valneanne · 7 years
So I decided to bite the bullet and start my historical-esque ‘hood over. Or, I started completely fresh with new families. Right now I’m more or less in a preliminary stage of setting them up (I suppose you could call them generation 0?) and then their children are the ones I’ll really focus on as that gives me a chance to get to know them.
However, I have a problem/something I need to figure out and that’s exactly how I’ll go about doing my rounds/years.
Typically I’ve followed a style of having one family per season and then once 4 seasons pass, 1 year has passed and people are aged up accordingly if needed. One round (as in getting through all the families I played) took 8 seasons or 2 years.
Which of course means that time... Drags on a little. So I’m a little lost now as to how I ought to play this time around as I did feel time passed a little too slowly last time. 
At the same time I do really like the idea of 4 seasons = 1 year as I really like being able to chronicle things in order.
Yet at the same time, it also makes things drag on a little so I’m pretty confused a to what to do.
I could do, what I did ages ago, which was 1 day for each season but that does seem painfully short sometimes for certain families.
So yeah, I might just need to hear/read how people do their rounds and see if perhaps someone is doing something that could work for me/could help me figure out/inspire me as to what would work well.
So yeah, suggestions?
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valneanne · 7 years
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I haven’t been around much for awhile, mostly due to RL.
Another reason (for the past month or so) has also been this little guy. As of today he’s been with me for a month! His name is Remus and he’s a ragdoll. And right now he’s trying to get onto the coffee table, again. 
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valneanne · 7 years
I’ve been thinking about removing (moving it onto one of my external hard drives, I’m not deleting anything in case I need it! XD) all the CC I use in Malston and starting over.
HOWEVER, I’m not sure if that means: a) starting a new neighbourhood, b) keeping my current one (and dealing with the massive Maxis replacement trauma that will occur) or c) starting a new neighbourhood BUT with the sims from Malston.
The latter option is going to be one massive task, not just creating the families, but re-doing relationships, skills, career levels etc. in SimPe. It’s almost breaking me out in hives.
But I need to do a (much belated) spring cleaning, and starting from scratch is actually “easier” than going through the 16-something GB of CC I have that’s to put it mildly a freaking mess (and if you’re thinking, oh, but just go through one folder by one and you’ll get there. Do you know how many folders and sub-folders I have? I’ve had this for far longer than I’ve known about folder levels and it pre-dates the organisation I have for my modern neighbourhood Merriwind.)
So yeah. I’m both sort of excited and terrified at the same time and I’m afraid I’ll regret this sooner rather than later. If you’ve got any tips or tricks or suggestions for what I ought to do (be it a, b, c or possibly an option d if you can think of it) I’d appreciate it! Because I feel a little overwhelmed!
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valneanne · 7 years
alicephant replied to your post “I’ve been thinking about removing (moving it onto one of my external...”
I always find it easier and refreshing to just start over! When my old simbury exploded, I started fresh - new sims, new lots, new cc - it was like a spring clean. You also get to be pickier and find the things you really really love.
I do want to be pickier about my CC that’s for sure! However Malston is currently running just fine, which I guess is why I have a hard time just leaving the sims in it :)
At the same time, it is is nice to make a fresh start, but yeah, I’m a little torn. I might age up the children in Malston and use them to create new families, but I’m not sure :)
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valneanne · 8 years
I’ve been meaning to go through my downloads folder to clear out some things. So of course I went through @simbury downloads tag and downloaded everything I missed during my absence (which was a lot apparently!). So yeah. Maybe next year? (I can’t lie and say it would be anytime this year, that’s a stretch even for me!)
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valneanne · 9 years
You really think you have the power over EA? Oh my dear, you are so adorably delusional.
I have the power over my own wallet and can do what I like with my money. Will me not buying something from the Sims franchise deeply upset the big-guns at EA HQ? Probably not. But I will always have power over my own purchases and the decision regarding whether or not to get something, big company or not. 
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valneanne · 10 years
Hi your simblr is amazing! I love it:) If you don't mind WCIF the ducks and swans in /post/73196737494/? Only waterfowl I've found are from simslice (those ducks lay eggs and etc) and windkeeper.
Hi there! And thanks a lot for the compliment! I don’t mind WCIFs at all as long as they’re specific :)
Let’s see:
The swans are from VitaSims and are part of a donation gift though that’s not how I got them *cough* (here it’s the springveranda set) :P
The ducks are by Speedymaus over at Blackypanther and can be found here :)
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valneanne · 10 years
Yesterday I uninstalled my Sims 3 games. Partly because I don't play it that much and partly because my PC sounds like a thunder storm whenever I'd load it up (it'd play just fine and I had the FPS limiter on too). I do kinda miss it, but then, I missed while I had it installed and didn't play so this won't be much different really. So now the only Sims game I have installed is Sims 2 which is far less noisy and gets loads more play anyhow :P
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