alyrathefreea · 7 years
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“ There’s a party up ahead, got a couple horses with some bags of loot. Sun’ll go down soon, we could grab some stuff while the sleep ? ” Ra offered, digging some snacks out of her own bag && offering some out to the blonde. 
                                       @valleyborn // starter for ‘Dessa <3
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@valleyborn gets an apartment starter
“Oh!” Half the stack of papers slipped from the stack in her arms before she could catch herself when her shoe caught on the rug in the foyer, tripping her up slightly, just enough to dislodge the admittedly tall stacks in her arm. She sighed and knelt to start picking up papers, joined after a second by another slender hand and looked up to a semi familiar blonde with a smile. “Thank you. Odessa, isn’t it?”
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
@valleyborn gets an apt starter 
“You need a ride back to the building?” He shook out his dirty, sweaty hair and shot a grin at Odessa, who was finishing (or so it looked like) up the last of the touches on Mandy’s gallery space. “I’m taking off in a few if you want one.”
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wcrmana-blog · 7 years
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men  which  TOWER  over  the  red  headed  female  in  both  height  and  width  move  from  the  large  ship  with  large  boxes  and  bags  firmly  in  their  grasps.  giving  the  WAR  CHIEF  turned  AMBASSADOR  the  silent  word  of  that  their  latest  trade  /  scavenge  had  been  greatly  plentiful.  and  in  turn  ,  leaving  her  in  better  spirits.  that  is  ,  until  the  captain  of  ship  had  relayed  the  UNEXPECTED  intel.  that  it  was not  solely  goods  they  had  found.  but  a  GIRL.    ‘  show  me  ’    no  expression  one  way  or  the  other  could  be  picked  up  in  her  voice  as  the  light  pleasing  look  of  her  expression  rapidly  disappeared.  rather  she  only  followed  in  stride  to  the  ship’s  quarters  where  she  found  herself  locked  eye  -  to  -  eye  with  the STOW  AWAY.    ‘  leave  us  ’    she  slithered  to  the  captain  to  give  the  the  two  PRIVACY.  and  only  when  they  were  left  alone  did  torin  speak  up  again.    ‘  who  are  you  ??  ’    /    @valleyborn
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impcleda · 7 years
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    “here is your chance to actually kill me.” // @valleyborn
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ginaofthe100a-blog · 7 years
  That feeling when you’re like “gimme all the...
“Damn it Ashley” I feel that is the nature of your best friendship with her and I adore you two. <3
I mean. You’re not wrong lmao 
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jobikilled-a · 7 years
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Jasper might be slightly wasted, okay maybe fully wasted. The end of the world was in a few days after all. Glazed over eyes fall onto a woman in the crowd, seeming rather awkward and out of place. Eyes narrow on the unfamiliar figure, wobbly legs move to get a better look. Eyebrows raise in surprise at who it is. Grabbing a nearby drink, he approaches her, handing her the drink,
“Hey, Olivia! You never been to a party before?”
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onyafevayuja · 7 years
When she heard that the whole floor--sans Bellamy, for rather obvious reasons--was going to end up at Trikru that night, Anya was more than happy to send her confirmation that she’d be there without even a second glance.  Trikru was an excellent distraction from the quagmire of emotions that Katie had apparently churned up with just her mere presence (though the ongoing ‘experimentation’ surely didn’t help).  
So when she flashed her ID at the entrance, she was pleasantly surprised to see some familiar faces already dotted around the room--staff and clientele alike.  And they didn’t all even live on the same floor as her, either.  Smiling warmly, she made her way to the bar, greeting the waitresses as she passed to lean against it and ask for her usual tequila shots to start the night off right.  And then a tequila sunrise to maintain her night.  A glance around the room saw a head of blonde hair near one of the dancers and Lou lurking near the door.  And thankfully, it seemed like Jasper was relatively unoccupied in one of the booths.  As unoccupied as Jasper usually was, anyway.  It beat going anywhere near her ex, in any case.
It was going to be one of those nights, it seemed.
What could possibly go wrong?
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chlcelane-blog · 7 years
@valleyborn // STARTER
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“Oh shit, sorry. I didn’t see you there.”
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
@headstrongblake, @valleyborn and I all comparing our kids’ kids like actual competing parents that just end up gushing about each others kids. 
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impcleda · 7 years
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       “lip told me your real name.   i kinda still wanna call you zelda though.” // shameless au @valleyborn
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bxmbsxawaya · 7 years
@valleyborn || cont from X
[ text; Odessa (nice cute floormate) ] Can you keep a secret?
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jobikilled-a · 7 years
❤ & ♣
Text Meme
❤ for a lusty/loving/affectionate message || @valleyborn
{ msg: Odessa }: Well that was fun, didn’t know you’d be into that lol. 
{ msg: Odessa }: Feel free to drop by again I have plenty more of tricks like that ;)
Send ♣ for a drunk message
{ msg: Odessa }: ODDDDY!!!! :D Whats happenin my girl? That shit was wicked earlier man you know how to fuckin party!!!
{ msg: Odessa }: anyway im on a rooftop at someguys house could you like pick me up id tots appreciate it luv u
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nctasidekick-blog · 7 years
protective || accepting || @valleyborn
Stiles leaned heavily against the wall, head shaking in disbelief. “fuck.” he muttered, looking at the slowly creeping, spiraling, expanding black patch on his chest, slowly up, towards his heart, towards his neck, towards his mind. “Not good.” He hadn’t known what the blast would do, just that he couldn’t let it hit her, that he couldn’t let her get hurt.
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