#vanilla ice crea
theatrescribbles · 8 months
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Vanilla Ice Cream
When Lily gets ill, who better but her co-Head Boy to take care of her.
Inspired by the songs "Where's My Shoe" and "Vanilla Ice Cream" from the (in my opinion, underrated) musical She Loves Me.
@jilymicrofics Feb challenge Day 3: Care (yes, I know I'm late) (932 words)
Read on A03 (or below)
“Lancelot!” proclaimed a boy with unruly black hair, and the portrait to the Head’s Common Room swung open. The boy did not waste a second to climb through the door and to reach the red-haired (and also red-nosed due to all the sneezing) girl stirring on the sofa, a blanket covering her, with a flask of probably-now cold tea and a huge box of tissues on the table in front of the sofa.
“Oh good, you’re awake” he said “How are you feeling?”
“Bit better, head’s still throbbing a bi-choo!” The boy smiled down at her. He couldn’t believe how adorable she was, even when she was ill; even when her hair went in all directions and was frizzy, even when her nose was as red as said hair, even when despite the red nose, the rest of her skin was almost ghost white and there were dark circles under her eyes; even with all that she was still the most beautiful thing in existence.
He's loved taking care of his very ill friend; he would do it for the rest of their lives if she let him.
The girl looked around to the window outside, and must have noticed the sun was on the verge of setting….
“Oh Merlin! What time is it?!”
“Nearly half past 6. Don’t worry, I’ve brought you up a snack-“
“WHAT! Why didn’t you wake me up before, Ja-choo! I’ve got to go for rounds! I can’t be late for the first Heads-round of the year!” Lily stood up threw off the blanket and started rummaging around the floor, though he swore she swayed a little bit while doing so. “Where’s my shoe?!”
James looked at her bewildered, pushing his glasses further up his nose. “Lily,” he said calmly “Do you honestly think you can go on rounds tonight? You look awful.”
“Of course I ca-choo!”
“You’ve been asleep all afternoon, you’re still in your pyjamas!” Very cute ones he would add too.
“I’m much better now”
“You sure about that?”
“Of course I am! Where have you hidden my shoe?”
“I think you should lie back down Lily-“
“Don’t just stand there, help me find my other shoe!”
“You can barely stand up. You’re still shivering”
“Don’t lie to me James Potter, where’s my shoe?!”
“Evans, you’re hysterical! Sit down!”
“I will not sit down Potter until I have found my God-damn shoe!!”
Right, James thought. That’s it; and before she knew what was happening, James picked her up, almost flinging her onto his right shoulder. Lily struggled wildly against him, kicking ferociously and batting her fists against his back.
“Put me down Potter! RIGHT NOW!!”
“No way Evans. Not until you realise that there is no way you would be well enough to step out of the common room door, let alone go and do your usual rounds all over the school!”
Almost instantly she stopped kicking and almost seemed to sag into his shoulder.
Well that was it then wasn’t it? She knew when to give up. Almost instantly, Lily felt herself being gently dropped from James’ hold back onto the sofa, laying her down. He draped her tartan blanket back over her, and she felt an instant warmth from it. She hadn’t realised just how cold she had been without it draped over her and she left out a huge shiver.
“I’m sorry” she whimpered quietly. “But who’s going to do rounds if not me-choo!”
James laughed. “Don’t you worry about that Flower. Anyway, I’ve got you a present.”
“Have you really? I bet its homework”
“Better than that! I know this is your favourite flavour, so here you are, sorry if it has melted a bit…” And from his robes, James pulled out a tub of vanilla ice cream and a spoon. A little bit of colour returned to her pale face, blushing from her cheeks.
“Where did you get this?”
“Kitchens. One of the House Elves served my parents before we set him free to help Dumbledore here. So I always like to pop down occasionally.”
He handed down the tub of ice cream to Lily, coincidentally brushing her hands. She started looking at the packaging on the ice cream, gingerly turning the tub round and round in her hands.
“When I was little” she said “My mum always used to give me this when I was under the weather. That’s why it’s my favourite” She took the spoon from James hand and took a small scoop of the now very soft ice cream. It was delicious.
“Thank you James”
He beamed down at her.
“Now, you get plenty of rest and eat, you’ll feel better. Oh, and don’t worry about a thing, I’ll take care of everything” He bent down and gave the top of her head a light kiss. “And you’re welcome.” He got up, dusted down his robes turned around but paused.
“James are you ok?”
“Under the weather?”
“What do you mean?”
“What does ‘under the weather’ mean?”
Lily laughed. “It’s just a Muggle saying. Sorry, I shouldn’t blurt them out like that, I forgot you don’t always understa-choo!”
James sent one last smile her way before heading out of the portrait door hole.
Lily reached out for the ice cream again and started eating, and with each mouthful of sweet vanilla, she felt a little better, she could feel it; though by the time she got to sleep, there was something that still bugged her – she still couldn’t work out why her head was tingling just as much as her tongue….. She was simply stunned!
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shortnasties · 7 months
2865. Someone Should Explain What Happened
This is called "Someone Should Explain What Happened." Portugal will still be there.
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I was working for a local artisanal ice cream parlor and reading Les Miserables at the same time. It was a very brief but intense moment in my life. It made me think something about the rich and the poor, the decadent and the honest. Something snapped in me one day and I started renaming all the flavors. Vanilla became Peasant. Chocolate became The Battle of Waterloo. Cookies 'n' Cream became The Wretched Poor. Mint chocolate chip became Those Who Do Not Weep, Do Not See. Customers came and went and didn't seem to notice. They already knew what they wanted. Which is its own kind of sick, slavering flavor.
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Hunt game (Charles Leclerc x reader)
Series contain stalking, harrasment, sexual violence.
‘Humans communicate mostly through body language. Licking your lips indicates a desire to consume something or to have an appetite.’
Chapter 2
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The sound of laughter erupted in the outdoor area of the restaurant. It had been raining heavily the last couple of days, and you could barely see the sky. Now that it was all sun and rainbow, everyone was out to have a pleasant evening with their friends, partners, and family members.
But some chose to cast a shadow over someone else.
"So, are we going with Greece, or does anyone else have any other idea?" Martha chirped in.
"Y/N and I are okay with Greece. Not sure about anyone else?" Charles brushed his lips on your temple, letting it linger on your skin as you played with his fingers while leaning against him.
"You better pack enough swimming suits this time, Lizzy!" You blurted, making Lizzy and Martha laugh, recalling the incident from the last trip where she had to borrow yours and Martha's swimming suit because hers mysteriously went missing.
"Remember when she almost had an emotional breakdown from it?" Martha commented, making you giggle.
"She was like—" Martha's voice went lost in the background when your fiancé gashed into your attention.
"I think I love you." Charles intertwined his fingers with yours as you tilted your head to look at him. "What?" You pulled a face, making him chuckle and rested his forehead against yours. "I can't tell my own fiancée I love her?"
"Are you obsessed with me?" You squeezed on his cheeks and laughed at the way he frowned at his face.
"No one's ever going to be as obsessed as I am with you, love." He muttered. The weight of his head was softly added to your shoulder as he leaned in. "Are we still going to get your ice cream after this?"
The ring on his finger was pulled off and slipped back on his finger as you kept fiddling with it. "Of course! I need to get my daily mint chocolate ice cream."
"You should have just eaten our toothpaste!" He yelled and moved away when you pinched his cheek. "What was that for?"
"Stop insulting my mint chocolate!" You playfully stuck out your tongue. Charles held your arm, refusing to let you go when you took a step, heading towards the inside of the cafe.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to pee!"
"Oh, I’m so sorry!"
The cold drink that speckled your legs made you gasp. The other person crouched down crouched down right away to take the drink can on the floor, as a breeze wafted towards you, revealing his scent that somehow smelled familiar to you.
"I have this," He anxiously tried to take the tissue pack from his back pocket and started crouching down to wipe the checkered-patterned handkerchief across your calves, making you jump from the sudden contact with his finger.
"It's—it’s okay! Don’t worry about it." You took a step back, constantly shaking your hands just so he would stop getting closer. Giving him a satisfactory nod, you strode back to your group of friends.
His gaze lingered on you. The tissue he had in his hand left a faint scent of vanilla as he sniffed on it, making him smile.
"What happened?" Charles’s eyes went on your leg as you bent down to wipe the rest of the splattered drink as it made your legs feel sticky.
"I accidentally bumped into someone who was holding a drink." You frowned in frustration.
“I’ll do it for you. Put your leg here.”
He was looking from afar at how Charles traced his hand along the silky smoothness of your skin. How lucky it was for him to be able to hold you whenever he wanted to when he himself could barely touch you when you moved away, as if you were disgusted by him. But you couldn’t be disgusted. You wouldn’t be disgusted because if you were, why would you smile at him whenever you saw him in the paddock? His grin went wider as he saw you laugh.
He saw the way your eyes were glistening when the server handed you the mint chocolate ice cream. He saw the way your eyes squinted every time you licked on it. Just like Charles was admiring you from a step away, he was also admiring you from afar, for now, because he believed you hadn’t had a chance to know him yet. His tongue unintentionally trailed the fine lines of his own lips, moistening them whenever he saw the way you got the taste of the ice cream.
"Your hair looks so fluffy!" You leaned away a little bit to get a good look at your fiancé as you tried to fix the soft curls that went a little wild this morning. "Perfect. You look so handsome today."
"Are you sure you don’t want me to send you?" Charles’s words became inaudible as he buried his face in your neck.
"No, I’ll be fine. Lizzy’s going to wait for me at the cafe." You pecked at his lips as you broke the hug. He had been offering to drop you off and fetch you up but it was his week off, and he literally had been sleeping while you were getting ready, so you wouldn’t want to trouble him when the cafe is just around the corner. It wasn’t your first time walking around the town. Everything should be fine, right?
"Let me know if you need me, alright?"
"I’m all good! Go back to sleep, sleepyhead!" He plops back on the bed and wraps himself in the cover, making you chuckle as he blew you a kiss.
"Where are you?"
Once the video call connected, Lizzy and you went into a fit of laughter as both seemed to be way behind schedule. "Are you kidding me? No way, you just got out of the house?"
"As if you were any different? Show me where you are right now!" Lizzy requested.
You tilted the phone up, showing your surroundings, while Lizzy did the same. The cafe was just a few minutes away, and it was situated in the middle of yours and Lizzy’s residence.
"Oh my God! Is that a new necklace?" Lizzy blurted out, her mouth gapping at the mesmerising necklace that was around your neck.
"Yeah, is it pretty?" You moved the phone closer to the white gold chain with the lotus pendant.
"It compliments your eyes so well! Did Charles buy that for you?"
Lizzy opted to seat at the outdoor area because the lightning was just perfect for a picture. Martha would have joined if only there was someone who could take care of her little one so this time it was just the two of you. Though you texted and called almost everyday, there were always new things to talk about. The outdoor area wasn’t pack compared to the inside to Lizzy picked the perfect seat where the background would be looking splendid in her photos.
When you first arrived, your table was the only occupied one. Perhaps it was on week day so it wasn’t pack as it was during lunch time. It was later on when the other table, two tables from yours was occupied by another man in a black cap.
lizzyhernandez has added to their story
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Casa del Caffe
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anonymoususername ❤️
11 minutes ago
"Hi, handsome!" On your way home, you decided to ring your fiancé, You were flaunted by his shirtless body while he munched on a ranch flavoured chips as he picked up the video call.
"Hi, honey. Did you have fun?"
"Yeah! I got a few hot things to share with you, but I...” You were hit by an impact on your right shoulder, a little too hard for someone who just happened to walk past. The whiff of his cologne that hit you soon after triggered your olfactory. It was the same cologne that you smelled a week before at the restaurant. You always had a heightened sense of smell, which was both a blessing or a curse for you.
"Honey? You alright?"
Charles’s voice pulled you back to your senses as you turned your attention back on your phone. "Yeah? Yeah, I’m fine. I just—“ Looking back, you scanned through the number of strangers who were walking the other way and brushed it off when there wasn’t anything questionable. “it’s nothing."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Charles’s looked so serious, yet you couldn’t take him seriously with his bunny mug as he took a sip of his drink. "Baby, you look hilarious."
He laughed along, trying to hide the mug. "Stop it, honey. This mug was your idea! Are you close?"
"Yeah! I’m like 5 minutes away. I’ll see you at home. Bye!" The image of him still lingered around in your mind, making you chuckle as you took the last turn to your apartment.
The bell from the elevator ding, indicating it was your level as you stepped out. A few steps away, you heard the door to the emergency staircase open and close. It sounded too forceful, as if someone banged into it, as if they were running from something.
as if they were chasing something.
Your ceased as you traced your steps back. Deciding it was unnecessary for you to go all the back, you stopped just before the last turn to the elevator. The doors to the emergency staircase were closed but the sound was way too clear for it to be your imagination. There should be at least someone walking because it shouldn’t take them too short to get into their unit. What you didn’t know was that all the time you were looking at the emergency door, there was someone in the area who was staring at you. You felt his presence when the smell, the same scent hit you again. Your steps seemed to be in a slow motion as you tilted your head, peeking at the elevator area and your eyes landed on someone. He was grinning from ear to ear,
or more like salivating.
You felt your chest tighten and your ears started ringing as you took a step back and started heading towards your apartment unit. You were trying to keep calm but within every step, you felt the presence getting closer and closer; their steps went from a steady pace to almost running, and you caught a whiff of the scent again.
"Charles!" You yelled, and the doorbell was pressed repeatedly. It didn’t even get to ring until the end before it started all over again. The whiff of the cologne hit you again as you shut your eyes, your hands knocking on the door time after time until you heard his voice.
"What’s with the rush—woah, hey, hey, Y/N?"
You collided into his chest, causing him to let go of the door as it closed behind you, hands gripping on the back of his shirt while you started breathing at a rapid rate. Your heart were still beating against your ribcage like crazy, even after Charles wrapped his arms around your trembling frame.
"Breathe with me, Y/N." He cupped on your cheeks, bending down a little so your eyes would be on the same level as his. "Breathe, baby. That’s it. Look at me." Your breathing slowly started to match Charles's, and he kept his eyes locked on you. "You’re okay." The words were repeated over and over as you felt his lips on the side of your hair, leaving lingering kisses while he stroked you on the back.
"There’s someone out there."
"Stay here." He places a reassuring kiss when you tug on his hand. "I’m just gonna check, baby. I’ll come back."
The corridor was empty. He only heard a few voices from the neighbours and their kids, who were just coming back from school. Nothing seemed unusual that would trigger your anxiety.
Nothing conspicuous, at the very least.
"There’s no one out there, sweetheart. Just a family that lived a few units away."
"Check again. He was wearing a cap, a black one." That was impossible. You did feel the subtle change in pressure when they walked into your space. Even if you elucidated the energy wrong, you could have sworn you heard his steps very clearly. It was impossible; what your eyes landed on just now was just a misapprehension. They weren’t just a shadow or a figure; there was really someone smiling at you.
"There wasn’t anyone else, I promise."
"I swear they were there, Charles." You gave a despairing shrug and headed to the room.
"I’m not saying what you saw was nothing, Y/N." The sound of the door closing and locking echoed as he walked in and tripped on your heels.
"I really heard the sound of their steps! It sounded far, but it felt like they were imitating my steps because it sounded more recurring as I ran! You are looking at me as if I were being paranoid because I always listen to true crime podcasts, but I swear, Charles, I saw them!"
"Woah, woah. Where is this coming from? Y/N—" Charles was astounded. You were tense. It was evident in your voice. What he thought was a light argument turned out to be a murky one.
"I told you there was someone!"
"I know!" Charles asserted, seemingly enervated, grabbing on your flailed arms. "I know you saw someone, and it felt like they were chasing you. You are here, in the house. The door is locked. Whatever and whoever was outside won’t get to you. I’ll go and check the corridor again if you want me to."
You caught Charles’s wrist, not wanting him to leave the room, not wanting the front door opened again. "No, please don’t leave me."
"Listen. No one’s saying what you saw was nothing, alright? Look at me, Y/N." He pleaded, softly tugging on your wrists.
Your shoulder dropped, giving in as Charles engulfed you in a hug, swaying a little as he had one hand on your head and another one on your shoulders. "I’m sorry.." You muttered, shutting your eyes as his familiar, calming scent hit you. Different from the one you kept on getting a whiff of.
"It’s okay, baby. It’s no one’s fault. I get it; you were scared. How about I run you a bath?"
"I told you so."
"You are imagining things."
You were waiting for any of these, any effort to shoot down your words, but it never came. Charles didn’t dismiss any of your worries or any of your claims, though you sounded like a mad man with no attestation for any of your claims.
When you walked out of the bath, your favourite pyjamas were laid out on the bed. Your fiancé even went to an extent to match the colour of your underwear with the pyjamas.
You realised the whole couch had been moved around when you came out to the living room, forming some sort of bed with a few blankets draped over it. The room gave off a self-arranged movie theatre with the warm and yellow lighting from the incandescent bulbs. "Gosh! You scare me. What are you doing?" A touch on your shoulder made you flinch as you turned to see Charles with a bowl of popcorn.
"Movie night? I have prepared your favourite snacks and gummies." He responded, nodding at the small table placed in front of the television.
You gasped and quickly covered your mouth. "Can we watch Love, Rosie tonight?"
"Of course, honey. It’s all yours."
Halfway into the movie, you could barely keep your eyes open. The setting of the room simply made it feel like every word from the movie sounded like a lullaby, lulling you to sleep.
The feeling of lethargic from earlier dropped when you looked up to him, feeling some sort of comfort from the way he looked at you with his hand under your shirt, stroking on your back.
"I saw someone." You muttered.
Charles didn’t say anything, but you felt the stroke on your back stop as he secured his grip on your waist.
"I think… I saw someone. I don’t know. It was stupid." You repeated.
"It wasn’t, baby." His free hand on the popcorn bowl started picking out caramelised popcorn bits and offering them to you.
"And I kept on smelling this." An image of him smiling made you speechless.
"What was it?"
"No, nothing. Can we go to sleep?" Sitting up, you push the blanket off your body and stretch out your arms, still munching on the popcorn he offered earlier. Your eyes landed on the main door again.
"Y/N?" A stroke on your cheeks pulled you back from your thoughts.
You grabbed his hand, tugging it softly. Charles tilted his head towards the door, wondering what was there when you kept looking at it. "Can you check if the door is locked?"
"It has always been locked, baby, but I’ll check it again."
The warmth of his body always gave you some sense of security and comfort, but not tonight. Whenever you closed your eyes, you would see the face—the way his upper lip curled with mirth. His eyes weren’t like how you would describe the eyes of a shark. It wasn’t dead inside. There was somewhat of a hint of joy in those eyes when you looked at them, but it wasn’t the one that gave you some sort of approval. You ended up jolting awake every now and then, eventually falling asleep due to exhaustion.
"Morning, princess."
"Morning." You strode your way to the kitchen. Your arms went around his middle as you leaned your head against his back.
"You woke me up a few times last night. Bad dream?" The smell of coffee took over the kitchen, and the sound of the machine pouring the liquid into the mug filled your morning, like wise.
"Yeah. It’s nothing. Are you going out today?" Charles took a sip of his coffee, facing you, and you chuckled again with the cute mug.
"Yeah, I’m going out for a while. Do you need anything?" A gentle stroke of your thumb on your waist made you squirm a little.
"Can you buy me the milk chocolate macadamias?"
He rolled his eyes, making you laughed. You will always run out of the chocolate bar, your favourite kind.
"Good luck on your next race, Charles!"
It was nothing new; he would always get stopped by whenever he was spotted outside. It was something he had gotten used to, regardless of the time of the day. It was the constant feeling of being watched and recorded; every action and expression would be put on the internet to watch. But he never paid too much attention to it, knowing they weren’t looking for anything. It would just be a harmless update that would fill up the gap of emptiness during the break between races.
He continued to drop a few signatures before giving the striped marker pen back to the owner. "Nice bracelet, by the way." His words made the other guy laugh. The bracelet is identical to his, the same one that you got for him on his birthday last year.
"Girls always crave sweetness, isn’t it?"
"Sorry?" Charles looked at the chocolate bar he was holding in his hand, putting two and two together, when he saw the other guy was also holding one in his hand. "Ah, yeah. It’s the time of the month, I guess."
He was wearing a black cap with a printed black hoodie, the same one as the guy he met earlier. Charles saw the personalised bracelet peeking a little from the small movement of his arm—the same bracelet he pointed out earlier—and it clicked to him that this was the guy he had a short meeting with before.
As if he could sense the conjecture, he replied nonchalantly before focusing back on the rows of chocolates. "Yeah, we met earlier." He pulled his sleeve up, revealing the bracelet. "I was heading back, and my girlfriend asked me to buy some of her needs."
Charles laughed, picking up another bar of your favourite chocolate. "Well, that makes two of us."
"Your girlfriend likes that one?"
"Yeah, she’s the biggest fan of this. Well, have a nice day ahead." Charles ambled away, oblivious to the smile. The same smile he was being told before last night.
"Baby?" Charles called out.
"I’m here!" You yelled back, ripping the heart-shaped sticker off and sticking it in the corner of your journal.
"Oh, wow. We got guests?" A round of chortling could be heard as the girls, Martha and Lizzy, saw Charles when he got into your camera view. "Sharing teas again?"
"Of course. Tea tastes better when served hot." Lizzy replied.
Charles lay by your side and groaned in pleasure at being able to stretch out his limbs. "Well, ladies. Mind if I have my privacy with my fiancée?"
The tickling kisses on your bare shoulders made you chuckle as you took your phone, which was propped up against the headboard. "Bye, girls! Talk to you later! You shouldn’t lay down on the bed in those clothes, Charles." You sent him a glare when the call was disconnected.
"Ow! Come here." He winced when you pinched on his arm, resulting in a short cuddle attack as your laugh and giggles filled up the room. "This is beautiful, babe." The journal book in front of you was taken as Charles flipped the pages, tracing your scrapbook work. It was a journal that you have had since you were in high school. There were a lot of pictures and memories kept in the book—every detail of your life. You even drew a portable mini fan in pink, the one you got from Charles when you first met. It was the story of your life. The storybook of your life, but make it a picture one, as it was fully decorated with stickers, random pictures, and cuts of paper with different colours and designs.
"I just added a new page!" You turned to the latest page and gratifyingly pointed at the particular coffee sticker, a small drawing of pan au chocolat, as well as a Polaroid of a selfie between Lizzy and you
"Is this from yesterday?" His mouth split into a grin and left a peck on your crown.
"Yeah! I included everything in." You exclaimed.
Well, not everything. You didn’t include the smiling figure; you didn’t include the familiar scent you had been smelling on your way to meet Lizzy at the cafe—the familiar scent that you caught on your way back. Basically, the scent that had been sticking with you all day long yesterday. You chose to play pretend as if none of it happened; perhaps that way it would be easier for you to forget.
But can you?
Because he was still right outside the apartment, still waiting to catch a glimpse of you, with your favourite chocolate bar in his hand.
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✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @xcinnamongirl @boiohboii @formula1mount @judespoision @alwaysclassyeagle
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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queersrus · 1 month
ice cream theme
[ice cream theme]
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for @seraphim-coinz 's event, prompt one !
partnered with our other blogs @dollilian, @objectumluv, @systiveboxes, @skelatomy
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(nick) names:
aisukurīmu, aiseukeulim, aaisakreem, aiskrimu, ahikirīmi butter, ben, baskin, butterscotch, buaza cookie, cream/creame, creme, chocolate, custard, cone
daz, drum, drumstick, dessert, dondurma, flødeis eiscreme, eskrim, eis, eistute float, frappe, fudge, freezie, fagylalt
gelato, gelado, glace, glacee, glas haagan, helado ice, iskrem
jerry, jeni kulfi, klondike, krim, kem lody
mint, maple, morozhenoye, morozyvo, mochi neo, neapolitan pecan, pop, pagotó, paleta
robin/robbin, rjómaís sorbet, soft, serve, snow, strawberry, sundae, sandwich, sorvete, sorbete, speiseeis talenti
vanilla waffle yogurt
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
cri/creme/creamy/creamine/creamself di/desse/desserty/dessertine/dessertself fri/froze/freezy/frozine/freezieself gi/gele/gelaty/gelatine/gelatoself i/ice/icy/icine/iceself mi/minte/minty/mintine/mintself ni/neapole/neapoly/neapolitine/neapolitanself pi/popse/popsicly/popsicline/popsicleself si/sorbe/sorby/sorbetine/sorbetself si/sunde/sundy/sundaeine/sundaeself vi/vane/vanilly/vanilline/vanillaself
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2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
cro/creamer/creamers/creamerself do/desser/dessertrs/dessertrself fro/freezer/freezers/freezerself go/gelator/gelators/gelatorself io/icer/icers/icerself mo/minter/minters/minterself no/neapoliter/neapoliters/neapoliterself po/popser/popsiclers/popsiclerseld so/sorber/sorbeter/sorberself so/sundaer/sundaers/sundaerself vo/vaniller/vanillers/vanillerself
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3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
cre/creme, cre/creame, cre/ame, crea/me, cream/creams de/ssert, des/sert, dess/dessert, dessert/desserts fre/freezie, freez/freezie, freez/ie, freezie/freezies, fro/zen, froz/en, fro/frozen, frozen/frozens, frozen/dessert gel/gelato, gel/ato, gelato/gelatos i/ce, ice/ices, ice/cream mi/mint, min/ty, mi/nt, mint/mints, mint/minty, mint/chocolate nea/politan, neapol/itan, neapo/litan, nea/neapolitan, nea/neapolitan, neapolitan/neapolitans po/popsicle, pop/sicle, popsicle/popsicles sor/bet, sor/sorbet, sorbet/sorbets, sun/dae, sundae/sundaes, sun/sundae van/illa, van/vanilla, va/nilla, vani/lla, vanilla/vanillas
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the ice cream scooper, the ice cream queen/king/ruler, the iced dessert maker, the keeper of iced cream, the holder of ice cream secret flavours
*one who adores ice cream, one who rules the hills of ice cream, one who secures the sorbet
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*one can be replaced by any prn
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xamdsona · 11 months
What ice cream flavors are my ocs?
Named story edition
Sugar and Spice
Anise: Spiced Chai ice cream
Rosemary: Moose tracks ( vanilla ice cream, fudge, and peanut butter cup)
Saffron: saffron
Sage: Ben and Jerry's Half baked( Chocolate, and vanilla ice with cookie dough and brownie)
Tourist Season
Jackson: Ben and Jerry's Change is brewing ( coffee ice cream, marshmallow and brownie )
Cheyenne: Chili mango ice cream
Casper: Key lime pie ice cream
Alaska: Cosmic brownie Ice cream
Vegas: cookies and cream ice cream
Barry: chocolate peanut butter ice cream
Connor: malted milk ice cream
Susannah: margarita sorbet
Millie: salted caramel ice cream
Lucky: churro ice cream
Bernadette: pineapple sorbet
Akihito: matcha and adazuki bean ice cream
It’s complicated
Liam: mocha ice cream
Hannah: champagne sorbet
Callum: black sesame ice cream
Apple: Apple pie ice cream
Jillian: cherry Garcia ice cream
Lexicon: chocolate swirl ice cream
Azalea: French vanilla
Parker: Chunky Monkey ( Banana ice cream and fudge)
Rex: Bourbon-honey ice cream
Mercy: Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream
Avery: Biscoff cookie butter ice cream
Alaina: dark chocolate raspberry ice cream
Asa: Mixed berry ice cream
Dolly: huckleberry ice cream
Phyr: Chili chocolate ice cream
Bright: blue raspberry sorbet
Piper: honey-lemon ice cream
In Medium/Dead Air/ Earth Phi
Georgie: Nutella ice cream
Tamerlane: S’more ice cream
Val: coquito ice cream
Adora: Strawberry shortcake ice cream
Serafina: Cinnamon ice cream
Hamlet: shortbread ice cream
Greg: pistachio ice cream
Kim: bubblegum ice cream
Irena: mascarpone ice cream
Alma: Strawberry marshmallow ice cream
Lucas: cinnamon roll ice cream
Calamity: cotton candy ice cream
Saga: oatmeal cookie ice cream
Emika: pomegranate sorbet
Ephit: mac and cheese ice cream
Keyes: Zebra cake ice cream
Crescent: starfruit sorbet
Clay: dirt cake ice cream
Ethan: hibiscus sorbet
Run of room
Irida: rainbow sherbet
Link: maple and pancake ice cream
Trent: toasted marshmallow ice cream
Marcella Moore, mad scientist
Marcella: cereal milk ice cream
Will: birthday cake ice cream
Charlie: Neapolitan ice cream
Dash: Wanderlust creamery’s Vietnamese Rocky road
Via: Cheesecake ice cream
Konoha: Beachcomber ( blue fruit-flavored ice cream with pop rocks)
Magical investigation unit
Mora: blackberry jam ice cream
Cecil: rose ice cream
Declan: rocky road ice cream
Kyle: plain coffee ice cream
Gretchen: kiwi ice cream
Teddy: energy drink ice cream
Wisteria: honey lavender ice cream
Byron: mint chip ice cream
Mark: Dark chocolate orange ice cream
Jessica: fig and goat cheese ice cream
Glory: Blue moon (fruit loops flavored blue ice cream)
Naz: sour watermelon ice cream
Abel: cardamom ice cream
Error 404
Atlas: sour gummy worm ice cream
Freya: French toast ice cream
Billy: chocolate ice cream
Ocula: <÷=/<*^ ice cream
Everest: melona ice cream bar
Naika: Strawberry lemonade sorbet
Everly: dirt cup ce cream
Maple: sakura flavored ice cream
Ben: munchies ice cream ( cake or vanilla flavored ice cream with m&ms, caramel and pretzels)
Lucy: pumpkin spice ice cream
JD: Cherry limeade slushie with nerds and Strawberry syrup
Remington: rose green tea ice cream
Layla: ube ice cream
Eina: cherry cola ice cream
Lynn: black and white cookie ice cream
Eldritch Hearts- family
Kaede: mountain dew ice cream
Nils: salted licorice ice cream
Daichi: citrus ice cream
Toby: Superman ice cream ( blue moon, red pop, and lemon ice cream)
Tiara: tiger’s blood ice cream( coconut, Strawberry and watermelon)
Orchid: honey lavender ice cream
Rhett: watermelon sorbet
Ripley: Twinkies ice cream
Crash and burn
Anika: taro mochi ice cream
Kiah: honeycomb ice cream
Fennel: Monster cookie dough ice cream
Kokoro: raspberry sorbet
Atticus: butter cake ice cream
Aspen: basil ice cream
Mrs. St. Martin: dark chocolate ice cream
Care: mystery airhead ice cream
Sin: pandan and pineapple ice cream
Annie: halo-halo ice cream
Brad: hot chocolate ice cream
Oakley: Banana split ice cream
Champ: Vanilla bean ice cream
Courtney: off brand Vanilla ice cream
St. Germaine’s Academy
Cake: milk bar pie ice cream
Beatriz: root beer float ice cream
Beau: passion fruit sorbet
Pwyll: caramel corn ice cream
Pavana: POG ice cream
Leah: peanut butter pretzel
The Field
Isadora: bizochito ice cream
Sebastian: blueberry-lemon ice cream
Neil: gingerbread ice cream
Aurelia: apricot ice cream
Cobalt: dark chocolate with cookie dough ice cream
Ferris: Milky way ice cream
Quince: Quince ice cream
Mei: jasmine tea ice cream
Weston: Kinder ice cream
Tien: strawberry sorbet with Strawberry popping boba
Erin: almonds ice cream
Superpower therapy
Zariah: sour patch kid ice cream
Anthony: turtle ice cream ( Chocolate, pecan, and caramel)
Skai: Blue raspberry sorbet with marshmallow swirl
Brittney: low-fat vanilla ice cream
Junpei: Lemon meringue pie ice cream
Something is tearing us apart
Vela: oatmilk ice cream
Fionna: lavender earl gray tea ice cream
Blake: caramel cookie dough ice cream
Not!Graham: Vanilla frozen yogurt
Birds of a feather
Kieran: peach cobbler ice cream
Penelope: brown sugar boba ice cream
Kissing Strangers
Ada: Strawberry chocolate ice cream
Brennan: triple chocolate ice cream
Old Harbour
Lissy: Orange sherbet
Chamomile: Earl Gray tea ice cream
Morgan: Yuzu ice cream
Enid: elderflower ice cream
Jace: Coke ice cream
Analog signal
Beverly: Blue rocky road ice cream
Sept: cookie butter ice cream
Farrah and the forsaken kingdom
Farrah: curried ginger ice cream
Rue: Turkish delight ice cream
Sorrel: sorrel sorbet
Camp sycamore
Io: baklava ice cream
Seannan: Thai tea ice cream
Margo: rum raisin ice cream
Rudy: eggnog ice cream
Hope Requiem
Hope: Apple cider doughnut ice cream
Tsubasa: saltwater taffy ice cream
Afra: vegan chocolate ice cream
Sol: mango sorbet
Family matters
Ame: Lemon Italian ice
Satoshi: brown sugar ice cream
Asher: Snickerdoodle ice cream
Nysa: Rhubarb crumble ice cream
Into the Garden
Kiara: cinnamon toast ice cream
Cian: Peanut butter and jelly ice cream
Lachlan: port wine ice cream
Sueng- Chestnut ice cream
Emira: red velvet ice cream
Jaime: sour cream ice cream
Tonya: waffle cone ice cream
City savers
Nico: ramune flavored ice cream
Ramune: grape sorbet
Skelly: pudding ice cream
Mikey: kiwi ice cream
Tadgh: chocolate chip ice cream
Yui: peanut butter and banana ice cream
Yuki: Peanut butter and marshmallow ice cream
Project Kaijuu
Alice: black tea and cookie ice cream
Cahal: irish cream brownie ice cream
Battler: Strawberry cake pop ice cream
Ainsley: mint ice cream
Jackie: smoked peaches and cream ice cream
Time trap
KC: Chocolate malt ice cream
Vincent: dulce de leche ice cream
Elise and her demon cat/ HBF!/Christmas radio/mainstay
Elise: Marionberry ice cream
Boo: Cookie cat
Felix: plum sorbet
Noelle: peppermint bark ice cream
Taggart: raspberry truffle ice cream
0 notes
ilovetraif · 12 years
What Bad Day?
Cherry Bacon Ice Cream
0 notes