tmae3114 · 2 years
Apologies for busting into your ends, but I recently got back into dragonfable and made it to dragonsgrasp/whatever the dragonlord city is called. How do I continue the main storyline, do I talk to the cut-ear moglin, or are the alliance leaders somewhere else in the city?
No worries! I wouldn't have my askbox open if I didn't want people dropping into it now and again, after all :p
It took me a while to figure out how to find the camps as well when Dragonsgrasp first opened up! And yeah, the Alliance Camps are elsewhere in Dragonsgrasp. Bart (the moglin) has a fun sidequest series but he's not the main plot.
To continue the main plot, you need to be in the opening room for Dragesvard and then run to the right:
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The Alliance Camps are in another room off to the side there! It's not the most intuitive thing to find because, as I know from experience, when you enter the city and the big gate rises up, the first instinct is to enter the city XD
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cosmic-robot-menace · 2 years
ya, those are the deadly things, conch snails. Their venom is so strong a sleeping agent they can kill you in 5 seconds if you get stung/punctured.
Same energy as that pic of someone holding a blue ring octopus
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verseno · 3 years
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yeah no, I literally stopped listening to anything even bearing ffxiv’s name on the vid because youtube WILL absolutely use it’s algorithmic power to suggest the newest trending thing.
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thefirstknife · 3 years
Wait, Shin was confirmed to be the baby from that Ghost Story? When? Where?
Apparently it was in a podcast. It took me like a million years to find, thanks reddit:
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Link to the comment in the thread.
Link to the podcast. (This is where they mention Confessions of Hope and Shin and Jon Goff (the writer) confirms the connection).
Links to some Twitter comments from Shin's writer that are a bit puzzling when it comes to Shin and his relations to Ghosts:
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kamadaeva · 3 years
There's a part of me that loves the Lalafell because of people like Papashan (tiny tanks! People smaller than everyone else bearing the brunt of the damage!) and there's the other part of me that grinds my teeth when I remember the "mylittle l*li" type of Lalafell players
theres a few lala players that i trust but from my experience a good handful of them are yikes.
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cerastes · 3 years
I'd like to apologize for the earlier ask, I realized I'm essentially a stranger to you, and as such shouldn't be anywhere near so informal(?) with you. I am excited for the ipdate, and as someone who seems to enjoy ROR2 a bunch I wanted to get your opinion on the anniversary update coming out today. Once again, I'm sorry
Ok, normally I respond to these asks (which I receive more frequently than you might think) privately to assure the other person that it’s fine, but let me publish this one publicly for the sake of transparency:
You’re fine my dude. You can be crass with me, I don’t mind. I don’t consider that a transgression of my personal space. I thrive on crass, lowbrow humor, I love greasy hamburgers, it’s fine with me if strangers want to share the joy and throw a couple greaseballs of their own.
For future reference, what I DO mind is strangers insulting me, even playfully. That’s a privilege reserved for my friends. We playfully insult each other here and there, and dunk on each other, because we’re friends, we know it’s not malicious and it’s all for the sake of a laugh, and it’s not ALL we do, either, that’s something we throw in in the middle of a myriad other kinds of interactions. When a complete stranger tries to partake of this playful insulting, well, first of all, who the fuck are you? You don’t know me like that, so get back.
But like, your other ask? It’s ultra mega fine, dude, fjiwogj4g don’t worry.
I also will take the opportunity to let y’all know my inbox speed is variable. Sometimes I just don’t wanna answer stuff, sometimes I want to answer something the moment it gets to me. That’s up to me, and I won’t endeavor to answer faster. I do this for fun. This is my chillzone. Be patient. Don’t send me asks reminding me of your other ask. VALTA-MUS THIS ISN’T ABOUT YOU I’M JUST TAKING THE CHANCE TO ADDRESS IT.
So yeah! We’re good man, don’t worry.
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idk-kun · 3 years
once again on this birthest of days, I would like to wish you all the best and to inform you that your art fucking bangs and I always enjoy seeing it on my dash
omg thank you so much T.T
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spartanlocke · 3 years
The replacement for the hologram is a lego MOC, a while back some people started making sexy MOCs for a lark or some shit, and now they're just. a thing you can make is youve got the parts kicking around
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*gives you an eel*
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veeranger · 3 years
Ms. a-la-mode, do you happen to have a site to watch Kamen Rider on? all your Rderposting has piqued my interest
basically youre gunna find it on any site like kissasian or places with live action j dramas but i recommend torrenting it off nyaa.si honestly
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verseno · 3 years
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I’m too afraid to search this up
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thefirstknife · 3 years
*looks between a photo of Rasputin's old "mind" with estimated measurements and a photo of an Exo's head with exact width and depth* I... do not think that building the body is the biggest issue here.
sjakjsakdb true. Ana has to find the best possible way to store all of Rasputin (that survived) which initially spanned throughout the entire solar system into a comparably tiny Exo frame.
Hope they're doing fine. Take your time, Ana. Back when they announced Ada returning, I assumed the bulk of the work must've been finished because Ada and Lakshmi were helping Ana (I also assumed that Lakshmi would feature somehow in this season and oh boy did I get my wish). So if they're free to do other stuff, Ana must be close to wrapping it up.
Give us some updates. How's the old man doing. Hope we'll be giving him cookies this Dawning.
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transjinako · 3 years
How'd you get Sephiroth already? I thought he dropped on the 22nd
I didn’t but you can play an event match against him on ultimate right now in order to get him early 
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kamadaeva · 3 years
I forgot they also upgraded Projection on Emiya to TRACE ON: EX, I can't wait to get my hands on that
its a really good buff for him. also opens the gate for skills to get buffed a second time so there’s hope for some people who got really whatever buffs early on.
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cerastes · 4 years
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When someone tells me they are a Scott Pilgrim fan, I always instinctively go into the Stance Of The Crane, ready to defend myself with a deadly fist blow at a moment’s notice in case they are fans of the work, or worshippers of the character.
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shuttershocky · 4 years
Wait, didn't Joseph kill Wamuu with a trickshot off the walls of the colisseum they were in?
Yeah, with a ball
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