#vampire demon demoness trippyteaparty teaparty roleplaysnippet
hirokiro · 3 years
Roleplay Snippet: Trippy Tea Party
(Raff the Vampire is myself, Yumi the demoness is my friend’s) "Would the blood have to be given indefinitely over and over, or is there a point he'll be satisfied?"
He knew the answer was no, but he took the tea, and waited for an answer. Like hell he was going to drink.~
-"To be honest with you, I am not sure. I despise him greatly and well.. demons are rather greedy creatures more often than not and he is no different." 
The tea was very warm and smelled of ginger and lemon. "So with that in mind I think it would have to be indefinite until I figure out how to truly kill him. But unfortunately I cannot just go to a priest or priestess whenever he wakes and have them get rid of him for me. For obvious reasons." The girl frowned. "Sometimes it makes me want to not be a demon."~
-"I could walk up to one. Inadvertently through a guy I know with the town guard, who's probably on slightly better terms with them since he's a law abiding citizen. Or probably knows a guy. If not I can bribe someone to-- oh my god I'm actually considering this."
He looked at an unspecified location with a perturbed expression on his face. The habit of coming to the rescue had kicked in again.
If you offer to bleed for her, mate. Check into an insane asylum. Never again after those sending stones.
He needed a stiff drink, but there was just tea so he drank without remembering to be cautious.~
-The demon just chuckled, sipping her tea happily. "Well. I guess I'm happy you're taking it into consideration. But don't get too worried about it right now. He won't be back for at least three months with how beat up he got." 
The tea scolded his mouth as it had the witch. Hot drinks don't discriminate. Everyone gets a mouth full of ouch. *"Do you have any means of communication? I could probably send you a message when I need the assistance. 
-Ouch Tea... why'd you drink it man? If she drugged it...
It was as if she had read his thoughts. Or knew, asking about communications. Had she possibly been investigating him? Searching out the perfect patsy to rope into all this? Following the patterns of his life, she could figure out he was always ready to aid a woman in need, save a damsel in distress, a bit stupid sometimes. He didn't imagine her a damsel in distress for a second. She was dangerous. Some demons like Willow were good people. Most, not so much. Like Vampires.
"I do not." he said with false wistfulness, "Three months gives time though. I am in the middle of... helping someone else with a problem. I imagine it'll wrap up within that time, but, hard to say. And I do in fact have to get back to it." he stood.
"So perhaps you can toss a rock at my window some night. I stay at the Westside bounty-bar most of the time. Until that time, so long and stay out of trouble, eh?"~
-The tea was sweet and powerful, but... well... He did start to feel a little off after drinking it. Her eyes now made sense. Her brew was drugged, but it was simply how her tea was made. She enjoyed the colorful effects it had. 
"That's quite alright.. It's nice to hear there is still good out there in this city. As for time constraints, I wouldn't worry much about finishing quickly. Even if time draws near I will try my best to delay his arrival." 
The demoness grinned, and her green marks glowed like beacons. "Oh... But trouble likes to find me. It's much more fun than simply sitting around." 
His body suddenly felt weak and heavy as the twisty colors began to pass through his eyes and change the way they looked. "Did you like the tea by the way? It's been known to have some rather... interesting effects on people." Yumi giggled, seeing his eyes change. He'd find it very difficult to stand at this point.~
-He had done it, he was right about the tea but in a moment of stupidity he slipped up. Do not eat the food of fey, do not drink with demons... Just walk as far away from her as...
But he couldn't quite make anything cooperate. Took a wobble step, stumble, brace against the near wall, sliding down, trying to reach for his gun, shoot the bitch.
"Wh... what did you... do to me!?" he asked tightly. Things reeled, he couldn't tell if he hit the ground or was still struggling to stand. It was all twisting and spinning and kaleidoscoping like haywire. Nerves were on the fritz. Felt hallucinogenic and if he was not extremely afraid of where this was going, if for some strange reason he was in a controlled environment and took it willingly, he might have sat back and enjoyed it.
-She couldn't help but giggle, seeing his sway and panic. Once a demon, always a demon. She enjoyed seeing reactions as most of her species did. 
"I simply let you drink some of my tea, my sweet." The tall lady stood to her feet and simply took his firearm and cleaver off him, setting them to the side so he wouldn't start slashing about wildly or firing shots into the open air. 
"I made your eyes rather beautiful, if I do say so myself." As he was braced against the wall it made it easy for her to close the gap of space and take his shoulders softly. She wanted a close look at his eyes, finding them so very wonderful. 
"I believe I forgot to mention. It's been a rather long time since I've had any blood in my system and... well... Considering that is probably the way I'm going to keep that damned demon away from me and your city, I might as well get used to it again." She flashed her sharp teeth for a moment. It was normal for their teeth to be stabby and she made use of them. She leaned in and took a light bite of his neck, most definitely breaking his bubble. Surprisingly, Yumi wasn't violent and did the bare minimum to break his skin open and get at his blood.~
-He could vaguely see her beyond it all, but looking into her eyes made it worse. So much worse. He tried weakly to shove her off but got one hand on her arm for a moment before that flopped right back down.
Eyes widened as she spoke of blood. He tried again to fight but his muscles and nerves were in fact having fun without him.
"Don't don't do-hhha!" and she bit him. He was expecting a lot of pain. But this wasn't so bad. Still she was on him and he couldn't fight her off. How much was she going to take, would she kill him? Would she leave him or drag him off somewhere, a prisoner for her own uses?
He tried to focus on Willow, Namu, and Lily. He had to get back to them... they... they needed...
But the focus faded and the colors took over, only a vague sense of pain, of blood leaving his body and strange sensations all over and in his head.~
-What he saw was at least beautiful for those who loved colors moving in strange and mind bending patterns. 
Her arms stayed on his shoulders, keeping him still. She slightly feared if he wasn't held onto, his body would slump and he'd smack his head. 
"Relax.. I'm not trying to hurt you. If I wanted to, I would have already. Maybe I'll even let you have some? If you want." She would drink for a little, often taking breaks to make sure he wasn't losing too much and so she didn't become sick from the rich stuff. 
Yumi finished taking from him and sealed his wound with a spell. But she did leave a little mark on his neck, showing someone had been taking from him. "Still awake?" The demoness backed from his neck to see if he was asleep or not.~
-Rafferty was lost in it all. At some point the biting became sweet pain, the dizzy light headedness from losing blood was incredible, paired with the hallucinations. He wanted to bite back, have blood, a mutual exchange. Maybe even make out. He didn't know.
He was panting and gasping for blood near the end, fangs elongating, trying to find a warm neck but he couldn't see, couldn't lift his hands and grasp for her. Yumi was pretty much the only thing holding him up anymore.~
-The girl kept his steady and held up, knowing he was probably a bit dazed. The drink would be at its strongest now. Yumi's body had become used to its effects but still got a high and lightshow from it. 
"Heh.. You know, you look kinda cute all looped up." She gave him a look before taking his hand in return. Guessing he was in fact hungry, she led him to her neck. For safety reasons, she took a seat and brought him down. She probably wouldn't be able to stand soon especially since Rafferty would probably take more blood than her. 
Willow and Namu were getting slightly worried about Rafferty, but just guessed he was taking longer to find the demoness. He would have called if she was captured…~ -Sinking, warmth, the touch of skin and that beating of blood. For a moment he tried to drag himself back, feeling the wrongness for a moment, but then he bit gently despite himself, felt that warm liquid pouring into his mouth, and all was wonderful again.
It felt right to go slow, along with the strange rhythm of the lights, mellowing out. He did not have much before he could no longer function. He let go and felt a faint cry for help, a sort of strange noise of bliss squeezing out instead, and then his head lolled to the side and he passed out.
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