#valk writes
sourle · 2 days
Notice me!
Valk x Reader
Genre: Angst
Requested by: Anon [I lost the ask lmao]
Tw: small bits of blood and character death.
Honorable mentions:
@sonalitekisser @lunarwashere
The running water filled the silence of the empty house. A figure standing by the sink washing a knife before putting it into the drying racks.
Tapping sounds of footsteps approaching caught your attention; glancing to the side at the Living room. Is it Valk? He's home already?
Turning off the sink faucet, you went to the Living room, approaching the figure on the couch. "Valk?"
No answers.
Valk's attention was focused on a letter in his hand and a pile of more of a similar looking envelope. "Hey, Valk? Are you reading the fan mails?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah."
His careless voice hurts you, you know he cares more about what people think about him. More than what he thinks about you.
"How's.. work?" You asked, breaking the heavy tension as you shift in your place. "Everything's fine.." He brushed off your question.
You pursed your lips as you nod. Watching as he's getting all giddy and flustered from the fan mails.
It's not jealousy! You swear!
But it seems to be the case. You're jealous he's paying more attention to the fan mails. You're jealous he doesn't care about you anymore.
Oh, how jealousy could change one's soul.
You rinse the knife under the cold water, leaving the sink to be filled with red tinted water. Feeling satisfied, you set the knife back on the rank before picking up the yellow horns.
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seeking out other people's posts about Koth is a game of russian roulette for me bc sometimes i get nice art and writing and excellent takes about a character i like and sometimes i have to step away and do deep-breathing exercises
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 3 months
The thing with writing fanfiction is I do think it's a genre where readers to some extend expect to be able to passively read the story, rather than necessarily process every word on the page.
And I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that, but it kinda leaves me with the issue of how much I actually need to tell the readers without it becoming patronizing.
Random example but like: will the readers be able to from context, realize this OC who another character refers to as "auntie" isn't literally her aunt, or do I need to pause the story to point that out
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neolxzr · 9 months
i love you cryn you are gods strongest soldier. i dont have the spoons nor the battery life to go on a whole rant here but your takes on enstars from a media analysis perspective are so interesting and you are genuinely amazing at dealing w those anons. queer media shouldnt have to tokenize their characters for it to be considered queer media and you are so right about how it really doesnt matter what the writers were Intending in regards to that. i hope ur doing okay and staying strong i love you 💪
im all good!! was a little exhausting to write all that but i did choose to do that to myself sfkgjjgh honestly i didnt hate it i like talking about media and how we engage with it and stuff like that. enstars is such an interesting case to me its just so full of Stuff like and it pains me a little when the conversation is just like "its fujobait" or whatever like there is so much more there!!!
but i digress. thank u for reading my long ass posts my friend i love you too <3
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
Ok free for requests today :) whatever you guys are feeling and with whomever!!
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ghoulsister1 · 8 months
🎃SpookTober 31 Days Prompts🎃:
Day 9: Haunted🏚
Piet Van Der Valk x GN!Reader. Hurt/Comfort. Some spooky happens. Some scares. Piet is a little skeptical. Reader gets spooked. Piet comforts you afterwards. Supposed Haunted House. SpookTober Prompt: Haunted🏚
☆●~A Case Of The Paranormal~●☆
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Piet and you get a call one chilly and dark October night about an abandoned house apparently displaying signs of activity. The house is supposed to off limits and no one is allowed inside the house. You and Piet head off to investigate......
It was a dark October night at the office. You and Piet were just finishing up last minute paperwork before heading home for the evening. Lucienne and Brad had already left, Hendrik was already heading out the door, having to play saxophone at some jazz concert tonight and Cloovis was just tidying up his desk before going.
"See you tomorrow Cloovis!" You Called waving Cloovis goodbye.
"Bye Y/N! Bye Piet! See you all tomorrow!" Called Cloovis waving goodbye to you and Piet as he left.
"See ya" Replied Piet as he filed away the last piece of paperwork. You walked over to him and sat on the desk, smiling softly.
"So, whatcha wanna do tonight?" You Asked Piet, smiling. Piet smiled and looked up at you.
"Maybe have a drink or two, maybe grab something to eat" Replied Piet and you giggled. You joined the force 2 years ago and you and Piet became very close. You and him just only recently started officially dating last month.
Piet stood up and was about to lean in for a kiss when the phone rang. You both frowned and looked to the phone and then to each other in confusion. It wasn't unusual for calls to come in but all week things were quiet. Maybe since it being October and with Halloween, perhaps there might be a spike in calls.
"Maybe some kids causing mischief?" You Suggested. Piet frowned and he took the call.
"Commissaris Van Der Valk" Answered Piet. You watched as you heard a woman, clearly distressed speak to him on the phone. Piet listened intently and he frowned.
"What do mean there's people in the house? It's abandoned for years? Are you sure? Do you see any lights on inside? You see flickering lights? Alright. Alright we'll see what we can do. Right we'll check it out. Okay, thank you. Bye" Spoke Piet and he placed the phone down.
"What's the issue?" You Asked.
"There's a woman claiming that the abandoned house on her street may have some squatters or kids fooling around inside. Says she hears things moving about, flickering lights and footsteps" Explained Piet.
"Sounds spooky to me" You Remarked.
"You don't really believe that ghost stuff do you?" Asked Piet. You shrugged.
"Just saying, it sounds spooky. And you know, somethings just can't be explained" You Stated. Piet shook his head.
"You've been watching that Buzzfeed Unsolved ghost stuff on YouTube haven't you?" Asked Piet smirking softly. You smiled at him.
"So? It's really good stuff. Unlike that stuff on TV. You can totally tell that stuff is staged. Not Buzzfeed Unsolved" You Replied smiling.
"Alright sure, come on let's go tell Hoofdcommissaris Dahlman" Advised Piet.
"You are totally a Shaniac right now" You Remarked smiling as Piet scoffed with a smile.
After informing Hoofdcommissaris Dahlman on the situation, you both were granted permission to investigate the house. Arriving at the house you shivered at the old, decrepit building, no lights on and seemingly no sign of any life.
"Come on" Coaxed Piet and you followed him into the house, flashlights on. As you opened the door and stepped inside, a blast of ice cold air greeted you and you shivered uncontrollably.
"Fuck it's freezing" Remarked Piet, shivering. You nodded in agreement, feeling the effects.
The place was in ruins, wallpaper peeling off and cracks in the walls, furniture old and torn, some in bits already. As you looked around, the hairs on the back of your neck rose. You felt as if you were being watched.
"Piet, where do we start?" You Asked quietly.
"I'll check around downstairs, you check the upstairs" Declared Piet. You looked up at the stairs, shrouded in the darkness and you shivered at that.
Piet saw you look at the stairs with reluctance.
"Or I could take the upstairs...." Began Piet but you stopped him.
"No no, I...I got this Piet. I got this" You Assured Piet, shaking your head free of such childish frights. Piet looked at you doubtful but decided not push it.
"Fair enough. Alright, just shout for me okay if you see anything or find trouble" Remined Piet and you nodded.
"I will" You Promised and with that, you climbed the steps of the dark stairs while Piet investigated downstairs, starting with the living room.
There was no sign of anyone being in the room recently. Piet looked around for anything that could indicate someone was here, an empty bee can or bottle, anything.
Suddenly there was a noise just in the kitchen. Piet turned around fast, shining his flashlight into the doorway of the kitchen. He saw a drawer was left open. Piet sighed, walking over to it and closing it shut.
"Must be my imagination" Thought Piet as he turned around and headed back towards the living room until he heard the drawer being pulled open. Piet turned around and saw the drawer, open again.
He'd hate to admit but Piet felt a chill go up his spine at that moment. He shook himself to shake off the thoughts of ghosts and the chill.
"Don't be ridiculous Piet. There's no ghosts here. Just old, rickety furniture. Nothing more" Thought Piet, scolding himself for thinking such thoughts.
As he investigated, Piet did experience more unusual activity. He swore he saw a shadow running across the room from the corner of his eye. It was frustrating him, but also making him more alert. Either someone was inside the house or Piet was losing it.
Meanwhile upstairs, you made your way from room to room, looking for anyone or anything that was skulking around. You found yourself in a room that looked it belonged to a child.
A dollhouse covered in years of dust and cobwebs stood near the window. The pink wallpaper, now faded and peeling off the walls. A teddy bear and doll were strewn across the floor, the teddy's fur mattes and faded, the doll's porcelain face cracked and the dress in tatters. In the far corner of the room, stood a once proud and decorated rocking horse, now it's colours were dull and it's face looked twisted in a way.
"So freaking creepy!" You Thought with a grimace and shiver. You turned away and as you did, you swore you heard the distinctive sound of creaking wood, rocking.
You turned around and looked at the rocking horse. The rocking horse, rocked slowly and gently. Without thinking, you bolted from the room and ran down the stairs.
"Piet! Piet!" You Shouted desperately.
Piet rounded from the corner, running towards you.
"What? What is it? Y/N tell me?" Asked Piet.
"I saw...I saw" You Stammered.
"Did you see someone?" Asked Piet.
You blushed and looked down. You didn't want to sound crazy or childish in front of your boyfriend. He'd probably roll his eyes at you if you told him you got spooked by a supposedly haunted rocking horse.
"Come on Y/N, tell me" Coaxed Piet, frowning when you didn't answer him.
"Look, I know I'm gonna sound childish here but Piet I swear I saw the rocking horse move by itself! It was really fucking creepy!" You Explained shivering.
"Well, if I'm gonna be honest Y/N. I....may have seen some stuff here that is hard to explain myself" Admitted Piet. You looked at him, shocked.
"Really?" You Asked.
"Yeah. The drawer in kitchen kept opening even if I closed it" Admitted Piet.
Suddenly, you two heard the sounds of footsteps upstairs and you both knew that there was no one in this house apart from you two.
"Shall we....." Began Piet.
"Go home? Yeah let's go home please!" You Answered and with that you two left the house.
You and Piet returned to his boat after reporting on what you found in the house to Dahlman. Piet said that maybe some animals got in the house and were causing the activity reported. For the flickering lights? Rats chewing on the electric wires in the house. It worked for Dahlman. It was better than going in and saying the house was haunted.
You snuggled up to Piet in bed, holding on to him. You were still a little shaken by the experience in the house.
Piet wrapped his arm around you, keeping you close.
"Don't be scared Y/N. I'm here, I'll keep those ghosts away" Piet Reassured you as he held you, rubbing soothing circles into your back, comforting you.
You smiled at Piet and pressed a kiss to his clothed chest, having changed into his sleepwear of a black vest and black shorts.
"Sure you aren't a little spooked by ghosts?" You Inquired softly.
Piet smirked at you.
"I ain't afraid of no ghost" Smirked Piet making you laugh and Piet chuckled along with you.
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leatherbookmark · 9 months
wondering if koga or adonis are going to get some more character development or like Not Really, because. koga's got his stuff in the ! era, which, fine! new players have absolutely no idea what happened and how important his current dynamic with rei is, it's cool, hurts only a little bit!, meanwhile adonis is still... trapped in his unfortunate character trope... that i doubt he'll ever break out of.
i'm not expecting either of them to do a complete 180 obv, but i do actually want to see koga figure himself out as, how to put it, an individual musician with his own style*? and if i have to read about how adonis is big scary huge and terrifying** at first glance, but actually, wow! what a surprise! kind, quiet and gentle once you talk to him even ONE more time, i'm going to snap.
*i'm just kinda biting my hands here because there are bighuge neons in my brain pointing out that koga's path should have him as a some sorta representative of undead ? temporary leader perhaps? considering everything we've learned in crossroads AND the fact that he mentions in his initial story how he's the least popular/known member and he wants to change it On Top Of wanting to face rei as equals, like. augh. put him in a situation please
**he's not.
basically both of them could use some activities separate from 2mkb, whether as a duo or individually, or perhaps as leaders of their respective shuffle units, but considering the next ud event is rei and shuffles probably won't return until after the climax series is over... it's Gonna Take A While I Think
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eorzeashan · 1 year
I keep thinking of how Watcher 2 goes uh, Cipher, there were no ghosts in the Dark Temple, which genuinely baffled both me and Eight, because she's completely sincere about it. Like you don't believe in ghosts but you believe in guys who shoot lightning and lift things with their minds...? What do you think made those people go insane then, a gas leak?
It's actually pretty typical within SWTOR for Imperials not to question superstitious matters or anything related to the Force either out of purposeful lack of knowledge, unwillingness to believe in it given how technologically advanced the Empire is and so they defer to science, or plain fear of the unknown and everything associated with the Force, but it's always a bit of an interesting shock seeing where particular officers lines lie about it. In Watcher 2's case, spirits do not exist. Regardless of the walking specter who made your personnel be in pain for no reason a few hours prior, cough.
Eight's the rare example of an Imperial who is immediately ready to accept and understand these outlying forces so he definitely believed there were spirits and other things at work, but more than that, I headcanon that Jadus sent him into the Dark Temple alone not just as a test of skill, but to test if their Force bond had manifested and would protect him from its malicious influences. In which case, it absolutely did and the agent emerges unscathed from the Temple of babbling soldiers. This also minorly awakens Eight's potential to see the world through Jadus' eyes, and so he has proof of the mysticism that other Imps refuse to accept-- another point that most likely makes investigative branches like the IRS looked down upon.
In other words, though he can't affect such things and is more Force-blind than Theron, Eight has become a medium of sorts because of his powerful connection to Jadus that leaves a mark on his being and has the willingness to quite literally open his mind to these forces. This makes him more attuned to odd situations that involve the Dark Side while retaining a self that is utterly mundane, so he acts as a sort of middle-man between the world of Sith and Imperials: the perfect union of the force and force-blind.
In the basic class story, it hasn't manifested fully but by the time of KOTFE/ET, it takes a dramatic spike in power because of Valkorion's influence and the extreme growth he and Jadus forced on each other in order to win that final battle. This is explained in-game as Valkorion leaving the ability to use the Force or amplifying it after the expacs, but Eight will never have the ability to use it, and I have no intention of ridding him of being normal despite all the ways he isn't. However, Eight and Jadus pull out all the stops to defeat the former Emperor and this nearly kills the former-- he collapses immediately after the two Sith have a psychic battle in his head and his vitals flatline, to which Lana and Theron panic. Then, Jadus himself finally appears in the flesh and whisks his Hand away. The two Alliance directors are unable to stop him, weak as they are by the battle, and no sign is found of either Eight or Jadus when the dust clears.
Eight is found weeks later in a hidden facility with no recollection of what happened prior, though he's purposefully vague about his "savior", and what happened between them. When Lana touches him, she feels a shock-- and realizes it's Eight, who she feels all the more keenly through the Force. He realizes this too, and those eyes that bore into her now look past her vestige into the depths of her soul. It feels like someone else is there. She cuts off the temporary connection immediately, the sense of wrongness remaining.
Eight still isn't force-sensitive. Nothing registers even when they test him.
And yet, no one can explain how he sees things he shouldn't, and how it's even possible for him to connect with others in this way. They leave it as another mystery surrounding the agent with no name.
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seishun-emergency · 1 year
going to start posting or reblogging the most batshit insane things about/in context of my aus. this way even if i never write them all out you can piece them together in fragments from the convoluted way my mind works on tumblr, like how god intended,
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sourle · 2 months
hi yes i want to kiss valk so bad plssss valk x reader where reader is like secretly insecure of themselves plsssss /nf
It's our short boy Valk<3
Valk x insecure!reader
Valk has always been the sweetest. he would always shower you with love and care as long as you return by giving him some attention.
Though, dating a big star.. never been easy.
With little interaction due how busy Valk would be. You both don't spend time together much.
It was fine to you, but what makes you feel ungrateful about your body is due.. to how many much better looking people who are fanning over Valk.
You Always remind yourself, stay positive, it'll be alright, a little work out will be great.
It won't be long until Valk introduces you to his fan. But.. you weren't pleased with it, not because you're nervous.. it's because of people's judgement.
When you don't show up, it makes Valk worried but he just continues on with the show.
After the show, he went to confront you asking what's wrong.
Either you lied or not, he would definitely know what's wrong.
On to him comforting you.
He would smother you with love, kissing your body part that you least like.
Whispering praises as you both are about to go to sleep.
Show you off to anyone he knows and say loudly about your beauty.
He'd do anything for you<3
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ohii-san · 1 year
i need you all to promise that you know mademoiselle is not literally just the doll shu holds because that's not how plurality works . she uses the doll as a conduit of sorts she is not literally stored within the doll
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chooserofslain · 2 years
𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗔 — I don’t think that this is spoiler - y and I have a lot more to say about Love & Thunder now that I’ve had some time to think about it but I still feel SO VERY validated that Valkyrie is still ‘ Valkyrie ’ ( or Val which I also appreciate and as of now --- ) not Brunnhilde. This isn’t a huge update from her other appearances in the MCU but it feel really good in relation to me and my choice to * not * write her with that name on this blog. I’m still hoping that if they do go that way ( ... if you’ve seen L & T and are familiar with Jane Foster’s run in the comics they are basing it off of ... ) they consider taking the name of the Valkyrie that is used in ‘ King In Black: Return of the Valkyries ’ because that character is more closely aligned to the MCU version of Valkyrie and ... would be very cool. 
I think a lot of my characterizations and headcanons on this blog hold up to what was portrayed in L & T ( what little development they decided to show ) but the name choice, specifically really feels good because that was something I really thought about and struggled over back in 2017 when I started this blog. Not that I had to stay close to canon because ... I do not annnnd I do have other things to rant and talk about in relation to the movie but I want to focus on this specific thing as a WIN.
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 5 months
I think what we the community is craving more than anything else, is for "lesploitation" to become an established genre.
Like, a modern evolution of lesbian pulp fiction, about predatory lesbians corrupting innocent christian women into a life of degeneracy - presented as sexily and romantically as humanly possible.
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sigloverofwords · 6 months
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Next chapter is intense
And double the length lol
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mirrortouchedsea · 9 months
Kinda wanna try writing something in the style of Jose Saramago. As a writing exercise
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legendwoven · 1 year
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This is basically their relationship bye
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