#vanessa mahariel
heniareth · 1 year
@siriskulksnerding I’m getting back on you for the smooch yesterday!!! Have one from Ilanlas for Vanessa ^^
“And what about you, lethallan?”
“Me?” Vanessa looks at them with wide eyes and is already turning slightly red. “Why would I ever have kissed anybody?”
“I don’t know,” Tamlen says. “Maybe because you’re very pretty.”
Vanessa blushes all the way and Tamlen starts laughing. Ilanlas, however, narrows his eyes at Tamlen. He knows exactly why Tamlen is asking that question.
“What about you?” he asks Tamlen.
“Why do you want to know about me, huh?” Tamlen shoots back. “Is that dark haired fellow not what you expected him to be?”
Ilanlas loathes the feeling of his face heating up, and so he shoulders Tamlen in the side. Tamlen stumbles with a soft ‘oof’… right into Vanessa.
“Stop it, you two,” Vanessa chides and quickly helps Tamlen to upright himself and get within a respectable distance from her. “You are worse than children.”
“He started it,” Ilanlas says and points at Tamlen.
“Just because I don’t want to answer a question,” Tamlen protests.
“And why don’t you want to answer the question?” Ilanlas asks.
“I just don’t.” Tamlen points at his vallaslin, the skin around them still faintly red. “Dirthamen. Secrets, remember?”
“Do they still hurt?” Vanessa asks.
“No-o,” Tamlen says, not very convincingly. “Just sting a little.”
“Did you put the salve on as the Keeper told you to do?” Vanessa presses. “It looks very red over here.”
“Where?” Ilanlas asks, stepping closer.
“Over here,” Vanessa says, pointing next to Tamlen’s ear.
“What, there?” Ilanlas says and pokes the pink skin.
“Ow!” Tamlen jumps back. “Stop that!”
“So it does hurt,” Ilanlas says.
“Yeah, it does!” Tamlen rubs the sore spot and pouts. “You hedgehog.”
“Hare-foot,” Ilanlas shoots back.
“Oh, you did not-”
“Boys!” Vanessa shoves them apart and crosses her arms, glaring from one to the other. “That’s enough!”
“Yes, mother,” Ilanlas sighs.
A shove from Tamlen sends him stumbling. “She told you she doesn’t find that funny!”
“Stop! It!” Vanessa steps between them once more. “I don’t find any of this funny! If you keep on fighting like this, I’ll just leave without you.”
“Sorry,” Tamlen says.
Ilanlas grumbles and rubs his arm, but he shuts up.
They walk on in silence, for all of one minute. Then Tamlen turns back to Vanessa.
“Back to my original question: would you like to?”
“Like to what?” Vanessa asks.
“Kiss someone.”
Ilanlas barely contains a snort. There is hope, unmistakably hope, swinging in Tamlen’s voice.
“I…” Vanessa stammers, red once again. “I don’t know. Certainly not anybody who just comes along.”
“Different people have different boundaries,” Ilanlas grumbles.
“I didn’t mean that. You’re free to kiss whomever you like, lethallin,” Vanessa quickly amends. “I just meant… I don’t want to kiss anybody I don’t know, just for kissings’ sake.”
“But somebody you do know?” Tamlen asks softly.
Vanessa goes beet red and speeds up. “Come on. We are going to be late.”
The bonding ceremony is a big and colorful affair, like it always is. There are flowers everywhere, food is being prepared over every fire, laughter rings through the camp as the two clans celebrate the union of two of their people. Such a ceremony is the only moment outside of an Arlathvhen to find a partner who is not from your clan; Ilanlas’s original plan was to get the most out of this opportunity. Now, however, a new challenge has presented itself: his friends like each other and are too scared to admit it.
Something has to be done. And Ilanlas has an idea.
He casually sidles up to Vanessa as she is making her way out of the camp to check on the snares they set up earlier. Normally, they would walk in silence, enjoy the forest, each other’s company and the fact that neither of them feels the need to make unnecessary conversation. Not so no, however.
“Do you remember the challenge you lost to me a few days ago?” Ilanlas starts.
Vanessa turns to give him a look. “I’m still half convinced you cheated.”
“I did not,” Ilanlas says casually and picks up a gnarled piece of wood that has splintered off a root. He stows it away and then turns back to Vanessa. “And you accepted your defeat.”
“What is this about, lethallin?” Vanessa asks.
“The winner gets to decide what the next challenge will be about.” Ilanlas grins. “That is, I get to decide.”
“Dare I ask?” Vanessa says.
“I am so glad you have. I challenge you to talk to Tamlen.”
Vanessa stops. She turns around, confusion etched on her face, but if Ilanlas isn’t mistaken there’s also a brief flicker of panic there.
“That’s hardly a challenge, I talk with Tamlen all the time,” she says and crosses her arms.
Ilanlas shrugs. “Then you will have no problem to tell him that you like him.”
“I don’t!” Vanessa gasps.
Ilanlas gives her a dead stare.
“I really don’t!” Vanessa insists while her face goes red. “I just-”
“Mythal’s mercy, lethallan. Spare me.” Ilanlas steps over to the next snare and checks it. “He likes you too, you know?”
“He doesn’t,” Vanessa whispers.
“Does too. Did you set that snare up? It is not hooked properly.”
“I- you- You just moved it!”
Ilanlas grins as Vanessa shoulders past him, sets the snare right and then shoots him a withering glare.
“So.” He tilts his head to one side. “Will you accept the challenge or not?”
Vanessa swallows and stares out into the forest.
“I don’t even know what to tell him,” she says quietly.
“That’s not something I can help with,” Ilanlas says and shrugs.
“And what am I supposed to do?” Vanessa continues. “Walk up to him and just… Creators, no.”
“Sylaise and the Wolf is tonight,” Ilanlas offers. “If you can convince him to come, I will get you two a moment.”
“You mean you’ll cheat,” Vanessa says.
“I always cheat,” Ilanlas counters. “Except when it’s a challenge with you.”
Vanessa frowns and looks down at her boots.
The wind rustles through the trees.
Finally, she sighs. “Do you promise you will help?”
“On my right hand,” Ilanlas says with as much seriousness as he can muster.
“If I accept your challenge, you will have to speak to the dark haired hunter from the other clan,” Vanessa says.
This is a possibility. He has considered that this could happen. He should not be this surprised. Still, Ilanlas has trouble speaking for a moment.
“I will,” he finally manages. “And if I don’t, I will… help master Ilen out for a week.”
“Deal,” Vanessa says.
They shake hands.
“I cannot believe I am agreeing to this,” Vanessa mutters. “What do I even tell Tamlen?”
“Just tell him to come,” Ilanlas says. “I will explain the rest to him.”
"This better work, Ilanlas,” Vanessa says.
It better, Ilanlas thinks to himself.
Sylaise and the Wolf is probably the game played at every clan meeting. Especially at bonding ceremonies. Something about seeing two people bond for life makes everybody else want to find someone too. Ilanlas has never understood the rush until recently.
Still, it exists, and Sylaise and the Wolf gives everybody the perfect opportunity to get to know each other. Intimately. Supposedly. As intimately as you can get to know someone by kissing them.
Ilanlas cracked the code to the rhythmic dance years ago and has always used it to play the game without getting kissed or having to kiss. He has perfected it into an art, so much that the game has started to become boring. Not today. As soon as a very nervous looking Vanessa and a very confused Tamlen show up, he knows that this one will not be boring. And helping his friends will help him forget about the dark-haired hunter. It’s all benefits from this point on.
He walks up to intercept them and show them their places. Which isn’t easy when one is half as tall as everybody else.
“You’re here!” Vanessa says when he’s finally shouldered himself past the twenty or so people standing between him and his friends. “We’re here.”
“So I see,” Ilanlas says drily.
“You are planning something,” Tamlen says. “What are you planning?”
“I told you,” Vanessa says, twisting her finger into her hair in a way that screams nervousness.  “We play the game today. I don’t want to play alone.”
“Sure, but…” Tamlen looks around. “I thought you didn’t-”
A sharp whistle cuts through the crowd and people start lining themselves up in two concentric circles. The setting sun tints the whole scene a muddy orange, and the fires do the rest to provide them with ambient light.
“The game is about to start,” Ilanlas says. “Are we doing this or not?”
Tamlen looks from him to Vanessa and back to him. Ilanlas gives Vanessa a pointed look.
“I- Creators!” Vanessa looks frantically at the gathering crowd. “I agreed, let’s go.”
“Good.” Ilanlas nods towards the crowd. “You come with me. Tamlen, you go over there, next to Fenarel. Don’t touch the tokens, and don’t let anybody change places with you.”
“And you? What will you do?” Tamlen asks. “Where’s your boyfriend?”
“Just go.”
Ilanlas turns around and pulls Vanessa with him. He catches her turning towards where Tamlen has disappeared into the crowd several times. Finally, he reaches the spot where he’s already positioned his other ally.
“Hello,” Merrill greets them. “We’re dancing?”
“We’re dancing,” Ilanlas nods. “Lethallan? Last chance to back out.”
“Don’t put her under pressure,” Merrill says.
Vanessa’s hand is cold in his, and she looks a bit pale. “What if this doesn’t work, lethallin?”
“It will,” Ilanlas says. “Just stay close to Merrill.”
“What if somebody tries to kiss me?” Vanessa whispers, wide-eyed.
“They won’t, if you do not take the tokens,” Ilanlas says. “Trust me, I know what I am doing.”
“He does,” Merrill says. “If you want to dance, stand to my left.”
Still wide-eyed, still blushing, Vanessa occupies her place. “If I end up with somebody else-”
“Then you can run and blame me,” Ilanlas says. “Whatever. Do what Merrill tells you to. Don’t touch the tokens.”
He runs away to occupy his own place. Just in time. As soon as he steps into the innermost line, the music picks up, and the dance begins.
The concentric circles begin to slowly move in opposite directions. The dance is deliberately designed in such a way that it is nearly impossible to predict with whom you will end up. Dancer exchange places, occupy the opposite space in the circle only to then switch back, and there’s always someone who loses their place in the ring because they weren’t paying attention and has to squeeze back in wherever they can. There are also several tokens making rounds, passed from one dancer to the other. At a certain interval, they change places from the inner to the outer circle and vice-versa. Every time a token is passed from one person to the next, people use the opportunity to try and kiss the person who receives the token. On the mouth, sometimes. It’s all supposed to be in good fun and people dance for the explicit purpose to be kissed, but Ilanlas still hates it. You could go the whole dance without touching the tokens, but where is the fun in that? Ilanlas prefers to duck out of the way of the incoming kiss and be on his merry way before the other party knows what happened.
There are always two tokens that make up a pair. The dance has two parts; Sylaise’s tokens are in the game from the beginning and travel only during the first part of the dance. The wolf’s tokens are distributed at the beginning of the second part. One wolf token and one of Sylaise’s token each are marked with the same color. Those who at the end of the dance stand in front of a person whose token bears the same color as theirs may kiss and leave the dance if they so desire. The music picks up pace. Ilanlas keeps an eye out. One token has switched to the inner ring a few dancers to his left, and another is being passed around a few to his right. Ilanlas braces himself. The token will reach him in no time.
A big, blundering boy of an elf, already wearing his vallaslin, squeezes himself between Ilanlas and the token.
“You don’t mind, do you?” he asks with a big grin over the music and turns back around.
“I actually do,” Ilanlas says, hooks his foot around the boy’s ankle and yanks his leg back with the next step. The boy yelps and crashes to the ground. The dance doesn’t stop. Ilanlas steps over the boy and the person in front of him hands him the token and blows a kiss his way. Ilanlas turns away to the tune of the music. He can hold on to the token for a maximum of three more steps.
Ilanlas moves with the rest of the innermost line to the right. One step, two, then Tamlen is right in front of him. Ilanlas slides the token into his hands.
“What-” Tamlen mouths and then the first part of the dance stops. The musicians get a moment to breathe while the wolf’s tokens are distributed. As soon as that’s done, the first notes of the second part start; this one is decidedly faster.
He will have to be careful.
They start moving. Ilanlas spots Vanessa’s flaming red somewhere to his right. He looks left and right for a token, but can’t find any. Blight it, did he get distracted? He takes his cue from the music to turn and switch to the other side of the innermost circle.
“Found it yet?” Fenarel asks from two places to his left. Tamlen is still next to him, clutching the token to his chest.
Ilanlas shakes his head before the dance drags them further and further apart.
Tamlen’s token was the green one. The warm light of the fire makes it hard to distinguish colors. Ilanlas strains his eyes.
Or is that the blue one? No, it’s definitely green.
Every dance step brings him closer to the small thing. One turn, one turn more, then evade the person who will try to kiss him while grabbing the token and bringing it-
Oh no.
The person he will have to take the token from is the guy he tripped up.
Ilanlas looks left and right. He needs that token. Without thinking twice, he takes the person to his right and swings them around to switch their places. It’s a girl, and she laughs at the unexpected motion and takes it in stride. She turns to him, cheeky smile on her face, his insides freeze when suddenly something is being pressed into his hands.
“Heard you needed this,” a warm voice says.
Ilanlas looks up to see dark eyes framed by dark hair. He blushes. Fiercely.
The hunter, who is about his age and a good head taller, laughs. “I’ll see you later.”
And dances away.
Ilanlas spins around, towards the center of the circle and its other side, where he knows Vanessa will be close. She is still next to Merrill, looking like she is enjoying herself, but as soon as she sees him all apprehension is back on her face. Ilanlas is grinning by now. Step by step they get closer to one another, although not all the way there. There is a spin where the outer circle and the inner circle exchange places. Merrill grabs his hand and they spin around each other. Ilanlas lands next to Vanessa, presses the token into her hands and a kiss to her cheek.
“Now follow me,” he calls over the music.
They spin into the innermost circle, exchanging their place with Merrill. Ilanlas takes Vanessa through the center of the inner circle, towards its other side. Tamlen is over there, and lights up like the morning sun when he sees them come. Ilanlas lets Vanessa go, the music signals another turn and Tamlen grabs Vanessa’s hand to spin her into the outer circle, exchanging places with her. Vanessa laughs brightly. With a trilling note, the dance comes to an end.
“Hello,” Tamlen says, all soft voice and lopsided smile, and holds his token up.
“Hello,” Vanessa answers, holding her token up to his.
The colors match.
Ilanlas turns around and walks away. Whatever his friends do now is their business. His part in this plan is over, and they wouldn’t appreciate him listening in anyways. And he has his end of the challenge to uphold.
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badartxd · 2 years
‘Tis 11pm and I come bearing gifts of my beloveds💚
I tried my best on the cleaning and backgrounds, so hopefully they’re good, but pls lemme know if you’d like to make any changes!!
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Vanessa Mahariel - @siriskulksnerding
Went for the shiny copper bg fading into dark green ^^
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Astala Tabris - @heniareth
The background is the (hopefully close) shade of red made into the banner of the Amaranthine arling/ Vigil’s Keep !
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Severin Rhodri Amell Callistus - @wild-houseplant
I tried to make the bg a black marble with gold look though, admittedly, I’ve never drawn marble before :D
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thebloodychampion · 2 years
Elgar’nan - Bartek Borowiec Sethius Amladaris (Corypheus) - Robert Carlyle Malcolm Hawke - Oded Fehr Jerker (Hakkon Wintersbreath) - Michael Fassbender Kieran - Bob Morley Fergus Cousland - Liam Garrigan
Archer Hawke - Katie McGrath Cyrion Hawke - Jason Momoa Dreag Hawke - Tom Riley
Than Mahariel - James McAvoy Lia Tabris - Katherine McNamara Tomey Surana - Isabel Lucas Solona Amell - Jessica De Gouw Armadiel Mahariel - Luke Pasqualino
Elgan Lavellan - Eleanor Tomlinson Diran Lavellan - Nicole Beharie Talar Adaar - Howard Charles
Hjarrandr O Bearhold - Timothy Onmundson Lucius Veridio - Tom Ellis Etienne De Lechanger - Aidan Gillen Nicolas Belmond - Pedro Pascal Lyon Amell - Michel Huisman Jarida Adaar - Gugu Mbatha Raw Eric Vanhallen - Henry Cavill Ishal Cyprias - Sam Claflin Lorenzo Calcagnini - Ken Watanabe
Irius Sparatus (Councilor Sparatus) - Jeffrey Dean Morgan Lorik Qui’in - David Guintoli SAM - Will Tudor Urdnot Wreav - Joe Manganiello Macen Barro - Richard Armitage Adrien Victus - Hugh Jackman Steven Hackett - Donald Sutherland Septimus Oraka - Chiwetel Eijofor
Oswin Shepard - Chyler Leigh Noah Shepard - Karl Urban
Andrew Ryder - Dominic Sherwood
Karnesh - Hugh Laurie Clavius Tarxis - Benedict Cumerbatch Renius Sparatus - Oscar Isaac Torana Sparatus - Aja Naomi King Jurdon Madadh - Travis Fimmel Ganar Drealav - Ian McShane Raik Cagar - Lupita Nyong’o Haral Nyras - Andrew Lincoln Shaela’Riel Vas Tonbay - Ksenia Solo ‘Maron Hinom - Iwan Rheon Marius Nyras - J.R. Bourne Tayus Draxas - Jude Law Tachyus Nyras - Torrance Coombs Yandra Nyras -Alexandra Daddario Yaora V’Loar - Astrid Berges Frisbey Quentius Zuris - Hugh Dancy Ahnas Afaa Kjama - David Castaneda Sidoria Arterius - Saoirse Ronan
Fenrir Greyback - Tom Hardy
Danny Fernandez - Keanu Reeves Belle Instance - Famke Janssen Pamina Siemens - Kaya Scodelario Sharleen Siemens - Olivia Wilde Amelia Fernandez - Jennifer Connelly Eleasar Cohen - William Fichtner Ben Chaplin - Dylan O’Brien Connor Montgomery - Julian McMahon Vortula Portocalos - Eva Green Carlisle Eastwood - Aaron Taylor Johnson Leslie Woodstock - Vanessa Hudgens Lewis Watson - Martin Freeman Deidre Mikealson - Lucy Griffiths Daniel Speedman - Daniel Craig Richard Holmes - Robert Downey Jr.
The Witcher
Iorveth - Bryan Dechart
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
Carolus - Tobey Stephens
Yarntar Loreian - Lee Pace
Moony - Erza Scarlet, Yuna of the Dawn Dylan - Shizuo Heiwajima Carnun Pladurs (no bio but is coming along with Moony) - Mikoto Suoh
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alyssnighthawk · 5 years
‘Fictober Day 12
Prompt: “What if I don’t see it?”
Fandom: Dragon Age
Rating / Warning: General / none
Inspired by this post. Even though Mahariel is my canon Warden, I also refuse to believe any of the other origins died, especially if they band together (and wind up meeting a random Warden in the Deep Roads along the way)
“What’s waiting for you back in Orzammar?” Vanessa asks.
She flips back the clasps on her chestpiece, stifling a sigh of relief as the metal unsticks from her damp tunic. Jethur sits in front of her, idly picking through his remaining arrows and tossing the broken ones into the fire. On the other side of the camp, Diran paces the small perimeter of their camp, his hatchet swinging to and fro as he stares down the darkened tunnel.
“Family. Well, sister, really.” Jethur’s face scrunches up as he tosses another arrow into the flames. “I could care less about my mom, and my pop’s long since been returned to the stone.”
“And you can’t see your sister again?” she asks, her head tilting to the side in confusion. The little she knows about dwarven politics gives no indication of restrictions dwarfs have in exile. Surely they weren’t cut off from their family forever?
“Warden, I’m supposed to be dead,” Jethur’s laugh holds no humor as he shakes his head. “If I showed back up at the front door, they’d make sure to finish the job. Then I really wouldn’t see my sister again.”
That answers that question. But there must be a way…
“Not if you were a Warden.”
Diran halts mid-stride, all pretense of ignoring their conversation dropping. Jethur’s mouth opens, lips moving silently as he tries to form a coherent thought. She watches them, setting aside her slightly less grimy armor and tossing the rag back into her bag.
Jethur finds his voice first.
“Say that again.”
“If you were a Warden, if both of you were Wardens, there would be no issue walking into Orzammar.”
Diran slowly wanders over to the group and sits down with the gentleness of one who was afraid Vanessa would burst out laughing a second later at their gullibleness.
“I don’t know how much you know about our order,” she continues, “As Wardens, we are allowed to travel without restrictions. Within reason, of course,” she quickly adds, remembering the warnings she received as a young recruit, “But the bottom line is you two would be able to return home. If you wished, that is.”
“By the Stone, you can’t be serious,” Diran whispers, his voice holding the smallest amount of hope.
“You would know if I wasn’t.”
Diran’s eyes light up with joy.
“It wouldn’t be an easy life,” she holds up a cautionary hand, “But if the two of you are willing, after this bloody Blight, I would be honored to--”
“Shut up, Warden,” Jethur interjects, halting Vanessa mid-sentence. 
She freezes, ready to retract her statement. Did she say something wrong? 
But instead of yelling at her, Jethur looks at Diran, who gives a short nod, before he turns back to Vanessa and offers his hand. 
“You already know our answer.”
She shakes his hand, smiling.
For the rest of the night, the two dwarves entertain Vanessa with personal (and inaccurate, she supposes as she listens to a story of a ten-foot elf that was rumored to wander the Diamond Quarter) stories of their home, each dwarf punctuating their words with wild gestures. 
She laughs through the story of Diran being caught defecating on Lord Harrowmont’s estate, offers sympathetic comments through Jethur’s story of how he wound up in the Deep Roads, and (reluctantly) tells a story of her own, recalling the time she was shoveling out the stables back at Montsimmard while distracted before she looked up to see her commander standing deathly still, manure slowly dripping down his greaves.
As the trio continues to swap stories, she watches as the two dwarves shift closer together until Diran’s head rests on Jethur’s shoulder, the former’s story coming out in a mixture of Common and incoherent Dwarvish as his eyes flutter with sleepiness.
And for the first time since she’s met the two dwarves, she sees Jethur smile.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
bigfan-fanfic’s OCs
So, because I couldn’t stop with the ideas, here’s three new OCs I thought of and a summary of them all. Feel free to ask about them.
Putting it all under the cut so it looks like a short post. Please have a look!
Athalan (Formerly Mellethan Mahariel)
Dalish Elf, Rogue (Ranger, Bard)
Mellethan Mahariel was a hunter for Clan Mahariel, until he found himself on the wrong side of an eluvian. He became lost in the Crossroads until he ventured by accident into our world. Nearly going insane from the sights and feel of the Fade being entirely cut off, he made his way back through before succumbing to the psychic trauma and dying. He had a vision of Mythal guiding him back to life, telling him he must stop Fen’Harel sometime in the future. He remembers little of his former life, taking a new name, Athalan, and traveling to help people. His two hunting wolves, Bear and Bellenar, he is convinced are a gift from Mythal, and together the three of them join Aster and his party to stop the Blight. Later, he finds and adopts a young elven child, Gaelaneir, and raises him as his own. He senses Fen’Harel’s hand and goes with his son to join the Inquisition. Romance undecided. Maybe Bann Teagan.
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Found on Google images - Face Claim Norman Reedus. I imagine Athalan with long hair, tied back, like Reedus’ character in Death Stranding.
Gaelaneir “Gale” Lavellan
Dalish Elf, Rogue (Assassin)
His past is a mystery. Though he is ostensibly of Clan Lavellan, no member recognizes or has heard of him. Found lost in a forest by Athalan at twelve, just after he parted from the other saviors of Ferelden, Gale latched on to him and became his surrogate son. Growing into a heroic and generous young man, Gale seeks adventure and romance with the Inquisition, going so far as to fall for the beautiful and pacifistic Lady Josephine Montilyet. 
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Found on Google Images - Face Claim Colton Haynes. I see Gale as looking pretty much exactly like this guy.
Delphina “Delphi” Tabris
City Elf, Warrior (Spirit Warrior/Berserker)
Her wedding with Nelaros ruined, Delphi fled Denerim with Duncan, only to later flee the Wardens before the Joining and escape the Battle of Ostagar. She returned to the party soon after to help them against the Blight, growing in confidence as a warrior. Despite her soft and cheery demeanor out of combat, she is a devastating fighter in combat, using both spirits and rage to become a frighteningly effective killing machine and earning her place as King Alistair and Chancellor Aster’s personal operative. After the Blight, she made her way to Kirkwall to keep King Alistair apprised of the situation, and met Cullen for the second time. In Inquisition, she goes to Haven to help her old friend Leliana and eventually starts a romance with Cullen, seeing how far he’s come and finally finding love. 
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Found on Google Images - Vanessa Hudgens
Summary of Characters - * means that I would pair with other OCs platonically and ^ means they’re up for romantic OC/OC pairings too.
The Origins Crew - Saving the world with a whole lot of positivity and a lack of awareness.
Aster Amell* - Uber-positive former Circle Mage trying to do the right thing as he becomes basically King. Romances Alistair. Human Mage (Spirit Healer) Warden.
Morgan Walker^* - Stuck in Thedas and loving it, a newly minted mage learning magic and becoming a hero through a shady sex ritual. Romances Morrigan. Outworlder Human Mage (Shapeshifter/Arcane Warrior) Warden.
Athalan^* - Two wolves, no waiting. Claims to have been resurrected by Mythal from the future and on a quest to stop Fen’Harel. Dalish Elf Rogue (Ranger)
Delphi Tabris^* - Redefining “left at the altar” and becoming a total fighting machine with a love of flowers. Romances Cullen in Inquisition. City Elf Warrior (Spirit Warrior/Reaver)
Katie Cousland^* - Girl caught in Thedas, becoming a powerful warrior and noble through luck and skill. Outworlder Human Warrior (Guardian)
Reyn Caron^* - New Warden-Commander of Ferelden, an exiled noble knight from Orlais with a pure heart under a surly exterior. Human Warrior (Spirit Warrior) Warden
The Hawke Posse - A good sib and and evil sib, and together they save the city.
Cal Hawke^* - The good sib, settling conflicts despite a lack of ambition, a lot of pining, and a drinking habit. Romances Varric. Elf-blooded Human Rogue (Duelist) 
Ava Hawke^* - The evil sib, using blood magic and a lack of mercy to help her fellow mages and her friends. Romances Fenris and Sebastian. Human Mage (Blood Mage/Force Mage)
The Inquisition Kids - Just give them love; they need it.
Tash Adaar* - Little Qunari mage who became the Inquisitor and is a little ball of sunshine while he saves the world. Qunari Mage (Knight-Enchanter) Inquisitor
Owain Bonneville^* - Disowned Trevelyan heir breaking away from rigid family and needing guidance. Romances The Iron Bull or Ser Rylen. Human Warrior (Champion)
Henry Lucas^* - College student with zero skills trying to make his way through Thedas as the Inquisition’s Oracle. Romances either Cole or Solas. Outworlder Human Non-Combatant.
Lottie Gamez^* - Genius inventor with a chip on her shoulder using her intellect and reason to work this Thedas thing out. Romances Blackwall. Outworlder Human Rogue (Tempest).
Gale Lavellan^* - Foundling elf joining the Inquisition with adopted dad and helping protect the Herald. Romances Josephine. Dalish Elf Rogue (Assassin).
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crimsonsairina · 6 years
Tagged by @elvendara Thank you so much! :D
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Three Fandoms:
Dragon Age
Forgotten Realms
The First Character You Loved:
The Mabari (he’s a good boy!)
Liriel Baenre
Wade Wilson
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Zevran Arainai
The Character You Relate To The Most :
Oh, that’s hard. I think it’s a mix of Morrigan and Leliana.
Liriel again.
As for me, I would have chosen:
(Chosen for what? To date? To travel with? To play poker with? To dance with? I’ll pick all of the above.)
Eiher Cullen or Zevran. I know, I have no consistency in my taste in men.
Bruenor Battlehammer. Seriously, dwarf men are the best type of men you’ll find in the Realms.
Colossus. I imagine he’d bring flowers on the first date.
The Character You’d Slap :
Solas. I’d probably die, but I’d totally do it.
...can I make an intolerable fan character to slap? :’D
I’d pick one, but Wade already slaps them around pretty well.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
Zevran, Leliana and Morrigan.
Laeral Silverhand Arunson, Liriel Baenre and Khelben “the Blackstaff” Arunson.
Wade Wilson, Vanessa and Domino.
Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Like Anymore:
Drizzt Do’Urden
(I sense a theme here)
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
Artemis Entreri
Three OTPs:
Tamsyn x Cullen, Zevran x Female Amell and Zevran x Male Mahariel.
Wade x Vanessa.
I tag @aurianavaloria, @enolezdrata, @kazenofuji, @myprettypreciouscargo, @velnna, @therealpoesdaughter, @guardianofyesod, @epiclad, @zetobichan & @zachary-bradley
No pressure, of course. ^_^
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Dragon Age OC’s!
Vanessa Clérisseau is a black half elf. She’s a mage within the Circle of Magi and usually likes making staffs with sharp blades at the end. She is shorter than the average human height, her ears are slightly pointed and she’s easily recognised by her thick, uncontrollabe curly hair. She’s known to be bubbly, creative, and sarcastic. She prefers being called “Nessie” rather than Vanessa. She has velvet eyes, pointed cheekbones and a round face. She has a birthmark across her hip, in the shape of a sunken star. She likes befriending people and giving them nicknames.
Colette Amell is a mage within the circle of magi. She is best friends with both Nessie and Jowan. She always has books tied around her waist, as she prefers books over socialising. But that didn’t stop Jowan from talking to her and Nessie dragging her into messes. She hardly speaks and wishies she could do something with her life... *Cough cough, warden* Nessie calls her “Lotte” 
Charlotte, a templar within the circle of magi, has a super crush on Nessie and often speaks with Cullen about their crushes. They are similar and often struggle to even speak to them without stuttering. Charlotte is genderfluid, and asks that Cullen and Nessie call her Charlie. She’s a tall, pale ginger with freckles that scatter across her whole face. 
Nessie becomes a warden, along with Lotte because they both helped Jowan escape - even though Lotte reported Jowan to Irving before hand. Nessie ends up falling in love with Leliana. Lotte falls in love with Alistair who eventually becomes king... but decides it would be best if they didn’t stay together. Although 
Wren Mahariel, is a red-headed elf who falls in love with Zevran. He’s very selfless and tries to help everyone out. He writes the names of the people who have died or he couldn’t save into his book. Even though Nessie struck the killing blow against the Archdemon, she made Alistair give the title of ‘Hero of Fereldan’ to Wren. After the events of Origins Wren becomes the Warden Commander, Nessie stays with him to get rid of the darkspawn, befriends Anders etc and adopts Anders cat until he finds Anders again. Lotte goes looking for Morrigan and goes through the mirror with her to help raise her son{Yes, I know you need to romance Morrigan to go through the eluvian, but Lotte is stubborn and Morrigan didn’t turn her away from going through with her} 
Amethera Tabris, after the murder of her arranged husband - she didn’t mind being in an arranged marriage if it could help her family and if her partner was good person. Upon meeting him she knew they could at least be friends, but after what happened upon her wedding day she lost trust with shems with similar traits as those who destroyed her wedding day and damaged her cousin. She uses the word humans for humans she trusts and shems for those she doesn’t. She doesn’t fall in love with anyone, but does bond with Sten often and they both plan how to be increasingly violent towards shems. She ends up travelling with Sten/Wynne/Shale after the events of Origins{She’s basically apart of the book called Asunder and befriends Cole}. 
Hawke Age{DA2}: 
Garrett Hawke is a mage who is very kind and always puts effort into everything he does. He falls for Fenris. 
Rena Hawke is the twin of Garrett, she’s naturally sarcastic and prefers being payed for helping people rather than doing it for free. She falls in love with Merrill. 
Colette “Lotte” Amell comes to Kirkwall, in disguise, and helps her cousins with whatever she can. She teaches Garrett how to shapeshift, just like Morrigan taught her. 
Reid Lavellan is a mage who enjoys doing the opposite of what the keeper demands of her. She meets an elf called Silas who befriends her. He and Reid end up together, eventually Reid gets pregnant just before she becomes twenty. Sadly, an incident happens which leads Reid into despair. She only has Ghilan to keep her going, and when she reaches the conclave... well, I wonder what’s going to happen then? 
Lotte unfortunately died trying to kill Corypheus when he arrived to take the wardens. Nessie, Wren, Zevran, Oghren, Dexter{Nessie’s dog companion}, Ser Pounce-A-Lot and Nathaniel were on a exhibition with other wardens, to get them used to the deep roads, but upon returning to their keep to find wardens missing or dead, broke the small amount of wardens. That’s when they decided to do what they can to help the wardens. 
Amethera stays with Cole at this point, with Shale following her around but Cole makes anyone forget if they have seen Shale. Amethera calls Cole a friend, Shale can never forget Cole - despite sometimes wanting to - and Ame doesn’t try to change Cole, she says it’s up to him what he becomes. 
Reid Lavellan becomes inquisitor, and takes Ghilan after she arrives at Skyhold, as she doesn’t want to be seperated from him. She is the most unique elf most people meet - other than Sera, of course. 
Amethera arrives with Shale and Cole when Haven is under attack. Leliana is very happy to see her and Shale, and when Cullen tries to point his sword at Cullen she warns him if he does it again she doesn’t mind beating him up (which Cullen doesn’t approve of but Shale does, Cole just thanks her). The odd trio run about rescuing the people that Reid and her party can’t get to. 
Nessie arrives in skyhold, in disguise as a scout as she is trying to help save as many wardens as she can, she’s made sure to disguise some of the wardens that came with her and rescue any that Corypheus had. Wren, Zevran and Ser Pounce-A-Lot are on a journey to find a cure for the Calling. Nathaniel has stayed with Nessie and Dexter. Oghren decided to stay with his family from now on - instead of coming and going every few months. Garrett decides to arrive in skyhold with her and her wardens, secretely. Eventually Garrett and Nessie, along with the other wardens reveal themselves. (SCENE: Leliana has a crow on her arm when she walks into the war room - which confuses the other members - but Leliana explains the bird won’t let the letter go. When Leliana finally joins in a discussion with the rest of them, she rests her arm on the war table, when POOF - Nessie has a wide grin with a small parchment that says ‘LELIANA IS SO BEAUTIFUL’.)
DAI; Trespasser:
Reid, Thom and Ghilan become a proper family, before the final decision to decide whether or not the Inquisition should be disbanded or not, Reid finds out she’s pregnant, before Thom becomes a Grey Warden {OF COURSE, NO FIONA-PREGNANCIES LOL}. 
Amethera reveals she’s been romancing Sten/Arishok??{I can’t remember what he’s called now lol}. She decides to travel with Sten, Shale, Cole and The bard{Forgot her name}. 
Nessie and Leliana get married. All the couples get married apart from Reid and Thom, since Reid doesn’t really care about marriage and Cole {obviously}.
Charlotte, the templar from the circle joins to held persuade Fen’Harel to not blow up the world. And maybe falls in love with Krem or Cullen? {Meh, shrug, I dunno}. 
If any of you wish to roleplay with any of these characters just message me ro tag me in an open roleplay you’ve opened. ^^ If you have any questions about these characters also feel free to ask. 
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badartxd · 2 years
WIP ———-Day (I’m like a week late aaaaa)
Hihihi I’m only now managing to post me wips, and am actually gonna use this post for any changes/choices/guidance for your lovely Wardens, @wild-houseplant @heniareth @siriskulksnerding
These are still sorta rough and I admittedly am very much learning to draw them as I go, but I hope they’re nice to look at anyhow!
Please please please don’t hesitate to let me know about any and all changes you’d like at this point bc I still have all the layers! >:D
Vanessa (admittedly still p fresh especially in terms of armour and proportions):
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Astala(somewhat torn on the eye expression):
Lashes/wider, lashes/lowered lids, smaller eyelashes/open.
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Rhodri:(not yet sure about how to approach amulet, difference in nose/lips/jaw proportions)
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Bonus with her earring bc I don’t make jewelry v often and I’m pretty happy with it even if the definition is godawful
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ratchsellsfornax · 7 years
Favourite characters
I got tagged by @commander-a-shepard to list my favorite characters in ten different fandoms (and tag followers).Thank you! :D
​Dr. Becker - Becker
Vanessa Ives - Penny Dreadful
Mystique - Marvel
Cmd. Shepard - Mass Effect
Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter
Jaheira - Baldurs Gate
Elim Garak - Deep Space 9
Flemeth - Dragon Age
Arya Stark - Games of Thrones
Data - Star Trek
I tag: @erubadhriell, @maharielings, @somniaries, @djfatchip, @leysendris, @trevelyann, @emry07-universe, @konohaspirit and @dracoangelz but of course only if you have time and fun to do this :D
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thebloodychampion · 2 years
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(Am I crazy doing this? Yes I am. Definitely)
So I will make a comparision on how the character sounds like from their voice claim and how he would sound like if I used their face claim as voice claim.
Archer Hawke / Female Archer - Nicholas Boulton - Christina Rosato / Colin O’Donoghue - Katie McGrath Cyrion Hawke - Thor Edgell / Jason Momoa Dreag Hawke - James A. Woods / Tom Riley Lia Tabris - Susannah Fielding / Katherine McNamara Than Mahariel - Mark Bazeley / James McAvoy Sethius Amladaris - David Sterne / Robert Carlisle Elgan Lavellan - Alix Wilton Regan / Eleanor Tomlinson Diran Lavellan - Michael Yurchak / Nicole Beharie Hjarrandr O Bearhold - Jamieson Price / Timothy Onmundson Lucius Veridio - Stephen Beckett / Tom Ellis Etienne DeLechanger - Nolan North / Aidan Gillen Nicolas Belmond - Michael Antonakos / Pedro Pascal Malcolm Hawke - Nicholas Boulton / Oded Fehr Tomey Surana - Laura Bailey / Isabel Lucas Lyon Amell - Robin Atkin Downes / Michiel Huisman Solona Amell - Kate Kennedy / Jessica De Gouw Talar Adaar - John Curry / Howard Charles Jarida Adaar - Sumalee Monato / Gugu Mbatha Raw Jerker - Andrew Greenough / Michael Fassbender Kieran - Dan Jeanotte / Bob Morley Eric Vanhallen - Paul Amos / Henry Cavill Ishal Cyprias - Dan Donohue / Sam Claflin Lorenzo Calcagnini - Keith Silverstein / Ken Watanabe Armadiel Mahariel - Michael Gough / Luke Pasqualino Fergus Cousland - Shaun Dingwall / Liam Garrigan Irius Sparatus - Alastair Duncan / Jeffrey Dean Morgan Karnesh - Rory McCann / Hugh Laurie Clavius Tarxis - Sean Browning / Benedict Cumberbatch Renius Sparatus - Charles Dance / Oscar Isaac Torana Sparatus - Claudia Black / Aja Naomi King Jurdon Madadh - Steven Hartley / Travis Fimmel Ganar Drealav - Anthony Skordi / Rory McCann Raik Cagar - Denise Gough / Lupita Nyong’o Haral Nyras - Antohny Howell / Andrew Lincoln Oswin Shepard - Jennifer Hale / Chyler Leigh Noah Shepard - Mark Meer / Karl Urban Maron Hinom - Antonia Bernath / Iwan Rheon Shaela’Riel Vas Tonbay - Eve Myles / Ksenia Solo Lorik Qui’in - Peter Jessop / David Giuntoli Marius Nyras - Craig Sechler / JR Bourne Andrew Ryder - Tom Taylorson / Dominic Sherwood Tayus Draxas - Michael Maloney / Jude Law Tachyus Nyras - Paul Thornley / Torrance Coombs Macen Barro - Daniel Riordan / Richard Armitage Yaora V’Loar - Moira Quirk / Astrid Berges Frisbey SAM - Alexia Traverse-Hailey / Will Tudor Yandra Nyras - Elle Newlands / Alexandra Daddario Quentius Zuris - Steve Pirot / Hugh Dancy Urdnot Wreav - Jim Cummings / Joe Manganiello Adrien Victus - Daniel Riordan / Hugh Jackman Sidoria Arterius - Bianna White / Saoirse Ronan Steven Hackett - Lance Henriksen / Donald Sutherland Septimus Oraka - Fred Tatasciore / Chiwetel Eijofor Iorveth - Mark Frost / Bryan Dechart Moony / Reaper Form - Claudia Ann Christian / Paul Nakauchi / Erza Scarlet Danny Fernandez - Roger Craig Smith / Keanu Reeves Belle Instance - Myanna Buring / Famke Janssen Pamina Siemens - Courtney Hope / Kaya Scodelario Fenrir Greyback - Christopher Judge / Tom Hardy Amelia Fernandez - Britt Baron / Jennifer Connelly Sharleen Siemens - Eiry Hughes / Olivia Wilde Eleasar Cohen - Peter Egan / William Fichtner Connor Montgomery / French Connor - Jim Pirri / Arnaud Leonard / Julian McMahon Ben Chaplin - Brent Skagford / Dylan O’Brien Vortula Portocalos - Melissanthi Mahut / Eva Green Lesley Woodstock - Erica Lindbeck / Vanessa Hudgens Carlisle Eastwood - Anthony Byrne / Aaron Johnson Lewis Watson - Noah Watts / Martin Freeman Deidre Mikealson - Zora Bishop / Lucy Griffiths Daniel Speedman - Oliver Milburn / Daniel Craig Richard Holmes - Steven Piovesan / Robert Downey Jr Carolus - Ryan Alosio / Toby Stephens Yarntar Loreian - Jon Root / Lee Pace
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