#vanity fair panel 2022
insidewarp · 6 months
Earlier this month, The New York Times reported that Jared Kushner’s years of Saudi ass-kissing and murder-excusing had paid off, literally, when the country’s sovereign wealth fund gave him $2 billion for his newly formed private equity firm, Affinity Partners. How do we know it was, most likely, Kushner’s extremely friendly relationship with the kingdom and Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman that sealed the deal and not, say, his investing prowess? For one thing, as The Times noted, the panel that performs due diligence for the Saudi fund concluded Kushner’s firm was a joke—that management was “inexperience[d],” that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk,” that its fees were “excessive,” and that the firm’s operations were “unsatisfactory in all aspects.” The panel warned that the country shouldn’t give the former first son-in-law a dime. 
Bess Levin, Vanity Fair, April 2022
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thenoticeblog · 2 years
Celebrating Five Years as a Nonprofit! | 2022 Production Reel
Thank you so much for your support, folx! 2022 marked our 5-year anniversary as a nonprofit production company, and I am forever grateful all of your support that has made our growth possible over the years.
Support our Nonprofit production company here.
Thanks to your generous contributions we’ve been able to support the following projects in 2022:
Vanity Fair Photoshoot | Queer Sex Therapy Expansive Ed Intro Videos | Queer Sex Therapy Expansive Ed Mini-Lesson Videos | Queer Sex Therapy The Next Stop | 1995 Pictures The Odd Year | Dominirican Productions Friends and Neighbors | Dominirican Productions Willow | Episode 1 The Disciple | Andy Williams What is Sonic Liberation? | 651 Arts The Notice Blog Podcast | Episode 1 -3 Eros of Self | Zulu Padilla | The Anansi Project Canvas Me (Shoes Off) | Everton Melo | The Anansi Project Legal Server Training Video | Christiane Arbesu Sugar Cane Isles | The Once and Future Nerd Playwriting & Screenwriting Judge Panel | Bronx Arts Council Editing Juror President | AD & D Awards 2022 MAAF Award | The Willow Project “From Nothing” trailer | Culture Collective Maps to Manifest promo | Higher Vibrations Collective Sweeney Todd Audition Video | Suzanne Darrell Good Green Social Equity Grant Video | Green Thumb Industries
The 30% Documentary The Ashely Scott Project Willow | Ep 2 The Notice Blog | Season 2 Ep 1 No Homo No Hetero: Black Bisexuality | David J. Cork & Heru Khuti
For anyone interested in learning more about our rates and services please email: [email protected]
- Paul Notice Always Question. Always Explore.
www.thenoticeblog.com [email protected]
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truck-fump · 2 years
January 6 Committee's Damning Final Report on Donald <b>Trump</b> Should Blow Away ... - Vanity Fair
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/12/january-6-committee-final-report-donald-trump-gop&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw2i6XWDVLpfktquU1UOgwRM
January 6 Committee's Damning Final Report on Donald Trump Should Blow Away ... - Vanity Fair
As a GOP House majority looms, the bipartisan panel’s 845-page report includes new revelations about Trump’s attempt to overturn his 2020 election …
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Milano, un'edizione da record per Vanity Fair Stories
Milano, un'edizione da record per Vanity Fair Stories. 100 artisti, ovvero più del doppio rispetto alle scorse edizioni, 50 panel, 10 incontri nel foyer e tante performance. La nuova edizione di Vanity Fair Stories è da record e non ha precedenti. Il più grande evento di Vanity Fair con ingresso gratuito va in scena sabato 26 e domenica 27 novembre, completamente dal vivo e per la prima volta al Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber di Milano (via Larga 14), istituzione culturale cittadina che ha riaperto dopo oltre 20 anni e un imponente restauro.   "Vanity Fair Stories è un festival da non perdere e il pubblico sta rispondendo in maniera entusiasmante. A solo un giorno dalla messa online del programma, molte performance erano già sold-out. Non era mai accaduto prima e in così breve tempo. Vanity Fair è diventato molto più di un giornale: è uno streaming culturale di emozioni, di notizie, di esperienze, di eventi, di progresso” così Simone Marchetti, Vanity Fair European editorial Director and Vanity Fair Italia Editor in Chief.   Il tema di Vanity Fair Stories 2022 è necessario e potente: The change is you, storie che cambiano il mondo. Sul palcoscenico tante personalità della contemporaneità che del cambiamento sono parte attiva. Attori e registi che stanno riscrivendo la storia del cinema e della serialità, comici e conduttori che stanno rivoluzionando i linguaggi della tv e dello streaming, cantanti che stanno già suonando la musica del futuro. Ancora: creators, scrittori, ballerini, figure chiave della cultura.   Tra i grandi personaggi che hanno confermato la partecipazione: Arisa, cantautrice e insegnante di Amici 22; Antonio Albanese, attore e regista; Ambra Angiolini, attrice, cantante e giudice di X Factor 2022; Annalisa, cantautrice; Arturo Artom, Founder Cenacolo Artom; Maria Vittoria Baravelli, tra le prime art sharer in Italia, curatrice d'arte e di fotografia, membro del CDA del Museo del MAR; Jonathan Bazzi, scrittore, il suo ultimo romanzo è Corpi minori; Ludovico Bessegato, regista e sceneggiatore; Claudio Bisio, attore e conduttore; Alessandro Borghi, attore; Giorgio Brasca, attore; Massimiliano Bruno sceneggiatore, attore e regista; Giovanni Caccamo, cantautore; Aurora Calabresi, attrice; Paolo Calabresi, attore; Maccio Capatonda, comico, attore, vincitore di Lol 2; Francesco Cicconetti, attivista, ha appena pubblicato il libro Scheletro femmina; Coma Cose, duo indie pop/rap formato da Fausto Lama e California; Paolo Costella, regista del film Vicini di Casa; Dargen D’Amico, cantautore, produttore discografico e giudice di X Factor 2022; Marco D’Amore, attore e regista; Diodato, cantautore, vincitore di Sanremo 2020 con Fai rumore; Charity Dago, imprenditrice e fondatrice di Wariboko, la prima agenzia di management per afro discendenti in Italia; Carlo De Ruggieri, attore, è nel cast di Boris 4; Deda, dj, rapper e produttore discografico; Andrea Delogu, conduttrice televisiva e radiofonica, scrittrice, attrice; Daphne Di Cinto (in collegamento da Londra), attrice e regista de Il Moro, corto storico già pluripremiato in Italia e all’estero; Michele Di Mauro, attore, è tra i protagonisti della versione italiana di Call my agent - Italia!;  Sara Drago, attrice; Andrea Favaretto, Life & mental coach; Fedez, cantautore, produttore e giudice di X Factor 2022; Tiziano Ferro (in collegamento da Los Angeles), icona della musica mondiale; Valentina Ferragni, influencer e imprenditrice; Giuseppe Fiorello, attore, produttore e regista; Drusilla Foer, performer, alter ego dell’attore Gianluca Gori; Pilar Fogliati, attrice; Maria Chiara Giannetta, attrice; Ginevra, cantante; Beatrice Grannò, attrice e musicista; Gianluca Grignani, icona del pop italiano degli anni Novanta; Lino Guanciale, attore; Caterina Guzzanti, attrice, è tra i protagonisti di Boris 4; Haroun Fall, attore; Roberto Isibor, avvocato; Maurizio Lastrico, attore, è tra i protagonisti della versione italiana di Call my agent Italia!!; Achille Lauro, cantautore e performer; Edoardo Leo, attore, sceneggiatore e regista; Valerio Lundini, comico e conduttore televisivo; Lorenzo Luporini, autore per il web e content creator; Mara Maionchi, produttrice discografica e personaggio televisivo; Luca Marinelli, attore; Vinicio Marchioni, attore;  Frank Matano, comico, tra i protagonisti del nuovo comedy show Prova Prova Sa Sa; Emma Marrone, cantante e attrice; Marco Mengoni, pop star di fama internazionale; Daniele Mencarelli, poeta e scrittore; Francesca Michielin, cantautrice e conduttrice di X Factor 2022;, Riccardo Milani, regista e sceneggiatore; Muriel, attivista e content creator; Nek, cantautore; Pinguini Tattici Nucleari, fenomeno pop; Vittoria Puccini, attrice; Raf, cantautore; Angela Rafanelli, conduttrice a autrice televisiva; Luca Ravenna, comico e autore televisivo; Rkomi, rapper, cantautore e giudice di X Factor 2022; Gianmarco Saurino, attore; Maria Schrader, regista del film Anche Io, che racconta le indagini sugli abusi perpetrati dal produttore cinematografico Harvey Weinstein; Pierpaolo Spollon, attore; Lisa Nur Sultan, autrice; Giorgia Surina, conduttrice, attrice e autrice del libro In due sarà più facile restare svegli; Mattia Stanga, star di TikTok e podcaster di Chora Media; Tananai, cantautore e produttore discografico; Paola Turani, modella e influencer; Sofia Viscardi, youtuber e scrittrice; Fabio Volo, conduttore, scrittore, attore; Veronica Costanza Ward, giornalista, autrice freelance e consulente per la Diversity; Tommaso Zorzi, conduttore e personaggio televisivo. Sul palcoscenico di Vanity Fair Stories 2022 anche il cast di Mare fuori con Artem, Massimiliano Caiazzo, Giacomo Giorgio, Nicolas Maupas, Matteo Paolillo, Valentina Romani; e il cast di SKAM Italia con Beatrice Bruschi, Francesco Centorame, Federico Cesari, Giancarlo Commare, Rocco Fasano, Lea Gavino, Mehdi Meskar, Pietro Turano. Di seguito il palinsesto di sabato 26 novembre: 10:00-10:20 - Tributo a Giorgio Gaber di Francesco Centorame 10:20-10:50 - Frank Matano 10:50-11:10 - Maria Schrader, regista del film Anche io 11:10-11:30 - Sofia Viscardi e Lorenzo Luporini 11:30-12:00 - Andrea Delogu 12,00-12,30 - Drusilla 12:30-13:15 - Il cast di SKAM Italia e il regista Ludovico Bessegato 13:15-13:30 - Andrea Favaretto 14:30-15:00 - Valerio Lundini e Marco Mengoni 15:00-15:30 - Il cast di Mare Fuori – Artem, Massimiliano Caiazzo, Giacomo Giorgio, Nicolas Maupas, Matteo Paolillo, Valentina Romani 15:00 - 15:30 - Incontro con il Life & mental coach Andrea Favaretto 15:30-16:00 - Mara Maionchi e Tommaso Zorzi 16:00-16:25 - Nek 16:00 - 16:30 - Incontro con il Life & mental coach Andrea Favaretto 16:25-16:50 - Angela Rafanelli, Giorgia Surina e Paola Turani  16:50-17:15 - Edoardo Leo e Massimiliano Bruno 17:00 - 17:30 - Incontro con il Life & mental coach Andrea Favaretto 17:15-17:45 - Maria Chiara Giannetta, Beatrice Grannò, Gianmarco Saurino e Pierpaolo Spollon 17:30 - 19:00 - Live-cooking con Andrea Mainardi 17:45-18:10 - Fabio Volo 18:00 - 18:30 - Incontro con il Life & mental coach Andrea Favaretto 18:10-18:30 - Arturo Artom e Maria Vittoria Baravelli 18:30-19:00 - Pinguini Tattici Nucleari 19:00-19:20 - Pilar Fogliati per la serie Odio il Natale 19:20-19:50 - Michele Di Mauro, Sara Drago, Maurizio Lastrico e Lisa Nur Sultan della versione italiana della serie Call my agent - Italia! 19:50-20:15 - Federico Cesari e Daniele Mencarelli 20:15-20:40 - Andrea Bosca e Deda 20:40 -21:10 - Coma Cose 21:10- 21:40 - Ginevra 21:40-22:10 - Achille Lauro   Di seguito il palinsesto di domenica 27 novembre: 10:00-10:30 - Mattia Stanga 10:30-10:55 - Lino Guanciale 10:55-11:20 - Charity Dago, Daphne Di Cinto (in collegamento), Haroun Fall, Roberto Isobor e Veronica Costanza Ward 11:20-11:50 - Antonio Albanese e Riccardo Milani del film Grazie ragazzi 11:30 - 13:00 - Live-cooking con Andrea Mainardi  11:50-12:20 - Alessandro Borghi e Luca Marinelli del film Le otto montagne 12:20-12:50 - Tananai 12:50-13:15 - Raf 13:15-13:30 - Andrea Favaretto 14:30-14:55 - Valentina Ferragni 14:55-15:20 - Jonathan Bazzi, Francesco Cicconetti e Muriel 15:00 - 15:30 - Incontro con il Life & mental coach Andrea Favaretto 15:20-15:55 - Marco D'Amore 15:55-16:20 - I giudici di X Factor e la conduttrice Francesca Michielin 16:00 - 16:30 - Incontro con il Life & mental coach Andrea Favaretto 16:20-17:00 - Claudio Bisio, Paolo Costella, Vinicio Marchioni e Vittoria Puccini del film Vicini di casa 17:00-17:30 - Ambra Angiolini e Tiziano Ferro (in collegamento) 17:00 - 17:30 - Incontro con il Life & mental coach Andrea Favaretto 17:30-18:00 - Aurora e Paolo Calabresi, Caterina Guzzanti e Luca De Ruggieri per la serie Boris 4 18:00 -18:25 - Annalisa 18:00 - 18:30 - Incontro con il Life & mental coach Andrea Favaretto 18:25-18,50 - Gianluca Grignani 18:50-19:20 - Luca Ravenna 19:20-19:45 - Maccio Capatonda 19:45-20:15 - Giovanni Caccamo e Giuseppe Fiorello 20:15- 20:45 - Emma Marrone 20:45-21:15 - Arisa 21:15-21:45 - Diodato   L’ingresso agli incontri è gratuito. Per assistere in presenza bisogna registrarsi,  ma si potranno anche seguire in streaming sul sito e sui canali Facebook e Instagram di Vanity Fair Italia. Hashtag ufficiale dell'evento #vanityfairstories. Iniziative Speciali: Berlucchi è l’azienda fondatrice e di riferimento della Franciacorta e nominata da Gambero Rosso "Cantina dell’Anno 2022". Casa di produzione di vini iconici e apprezzati dalla critica italiana e internazionale, la cantina porterà un pezzetto di Franciacorta all’interno di Vanity Fair Stories, per regalare un brindisi raffinato agli ospiti della manifestazione con Berlucchi ’61 Franciacorta Satèn, la più elegante espressione dello Chardonnay franciacortino. Cenacolo Artom, considerato uno dei più significativi Cenacoli culturali italiani, ogni mese ospita leader provenienti da differenti settori, dall’arte al design, dall’imprenditoria allo spettacolo, confrontandosi e scambiandosi idee e prospettive sul futuro. Sul palco di Vanity Fair Stories Arturo Artom, Founder di Cenacolo Artom, sarà accompagnato da Maria Vittoria Baravelli per dare vita a un dialogo a tema “mecenatismo contemporaneo”: quali iniziative intraprendere per favorire l’arte e la sua comunicazione, oggi. Il progetto "Think Milk, Taste Europe, Be Smart!" promosso dalla filiera lattiero casearia dell'Alleanza delle Cooperative Agroalimentari, realizzato da Confcooperative e cofinanziato dalla Commissione europea, intende migliorare il grado di conoscenza dei prodotti agricoli europei, attraverso la promozione della cultura produttiva del latte bovino e dei suoi derivati, valorizzando gli alti standard europei e la grande tradizione che contraddistingue il comparto lattiero-caseario. Il progetto verrà raccontato all’interno di Vanity Fair Stories dalla creatività dello chef Andrea Mainardi che, in due live cooking, mostrerà il lato più innovativo e sorprendente di latte e formaggi. Supporta Vanity Fair Stories anche Dove, che coinvolgerà la scrittrice Chiara Tagliaferri come protagonista di una diretta Instagram all'interno del format "Fuori Stories" in cui si racconterà Dove Progetto Autostima.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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myvirtualife · 2 years
I finally watched the entire first season of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman on Netflix. Like others who grew up loving the graphic novels, I was apprehensive about this TV series. When I got the first six volumes 25 years ago, these collection of stories within a story about epic mythology sprinkled with piercing mortality, brought to life through beautiful words and occasionally dark images, just stuck in my brain throughout my college years. And now my oldest son is almost a teenager! He’s snuck a peek at the comics, but (I’m) not quite ready to let him read or watch them all yet…
However, I AM glad Neil Gaiman never gave up on insisting to tell the Dream King’s endless story the right way. The TV series benefited from that clear direction and cinematography — you could almost sense the passion from everyone involved across the script, casting, acting, special effects, soundtrack, costume and art design. It’s an incredible adaptation that stays true to the essence of the story arc (or rather, stories?) while allowing for some thoughtful, contemporary updates.
Netflix, why haven’t you renewed it yet?! This show is easily the best programme you’ve had in recent months. Besides prompting a long overdue re-read of all the comics again, here are some added links I found — from creator / cast interviews to fanfic :)
IBC behind the scenes to the TV series
BBC journey from comic to Netflix
Netflix Geeked full cast official after show (spoilers)
Netflix Geeked date and trailer reveal cast panel (non-spoilers)
Vanity Fair official trailer breakdown with Neil
Jake’s Takes cast talk
Entertainment Weekly interview with Neil and Tom
2022 San Diego Comic Con full panel
Netflix interview with Mason Alexander Park on Desire
Netflix explaining The Sandman’s Season 1 ending
IGN on the (great) changes to Calliope
Rolling Stones interview with Neil
Josh Horowitz’s Happy Sad Confused with Neil
A final word by aLittleBirdToldMe (Lucifer Morningstar)
A draught of cool water by keelywolfe (Lucifer Morningstar, Nada references)
The foolish little thing called Hope by Picture_Yourself (Sleep of the Just AU, H/C, Jessamy didn’t die, Robert Burgess, Hob Gadling)
Nightmare & Sins by GhostShade (Sleep of the Just AU, H/C, Johanna Constantine, OFC, Ethel Dee; Matthew)
Glass and Iron by Blue_Sunshine (Sleep of the Just, Corinthian)
Spite is as good a reason as any by Blue_Sunshine (Sleep of the Just AU, Hob Gadling, Johanna Constantine, Paul Maguire)
A glass sphere and a painted circle by RadAceFriend (Sleep of the Just AU, Jessamy)
A little fear is a good thing by canis_cosmos (Lost Hearts AU, Corinthian, Lucienne, Fiddler’s Green)
So live by AmbitiousWitch (The Wake comics, missing conversation, Morpheus/Calliope)
Poets and dreamers (Morpheus/Calliope)
Meanwhile, I’ll be dreaming of the next season….
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ADDISON RAE and EMMA CHAMBERLAIN at the Vanity Fair Oscar’s After Party in Los Angeles on March 27th 2022 wearing custom MONOT and LOUIS VUITTON
I thought Addison looked so pretty and mature. I loved her updo and thought it looked so cute with this outfit. I really loved her pearl choker necklace, I think it looked so good and was a great choice. Her dress was also stunning. It fit her perfectly and I loved the neckline.. I also thought the exposed panels looked so cool and were a great detail. I really enjoyed her look.
I thought Addison looked so pretty and mature. I loved her updo and thought it looked so cute with this outfit. I really loved her pearl choker necklace, I think it looked so good and was a great choice. Her dress was also stunning. It fit her perfectly and I loved the neckline.. I also thought the exposed panels looked so cool and were a great detail. I really enjoyed her look.
Emma also looked amazing, I just felt a little less inspired with her look. It feels like it’s been done before and it’ll be done again. I liked the neckline and the material of the dress, I just don’t feel like there was anything special about this look. Her hair, makeup, accessories, and dress all looked nice, but this look just didn’t stand out.
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lilisos · 3 years
porta potty rental
SOS Toilets- The Best Porta Potty Rentals in Walnut Creek
Think you know Porta Potties? Think again. Welcome to SOS Toilet. We’re the experts on portable toilet rentals and all associated services. From music festivals, parades, fairs, sporting events, and construction sites to upscale weddings and social gatherings, we have portable restroom facilities to match the occasion. With our toilets and restrooms, your guests, customers, family members, or employees will no longer dread using public facilities. Wherever you are in the Bay Area, we can go as upscale as needed with porcelain toilet bowls and Corian countertops to sturdy plastic enclosures with outdoor hand sinks for game day. To learn more about our selection of facilities and unbeatable prices, call or e-mail us [email protected]
Walnut Creek : Event Rentals: Portable Toilets:
Nothing can ruin the tone of an event like a shabby portable restroom. That’s why every facility that we rent has been meticulously cleaned and sanitized as if new. We also rent fencing enclosures to separate the restroom from other event areas and can even arrange for the fencing to be dressed up in attractive green faux plant-like covering.
With years of experience under our belts we know the best strategic place for portable restrooms and barricades at parties — both private and public — to double as crowd control perimeter. Whether it’s a single restroom in a back garden or dozens at an outdoor public event, such as a Halloween Parade, we have the experience and facilities to suit any event.
SOS Toilets specializes in providing event restrooms for parties, weddings, corporate events & more. Luxury is not usually a word that people associate with portable restrooms but when it comes to weddings and high-end social gatherings we bring the elegance to match the occasion. If you need to complement the existing facilities or require multiple enclosures for outdoor ceremonies, we guarantee not to lower the tone of the special day. Our 2022-constructed LUXLOO Series Trailers come in a variety of sizes with interiors befitting any luxury hotel or condo with an array of feel-good fixtures including:
Private bathroom stalls
Flushing toilets
Upgraded handwashing sinks
Corian sink/countertops
Large vanity backlit mirror
Solar-powered interior and exterior lighting
GFI outlets
Door hooks
LED lights under vanity
Air conditioning and heat
TV screens and sound systems
Hardwood flooring
Heated hand towel
Ok, so your construction workers don’t need heated hand towels? At SOS Toilet we rent the full gamut of portable restroom facilities including the following for specific industries and events:
Walnut Creek : Porta Potties for Construction Sites As part of our construction rental package you can rent these items:
Portable restrooms
Holding Tanks
Temporary Fencing
Debris Boxes
Temporary fence panels
Outdoor sports events
Cleats, turf, mud, and rain. Our outdoor sports facilities events, whether it’s a soccer game or a walk/run event on the city streets, are built to withstand heavy usage and still look good. That’s because we not only provide Porta Potty’s that you’re probably familiar with but Deluxe Porta Potties with separate wash basin facilities, exterior hand wash stations, and expansive ADA Accessible Porta Potties to accommodate wheelchairs
Service Areas: We service the following areas around the San Francisco/Bay Area :
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Flash: DCEU Movie Reveals New Costume in Fandome Concept Art
The Flash movie panel at DC FanDome may not have been as full of multiverse shattering revelations as we thought it might be. Despite having the presence of star Ezra Miller, director Andy Muschietti, and producer Barbara Muschietti, it was more a quick tour of what makes the character cool, as well as how it will help cement the concept of DC’s multimedia multiverse.
But they still dropped a big reveal on fans, with word that Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen will be trading in his weird, unwieldy armor costume that he wore in Justice League for something a little more fitting for a character whose entire deal is that he moves at super speed. Muschietti revealed several pieces of concept art showing off a new, streamlined, and flexible big screen Flash movie costume.
And as is appropriate for a movie that features at least two Batmen (one played by Ben Affleck and one by Michael Keaton), Muschietti revealed that Bruce Wayne designed Barry’s new costume, further cementing the bond between the two characters that we saw formed in the Justice League movie.
Muschietti had previously described the relationship between Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne in an interview with Vanity Fair.
“The interaction and relationship between Barry and Affleck’s Wayne will bring an emotional level that we haven’t seen before,” Muschietti said. “It’s Barry’s movie, it’s Barry’s story, but their characters are more related than we think. They both lost their mothers to murder, and that’s one of the emotional vessels of the movie. That’s where the Affleck Batman kicks in.”
Check out a look at the new costume, both solo and with good ol’ Batman along for the ride.
That’s a way more traditional Flash silhouette than what we saw in Justice League, so it’s cool to see that the costume is evolving. What’s amusing about this is that when Ezra Miller made his cameo in Crisis on Infinite Earths and met TV’s Barry Allen, Grant Gustin, he was impressed by how lightweight and “breathable” that costume appeared to be. Clearly it left an impression on him, and he went to Bruce Wayne to help him make adjustments.
Funny enough, we had never heard Miller’s Barry referred to as “The Flash” in Justice League, so it’s also now canon that he picked up that name after meeting his TV counterpart during Crisis!
And yes, that does appear to be Ezra Miller’s Flash fighting in front of Michael Keaton’s Batman, right down to the classic Batman ’89 logo!
The Flash movie is currently scheduled to open on June 3, 2022. The full schedule of upcoming DC superhero movies can be found here.
The post The Flash: DCEU Movie Reveals New Costume in Fandome Concept Art appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2QfHaFR
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thenoticeblog · 2 years
Support The Notice Foundation Today!
The Notice Foundation (aka The Notice Blog) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that focuses on producing and supporting narratives from BIPOC, Queer, Immigrant, and Formerly Incarcerated communities through film, media, and performing arts since 2017.
Support from folx like YOU help make our work POSSIBLE.
Make a Tax-Deductible contribution TODAY!
Go to: https://www.donorbox.org/thenoticeblog
Thanks to your generous contributions we’ve been able to support the following projects in 2022:
The Notice Foundation’s 2022 Projects Vanity Fair Photoshoot | Queer Sex Therapy Expansive Ed Intro Videos | Queer Sex Therapy Expansive Ed Mini-Lesson Videos | Queer Sex Therapy The Next Stop | 1995 Pictures The Odd Year | Dominirican Productions Friends and Neighbors | Dominirican Productions Willow | Episode 1 The Disciple | Andy Williams What is Sonic Liberation? | 651 Arts The Notice Blog Podcast | Episodes 1 -3 Eros of Self | Zulu Padilla | The Anansi Project Canvas Me (Shoes Off) | Everton Melo | The Anansi Project Legal Server Training Video | Christiane Arbesu Sugar Cane Isles | The Once and Future Nerd Playwriting & Screenwriting Judge Panel | Bronx Arts Council Editing Juror President | AD & D Awards 2022 MAAF Award | The Willow Project “From Nothing” trailer | Culture Collective Maps to Manifest promo | Higher Vibrations Collective Sweeney Todd Audition Video | Suzanne Darrell Good Green Social Equity Grant Video | Green Thumb Industries COMING SOON IN 2023: The 30% Documentary The Ashely Scott Project Willow | Ep 2 The Notice Blog | Season 2 Ep 1 No Homo No Hetero: Black Bisexuality | David J. Cork & Heru Khuti Help Us Make More by making a tax-deductible contribution of any size at: donorbox.org/thenoticeblog
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truck-fump · 2 years
The January 6 Committee Is Determined to Get Donald <b>Trump</b> Under Oath | Vanity Fair
New Post has been published on https://truckfump.life/2022/10/13/the-january-6-committee-is-determined-to-get-donald-trump-under-oath-vanity-fair/
The January 6 Committee Is Determined to Get Donald Trump Under Oath | Vanity Fair
The panel used its first public hearing since the summer to make the case that Trump “deliberately” incited the insurrection—and, in voting …
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