#vanessa x grey
getblackout503 · 4 months
So chapter 5 it’s a bit shorter mainly because it’s a set up for the next two chapters, but enjoy nonetheless
Grey was just waking up in her bed, Zora had carried her there after she had fallen asleep. And now she laid there not knowing what to do now, she hadn’t received a new mission yet and typically most of her time would be used for said missions, but not today apparently. So now Grey had nothing to do, well except relive what happened yesterday, which is the last thing she wanted to do, yesterday was the worst day of her life, she’s was at least lucky Zenon didn’t even see her but even then she was terrified to leave her room, out of fear he would be waiting to steal her again and force her to do his bidding, she shuddered at that thought, never again she told herself, never again will she be someone else’s property, never again will she be someone else’s plaything, never again will she be…herself.
She was so weak in her past, always being pushed around by others, she hated herself for that and she still does now, if she wasn’t as weak back then, then just maybe she wouldn’t be in that situation, and as she went deeper into her hateful thoughts she was brought out of them by a knock at the door, ‘was I expecting someone?’ She asked herself before getting up slowly from her bed and heading to the door. Opening it she wondered who would visit her this early in the morning.
“Hey girl!” Grey was greeted by her superior. Vanessa enoteca, known for her desired body, and questionable drinking habits.
“Hey what did I tell you? Call me big sis” Vanessa told her Coworker who just blushed.
“N-Not this again, please no vanessa” Grey said hiding her face.
“Aww so cute” Vanessa proceeded to walk into Grey’s hotel room, and only now did Grey see the unopened wine bottle Vanessa brought with her.
“Um Vanessa, what is that for?”
“This? Well obviously for us, silly little grey”
“Um, Vanessa not to be rude, but isn’t it a bit early for wine?”
“Of course not!”
“Vanessa it’s not a good idea to drink so early in the morning”
“Oh come one Grey, have some fun once in a while”
“Vanessa, I’m serious, we can't drink now, and I don’t want to drink” After Grey said that Vanessa’s face softened.
“It’s about yesterday isn’t it?” She asked Grey, who just stayed quiet giving Vanessa her answer. “Okay, give big sis a hug and let it all out” She held her arms open for the blue haired girl, who reluctantly agreed and told her almost everything, still not telling her who the person from her past was, but Vanessa never asked, knowing that it was a topic Grey didn’t like talking about, she also knew that one day Grey would tell them when she was ready. But right now Grey needed a friend to take care of her, that’s why she was here.
Vanessa had Grey lay her head on her lap to comfort the poor girl, as she almost broke down, all the while Vanessa rubbed her head to comfort her, ever since Vanessa met Grey she always considered her someone who could use a friend to talk too, luckily the organization was filled with good people, each one accepting Grey for who she is, And Vanessa wanted nothing less than to be there for Grey in her time of need and to make her happy once again, that’s why she was visiting her today, but how do you cheer someone up who is terrified of her past, well Vanessa had one solution, not the best but it’s all she had.
“How about a shopping trip, just you and me, girl time!”
“You heard me, now change!” She practically made the blue hair get changed before they made their way to the clover city strip malls.
The clover mall
Grey never really like the clover strip mall, not because it was a terrible place, more so she didn’t like being around too many people, especially since she was now afraid of seeing more people from her past, but luck for her it was summer time, which gave her a great excuse to wear a hat and sunglasses to hide her appearance, and while she my not like huge crowds, she did enjoy the fact that she was hanging out with one of her friends, her and Vanessa were walking around looking at different stores and kiosks, Vanessa even tried to get Grey to enter a bikini shop but Grey refused to out of embarrassment, soon they went to an ice cream shop where Grey got a strawberry flavored ice cream as Vanessa got a raspberry flavored and now they were sitting in a bench overlooking the mall.
“So? Are you having fun?” Vanessa asked as they finished up their ice creams.
“Well, yes actually, this has been fun, thank you Vanessa”
“No problem my little Grey” she hugged the girl. “Now off to the Build a bear, I’ve been meaning to get a plush for a while”
“Aren’t we a bit old to go to build a bear?” Grey asked, causing Vanessa to gasp comically.
“Of course not dear! Why, Finral got me one last week when he went to my place for alone time” She laughed with a sly look on her face.
“Oh?” Grey took a second to process the pink haired lady’s word. “Oh” she blushed now realizing what she meant.
“Haha don’t worry dear we just watched a movie” She then got up. “Now off we good honey”
“Okay Vanessa”
Both girls walked towards the shop, and Grey couldn’t help but admire Vanessa, she was so confident with herself, her body, and how she presented herself, she’s everything Grey wanted to be, and if Grey was being honest, she would say she may have some feelings for Vanessa but not enough to make her actually fall in love with her, well sort of, don’t get Grey wrong she does like Vanessa, but her feelings for Gauche are much stronger than her feelings for Vanessa will ever be, still that didn’t mean she didn’t have her moments, like the bikini shop, while Grey was embarrassed about trying on bikinis in front of Vanessa, she was also hella nervous to see Vanessa in one, she didn’t think her heart could of handled it, and for some reason she had a hunch that Vanessa knew the effects she had on her, but Vanessa also knew that Grey needed someone who would care for her, and meet her needs. Sure Vanessa loved and cared for Grey, But she wasn’t the right person for Grey, though it did hurt Vanessa knowing she and Grey would never act on their feelings for one another. She always told herself that no matter what she will always have Grey in her life no matter where their paths lead them.
Shaking her head out of that thought, Vanessa and Grey saw that they were approaching Build A Bear, getting closer they began discussing what bear each one of them should get, but due to the fact they were distracted they weren’t paying attention to the small child running also not aware of the two women in front of her, and before any of them knew it, the small and Grey collided sending them both to the ground.
“Ow!” both girls cried.
“Marie!” A familiar voice hit Vanessa and Grey’s ear, causing Grey to get nervous and look up to see her coworker and crush standing over her and kneeling to meet his sister. “Don’t run off like that, you could have gotten hurt, not to mention you ran into-” He looked up and saw Grey and Vanessa who was helping her up. “Grey, Vanessa?”
“Heya Gauche” They greeted him, and Marie stared at both women, specifically Grey, with how she and her brother reacted to seeing one another, and before she could even think about it, Marie asked.
“Will you be my sister?”
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the-black-bulls · 9 months
Grey: I kissed Gauche!
Vanessa, gasping: No!
Gordon, squealing: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
Grey: It’s unbelievable!
Finral, squealing: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
Vanessa: Okay, okay, we wanna hear everything. Gordon, get the wine. Finral, turn off the communication device. Alright, Grey, does this end well or do we need tissues and a plan to murder Gauche for hurting your feelings?
Grey: Oh it ended VERY well.
Finral: Sweet!
Gordon, running with wine glasses: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Vanessa: Alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it like a soft brush against your lips, or was it like, a you know, “I gotta have you now” kinda thing?
Grey: Well, at first it was really intense, you know, and then... oh god, and then we just sorta sunk into it...
Vanessa, Finral and Gordon: Awww!
[somewhere else]
Gauche: And uh, and then she kissed me.
Nero: Tongue?
Gauche: Yeah.
Zora: Cool.
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1phoebe1 · 2 months
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[The Black Bull’s Bunnies] ♣️🍾🐇
& Hubby’s reaction to blueberry in the suit for me I feel he wouldn’t overreact because he doesn’t wanna make her feel uncomfortable. In his head I also feel he’d be very flustered & is scrambling the right words for her ya know:3
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missyandthemisfits · 10 months
The Black Bulls x Chubby!Reader
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How would they react to developing a crush on a chubby magic knight??? Heck if I know but I got some ideas-
- If there's one person on this list of suitors who just straight up does not care about size, it's this one right here
- You're strong, you're a great cook, and he has fun with you- that's all this one cares about, really
- Unfortunately, he's not the brightest bulb and he doesn't exactly get it when he's being approached romantically, so they're gonna have to spell it out in some way shape or form 
- It is only after you two are together that he realizes 'You know what? I think I've had a crush on you for a while now'
- Such a cute dork
- Not gonna lie, he's gonna want someone whom he can lift so he can fLEX on everyone-
- That said if you're cute and sassy enough, man is hitting the workout sessions HARD, just to be able to carry all that gorgeous around town- basically the ultimate flex
- He obviously is the first to confess albeit extremely flustered and surprisingly full of self doubt 
- He's actually kind of insecure, especially about his looks - go easy on him 
- Honestly? Very into someone on the plusher side and for completely selfish reasons at that - huge, HUGE cuddler once you get him down long enough (plz wrestle him he wants it so bad)
- Is ever so slight the tease, doesn't help that he's incredibly subtle about it either 
- Makes a point to be around you damn near 24/7 so that way when he's not around, you definitely notice (calculated) the lack of lighthearted teasing
- Believe it or not, 100% makes sure he's got a fighting chance before confessing - he can't afford to be rejected by someone who means this much to him (can't handle that)
-Also be wary, randomly grabs you just... all the time, consciously and unconsciously. You've become his single yet constant source of comfort 
- Forgive her she means well, but may or may not unintentionally offend by offering up diets and routines and walks around town together - I SWEAR she's only trying to be kind
- If you're honest about your feelings on it though, she feels just AWFUL and apologetic and buys you many, many gifts to try and make up for it
- Truthfully, you guys just kinda ended up becoming an item one day - rumors of a drunken kiss still floating around town, unconfirmed 
- Doesn't mind it too much all in all, especially if you spoil her
- He's a little apprehensive about it at first, his mind barreling back into the teasing of how scrawny and weak he is and he's not entirely confident in his ability to shall we say satisfy -
- Buuuut quickly says 'Screw it' when he realizes how amazing you are, on and off the battlefield 
- When I say this man cannot WAIT for the end of every night just to hold you??? I MEAN IT
-  Very soft for his soft s/o, would give them the moon
- You already know she doesn't care like come on
- And honestly, she may try to pressure you into many, many impromptu snacking sessions. Food is cooked by her 97% of the time, always. 
- However if you have any personal health or fitness goals, Charmy is more than capable of curtailing menus to be healthy AND tasty so that's a plus for sure - but you will have to drag her along if you want her to walk with you
- Again, the relationship just sort of happened - even you two aren't quite sure when
- Sorry lovelies but this man's first ever comment may be about your weight, granted he was already upset about Asta and Marie earlier but STILL - no bueno
- It's only after he starts getting to know you that he realizes what complete ASS he was during that first meeting. Will eventually apologize for that, it's said very softly and he sounds kind of annoyed but he's more annoyed with himself than anything 
- It's gonna take quite some time to worm much of anything that isn't full of sarcasm out of him, let alone a confession, unless you decide to take that first step
- Hope you're ready for the slowest of burns -
- If you think this awkward bean would EVER judge you on your weight, or anything for that matter, think again!
- Absolutely adores you for you; all your dimples and folds, all your past trauma, every facet of you is something he wants to learn more of and explore - absolutely all of it
- He develops a crush pretty early on but good luck getting that confession out of him 
- Absolutely will nOT confess until you do because he needs to be 1000% sure he's not gonna scare you off like he did the others...
- Hand holding is must, it comforts him so 
- Truthfully anything more than light sweet touches will send him to the moon, so be wary of feinting if you go in for a smooch
- So very, very shy this one is
- Doesn't actually care about your size, only about how you treat others and most importantly yourself - won't stand for negative talk and bombards you with "T-that's not true at all...!" followed closely by an entire assortment of things that make you so great in her eyes
- Just... so damn sweet 
- You'll definitely be the one initiating anything and everything romantic, to include a confession so uh yea 
- Just LOVES holding onto your arm once she's comfortable enough, both for support and as something of physical affection 
- Yeeeea dubs you something akin to 'Chubs' upon meeting you, there's like...no way around that. He's mostly harmless tho...mostly
- Truthfully tho he's actually really attracted to curves - not that he's ever gonna tell you that (not without a teasing smirk and remark, anyway) 
- He's gonna be dropping the most subtle hints that he's interested in you and the harmless flirting is eventually gonna turn into legitimately pining on both sides so you just flat out tell him one day "If we're gonna keep going like this, we should at least be official..."
- He was content with a situationship of sorts, but a relationship certainly has it perks - ones he could get behind given time 
- This sweetheart is just ecstatic he's found someone with such a plethora of mana (or no mana at all, your choice), someone he can actually be around for more than a few seconds - he does NOT care  
- Helps if you're nice, but won't shun you away if you have a mean streak- he's not that type of guy
- Believe it or not, he's actually the first to cave and confess his undying love - and no that is not an exaggeration he genuinely falls very hard and very fast 
- His biggest dream is to be able to hold you in his admittedly frail arms, caress your hair, and whisper sweet nothings to you as you drift to sleep
- He'll keep that dream close to his heart until he can make it a reality
- Not one for judgment, but also not one for romance so this one might be tough
- She's a sucker for people who are upbeat and positive though so if you've got that going for you, you stand a really good chance of at least grabbing her attention 
- Slowest of slow burns here, folks 
- You'll be the one administering the confession , as well as many complements, to a very adorably flustered Secre and boy is that priceless 
- She very much enjoys pockets, will constantly have her hands in yours for comfort - a little weird but very cute 
- Yes absolutely she has a preference and it's definitely not chubby- no offense (please do not take offense I for one think you're amazing)
- It's gonna take someone with a strong backbone to handle the condescending frowns and holier-than-thou attitude that comes along with crushing on this one, you've been warned 
- It'll take a while of chipping away at her steely exterior before she's ready to give way to the fact that yea, you're pretty darn cute 
- You confess several different times before she gives it a real go - hang in there 
- May come as a surprise, but he doesn't really care about size - just about the character of your person 
- So yes he's all for someone on the curvy side, actually one of the few that compliments you outright upon meeting you
- Probably puts you through a serious of subtle tests to see how suitable you really are and how compatible you may be with him (cause let's face it, he plays for keeps) but he's very honest about the fact that he's interested in pursuing you romantically 
- Touches are feather light in public, but he very much likes to have his hand at the small of your back or gingerly around your waist 
- A man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to pursue it? Hell.Yes.
- Excuse me but this guy dreams of having some short, curvy so and so on his arm - someone he can really grab onto
- He's got this glint in his eyes that almost creeps you out at first but is quickly squelched by the invitation to drinks
- It only takes 2 more trips to one bar or another for him to know he wants to start talking to you on a more personal level 
- Will grab ass anywhere, anytime so just... keep that in mind
- Less of a solid confession, more of a drunken offer, something along the lines of "Hey, we should totally make this a thing. This us thing or whatever it is-,"
- He's slurring and you're positive he won't remember a damn thing but he remembers everything, all the way down to how gorgeous you looked that evening 
A/N - I want you all to remember that no matter WHAT size you are; you deserve love, happiness, and to feel good in that beautiful skin you're in! <3
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vilandel · 4 months
Surprises In The Night
Summary Even though it's just another night at the Black Bull's base, some surprises were just too shocking to be just done with it...
A/N Inspired by @f-oighears hilarious and amazing oneshot on Ao3, I loved that one^^ I might work on a sequel for this.
Ao3 link
If there was something that Yami hated more than being woken up in the middle of the night, it was being woken in the middle of the night while he had a special someone in the bed with him. If he had known better, he would have ignored Magna’s scream and actually spent a peaceful night.
But of course, Yami didn’t known any better. So, he stood up, scratched his chin, groaned, gave the groaning woman next to him a reassuring caress and went to open the door.
“Geez, you know what time it is, Magna? People are trying to sleep here, just so you know.”
“I’m sorry, captain Yami, sir! But I’m so shocked!” Magna yelled, while his captain hold him at the head, almost crushing him.
“Shocked of what, dumbass? To see me awake at night? Being scared would be more appropriate and you should know that.”
“No, that’s not it! I mean, I am scared to see you awake right now and I’m shocked for something else!”
“Oh really? And what did shocked you in our Hideout? Did Gauche stop worshipping his little sis all of a sudden?”
“No, it’s Vanessa, she-“
Magna stopped suddenly, as he got a glance in Yamis bedroom. Yami sweated and tried to hide his squad members eye’s, but it was too late. Magna saw that there was a woman in his captains bed. And since said woman just sat up, he also immediately recognized who it was.
Crap, again?
Instinctively, Yami closed his door while some other Black Bulls suddenly came out of their rooms, though Henry didn’t joined the crowd and stood at his doorframe. The boys, no girls where there yet and he hoped that it stayed that way. He also hoped that the girls rooms were rather away today and with any luck, they haven’t heard Magna screaming his lungs out.
With any luck.
“Can’t you scream in silence, we’re trying to sleep here!” Gauche yelled, but thankfully not as loud as Magna.
“Is there a fight? Are we attacked?” Luck asked with enthusiasm, his night bonnet whipping in every direction as he talked and jumped.
“Well… first… and… then… bed… the hell…” Magna stuttered, pointing at the door to the captains bedroom. Yami hold his head a little stronger.
“There’s nothing to see here, brats. Just a fuss over nothing. Now go back to bed and sleep and shut up or you’re all dead.”
How lucky he was that Nacht wasn’t here. He wouldn’t have heard the end of it.
But how unlucky he was that there was someone who was able to read Ki.
“That’s weird, captain Yami. I read captain Charlottes Ki in your room- OUCH!”
“I never should have teached you to read Ki, cupcake,” Yami groaned in his most menacing voice, while Asta was now also getting his head almost crushed.
But it was too late. His brats were sleepy but the smartest ones would put the dots together in a few seconds. And Yami wasn’t awake enough to quickly get his katana and grimoire to threaten them with a Dimension Slash if they won’t go to bed quickly.
Asta and Magna whined.
More silence.
“Really, is she here to fight?”
“Does that mean she wants to become our new friend?”
“Oh… I… would… have… make… a… new… guest… room… if… I… knew… that… she… was… coming…”
“Why is the captain of the Blue Roses allowed to sleep here and not Marie?”
“WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP!” Yami screamed. “Finral, breath again, I still need my wheels. No, Luck, the prickly princess is not here to fight you, especially not in the middle of the night. Gordon, if she wants to become your friend, you ask her, not me. Henry, she’s sleeping in my bed, a new guest room isn’t needed. Gauche, if you continue to be angry that my prickly princess is here while your sister isn’t, you will do Astas cleaning duty for a year. And Zora, stop snickering or I’ll kill you!”
In the meantime, Charlotte came out of his bedroom, looking tired, annoyed and somehow resigned.
Damn. She was really hot as a sleepy head, especially when she was wearing one of his large undershirts that were way too long for her.
But right now, with his brats present, the male brats, Yami would have preferred that Charlotte really did bring one of her long nightgowns. He wanted the only one to see that sight of her.
“Good… well, good night, everyone,” the blonde woman mumbled.
She was clearly flustered. Yami couldn’t blame her.
“Good night and, um, nice to see you, captain Charlotte. Welcome at the Black Bulls Hideout,” Finral said, in an unsure tone but still willing to be polite and showing some hospitality towards a squad captain visitor.
There was an awkward silence, only interrupted by Astas and Magnas whining.
Then Finral looked like he understood something.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my-“
“Stop repeating, Finral and just say it out loud!” Gauche yelled, visibly annoyed.
“Captain Yami is shagging the captain of the Blue Roses”, Zora snickered.
Charlotte blushed and Yami could feel his own face burning up as well. Crap, he didn’t wanted his brats to find out about his relationship like that, especially not in the middle of the night. And he had wanted to keep it a secret for longer, just because he knew how his brats could be.
“Oh… Con… gra… tu… la… tions…”
“Thank you, Henry,” Charlotte mumbled, trying to look away.
“What does shagging mean? Is it another word to fight? Can I join?”
“NO!” both Yami and Charlotte yelled.
“And was that the reason Magna screamed two times?” Gauche asked, while he was taking a picture of his sister out of his pyjama pocket. “One time would have been one too much already, I was sleeping and dreaming of my angel-“
“You mean your sister or Grey?” Gordon asked. Of course it wasn’t teasing coming from him, but Gauche still flushed a little. Good. Yami hoped that the attention would go over to Gauche now and his not-so-secret feelings for Grey.
But of course, Magna had to stop his salvation.
“No- ouch! I only screamed for the second – ow – when I saw captain Charlotte in captain Yamis bed- ouchy! The first scream – au, au – was about…”
“Yami darling, would you please stop crush those poor boys heads?” Charlotte asked, half annoyed, half concerned for Asta and Magna. Yami just sighed, dropping his two knights who landed with their butts on the floor.
“Thank you, captain Charlotte.”
“Hold your gratitude, especially you, Magna,” Yami said in a very menacing voice. “If your first scream wasn’t about me and my prickly princess-“
“Did he just said my prickly princess?” Finral asked, still under shock.
“-then why did you scream in the first place?”
“Don’t be so rude on him, Yami. It’s not his fault that he found out about us.”
“Don’t scold me, prickly princess, you’re breaking my delicate little heart of glass here.”
“Delicate little heart of glass?” a few Black Bulls asked, surprised.
“Well,” Magna started. “I wasn’t sleeping well and wanted to ask Vanessa for some potion to help me sleep. But…” at this point, Magna blushed, “she… well… she wasn’t alone in her room.”
“Did the girls have a sleepover?” Asta asked, innocently. “That’s strange, normally they do it in Charmys room, because of the snacks. Vanessas room is way too messy for a sleepover, everyone knows that. But Magna, you could have still asked for that potion, even if the other girls are with her.”
“No, it wasn’t a sleepover with all the girls,” Magna replied, even more blushing. He went silent and some Black Bulls began to put some dots together.
“Oh… she has someone too,” Finral said, clearly trying to process that particular news.
“Who?” Asta asked innocently.
Magna blushed even more – was that even possible? – and kept quiet.
“Magna, no need to be ashamed. It’s good that Vanessa has someone that makes her happy. I wanna know who that person is, so we can be friends.”
“And I wanna fight that person!”
“Did you saw them in her bed?”
Gauche sighed deeply, visibly irritated. “Then how can you be sure that Vanessa has someone when you haven’t saw another person with her in her bed?”
“I never said that I saw them, I couldn’t because I didn’t even entered the room!” Magna protested. “But I… heard them.”
“They were… apparently… very busy…”
“I heard Vanessa mostly, but… he… well…”
“Oh, it’s a man?” Zora asked.
“I wanna fight him!”, Luck added. Those two were currently the only ones who dared to speak up.
“Well… I was petrified at first. But then, Vanessa screamed his name and… you know the rest.”
“And what name was it that it made you scream like that?”
“It’s… Nozel Silva.”
An owl was heard outside of the base.
More silence.
That multiple scream filled the whole Hideout. It was probable that the Black Bull girls would come after this. And indeed, Nero was already coming nonchalantly, with Grey hiding behind her.
“Hello, everyone. If you ask where the other girls are, Noelle will follow and I haven’t seen Charmy or Vanessa. Good evening, captain Charlotte.”
Nero was so unfazed that it was almost scary.
“So… you’re not surprised that the captain of the Blue Roses is here?” Finral asked carefully.
“Not really. After all, it was time that captain Yami not only finally realizes those feelings, but also that they finally got together.”
“For fuck’s sake, was I really the last one who realized what my prickly princess was feeling for me?”
“Yes,” Gordon said and Finral even added, “Well, even captain Jack realized it before you and since he’s-“
“Be careful with what you say, Finral!”
Yamis voice was so menacing that everyone present flinched, except Charlotte and Nero.
“B-Being in front of a s-squad captain i-in my nightgown a-and with a s-sleepy h-head, i-it’s so e-embarrassing.”
“Grey, it’s probably embarassing for everyone. Would you like some tea?” Gordon asked in an effort to calm his squadmate a bit.
“Forget about the tea, Gordon! Could anyone please explain why Vanessa is sleeping with Nozel Silva of all people?”
Grey just shrieked again at Gauches question, which meant that she wouldn’t calm herself a bit for a while.
Nero, on the other hand, seemed unfazed as usual.
“Oh. I better go warn them, just in case.”
She transformed into a bird with a plop and flew away immediately, leaving a bunch of stunned people behind her. Grey now went to hide behind Gauche.
“Okay, not being surprised about captain Yami and captain Charlotte is one thing,” Finral finally said, visibly still trying to recover from the shock. “But captain Nozel and Vanessa together is a far bigger surprise, even for Nero!”
“Maybe she already knew,” Gordon suggested, but it was left unheard as Zora, Magna and Asta began to speak up at the same time.
“I honestly haven’t seen it coming, even though Vanessas Ki had been weird, lately.”
“I swear it’s true, I’ve heard her say his name!”
“I could say that it’s maybe another Nozel. But who else would have a dumbass name like that.”
“Shut up, brats!”, Yami yelled, punching a fist in a wall. “I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I will not allow another cap using my hideout as a dating place!”
Charlotte sighed, “Yami, I’m a captain too.”
“You’re an exception, prickly princess and I invited you.”
“Isn’t it fair to assume that Vanessa invited Nozel, then?”
“Without my authorization!”
“Does she need you’re authorization?”
“Only when Braids is involved.”
“You came up with that only now, I can tell.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m still the captain of this squad of misfits.”
“Woah, captain Yami, you and captain Charlotte already sound like an old- OUCH!”
Yami took Asta again menacingly by the head, while Charlotte held his arm, trying to make him let go of his squad member.
“Geez, where’s Charmy when we need her? I need some popcorn or one of her special drinks,” Zora snickered, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“Well, honestly, I’m surprised no one noticed a thing before. After all, we all know how difficult it is to have some privacy here,” Finral sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Well… it’s only my second night in this base,” Charlotte mumbled.
“Well, it’s still an accomplishment, captain Charlotte. One night keeping a secret is already long in here.”
“Yeah, unless you want some excitement, you better met elsewhere when you’re dating outside of your squad,” Zora added, still snickering, but somehow softer.
Which didn’t go unnoticed by Asta, who was still struggling to get free from Yamis grip with Charlottes help.
“Zora, are you talking from experience?”
“Nah, I’m just stating a fact.”
Asta couldn’t continue, because Nero came back in this very moment. Followed by Nozel and Vanessa. Hand in hand. Nozel was only wearing some pyjama pants and Vanessa a – unusual for her style – long undershirt, which was too silvery white to not be a Silva piece of clothing.
Well, there was nothing left to doubt anymore.
“Nero warned us,” Vanessa smiled, while blushing. “Um, sorry that we traumatized you, Magna.”
Nozel said nothing, but his cheeks were totally beet red.
“Did you realize what time of the night it is? Couldn’t you just… um… I mean, never mind.”
Magna looked at Nozel Silva with cautious, but even though the captain of the Silver Eagles was obviously not going to scold him, the Black Bulls fire mage kept quiet. He was still embarrassed from his discovery, after all.
Charlotte and the Black Bulls just awkwardly stared at Nozel, who just blushed harder and stared anywhere else but at the pairs of eyes looking upon him. In fact, he stared at Vanessas hand holding his, intervening their fingers.
“Oh, good evening, captain Charlotte. First night captain took you at our base, huh?”
“Hello, Vanessa. No, it’s actually my second- Wait, you knew that we’re together?”
“Yes, I did.”
“WHAT?” almost everyone yelled.
“Well, you know, when your boyfriend is a captain, you have an excellent source of gossip about what happens at the meetings of squad captains?”
“But… we were… and… Nozel… how did he… of all people…” Charlotte stuttered, slowly losing some bits of the cool she still had left.
“Yeah, no offence to your boyfriend, Vanessa, but captain braids isn’t the most susceptible towards gossip,” Zora snickered, somehow having the time of his life. Or something else, because Asta was looking at him with question mark eyes again and again.
“I… had a good teacher,” Nozel finally said, clearly flustered.
“Oh, this is really lovely of you to say, honey,” Vanessa smiled, clearly touched and giving him a kiss on the cheek, much to the others shock.
“Wait, was that a compliment?” Magna asked.
“Yes, it was,” Asta replied, more than stunned.
“Well, it sounded like it,” Zora snickered, although it was just as surprised as the others.
“And are we just ignore the fact that Vanessa just called Nozel Silva honey of all people?” Finral asked.
“And that she kissed him on the cheek,” Gordon added.
“W-witnessing t-this, i-it’s so em-embarassing…”
“Oh, shut up, you brats!” Yami suddenly yelled, stopping the growing discussions of his squad members.
“Please, language, Yami,” Charlotte mumbled. But she knew that it was unnecessary anyway.
“Alright, Bird Braid, I don’t think I gave you my authorization to-“
“Yami, leave Nozel alone, I invited him!”
“You’re not of the hook, Vanessa.”
“Fore- um, Yami. Do not scold Vanessa, she was just being hospitable!”
“Oh, come on, Braids, Vanessa. Would you stop defending each other, I’m trying to-“
It was not only Nozel and Vanessa who yelled, but also Charlotte and that alone made Yami go quiet again. There was a silence again, only disturbed by Greys soft whimpering and Finrals polite mumble to welcome Nozel in their base.
“Honestly, how did that even happen?” Gauche finally groaned, pointing at both couples.
“You want the long version or the short version?” Vanessa asked, finding some of her joyful attitude again.
“Keep it short, wino.”
“Okay. We fell in love.”
“Wait, that’s way too short!”
“But you asked me to keep it short.”
“What Gauche probably should have meant,” Yami said, as calm as possible since Charlotte was holding his arm, “why would you go with Braids of all people. Seriously, you can do better than a royal who has three sticks up his ass.”
“Excuse me?”
Nozel made a step towards Yami, visibly insulted.
“Yami, please, was that really necessary?” Charlotte asked, deadpanned.
“Oh, we’ll have a night fight! Yeah! Comme Magna, fight me!”
“Please… don’t… fight… It’s… still… the… middle… of… the… night… and… I’m… way… too… tired… to… fix… all… the… damages…”
“No way! I’m still too shocked, find someone else to fight!”
“Okay, can someone fetch Charmy,” Zora grinned. “I really need popcorn.”
“I… would… only… be… able… to… fix… them… later… tomorrow… and… captain… Yami… doesn’t… like… parts… of… our… base… stay… broken… for… too… long.”
“For Heaven’s sake,” Vanessa said loud, stopping the discussions. “Who I love is my business and Nozel doesn’t have one or three sticks up his ass. I would know if there were some, trust me.”
A bunch of the present people blushed.
“And even if he had, I wouldn’t give a damn at all. I love Nozel, he makes me happy.”
She gave her boyfriend the most gorgeous smile the Black Bulls ever saw on her face. Nozel blushed, but smiled softly back, holding her hand tighter.
“You… um, you make me happy too.”
“Oh, this is adorable,” Gordon smiled, already planning to add two new dolls for his collection.
Finral only nodded, a bit unease. On one hand, it was a bit embarassing and honestly weird to witness Vanessa making eyes with Nozel Silva of all people. But on the other hand, they were adorable and Finral was not too embarrassed to admit that he was happy for his best friend.
One day soon, it would be us, lady Finesse…
“Nope, this is weird,” Gauche groaned.
“Go date Grey first, Gauche,” Vanessa replied. “Then you can talk.”
Both Grey and Gauche blushed.
“Besides, captain Yami, do I make such a drama about you and captain Charlotte?”
Yami was about to reply when a new person joined the hallway.
“Can someone please tell me what all the fuss is about? Do you realize what time-“
Noelle stopped, both with her words and her feet, as she saw that her older brother was here. Both Nozel and Vanessa blushed, unable to say anything.
“Nozel… um…”
“Good evening, Noelle.”
It was only then when the water mage discovered her older brother’s hand in Vanessas.
“Wait… Vanessa, why is Nozel… and… OH MY GOD!”
Noelle immediately covered her face with her hands as realization hit her.
“Alright, sweetie, don’t forget do take deep breaths.”
“I’m doing it, Vanessa!”
She clearly wasn’t.
“I mean… it’s just… weird… No, it’s not! I mean it is, but… I don’t mean it as an insult, I swear! Did anyone even know?”
A bunch of Black Bulls replied with a “No”. But it didn’t had much an impact, because another Bull had an answer who was the complete opposite.
“Yes, I did know.”
“But… why didn’t you say anything?” Noelle asked with cautious.
“First, they wanted to keep it a secret for a while and I respected that. It was their secret and not mine, after all,” Nero answered in the calmest way. “And second, they’re cute together.”
While some Black Bulls, including Yami, looked at Nero in disbelief, Noelle stared back at her brother and her squadmate, still holding hands like there was no tomorrow and obviously standing nearer to each other than needed.
“Well… I can’t disagree with that. But... it’s still weird. But cute, yes, I can’t deny. But weird, argh, sorry!”
“You still under shock, it’s normal, sweetie,” Vanessa smiled, visibly relieved that Noelle didn’t took it badly.
“We wanted to tell you,” Nozel sighed. “We just… postponed. And well… it was also new… for both of us.”
“New and beautiful, honey,” Vanessa added, stroking some silver hair behind his ear.
“Honey?” Noelle repeated, still under shock.
“Sweetie, please, I give nicknames to everyone, it’s normal that your dear brother would also have his own. And you can ask captain Charlotte if she has some nicknames for captain Yami as well.”
It was only then that Noelle realized that her older brother wasn’t the only captain from another squad present tonight.
“Captain Charlotte… with… captain Yami… wait! You’re finally together?”
“Would she wear one of my undershirts if that weren’t the case?” Yami asked, annoyed. But since his secret was out, there was sadly no reason anymore to try to hide it.
“I should tell Puli about this great news,” Gordon said, happily.
“Puli? Like Puli Angel? A member of my squad?”
“Yes, we became good friends since that mixer. You were there too, captain Yami, remember?”
“A mixer? I don’t remember being on a mixer ever in my life, especially with some Blue Roses.”
“But it was a mixer, I was there too!” Charlotte complained. “It was during those six months of training before the raid of Spade. I had that pretty dress on and you told me that I looked like I was going to freeze and when we touched hands to take the pepper and I… jumped… out of a window.”
Charlotte went beet red.
“You… did what?” Nozel asked, clearly confused.
“Wait, that was a mixer?” Yami asked, also clearly confused. “But you told me that your girls made this a dinner party for you to relax a bit.”
“They… well… they mostly did it so that you and I could get together…”
“Charlotte, how long have you been in love with me?”
The captain of the Blue Roses just yelped, hiding her face behind her hands. She had hoped to be over this, but it was now in the middle of the night and a bunch of people found out about their secret, not to mention that she was still tired and just learned another secret as well. It was a bit too much for her to handle.
“Look at us, so many couples. Captain is finally together with Charlotte, I’m happy with my Little Eagle, Noelle and-“
“Vanessa!” Noelle yelped, beet red. Asta looked at her with confusion and a frown.
“Okay, sorry. Finral is going to marry his beloved Finesse, I bet it’s only a matter of time before Grey and Gauche get together-“
“Shut up, Wino!”
“Would you please talk to my girlfriend with more respect, delinquent?”
“Magna and Luck are so, so close like never before, Gordon is friends with Puli and maybe it could become more-“
“We’re just friends, though.”
“And I know that Zora is seeing someone very special too.”
Zora’s smug snickering found an end in an awkward cough.
“You… know?”
“Don’t worry, Zor, I still have no idea who it is. But we can all take bets. I put my two scents on Kirsch.”
“Poor Zora,” the Silva siblings mumbled.
“Wait, you have someone? Is that why your Ki was so weird right now? But who?” Asta asked and his confusion visibly irritated Zora.
“But who would have the patience to deal with Zora?” Gauche asked, still grumpy.
“Well, Grey has patience with you, so you’re not one to talk,” Zora snarked back.
Gauche was about to reply, when the door to Zoras room was brutally opened.
Except Zora, everyone present was shocked to see Nebra Silva of all people run out of Zoras room, wearing only a black nightgown, very unusual for a Silva.
Nebra stopped short as she realized that Zora wasn’t alone. In fact, two persons in particular got her attention and put her in a very Silva state of embarrassment.
“Nozel, Noelle, hi.”
“Nebra, hi.”
Nozel didn’t say anything. It wasn’t clear if he was shocked like the others or just done.
Probably both.
“Okay, this is way more surprising than Vanessa being with captain Nozel,” Finral finally said, sounding surprised and done at the same time.
Zora looked like he wanted to retreat.
“Nozel is with… Oh my gosh!” Nebra exclaimed, pointing at Nozel and Vanessa. “So she’s the one you’re canoodling with!”
“Wait, you knew about them?” Noelle asked.
“Well, I only knew that Nozel was dating someone and… um, due to circumstances, I suspected that it probably wasn’t a noble.”
“What kind of circumstances?” Nozel asked, frowning.
“Um, you know, circumstances,” Nebra mumbled, flicking her hand, before she turned to Zora and took him by the shoulders. “Why haven’t you told me that my older brother is dating your squadmate?”
“Hey, don’t accuse me, I only learned about it like two minutes ago! It’s not my fault that they were caught by Magna over there.”
“I couldn’t sleep and I haven’t expected Vanessa to scream the name of the Silver Eagles captain in the middle of the night!”
“Sorry, but I couldn’t help it, Nozel is such a god in bed!”
Nozel, even more beet red than before, put a hand on his girlfriend’s mouth, but it was unnecessary. As good as everyone understood what Vanessa was implying. Especially his sisters, who were now as flustered as he was. The three Silva siblings just looked at each other, too embarrassed to even look away.
“Wait,” Gordon said suddenly, “Asta is with Noelle, Vanessa with captain Nozel and Zora with lady Nebra. Does that mean that three Silvas are in love with someone out of their circles?”
“Three?” Charlotte asked innocently, but it was covered by Noelles squealed “GORDON!!!”, while Astas cheek turned into a soft pink.
But to almost everyone’s surprise, Nozel and Nebra weren’t that shocked about their little sister being with a peasant. Vanessa giggled and Zora leaned against the wall with resigned sigh.
“You… knew…” Noelle stuttered. Asta went to her and took her hand.
“Yes, I do and apparently, Nozel is aware as well. About you and Asta,” Nebra sighed, flicking her hand. A clear indicator that she was flustered. And that she probably doesn’t have the energy to say something insulting, even if she wanted to. But she didn’t.
“And… you’re not against it?”
“Noelle, look at us. I’m with a peasant just like you and Nozel is with a witch. We both would be hypocrites if we were against your relationship.” Nebra sighed deeply, before mumbling, “I don’t wanna be a hypocrite ever again.”
“Well, we can say you made some progress,” Zora mumbled, taking her hand. It was clear as crystal how flustered he and Nebra were right now.
The Bulls were still too stunned to make comments right now, not to mention to tease Zora.
“Wait!” Noelle suddenly yelled, angrily pointing at Vanessa and Zora. “I wanted to announce this to my siblings myself and all of you promised to keep the secret until then! You promised!”
“Noelle, I already knew before Vanessa had to make this promise to you,” Nozel replied, sounding somehow tired.
“That’s true,” Vanessa added with a not-so-sorry smile. “I actually told him that you were head over heels for Asta long before you both even got together.”
“And I saw you both kissing at that award ceremony a few weeks ago. Due to circumstances” Nebra said, flicking her hand, trying and failing to sound sure of herself.
“Oh, that was our first kiss,” Asta said innocently.
“That explains why you looked so… Nevermind. Well, I was together with Zora for a week already back then, so…”
“Yeah, Little Miss Royal here told me then, so the promise came a bit too late for me to take.”
That was all Noelle could say.
“No way, seriously?” Yami groaned. “My squad is not the right place for your fricking triple royal romance drama!”
“Um, we didn’t choose to be all together at the same place and at the same time, we had no idea,” Nebra mumbled, discreetly trying to get behind Zora.
“Why are you even here, braids and Noelles sister?”
“Captain, be polite, her name is Nebra,” Noelle protested.
“You’re also not off the hook, Noelle.”
“What did I do now?”
“Just so you know, I didn’t choose to be here in the first place!” Nebra immediately replied, offended. “I just happened to lose a bet to my peasant and now, I have to spent the night here. Usually, we met up in my room-“
Zora swiftly put both of his hands on Nebras mouth, but of course, it was a bit too late.
“Wait, lady Nebra… you brought Zora… in your room… at the Silva palace?” Finral asked, while Noelle looked like she was about to faint. Everyone turned towards Nozel, waiting for the scolding.
Which didn’t came.
Instead, the captain of the Silver Eagles just let his free hand slowly glide down his face.
“Nebra, it would be highly wrong of me to scold you for… well, this. After all, I invited Vanessa at the palace a lot of times as well.”
Vanessa just smiled.
“Okay, it seems to me that the both of you don’t appreciate our hideout as you should,” Yami said menacingly at Zora and Vanessa. “Tomorrow, you will-“
“No, they won’t,” Charlotte interrupted him firmly.
“Prickly Princess, I know how to handle my dumbasses.”
“They won’t do your punishment, because in that case, you’ll have to do it too, by your logic. Shall I remember you that I invited you at my place plenty of times and that you enjoyed it?”
“Dang it… why do you have such a grip on me, Prickly Princess? You hurt my delicate little heart here.”
“Delicate?” Nozel asked, stunned.
“Oy, Braids, don’t you dare say anything insulting about what I just said! And this applies to the rest of you as well!”
“I won’t… Given the grip Vanessa has on me…”
The two captains just looked at each other blankly. With maybe a glint of understanding.
“A lot is happening tonight,” Nero said, sounding like she was stating a fact.
“Too much. All those, well, surprises are giving me a headache,” Finral whimpered, rubbing his temples. “At this point, I will be not that surprise if another captain would appear all of a sudden as well. Or Solid Silva, while we’re at it.”
“Solid is not interested in romance in general and I highly doubt that he’s here too,” Nebra just shrugged, flicking her hand.
“That would be too much,” Noelle mumbled, only slowly recovering from the shock that two of her siblings not only know about her and Asta, but are also dating two of her squadmates.
“So, Zora, how do you find the Silva palace?” Vanessa asked with a smirk. It was difficult to say if she was cheery like usual or if she just tried to hide how flustered she maybe was. “I know mostly Nozels room and private bathroom, but I love it nonetheless. Oh, and the flower garden is amazing too. No wonder Silvas are so good at flower language.”
“Wait, he showed you the Silva flower garden?” Noelle asked in pure disbelief. After all, this flower garden had been the sanctuary of their mother and knowing Nozel, he would never invite some random person to visit that particular place of their castle.
“Oh my god, brother! You really are serious about her!” Nebra exclaimed, while pointing at Vanessa.
“Just because he showed her a flower garden?” Gauche asked.
“I never saw it with my own eyes, but I heard that it is the most beautiful flower garden in the kingdom of Clover,” Charlotte said.
“What is so special about flowers, anyways?” Magna groaned, only to be threaten again by Yami.
“Listen well, kiddo, I don’t care that braids showed Vanessa his fricking bloomy garden, but my prickly princess here has a high respect for flowers, so don’t insult her, got it?”
“Sir, yes, sir.”
“Yami, please, let him go!”
“Well, I haven’t seen much but Nebras room and her bathroom,” Zora answered, rubbing the back of his head. “I don’t complain about it most of the time, but,” he started snickering, finding again some smugness, “my Little Miss Royal here is not the soundest sleeper. I lost count about how many times I woke up on her carpet because she kicked me out of bed while she was asleep. Or how many times I woke up because she was hugging me like a plushie.”
“Hey, why are you blurting my darkest secrets to everyone? You don’t have my permission!”
“I don’t need your permission and you have darker secrets than your fucked up sleeping habits. Consider this a punishment for jumping out of my room like, revealing your true darkest secret – you being with a pestering peasant – to my whole squad and your siblings, plus another squad captain.”
“It was taking too long and I needed my plushie!”
“Come on, I gifted you a titanic plushie at your birthday, you could have took that one!”
“It’s in my bedroom at the palace, so I couldn’t! And even if I had, you know that you’re always my first plushie choice!”
“Wonder why, you always complain that I’m too bony to hug and that I talk way too much for a plushie!”
“Still my first choice! And don’t you say that you don’t love it to be hugged!”
“I prefer being hold like a fricking boyfriend, not like a fricking plushie!”
“Um, are they flirting or arguing? I can’t tell,” Magna mumbled, unsure.
“When are they going to fight?” Luck asked with enthusiasm.
“So… Zora gifted her that giant white tiger plushie I saw in her room during my last visit?” Noelle asked, looking at Nozel, who just looked so done at this point. Vanessa hugged him with compassion.
“Oh, don’t be so surprised,” Nebra told them with a flick of her hand. “Zora and I realized that insults seems to be our love language.”
“Is that even possible?” Asta asked, frowning.
“Well, as my girlfriend just said, it is possible, little bro-in-law.”
“Little… But Zora, neither of us are married with Noelle and Nebra, how can we already be brothers-in-law? And don’t call me little!”
“Sorry, but at this point, it’s like we’re already in-laws. And you’re smaller and younger than me, so you’re a lil’ bro-in-law.”
Zora didn’t say that given how most nobles and royals were, how classes were still important, how rumours could hurt more than they should, marrying their beloved won’t be an easy task. People would be against them, refusing to understand and trying to get them apart. And he knew that every Silva sibling present and the three who were dating one of said Silva siblings knew that, even an idiot like Asta.
But that wasn’t a discussion for now, in the middle of the night and of other Black Bulls. It was a discussion the three Silva couples would better have in small circle, with only the six of them.
And it probably wouldn’t be so funny and embarassing as that very scene right there.
“Geez,” Yami groaned, clearly so done with all of this. “Listen, before you plan some triple royal wedding-“
“It’s too early for that!” six voices yelled.
“-let me remind you that it’s the middle of the night and that you’re all lucky that my prickly princess is here, otherwise I would ground everyone present and make all of you sleep in their own room! But since Charlotte is here, I can’t do that, otherwise we both would have a fight right here and now, which would be impossible to make it future Yami’s problem. And yes, I would have asked Henry to make two separate bedrooms for the royal guests here.”
“That won’t have been necessary,” Vanessa pouted, hugging Nozel tightly. “I don’t like sleeping alone now that I have my Little Eagle.”
“And I still need my favourite plushie to sleep!”
Nozel and Zora both just sighed.
“What would captain have done if captain Charlotte weren’t present?” Asta asked quietly.
“Maybe he would have not be so flustered like he is now and he would have fun embarrass my brother,” Noelle whispered back.
“What was that, you brats?”
“Nothing, sir, sorry!”
“Can’t we change the subject, please?” Finral asked, flustered and done at the same time. “Or even better, going back to sleep? There’s a squad captains meeting tomorrow at noon and now I will have to escort three captains to that, not to mention-“
“Don’t worry, Finral,” Yami replied, suddenly all smug. “At least, my prickly princess will use an escort, Braids and I will-“
“Ouch! What was that for, prickly princess?”
“Whatever you were going to say… Don’t. Do. It.”
Yami groaned, but actually kept quiet.
“Woah, she really has a grip on him,” Asta said.
“Before you start teasing, dumbass, remember that the same applies for Noelle and you.”
“But, captain Yami sir, I never wanted to tease you, I swear!”
“Don’t lie.”
“I don’t!”
“La, what is all the fuss about? Don’t tell me you have all a midnight meal without me?”
Everyone present turned to see to Charmy coming towards them, the only Black Bull who wasn’t present until now. Except Nacht, but he wasn’t even in the Hideout tonight. Like usual, of course.
Two things were unusual with Charmy, though. Firstly, she was in her big form. Oh, she had learned to switch between her two forms, but she still stay mostly in the little version.
And secondly, she wasn’t alone…
“What is the captain of the Aqua Deer doing here?” Magna asked, totally dumbfounded.
“Great, now I have to escort four captains tomorrow,” Finral sighed, resigned with his Fate.
Charmy looked at Rill who came behind her, flustered and smiling awkwardly, before she turned towards the rest, announcing, “Oh, he’s my boyfriend, la. Did I forgot to tell you?”
“I thought Charmy told you already,” Rill said with an awkward smile.
“Wait, Glowing Hair,” Yami replied, stunned and menacingly at the same time, “you date Charmy, is that why you acted with sick familiarity with me lately?”
“Why, yes? You’re basically her dad and I hoped you’ll approve of me for Charmy. She already met my mother, who loved her immediately, as well as Walter, and she became so popular within my squad. My squad members even asked me if when we’ll have a party with the Black Bulls to celebrate our relationship. Um… that was to bold to ask, wasn’t it?”
“Celebrate?” Yami repeated, now completely dumbfounded. Charlotte hugged him with compassion.
“Then we should invite the Blue Roses and Silver Eagles as well, we can now have even more friends,” Gordon said, looking thrilled by this perspective.
“Oh, why that?” Rill and Charmy asked.
“Because captain Yami is dating captain Charlotte, Vanessa is obviously happy with captain Nozel and Zora is with Noelle’s sister.”
Rill and Charmy only realized that there weren’t only Black Bulls present in this corridor.
“Oh, really? Yami Charlotte, congratulations!” Rill said with excitement. “It was really about time that you get together. Oh, this means that I won my bet! William suggested me to bet on you two already be together.”
“Well, he was the only one who knew about Yami and me…”
“Nozel, you too, congratulations! It’s a surprise, really, you with Vanessa, but I’m really happy for you both!”
“Thank you, captain Rill! And congratulations for you and Charmy,” Vanessa said cheerfully, while Nozel only nodded.
“Thank you very much! Oh, you both look so beautiful together, I may paint a picture of you one day!”
Nozel and Vanessa just looked at each other, unsure how to react to that compliment, if it was one.
“Honeybun, I prefer when you paint food, you know, la.”
“Don’t worry, Cutie Pie, I will still paint all kind of delicious food for you. You’re my biggest inspiration.”
“I know that, la!”
“Of course those two would have food as their love language,” Gauche groaned.
“Oh, I shall congratulate Zora and lady Nebra as well.”
“Thanks, but no painting of us!”
“Captain Rill,” Nero said, “Asta and Noelle are also a couple.”
“Oh, really?” Rill exclaimed, immediately shaking Astas hands. “Congratulations, you two! Ah, this is really amazing, Asta! Maybe we should have a double date one day.”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” Asta replied, smiling widely. Noelle just hide her face behind her hands, complaining that it was so impossible to have some privacy at the Black Bulls hideout. Nebra awkwardly put a hand on her little sisters head, in a rare attempt to comfort her.
“For fuck’s sake!” Yami finally yelled, making almost everyone flinch. Charlotte still hold him firmly, though.
“Seriously, what’s with all the sleepovers all in one night at my base? I accept my prickly queen, of course, but the rest? Don’t tell me this was all really a coincidence and not some kind of conspiracy!”
“Alright captain Yami, we won’t tell you,” Vanessa replied, holding her boyfriend firmly.
Charlotte went on her tiptoes and whispered something in Yamis ear, which made him sigh with resignation.
“Fine… You’re all really lucky that Charlotte is here, fellas, or else. Well, while we’re at it, does anyone else hiding someone for a sleepover? We better get all cats out of the bag at this point.”
“Um,” Finral interjected, “does it have to be of romantic nature?”
“Nope, would be a nice change with all those stupid night surprises.”
“Okay, then. Langris, you can come out!”
Finrals brother came now out of his room, wearing one of Finrals pyjamas and his hair not styled at all. Given the uncertain and half-amused glance he gave everyone, Langris must have heard everything.
“Oh, hello there, Finrals little brother!” Vanessa said with a giggle, waving at Langris.
“Um, good evening, Black Bulls… and Silver Eagles and Aqua Deer. And congratulations to the present couples, I guess.”
“Why, thank you, that’s so nice to say!”
“Vanessa, he said I guess, which means that he’s not sure,” Gauche groaned, putting a hand on Greys head, before he turned to Langris, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Finral gave me sanctuary for the night,” Langris just replied.
“You have to know, my stepmother organized a tea party today, that is basically… a matchmaking ball. Since Finesse is going to marry me and not my brother in the end, she wanted to give him a much bigger wedding ceremony than the one planned for me. But for that he needs a betrothed… and Langris isn’t clearly on board for this project.”
“Not at all, to be precise.”
“Right. So, I invited him to stay with me for the night. This is, um, okay, I hope. Right captain Yami?”
“Finral, you’re lucky that I always need my wheels and that I have I very good reason to not argue, this night,” Yami groaned, pointing at Charlotte who just sighed.
“Captain Yami, can we please inviting Rills butler for breakfast, tomorrow morning?” Charmy asked out of the blue.
“What, another one, really? This base is not an inn, for fucks sake!”
“But Walter makes such divine waffles and they would be perfect for breakfast!”
“Of course there’s a food reason. Fine then. But don’t make a habit out of it!”
“Yes!” Charmy squealed in happiness, before happily taking Rills hand and going back to her bedroom.
The rest just stood silent and awkwardly in the hallway in front of Yamis room.
A few seconds past like that, maybe one minute, before the captain of the Black Bulls was once and for all fed up.
“Okay, everyone just go back to their rooms and they can take their sweethearts if they want, I don’t care!”
“You only say that because you don’t want captain Charlotte to sleep in another room, captain Yami?” Asta asked innocently.
“Watch out what you’re saying, dumbass.”
There was some more awkward silence, until Nozel sighed deeply and to everyone surprises, pulled Vanessa up to carry her bridal style.
“Well, good night, everyone,” Vanessa said with glee, obviously enjoying that Nozel was carrying her. “We’ll see each other at breakfast.”
Nozel only nodded, before turning around and leaving the hallway. The rest heard Vanessa sigh and saw her snuggling her head against his neck.
Nebra and Noelle especially looked surprised but fondly at their brother carrying his girlfriend away until he disappeared, before turning towards Zora and Asta respectively.
“Don’t even think about it, Little Miss Royal.”
“Well, you’re lucky that I’m tired right now and that I’m not a romantic in general.”
With that, Nebra took Zoras and dragged him back into his room. Noelle was still looking at Asta.
“You’re not that tired, right Noelle? You can walk on your own?”
“Argh, why are still so oblivious even after we got together, stupid Dorksta!”
Noelle walked away, semi-offended, while it suddenly made click in Astas head as he ran after her.
“Wait, Noelle! Why didn’t you say you wanted that in a romantic way? Is it really okay for you? I can still do it, wait for me! No, no water ball!”
“Alright, prickly princess, time to go to bed,” Yami finally said while taking Charlotte over his shoulder, as she was a bag of potatoes.
“Yami, why are you only openly caring and romantic when we’re all alone?” the captain of the Blue Roses asked, pouting and crossing her arms.
“Because you’re the only one who has the privilege to see that side of me, prickly princess.”
Charlotte blushed as Yami laughed loudly, before they both disappeared in his bedroom, knocking the door shut.
The rest of the Bulls and Langris still stand awkwardly before one by one finally went back in their own rooms. To be noted, Gauche took Grey with him.
“Well, I didn’t except that for our, well, first brother sleepover,” Finral said with an apologetic smile, as he and Langris were back in his room.
“This is the Black Bulls hideout, it was to be expected,” Langris replied, sitting on the mattress which was on the floor. “Thank for giving me sanctuary, brother. I don’t think I could have handled my mother’s matchmaking tea party. One day, I’ll invite you over at the Golden Dawn’s base, as a repay.”
“You don’t need to repay me, but I would love to spent the night at a more calmer squad one day,” Finral replied. “So, about the Silvas… you actually stood calm. I’m really proud of you, Langris.”
“I was in shock, honestly. That helped to give a calm impression. But honestly, the fact that lord Nozel, lady Nebra and lady Noelle are with people out of their circles would be a relief for the both of us. I just don’t know how he would react, about them with Black Bulls. He is still pretty difficult, you know.”
“He’s with you, so he’ll come around, I’m sure of it. But maybe it’s time that both of you finally tell them about your relationship.”
“After tonight, it’s only a matter of time before he learns. I need to get him more or less ready for the news of his siblings. But you know Solid and the Silvas, it’s going to be an awkward disaster for everyone, no matter what we’ll do. At least, maybe I’ll have a good laugh.”
Langris snickered and Finral just sighed. With that state of mind, it would come back to bite his brother.
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bonobochick · 5 months
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Cole & Max in Wild Cards ep 1x01. 😍 😍
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wasted-women · 5 months
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Causes of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Vanessa Carlysle
Cause of Death: Shot by gangsters hunting for her boyfriend
The first movie shows that she's so freakin cool and badass and confident and caring and sexy and doesn't take shit from anybody. And she's in the second movie for a Whole Scene before she dies and it's all about them having kids. And after she dies it's like she only existed as Wade's fiancee, like no one else is mourning her, does she have any friends?? Did she have any kind of life outside of Wade???
Despite Deadpool being known for being very aware of medium and genre, the writers of Deadpool 2 showed zero awareness in killing off Vanessa Carlysle solely to motivate her boyfriend, the protagonist. This is played completely unironically - the writers themselves say it! From a Vulture article:
"[...] Then I think at some point somebody just said, ‘Y’know, Deadpool kind of works best when he’s had everything taken away from him, when he suffers.’ So the thought was maybe we can really, really engender great suffering for him by having his line of work be the thing that costs Vanessa her life."
So they made them decide to starting a family only to kill her off in the same scene 👍.
Vanessa was originally not even supposed to die, but they changed that without a thought so the male protagonist would suffer more! And of course, the WAY she dies is made to be all about him, too!
The writers were apparently surprised with all the criticism they received for this scene! Because they were not aware of the concept of fridging at all. 😐
Just because you are aware what fridging is it doesn't mean you have a carte blanche to do it??? Being self aware doesn't make it less stupid.
Deadpool is literally about subverting overused comic tropes and the writers did not know about this overused trope and executed it to a T.
May Parker
Cause of Death: Murdered by Green Goblin with his glider
her death was SUCH a cop out. I saw it coming in the theatre but I was like "no. they wouldn't. it's too obvious." AND THEN THEY DID.
Jean Grey
Cause of Death:
In the last stand she was killed by Wolverine, but she's also been killed by Cyclops in both comics and cartoons, and in those cases is always because the phoenix is too powerful and dangerous so they have no more option than to kill the woman they love 🙄
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jaycrakhead · 8 months
Ways to say "Thank you" (part. 3, the end?)
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That's it for now Since I have to also focus on college, I will pause this little story here I have fun drawing them like this HIUEHDUHE
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lyranova · 11 months
Hello everyone I hope you’re all doing well! So lately I’ve been away and haven’t been answering or talking much, because I’ve been working on something very special 🥰!
I’ve been translating my lovely mutual @eme-eleff ‘s beautiful story “Presumption of Innocence!” and I just want to thank her so much for letting me translate it and for creating this beautiful story! The link to the story on Wattpad and Ao3 is down below if you’d all like to check it out! The ships that are in it are YamiChar, Astelle, Finral x Vanessa, and Greyche! Hikari and Alistar also appear in it as well!
Thank you all so much and I hope you guys enjoy her beautiful story 🥰!
“ One day Yami is accused of committing a heinous crime against the heir of a noble family. While he’s imprisioned, and even after his trial, Charlotte and many others will try to free him, regardless of the consequences. Will they be able to do it before his sentence is carried out?”
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
Anime friendly text post meme
[Part 1]/[Part 2]/[Part 3]/[Part 4]/[Part 5]/[Part 6]/[Part 7]/[Part 8]/[Part 9]/[Part 10]/[Part 11]/[Part 12]/[Part 13]/[Part 14]/[Part 15]/[Part 16]/[Part 17]/[Part 18]/[Part 19]/[Part 20]/[Part 21]/[Part 22]/[Part 23]/[Part 24]/[Part 25]/[Part 26]/[Part 27]/[Part 28]/[Part 29]
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getblackout503 · 12 days
Here is a Special short story, a Grey x Vanessa story, Happy pride month and enjoy.
June, a warm month, the sun shines, and most importantly it was pride month. Vanessa was ready to celebrate, she had her bisexual shirt on, three bottles of wine, and a phone call. Because not only was today the first day of June but it was also her and her girlfriend’s first date. But who’s her girlfriend you ask, well none other than.
“Grey” Vanessa said happily, hugging the blue haired girl tightly. “So glad you could make it, dear” Her and Grey had started dating months ago after both got drunk and confessed to each other and ever since have had a happy and healthy relationship. Vanessa helped Grey be a bit more confident and Grey would be an outlet of comfort for the pinkette, they brought out the best in each other.
“S-So am I” Grey was sporting an oversized hoodie with the Bi flag on it.
“Well come in, I got wine, movies, games, everything”
“O-Okay Vanessa”
As they got situated on Vanessa’s couch, with Grey in Vanessa’s lap because Vanessa likes seeing Grey flustered. They began drinking some wine, though Grey isn’t big on alcohol she will still drink her fair share, even more so since she planned on staying the night with her lover.
“So Grey, how are your auditions going?” Vanessa asked, nuzzling her head into Grey’s shoulder.
“Well s-so far I’ve only auditioned for two different musicals”
“Which ones, sweetheart?”
“Well the local theater is doing Newsies, but the theater uptown is doing Beetlejuice, though I was told I was most likely going to receive a role in Newsies.”
“Hey, That’s still good dear, you’re moving up in the world.” Ever since they started dating Vanessa has encouraged Grey to follow her dreams of being an actress, and so far it’s paid off, Grey has been a part of 5 different plays and musicals. And to Vanessa she was the heart of every show.
“T-Thank you Vanessa.”
“Now I say we get drunk honey!” Vanessa lifted an entire bottle of wine, and Grey just sighed knowing Vanessa would be like this but she smiled nonetheless. As they drank more Grey and Vanessa snuggled more and more, and a comfortable silence came over them yet Vanessa could feel Grey had something on her mind, something that made the bluenette uncomfortable even a bit anxious.
“Grey, honey?” Vanessa asked, rubbing her girlfriend’s head. “You okay, something seems to be on your mind?”
“It’s just…Vanessa, why did you choose me?” Grey asked, never making eye contact with Vanessa. “You could have found someone more confident that isn’t pathetic.”
“Grey, honey.” Vanessa cupped Grey’s face. “I choose you because you’re everything I could ever ask for, you're beautiful both physically and mentally, you make me laugh, you make me smile, you make me feel safe, you make me feel loved, and that's good enough for me.”
“B-But, you’re even more beautiful than me, more confident, you’re better than me, and yet you choose me.” Grey started tearing up.
“But why should that matter dear?” Vanessa gently plants a kiss on Grey’s cheek. “I love you just the way you are, you don’t need to change to feel loved, that doesn’t mean I don’t like you getting more confident but you also need to know my love for you is unconditional.”
“I will always love you, come hell or high water.” Vanessa kissed Grey passionately. “I will always love you.”
“I-I Love you too, Vanessa!” Grey bursts into tears, she hugs Vanessa tightly. Vanessa rubs her back in a soothing manner.
“There, there honey,” Vanessa kissed Grey again, who returned the kiss gladly. “Now, how about some more wine?”
“I would love that, Thank you” Grey smiled, and Vanessa returned it in kind.
“I love you forever, Grey”
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hehedoesntdrawhere · 7 months
y'all hear me out on my black clover rare pairs.
finral x gauche and grey x vanessa
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1phoebe1 · 1 year
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Had to draw itttttttt
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I’ll never recover from this…this was a blessing for me this..this was heaven
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vilandel · 18 days
28, 30, 65, and 81 for the ask game, please? Thank you!! 🌻
Thank you very much for your ask, dear Acacia 🌻
Now, onto your questions...
28. handwritten notes or typed notes? Both. Notebooks are my life saviors when I have to write something without my computer and my writing usb stick nearby. And typed are good when I got an idea while writing.
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you. A lot from Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, but this Gandalf Quote is one of my favorites all the time: I've found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love. I want to try some things like that in my stories too, simple acts of kindness and love 💘
65. what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? How about I give you three? Four Make Five which is part of my Black Clover Next Gen series. It as about Zora x Nebra and my OC children for them. The numbers in the title are very important. Key To The Hearts one of my longer stories. Yes, the title is very symbolic. Silver Cats & Black Roses another longer stories of mine. It is about Nozel x Vanessa and Yami x Charlotte... Heck why the title.
81. if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be? Don't listen to your teacher, little one. Write at the space that is the right one for you, it is not a time-limited quiz after all. You love writing even outside of school, never let anyone spoil that love. I had a teacher, when I was 10-11-12 years old who scolded me more than once because I had the habit to write slowly (except when it was a quiz or a test). Well, I was slow, but not as much as he pretended and I was one of the rare ones in the class to be strong about grammar, orthography and writing in general.
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
living in style
lizwas on ao3
2k | G
Part 1 of oh, suppose you’ll never know
”I feel sick. You, and your lattes and cash withdrawal limit are making me nauseous.”
A Natessa fic, based of GA 10x19
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the-black-bulls · 2 years
Gordon, about Grey & Gauche: They're cute. I'd put them in a boat.
Vanessa: What?
Gordon: Isn't that what it's called? When you think people would be good together? They're on a boat?
Vanessa: You mean you ship them?
Gordon: I ship them, yes.
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