with rage. Clearly Heisenberg had come out of his lair, hearing the fireworks, finding his scrap metal and werewolf army in chaos. From the sound of things- metal against metal, electricity crackling- he was coming her way.
“Fuck fuck fuck!” She muttered, desperately trying to get to higher ground. Even if the lycans succumbed to the overwhelming fire, it wouldn’t be hard for their leader to overcome. But the huntress was still too close to her explosives to risk activating the detonator. Just a bit farther, she thought, ignoring the way her lungs ached. Rocks kicked up with every step, loud enough to be heard from a distance, and made traction harder to keep. In the end she had to scramble to get up the side of a short cliff. A few scrapes appeared on her hands, making her curse under her breath.
But with one last movement, pulling herself up with both arms, she was finally far enough to be relatively safe. In one clean second she turned around, pulled the detonator out of its pouch and clicked the trigger. Just like that, a forest blazing turns into a mushroom cloud of pure hellfire. The setting sun makes for a beautiful backdrop, and the sight almost brings a tear to the huntress’ eyes. For a few moments she just enjoys the view. Then, without hesitation or remorse, she starts to walk away, mentally congratulating herself for a job well done.
Until something shoots past her head with terrifying speed. Before she can react another sharp piece of metal flies past her, grazing her arm, and there’s a blood-curdling roar from behind her. Then she’s running, fast as she can, pulse pounding harder than it ever has. One hand goes to the rifle on her back, pulling it out as quickly as she can. The area is rocky, with plenty of outcrops, perfect to hide behind (assuming there weren’t any hidden metal deposits). Quickly she ducks behind one, crouching to keep her head out of sight. Mere milliseconds later another metal spike slams into the ground just beyond her cover.
In the distance, more screams pierce the air, and something heavy drags itself across the ground. It almost sounds like a tank rolling through the woods. The thought alone worries the huntress, but she had never been one to let her fear control her. So she double checks her rifle, adjusts the scope, and pops out of cover. Less than a second later she has her target in her sights. It’s Heisenberg, for sure, more metal than man, but dripping with red. One press of the trigger sends a bullet straight for his ugly head. Unsurprisingly, it’s not enough to pierce his cranium, instead making him mad as hell.
Which is why automatic guns were invented, probably. The huntress holds the trigger down this time, though briefly, before dashing to the next piece of cover. She repeats the process a few times, hoping to kill the man before he could climb the cliff she stood on. If he managed to get up there with her… no, she couldn’t think about that, not now. She had to focus.
Hidden among the trees, the Dimitrescu sisters watched as plumes of smoke rose in the distance. Even though they had been aware of the huntress’ plan, they hadn’t expected this much carnage. It was certainly exciting! But they really couldn’t see much from where they were. Getting closer was probably a horrible idea, and yet Cassandra shared a meaningful look with Daniela. A split second later they were forming a swarm, rushing into the trees, leaving their elder sister to yell after them.
“Mother’s going to kill me,” Bela said, before rolling her eyes and following. Maybe she could at least keep them out of trouble?... Probably not.
Metal hands wrap around the huntress’ throat, squeezing hard, but do not twist or otherwise break their prey. No, Heisenberg does not intend to end this that quickly. This rodent had taken so much from him, set his plans back by decades. He was going to kill her slowly. When she still fights back, pulling a knife from her boot and trying to stab whatever she can reach, he does little else but laugh. It’s a crazed cackling that echoes through the surrounding rocky hills.
Just barely loud enough to drown out the sound of insects buzzing.
“Fuck that guy!” Someone shouted, right as a sickle descended upon the monstrous Heisenberg’s neck. The first slice isn’t enough to sever the connection, which is why it’s immediately followed by a second, from another sister, then a third, from the eldest, that finally does the job. Just like that the hands release from the huntress’ throat, and she gasps for air. Coughs leave her distracted as the sisters move to surround her. “Good thing we wanted to see the show up close and personal, eh?” Daniela asked, twirling her sickle with a little giggle.
“You idiots are just lucky I followed you,” Bela added, glaring at her sister. Internally, she was relieved that the end result was a success. Still, she worried about what her mother would think, and certainly didn’t intend to voice her satisfaction at delivering the killing blow. “Now let’s get back, before mother assumes the worst and comes to get us herself.” Sighing, she extends a hand to help the huntress up. Though their mutual enemy had been defeated, there was still much to be done. Who knew how Mother Miranda would react? Who, if anyone, would take Heisenberg’s place? There was plenty to be unsure about, and Bela let her mind wander the whole way back, hoping that things would only get better from here...
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
So...what kind of horror movie would you write featuring the Hargrove/ Mayfield family? (That you haven't written already lol)
oh boy, u may regret asking me this bc i am indecisive af and i can’t pick just one!
two that i'm actually writing are max as (g is for) ghostface killer in the abcs of neil’s death and also the max + tory nichols werewolf movie fic outlined here. also some more misc gorror junk bc i’m a demon and esp horny for susan wearing blood splatter. but more ideas commence below:
horror movie #1: another creature feature! awhile back @lucdarling sent me an ask abt max + billy hiding smth from susan and her like, playing along, pretending she doesn't know, and one of the scenarios that popped in my head was them keeping a baby bat as a pet. max finds it and she’s only like six or seven, and she thinks it’s going to turn into a vampire. so here is that scenario except horror edition: baby bat is actually a vampire type creature. not rly a vampire like, what’s prolly popping into ur head, like an undead human like dracula or smth, but like a bat monster that sucks blood.
billy being a lil older doesn’t actually think the bat is going to turn into a vampire. he makes fun of max for believing this, but he helps her take care of it anyway bc he thinks it’s cool. susan, like in the non-horror version, knows abt the bat but plays dumb bc she’s feeling a lot of guilt abt max’s difficulty adjusting to the blended fam (as of rn tho, neil has yet to reveal his abusive nature. the red flags are not yet red, more of a brownish maroon, and he is on his best behavior almost all the time, showering susan + max with affection and keeping the swears out of his mouth when he scolds billy in front of them) and knows the lil furry baby makes her happy. she tacitly cleans up after the bat whenever the kids miss a spot (bats poop a lot, dude) and distracts neil, deterring him from discovering it whenever he gets close.
baby bat gets rly big rly fast. and the older it gets, the more it starts to look monstrous. it still has bat features but it’s just like, different. its fangs grow suspiciously long, its hooks grow suspiciously long. its feet are elongated. a dorsal ridge emerges from its spine, spikes at first just flesh but soft fur rather like peach fuzz eventually sprouting. billy catches on that smth is strange abt this animal when it's as long as his forearm after two wks and still growing. he nearly shits a brick when the bat is clinging to his sweater one day and he steps in front of a mirror and only his reflection looks back at him— no bat.
max laughs at him all like, “stupid brother, ofc there’s no reflection. nosferatu is a vampire, vampires don’t have reflections.” 😂
susan catches a glimpse of the thing when nosferatu crawls out of the home max built it in her closet the same wk billy realizes it doesn’t have a reflection, and also almost shits a brick. she doesn’t know what it is, but it’s NOT a fucking bat. not a normal one, anyway! cue a comedy scene where she’s chasing it around the house with a butterfly net and it’s always one flap *ba dum tss* ahead of her, flying just out of reach. she suddenly regrets not getting rid of it sooner, scolding herself for ever allowing her daughter to keep a wild animal.
she can’t catch it. max comes home, susan tells her she needs to get rid of it. max cries, flips her the bird, refuses. billy tho…billy has mixed feelings. he loves nosferatu but he’s worried it’s going to get dangerous. he loves his dad and his dad is dangerous too. he’s stressed out enough, always on edge, knowing that one way or the other, neil is going to hurt him again. he’s already waiting for his dad to hurt him, he doesn’t need the added stress of waiting for nosferatu to hurt him too. and while max is 100% nosferatu’s favorite, it likes billy too. billy’s been handling it since it could fit in the palm of his hand, it trusts him much more than it trusts susan and doesn’t know any different when billy takes it out of the closet when max isn’t around.
billy frees nosferatu at an abandoned farm. there are always bats flying out of the old silo adjacent to the dilapidated barn. while he knows nosferatu isn’t a *normal* bat, it’s still bat like enough that he thinks it might make friends and be happy here…
yeah, that doesn’t stick. before long, nosferatu is feasting on that colony. leeches the blood out of a couple bats nightly. the number of bats increases with nosferatu’s size. meanwhile, max mourns her missing friend. she’s sullen af and won’t speak to susan at all. she thinks susan is the one who got rid of nosferatu. billy never fesses up and susan doesn’t contradict max’s assumption bc she wants the step-siblings to get along.
neil, meanwhile, is getting more comfortable. those maroon flags are slowly but surely brightening to scarlet. he starts sabotaging susan’s plans with her friends, trying to keep her around the house more and more, quietly but steadily eroding her relationships with other people. he’s getting more visibly aggressive when he disciplines billy. he curses him out with a virulent venom that dunks susan’s stomach in ice water and scares max so badly, she runs to susan and hides behind her even though she’s still so mad that susan got rid of her beloved baby vampire.
nosferatu’s appetite surpasses what the bat colony can offer. it’s like the size of a ten yr old human child now. fucker’s big. it doesn’t just have fangs on top, but tusks on bottom. it can’t go out in the sunlight anymore, the sun sears its flesh. it misses max a lot and before, it wasn’t strong enough to fly back to her house. but now it is. it’s extremely strong, actually.
so bc it's hungry, nosferatu grabs a snack along the way. some nameless rando, it swoops down and sucks dry. nourished and much happier, nosferatu makes its way back home. patiently waits outside of max’s bedroom in the moonlight, tapping its hook against the window until she wakes up. initially max is a lil startled— nosferatu looks so different, there’s a beat before she recognizes it— him?? yk, ig it’s male, the og nosferatu was a guy. sure, why not, nosferatu is a boy now.
once she realizes who it is, she is so! happy! max opens the window and embraces her friend. she isn’t freaked out by the blood on its fangs. she’s always known nosferatu is a vampire, albeit, she was thinking he’d look more like dracula than this bat-monster-thingy.
nosferatu moves back into max’s closet. it hangs upside-down from her rod by its weird, elongated feet. we get more shots of nosferatu sucking rando ppl dry at night, tho he remains gentle with max. when max drags billy in to show her he came back, nosferatu is less friendly with him. he’s not aggressive with billy, but he is standoffish. nosferatu’s thought process is somewhere between human and animal. he doesn’t quite cognitively understand that billy took him to the farm with the intent of getting rid of him, but he does understand that the last time he clung to billy, billy left him alone and never came back. max puts two and two together, and realizes it was billy who “stole” her friend. she yells at him a lot, he yells back, she then ices him out.
billy acts out bc he’s upset. runs away, thinks he’s going to find his mom…the cops find him first and call neil. neil is rly embarrassed and pissed abt the whole thing. he breaks down and beats billy in front of the mayfields for the first time. nosferatu smells the blood and it’s time for the main event! we love dead!neil, yes, we do.
nosferatu flies out the closet and right into the living room where billy’s bleeding and teary but biting his lip so they don’t actually fall. susan’s covering max’s eyes but so shocked and tbh, FRIGHTENED, she doesn’t move a muscle beyond that. neil’s got the belt raised, preparing to bring it down again, and nosferatu smashes right into him. neil stumbles, turns back to see this freaky monster looking thing. proceeds to whip the belt at nosferatu. tries to fight him off with the belt and it doesn’t accomplish much beyond pissing him off more— nosferatu, like most classic vampire types, has a healing factor!
max rips her mom’s hands off her face in time to see her pet sink its fangs into her stepdad’s throat. nosferatu sucks neil dry. billy’s a little dazed, not quite frightened. susan is just dead ass frozen, too scared to scream, even. nosferatu crawls over to billy and nudges at him, making sure he’s in once piece and forgiving him in the same go. max darts over and that snaps susan out of her stupor, but she isn’t as fast as our blood-sucking bat monster.
nosferatu stretches his wings out and with a truly impressive wingspan, hugs both of the kids. <3
horror movie #2: a haunting! this one opens with a bang. it’s a tragic horror, beware. we’re in hawkins post s3. billy died at starcourt mall. neil’s obvi had a longstanding abusive mindset and abusive behavior, but he rly takes his grief out on susan and max. mostly susan. she does her best to protect max however she can, whether that means shielding her w her body, sending her out of the house, getting neil’s goat to inspire his ire in max’s place, etc. but sue simply isn’t around all the time and when she isn’t, but max is, well. yk.
one day neil comes home early (bc he lost his job for a violent outburst, tbh) and discovers susan packing a suitcase.
sue fights hard. she rly does. but neil is bigger, heavier, crueler, and to boot, he caught her completely unawares. he kills her. and no, no it’s not some accidental thing where neil makes one bad move rage-blind. he strangles her with his belt. she’s clawing at his arms and making these horrible choked, trapped animal noises. thrashes and twists her body with everything she has trying to get him off but he’s so strong, his grip is unrelenting, and she's growing weaker, lightheaded with the lack of oxygen. strangulation can induce incontinence and when susan blacks out, her piss streams to the hardwood— neil hears that as much as he felt the clawing and heard the noises, even now he could stop, but he doesn’t. he just. doesn’t think his wife has the right to leave him, esp not after his son just did.
neil burns the body and the suitcase in the woods while max is at school. max has been spending as much time as she can (and often with sue’s prompting) outside of the house, so it actually takes her about two days to realize her mother isn’t around. neil tells a pretty convincing story about how susan abandoned them, voice saturated with apology and sorrow. he takes her out for a fancy dinner and promises he’s going to be a better father-- that being a better father is the least he can do now that her mother abandoned her and they are alone in their grief.
max doesn’t know what to think. she’s been preoccupied with her own grief and pain. she finds it hard to believe her mother would just leave her to neil’s wrath. she has a lot of hangups with susan and anger toward her for marrying neil and not getting them out sooner, but she’s also old enough to realize there would be risks involved with that. it’s hard to reconcile the memory of her mother just last wk pinning max to the wall to protect her from neil’s blows with her own bod just abruptly taking off without a word in the middle of the night. but hey, maybe that’s why susan left. maybe she got sick of protecting her, maybe the pain got to be too much and she turned tail.
but also…it’s early october now, abt three months after billy’s death but still fairly warm outside. yet neil is wearing long sleeves. neil never used to button his collared shirts all the way up, and yet. every collar is buttoned. also, mom’s car is still here. why would mom leave without her car?
that ceramic pelican she loved so much is still here too, on the mantle in the living room. it doesn’t seem like the kind of thing she would leave behind, she's had it since max was a baby.
max almost wants to believe neil because she’d rather her mother abandoned her than be dead somewhere, rotting in a storage locker or a hole in the ground. under the earth with the worms, just like billy. max has the worst feeling low in the pit of her gut. she thinks she knows the truth. she thinks abt going to hopper and hesitates bc she’s not sure she could handle it if he actually found smth. or what would happen to her if he did, where she would be sent, who she would end up with.
this movie would be more on the ambiguous end of things. an arthouse horror, if u will.
the days turn into wks and neil is crawling in his skin. the viewer isn’t sure if the shadows he’s seeing, always, always susan-shaped shadows, are of a ghostly nature or if he’s just hallucinating out of guilt. but the signs gradually point to the former— that smth paranormal is indeed going on. bc those scratches and bite marks susan left in his skin?
they do not heal. they do not get infected. they do not become necrotic. but they do not heal, either. days turn into wks and the wounds still look fresh, like she just left them moments ago. neil can’t wear light colors anymore because his wounds weep red into the fabric. he isn’t just seeing susan’s shadows either, he’s smelling her.
he washes his sheets and pillowcases a dozen times and the scent of her shampoo, her lotion, it’s like it’s woven into the fibers. he walks into the hallway and chokes on the aroma of susan’s perfume. he wonders if max is screwing with him, if max figured it out and she’s trying to torture him into a confession. one day he stomps off to max's bedroom, furious, adamant on confronting her. he grabs her doorknob, prepared to yank it open and then lets out a yelp, jerking his hand back with a sudden sharp pain.
it feels like a bee sting (which would be esp bad for this fucker in anything i write, bc i headcanon him as being allergic). but there’s no stinger. no injury. nothing. neil is freaked out enough that he backs down.
max, on the other hand, is getting gentler signs. when she turns the radio dial in the camaro, it’s somehow always her mom’s favorite songs that come thru the speakers. when she goes to pull clothes out of her drawers in the morning, she discovers that the things she’d just shoved inside in wrinkled balls are perfectly folded, neat as a pin, exactly like how susan always folded. susan was always fond of cardinals and suddenly max is seeing cardinals, pretty red cardinals, in just abt erry tree and shrub.
neil wakes up one night to his wife’s voice whispering “boo” right in his ear. he throws the covers off and discovers ashes in the bed. he doesn’t smell susan’s shampoo or lotion anymore, he smells the kerosine he’d poured all over her body.
his wounds still won’t heal. whenever he looks in the mirror, he catches a glimpse of susan walking past behind him, peering at him from her peripheral. he whips around, heart hammering, but there’s never any tangible person there.
max is almost certain her mother is dead at this point. neil’s been so bizarrely nice to her lately. she never believed in ghosts but her experiences with the upside-down broadened her perception of reality. she doesn’t know how else to explain the songs, the cardinals, the folded clothes. the way that these days, whenever she does feel fear toward neil, it just fades away. her fear melts like popsicles in the sun, immediately replaced by the sensation of a warm, maternal hug, as if arms she can’t see are trying to reassure her she truly doesn’t need to be afraid of him anymore.
in fact, max feels so unafraid of neil and brave, that one night she calls him out on it. he’s grizzled and unshaven in his recliner, beer in hand. she steps in front of the television he’s vacantly fixated on and folds her arms across her chest.
“you killed my mom, didn’t you?”
quick as a flash, neil leaps to his feet. he brings his arm back like he’s going to strike her and susan’s ceramic pelican on the mantle explodes into shards. the lights flicker, the television program cuts to snow with a static roar. every other knickknack on the mantle rattles and framed photos tumble off the wall.
neil very wisely lowers his hand. he slumps, boneless. he doesn’t say a word. max sees the answer in his eyes. it’s the dead of night and she snatches the camaro keys off the hook, marching out of the house, slamming the door behind her. it’s the dead of night and she doesn’t care. she’s going to blow past every stop sign and pound on the chief’s door until he opens up. and fuck, i just realized if this is post s3 he’s supposed to be in russia. shit. i don’t watch this show, but i know abt russia bc i DID watch the clips of that demogorgon that i rly hope isn’t stuck in captivity!! okay, but let’s pretend that didn’t happen?
it’s an au?? i mean, errything i write is always technically an au anyway, bc when i write stuff susan has an actual personality and billy isn’t *completely* abhorrent. okay, so it’s an au and mr. hopper didn’t blow up and un-blow up in russia. he’s still here. so max drives to his house.
she pounds on the door so hard this guy snaps outta bed, thinking someone’s trying to bust it down. she tells him neil confessed to killing her mom. it isn’t true, exactly, but he didn’t have to. so it’s a helluva grim drive back to cherry lane, this time in the cop car.
but when they go inside, chief prepared to arrest neil, no need. neil’s hanging from the belt he strangled susan with, shirtless for the first time since that night, erry seemingly fresh furrow and bite mark on full display. below his dangling feet is a map, the area he burned susan’s corpse in circled in red marker. did he kill himself or did the ghost do it?
up to u, we soundlessly cut to credits without a concrete answer to that question.
horror movie #3: crossover special! stranger things meets the chilling adventures of sabrina. sequel to that fic i wrote where susan makes out with lilith, queen of hell, and lilith kills neil for her. sue officially joins the church of lilith. bc in this ‘verse the church of lilith actually happens after caos s2 instead of the nonsense that was s3 and the inconceivably godawful migraine-inducing shit-fest that was s4.
killing neil was lilith’s only freebee. susan isn’t a witch, she’s a mortal, so in order to reap the other rewards of worshipping the one and only mother of demons, she has to fornicate with the witches and participate in the sacrifices!!!
this is, uh, well. it’s p much a porno, dude, sorry. 😅
this is just an excuse for susan to have sex with lilith, zelda, marie, hilda, big witch orgies + susan. witches bathing in the blood of their sacrifices, susan so nervous and timid but unable to deny her desire. the witch’s dressing her in their gothic garb.
how does the rest of the fam get it on this?
max joins the church too. she has more age-appropriate conduct with sabrina and the weird sisters, and what have you. just smooches and over-the-clothes groping, and whatnot, even tho the weird sisters, at least, would be interested in going further if given the opportunity.
billy dies in starcourt again, so he gets revived in the cain pit! hilda is the one who goes to him after bc she’s been in the cain pit many a time (i am still BIG side-eyeing zelda for repeatedly murdering her sister since childhood). hilda understands how jarring it can be to come back. suddenly alive!billy is freaking tf out but she brings him inside the mortuary, wraps him up in a big blanket burrito and they have a talk. hilda explains that he’s going to be okay and rubs his back while he tentatively sips the hot chocolate she made.
after billy’s calmed down, she brings max and susan in. max and susan can’t do as much magic as the caos witches— they’re mortals, after all, it’s not in their nature —but they’ve gained some abilities thru being in the church, following the rituals, and being carnally involved with the immortal witches. max happily shows him some of her new magic tricks.
horror movie #4: another crossover with caos. heavily inspired by creepshow episode s2e1, model kid (which i already v blatantly referenced in the last axe snafu update and i’m not ashamed, bc it’s a good series i love v much).
billy picks max up from the byers’ place rly late one night. it’s dark and the weather is bad and okay, yeh, he might be a little high. and a little concussed. he pissed neil off pretty bad the other day and okay, actually he’s defo concussed bc he doesn’t even remember what he did wrong!
needless to say, they take a wrong turn somewhere. they end up in greendale. at first max is pissed. she yells at him a lot! yells so loud hilda can hear them thru the walls of dr. cerberus’s comic shop/diner. she goes outside to see what all the fuss is abt, hilda never rly ignores youth in need. we love hilda, she deserved so much better…i’m getting distracted, okay, back to the story.
hilda ushers them inside. max is like, “ooh, comics? horror junk and comics? nvm, i’m not mad anymore.” she pats billy’s arm and wanders away to go check stuff out! hilda makes billy sit down. caos canon established that she’s psychic, at least when she wants to be. she smells the weed but she also sees his life, his trauma. billy doesn’t remember what he did to piss neil off or the abuse that followed, but hilda sees it clear as day.
he’s rude and cranky w her when she probes a little too much for his liking. hilda gently but firmly reprimands him and gets him a milkshake on this house. then she goes to check on max. she steers max to a v particular section of the shop, the one that sells model kits. now, max isn’t *huge* into model kits BUT they are p neat and she enjoys them well enough. more so when the weather is nasty and she can’t go outside. or when she needs smth to do with her hands (a trait she shares w susan) to distract herself and ease some of the anxiety when she hears her brother being beaten or her mother being shouted at.
max is actually rly impressed by the array of models. vintage ones and newer ones. monsters, slashers, final girls, tiny accessories like knives and bloodied heads. but when she gets to the paint-your-own shelf, her jaw drops to the floor.
there’s one that looks just like neil. unpainted, plain gray vinyl, but undoubtedly her stepdad. the expression on the five inch figurine is one frozen in fear.
“i think that one’s calling to you,” hilda prompts her, with the softest smile.
max blinks away her bewilderment altho she still can’t speak. she turns to hilda and turns her empty pockets inside out. hilda just waves her hand. she tells her it’s on the house. that it wouldn’t be fair if she gave billy smth on the house, but not max.
speaking of billy, when he finishes his milkshake, he’s suddenly totally sober and healed!! no more high buzzing in his blood. no more pounding headache or concussion fogging his mind. he doesn’t feel his bruises anymore, rolls his sleeve up, and realizes they simply aren’t there anymore. like they dissolved off his skin.
albeit it’s muttered under his breath, but billy does thank hilda. then he and max are on their way. max shows him the suspiciously familiar figurine in the box. this night cannot get weirder.
max knows what to do with the model kit. she does. she isn’t sure how she knows, but she does. she grapples with it for a long time. neil’s the closest thing she has to a dad these days. and things aren’t bad all the time, ofc.
sometimes neil gives max a ride when mom and billy aren’t available. sometimes he brings her ice cream entirely unprompted. neil’s the one who picks max up off the sidewalk when she wipes out super bad on her skateboard, carries her inside and then later to the car when her cut doesn’t stop bleeding and she ends up needing stitches.
but most of the time he sucks. she can’t rly be herself around him. he's indifferent to her interest at best, scornful at worst. he would hate all her friends. he scares the shit out of her when he’s angry. he doesn’t have a problem belittling her mother in front of her, tearing susan to shreds and making her out like she’s lower than dirt, the most worthless person on the planet. doesn’t have a problem beating billy in front of her or glaring at her with the promise that she’ll be next if she dares to voice her dissent.
max doesn’t always want to do what she knows she’s meant to do with the model. bc she's kind at heart and bc on the good days, she genuinely does have mixed feelings toward neil. never enough to hope he'll be better, he's proven he won't...but maybe enough to hope he won't get worse, either.
then comes the night neil breaks ribs. bad, like we’re talking, a-sharp-spear-of-broken-rib-punctures-billy’s-lung-and-he’s-coughing-up-blood-bad. that’s a trip to the emergency room. in the days that follow, at her next dnd meeting w the party, max places the fully and attentively painted model of her stepdad on the table. normally her pals would protest her derailing the intended game, but they can sense it, yk, that smth is different.
max takes over as dungeon master to the protest of no one, all other mouths sealed as if bewitched and spellbound. she narrators a scene where the demogorgon devours neil and uses the demogorgon piece and the model for demonstration.
when max returns home, neil is strewn across the house in gory chunks and torn wallpaper curls around massive claw marks.
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karenwilson · 3 years
It's story time with Nic!!!! And it's super long. I'm posting here so mist can read too lol
So this happened in 2019, January, like the third or even second week.
( I swear if somebody here think they know me irl they'll have the proof right here, cause i told this story to everyone)
I started working at my local library in December with 2 other girls and a boy. We where there for not even a month, so somethings where still hard or we forgot them, nothing bad.
My library has two buildings, the adult one, then down the stairs and across a lil garden, the kids one. A guest could enter the kids one from outside, but we had to close it from inside, then back up the stairs and out from the other building. But there was a door that someone had to open from inside the adult building to let the person that was working in the kids building inside.
Okay, of that is clear we can move on
That night i was working in the kids library and one of the girl (we'll call her B cause she's a bitch) was in the adult one.
Once i closed the library i went upstairs to take my stuff an go home only to find the door closed. Okay, i thought, she'll come soon. I texted, bit nothing, i called, same, i called the library and i was lucky enough to find the librarian still there that could come and open. She's usually out before us, mind you.
Before taking my bike to go, finally, home, i checked the text app and even though she hid her visualization notification, it was a group chat so it actually showed that she saw the message and ignore it. I let it go an took my bike, not even 200m later i saw her, phone in hands, walking home.
That fucker just let me there, closed outside with nothing but my clothes, my phone and the library keys. If nobody opened me i would had no other way to get out. I would had to call for our bosses that were already home.
Anyway... ( We're half there)
In the next days i talked with the 2 other people working with me that we shouldn't leave without checking for that door to be open for the person in the other library and they said "oh yeah, sure" and moved on.
A week passed before i could talk to B, and this time she was the one in the kids library. So i went there and since we were alone i just said that being left there without any other way to get out kinda freaked me out.
She answered, not even apologized, that she was already home when she saw my text. I laughed, and i said that i saw her on the street and that the phone showed the time she saw my text.
She started babbling that i was stressing her, that she was doing that job cause she needed to live her life with more calm...
Mind you, i was very polite and calm with her, cause ot was already clear to me that she hated me.
She kept going and i laughed again, saying that that was her problem, not mine, i was just asking for some normal work environment where i was not left out in the cold, and i left.
Before the closing time she came up in the adult library. ( So she didn't close the kids library, she walked around the block and entered the adult library like a guest lol )
And this is where ot gets funny.
She had some papers in her hands and, in front of 2 of our bosses, 3 guests and our coworkers, she threw the papers at me, screaming
"You need a heart to understand another heart. You don't know me and don't ever talk to me like that"
I kept repeating "b, let's go talk outside, not here" with my very polite but cold voice, but she just raised her voice at me, so i let her.
My bosses where (☉。☉)! Shocked and asked me for explaining but other than telling them the truth i had nothing else to offer.
Next day they called B in the office, and after called all 4 of us just to tell that nothing would happen to her and that we needed to be more polite to each other.
I said that i was, and if something i said was not i apologize, B instead said that she felt attached by me, that i was too arrogant and annoying........ Like i knew that i was better than her, but for the money they where paying us i really didn't care!
I worked there since December 2019, with her and her stupid cold shoulder that made me feel so much better about myself lol
Why? Cause she was, still is, a hypocrite, she was all for the environment yet she smokes and left the cigarettes on the street. She was always always talking bad about someone, especially the guy working with us. He became a coach for a little football team and he was so proud, yet she laughed at him. But she was a yoga/mindfulness person, always believing in love and acceptance.
Oh, i could go on, she did so many bad stuff and not only to me!!!
(i hope it makes sense, i don't have the strength to check again 😂)
Storytime with Nic!!
Oh noooo, hypocrisy makes me mad. It’s too funny tho, the ones lecturing others are usually the ones doing the stuff they’re accusing others of.
What did she tell them that they didn’t even reprimand her for leaving you outside??? Could she charm them that much?? 👀
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gaillol-13 · 3 years
Cartoon encounter.
Part 3 of this (part 2) Swear warning!
*sigh* "it just doesn't make any sense!"
I've been trying to figure out who that guy is for a while now, ever since I got home from the interview today. It just seemed like something out of a horror film, I don't understand. And they sounded so much like...no. I sat down for a moment to look at the pictures I took, and tried to recall what happened in the room with the tv (and the closet).
"Ok, so blood was coming out of the Tv," I spoke "I heard the killer walking towards me, with their arms out to grab me. They're voice sounded static-like, they were humming the Captoon's theme song. And then one of the police officers went in the room, the humming stopped, I looked in the closet but they were gone...they..."
I sighed.
"They sounded so much like Benjamin, like, identical, the only difference is the static. But, he's been dead for almost a year now, it just doesn't make any sense..."
"Beb-beeep, beb-beeeeep!!! Movement detected!!!"
What?! Theres someone trying to get in the house? I immediately check the security cameras but find no one there. The only evidence is the broken steel doors and a note, I zoomed in on it to get a closer look at what it said, I turned pale.
"Bonjournie~ Mr.Melvin :)"
That's what the note said, and the paper had the same static texture as the hammer piece I had.
The same person who killed those criminals is here, and I'm next.
"MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I screamed, "Why? Why me?! Why is this guy targeting me?! Of course, its because I know too much, I should have just kept quiet, I should have just said they committed suicide, that would have made more sense than a cannibalistic cartoon-loving prick by slaughtering them with nooses and a fucking rubber hammer!!! But noooo! I have to open my big mouth and now this fucker's gonna kill me!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!!"
I tried my best to calm down, it's not easy to think if I'm going into my dinosaur brain. Okay, everything is going to be fine, he must have a weakness, everybody has one. I have lots of inventions that could be good in the situation I'm in, I just gotta think of a plan. Think Melvin think, if I were a cannibal who loves captoon, what would be my weakness?
Hmm... I looked around my room, I spotted one a bottle of paint thinner, huh. I saw this in a game once, thinner can dissolve paint, which is what cartoon characters are made out of. I thought for a moment.
He likes the Captoon cartoon, and George and Harold made that cartoon. So if I'm gonna get this guy, (I cant believe I'm about to say this) I gotta think like George and harold.
Aww hell with it!
I grabbed the thinner bottle and loaded it in a spray gun, its ridiculous, but it's my best shot. And who knows, maybe some of the robot guards took care of him already.
"OW! @%#$!!!!"
What was that?! I mean, it was obviously a cry out in pain coming from downstairs (the living room to be exact), but AFTER it sounded like a beeping sound butchered by radio static. But that didn't matter now, the fact is that this guy is in my house, I have a plan (sort of), and I'm ready for whatever is down there.
I grabbed my flashlight and slowly made my way downstairs, he could be anywhere. I turned the lights in the hallway on, no one was there though. I looked in the kitchen, as expected, the fridge was open and most of the food in there was gone, and all of the leftover guac had vanished (THAT really caused a shiver to go down my spine). When I got close to the living room, I heard a noise, or more specifically, music.
I went in the living room to find the TV playing the Captoon theme song, huh. Guess I was right about him liking that, I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.
T h e m u s i c d i d n ' t s t o p .
Almost paralyzed with fear, I pressed the off button again, still playing, pressed it again, still going. No matter how many times I pressed it, the music kept playing. It only took me one second to realize the music was coming from behind me...along with that same feeling I had back at the abandoned school...
Oh no...
Before I could turn around, I felt something wrap around me, I looked down, I saw an arm.
Yeah, that's right, an arm was wrapping around my torso. How did I know it was an arm, at the end of it there was a gloved hand, gloved...it sorta gave me rubberhose cartoon vibes. Come to think of it, the arm was fully white like a rubberhose, I would have thought about it more I wasn't in peril.
"AAA-MMF!!!" I tried to scream, but the hand covered my mouth in an instant. The arm was fully wrapped around me now, only leaving my head uncovered.
I kicked and squirmed around trying to escape, no dice. The arm slowly turned me around, I soon realized that the arm was waaayyy longer than I previously thought. It stretched all the way to the far side of the hallway where there was nothing but darkness, nothing except...two...eyes...staring at me.
These weren't normal dot eyes, hohooohh nooo! These had the pupils and the sclera!!! And they were huge!! Who was this guy? No, scratch that. WHAT was this guy?! Forgive me for being Captain Obvious here, but there no fucking way this...thing is human!!
He was walking towards me, I squeezed my eyes shut, shit, I'm fucked. I'm going to be food, I could already see the headlines. "Class S Melvin sneedly (aka the smartest and sexiest man alive) becomes human Foie Gras to rubberhose monster". This is my end!!!
Then he (or it, I don't even know anymore) spoke.
"Shhhh, calm down."
What? Calm down?! I opened my eyes, he was still walking towards me, his eyes still the only things I could see. They looked...guilty.
"I know your scared right now." He continued
"Mmff mfm mff!!" I muffled sarcastically, it roughly translated to "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!!", and he knew it. As he became more and more visible, I froze.
The clothes...
The body figure...
The toupee...
He was a spitting image of Benjamin, except the eyes I mentioned earlier (which now revealed that he had pie-slice pupils). And there was no color, only shades of white (his skin), grey, and black...I was filled with shock...which then shifted to seething anger.
What right does this asshole have to impersonate MY boss?! NONE!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! I kicked at him furiously while delivering muffled screeching. Who the hell does he think he is?!
"Melvin please calm down-OW!"
I bit his gloved hand, he's NOT gonna tell me what to do.
He gave gave me a look that was a combination of surprise, pity, scared, and impressed.
"Gosh," I heard him mutter under his static breath "that last bit kinda rhymed..".
How is this happening, when did I become prisoner of a cartoon monstrosity. Why, how. This doesn't-...then it clicked.
"This is a dream."
It's the only reasonable explanation.
"This isnt real, of course. What was I thinking."
I breathe the sigh of relief, phew.
"Why else would you look like Benjamin, it's obvious my subconscious is missing him, and the reason why your a cartoon is because I've been watching captoon too much. And why are you after me? Because it's just my subconscious being guilty of Benjamin's death, like I felt responsible, like I was supposed to be there with him when it happened. It all makes sense!!"
The behemoth rolled his eyes, but that didn't matter. What matters is that this isnt real, it's just a horrible nightmare. I dont know when I fell asleep (probably when I passed out stress-eating all those croissants at the interview), but either way I'm glad that it will be over---
I felt something sharp jab me in the arm, I looked to see his gloved hand, only a little different. The pointer finger was longer and the tip was pointy, sorta like and overgrown fingernail. Either way, it hurt, and he was still there, this wasn't a dream, it was real life.
"Real enough for ya?" All I could do was nod as I watched the finger retract and return to its proper form and shape, then I heard him sigh.
"Look, they're going to search the abandoned school so I need a place to stay-" I cut him off. "Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't call the authorities."
"Cuz they would never believe you."
I opened my mouth to protest, but then i thought for a moment. He was right, they wouldn't. There was a saying in the book Our Lord Dav, where he quoted "people can be too smart for their own good" which ment if someone was too smart, they would become insane. The police might think just that if I tell them theres a living cartoon in my house.
"Please," I looked back up at him. Seeing his sad, pleading face. "I just need to hide hear for a bit, just a lil bit. I know I'm the last guy you wanna trust right now, especially after last night. But...*sigh*... I REALLY need your help...just let me stay."
I was speechless, I was starting to doubt that this was the same person that killed those criminals. His expression seemed so...bonafide. Pupils dilated to a sorrow filled manner, lips trembling, it felt like the equivalent of looking at a sad puppy. But...how do I know I should trust him.
"Your not gonna kill me?"
"Of course not!!!" He protested, by now the arm he had wrapped around me was retracted back to him, but I really wasn't paying attention. "I'm not a monster!!!"
Not a monster? My eyes narrowed.
He then rubbed the back of his head, chuckling nervously, "I guess I am if you define a monster as a creature that defies the laws of physics and nature, heh. But I'm talking about one that's heartless, ruthless, and selfish."
His eyes then darted away and his face suddenly became sour. His tone changed completely.
"Like the @*#%$, Theodore..."
Theres only one person I know who could sound and act like that when the subject was Ted murdsly...
I threw myself at him in an embrace, eyes filled with tears...
"You are Benjamin..."
I was both in shock and joy. I couldn't believe my boss was alive...I started sobbing.
"I miss you so much..."
I felt him hug me back.
"Heh, miss ya too Mel. It's been very lonely, even with him around, it's nice to see an old friend again..."
I started crying into his shoulder, I was so relieved. For one, I now know that I'm not gonna be dinner. Two, the others will be thrilled to hear that their favorite grumpy boss is back (especially her. If you catch my drift). But I thought for a moment...
"What do you mean by "even with him around"?"
He then lead me to a chair, "sit down, and let me tell you how I'm alive."
So he told me...and dear dav is it a doozy.
So after Benjamin died, George and harold were starting the Captoon cartoons, they had the help of dressy. But in the making of the first tape reel of season 1, dressy sprinkled some dust on it, making Captoon sentient. Then the boys took it to Benjamin's gravestone, and placed it there. Then lightning struck the tape and it started to melt, along with the world in it.
In major pain, Captoon got out of the tape and into Benjamin's corpse, sort of merging with it. Another lightning struck the same spot again. And since dead people come back to life when they get zapped with electricity in cartoons, thats exactly what happened to Benjamin.
He wakes up, they meet, he tells him how he died (turns out it wasn't an accident), and Captoon gets an idea. Since he needs a physical body to stay in (cuz otherwise he would melt and die), and Benjamin needs Captoon's cartoon physiques to stay alive, they become one. Becoming Krupptoon.
It finally made sense now.
"So now you know." Krupptoon said, then grabbed a nearby glass and drunk from it. Then he noticed my mind-blown expression.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's just...alot to take in. Does that mean your dead body is still in you?"
"Uh-huh, wanna see?"
Intrigued, I nodded, after what I saw last night, this wont really effect me. Then his head began to shift, the white static-like skin seemed to dissolve. Revealing a pale, bloody, and very very dead head.
The left side (his left side) of the head had the skull smashed open showing that parts of the brain were missing, and pretty much almost all of the left side (again, his left) of the head looked like it was demolished from impact.
His eye (on his right) looked lifeless, yet it had a distinct green glow, don't know why. Oh yeah, and it smelled, it smelled repulsive.
I felt the urge to puke which he immediately took notice of and grabbed a nearby bucket, then he gave it to me.
5 minutes and 43 seconds of vomiting later... I looked at him for a closer inspection.
"Hmm, it seems only the left side is affected."
He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a magnifying glass and handed it to me. I then used it.
"Your frontal lobe is severely injured, that would explain why you only move in rubberhose, your Broca's Area seems fine. Same with the Sensory area and Parietal lobe. Your Temporal lobe looks pretty damaged..."
I went quiet...
"Whats wrong?" He said that with his decayed mouth barely moving.
It took me a while to try to get the words out.
"T-thats the lobe that contains memories. Benjamin...do you remember anything?"
His face fell, "Oh,". He then put his hand on his chin, "Well, I remember you, and George and harold. Ted (though I wish I didn't), my identity, how I died...". He then plopped down on the ground, his face returning to its cartoony appearance. Trying to recall, then his eyes lit up. "I...remember Edith..."
And boy what happened next was quite a site. His hand dropped to the side, a shade of gray crept up his face, hearts started floating around him, and I swear I could hear a romantic saxophone playing. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing.
"What?" He turned his attention to me, I simply pointed upwards at the hearts floating around. His eyes went wide and he made a noise that can only be defined as a startled dog and immediately started shooing them away with his arms, his face now flashing dark grey and white in embarrassment.
"I-ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!" He yelped in a panicked tone, but I knew otherwise.
"Oh suuuuure~!" I said playfully, "Its not like you visit her in the lunchroom every day,or that you give her extra credit, or that you try to make her food everyday!"
With every example I said, he got grayer and grayer. So I kept going.
"Or that you hide a bunch of gifts around her office, or that you're always happy when she's around 24/7, or that you secretly write about how much you want to be with her forever in your journal!"
"HOW DID YOU GET MY JOURNAL?!?!" He started shrieking and becoming a charcoal grey, sweating, and flustered mess. And it was hilarious! And it lasted a good 5 minutes.
"Joking aside, you REALLY don't remember anything else, like your job?"
"I have a job?" He cocked his head and gave me a confused look.
"Nevermind." I decided it was nothing to worry about now, so I quickly dismissed that subject. Then I heard him sigh again.
"The main reason I came here is for your help, your help to kill crime."
I was confused, "why would you need my help, you have the ability to do it on your own."
He gave me a classic Captoon smile, "Because it's like I said in the cartoons" he stood up and did the pose, "it's more fun to bring justice with friends!". He then pulled me up off the chair and put his gloved hands on my shoulders.
"You, me, George and harold, and the others can stop evil in its tracks! Sure, I could do it alone. But what the heck is living if you don't do it with your chums! Buds! Home slices! Homies! Pals! Bros! ETC!!!"
Honestly, I was very moved. I usually dont get touched, but...I haven't felt like I had friends, at all (I always felt so alone). And the fact that my boss (who's also Captoon himself) considers me as a good friend is enough to make me emotional.
"So Melvin Sneedly!!! Are you gonna join this crazy but exciting ride of adventure and mystery with me?!"
"Y-YES!!!" My voice cracked a bit, but that didn't matter now.
Man, he said that Captoon only moved their body, but THAT moment had to disagree. I sas honestly thrilled to start working with a superhero...but then the moment took a different direction when he gave me a smug look.
"Now what did you mean by you watching that Captoon cartoon too much?"
"Now wait just a minute-"
He then laughed and patted me on the back "ight, see ya tomorrow."
I headed towards upstairs to my room "goodnight."
I didn't know what I was getting into, but whatever it was, for once I'm ready for anything!!!
End of fic
Whooooo! That took a while, but it was worth it. Now with the introductions out of the way, I can finally make some memes!
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darlinvandijk · 5 years
What about me?
Concept: request where ruel becomes a jealous lil bean because you’re spending all your time with Kate Sylvie, and Coco instead of him and it gets all cute. As usual hit my line for requests and I’ll be happy to comply!(Sorry if this is really fucking long lmao) Hope you enjoy :)
I sit in the Van Dijk living room, laughing along with my favorite girls as we have yet another girls night filled with junk food and endless conversation, one of many held over the past two weeks. I lean my head against sylvie as I listen to Kate tell another story about what it was like for her growing up, truly intrigued by some of the things that she’s seen and gone through. I heard shuffling coming from the staircase, causing me to turn my head and see my beautiful boy make his way towards me. He slowly drags himself to me, wrapping his arms around my neck and shoulders from the back of the couch. I lean into him and tilt my head up to see his face, watching as he looks down at me with a little frown.
“When’re you coming to bed? It’s already 12:30 love” he mumbles out, a little bit of a whine to his voice. I let out a small laugh before reaching up to caress his cheek, smiling at the way he adorably leans into my hand, knowing he’s been a little off lately.
“I know but we’re just talking and watching some movies, why don’t you head to bed without me and I’ll join you in a little bit?” I question, watching him roll his eyes a little before nodding his head and planting a kiss on my forehead. The girls watch him silently, all trying to not laugh at how clingy and grumpy he gets when he’s tired.
“Goodnight baby, goodnight mom, and goodnight fuckers” Ruel mutters out, causing Coco and Sylvie to let out matching scoffs all while holding smirks on their faces, loving when their brother doesn’t get his way. He glares at them before making his way back upstairs and into his bedroom. I turn back to them and restart the conversations we were having with each other.
Time passed with more shared laughs and snacks, before we all slowly started to get tired from our night of bonding since it was already nearing 2. We all hugged and said our goodnight before heading to our respective rooms, mine being Ruels. I softly open the door and step in, trying not to wake him, only to see him laying there with his phone screen lighting up the dark space. I shuffle my way to his closet and slip off my clothes, trading them for one of his shirts, slowly making my way back to his bed.
I climb into the bed and turn to face him, laying on my side as he lays flat on his back scrolling through Instagram. He stays silent as he scrolls through his phone, making no moves to cuddle me like he usually would. I reach my hand out and place it against his cheek, waiting to see if I’ll get a reaction from him. He lets out a quiet hum, lightly turning his head to press a kiss to the center of my palm before leaning his face back into it.
Feeling sleepy I softly rub my eyes before scooting a little down on the bed, pushing my head underneath his arm that was resting over his chest as he held his phone with the other arm. I can see him look down at me, as I let the arm rest on top of me, curling my body into his as much as I can. He rests his hand in my hair, softly coming through it before pressing a small kiss to the crown of my head, still scrolling through his socials. I fall asleep to the quiet whisper of “I love you” from him, feeling the way his arms tighten around me as he finally puts his phone away and holds me.
I wake up to sunlight beaming in through the curtains, watching as it lights up Ruels bare skin, making him glow gold. I let out a sigh of pure content, running my fingers through his hair, feeling him grip me tighter as he slowly woke up. He squints his eyes open, watching me for a few seconds before fully shifting onto his back and pulling me on top of him. I let out a laugh as he does so, resting my hands against his shoulders, my face above his. He leans up and presses a light kiss on my lips before laying back down and giving me a lazy grin.
“You look really pretty right now, you always look stunning, but for some reason this light is making you absolutely breathtaking darlin” he sleepily states, giving me the boyish grin that he knows makes my heart stop. I feel my face heat up at his compliment before pressing a kiss to his nose, having not had a soft moment like this with him in the last two weeks. He just watches me for a few more seconds with nothing but love in his eyes, which I know is completely reciprocated in mine. Our peaceful silence is broken when his door gets thrown open, Coco standing in the threshold with a giant grin on her face.
“Hey beauty and the beast, don’t forget about our plans today babes, so ready for this spa day! We’re taking off in 30 since it’s already 10:30” she all but shrieks out, skipping out of the room and closing the door behind her. I feel Ruel tense up underneath me when he hears her statement. I sit up and straddle his abdomen, looking down at him with a frown, wondering why he looks so upset. He avoids eye contact and instead just shifts his hands to rest softly on my thighs, completely shifting back into the touchy and distant attitude he’s held with me the past few days.
“What’s wrong bubs? You seem to be a little moody lately” I softly question, knowing he struggles a bit when getting put on the spot. He frowns even more, slightly gripping my things and rubbing his thumbs across them. I wait with a soft look on my face, giving him time to open up so that he can do so while not feeling rushed.
“You’re going out with my sisters and mom again?” He mutters, the frown still placed onto his face, slightly deepening as he questions me. Feeling perplexed I tilt my head to the side, wondering what that has to do with anything.
“Yeah, we wanted to have a girls spa day, just to relax and have fun together” I state, watching as his frown deepens. He lets out a slight scoff, setting me next to him on the bed so that I’m no longer on him, before getting up and heading to the closet, completely ignoring the hand that I reach out to grab his. I watch him with a now matching frown, hurt by his passive aggression with me. I sit there silently as he changes, waiting for him to say something. He turns back to me and walks over, filling me with hope, before going straight past me to his phone to disconnect it from the charger. He proceeds to walk to the door before I call out to him, completely freezing him in his tracks.
“What’s going on with you?” I softly mumble, watching as he turns back to me and makes his way over. He leans down and presses a soft but barely there kiss to my head before walking back to the door, pausing and turning to tell me something.
“Nothing’s going on, have fun with the girls. Love you.” He states in a blank tone, shutting the door before I can even reply to him. I sit there in silence with watery eyes, wondering what’s made him so distant with me. I shrug it off, deciding I’m not going to let his attitude ruin my day, and change into my comfy spa outfit. I head downstairs seeing the girls waiting for me, completely walking past Ruel, who’s sitting at the counter eating. They watch the way his eyes follow my every move and the way I ignore him with confused glances, causing me to shrug at them.
“Ready to go ladies? It’s time to partyyy” I sing out throwing my hands up as they all get over what just happened and cheer with me. We double check to make sure we all have our phones and stuff on us, before deciding to leave. As we’re leaving, we call out to Ralph so he knows we’re taking off, and then the atmosphere shifts once the attention is put on Ruel. He stands there eating, looking up when he feels their gazes on him, he gives a small wave as they tell him bye. They watch silently as I say nothing to him, giving him the choice to either say something or keep being a dick.
“Love you, be safe.” He mutters in a clipped tone, heading towards the living room where Ralph is, not giving me the usual kiss and hug he always does when I leave. I roll my eyes at his snotty behavior before turning to the door, completely disregarding what he said, watching as the girls and Ruel, who hasn’t entered the living room yet, stare at me in slight shock. Having never seen me not reply to his “i love you” before. I make it partially out the door, stopping to turn around for one second, not being able to do it.
“I love you too.” I quietly state, watching him nod his head before joining his dad. We all walk out to the car and get in, sitting in a slightly tense atmosphere. Them being confused but not wanting to question it in fear of ruining the mood, and me just being hurt by the attitude of the boy I love.
“Is everything okay? What was that about?” Coco softly questions as we start to head to the spa, with music softly playing on the radio. I sit there silently for a second, trying to think of what to say about the situation.
“I honestly don’t know. He’s been weird the past like week but today he’s just been an ass to me. He’s being super clipped and passive with me, when I’ve done nothing” I rant out, completely frustrated that I can’t figure out what’s going on in his mind. They all sit there pondering what could be going on with him, but all come up blank, having never seen him act this way with me.
“Honestly fuck that, today we are going to enjoy ourselves, no boy is going to ruin our day” Coco shouts with a fist in the air, causing all of us to laugh at her wild attitude. We get to the spa, check in, and head to the changing rooms, and putting on what they tell us to. We all go into the sauna, just relaxing and letting all of the stress leave our bodies, before rinsing off and heading to the rooms we have assigned. Coco and I head into a room, while Kate and Sylvie head into another, getting ready for the massages we have scheduled.
As we lay down and get massaged, Coco turns her head to face me with the same perplexed look she had earlier. She asks me about the situation and I tell her everything I can think of that’s happened the last two weeks that have been off, more so the last couple days that have been really off. She nods and listens, adding things every now and then as we try to brainstorm a solution or reason for everything. We head out of the room once we’re done and go straight to the mani/pedi area, showing the workers what we’d like, before sitting in the seats adjacent to Sylvie and Kate. We talk as we get our nails done, laughing and completely relaxing. As time goes by and they finish our nails, they lead us into the final area which makes Coco shout with glee.
“Free food!” She shouts, walking over to the trays set up for us, turning to us with stars practically filling her eyes. We all sit down and enjoy the complimentary food and champagne, before finally heading back to change and leave. As we take off, we decide to make a pit stop at some of the local shops, since Kate said she saw the absolute prettiest dress that she wanted me to try on. We hang around for a bit before deciding to head back to their house, seeing as it was already getting a little dark outside. I check my phone as we near the house, seeing it flash 5:15 at me, filling me with hope that he’s gotten his attitude together since we’ve been apart the whole day.
We walk in and head to the living room, watching as Ruel looks up and decides to depart and head up into his room. The rest of the family watches me in silence, as I turn and give them a soft sad smile, before telling them I’m going to head up after him. They all nod and let me leave, watching as I walk upstairs with my head turned down. I enter the room to see the bathroom door shut and the sound of light humming fill the air. I close the door and sit at the edge of the bed, waiting for him to come out.
He finally comes out of the bathroom and freezes upon seeing me, giving me a blank stare before turning to head back out the door. I let out a scoff, completely pissed that he’s being so childish, watching as his body tenses up at the sound. He slowly spins around and watches me with slightly guarded eyes.
“Do you have something to say” he questions in a low tone, staring me straight in the eyes with a look I couldn’t quite decipher. I stare at him incredulously, not believing that those are the words he chooses to say.
“Are you fucking with me right now?” I snap out, crossing my arms over my chest to stop my hands from shaking, not wanting him to know how bothered I am. He rolls his eyes and opens the door to leave, causing my eyes to well up at the fact that he’s not even going to try and talk to me, and at the fact that we’ve never fought before.
“Ruel why are you mad at me... if I did something wrong you can tell me.” I mumble out to him insecurely, playing with the promise ring on my finger, feeling unsure on if he’ll reply or just leave. I hear him sigh before he makes his way over to stand in front of me, standing in between my legs. He tilts my head up with two of his fingers, looking sad as he sees the tears that fill my eyes, knowing they were put there by his actions. He gives me a soft look before leaning down to lift me up, causing my to bury my head in the crook of his neck, and wrap my legs around his waist. He moves to put us on the bed, with him leaning against the headboard, while I lay against him, still wrapped around him.
“I’m not mad at you, I’m just hurt. I feel like all you’ve done the past couple weeks is hangout with them and then only spend time with me real late at night, which doesn’t count since we’re asleep. I just feel sad that you’ve rejected all the times I’ve hinted at spending time together to just continuously be with them. I don’t want to be clingy, but I’m tired and just need you, especially since tour just ended and it took a lot out of me to be on the road for so long and give as much of myself as I could to make my fans happy night after night. Like you give everyone else so much attention... but what about me?” He rants out with his voice cracking, rubbing his hands tiredly down his face, as I sit up on his lap, giving him a heartbroken look.
“No, Ruel I love you so much, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I just got caught up in all the plans they were making, that I didn’t even think about how you felt. You needed me and I wasn’t there for you. I didn’t see any of your hints and advances, I made you feel alone.” I softly cry out, now seeing how it all made sense, how it actually was all me. He gives me a soft smile before leaning in to give me a kiss, pulling away to wipe to tears off my face.
“No crying baby, it’s not your fault. I should have been straight up with you and told you what I wanted, not just have expected you to know, and I definitely shouldn’t have been such a dick to you. You’re perfect and deserve all the love and respect in the world, I’m sorry for hurting your feelings bubba” he whisper into my ear and he hugs me, I squeeze him against me, letting him lay me down against the bed, situating himself on top of me so that his head rests against my chest. I softly comb my fingers through his hair, smiling as he grabs my other hand and presses a kiss to it, trying to communicate the mutual love we have for one another.
“I love you.” He whispers, looking up at me in complete adoration. I cup his face with my palm before giving him a little grin. Watching the way he leans into my palm and stares at me as if he was seeing the sun for the first time, in complete and utter awe. Leaving me breathless for a few seconds before I can reply to him.
“I love you too bubs, I’m happy we got over this and we’re able to be back on track, I hated fighting with you” I say watching him nod his head in complete agreement before laying back down, leaving us in a peaceful silence, filled with mutual love and understanding. I start to think about how I can avoid this problem in the future, before I let out a laugh realizing that Coco is the main reason I was busy lately since she made all the plans, then seeing Ruel lift his head to stare at me with a questioning look. I laugh even more as I look at his face, knowing how mad he’s going to be when I tell him why I can’t stop laughing.
“I can’t believe your headass got jealous of your own mom and sisters, like you got jealous over Coco fucking loser” I all but choke out, finally thinking about it fully, watching him glare at me. He grabs my waist and pulls my body down the bed, hovering over the top of me as tears stream down my face.
“Are you fucking done yet?” He groans out, watching as I literally roll side to side, not able to breathe from laughing at him. He pins my arms above me head and stares into my eyes, watching as I sober up, before staring at him for a second too long and getting set off again.
“That’s it babygirl. sorry not sorry asshole” he grumbles out as he lets go of my hands to place them on my waist, relentlessly tickling me as I cry out and yell for him to stop or I’ll pee on him and the bed. Downstairs the rest of the Van Dijks sit around on the couches, all smiling and chuckling at the sounds of laughter and shouting coming from us, glad we were able to move on from the bump in the road we had faced.
He finally stops tickling me, laying flat on the bed with me against him, head on his chest and hands entwined, listening to his steady heartbeat and slow breathing. I smile softly as I think about how only his dumbass would get so jealous of his family and start a fight, rather than just talk to me about it. Feeling the smile against his chest he looks down at me, causing me to tilt my head up with puckered lips, wanting a kiss after all the torture he put me through. He laughs and gives me a light peck before pulling away, causing me to let out a whine. He smirks before leaning down and connecting our lips fully, in a slow but love filled kiss. Before the mini makeout session can last too long, I pull away from him, watching a smile form on his swollen red lips, before laying back down against him. Completely letting him cage me in his arms against his chest, bringing me the most peace I’ve felt all day, in the arms of my love.
He might be an idiot, but there’s no other tall jealous boy that I’d want to spend my life with.
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Coming, Coming Home Chapter 3 (Except it’s actually called Building Home now)
Hello fuckers so I impulsively changed the name of my big fic because I have Plans for the title coming home so now it’s called building home, but it’s still the same fic. Also here’s chapter 3 please read the warnings and if you spot any typos lmk because I wrote this late at night.
Also! The last chapter title was from i hope ur ok by noll! The POV for this chapter is White Lily, which makes it officially the first chapter from the POV of an original character, so I hope you enjoy!
Title: Building Home
Chapter Title: The day it was suddenly real
Chapter Wordcount: 3404
Chapter Summary:
Cherri Cola arrives home. Wounds are stitched, impulsive decisions are made, and no one is especially okay.
Warnings: Needles, blood, injury, fairly frank discussion of death and child death. (If you want to know what parts to skip, go to the end notes on AO3- I also put a brief summary of any important info in those parts. Stay safe!)
Taglist: @wishiwasthemoon-tonight @sleevesareforlosers @stressed-depressed-emo-mess @tasteofamnesia @dagger-queen​ @no-braincells-here @piratecherricola (message me, send an ask, or reblog/reply to one of my posts if you want to be added or removed)
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 AO3 Link
Chapter 1 Tumblr Post
Chapter 2 Tumblr Post
(Actual fic under the cut)
Lily looked up as Cherri stumbled into the house, pressing a hand to his side and wincing. She and D had gotten back a few minutes ago, finding their mission for the day discouraging and hopeless. D was off upstairs somewhere, she thought, and she was nursing a cup of ‘tea’, which was something more approximating warm water with a little bit of some sort of dried leaf they had found in the kitchen cabinets boiled in it. They were both pretty sure it was actually parsley, but Lily insisted it was ‘minty enough’. It wasn’t as if they had anything else for tea. She would have gotten something to eat as well, but they were mostly out and they would need enough left for dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast.
So, in short, it had been an incredibly shitty day and it was about to get even worse. Given that Cherri proceeded to pass out on their floor.
Lily swore under her breath and set down her cup, hurrying over to the younger killjoy. “Cherri?”
No reply. She crouched next to the other and gently turned him over, sucking in a sharp breath at how much blood covered his side. “Cherri! D, get down here! Quickly! And bring the med kit!”
D came hurrying in a few seconds later, grabbing the first aid kit off the wall as he did. “What’s going on, Lil- Cherri!”
Lily grabbed the kit from him and dug around for the disinfectant, swearing under her breath all the while. In her opinion, there were times that called for generous usage of the word fuck, and this was one of them.
“Cher, wake up,” Lily whispered as she cleaned the wound, trying futilely to wipe away the blood so she could see.
Cherri jerked under her hands, eyes blinking open. “D- Lil- you have to go.”
“Go where?” D asked gently. It was clear Cherri wasn’t going to let them help until he passed on whatever he was going to say, so Lily let D talk.
“Go- just. Just go somewhere. They know about the radio station- bli, they’re coming to hunt us down soon. They know Lil’s in Zone Four.”
D and Lily exchanged glances.
“Go pack our stuff,” Lily told him. “I’ll take care of Cher.”
D nodded to her and hurried upstairs as she threaded the needle with hands that shook more than she wanted to admit. “Okay, Cherri, I need you to be brave. This is going to hurt like a bitch.”
“Got it.” Cherri’s teeth were clenched. 
Lily started the first stitch, trying not to flinch as Cherri gave a tiny yelp of pain. “It’s going to be okay, only a few more stitches, okay?”
She got a tiny nod and another hiss of pain in response. Every pained noise cut at her heart, but she couldn’t let Cherri lose too much blood. Only the Phoenix Witch knew how much he had lost already. So Lily put in careful stitch after careful stitch, pausing to clean the needle occasionally.
“What happened, Cher?” 
“Went to- went to raid a supply truck.” He sucked in a breath as Lily tied off the next stitch. “Exterminator was altered by the clap. Found me and shot me.”
“How the hell did you get away?” D was returning from the upstairs with almost everything they owned neatly packed away, getting ready to pack up any stuff in the living room that they’d be able to take. 
“They-“ he winced. “They let me go. Threatened me, told me to tell you two that you wouldn’t win.”
Lily glanced at D again and found that the concern in his eyes mirrored her own. “Okay, you’re all sewed up, Cherri. Let’s go out to the van.”
Cherri tried to get up, but D pushed him down firmly. “Absolutely not, you’re barely even stitched up. I’ll carry you out.”
“Fine.” Cherri didn’t resist as D picked him up, following Lily outside. She watched to make sure everything went smoothly as they set him down on the small nest of blankets and other soft things Lily had thrown together, then headed to the front. By the time D had settled next to their youngest crew member, she was already in the drivers’ seat, getting ready to take them away from here. 
Lily thought she heard Cherri mutter something about ‘I’m not a child’, but he was curled up and fast asleep within minutes as she stepped on the gas. 
And meanwhile, Dr. Death Defying made his way back up to the front of the van carefully, sliding into shotgun. 
“Feels real now,” Lily said as her best friend settled next to her. She was still carefully steering them down the road, trying not to bump too much and wake up Cherri.
“We knew the consequences from the start.” D’s voice was businesslike, but Lily could hear the strain of worry behind it.
“We did. We’ve seen enough death to know it could happen to us.” She didn’t take her eyes off the road. “But it feels more real when it’s Cher who got hurt.”
“He’s so young,” D agreed. Their voice had softened and grown quieter.
“He is. God, I know he’s hardly younger than we were when we were shipped off to fight, but he’s still a child, D.”
“I know, Lil.”
“He’s so small. So young. And he’s got that way about him like there’s kindness behind the pain. Who put him in this war? Who let him be one of our little rebel soldiers? He should be….”
“Happy,” D finished for her. “Safe. Not going head-to-head with exterminators and helping run a radio station.”
“Exactly.” Her voice shook more than she would have liked. “Are we doing the right thing, D? Can we justify letting children fight a war we know we might not win?”
“I don’t know,” he said quietly. 
“It’s not like we can stop them from fighting, but sometimes I question if we should encourage them,” Lily went on. “So many of them are going to die, D.”
“That’s how war is. We know that.”
"We learned it well.” She knew her laugh was a little bit bitter. “It’s still not right, though.”
“No, it’s not. But we’re not fighting for nothing. There’s a future without Better Living, and we have to fight for that. Fight for it with everything we’ve got.”
Lily sighed. “I guess you’re right. I don’t like it, but we don’t have a choice now. Got ourselves into this mess, I guess we better get ourselves out of it.”
“That’s the spirit,” D said dryly.
“You think we should send Cher away?” It was an abrupt subject change, but that was what had been hovering in her mind as she and D debated morality. “He’s going to get hurt a lot by being with us.”
“He’s going to get hurt either way. He wasn’t even with us today when he got hurt, and the exterminator didn’t sound like they recognized him. Cherri is reckless, we both know. He’s going to get hurt.”
“And it’s not like he would listen if we tried to send him away anyways.”
“That too. He would stick to us like superglue.”
Lily took her eyes off the road briefly to glance back at Cherri, who was still curled up tightly as they bumped along. Even when he slept, there was a slight bit of guardedness to him, unwilling to fully stretch out. “I wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
“Me too.”
They hadn’t known where they were going when they packed up and left the house, only knowing that they needed to get out, but a plan started to form in White Lily’s mind as they headed down the road. D didn’t question her, seemingly absorbed in his thoughts as he stared out the window, and Cherri was passed out from a combination of blood loss and not sleeping well for a while. Ever, really. Lily didn’t think he had slept through the night since he arrived- he rarely actually woke one of them up, but she was up on her own often enough when he would be awake and bumping around. So even without the ray gun wound, he definitely needed sleep.
Lily turned them off the path they had been following, pulling up in a somewhat intact town. They were parked in front of the most intact house, an almost Victorian style home with sturdy walls. This was where Lily knew she could find an old friend, of sorts. 
Autumn Assassin was somewhere between twenty-five and thirty years old, about five foot four, and utterly and completely terrifying. They were the best shot with a ray gun she had ever met, with the possible exception of Cherri, and could use a variety of other weapons with startling ease. They were also terrifyingly competent at cooking and keeping organized, and hadn’t put up with anyone’s shit in living memory. Lily had served with them for a time in the Helium Wars, and that brief service together was enough to give her a healthy respect for them. 
“Where are we?” D asked, finally seeming to come out of their thoughts.
“An old friend’s house." Lily headed into the back, grabbing one of the bags as D lifted Cherri carefully. She led the others up to the door of the old and mostly intact house, knocking once she had finished laughing at the ‘House of Soup’ spray-painted next to the door. 
Said door was opened by an unfamiliar killjoy with messy blond hair. “Hello, what can I do for you?”
“I need to talk to Autumn Assassin, do they still live here?”
“Sure do!” There was a loud crash and some yells from within the house. “I’ll get them in uhhh a second. HEY AUTUMN! WE NEED YOU UP HERE!”
A few more yells followed that, as well as one or two more crashes. “Now put that sword down or so help me!” The familiar tiny killjoy appeared at the door, putting their hands solidly on their hips. “So what is it, Princey?”
“These fine ‘joys showed up on our doorstep and asked to see you.”
“Ah. White Lily!”
“Hey, Autumn Assassin. You don’t happen to have a spare room, do you?”
Autumn Assassin looked them up and down, eyes raking over D’s tired face, the bits of blood splattering all of them, and Cherri passed out in D’s arms. “Of course I do.”
Lily breathed a tiny sigh of relief as the smaller killjoy hurried them inside. The interior of the house proved to be quite cozy, a nice living room outfitted with a verity of mismatching and likely stolen or scavenged furniture. There were also a variety of killjoys lounging around the living room and/or draped over said furniture, laughing and calling back and forth to each other as Autumn Assassin led the three of them further inside and up the stairs.
They turned left on the landing, opening the door to what had once been a bedroom, clearly. “Here you go, this is the best free room in the house, currently. We might even have an extra mattress laying around, you’ll have to give me a second to find it through.” They rummaged around in the closet of the room for a few minutes. “Ah! Here we go!”
It was a larger mattress than one would reasonably expect to fit in a closet, but Autumn Assassin had managed to cram it in there anyways, it appeared. They hauled it out and laid it across the floor of the fairly bare room. “Here you go.” 
“Thank you,” Lily said gratefully as D set Cherri down. 
“Of course. Now come tell me about your friends and how you came to be here, I’ve got to cook dinner but you can come downstairs with me.”
“I’ll wait with Cherri,” D told Lily. “He’ll probably not be very happy about waking up alone in a strange place.”
Lily nodded and so did Autumn as they tromped downstairs, shouldering past another killjoy to reach the kitchen. “And here we go, pass me that can of power pup, would you?”
Lily handed it to them. “So you’ve been living here…”
“Couple of months now, me and the brit boys settled down here first and then we acquired a couple of other friends along the way. It’s a safehouse of sorts, we give a room to anyone who needs one.”
“So how did you come to be here with an injured teenager and that other guy?”
“That other guy is Dr. Death Defying, my friend from my very first squadron. And the teenager is Cherri Cola, a random killjoy who came to live with us after he accidentally stumbled on our house while looking for shelter.”
“Seems legit.” They were stirring a pot of power pup with a few other things thrown in. “So how did you end up here?”
“You know 109 WKIL?”
“The radio station? Of course I do.”
“We run that, you might know, and so Better Living Industries has been trying to track our signal. Cherri went out and got hurt in a clap with an exterminator, and the exterminator told him that they were close to finding WKIL, so we had to leave home in a hurry.”
“And he didn’t die? An exterminator?”
“Didn’t die, just got hurt. He’s a good shot and a much better fighter than you would expect.”
Autumn Assassin nodded, stirring the pot one more time before they put it over the fire already lit in the sink. “So you decided to come here?”
“I knew it would be safe, and I figured you would let us stay for a while.”
“Hon, you can stay as long as you need.” They made a face. “I’ve started talking like a southern grandma.” 
“You practically are a grandparent,” Lily deadpanned. 
“Rude. See if I let you stay here now.” Their voice was joking, and Lily didn’t think for a second they would actually kick her out. “But in all seriousness, you really can stay for as long as you need. You’re staying until your friend is healed at least. He looks like barely more than a kid.”
“He’s sixteen. Seventeen by now, I’m guessing, but he didn’t tell us his birthday.” She ignored the faint twinge of guilt that neither she nor D had thought to ask. Birthdays weren’t such a big deal in the desert, but they still celebrated when they could. 
“See? Child. Baby. Youngster.”
“You’re literally twenty-five.”
“I’m still not a literal child. Plus, I’m a cat grandparent.”
White Lily raised her eyebrows at them.
“Princey- his name is Prince of Wales but we call him Princey- adopted a mangy stray cat. And we’ve decided I’m the collective parent friend.” Autumn gave the pot another fierce stir. 
“Yeah.” They lifted the pot off the heat. “Dinner!”
This was met by a cascade of killjoys thundering down the stairs and several more hurrying in from the living room, much to Autumn Assassin’s disgruntled “One at a time!” 
Within a few minutes, everyone had snatched one of the chipped bowls or plates (some of which appeared to actually be empty power pup cans) and were lined up neatly. D and Cherri appeared to have been alerted by the noise as well, given that they made their way slowly down the stairs after everyone else.
“Guests first,” Autumn Assassin said firmly, and the killjoys all stepped aside to let D and Cherri by. “Here you go, Lily, here you go…Dr. Death Defying, Lily said?”
He nodded.
“And here you go, young man.” They dumped some in the chipped bowl one of the ‘joys had handed Cherri. 
“Thank you,” Cherri said quietly.
“Of course. Go sit down, you three, I’m going to hand some out to the rest of this lot.” Within a few minutes, the entire household was sprawled back out around the room eating the mixture that Autumn Assassin had spooned onto their plates, and Autumn Assassin came to join the three of them over in the corner Lily had claimed.
“I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced, I’m Autumn Assassin.”
“Cherri Cola.”
“Dr. Death Defying. It’s nice to meet you; Lily said you were a friend of hers?”
“We knew each other during the Helium Wars,” Lily explained. “I figured they would be happy for us to come stay a bit.”
“And I am, you can stay as long as you need. We don’t turn away ‘joys in need in this household.” They gestured with their spoon a bit as they spoke, adding emphasis to their words. “If I have extra food and rooms, I might as well give them to people.”
“Well, we’re very glad you do,” Dr. Death Defying put in.
“Of course.”
The rest of the dinner was quiet, at least for the four of them. The rest of the room was filled with laughter and chatter and spirit, a bunch of teens and twenty-something killjoys talking between themselves and having a good time. Occasionally, one of them got up to grab more from the pot that Autumn Assassin had prepared, until the entire thing was empty and everyone seemed to have eaten their fill. After the meal was over, they all split off to different places, some off to bed and some to hang out on the roof, it seemed. The three of them went back to the little room, figuring that Cherri could use some rest and all pretty tired themselves.
Cherri was conked out within minutes, and D and Lily settled on the mattress but didn’t go to sleep just yet.
“I hope we don’t bring bli down on Autumn Assassin’s head,” D fretted softly.
“If we do, they’ll flip the corporation off and keep right on cooking,” Lily predicted with a snort.
D gave a small chuckle. “They might just, from what I’ve seen of them so far.”
“They’re terrifyingly put together. And a good fighter, but how organized they are is scarier.”
“They act like they have their life together.”
Lily flopped on her back, staring at the ceiling. “I’m pretty sure they do. Unlike us.”
“Unlike us. We’re trying to run a revolution at twenty-two and twenty-one though, I think it can be forgiven.”
D groaned softly as he settled down as well. “I’m too young for achy everything.”
“So am I, and everything still fucking hurts sometimes.”
“Guess that’s life.” 
The duo stared up at the ceiling together as Cherri slept well, not exactly peacefully, but not horribly, at least. They had already talked about the morality of all this, but Lily was sure that would have been their topic of conversation if they hadn’t. It was awfully hard to decide if they were doing the right thing, sometimes. They were fighting for the future of their generation and all the ones after, but that fight would take away hundreds or thousands of futures as well. Could the death of so many people, so many teenagers, just barely out of childhood, be justified? Could she ask children to die for her? It had been an exhausting day, but even in the safety of Autumn Assassin’s house, her mind refused to rest. She had a thousand doubts and no one to say them to, not even D. They doubted too, she knew, but D had a somewhat more utilitarian approach to it all. To him, the world they were fighting for was worth all the death and pain. It had to be, or why would they fight? So Lily didn’t say anything further about it, but she didn’t sleep either.
It appeared D wasn’t sleeping as well, as they shifted slightly on the mattress beside her. “It’s real now, isn’t it.” It wasn’t a question.
“It’s real now,” Lily agreed quietly.
In the history books that Better Living Industries would write, the Analog Wars began in 2010, when dangerous anarchists attacked a peaceful Better Living Industries encampment. In the stories passed down by the killjoys, they began a couple of months before that, with the attack on a small town of killjoys and neutrals by Better Living Industries. But to Dr. Death Defying and White Lily, the war began the second their friend staggered in the door with a hand pressed to his bleeding side and a dreadful warning on his lips.
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drunklander · 5 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 502
Watched this episode after winning Wynonna Earp trivia (fuck yeah, The Shit Tickets!) at a bar, put on by a queer af podcast, followed by going to see a queer af movie, and was all ready to get my Beauchamp fix... And it was like oh here’s a taste and a hint that we’re gonna end up in a story line similar to what we’ve already done multiple times, but now on to the menfolk.
For real though, this episode was like an OL greatest hits clip show. It had all the stuff we’ve seen before. A time traveler who wants to go home? Check. Rape PTSD? Check. A man being a dad to a kid who isn’t/might not be his? Check. That same man being the absolute worst? Check. Claire being reckless with future medicine? Check. Townsfolk questioning Claire’s medical knowledge in favor of the local Man of Importance? Check. Jamie trying to be on both sides at once? Check. A villain who seemed to have died the previous season and should have fucking stayed dead? Check.
We’ve literally seen all of this stuff before.
For a show that spent the first part of season two claiming to be a political drama and then last season claiming that they “weren’t political” I see we’re back to just leaning hard into politics that have direct parallels today.
No fucks left to give about the system Murtz is kind of my favorite Murtz. Like this dude spent his whole life living by a code and an oath and was fucked over by the system so many fucking times that he’s ready to just burn it all down. Curious to see how they walk the domestic terrorist vs. freedom fighter line with him for the rest of the season.
Got all excited about the bread title card because yay medicinal mold, but of course, the lead character was relegated to the B story.
Old timey medicine baffles me. Like the fact that bleeding someone was like a catchall remedy boggles the mind.
I feel rull bad for Mrs. Whoeverthefuck though. She tried.
Also, shit like this makes me be like, yo Claire, you sure you wanna stay here? Jamie’s really not all that and a bag of chips. But you do you, boo.
Speaking of Jamie, his hair looks really good. A thousand fruit baskets to the new wig person.
Lulz at Knox thinking the Gathering was about being loyal to king and country. Dummy.
Srsly though, Murtz Valmurtz is really getting under their skin. Is he like the *only* Regulator leader?
The convo between Knox and Jamie is literally as relevant today as it is in the 1770s. But yeah, the show IsN’t PoLiTiCaL.
The fact that fuckers think those at the bottom should be happy with their lot because “lol it could be worse” need to be punched in the face and taken out of power. Stat.
Also any time someone in power talks about civility as a reason not to rise up against injustice, I want to punch them. Because they deserve it.
I want to punch a lot of things.
This whole episode is very Les Mis, tbh.
Literalol at Claire covering dead guy’s face and not his body cavity before Bree comes in.
Aw Bree, why you gotta be a buzzkill? We were cheated of badass Doctor!Claire in S3. Let us have this.
Also, yeah, Claire, Bree’s fucking right. Which you’d think you’d know by now what with alL THE FUCKING TIMES YOU’VE BEEN CALLED A WITCH. AND NOW YOU’RE UPPING YOUR GAME TO LIKE NECROMANCY?!
Also the more she says no one will find out the more annoying it is because *clearly* someone *is* gonna find out and we’re gonna be back on the “she’s a witch!” “I’m not a witch!” “you literally have a dead guy in your closet!” merry-go-round again.
Today in most on-the-nose shots ever: How convenient that Marsali just happens to be doing some butchering right there, right then.
Petition for the show to go full Shondaland and just turn into a backwoods medical drama with Claire and Marsali, and all the others (cough the men cough) can fuck on off.
Tarring and feathering is like the old timey version of #AlwaysPunchAFascist but dialed to 11.
Oh the baggage behind Jamie saying redcoat man will someday wear his scars with honor that none of these fuckers know about...
Ok so clearly the English know that Claire’s a doctor so whenever shit hits the witchy dead dude fan, can we please have a quick resolution and not that dumb af “Claire goes to jail and of course her cellmate is a lesbian because Diana sucks at writing queer characters” nonsense?
Man Jamie is *not* subtle with this convo at the jail. Like Knox is right there and he’s just like hey buddies, I have people and we’re Scottish and y’know how we feel about protecting people vs. obeying the English.
Aaand, naturally, the fuckwit preaching civility is the one to kill a man in cold blood. Rise up, motherfuckers. Rise up.
Roger is, and I cannot stress this enough, the fucking worst.
He’s like look how shitty I am at being a soldier but then bitches about having to try to learn. And then he bitches about how dumb it is to shoot at squirrels as if being able to hit a squirrel wouldn’t make hitting a much larger thing, like a man who is shooting back at you, that much easier. And also, how the fuck does he think they get meat to eat? Shooting it, you twatwaffle.
And he’s like so fucking butthurt about being left behind. Like no shit, asshat. You’re bad at being in the past and have made no real effort and you whine a lot and are generally the worst. Of *course* you were left behind. Stop being emo about it and maybe actually try.
“He doesn’t respect me, Bree.” Yeah, no shit. Because you’ve done LITERALLY NOTHING to earn his respect. WHY ARE YOU SO TERRIBLE IT’S LIKE THEY’RE INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO MAKE HIM SUCK.
He also is like butthurt that his wife is a better shot than him when she gets the turkey he misses. How the fuck are we supposed to ship this. Ugh.
Oh Bree, sweetie, Jem won’t get hit by a car, but there are like eleventy million ways to die in the past. Just stick with the “you want to stay with your family” stuff.
Roger clearly doesn’t want to stay and is gonna pull a Fred and make Bree feel bad about wanting to all season, isn’t he. Fahkin’ doucherocket.
“I want to go but I’ll stay for you and look how magnanimous I am as I whine about it and make no effort to acclimate to the time.” Take your martyr card and shove it, Rog.
Shorter Jamie Fraser: “If you stand for nothing, Knox, what’ll you fall for?”
I’m already over Roger singing all the time tbh. Mostly because it reminds me that soon he won’t be able to do that anymore and we’re gonna be subjected to like half a season of him being more insufferable than he already is.
Wait, was Joan already born last episode? Or was there another time jump? Is Marsali preggers with baby #3? I lost track.
I love this scene between Claire and Marsali with my whole heart. Marsali especially.
Although, quick question, how fucking long is Claire planning to keep that un-embalmed body lying around in an un-refrigerated surgery/root cellar? Just curious...
Because you know someone’s gonna find it eventually and that’s gonna be a whole to do and I really need to stop being preemptively annoyed at plot lines that haven’t actually happened yet.
And with all this talk of plowshares and swords, I really am going to be singing Les Mis for days...
How long have these biddies been living on the Ridge? The fucking Leoch folks spent like a minute with Claire before they were like yep, she knows what’s up. These folks have apparently been here for months and are like loool, pass. They live in the fucking woods. You’d think they’d be more open to Claire’s brand of medicine.
Omg are they like the accidental antivaxxers of the Ridge?
I mean, Bree, I think there’s some difference between Claire pretending to be a dude doc and telling folks to wash their hands and Otter Tooth.
Season 2 Claire and Otter Tooth on the other hand...
Ok so Jamie needs more men so that means next week is AHS: Beardsley Farm and then maybe (hopefully) instead of being like lol jk you can all go home, it actually goes right into the battle thing. Still not sure if they’re gonna do Roger getting hanged as the mid-season big thingy and then do the Bonnet nonsense in the back half or keep trying to do both of those at once.
Hey, Roger, pro-tip, next time you see Morag MacKenzie, maybe don’t fuCKING MAKE OUT WITH HER YOU FUCKING DUMBASS.
Claire’s totally right about how they should go back. Honestly, they should. But instead of talking with her like Claire is now with Roger, he’s just being all moody about how he’s bad at the past and wants to go back. You’re shooting yourself in the foot, broski.
Oh hey Husband the Quaker. And is that a fellow Quaker named Hunter with him? Are we gonna get Denny and Rachel this season?! Please and thank you that’d be great, I love them.
Murtz talking to his squad is full on Enjolras being like don’t worry fam, Marius will stand and fight with us. His place is there, he’ll fight with you.
The two very different but very similar ways Murtz and Jamie approach being Laird of their squads is fun to explore.
Bree lecturing Claire about changing the future by saving a few backwater hicks like Claire didn’t spend years trying to fucking change all of Scottish history is a bit rich. Like writers, we get it, you’re trying to be like oh snap, wait for the consequences of this bread!science! But like come the fuck on. We sat through all of season two.
“You’re a good dad, you know that?” Oh man, I’m getting that déjà vu about a shitty man getting kudos for being a good dad to a kid as if that negates all of his shittiness.
Oh hey, Bonnet’s back. Clearly we couldn’t have just let him die last season. Gotta drag shit on for longer than it has to. This is the [Outlander] Way.
If they were gonna keep him around as a villain, they shouldn’t have (in addition to all the other reasons) included him raping Bree. Jamie, Murtagh and Bonnet all making choices within and outside of the law to various degrees in order to make their living in the Colonies would be a really interesting contrast. But nope, gotta just go all in. BeCaUsE tHe BoOk.
Also I hate with the passion of a thousand fiery suns the Jemmy’s paternity stuff. Le sigh.
Remember in season one when the show was about Claire and she was in episodes for longer than 10 minutes?
I miss Claire.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
tiktok famous (hc) - part three | p.p.
summary: you and peter doing various tiktok trends. y'all know the deal
warnings: ultra chaotic writing (i have nine other drafts forgive me i am a tad bit stressed), cussing as always, and HOPEFULLY GOOD WRITING??? oh and yes as always peter being Babey
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- i got a few requests/ideas from y'all for more tiktoks so here we are
- tbh since so many new trends are constantly coming out i might just make this a whole ass SERIES but we'll see
- who knows if i can even handle that
- btw:: if i forgot one or there's one you really want me to write you can comment it and i'll try to add it to this!!! if it's too long since posted though i'll add it to my drafts <3
- as mentioned in past versions of this series
- tiktok dances are ADDICTIVE!!!
- and you literally broke a goddamn sweat learning supalonely but we're NOT GONNA TALK ABOUT IT
- and you and peter are hanging out one day
- and as all of these ideas happen
- you get ~inspired~ by the for you page
- you set up the camera, flipping it so that it's facing peter and not you
- the lil shit hasn't even noticed that you got up yet what a poop
- but as soon as the music starts playing he raises his head
- you're doing the supalonely dance like a fucking BOSS
- all while pretending to be looking at yourself in the camera
- you don't let yourself stare at the screen so you don't get distracted
- but
- of course
- peter is nodding his beat to the beat, clapping for you, and when you to the body roll thing on "drinking" he lets out a whoop that makes you wheeze
- when you finish you laugh, letting out a sigh and grabbing your phone
"not gonna lie, you ate that."
"i know."
- you sit back down next to him, heart rate in da Clouds, and start watching the video
- petey boi is just sitting there like a puppy, crooked smile on his face as he watches you
- in a few parts he's even doing the dance with you
- and he looks so in awe
- you can't stop watching it and smiling at the screen
- but then the fucker sits down next to you and is like "you should post that it was really good"
- so you show him it
- his face gets all red bc he's babey
"you were videoing me??"
- so i think we all know the rosa videos
- for the b99 fans: rosa rosa rosaaaaaaaaaaaa
- she's a QUEEN
- and you constantly quote those things like
- every time there's a silent moment you're just like "you're fucking lying let me see" and the whole team (avengers squad) is like ayo stfu
- one day y'all are just hanging in the commons of headquarters
- we're getting the band back together!
- and you start videoing cause you're bored
- you point the camera at peter
"aye dude come here?"
- everybody groans and peter gives the camera a sassy look, tilting his head
"you're gay? i fuckin-"
"language," steve mutters
"-knew it dude!" you smile, zooming in on the camera
- peter gets a confused look on his face
"wait no i'm bi"
- tony effin SHOOTS UP
- sitting like there's a goddamn board in his back
- and he slowly turns his head in your direction
- eyebrow raised
- you bust out laughing and so does everyone else, including peter
- tony's looking around like "hey what the FUCK is HAPPENING"
"stark, you didn't know?"
- lol we stan bi peter parker
- so you and peter are obsessed with that quirky tiktok bartender girl who makes all the drinks
- i forgot her name but she's like
we're gonna do 2 ounces so that's 1, 2, 3, 4! we're gonna give it a nice strain! andddd shake shake shake shake! fun, right?
- yk what i mean
- hi it's editing ryn it's her tiktok is like paradise bartender
- and so one day
- jk one NIGHT
- it's like 2 am
- and you and peter are like
- let's make lemonade. but like. Fake Alcohol Version Because We're Underage
- and so y'all run to the kitchen
- you almost crush and die from slipping on your socks
- the two of you and laughing and giggling as you run and around and get all your materials
"where is the fucking STRAINER"
"bitch idk help me find the lemon flavor packets"
- it takes FAR too long but y'all are finally ready
- you start recording and the two of you are already laughing
"hey guys so today-"
"TODAY" he pushes you to the side "we're gonna be making LEMONADE!"
- the two of you keep laughing as you shove each other trying to be the one in charge
- so basically
- peter gets water all over the counter
- some of the ice flies out when you shake it
- and the small amount that lands in the cup tastes like whispering lemon
- like hella watered down there's like nothing there
- the lemon is SHY
- and then in the last 10 seconds of the video bucky walks in
- and he's like wtf... wait y'all are making lemonade??
- and the three of you end up making lemonade for real and drinking it while watching infomercials
- at two in the morning
- fun, right?
- those videos are so satisfying NEXT TIKTOK
- thank u ritxal for the idea !!
- so our boi PETE HERE
- is hella addicted to those cool pov videos
- and he gets a really good idea even though it would make him a SIMP
- he ends up deciding FUCK IT I'M MAKING ONE
- so he sets up his phone and jumps around to get ~~in the zone~~
- feeling stupid as hell
- he films one of those ones where it's the "from the other side" *noise!!!!!!!!* one's yk where the ppl are like "are you sure you want to __?" and it has the yes and no buttons
- you know
- i hope
- and he puts the text on it and shrugs, posting it
- meanwhile you're home and you get the notification that peter posted a tiktok
- obviously you click on it because
- uh
- because
- and you watch it and gasp because the caption says pov and ur like who tf is this man peter never posts povs
- you watch as peter is looking nervously at the camera and text pops up saying "are you sure you want to give up?"
- he presses yes and you're like oh god oh peter wait is this a sign shit FUCK
- a new text bubble pops up saying "do you want to see her?" and you fucking yeLP
- you're like holy FUCK WAIT WHO IS HER???? WIFE???? DAUGHTER?????? HUH!!!!!!!
- and then he presses yes
- and the screen goes black
- you see urself in the screen
- and you basically DIE
- a wheeze so hard that it hurts flies out of your mouth and you IMMEDIATELY PRESS DUET
- you start filming with your phone facing the ceiling and as the beat drops (or whatever when it's like ahhhh!) you pop onto the screen, smiling
"y/n what the hell"
"did you like it?"
- okay i wanna do another pov one so here we go
- i'm sure everyone here is acquainted with the "they call me tiago.. i don't know who's margo" ones
-  these are lowkey difficult to write out so i'm just gonna lay it out for you as best i can
- really trying here
- so peter posts the boy's voice part ("no no no... they call me tiago. i don't know who's margo? i just hit this lotto" etc etc etc)
- and when it's like idk who's margo he just holds a stare with the camera in like an InTiMiDaTiNg way
- even though he's babey and a literal puppy it actually like.. works
- and when you see it you're like yes so you post the other part (that people never do lol "her name is margo" etc all the female voicing)
- i'm really trying here i can visualize these tiktoks perfectly but GOD if i don't struggle a bit while writing them
PETER'S CAPTION: pov: we're rivals on separate missions but you keep screwing with my plans so i try to intimidate you
Y/N'S CAPTION: pov: we're rivals on separate missions but i found you cute so i decide to mess around with your mission
- can y'all tell how messy my brain is holy shit
- pls forgive me i keep getting random ideas but IT ADDS TO THE CHAOS SO IT'S FINE RIGHT
- so you post and walk out and as you turn the corner to the commons you can hear the sound play and have to stop a moment to silently scream
- thankfully no one else was in there except for peter (whose back was to you) otherwise you woulda looked INSANE
- you walk up behind him and smile as he laughs slightly and watches it another time, pulling his phone closer to his face to read the caption
"holy shit," he mutters
- he closes his eyes and smiles and tilts his head back, resting it on the back of the couch (🥺)
"you like it?"
- lol
- this kid SHOOTS UP
"oh my god, y/n, what are you doing"
"coming to hang out with you??"
- he sighs as you come and plop down next to him
"what the hell is this"
- he shows you his phone
"a tiktok"
- he smiles and shakes his head (doing that thing where you like look down while doing it and it's so CUTE)
"yeah. i got that."
- alright guess the scenario
- just fucking guess
- i'll wait
- ...
- you'd best BELIEVE that y'all are chilling at headquarters in the commons rn
- where da HELL ELSE
- and
- god i'm starting to question if i'm capable of writing literally anything else damn
- peter's in the background of course
- and it's this godforsaken audio i'm sure most of you have heard
- you know the one where it's like fast music and then it goes "mm, yeah" and it's usually accompanied with a video of some really pretty girl fake moaning and like rolling her eyes while pushing up her hair??
- well
- all of that
- everything i just said
- is exactly what you do
- and the thing is
- as soon as peter hears the audio he recognizes it
- are we gonna talk about the fact that peter probably spent at least a whole night watching those videos because 1) girls are really pretty and 2) every time he heard it he could vividly imagine you doing it??????? no??? okay
- so he like
- sits up
- does the thing where he rests his forearms on his knees and leans forward, glaring at you through the camera
- and in the background
- if you're paying attention
- it's still recording and you turn around and laugh, throwing your head back as he jumps up and grabs you by the waist, pulling you in
- the two of you start play fighting just like elio and oliver from cmbyn (but a bit less steamy yk?? more innocent yet still w a bit of tension yeye)
- needless to say you keep that video in a very special place of your heart
- and so does peter like once the two of you stop wrestling you realize that the video had just been looping behind the sound of your laughter and fighting y'all watch it and it loops a few times while the two of you are silent and he finally goes "can you uh. can you send that. to me. ???????"
- next oneeeeeeeeeeeeee
- thank u lilmissquackson for the idea <3
- so in this one you and petey are dating
- and y'all decide to do the put a finger down challenge lol
- but instead of using an audio y'all decide to switch off coming up with ones on the spot
"put a finger down if your boyfriend tackles you every time you're standing near a couch or bed"
"put a finger down if your girlfriend still calls you dude"
"put a finger down if your boyfriend once webbed you to the wall because you wouldn't stand still when he was trying to kiss you"
"put a finger down if your girlfriend used her telepathic powers to keep you out of her room when she was mad at you"
"put a finger down if your boyfriend took TWO YEARS TO ASK YOU OUT"
"put a finger down if your girlfriend started laughing after you told her you liked her"
"put a finger down if you only started laughing because it TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH"
"put a finger down if your girlfriend showed no signs of liking you before you decided to ask her out"
"put a finger down if your boyfriend is the most oblivious boy in the world"
"put a finger down if you're in love with your girlfriend but haven't said 'i love you' yet because you're scared she won't say it back"
- your jaw drops and turn to him
- needless to say you were very glad to have caught your first "i love you"s on camera
- SIDE NOTE you did not post cause after you and peter watched the video back y'all were both like "we don't wanna be THOSE bitches"
- next one woop
- thank u MrsLillianAmbrose for the idea !!
- okay buds
- so here's the thing
- i hate to under-perform
- but i feel like the best way to get the full effect of this tiktok is to watch it and then just roll with me here
- SOOOOO (if u can)
1) open tiktok 2) search @_tharealjohnnyyy_ 3) go to his account (or it might just show up when you search) 4) and scroll to the "ways to cuddle" video 5) it was posted in february 2020 if that helps give u a time reference lol
- if u weren't able to watch it (i'm so sorry) i'm gonna do the best i can to at least make this entertaining
- so if you could see the tiktok that's really all this is
- you and peter doing literally the same thing
- y'all are giggling in between positions and peter struggles to set the camera up every time it falls
- he ends up just webbing it to the ceiling
- and in the end the two of you fall asleep in the reverse OG position with your fingers playing with his hair 🥰🥰
- i hope that was good enough im sorry AH
- next!!
- thank u Mendesmycam for the idea <33
- okay so y'all know that sound
- or whatever the lyrics are
- those tiktoks are SO FUNNY
- so you grab a chair and sit peter down in the middle of the room and set the camera up
- luckily for you he has a bag of cheez-its in hand that you plan to utilize later
- babey has a confused look on his face as he watches you press play and he shoves some more cheez-its in his mouth
- the music starts playing and you just about bust out laughing as you walk all around him, running your hand across his chest
- his heart is racing he's like AYO WHAT THE FUCK IS GOIN ON
"y/n what the hell are you-"
- you practically snap into a weird position
- ur freaking arms are out in front of you and you're on your toes and knees are bent and you're hunched over and it's like
- a very interesting pose
- his eyes are all crinkly as he bends over in the chair
- you just about break but you manage to keep a straight face as you start dancing around weirdly
- needless to say you look like a goddamn CONTORTIONIST
- peter can't stop wheezing
- you make one of your hands in the shape of like the italian man hand this iykyk and fucking SWAN DIVE YOUR FINGERS INTO HIS CHEEZ-IT BAG
- meanwhile peter's STILL DYING
- and you take the cheezits and lean back, sprinkling them all over you (like the popcorn one if you saw that tiktok lmao)
- and the video finally ends and you get to laugh
"y/n what the hell was that"
"i don't know i thought you might enjoy a little entertainment"
- and of course
- that's exactly when no other than SAM WILSON fucking strolls in
- hey how y'all doin'- AHHH (get yo fucking dog bitch! ~it don't bite~ YES IT DO GET YO-)
- sorry got distracted
- and he hears you and his head SPINS ON OVER TO Y'ALL'S DIRECTION
"a little what now?"
- this time you're in peter's room though
- and i'd like to imagine this one with the cool led lights because 1) tiktok and 2) i feel like peter would have those in his room
- y'all are just chilling watching hot rod (GREAT MOVIE BTW)
- and
- peter sets up the camera
- not to mention his heart is RACING RN CAUSE HE'S A NERVOUS BEAN
- and he hits record and leans back, letting out a sigh
- you don't even notice his phone literally right there cause you're just enjoying the movie
- a few seconds into the video and petey is like Visibly Freaking Out
- but a funny part plays and you laugh, looking over at him to see if he found it funny too
- and then you look away
- and then he looks at you
- and ever so lightly grabs you by the chin
- and pulls you to him and plants his lips on yours
- finally, dumbass
+ + +
i hope u guys enjoyed !!!!!!! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
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mieczyhale · 4 years
a messy explanation of things and unnecessary information about life lately
soooo... right. i’m sorry i haven’t really been around aside from popping in here and there, and that i’ve been taking longer than usual to reply to things / not replying to things at all. it’s NOT that i’m upset with anyone or trying to ignore / avoid anyone, and it’s not that i don’t care / don’t love talking to you (whomstever you may be) i love chatting with y’all and wish i could get myself to reply to things quicker but i do not control the me lmfao honestly my sleep has never had a schedule but in recent weeks it’s kinda been operating like there’s a lil gremlin in my head who spins a wheel and picks my sleeping times at random - and it’s either like.. two hours or most of a day. there hasn’t been a lot of in between so that’s a thing!!
also in a fun added mix of maybe sleep?, missing meds, being stuck in the house more often than not, and the FUCKING EVERYTHING happening in the world right now my mental health is... probably run by the same goblin that runs my sleep schedule lmao consistency whomst?? since the lockdown started the depression has of course been around more but actually, worse than that, is how my anxiety - and by extension: my ocd - have really amped up and i need y’all to know that the struggle is painfully real (and another thing that affects shit like my replies and writing. reading as well. fics have been kinda stressful and that should be illegal. who authorized this?) i don’t hate talking about it but i don’t really like it either?? especially like.. in depth. but i will say there has been crying, screaming, pain!, and i’ve acquired a few physical injuries.
on a personal level - a ‘just me’ level - shit is an even bigger mess than usual lmao but all these things will get better eventually - they always do. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ON A PERSONAL LEVEL - THE FULL LEVEL - THINGS.... are pretty great actually! i mean aside from the state of my fucking house e__e but Josh has been working from home for two (2) months now and it’s been really nice - people complaining about their partners being home?? can’t relate. yknow what?? i just might love that tall bastard even more from all this.fuck all y’all miserable fucks
we’ve been going out for drives and we’ve gone fishing and the only place i’ve gone too that’s re-opened is goodwill. because i require.. the shop. they do have a masks required rule! (at least at the one here) and, alongside that, the places we’ve gone that never closed (like grocery stores and the gas station and the hardware store) have social distancing rules and stuff in place which i love. can we keep social distancing after this is all over?? more things here in wisconsin are opening up and we might go to some. idk though. we also might not. either way its still a weird kind of exciting to see things opening back up?? even though i do think we’re not totally in the clear because most of our gov. sucks (our mayor tried to extend our stay-at-home order - keyword there is TRIED. we are the land of cheese, cows, and no fucking braincells for anyone) 
having pets is obviously not a new thing for me but it’s still a thing. so it takes time and effort and energy and patience and love and a certain disregard for your own safety (claws. they really be as sharp as you think) so... it can be stressful, especially cuz we’ve had to keep them inside more as it gets hot out and something keeps breaking our porch screens (our cats are allowed onto our screened in porch or they can go out in a harness but we will never let them run free outside. fuck that noise)  my bbies are all so cute and their personalities and idiosyncrasies are just... *chefs kiss* i love em and they’re definitely a part of what has made quarantine better
i’ve seen my mom a few times, like for my birthday and when she needed help moving Isaiah from one dorm to another and such, but that’s primarily been an option because she has become anti-mask and anti-stay-at-home-order. initially she wasn’t - she gave Isaiah and i fun lil masks since at that time trying to buy them would be impossible and she thought nothing of staying home - but i guess either as its dragged on or as she’s consumed her middle-right wing news that changed s o. she does take social distancing in public very seriously though, so at least there’s that. our favorite coffee shop, where we - pre-lockdown - always went one (1) or two (2) times a week to do art for hours re-opens on monday and that’s one of the few things i’ve truly missed.
josh’s camping trip for this weekend with his friends had to be cancelled because the parks weren’t going to open in time. so today they’re going somewhere to do at least some of the things they would have done if they had gone camping. bikes, bonfires, and cigars. i’m kinda jealous negl but he was really excited about it so mostly i’m happy
trying to figure out how human services was running things during lockdown was rough but thankfully it didn’t take much to get it sorted. mostly because my mom made the phone call i was supposed to lol (the phone anxiety is on its own level) so wednesday afternoon my mom sat with me while i had the appointment with my psychiatrist over speakerphone (which was.. an experience)
OH YEAH! Probably absolutely my favorite thing that’s happened is: WE’RE STARTING THE SEARCH FOR A NEW HOUSE!!!! it doesn’t mean we’re gonna be moving soon or anything, we don’t want to make the same mistake twice (buying the first house you tour that you love) because while it is a great house ultimately it is way too small for us. i mean there’s me and josh, all six cats, and ALL OUR SHIT. listen: i have an entire room dedicated to my various hobbies. and a walk in closet that isn’t big enough. and we both have collections we love and want to display (right now upstairs its hello kitty and downstairs its astronomy and the titanic. and then there’s pop figures, mtg, collectibles, our bottle collection and various knickknacks, etc.) plus all our books! then furniture and cat furniture (i.e towers) and all their shit because they are spoiled babies. and god forbid we ever have a human kid?? yeah. it’s just not big enough. 
so we’re gonna take more time with this choice but what we do know is:: we wanna live out in the country (i’m paranoid and don’t like to be looked at and he loves the outdoors, lived on a farm for awhile. i also enjoy the outdoors but mostly since we moved into this house i’ve struggled with doing anything outside... while we only have one neighbor on our road. but there’s one across the road and one at the other side of our backyard and that’s just too much lol) 
lets see.. um.... my birthday was may 2nd and that was pretty nice, for a pandemic birthday. there’s been a lot of stuff happening involving josh’s family but that’s not something i really wanna get into on here, tho i will say things have been better in recent weeks and it’s been... really nice. josh and i went to his mom’s house the other night and got drunk with her for fun and i actually had a really good time?? and didn’t complain about going?? that’s kinda unheard of.
i don’t have a job anymore - haven’t since early march-ish - and it kinda sucks but also the universe really did me a solid because my choices were either allow myself to work until i have a mental break again or quit. and i was leaning towards quitting (things had been going down hill with the owner and other employees and just the business as a whole for awhile and there’s a limit to the amount of bullshit i can take thanks) but now it doesn’t seem i have to. why do i think i’m jobless? i was barely working anyway, bc of the snow business was slow, and in march i got really sick and stayed home for a week. the day i was supposed to go back i was still sick, and covid19 was starting to become more of a serious situation everywhere, so josh called in for me and explained that between still being sick and my anxiety over covid (asthma + a not so great immune system) i wasn’t going in that day. i never heard from them again. so. 
but it’s all good - there are some options but i’m not looking into them seriously until it’s safe to.
i felt it wouldn’t be a bad idea to come on here and explain A. what’s been going on and B. where i’ve been and C. that if i haven’t responded to you or acknowledged something you sent me / tagged me in it’s literally just because i either forgot to (for all reasons and none) or i don’t have the mental space / energy to. but that doesn’t mean you have to stop talking to me! even if i don’t respond or respond immediately i do read everything and i would die for any one of you fuckers (especially my clowns and the tom hardy movie) 
oh! and just btw - sometimes i don’t get notifications (quelle surprise) tumblr and skype should really pair up and talk about their truly great systems that function so well /s 8| ANYWAY: the best and most reliable ways to get my attention are twitter ( @/mieczyhale) and discord (same name) because i have yet to see their notifications fail. ahem.
i feel like i’m missing things / forgetting things but honestly this post is long enough and also enough of a rambley mess that i’m just gonna try and ignore that feeling and carry on with my goddamn day so i might actually accomplish something. sorry if there’s spelling off or missing words. i’m not taking the time to re-read this and might even delete it bc it’s already giving me anxiety bUT WE’LL SEE ALRIGHT HI AND BYE I LOVE YOU GUYS <3
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Okay, just a little more on the Lady Luck Au because when I first made the post I stopped at the most recent episode and a number of episodes have come out since so I’m gonna discuss them a little! Not in-depth for the most part because I don’t want to go back and watch right now since it’s 12:41 while writing so let’s go!. 
Gamer 2.0
So Mari’s still too stressed to play video games, but while she’s a Hero, she’s not the one saving the day. 
Chloé herself was actually part off the project since she’s taken over as the Miraculous Merch Department. She’s in charge of things like Copyright and all that, so Max literally had to come to her about the game if he wanted to get it off the ground. 
However Max doesn’t think about getting her to play test the game despite everything that happened the first time he got Akumatized. (Well, it might be he’s a lil salty about it but he’ll get over it.)
Lady Luck playing the game is having a fucking blast though. 
By the end, Chloé offers to be more involved in the project by testing the game and giving feedback on how the various Akuma had been in their fights. 
Party Crasher
Adrien is a lot more on board with the Teen Rebellion™ and throwing a party while Gabriel’s away. However, he knows that Chloé would absolutely murder him if he did this without her because she’s been suggesting it for months. 
So he calls her and she’s actually the one who remembers the tree planting thing. 
She has him put her on speakerphone so she can interrogate the boys
She calls Nino ‘clown boy’ again. He asks if she’s ever going to let him live down Bubbler, and she says ‘considering you’re not only a clown but the entire goddamn circus, no.’. 
The whole lying plot gets resolved immediately because she says ‘either call the girls and apologize for this, or I’ll do it myself!’. 
Adrien had legit forgot so he’s off the hook 
Everyone else is sweating bullets because they know the girls will kill them. 
They do concede though, and plan to do the tree stuff and then party into the night. 
After the apology and spending the day planting trees, Chloé takes over organizing the party, keeping it a little more in control than it got before. 
People who deliver stuff are sent on their way with payment instead of sticking around. 
The guest list is kept a bit smaller, mostly just the classmates, though they do make exceptions for people like Jagged Stone
She has Sabrina deal with Roger though because Chloé knows that if she tries they’ll all end up getting arrested. 
Wayhem is still kinda forgotten about and becomes Party Crasher. 
We have different Heroes show up to fight him! And remember: in this AU the Miraculous aren’t being gathered back up afterward. 
Obvs we have Lady Luck and Chat Noir, but also Fennette, Abielle, Turtledove, Queen Cobra, and Unicorn. 
Ivan is given the Monkey Miraculous instead of Kim. Not sure what to name him though. 
The rest of the episode goes mostly as planned. 
Puppeteer 2
Instead of Alya and Nino, Adrien and Marinette bring Chloé and Sabrina. And also maybe Alix because my ships. 
The reason being that the whole Lila plot is making the Mari/Alya friendship difficult, so they’re not hanging out as much. 
Adrien and Marinette are already dating by this point, so there’s no misunderstandings. However, the statue scene does still kinda happen. 
Adrien decides to prank her by pretending to be a statue. 
Mari jokes around being over-dramatic. 
He knows she’s being over-dramatic, but decides to suddenly move and scare her. 
It works a little too well and she just straight judo flips him. 
The embarrassment happens because Adrien is lying on the ground, winded from his gf just causally flipping him, and he’s staring up at her all beautiful and determined and low-key backlit by the ceiling lights and looking all ethereal. 
And he’s just like ‘holy fuck marry me!’. 
Chloé hears about that and does not let him live it down ever.
Fighting the statues is a little easier because even though there’s more fake heroes, the team knows one another well enough and can find fakes. Especially since Manon is more of a ‘LuckyChat’ fan than a ‘Fennoir’ fan(blame her mother). 
Confronting Puppeteer is a bit different because Chloé has a different approach with small child Akumas. 
She tends to agree with them and negotiate more.Because kids tend to see things much more black and white, even when Akumatized. It makes it easier to talk them down when saying ‘I understand and we can fix this, just let me save the day I promise’. 
There’s probs more cute Adrienette moments afterward. 
Ikari Gozen
The Marinette/Kagami rivalry is a bit more non-existent in this AU. Kagami was told early on that Mari legit cares about Adrien, and the Adrienette ship has already set sail. 
This is when they become friends though. 
For the most part the episode is the same. 
However, Kagami doesn’t get the Dragon Miraculous because most Miarculous are shuffled. I’m not sure what to give her right now. Originally I was going to give her the Horse, but then Startrain happened so that’s out. Right now I’m thinking the Tiger?Or maybe the Mouse(I know I said I’d give Luka the mouse because I’m a weeb but maybe?). 
Kagami also doesn’t reveal her identity, so she gets to keep her Miraculous. 
She also gets a hell of a lot more friends because she now has the rest of the Hero Team. 
This happens mostly the same in that there’s modeling and Kwamiswap. Though the ‘I have the harder job’ plot doesn’t come up at all really because everyone kinda has a better balance between ‘this is serious we have to fight’ and ‘we’re allowed to make fun quips and comments as long as we don’t screw up’. 
I’m debating on how to do the Kwamiswap though
It’s just the Ladybug and Black Cat that switch, leading to Lord Luck and Duchess Noir. 
We keep the Mari and Adrien switch so we get Lady Noire and uh... Mr. Fox? He’d probably get a better name tbh. 
Somehow our Main Five end up switching, and we get some meta jokes with Marinette getting the Ladybug Miraculous, Chloé getting the Bee, and Sabrina getting the Black Cat. (Adrien gets the Turtle and Mylene would have the Fox btw.). 
Kagami’s issue is less ‘jealousy’ and more ‘idk how to make friends’. 
When Jagged asks for a guitarist, Marinette isn’t a dumbass and suggests Luka in the first place. 
The fight is a lot shorter because we don’t have Aspik and the 25,913 tries, thanks to the lack of identity shenanigans. Instead, Chloé gives the Snake to Juleka, who becomes Queen Cobra. 
slight side note because it pertains to the Lila plot: When Lila’s lies split the class down the middle, Juleka was originally more on Lila’s side. When Chloé reveals herself to be Lady Luck by handing her the Snake, Juleka switches sides. She wonders how to convince Rose, but she only has to wait until Startrain when Rose becomes Unicorn.
Okay, all the other episodes have their own posts so I’m done. Goodnight fuckers. 
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Today has been a very stressful day, so guess wtf time it is? Drunk Breaking Dawn Pt. 1. Here is what I soberly remember of the movie (I have not watched it since BD2 came out): 
1. There’s a wedding.
2. There’s a honeymoon.
3. There’s swimming in the ocean.
4. There’s an accidental pregnancy.
5. The baby almost kills Bella.
6. The canon incident that we all hate happens.
7. The Volturi evilly laugh. 
Same as Eclipse, my drunken narration of the movie will be below the break.
A brief intro statement, I was 100% sober and just beginning to drink at the beginning of the Eclipse post and progressively got more drunk. For BD1, I’m throwing back before I even start watching this shit show.
- I love the effects of the intro. it’s very calming. THe putting away childish things quote is literally a Bible verse. I hate that Stpehen appropriated Quileute culture, Christian culture, and every culture. I know she’s mormon but sitll. THis shit feels real appropriated.
- Idk why rennee is all happy. she never gave a shit before.
- carlisle carryign the bench is literally the hottest hting i’ve ever seen fck
- lowkey kinda creeprd out because she’s literally sacrificing her humanity to marry this deud she’s known for like a year but everyone other than jacob is super supportive
- damn she’s looking @ this dreamcatcher and it’s making me sad but tbh that shit probably caused half her nightmares because she’s not native so sleep paralysis (if you know you know).
- he just todl her hes killed people and explained it and it didn’t work she’s still down to clown with this vapire emo boi
- i just wama ne im loved amd ne loved in retun plz
- this dream sequence is awful also fck the volturi is til hate that they never overthrew that crabbyass monarchy bullshit they were powerful enough
- i just wanna be like rosalie when i greow up
- charlie knew shit was off when he saw those crapsk 
- why the HELL is renen actin liks she cares? bitch go the fuck back home
- jessica is the only one with any damn common sense in this whole series talking about they’re too fucking young for this shitt bitch true and itm akes sene now why she was the valedictioajrn 
- damn id’ be fuckign panicking too your lfie is over hoe 
- stpeheen sto pwiht your racist ass smiling its offensive
- this wedding is gorgoeus though i live for hte fuckj g aestiec 
- carlisle is the love of y life
- sth is a lil ray of sunishen 
- i just reaized howd fucked it is that sue and chalrie are starng to catch feelz ut sue knows his daughter is funckugn off with a unded vamp emo iboi
- charlie is gget ing drunk as hell my spiritn animel
- jesica is smart and beautiful she needs t os stop being jealous and petty know ya wotht girlie you got itl
- edwar lves her so much fck im all alone\
- how haoph hacob is when they hig i hate canonn they were best friends fc,
- jacob stay the fck outta her sex life she;s been wanting this for ad dman year fkc steohe let them jsut befriend
- steh is so swert but e is a chidl fck the is reacist plot bulshit
- bela looks os ad she knows it’s goodbye but edward’s family is all smiling because they have her now hwat fthe ckc
- jac0bs cryng my heart brke
- i love bineg dunk 
- the scene isn rio is my faorite isn any of the movies eveyrhting looks warm and happy
- this bich can drive ab oat too damn he can just fod evryhin cant he
- deis this honeymon scene make anuone else unconmfy becuae same
- marying a vampire would be horrying af but also hot af and good af becuase htye oculd love so much and protect you from everythign fck 1-/10 woukd efeel safe
- bwll gaving a panic attakc ism e anyt tinme i try talking to an attractive man
- slepeign at last fckign ti up agin bit ch theis m yshit 
- when he said it was the best night i cred 
- tstoehe added the chess game like this shit is a hoje but i would love to play chess on my honemodn idk how uut  i want a man to each me but not mansplin
- i know i sadn it was horryig but i want a hotass vamp emo boi husband plas 
- damn jacob is being too emo she aint really gonan be ded for ever youll see her agianb itch
- i fucking hates these vamp racist bitches but i want a nonracist va,p husband bitch thus hot afck
- how tf does she not know shes rpegr yet eatin this weid ass shit?
- poor bella her life chaned so uqick and she[s soc scared fck dcnaon
 - this montage is turopy a f when youre drunk waht the helc por jake thugh
- im sorry but i;n laughign my ass off at these fuckugn wolf vocie overs lmaoooo this shit hilarious
- calisbe is fos unicngn hot
- i just reaized robert is like the best fuckugn actor like this diolaguge is wha k as fuck btu he’s acitng all emo boi oscar worhty shti
- they realy had her fuckin drink blodo i hate cannjnonnn
- ifelel the same as kaje watchign this 
- but carlisle’s prety face made it all fuckig hetter
- okay ut id is cute as fkc whe nedward hears the baby 
- esme and calrisle wilougn to risk their lives for bella i cryi
- fkc i really do hate cnaon because jake is acting liek an adult now and trying to do the honrble thig bue he should be a hpaoy chidl 
-  resnemsien is a ficking ridjcils name and we all fuckj nnew
- i ahte this part i’n bot even wathcing this shit rgros me rout 
- literlaiy fuick the dynamics of this whole moty hfknfucjg storyline plot bitch
- aw hell here the fucks we hgo with theu ickgn im************** bulshit i ghate cnaojn canon can suck ad ick
- rosalie is literally perfect when cnai b ehr 
- im real glad im drunk rin now because ioculd nto sit throguh this shit sober
- imp&******* is the worst plotline fkc]
- bit iamgiben falling alseo lookin gsick and waking up fhot as uck goals
- this sogn making me cry literlalu imcruing ims o alone lmao
- rheye really ended htoe move wirh red eyws lmaoooo
- hodl the fick up a damn minute stpeehebn producre htis cufkcng shit?
- now heres the hoes iv’ve been waiting on burnt the monarch fuckwits i hate thes epompis fuckers
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howtolistentomusic · 4 years
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There's a radio sitting atop a pile of boxes. I grab it and hand it over to Carlos. He sets the device on the edge of the container and pushes the power button. We're greeted with a burst of static. He fiddles with the tuner until he stumbles upon "Wicked" by Future. 
"Aw yeah!" he says as he turns the volume way up. "Some real music! Anthony, take notes!"
"I'm insulted by the implication that I don't listen to hip-hop."
"You bump 2Pac between Justin Bieber songs?" David says.
"Hell yeah I do!"
"Guacha!" David says. 
Pronounced as if a stressed "ah" sound is added at the end of the English word watch, guacha is a Spanish verb for "look." Informally, though, it means something more like I approve! It's typically complimentary though it often carries a connotation of surprise that can come off as condescending. Against all odds, David basically said to me, I'm impressed. Welcome to the big boys club.
"2Pac is the greatest rapper of all time," Carlos says.
"Well, I don't know about that."
Don't get me wrong. I genuinely do like 2Pac. I grew up in Southern California, after all. But the GOAT? There's no way. He's a compelling figure for many reasons but too many others can rap circles around him.
"Listen to All Eyez On Me," Carlos says.
"Illmatic is better."
"What the fuck is that?"
It's the classic and hugely influential debut album by Nas, in case you're rooming with Carlos and Patrick Star.
"Life's a bitch and then you die!" Ruben sings.
"That's why we get high! 'Cause you never know when you're gonna go!"
"Damn, Ant!" David says. "Who would have thought?" 
It's unclear whether he recognizes "Life's a Bitch", Illmatic's track three stunner, or if he's simply surprised that I made a weed reference. 
"What else are you bumping?" David asks.
"Wu-Tang. Souls of Mischief. Big L—"
"The Based God?" Carlos says. "He fucking sucks!"
"That's Lil B, dumbass."
Dude doesn't know Big L from Lil B and he's never heard Illmatic. And yet here he is, trying to lecture me about hip-hop. Get the fuck out of here.
"Whatever. You're fucking old," Carlos says.
Touché. But I'm trying to keep up. I'm certainly on the Playboi Carti and Lil Uzi Vert bandwagons. "wokeuplikethis*" and "XO Tour Lif3" are great. I have a hard time understanding the appeal of Migos though.
Carlos grabs some bags from the edge of the container. When he turns to dump them into the proper gaylords, I glance at the radio. It's beckoning like a glowing pickup in a video game. I can't resist. Being cool is overrated anyways.
I tune to Live 105.5. "Good For You" by Selena Gomez is playing. 
"Hell yes!" I say.
My coworkers laugh.
"Of course you would listen to this bullshit!" Carlos says.
Bullshit? Ok, I get it. So it's totally cool to want to fuck Selena Gomez. It's totally cool to mime and graphically detail the sexual acts you'd perform on her if given the chance, as a few of the guys did a while back when a Spring Breakers DVD came through the warehouse. Respecting the art she creates, though? Nah. Too much.
"Wanna show you how proud I am to be yours," I sing. "Leave this dress a mess on the floor!"
Two yeas ago one of my favorite music writers, Katherine St. Asaph, wrote some brilliant work inspired by "Good for You". Her Singles Jukebox blurb, in which she rates the song a 9 out of 10, is a masterpiece. And in a review of Revival for Time Magazine, she vividly wrote that the song "makes looking good for her man sound like searing a part of herself dead." Despite such a convincing case for the song's merits, however, I can't bring myself to like "Good For You" all that much. It's boring and rote and I totally prefer "Hands to Myself". In a place like this, though, I'll fucking take it. After all, remaining myself while simultaneously playing "dude" well enough to avoid ostracization by my coworkers is a balance I struggle with every time I step foot into this warehouse, so it feels really good to fill the room with a piece of my world for once while these fuckers are forced to deal with it.
"I just wanna look good for ya, good for ya," I sing. "Uh huh."
"Alright," Carlos says as the song winds down. "It's over." 
He tunes the radio back to hip-hop just as Anna screams "Break!"
"Fuck," Carlos says as he turns off the device. ***
As usual, I beat the entire crew back to the dock. I hop into the container, turn on the radio and adjust the station.
"Reck a less bee hayve YA ah!" the radio pronounces.
Zayn Malick! Totally over One Direction, rhyming.
"Turn that shit up!" Donald says as the guys finally find their way back to roll-off. "This is my jam!"
"Let's start a boy band, Donald!" I say.
"I'm down!" 
David laughs. Carlos shakes his head.
"I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure," Donald sings. He's not kidding; he genuinely seems to like this song. "Nobody but you, 'body but me, 'body but us, bodies together!"
While I'm thrilled to have a temporary companion in poptimism, I must point out that this song sucks. I wish I could play "Little Black Dress" instead. I wonder what the guys would think of that particular track, which pits a traditional dude's reverence for classic rock against his hatred of boy bands.
"That's your last one," Carlos says as "Pillowtalk" gives way to a commercial. 
He tunes back to the hip-hop station. "Hold On, We're Going Home" is playing and I have to stifle a laugh. Be careful what you wish for, I think to myself.
Carlos can't stand Drake. He's told me as much. He's a fucking pussy were his exact words. Of course, he'd be loath to admit that now, when control of the radio is at stake. I decide to stoke the fire.
"'Cause you're a good girl and you know it!'" I sing.
"Why do you like literally the worst shit?" Carlos says.
"I can change the station if you prefer," I say as I reach for the radio.
"Leave it!" he says.
"Yes, daddy!"
As soon as he turns his back, I tune back to pop. Mass groaning ensues as Shawn Mendes goes on about stitches. Carlos, however, is silent. He's standing still as a statue, staring me down.
If the warehouse gave out game balls at the end of each shift, Carlos would have more than the rest of roll-off combined. This is despite the fact that the dude is hardly physically intimidating. Indeed, the contrast between his tough guy persona and his tiny 5"2' frame is a gift that keeps on giving. One time, in an exercise designed to lighten the mood after a slog of a safety meeting, management made the entire staff of the warehouse line up on the floor of the line, single-file, tallest on the right and shortest on the left. There were approximately 30 people in the building and only a single woman was standing to the left of Carlos. It took the roll-off team hours to get all the laughter out of our system.
Carlos isn't particularly funny or clever either. While his insults come fast and furiously, they tend to be the predictable nonsense you would expect from someone that still considers "gay" a burn in the year of our Lord 2017. It's the same sort of mockery I've been dealing with my whole life. The words themselves don't really bother me.
But Carlos will wear you down through sheer attrition. His short fuse, gangbanger ethics and the fact that he values his pride over his job give him a willingness to escalate that's difficult to compete with. I once witnessed him empty an entire can of shaving cream onto the face of poor old man Kenneth. He also once swung a bag of hard toys, with all his might, at Donald after the two got into a heated argument. Then there was the time he was in a bad mood and discreetly coated some furniture with that aerosol "snow" stuff—the kind that people use on their windows as a Christmas decoration—in the hopes that some naive rube would ruin their clothes.
So I'm not sure what Naive Rube was thinking in perpetuating this tug-of-war over a stupid radio. Perhaps I felt like I deserved a fucking break. Roll-off already has a radio, after all. Sure, Anna controls the station. But everyone seems fine enough, usually, with the soul and R&B she prefers.
In any case, I'm not in the mood for Carlos' shit today.
I place a box of books at the edge of the container, right in front of Carlos.
"Are you just gong to stand there?" I ask.
"Give back the radio, you fucking pussy!" Carlos says. "Nobody wants to hear this pop shit!"
I know, dumbass. That's why this is so much fun.
"Give it back!" he repeats. He swipes for the radio but I grab it and place it out of his reach.
Carlos slices a bag of clothes with his pocketknife.
"I'm going to fuck you up!" he says. "Stupid little bitch! I'm going to fuck you up!"
"Cool story, bro."
"Are you really not gong to give it back?"
I laugh. Look, this entire thing is petty as fuck but the dude's entitlement really is something else.
"Give it back simply because you told me to? I'll pass but thanks."
"I'm going to give you one last chance," he says.
"Oh noes! Make sure you play some Justin Bieber at my funeral."
Carlos is fucking seething. He pulls the still-as-a-statue move again in an attempt to intimidate but roll-off simply functions around him. Nobody else seems to care much about the radio war and that's fine by me. When Carlos finally realizes that his protest isn't going to work, he grabs the box of books and gets back to business. Apollo for the win!
As an alternative kid with a preference for dark clothing and bulky accessories, the sun has long been the bane of my existence. This is especially true as I age, as one of the ways I temper insecurities about my ever-expanding waistline is by burying myself in layers. Today, however, the sun is an unlikely ally in my ongoing struggle against Carlos. It's 100 degrees out, see, and when it's this hot outside the container becomes almost unbearable, the metal walls stubbornly retaining the heat in a way that feels like you're working in a giant oven.
Pushing donations from inside the container is typically a two-person task but nobody else is up for it today. And the emptier it becomes, the safer I seem to be getting from Carlos' antagonism as I place the radio further and further from his reach. For a glorious hour I have the device all to myself. Ariana Grande! Lady Gaga! Hailee Steinfeld! Rihanna! I'm singing along, dancing like a maniac, and feeling pretty damn good. Then I hear a loud crash. 
I turn around. Carlos is standing at the foot of the container, a crate of dishes in front of him.
I've seen this before. God forbid there's glass around when Carlos is angry because he'll start chucking it, his aim loose enough for probable deniability but accurate enough to make life hell. 
He grabs a plate and throws it my way. It shatters near my feet. 
"Calm the fuck down!" I say. 
"Give me the radio."
"Come and get it.
Carlos hops into the container. Fuck. Here we go.
Of course, he's not grabbing anything without going through me first. It's too damn empty in here. I step towards him to obstruct his path. We meet in the middle of the container. Our faces are inches apart.
One, Mississippi. Two, Mississippi. Three, Mississippi. Four, Mississippi. Five, Mississippi. Six—
"Fuck this gay ass music," he finally says. Then he turns and walks away. *** A short time later we finish unloading the container. Two hours remain in the workshift but supervisor Stella tells us that we won't be getting more trucks until tomorrow. She assigns the guys to other tasks in the building while I stay behind on the dock to tidy up.
For good measure, I empty the batteries from the radio and throw them in a bin designated for hazardous materials. Then I smash the radio on the floor, throw the pieces in the electronics gaylord, then pull it inside the warehouse.
Give me my damn game ball.
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real-goblin-kris · 5 years
Oh fuck man... my boy Hawkeye...
Nice song for the title card tbh.
Tony and Nebula??? PURE. I love this.
Man Tony... oh fuck... my boy...
I’ll dream about you... ohhhh fuck my heart...
It’s really pretty seeing Tony among the stars but like holy shit...
Poor Tony just wanted a nap and what’s he get? Explosions and shit.
Baby face Cap. I like it.
Would die for Captain Marvel now.
Shuri... Parker... Eric...
I thought you were a build a Bear.
Oh they’re not making up it’s a fight again goddamn this is too much...
Rhodey is the real hero.
Tony... oh hell.
Where you going? To kill Thanos. Uhhh duh?
That’s cute Thanos has a retirement plan
Thor be like mmmm fuck this
Before, you didn’t have me. Carol what the fuck bruh
I like this one. Oh Thor...
Thor is not practicing seatbelt safety.
Who here has NOT been to space?
Cheap... why bring up fucking Peggy now she’s already dead
Armor scarecrow. Big farmer man.
Seeing Thanos in a T-shirt is... jarring and uncomfortable.
Hey asshole, take 2!
Lmao the stones are gone
Just fucking kill the asshole please
I used the stones to destroy the stones. Wow.
I am inevitable. Bitch that’s... uhhh...
I went for the head. Yes baebey I’m proud of you.
What a wasteland... wow.
Support Group Steve Rogers, that’s poetic.
Oh hi Scott
Howdy bro why all my shit gone
Fuck my shit where’s my WIFE
We handle it by NOT handling it.
PB&J and some serious drama.
My babey... mom Rogers is my dude...
Nat is... my depressed self...
She... called them family... oh wow I feel Nat so much right now...
Quantum physics for conversation! Cute.
Is that anybody’s sandwich? I’m starving.
Yeah... like a time machine.
I get emails from a raccoon. Trash panda!
Back to the Future references!
I adore Morgan. I literally adore her.
I love Hulk??
DAB!!!! HULK DABS!!!!!!!
Oh... Tony and Peter...
Did... Tony Stark invent time travel?
Morgan says shit????????
I got some important shit goin on!
I love you 3000... that’s the cutest goddamn thing...
Oh the put a pin in it...
Lol hulk is the BOY.
You’re right. I do, Captain America.
It’s a baby. Scott! As a BABY!
Somebody peed my pants and I don’t know if it was baby me or old me... or... me me...
Oh tony drives an Audi
Sup bitch it’s ya boy tony
Thor.exe has stopped responding.
Oh wow Thor...
I worry for Fat Thor
There’s beer on the ship. What kind?
Why the fuck is GENJI IN THIS MOVIE
Whom the fuck
What the fuck
BARTON?!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t give me hope. Wow fuck I felt that.
Oh Thor...
Oh my god. Wow.
So back to the future’s a bunch of BULLSHIT?
Oh wow...
Thor, what do you know? Is he asleep?
No, I’d like a Bloody Mary.
You wanna go to space? You wanna go to space puppy?
Not it (on Vormir)
Pleeeeeeease tell me Thor gets to see Jane again...
I think it’s gratuitous but whatever...
The Ancient One is a Pain in the Ass
Oh no... I heard Jane... I’ll cry...
My poor baby has PTSD over this.
It’s a long way from Budapest.
Sister drama? Jeez.
What the fuck is that bigass sword Thanos?
Abusive shitbag thanos.
Lookin at AMERICA’S ASS!
Flick me.
Take the stairs. HATE THE STAIRS.
Is that... Axe body spray??? Oh fuck Tony...
lmaooooo cap thinks he’s Loki
Yeah I KNOW... I know...
Oof this is crazy shit my head hurts bc of this time travel drama
The Ancient One stresses me out.
Squidward is back.
FRIGGA... oh... I’m gonna cry... mommy...
The feels of old Asgard ok... what a mom moment...
oh I love the opening scene for guardians
oh... shit... Nat...
oh my fuck I don’t have words.
I always knew Bruce loved Nat but man this is hard
I love Barton so much right now who’s the baddest bitch?? CLEARLY CLINT
I’m gonna fuckin wait here like the dickwad I am duh
That’s my man. You lose this again, I’m keeping it. Ohoho I missed avengers banter.
Ew, it’s a dick with a big sword.
Aww, look! Fat Thor got a lil braid in his beard.
Eat a fresh, hot asshole Thanos. You’re obviously fucking stupid.
SHRED THE UNIVERSE AND REMAKE IT??? Someone fucking sounds like he read too much Pokemon Diamond and Pearl manga, you sound like Cyrus you little bitch
Clint “Bad Bitch” Barton yeets out of trouble
Thor plays tennis with Mjolnir.
PETER!!!!! THE HUG!!!!!
Oh shit GAMORA
Thanos looks so sad Alexa play All Star
Scarlet Witch is everything. EVERYTHING. I would DIE FOR WANDA MAXIMOFF.
Headbutts Carol “bitch do I LOOK AMUSED”
This reminds me of when Voldemort went cornflakes
I’m crying so fucking much oh god
Was that Harley I can’t see there’s too many tears
I thought I was gonna hate Falcon Cap but I really can’t when it’s like this
I still want Stucky and will ship it forever but I can’t really hate this ending scene.
Final Thoughts: Endgame has officially ruined my life and I’m okay with it. My face hurts from crying. I need a hug. And to go see FFH again.
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