weofthe100-archive · 7 years
This blog has been officially archived! New sideblog, same url. Let the condensing commence.
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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                          was she a MONSTER or was HE?
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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         ‘kiddo’ it rang in her ears as she stood there in shorts and a tank top, eyebrow arching at him. “and why would i be doing that?” it was depressing enough being stuck home on valentines day while her brother had waltzed out the door, she had no intention of being a pity– whatever with lou. not today. 
“Because your other option is to stay here like a loser instead of having a free dinner that already comes with free champagne.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “And don’t pretend like you have a better option because there is never a better option than free booze.” 
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
@tempercd gets a v-day starter 
He knocked on their door, waiting for the dark haired girl to answer. Chive was on a date, he knew that much, just as he’d gathered that Verity wouldn’t be on one. She answered the door, not dressed for a date but that was how he hoping to find her. “Get dressed kiddo, reservations are in an hour.” He said with a wink. 
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
As I’ve just realized with @tempercd, as far as Valentine’s Day is concerned, Louis either goes all out- dinner, chocolate, alcohol, flowers, whole nine yards shit. 
Or he completely forgets it’s Valentine’s day. There is no in-between XD 
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
“so, what’s your muse like?”
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
@omousvarii, @faultedleader
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
IT’S OFFICIAL —  super-possibly-too-close bestie is the perfect definition when defining louis warren and octavia blake. @weofthe100
Where’s the lie though? lol
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
@headstrongblake || Con’t
| text message; caris | does that sound like something i would do? | text message; caris | sounds like a caris problem. 
[ text: O Annoying One ] This Caris problem is about to become an Octavia problem  [ text: O Annoying One ] You pull another stunt like that and I’m going to be assigned a new partner while you’re on desk duty and if I have to break in some newbie because you’re a brat, I’m going to kill you and make it look like an accident.  [ text: O Annoying One ] You know I have the knowledge to do that
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
   he was used to getting dirty, that was something that didn’t really bother him much but the sand, it got everywhere he was pretty sure he had some in his ears and nose now. she dragged him down the hill and eventually he gave in, trying to turn so he could slide down on his butt rather than his chest and possibly his face.    he gave a scoff when she teased him, tossing sand at him causing him to rise his arm in defense. he wasn’t sure why she enjoyed the sand so much but he reluctantly followed her,     “ isn’t the sand hot on your bare feet? ” he supposed she was used to it now but even placing his arms on the sand it was pretty damn hot. he was thirsty and tired—it was clear that Bellamy missed the coverage of the trees and the abundance of water that seemed to be lacking in the desert.
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He tried to defend himself and she laughed again, knowing there was no way he wasn’t already covered in the stuff. Defending himself was pointless. “Adaptation I think.” She wiggled her foot out of the linen and leather sandal that did little to truly protect her feet, more for not stepping on rocks than protecting from sand, and lifted the sole of her foot to show him. The skin was rough, just like the leather that protected it, and she wiggled her toes before slipping her foot back into the sandal. “We’ve been walking on hot sand so long our bodies finally said ‘we’ll just forgo feeling in our foot’.” She was still laughing, little about her admittedly harsh life truly bothered her, save in the dry months where food was scarce and water scarcer. 
She reached into her bag and handed her canteen to the dark haired boy. “Here. You can have the last of it. We’re close to the red rocks, it’s not long now.” He was less adept at handling the heat and the traveling; she didn’t mind sacrificing some water if if kept him around long enough to see the waterfalls hidden in the red rocks. 
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
@omousvarii || Con’t 
    “ no…. no……..no, no, no—ack! ” he didn’t know how anyone walked on mounds of sand like a normal person and he didn’t appreciate Caris dragging him down with her! hands sunk into the sand as she slid down the hill, pulling him along by his jacket he had tied around his waste. “ dammit, Caris! ” he called out as he slid into the sand, getting it in his hair and stuck to his body thanks to the sweat that coated his bare skin. “ —-fucking hatesand dammit…. why did I agree to do this…. grumble mumble grumble…. ”
She’s cackling as they slowly slide down the shifting hilltop, their feet sinking in until they have no choice but to give in and fall completely into the hot sand below them. She’d felt her footing lose itself, and rather than fight the sand (the quickest way to bury yourself) she let it happen. 
But she was taking the skai boy with her. 
He was grumbling about in the sand but she was still laughing, tan colored grains stark against her dark hair but practically blending in with her sun tanned skin. “Don’t be such a grump, skai boy!” She teased, flinging a handful of sand at his chest before falling back against the sand, letting the heat seep into her skin like the snakes that hid in the hills. 
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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     most of her screams inside to just tell him what her problem is. tell him why everyone – most who haven’t done anything – make her blood boil out of control today. but her emotions win out. “why is this all a big fucking joke to you?” she asked, turning to face him instantly. “maybe some of us get pissed off in here because we’re tired of being locked up – SOME of us are actually trying to get out of here instead of acting like it’s some sort of fucked up vacation!”
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“Ohhhhh,” he dragged the word out almost mockingly. “I see. So because I’m not crawling the walls or biting people’s faces off or pissing off the guards, I’m not tired of being locked up. If I’m not crying about how miserable life is and breaking down the door, it’s a vacation. Now I get it, thanks so much for clearing that up for me, babe. Really appreciate it.” His voice was still teasing, but with an unfamiliar edge of steel she wouldn’t recognize, one he’d yet to have taken with her. Who the fuck was she to tell him this was a vacation? Who the fuck was she to act like because she didn’t belong here, no one belonged here? She’d yet to bother digging deep enough to actually know who he was. 
That that was his fault was beside the point. He didn’t let the other crazies into his head here, that space was reserved for him and his shrinks. But if you bothered to dig past the joking and the brush offs, he’d be honest. If you actually wanted to see it. No one really wanted to see it. She didn’t know him, she didn’t know what the fuck he was doing here, and his eyes flashed with a fire the meds usually restrained in here at the accusation that this was somehow enjoyable for him. 
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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    it’s his smirk that makes her want to reach out to smack it off his face and it’s only the threat of being put BACK to sleep that keeps her hands to herself. it’s in her nightmares she’d meet her mother again. how can someone always be so fucking cheerful in this prison!? “or you could fuck off.” she snapped back, her fingers clenching at her sides in frustration as she wandered towards the large tree in the courtyard.
“I could think of a few things I could fuck.” He said with a smirk, leaning back forward. “But that wouldn’t answer my question now would it Miss Cranky Pants?” 
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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       it’s almost evening and octavia still hasn’t been able to shake the awful suffocating feeling that her nightmares left her with. it leaves her moods unbalanced. her anger and irritation unstable. already her privileges have been threatened and after one particularly loud moment of lashing out, they’d threatened her with sedation. today the red head beside her that usually brings waves of calmness in her presence only continues to set her off with a simple joke. “IS THERE NO ONE ELSE IN THIS HELL HOLE YOU CAN BOTHER?”
    // @weofthe100
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“Now why don’t you tell me what’s got your panties in a twist today?” She wasn’t normally so aggressive. Sullen, yeah. Irritable, somewhat. Cranky... honestly? Usually. But not normally screamy, and it intrigued him. 
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