#vanderveer wayne x reader
kimhargreeves · 4 years
The Wrong Wayne-Vanderveer "Van" Wayne
Summary:Reader is the second in command in Wayne Securitiy and wife to Bruce Wayne's cousin, Vanderveer. Who is hard to work with but Reader knows it's just another ordinary day for them and will always have her husbands back.
A/N: I had no excuse for writing this. I've been watching too much Doom Patrol, Powerless and other tv shows/movies Alan Tudyk has been in cause he's such an amazing and underrated actor.
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It's another glorious and long day here at Wayne Security here in Charm City. I got dressed early and got a box of donuts and carried two cups of coffee on the other while waiting for the elevator to elevate me up the building. I spotted Jackie who quickly rushed in with me so she wouldn't have to wait for the elevator to go down again, I gave her a small smile.
"Good morning, Jackie." I tell the woman who has a tired expression on her face but nonetheless smiles back. "Good morning to you too. Do you need help with-"
"Of course." I pushed the items into her hand and quickly adjusted my skirt and blouse before the elevator stopped and the doors were open. My heels clicked onto the tiles when I walked a few steps ahead and saw Jackie trying her best so the food won't fall over.
"I'm so sorry." I apologize running to her. She smiles tiredly, "No problem, Mr Wayne will be excited to see you."
I was about to reach the door to Mr Wayne when I turned around, "Wait..how do I look?" I ask afraid if I even got dressed nicely.
"You look good as ever." I smile proudly and nod my head ignoring Emily Locke who stood behind Jackie with her nerdy friends. Emily is the newest girl who joined Wayne Security, it's been about a month since she started working here and Vanderveer Wayne hasn't been fond of her.
I could say the same. Wayne Security has been doing fine on it's own, I know I shouldn't say this bur she can be pushy and a handful.
"Good morning my love." I cheerfully say once I opened the door and Van jumped a bit since he was focused on his own portrait.
"You scared me." He says with a small chuckle and takes the items from me and places them on his desk. "I bought you your favorite coffee." I sing and he grabbed the cup from me and sniffed it.
"Perfect. I knew you were the perfect woman for me." He says leaning down to quickly kiss my lips.
"Why? Were there other candidates?" I tease.
Van shrugs his shoulders and drinks some more. "A few here and there, but there was something special about you. The moment you stepped into my room and-"
"And accidently stepped on a Batman figure and tried fixing it." I ask with a smile and point at the small figure that rests on top of one of his drawers. "Exactly!" He snaps his fingers and wraps an arm around me.
"Aha, you know meeting you was a mistake." I reply and try to not laugh at the funny story, "Not this again (Y/N)" my husband says pouting and I ignore his icy blue eyes and sat on his chair.
"I was sent here to work at one of the best companies, Wayne Security. I was surprised it wasn't in Gotham since I lived there, I thought 'Wow Mister Wayne wants me to work for him and i'm going to meet him?'"
Van rolls his eyes but since he hates me making fun of the day we met. "Thing is I got the wrong Wayne. I thought I was meeting that hunky Wayne guy, The Bats! Not his cousin." I can't helo but smirk to myself when he frowns.
"Hey hey you should be grateful that you at least met one of the Waynes. Everytime someone mentions 'Wayne' they immediately think of my cousin." He says rambling now about it.
"Come on he's handsome." I tease.
"Handsome huh? Let's see about that." My husband says getting closer and almost sitting on top of me when he leans down to kiss me. I grab onto his tie deepening the kiss when there's a knock on the door and we quickly pull away.
Jackie stares at us knowing she interrupted something. "What is it this time?" Van annoyed by her presence asks.
"Mr Wayne is on the line."
Van hurried to the other side of his desk and picked up the call excitedly. I laughed at him being this childish whenevee his cousin calls, so while he was busy I decided to look around the company. It had been a few hours since I started working and went to the resting area, there sharing lunch were Emily, Ron, Teddy and Wendy.
With the rest of the workers. "Hello everyone, I can see you're all sharing your delicious lunch." I sarcastically say and watch Emily shaking her head.
She's always said '(Y/N) and Van are so meant for each other' with sarcasm of course of saying 'those two are so alike no wonder they got married' I've heard hee say those words thanks to a few employees. I could've told my husband to fire her, but despite us not getting along and her struggles of changing Charm City. 
I can see a spark in her and know she'll do great."I know I know. Some of you might hate me and SOME of you might think i'm like selfish and arrogant like my husband." I tell them while glancing at the famous group when I said 'some'.Emily gave me a fake smirk, "Can you get to the point?""My point is..I no longer will tolerate my employees to eat junk food. From now on you'll be eating healthy your brains need it."
"Was that an insult or a compliment?" Teddy asks in a whisper but Wendy smacks his head so he'd shut up. 
"So here I present to you the finest dish sent from Gotham for my beloved friends, from my brother in law might I add, Bruce Wayne." I place on their tables many different italian dishes and see many of my employees drooling at the sight.
"Please don't mention this to my husband, he might get annoyed that I bought some of these with his credit card." I add and see all of them digging in."Whoa I'm surprised by this, thank you (Y/N)" Emily says with a genuine smile.
"Of course. I know we haven't gotten along but I really want thst to change between all of us. I don't want to be one of those typical egocentric bosses or should I say co-bosses who doesnt think of their employees. So want to be friends?" Emily nods her head and we hand shake."I smell something delicious and it isn't my wife." I try to not laugh when Van came out of no where and began piling a plate with many italian dishes on it.
"Dude chill no one's gonna steal from it." Wendy says holding her own plate. 
"Well you people are so i'm taking this with me too." Van said grabbing a whole lasagna and winking at me before rushing to his office again."Mrs Wayne look what who's here." Jackie says showing up.
 I turn around and can't help but smile at the small blonde headed child in her arms. "Hi there baby." I say adorably and grab the baby from her hands and gently bounce the baby in my arms and hear him giggle. 
"Who's a cute baby?" I laugh when he smiles and see Emily smiling at it."I still can't believe he's Mr Wayne's kid." I scoff at her comment and laugh."Trust me, he may be a childish man most of the times but he does make an excellent father. Doesn't he?" The baby covers his face and smiles.
 "How about we visit daddy?" I leave everyone to enjoy their lunch and head to the the office to greet my husband again. 
I knock on it and open the door, "Look who's here!" Van immediately smiles and stands up from his spot, "My dear son. Come here, Damien." He says opening his arms and Damien giggles and tries to reach for him. 
I walk closer and handed my son to his father, "Ah my adorable son, the man who's going to inherite my fortune, business and potentially surpass my brother." I sit next to Van and see him bouncing our son on his lap while the baby giggled and tried pulling my husbands tie. 
"Careful you don't want Bruce to become so competitive all of the sudden with a child." I tiredly rest my head on his shoulder and we watch our son chewing on his father's tie.
"He'll become a splendid business man like his father." Van proudly says which made me roll my eyes ans chuckle." I can't wait to tell him the story of how I got the wrong Wayne." I joke again which earned me a small pinch from him. 
"Oww I'm kidding. I love you Vanderveer Wayne.""I love you too (Y/N) Wayne."Van and I look at each other and shared a kiss until I felt something between us, Van felt the same and we looked down to see that Damien grabbed some lasagna and smashed some onto his father's expensive suit.
"Oh come on son." Van whines but smiles when he sees me laughing. "Yeah, he really is your son." 
"How come he never does these things to you." He quickly asks handing me Damien who got comfortable and rested his head on my chest. "Because even he knows how terribly you treat your employees." Van rolls his eyes and looks at us both. 
"You're right, I'll try apologizing to them but first I want some alone time with my wife and son." He placed the dirty napkin from which he got out a bit of stain in the trash and scooted his chair closer to mine and rested his head on top of mine. 
I closed my eyes too and smiled while holding onto my son with one hand and the other holding my husbands one while gently touching the golden ring on his fingers. I definetly didn't regret choosing him over Bruce Wayne.
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