#vanya hargreeves. ic / i have been left out of everything for as long as i can remember
ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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@sunkiisscd​ asked: ❝ i’m not looking for a relationship, i’m looking for a bottle of vodka. ❞ nessa @ vanya // tumblr text posts
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   SHORT EXHALE IN RESPONSE, Vanya offers a slight smile, nodding alone in agreement— quite the contrary, though, she...always thought about living the perfect, quiet life with a partner. A small apartment for two, someone to say hello to when placing her violin case on the living room table, to share rainy days with instead of alone, but...well, it’s not a very realistic dream for her, is it?
      “Well, I...think I might have just the thing, if you meant right now.” Pulling herself up to her feet, she makes her way towards one of the cabinets, a limited option of drinks inside. “I wouldn’t recommend the entire bottle, though.”
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
“you’ll be even worse off if you don’t let me bandage this.” Cir to Vanya
@twilightttv​ // caring for stubborn muses
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    JUST A SCRATCH, she repeats to herself yet again as her lips purse, and she regretfully takes a seat on the couch in Elliott’s place. The gash across Vanya’s arm is, admittedly, MORE than she seems to let on, but there are more important problems to address-- notably the foreseen end of the world. Not only is that difficult to believe, but EVERYTHING, too. Fragmented memories buried underneath an amnesiac’s confusion, sometimes she tries to grasp any semblance of what might have occurred, or even just a fraction of her past life, but finds herself met with nothing ( unaware, maybe she doesn’t WANT to remember ). Either way, there are bigger things to worry about than a simple cut.
      “Cir-” Protest is fleeting-- Vanya knows she’s right, of course, and supposes maybe they can spare a few moments for a quick bandage. “The cut is the last thing I’m worried about, really. With all that’s going on.” And maybe a past version would say-- SHE ISN’T REALLY THAT IMPORTANT, is she?-- but newfound life and forgotten memories brings a strange sense of belonging, even amidst people who feel like strangers. “Do we...have bandages here?”
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the-silentium · 4 years
Summary: Reader found herself in front of the weirdest situation ever. Her boyfriend... fighting himself from another timeline.
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Words: 2250 words
Warnings: TUA season 2 spoilers, violence, sex reference, swears. 
A/N: The season 2 was crazyyy! Can’t wait for a season 3 now . Okay, so let's say Five got his time travel to 2019 good and is the same age as his siblings and the reader.
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Being in a relationship with one Hargreeves was strange enough. It took you a while to get used to your boyfriend's habit of jumping from spot to spot, mainly because he, sometimes, would bring you with him and nausea would hit you like a train. As much as you admired his ability, your stomach had a limit and space-jumping was far from it. 
Five Hargreeves was your best friend from the age of seven. Whenever he wasn't practicing, studying or fighting crime, he passed his time with you, playing around, pranking his siblings or simply hanging out. He became your boyfriend on your twelfth birthday. You were never one for big parties, so Five took you out, bought you the next book of your favorite series that recently got published and took you to the roof of his house. The space had been decorated with string lights, pillows, blankets, a projector and a plate of doughnuts you suspected were from Griddy's. You passed the evening watching Marvel movies, both of you leaning on the other, your head on his shoulder. He asked you to be his girlfriend at the end of the night.
Being in a relationship with one Hargreeves naturally comes with passing time with his siblings, which let’s be honest, add to the strangeness of your daily life. Klauss constantly talking to an invisible Ben, sometimes laughing at you like a maniac because you almost sit on his brother. Diego with his usual black suit, sharpening knives at any time of the day and throwing them randomly only to move them in the air. You didn't have enough fingers to count the times you had leaned down in a hurry trying to dodge a knife that had ultimately deflected from its trajectory before it could reach you. You knew they would never hit you, but your survival instinct was strong. Luther and Vanya were usually silent when you were around. From what Five had told you, Luther was just shy around you and Vanya was… Vanya. Allison was pretty happy to have another girl to hang out with. You liked her kind heart and felt comfortable around her. 
You never thought that your life could get more strange. Or fucked up. But then there was Five’s disappearance, which broke your young heart. This same heart started beating again 17 years later at Sir Hargreeves’ funeral, when your boyfriend reappeared, taller than in your memories. His hair was longer, his young features were now mature and his stubble made him incredibly attractive. Tears fell from your eyes when your gaze found his. Immediately, he space jumped to you, wrapping his arms tightly around your smaller form.  
Finally, you thought. Everything is back to normal. You should have known. The apocalypse was at the corner and you had to stop it. Needless to say it wasn't a big success. So there you found yourself, in 1963, in front of two fighting Five. The Five of your timeline wasn't doing a lot of progress convincing the older Five to follow the plan and get into the portal, so you got an idea. 
At the bar, the older Five couldn't take his eyes from you. His fingers twitched at his sides when he first saw you, a clear urge to take you in his arms written on his features. With a smile you made the first move, sliding your arms around his waist in a hug, head on his chest. His sharp breath made you tighten your hold a bit. He just passed 45 years without you and you couldn't imagine the pain he was in. His embrace was just as tight around you, but you didn't mind. Your own Five had been as desperate for contact when you both reunited. 
You faintly heard a soft "I missed you" before a forced cough ended the moment. You released your hold around him with a smile. The second his hands were off you, another hand got a hold of yours and pulled you to a strong body. Your boyfriend radiated jealousy. You rolled your eyes, knowing that it was useless to explain your actions because of the paranoïa he was currently in. 
Back to the present, Luther was getting more agitated by the minute and the hits he received from both Five were nothing to help. Before something too dramatic happened, you took the matter in your own hands. 
"Five!" Your shout got both their attention almost immediately. Both of them had the other's collar in their grip, fist in the air ready to strike.
As you walked up to them, the fists slowly fell down, surely to avoid hurting you in the process. Their grips though stayed the same. 
"This," you said removing both their hands off the other, "is childish." They both huffed, insulted but not daring to talk back to you. You put yourself between them, facing your boyfriend and pointed to Luther. "Go with Luther." 
His brow furrowed in indignation. The sweat dripping from his forehead, his messy hair, his wide eyes and his crumpled clothes made him look like a wild animal. You hoped he wouldn't be jealous and trigger the seventh phase. You couldn't deal with homicidal rage and you doubted Luther could either. 
"I won't let you-" you cut him off by raising your hand between you. Reluctantly, he closes his mouth and glare at you. Sadly for him, his glare had stopped affecting you long ago. 
"I got this." Your palm made contact with the tense muscles of his torso. Never before had you felt him like that. Stiff. Ready to slit throats. You shot him a wink, hoping he would back down and let you execute your plan. Again, you should’ve known that it would never be as easy. 
Having run out of patience, Luther got a hold of the sniper rifle and pointed it in your general direction. “Hey, assholes!” The second your boyfriend registered that the rifle was pointed at you, he quickly got a hold of your left arm and pulled you to safety behind him. In the corner of your eyes, you saw the old-timer do the same, only a second too late. “I’m done listening to you both. I’m in charge now!” The barrel of the sniper traveled from one Five to the other multiple times, accelerating your heartbeat. 
“Luther, lower that gun.” Both Five growled at the same time. Two hands were still traping you behind your younger Five, his protective grip keeping you in place. 
Luther shook his head. “Not before you two-” his words abruptly died under the two murderous ice-blue gaze of well trained assassins. That was your cue to save the day.
“Luther. Lower the gun.” Your voice was steady, you knew what you had to do. To your surprise, Luther listened to you, the gun slowly lowering to the ground once again. You gently pushed Five toward his brother. “Let me talk to him.” You were pleased with your confidant tone despite how insecure you felt inside. Five’s grip on your arm loosened after a while, allowing you to take a step toward the older Five. 
You were pleasantly surprised to see that your boyfriend’s blue gaze would never lose its brightness. The older version of Five still has his stunning icy eyes, which means that you will have the pleasure to get lost in them for your whole life. The enamored smile that slowly stretched your lips caused the older Five’s heartbeat to skyrocket. He had missed that smile for 45 years and he was desperate to see it again and again. 
“You could have it, you know?” His eyes went wide, mouth slowly opening in silent words. His astonishment made you chuckles. “You may not be the Five of my timeline, but you are still Five. I can still read you like a book.” Your beautiful smile almost made him tear up. He was definitely helpless when it came to you.
“I really can? After all I’ve done?” You didn’t have to read him to know he was apprehensive of your answer. As kids, Five always repeated to you that he never cared anyone’s thought of him, never failing to put the emphasis on anyone. But you were perfectly aware that your opinion counted. And a lot at that.
“Of course.” You looked at him with sad eyes, thinking of the you of his timeline. The you that is still waiting for the love of her life to come back. Your gaze fell on a couple down the parking lot, walking happily hand in hand. “I know for a fact that I’m waiting for you back home.” Your eyes found his once again. “Because my heart will always belong to you.” 
The older Five took a sharp breath in, trying to keep his composure. He opened his arms a bit inviting you for a last embrace that you contentedly accepted. You made sure to do it quickly so there was no more jealous altercation but made sure to convey your message properly. “You know, if you make sure that your siblings are good with Vanya, you and the other me will have plenty of time to catch up instead of worrying about the apocalypse. And if I could give you a bit of advice…” You got on your tiptoes to be closer to his ear, whispering the next part. “Don’t shave your stubble. I can’t resist it.”
Older Five’s chuckles reached your ears, making you smile. You two separated after a few seconds and the old-timer nodded to his younger self, who needed not to be told twice. As quickly as he could, your boyfriend used his power to create a blue vortex toward 2019. 
“Into the vortex you go, asshole.” Five’s sharpness made you roll your eyes. His hands pulled you to him, allowing him to kiss your cheek possessively. 
“Give me the math so I don’t end up too young or too old for her.” He winked at you, earning a laugh from you. There could be a thousand Five out there, but you were 100% sure they would all be the same. Meanwhile, your boyfriend’s arms tightened around you. 
“You stand next to the vortex and I’ll tell ya.” The old-timer hesitated a moment, knowing well that his younger self could easily double-cross him.  “Go!” You smiled at him and nodded, assuring him that you would not let that happen. Older Five made his way toward the vortex, close enough that he started to be pulled slightly by it. 
“Now give it to me!” You kept an eye on your boyfriend before he gave the equation, wanting to be sure he would be honest. You saw a flicker of mischief, but a slap on his chest from you got him back to business. 
“It was a typo. We put the decimal in the wrong spot in our proof of the existence of a bound for the number of limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields of fixed degree. We wrote down five-point-seven. It should be-”  You were so lost it almost made you laugh. Instead, you put your head on his chest, hugging his side. His arm automatically wrapped around you, his hand stroking tenderly your back. Oh, how you loved your genius. 
“Zero-point-nine-seven.” Their synchronism got the best of you this time and your laugh escaped your mouth. A kiss on your head made you tighten your grip for a second, reciprocating the sentiment. 
“Son of a bitch! I knew that didn’t look right!” Older Five took a time to breathe and prepare himself. He looked at the young couple in front of him, ready to finally find his happiness once again. “I guess this is it. I’ll see you soon.” He winked at you. You smiled and waved goodbye.
“Now off you go.” By your Five’s tone, you knew it was time for the old-timer to go. If he took another second, you were sure that Five would push his older self through the vortex with enthusiasm. Just before the old-timer has time to get in, a fire extinguisher was expulsed out of the vortex, hitting Luther square in the head. 
Your eyes went wide from the shock. You didn’t see that coming, but then you remembered Klaus throwing it in the blue vortex, back at the funeral, and you can’t help yourself and laugh wholeheartedly. 
During this time, the old-timer entered the vortex, safely appearing on the other side. True to his word, the younger Five gave him the good formula. He felt young again. But most importantly, in front of him was you, the second part of him. Before the tears in your eyes could fell, he space jumped to you, pulling you in his arms. He silently thanked the you that was still stuck in 1963 for convincing him to get in the vortex. 
In 1963, you smiled at your Five before giving him a kiss. He was still a sweaty mess, but you two have already been there. If you were lucky, maybe later you two would be a sweaty mess together. A smirk appeared on Five’s lips, clearly telling you that he caught your train of thoughts. 
“We did it!” Luther’s cheers burst your bubble, pulling you back to reality. “We have the briefcase!” Five sighed in your hair. There was still much to do before getting some alone time. 
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vanillacaramelhoney · 4 years
Different (2)
Pairing(s): Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: "We can always tell them."
Warnings: Fightingg, violence, death, y’know the usual
A/N: The fight scene at Griddy’s is my absolute favorite aside from the board massacre lmao
Fair warning- I’m shit at writing fight scenes!!!
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YN stayed in the house for the funeral, not wanting to intrude.
She didn't know Reginald aside from the stories Five told her in the apocalypse. They were enough for her to know that there was a lot of baggage that their father left them to carry.
She felt that she'd be intruding, despite what Five told her.
"You're a part of this family, y'know," Five pointed out as they had changed. "You're allowed to be out there."
"Yeah, but I didn't even know the man," YN reasoned. "Besides, they don't know that."
"We can always tell them."
YN looked back at Five, a playful smirk spreading across her face. "What happened to wanting to keep your love life private?" she teased.
Five scoffed, but there was only mock annoyance behind.
"Besides, I think Diego would try to kill you if we told him we're married."
"How do you two know each other?" Five asked, turning to her. He wore his old uniform. YN wore one of his as well but didn't wear the full set. She was glad that she was the right size for them.
"He knows my mom," she shrugged.
Five gave her a look of confusion but didn't comment on it.
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From what Five told her, the funeral didn't go well- not that she expected it to go any better than it did. Diego's behaviour didn't exactly surprise her, and what she knew of him and his siblings, the fight wasn't a surprise either.
That didn't mean she wasn't upset with him.
Now, though, she watched as Five dug through the kitchen. She sat on the edge of the table, her feet resting on a chair.
Klaus sat at the head of the table across from her. He held onto a guitar, his shoes discarded on the table.
Allison joined the three. "Where's Vanya?"
"Oh," Klaus spoke, "she's gone."
"That's unfortunate." YN glanced back at Five.
"Yeah," Allison agreed, giving him an odd look.
"An entire square block," Five said. "Forty-two bedrooms, nineteen bathrooms, but not a single drop of coffee." He looked up at his sister.
YN rolled her eyes at the reminder of his caffeine addiction.
"Dad hated caffeine," Allison reminded him.
"Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us," Klaus laughed pathetically at his joke, stopping abruptly.
Allison and Five stared at him a moment.
"I'm taking the car," Five said.
Klaus sat up in his seat, moving the guitar. "Where are you going?"
"To get a decent cup of coffee," Five told him. He looked to YN. "You coming?" With a nod, she dropped off the table.
"Do either of you even know how to drive?" Allison asked.
"We know how to do everything."
"It was great meeting you all," YN smiled before Five grabbed her hand, and they jumped out of the kitchen.
Klaus stood from his seat. "I feel like we should try and stop them, but then again, I also just kinda want to see what happens."
They could hear the engine start, followed by the stifled sound of the car leaving.
Diego walked in, already speaking. "I guess I'll see you guys in, what, ten years? When Pogo dies?"
"Not if you die first," Allison said, stepping away from him.
"Yeah, love you, too, sis," Diego fired back. He glanced around the kitchen. "YN leave?"
"The girl?" Klaus asked.
"Her and Five ran off to get coffee, apparently."
Diego let out an annoyed sigh, stepping away and moving to leave.
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The shifting neon lights above Griddy's was a welcomed sight for YN. She seldom visited with Diego, and on occasion, her mother joined when she was free. After a while, though, she started coming on her own and became acquainted with Agnes, who always served her.
The two climbed out of the car, and Five led the way to the diner.
A man held the door open for them as he left, earning a quick thank you from YN.
They settled next to each other at the counter. YN reached over and rang a short tune with the bell.
Five gave her a confused look as she settled back.
She looked back at him innocently.
"What?" she asked.
"What was that?" he asked.
"I haven't seen Agnus in a long time, and I always did that when I would come in," she pouted. "Leave me alone."
Five let out a chuckle and shook his head in amusement.
Behind them, the door opened, and footsteps came up to the counter. A man sat down in a chair close to Five.
Agnus came from the back room, and YN beamed at the sight of her.
"Sorry," the waitress apologized. "The sink was clogged." With a smile, she pulled out her pad of paper and pen.
"What'll it be?" she asked, looking at the man.
"Uh, give me a chocolate eclair." Agnus wrote down the order. She glanced up at Five.
"Can I get the kid a glass of milk or something?"
YN stifled back a laugh as Five scoffed. "The kid wants coffee. Black."
Agnus glanced at the man, uncertain of what to do. "Cute kid," she laughed. Looking back at Five, he gave her an uncomfortable smile.
She quickly moved on to YN.
"Nice to see you again, dear," she said, trying not to look back at Five. "Want your usual?"
"Yes, please," YN spoke softly.
Agnus gave her a nod before stepping back to the coffee pot.
Five let out a soft sigh. 
"Don't remember this place being such a shithole," he said, earning a gentle push from YN. "I used to come here as a kid. Used to sneak out with my brothers and sisters- eat donuts 'till we puked. Simpler times, huh?"
The man next to them seemed confused- understandably so, YN thought.
"I suppose," he responded.
Angus returned to the counter, balancing four items in her hands. She placed two coffees down- one for Five and the other for YN- and gave the man his eclair and YN her favorite pastry.
The man had pulled out his wallet, holding out money to Agnus.
"I got theirs," he said.
"Thanks." The two spoke in unison.
It was quiet for a moment as YN dug into her food. It had been almost a full day now since she'd last eaten anything, so she wasn't going to let it go to waste.
"You must know your way around the city."
YN looked up at Five, who stared at the man.
"I hope so," the man said. "I've been driving it for twenty years."
"Good," Five said. "We need an address."
YN raised a brow at him, unsure of where this was going.
She watched as the man wrote the address down on a napkin and slid it over to Five.
With a curt smile- one more pleasant than what he offered Agnus- Five took it and looked the address over.
YN looked at it over his shoulder, glancing back as the man left the restaurant.
"What's that for?" she questioned as he folded and pocketed the napkin.
Five opened his mouth to speak but shut it when the door opened again. Through the reflection of the bell, they could see armed men dressed in black behind them. Two had their weapons raised to each of their heads.
YN sighed as she stared down at her unfinished pastry. Did it really need to be this hard to get some food?
"That was fast," Five hummed. "Thought we'd have more time before they found us."
"Okay," the man holding his gun to Five's head spoke. "Let's be professional about this, yeah? On your feet, and come with us. They want to talk."
With a sigh, YN propped her arm up and rested her chin in the palm of her hand.
"We've got nothing to say."
"It doesn't have to go this way. You think I wanna shoot some kids? Go home with that on my conscience?"
"Well, I wouldn't worry about that." Five and YN glanced at each other. YN looked forward again, and Five looked back at the man. "You won't be going home."
Letting Five take the lead, YN waiting until he disappeared from his chair to drop from her seat and duck down.
The man that was aiming at her followed her movement, ready to shoot.
She moved faster, using her weight and swiping the man off his feet. He stumbled to the ground, landing on a conveniently placed pile of ice shards that pierced through his body. They melted to water seconds later, leaving no evidence behind.
"Hey, assholes!" Five's voice rang out in the diner, attracting the attention of the men.
As the men shot wildly at where he used to be seconds ago, YN used the distraction.
Focusing, a sharp wave of her hand brought shards of ice flying through the floor at the men. Only two got hit, the others taking cover from them before turning their shots on the girl. She avoided as best as she could, all while being jealous of Five's ability to jump around and avoid everything.
The boy wrapped his tie around the neck of a man, while another tried to aim at him. YN kicked at the other, and he stumbled back.
Forming a flat but sharp piece of ice in her hand, she rushed him, swinging at his neck with the ice. He dropped to the ground, blood pouring out and pooling around him.
YN scrunched her nose at the sight, dropping the ice.
Turning, she caught sight of the last two men trying to corner Five. He disappeared as they shot, leaving them to shoot at each other. They sank to the ground, dead, and the fight was finally over.
YN let out a laugh as Five retrieved his tie from a man's corpse.
"What's so funny?" he asked, wrapping his tie back around his neck.
"They were a couple of idiots," she said.
"You know, for someone so sweet, you can be real awful sometimes," Five said. YN smiled at him, shrugging.
The sounds of grunts caught their attention, and YN's smile fell.
Five moved to stand over the last man, crouching down to snap his neck. There, he caught sight of the tracking device and picked it up.
He showed it to YN, who groaned.
"You wanna go first?" he asked.
"Not really."
They sat back at the counter.
YN watched in displeasure as Five took a knife to his arm, cutting into the skin. He dug into the wound with his fingers, grunting in pain.
He pulled out a small pill-shaped device that blinked green. He set it aside before handing the knife over to YN.
"Your hands are still black," he commented.
A side effect of solidifying liquids came in the form of frostbite on her hands. It would never hurt her, but her hands and fingers would ache and freeze for a certain amount of time as it faded.
"Are you sure you can do this?" Five asked, noticing the severe shake to her hands. "Are you alright?" He hadn't seen the side effects in so long that it was odd to see them again.
"I'm fine," YN assured him. "I didn't know I had powers at this age, so I never used them. I guess being back at this age and using them so much all of a sudden is taking a toll on my body."
"Here, give it to me," Five insisted.
With a sigh, she traded the knife back and held out her arm for him.
Her face scrunched in pain as he cut through, stopping when it was open enough. He did the same for her, reaching in and pulling out the tracking device.
"Can we go now?"
They left the shop hand-in-hand, Five ignoring the cold her hand gave off.
He dropped the devices by the sewer drain.
"Where to now, babe?" YN asked.
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The click of a lock and creaking hinges filled the dark room where YN and Five sat, waiting.
YN could faintly see a figure's outline, who she assumed was Vanya. Hoped was more like it.
Five clicked on a light, revealing their presence.
Vanya looked at them, startled. "Jesus!" she breathed.
"You should have locks on your windows," Five told her.
"I live on the second floor."
"Rapists can climb."
Vanya paused. "You are so weird."
She turned and closed the door before removing her coat and draping it over the back of the couch.
She sat down on the couch.
She looked over the two, more focused on her brother than the girl who rested against the back of the chair he sat on.
"Is that blood?" she asked them. Her gaze stayed on their arms.
YN moved her arm out of sight, which was much more visible than Five's.
"It's nothing," Five said.
Vanya shifted, not liking his answer. "Why are you here?"
"I've decided you're the only one I can trust."
"Why me?"
"Because you're ordinary." YN discreetly flicked the back of his head. He sighed at her. "Because you'll listen."
With a soft 'okay,' she stood up and disappeared into a room. She returned shortly with medical supplies, to which Five rolled up the sleeve of the blazer.
The woman took a sharp breath at the sight of his wound.
"When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?" Five spoke.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. For a while, I thought I was the last person alive. I found YN, who managed to survive by luck.
"I never figured out what killed the human race, but I did find something else. The date it happens. The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it."
During Five's explanation, YN had been waved over to the couch by Vanya so she could take care of her arm as well.
Vanya stared at her brother in silence as she tried to register the bomb he had dropped on her.
"I'll put on a pot of coffee."
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euphoniumpets · 4 years
run boy run | five hargreeves x hargreeves! reader
Summary: After telling Vanya how you survived the apocalypse, and Five was frusterated that it didn’t go as he wanted, you follow him to find out who caused the apocalypse. 
Authors note: Hi! I’m glad that many of you liked the first chapter of my series ‘wildest ones’. I have rewatched the entire season one and i’m still continuing watching season two! so, when the season one is over i will be writing season two. Besides, this chapter is a long one!
Italics - flashback + means that I can’t tag you. 
Proluge - Chapter one - Chapter two 
Tag List: @colors-for-the-world-please @the-passionate-freak @andycanbeemotional @f10pc
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You watched Vanya as she tried to process everything for the past few minutes after when you, and five had told her that the apocalypse was coming in eight days. You understood her that she had a lot of questions while your husband didn’t thought it would go the way he had thought it. Five took a sip of the coffee that Vanya had made him as you sat down your cup on the table, watching her stumble upon her words. 
‘‘What did you, uh, do? you know after finding the world ended?’‘ You leaned backward as you let Five carry on with the conversation. 
‘‘We survived on the scraps, canned food, cockroaches, anything we could find, you know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf? That’s total bullshit,’‘ He explained as he chuckled of the thought. 
‘‘I can’t even imagine,’‘ Vanya replied as she leaned forward as you looked at her with a soft expression. ‘‘You do whatever it takes to survive,’‘ Five rolled his eyes before he shook his head. ‘’Or die, anyway, the three of us adapted, whatever the world threw at us, we found a way to overcome it,’’ Vanya frowned as she looked towards you and Five with curiosity.
‘‘Wait, I’m sorry-’‘
‘‘The three of you? I thought that it was only the two of you,’‘ Vanya questioned as you gave a look towards Five that Vanya couldn’t read. Five ignores the question. 
‘‘You got any stronger?’‘ Five asked her as she nodded. 
‘‘I have some Hennessy?’‘ 
‘‘Go fetch it, will you?’‘ 
Vanya hesitated before she went towards the kitchen and collect the cups that were sitting on the table. ‘’I bet that if Delores would see us know, she would be laughing,’’ Five replied as you chuckled. ‘’Oh, yeah, it would be hilarious besides, she would have also said, I told you so,’’ 
‘‘You know that Delores is always right, sometimes you should even listen to her, or me at least,’‘ You remarked as Five looked at you. ‘‘Belive it or not, I actually listen to you,’‘ He sent you the sarcastic smile that you knew too familiar with. 
‘‘Yeah, for once,’‘ You let out a scoff as you crossed your arms. Five looked at you with a guilty expression as he remembered that day when you pleaded to go with him. He was thankful that you followed with him because he would actually loose his mind if he was alone for the past few years. 
‘‘I’m sorry,’‘ You turned to him with a soft smile that he often adored. 
‘‘I know,’‘ You replied as you placed your hand into his as you felt him squeeze that it would remind you that he was always here. Vanya came back to the living room as she handed him the drink. 
‘‘You think I’m crazy, don’t you?’‘ He asked her.
‘‘No, it’s just-’‘ Vanya stammers before she sighed and continued. ‘‘It’s a lot to process right now-’‘
‘‘Exactly what don’t you understand?’‘ You could hear Five’s voice filled with frusteration in his voice. You squeezed his hand to calm him down. Vanya’s eyes drifted slowly towards your hands. You saw a look that you couldn’t recognize when you watched her gaze landed on your ring. It was the same look you noticed that she gave you when Allison noticed that the two of you were married.
‘‘Why didn’t you two time travel back?’‘
‘‘Geez, whish I’d thought of that!’‘ Five replied sarcastically. You shot him a look. ‘‘Five,’‘ You warned him as he sighed. ‘’Time travel is a crap shot, I went into the ice and never acorn-ed, you think I didn’t try everything to get back to my family?’’
‘‘How come that you two still look like kids?’‘ Vanya asked again after a silence.
‘‘I told you already, I must’ve gotten the equations wrong,’‘ 
‘‘I mean, dad always used to say that time travel could...’‘
‘‘Mess up with your mind well, maybe this was happening?’‘ Vanya replied as you watched five sigh. ‘‘This was a mistake, I thought that you would understand but, it’s clear to me that I have to do this by myself,’‘ He muttered before he chug down the drink. ‘‘Five!’‘ You said in disbelief. 
You knew that Vanya was trying to understand everything but it seemed that Five was so impatient. 
You followed Five towards the door before Vanya spoke up. ‘’Five please, I just go back, we haven’t seen the two of you in a very long time and I don’t want to loose you two again,’’ She told you.
‘‘It’s getting late, okay? I have lessons early, and I need to sleep, and I’m sure the two of you need the sleep,’‘ She replied before she fixed some cushions and blankets on the sofa. ‘‘We’ll talk about this in the morning, Okay?’‘ She asked you as you nodded. You watched her go inside her bedroom before Five speak up.
‘‘Let’s go,’‘ As you let out a sigh, you follow your husband out of the door. 
16 years ago
‘‘Number eight!’‘ You heard your father scolds at you. Turning your gaze towards five, he gave you a sympahetic look. ‘‘Do it!’‘ He ordered as you widened your eyes. ‘‘No!’‘ You exclaimed as you looked with fear towards five. 
‘‘Use your powers on number five,’‘ He informed as you looked at reginald. ‘‘But what if he gets hurt?’‘ You questioned him. ‘‘Ignore it, you need to focus,’‘ 
Turning your gaze towards five in front of you, you let out a sigh as the two of you connected your eyes. He gave you an smile to let know that it was okay. 
Sighing, as your heart beating too fast, you closed your eyes before you opened them and focused. Nothing happened for a while before you heard a slight scream from five. You winced when you heard his pain and you immediatly stopped. You were glad that you stopped but however, reginald didn’t seem to happy. 
You fell down on the hard ground as you landed on a thump, you heard the door closed shut as you ran towards the door with full panic mode. ‘’No! Dad, please! Somebody!’’ You screamed. As you kept still banging on the door helplessly, you suddenly knew that no one of your siblings were going to help you. 
As you watched the white ceiling around you, you noticed a doctor approached five. You were there because Five had found a lead where the missing eye was coming from, and you hoped that it was the clue of who was ending the apocalypse. ‘’Uh, can I help you?’’ He asked you as Five looked at the ball. ‘’We need to know who this belongs to,’’ He answered as the doctor frowned.
‘‘Where did you guys get that?’‘ 
‘‘Why do you care?’‘ Five snapped as you rolled your eyes towards your husband patience. 
‘‘We, uh, we found it on a playground, actually, it seemed that it might just have popped out from nowhere,’‘ You replied innocently as Five gave you a strange look. ‘’We want to return it to the rightful owner,’’
‘‘Oh...what a thoughtful young man and lady,’‘ The lady replied as you gave her a sarcastic smile. ‘‘Yeah, look up for the names will you?’‘ Five said as you could tell that he was annoyed. 
‘‘Uh, I’m sorry but patient records are strictly confidential, that means that I can’t tell you-’‘
‘‘Yeah, we know what it means,’‘ Five replied angirly.
‘‘I’ll take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner, I’m sure he or she will be very grateful so, if I can just-’‘ He reached for the eye but five stopped hi,.
‘‘Yeah, you’re not touching this eye,’‘ He snapped.
‘‘Now, listen here young man-’‘ He began.
‘‘No, you listen to me asshole! We’ve come a long way for this through some shit your pea brain couldn’t even comprehend so, just give us the information we need, and we will be on our merry way!’‘ He snapped as you widened your eyes and placed your hand onto his shoulder. Five relaxed a little bit by your touch but he still kept his glare on the doctor. 
‘‘And if you call me young man one more time, I’m gonna put your head through the damned wall,’‘ Five only glared harder. 
‘‘Oh dear,’‘ The lady said behind the desk. ‘‘Call security,’‘ The lady agreed before Five teleported the two of you away. 
‘‘Where were you two? I was worried sick,’‘ You heard Vanya speak as she walked inside the room. You were back at the umbrella academy inside five’s room. You could see five rolled his eyes as you gave him a stern look which, only made him roll his eyes, again. 
‘‘Sorry we left without saying goodbye,’‘ You replied.
‘‘No, look, I’m the one who should be sorry, I was dissmissive, and - I guess I didn’t know how to process what you guys were saying, and I still can’t be, to be honest. 
‘‘Maybe you were right being dissmisive,’‘ Five turns and scoffs but you grab him by his arm. 
‘‘Maybe it wasn’t real after all, it felt real well, like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind,’‘ 
‘‘Then maybe I’m not the right person for you to talk to, either of you,’‘ 
‘‘Look, I used to see someone, a therapist, I could give you guys her information,’‘ You sighed. Of course Vanya would think that the two of you were crazy. 
‘‘Thanks but... We need some rest, It’s been a long time since either one of us had a good sleep,’‘ You responded with a smile. ‘‘Oh, Okay, it’s good to have my other sister back,’‘ She replied as you nodded. ‘‘Yeah, it’s good to see you too,’‘ 
You watched Vanya leave the room as the closed door opened as you heard Klaus’s voice. ‘’That’s so...’’ He began. ‘’Touching, at all that stuff about family, dad time, and sisters, and WOW!’’ Klaus walks over to five.
‘‘Would you shut up? She’ll hear you,’‘
‘‘Five,’‘ You warned him. 
‘‘Yeah, Five,’‘ Klaus repeated as you rolled your eyes.
‘‘I’m moist,’‘ You snorted when you watched five glare at him.
‘‘Anyway, I thought that you would put on something more professional,’‘ You replied as you looked at him weirdly. 
‘‘What? This is my nicest outfit,’‘ Klaus replied as he looked down. 
‘‘Anyway, it doesn’t matter,’‘ You followed five out as Klaus followed the two of you. 
‘‘Whatever, as long as I get paid,’‘
‘‘When the job is done,’‘ You reminded him. 
‘‘Okay but, just to be clear on the finer details, I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?’‘ You turned towards Klaus. 
‘‘Yeah, something like that,’‘ Five replied, shrugging. 
‘‘What’s our cover story?’‘ You frowned. ‘‘We don’t need one,’‘ You told them as Klaus looked at you. ‘’Oh, we so does,’’ 
‘‘I mean, was really young when I had you? Like,16?Like, young and terribly misguided?’‘ Five rolled his eyes. ‘‘Sure,’‘ 
‘‘What about Mrs. Wife over here?’‘ He asked and pointed towards you. ‘‘You know, I think that I liked you better when you wanted Five’s attention,’‘ 
‘‘Believe me she still does,’‘ Five replied as you hit him on the chest. ‘‘Besides, we can’t wear our rings,’‘ He reminded you as you took out your ring and gave it to him. Five did the same before he had them inside his pocket. 
‘‘But your mother, she’s a slut, whoever she was, we met at... the disco,’‘ Klaus kept rambling. ‘‘Okay remember that, oh my god, the sex was amazing,’‘ 
‘‘Okay, that’s enough for the cover up story,’‘ You replied as you grabbed five’s hand and the three of you started to walk away. 
‘‘Like I said to your son and his girlfriend earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential, without the clients consent, I can’t simply help you,’‘ The doctor said. 
‘‘Well, we can’t give consent if you don’t give us a name,’‘
‘‘Well, that’ not my problem, sorry, now, there’s really nothing more I can do so-’‘
‘‘And what about my consent?’‘ Klaus spoke up. He gave him a blank look. ‘‘Excuse me?’‘
‘‘Who gave your permission...to lay your hands...on my son and his girlfriend?’‘ Klaus pointed towards Five and you.  You looked towards Five with a questioning look as he did it same. We had no idea what Klaus was trying to do.
‘‘What?’‘ Five, you, and the doctor said in unison.
‘‘You heard me, ‘‘ Klaus argued.
‘‘I didn’t touch your son or his girlfriend,’‘ 
‘‘Oh, really? How did she get that bruise on her cheek and how did he get that swollen lip?’‘ 
‘‘He and she doesn’t -’‘
Before anyone could say anything, you felt a sharp pain on your cheek and a groan from Five as the two of you looked angry towards Klaus. 
The door opened and your face was dried full with tears. You didn’t know how long you were inside that room. But you didn’t care because all you wanted to get out. You looked up as you saw Five standing in front of you as he could hear you sniffle. 
It was almost like a punishment to use the most powerful power you had inside you. And Reginald wanted to develope that power inside you. But being a small child and didn’t understand why, you didn’t wanted to hurt anybody. 
You had your hands around your legs as you hugged them. Five looked at you with a sad expression on his face as he crawled towards you as you felt his arms wrap around you. 
248 notes · View notes
Champagne Problems-Diego Hargreeves
a/n: WHO’S READY FOR THE ANGST?! here we go lol. i’ve never written a song-inspired fic but here we are. this part 1 of of my 2 valentine’s day fics. the other is a cute luther fic and hopefully I’ll be able to write more umbrella academy so... NO I HAVE NOT FINISHED SEASON 2 DON’T COME FOR ME. i’m also totally willing to write a second part to this, especially after i hurt myself so bad so if it’s something you’re interested in, please let me know. listening to champagne problems during this is probably a good idea. this also exists minorly in my law and order: special victims unit x the umbrella academy universe but it’s really only slight mentions of ADA work, so no real connection. 
masterlist | prompt list
warnings: ANGST, Hazel, Agnes, and Eudora live and Ben comes back to life because I said so, post-Texas apocalypse but my own storyline because I haven’t finished season 2 yet, my own thoughts and feeling in the form of the main character, Ben’s secretly a history nerd, Tumblr fucked with my spacing and I’m salty
word count: 3,064 (including song lyrics)
Tumblr media
You booked the night train for a reason
So you could sit there in this hurt
Bustling crowds or silent sleepers
You're not sure which is worse
You always opted to take the cases that kept you up the latest at night, working the hardest to get victims justice. You refused to sleep at night until you knew you’d be able to put a killer or rapist away the next day. Which, in turn, meant that there’d often be nights a detective would call in need of a warrant, already knowing you’d still be awake. However, there would be nights, weeks, even, where it was a small case or no cases at all. Those were the days you’d busy yourself in the office until you had no other reason to be there, finding the later you took the subway home, the fewer people there would be. Usually, the quiet of the night calmed you and gave you time to reflect. Sometimes though, your mind would wander to him.
Because I dropped your hand while dancing
Left you out there standing
Crestfallen on the landing
Champagne problems
Diego had taken you on a drive, bringing you to the city of Manhattan. You always spoke of your love of the city, missing your time spent there while in law school. The two of you had gone for a walk and picnic through Central Park and as the sun was beginning to set, leaving the New York sky a dusty pink, he grabbed your hand as you talked about your favorite memory at the Chinese place just down the road. You paused, looking up at him, seeing the love for swimming within his features. After that night, you had grown to hate the sight of Central Park and avoided it by all means necessary. Your team had never been able to figure out why.
Your mom's ring in your pocket
My picture in your wallet
Although never actually married to Reginald, and despite the fact that she was an AI, Grace had a wedding band she kept tucked away. When Diego had introduced you to Grace, he knew that you would be the one he’d marry. You were so kind to the AI, not batting an eyelash at her charging port or her sometimes distant nature. She was Diego’s mom by all accounts, and he’d be damned if he was going to live the rest of his life with a girl who didn’t respect his mother. Despite Diego’s fear, you and the AI got on splendidly and at the end of the night, when you were talking to Pogo, Grace brought the boy upstairs and slipped him the small band. She smiled at him and Diego had to restrain himself from crushing the sweet women in a hug. “Just in case.” she had said.
Your heart was glass, I dropped it
Champagne problems
Diego had tried from the very beginning to be honest with you that he came with a lot of issues. Building trust had been difficult and a fragile process. You had been patient and kind and understanding and everything he was certain he didn’t deserve. Diego slowly learned to let his walls and heart open to you and by the end of it, Diego believed that you had melted his heart of ice and worked your way into his life and family. Until you turned away, dropping the ice heart, shattering it.
You told your family for a reason
You couldn't keep it in
When you and Diego had first met, it had been purely by accident. You were just moving into the apartment across the hall from Vanya’s and he had come barreling down the stairs after Five. After knocking you and one too many boxes to the ground, Diego profusely apologized, concerned eyes flitting across you to make sure that you indeed weren’t hurt. He had offered to help you finish moving your belongings, wanting a few more minutes with the pretty girl on the stairs. You agreed and asked if he would be interested in grabbing dinner with you that night since you didn’t know anywhere in town. He agreed and the two of you had always considered that your unofficial first date. As the two of you grew closer and Diego’s family became interested in the mysterious ADA with whom he spent all his time, the more determined Diego became to shelter you from them. His family came with a lot of baggage, a lot of trouble, and you had enough just trying to put the bad guys away. But as he became more certain he wanted you in his life for a long time, the more he knew he wanted to tell his siblings. After the apocalypse, he and his siblings had tried to repair the broken bridges and had been successful for the most part. So, one night, at family dinner, he looked around at his siblings, laughing at some witty comment Five had made, and he blurted it out before he could stop himself. The siblings went quiet, looking over at him. You had just met Grace a few days ago, and he was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. “I think I’m going to marry her.”
Your sister splashed out on the bottle
Now no one's celebrating
Allison had been the most excited, wanting to plan an elaborate engagement scheme, wanted to help him pick out the ring. He let her too, unsure of really what to do, and was happy to see her so excited about something. She had convinced Diego to introduce you to her and Vanya, wanting to get to know you, to accurately help Diego (and of course to get to know her future sister-in-law, with whom she was determined to be best friends). As the date that they had settled on drew nearer, she bought an expensive bottle of champagne, stating that only the finest would do for her brother’s engagement. Diego rolled his eyes, but deep down he appreciated that she cared about him this much to help him. When Diego returned to the Academy that night, unannounced and much later than originally intended, Allison immediately knew something was wrong. The siblings looked around at each other, in shock and disbelief. No one had really thought you’d say no.
Dom Pérignon, you brought it
No crowd of friends applauded
You weren’t sure why Diego brought the bottle of champagne with him, and he wasn’t sure either, both knowing you didn’t drink. As you stared at him, and he stared at you, hurt flickering across the other’s face, all Diego could focus on was the fact that he brought that stupid bottle of champagne. Why had he listened to Allison, or Vanya, or any of the Hargreeves for that matter? Diego was not meant to get a happy ending, he was sure of it. And he had gone and tempted fate and had gotten the heart-breaking answer he knew all along.
Your hometown skeptics called it
Champagne problems
The Hargreeves had taken Diego out to Griddy’s that night, not sure what else to do with him. Hazel and Agnes looked at him, pity in their eyes. The police chief of the town was there, the one who had despised Diego entirely and was entirely infuriated when he had found out his favorite ADA was “messing around” with the disgraced ex-police officer-turned-vigilante. He looked at the pity party that seemed to be happening in honor of Diego and laughed. “She always was too good for you. Glad she finally realized it.”
You had a speech, you're speechless
Love slipped beyond your reaches
And I couldn't give a reason
Diego had a speech, he had. He’d prepared it with Grace and Allison and had practiced it a million times over, to make sure he wouldn’t stutter. Klaus and Ben had listened patiently, giving him pointers and Vanya had even helped him rewrite it when he thought it wasn’t conveying what he wanted to say. And yet, as he looked at you, he couldn’t think of a single word of it. He was nervous, sure, but he was so consumed by the love he felt for you, that he just blurted out, “Wanna get married?”. He offered wondered if he had given you a speech, told you how much he loved you, why he loved you, if you’d still be with him.  
Champagne problems
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
November flush and your flannel cure
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
Diego had been so nervous bringing you to the Academy to meet his siblings. He wasn’t sure how’d you react to the dysfunction of his family and he was terrified in anticipation of what the siblings might say or do that would scare you off. Luckily, you and Klaus had immediately become attached at the hip and you were already familiar with Vanya. Luthor and Five had been cold at first, waiting to see if they were up to their standards and if you had ulterior motives with Diego. You, of course, passed with flying colors and by the end of the night, you had them laughing and sharing embarrassing stories of Diego. Allison was enthused and happy to welcome you to the family. Ben had engaged you in a deep conversation about the legacy of ancient civilizations long after anyone else cared to listen or contribute. Still, Diego had been nervous it was all a front as to not have the dinner be awkward and uncomfortable. As he drove back to your (unofficially shared) apartment, he had joked that his house was a madhouse. You had seen right through him, knowing he was trying to apologize for the chaos that is his family and that is, well, Klaus. You had laughed and told him that if you could survive in your madhouse of a family, you could survive in his too.
How evergreen, our group of friends
Don't think we'll say that word again
As Diego looked back on your relationship, he looked for signs that you were unhappy, or wanting to leave. He was unable to come up with any, with the exception of one. You and Diego never fought. It couldn’t have been healthy but there was… never anything to fight about. You were both okay with the other’s line of work, and while not perfect, Diego was learning to be open and honest with you about what he needed from the relationship and you had always been so receptive to that. Ben had once joked that he hadn’t seen plants so evergreen as your relationship. You had laughed and Diego smiled, happy he had someone that was so easy to be with after all the hardship he’d experienced in his life. Now all Diego could do was look back on that memory with the bitter taste of regret.
And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls
That we once walked through
Christmas had been your favorite holiday ever since you were a child. As you had gotten older, the excitement faded, but the cheer and happiness that came from watching old Christmas films and dancing to songs in your kitchen as you baked cookies found its way into your heart without fail every year. So, when the first Christmas with Diego came around, you had cautiously asked him if he’d like to celebrate it with you. Diego tried not to speak too much on Reginald, and from what you knew about the man, Christmas didn’t seem like something that was being celebrated at the Umbrella Academy. Diego had shrugged, saying he didn’t really know what Christmas was about to know if he’d enjoy celebrating it or not. Thus, you had taken Diego to look at lights and watched all your favorite Christmas movies as a child and listened to songs while baking family recipes and he had even helped you decorate the apartment. By the time Christmas rolled around, Diego had started to understand why you cherished the holiday so much. But waking up the morning of Christmas to gifts you had picked out for him, one making up for every year he lost out on what Christmas was supposed to be like, he felt his heart growing three sizes more, like the Grinch from the night before. Diego had never felt a love as pure when he looked at you.
The next year had been no different, just on a larger scale as the whole Hargreeves clan joined in this time. That year, Christmas morning found the Hargreeves boys whisper-yelling at Diego about how he had found the perfect woman as they woke to an abundant amount of gifts under the tree. You dragged Vanya and Allison down the stairs, insisting the family had to open presents together. Klaus had insisted he act as Santa, stating the real Santa should get to sit with her boyfriend. You hadn’t protested, seeing how much a kick he got out of the hat and curled up into Diego as he sat with his back against the arm of the couch. Diego ran his fingers through your hair, and you laid your head against his chest. Luther, wide-eyed, asked you how you were able to pay for all of it. You had shrugged and stated that being an ADA paid you a much larger salary than you knew what to do with and moving out of Manhattan meant a lot less on rent. When Vanya asked why you’d bother spending all that money on them, your response had ensured to Diego that he’d found the right one. “Well, you guys are like family to me. And you never got the Christmases I grew up with and it’s all about making other people happy. I wanted to give you back the Christmas you never had.”
As he looked around at the decorated Academy this year, Klaus and Ben insisting on continuing the tradition you left behind, Diego just felt an overwhelming sense of hatred of the colors and lights. All just painful reminders of what he lost. Of the girl who left.
One for the money, two for the show
I never was ready, so I watch you go
Sometimes you just don't know the answer
'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
Luther was the only one who could never quite believe you were with Diego totally and completely. Maybe the misgivings came from his strained relationship with the second Hargreeves boy but he always believed you were in it for one of two reasons. Either the money that came with Hargreeves fortune or the fame that came with the Hargreeves name. Of course, Luther wasn’t you, and would never understand the real reason you had said…
“No.” Diego looked at you, hand on his pocket, ready to give you Grace’s ring, unsure if his fear was playing tricks with his head. You shook your head, “No, Diego. I’m sorry.” When those words had left Diego’s mouth, your heart had stopped. You loved Diego, more than anything you had ever known, but the untold horrors of your life before Diego came rushing to the surface and began to choke you. How could you marry Diego when you couldn’t disclose the worst moments of your life to him for fear of being a burden on the already broken boy? You realized at that moment, you could be everything Diego needed, but you would never allow Diego to be everything you needed, setting your relationship hurtling for sure-fire failure. You gasped, the tears threatening to render you breathless. “Diego, I-” And in a moment of pure, blind panic, you grabbed your things and ran, leaving the boy devastated behind you.
"She would've made such a lovely bride
What a shame she's fucked in her head, " they said
A few weeks after that night, Diego found himself alone at the Academy with Five. The two of them were sitting at the bar, not saying much. Finally, Five put his drink down on the table and looked at Diego. “I am really sorry about her, Diego.” Diego looked up at Five. “It’s a shame she’s got too many issues up here,” he said, tapping his head, “to give you what you wanted. She was one-of-a-kind.”
“What are you talking about Five?” Diego questioned, mildly annoyed Five brought you up.
“Did she give you a reason why, Diego?” Number 2 shook his head. “She always seemed to have her own issues, her own baggage, she was never willing to discuss. Maybe her issues with marriage was one of them.”
“That’s ridiculous Five, she would’ve told me.” Diego said, taking a sip of his drink. But as he thought about it, the more he wondered if Five was right. You had told him about your less-than-ideal relationship with your family and disclosed the fact that you didn’t drink due to a genetic predisposition of being an alcoholic, but he had always sensed there was something more you wouldn’t share.
But you'll find the real thing instead
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
And hold your hand while dancing
One night, he ran into Eudora at Griddy’s making a midnight waffle run for the family. She told him she had heard about the failed proposal and that if he ever wanted or needed to talk, she’d be there. He called her a few days later, and the two of them met up at a bar for a few drinks. He told her about you and that night, and as Diego talked about it, he realized that pain subsided. The outings to the bar became weekly occurrences and he found himself enjoying the company and comfort Eudora offered. And as Eudora found her way back into his life, as time went on, Diego realized he thought of you less and less.
Never leave you standing
Crestfallen on the landing
With champagne problems
Your mom's ring in your pocket
Her picture in your wallet
You won't remember all my
Champagne problems
You won't remember all my
Champagne problems
41 notes · View notes
captainficspace · 4 years
Game Night- Five’s Day
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy 
Characters: The Hargreeves Sibs
A/N: I think this is actually my favorite fic I’ve written for this week. I couldn’t wait to post it :) 
Movie night wasn’t the only “mandatory fun” the household had started keeping up with. Game night probably never would have happened in a million years if Vanya hadn’t suggested it and everyone wanted to let her have this one thing. Not that it had gone well, naturally. The initial concern would be that no one would care enough to show up, but the opposite ended up being true. No, everyone cared entirely too much when it came to game night. She had forgotten that everyone in the house was competitive as all hell, and so far there had been three game nights in a row that ended in someone flipping the board in frustration. It took serious begging to give it all one more try, and reluctantly, everyone agreed, if not out of the potential entertainment that would come from giving Klaus a Taboo buzzer.
Vanya had also thought things over, learning from the past nights. This had to be different. Everyone gave her looks of startled bewilderment when she came into the house that day, Klaus in tow, with a traffic cone, a 2x4, spray glitter, and a bulk bag of googly eyes.
“We’re making the game this time and it’s gonna be better than anything else you suggest, so don’t even start.” Klaus announced.
 It somehow ended up being so much worse. There were seven pages of hand-written rules and a haphazardly painted board studded with google eyes and plastic dinosaurs. They had all been trying to play for a solid half hour and not even Vanya could remember what the objective had been. Putting the finishing touches on the game had taken up a good part of the night, so midnight was slowly approaching when things started to get real.  
 “So clearly, the spacemen need to roll to enter the chaos volcano and trade for the ice crystal if you’re going restore the dinosaur kingdom.” Diego moved the plastic army man they had been using as pawns, approaching a cardboard volcano at the center of the board.
“We don’t have enough HP to enter the volcano realm, yet. Everyone still needs to collect the spells.”  Luther said, flipping back through the rules again for what seemed the thousandth time. None of it made sense. Vanya sank down in her seat ever so slightly. The goal was to make a game where everyone used their competitive-ass natures to work together for once, and she couldn’t even do that right. Five kept looking at her out of the corner of his eye, silently begging for her to allow him to leave. If this didn’t turn around in fifteen minutes, she was throwing in the towel.
“How can we be spacemen and also wizards?” Allison asked, looking over Luther’s shoulder to see the rules for herself, trying to find the bizarre cast of characters they had to pick from when starting the game. Spacemen, necromancers, aliens, ghosts, something called Bananamen…was there even a mention of wizards here? Five, on the other hand, had not looked at the rules since beginning out of silent protest for being part of game night once again. He stared into space or at the bottom of his empty mug, waiting for everyone to give up so he could just go to bed.
Klaus had long stopped trying to explain the rules that he and Vanya had come up with and instead became distracted with how many of the little plastic eyes he could pick off the board and stick to his face.
 “Well, my character is a dinosaur and also a necromancer, so anything is possible.” Vanya added, trying to stay positive.
 “See, so she can resurrect us in the volcano realm.” Diego said.
“She can only be allowed three healing spells. Did you pay any attention to the lizard king?”  Allison asked.
“If Diego had used the action cards to fill out the sidequest-“ Vanya tried to balance between letting the others figure things out and outright telling them what to do out of growing frustration, and it wasn’t going well.
“Who has time for the sidequests?”
Five buried his face in his hands, slowly slumping down in his chair. No one could tell him he wasn’t being a good sport for just showing up.
“You’re just going to sit there as a level-two hermit and tell me, to my face, that I’m wrong?” Oh great. Diego was on his feet now, staring Luther down across the table. It was only a matter of time before the giant sheet of plywood they had used as a board was going to go flying.
 “I will look you dead in your face and say you have zero idea how the sidequest with the elf queen was supposed to get us to the volcano realm.” And now Luther was also standing, nearly hitting his head on the chandelier that hung over the table. A shadow fell over the board
“Hey, guys. Look. I’m an angel now.” Klaus interjected, drawing attention to his eye-covered face, “I’m using my holy damage by punching the volcano in the face until we get the ice crystal.” The two feuding brothers ignored him, still refusing to take a seat until the problem was solved.
“You shut your damn velociraptor mouth.” Diego growled.
From behind his hands, Five squeaked. Vanya looked closer and realized his shoulders were shaking. He wasn’t just playing up his exasperation for dramatic effect; he was giggling. The others turned as well, equally surprised.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Allison asked, “We hadn’t heard much at all from our level 3 firebreather.” Five shook his head, still covering his face. He was doing a progressively worse job at keeping himself quiet, and his laughter was beginning to break through, high-pitched and sweet.
 “He would always get like this when he stayed up too late.” Luther said, “Don’t you guys remember?” The memories slowly started to come back of them sneaking into each other’s rooms after lights-out to actually be kids for once. Five was always the first to succumb to the midnight giggles, curling up and hiding his face in a pillow to muffle the sound so he wouldn’t get them caught. It would spread like wildfire, and they would all end up giving into that magical hour of the night where everything became funny, cracking jokes and teasing each other and finally not taking anything too seriously. Either Five had never outgrown it, or it was just another perk of new form.
“He’s overtired. I guess he’s just loopy.” Allison said, grinning as she heard a muffled snort come from the giggling pile of sleep-deprived goo that was her brother. He put his head down on the table and buried his head in his arms, well-past being able to stop at this point.
“Instead of turning into a pumpkin at midnight he just turns into a gigglebox.” Klaus leaned over and squeezed his knee, “Come on, let me see your smiling face!” Five squealed, nearly falling out of his chair trying to squirm away. He still refused to lift his head and show that he was actually capable of laughing.
 “We need your firebreather wisdom, be a team player!” Diego added, coming over from behind and digging his hands into his ribcage.
A solid thud came from under the table, knocking over several pieces on the board from the force. Everyone sitting nearby said a silent word of thanks that Five ended up kicking the underside of the table and not anyone’s shins. Five kicked like a mule when he was tickled, especially in the scream-laughing stage Diego had him in as he wiggled his fingers in-between each bone.
“Oh, and now he’s taking down the bananamen army.” Luther said, throwing up his hands in mock-anger.
Five finally lifted his head, swatting his brothers away. His unrestrained cackling bounced off the walls, almost startling in its volume and intensity.
“E-Enough!” He squeaked out, sniffling. His face was bright red and streaked with tears. The brothers slowed down, but still didn’t stop completely, sneaking in pokes and squeezes to keep him giggling.
“His dimples hadn’t changed at all.” Klaus said, pinching his cheek and giving him one last tickle behind his knee. Five swatted him with one hand and muffled his laughter with the other, shoulders shaking. He couldn’t look Klaus in the face with those stupid googly eyes and Diego’s ‘ ”shut your velociraptor mouth” comment kept playing over and over in his head. The teasing and the tickling did nothing to help his attempts at pulling himself together. He pounded his fist on the table, the hand over his mouth doing little to suppress his giggle fit.
“Is it past someone’s bedtime?” Allison asked, doing everything in her power to be condescending.
“I h-HA-hate you!” He managed out at last. Everyone waited for him to blink away in a burst of angry eyebrows and swearing, but he stayed. He actually stayed. Vanya then considered every part of game night a success. No one had seen or heard Five laugh, really laugh, in forever. She had almost forgotten what it sounded like. Five himself probably forgot what it felt like, still shaking with leftover giggles from the tickle attack. He finally caught his breath, trying to scowl but failing.
“I hate you.” He repeated, wiping his eyes.
 “You hate how much I’m kicking this volcano’s ass.” Klaus said, “You wish you were a level 420 angel spaceman like me.”
“Now you’re just making things up!” Vanya said. The game was hopelessly out her hands at this point, but she was strangely at peace with it.
“We made up the entire game! If anything, I’m just creating the expansion pack as we speak.” Klaus defended, grabbing the rules out of Vanya’s hands and scribbling a new page of ideas.
 The game went on well into the night, with each twist and turn becoming more and more bizarre. Five’s uncommonly giddy mood was infectious, and everyone had to stick around to enjoy it while it lasted, even grabbing at his knees when he tried to shift back into his typically grouchy state. The ice crystal was never acquired, but Five ended up with the hiccups from laughing so much and so hard, so everyone thought the evening was worth it. As the game wrapped up, everyone left the room feeling somewhat lighter, relieved almost. They were going to have to start later more often.
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undeadsnorlax · 4 years
Can Anybody Tell Me Why I’m Lonely Like a Satellite?
heyyy my first fic for @badthingshappenbingo​. starting things off with my favourite space boy
Ao3 link
Prompt: Loneliness
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV Series)
Warnings: mentions of self-harm, angsty as hell
Wordcount: 2603
A day in the life of Luther on the moon.
“Urgh…” Five more minutes…
Come on. You need to get up.
Luther groaned, rolling onto his back and squinting up at the blank metal ceiling. It took him a few more minutes to open his eyes properly, and a couple more to roll over and check the clock with another groan. 22:47.
“It’s early,” he mumbled, swinging his legs around and rubbing his face down. Well, early in his sense, at least.
Fifteen minutes won’t kill you. Means you could go to bed earlier later tonight, technically.
Luther considered this and nodded, slowly getting to his feet and walking toward the door-
“Every time!” he cried, rubbing his forehead. He’d learn to duck eventually.
He stretched his arms until his fingers brushed the ceiling, then placed a hand at the bottom of his back and arched it, grunting at the dull crunch his spine made.
With a few more stretches, he dragged his feet over to the counter, smiling at the small potted umbrella plant there.
“Evenin’ Ben,” he said softly, large fingers stroking the leaves before picking up the tiny watering can.
Hey Luther.
Luther let out a sigh, tapping one of the radars beeping away on the workstation below the plant.
Something wrong?
“Nah, nothing.”
He shrugged and went about doing his other ‘morning’ chores. Checking the base’s oxygen levels, collecting any trash, seeing if there was any response from home.
Nothing. Of course.
Luther dressed in his space suit, taking the bag of trash out and dumping it with the rest.
He allowed himself a moment of freedom, pure gleeful joy as he bounced light as air across the moon’s surface. He’d been up here two and a half years and this part still never got old. He was in space!
He pushed off from the ground hard, floating a foot higher before landing with a weightless thud. Grinning behind his helmet, he tilted his head to look up at the Earth in front of him.
It was awesome, thinking about how one planet could contain so many billions of people going about, living their lives.
Including four of the ones he’d grown up with. What would they be doing right now? Vanya would definitely be going to bed, and maybe Allison was doing a late night movie shoot. Klaus would probably be partying and Diego doing...whatever he did.
Luther let out a heavy sigh, his grin fading. No use in wondering like that. Just reminded him of how everything fell apart.
He was brought back into focus by his stomach rumbling. He clasped at it for a moment, staring blankly at the stars, before trudging back to base to eat.
Running low on those.
Luther narrowed his eyes as he opened a packet of soy paste, slumping down heavily on the nearest chair.
“I know,” he said quietly, squeezing every last drop into his mouth ravenously.
He also knew this would do nothing but numb his hunger for only a few hours, knew this wouldn’t have been enough food for him even before his accident. For as little as he did physically up here, his body still craved energy, and this shit just didn’t cut it.
You asked Dad for more, right?
“Every time.” Luther glared at the plant. “I’m due more soon, okay? Today or tomorrow…”
He drummed his fingers against his thigh, staring at the empty packet. Reluctantly, he went to the box and got another, pretending it was something more elaborate instead. One of Grace’s amazing dinners, a rich beef casserole in a thick red wine sauce, with potatoes and vegetables, maybe some kind of pie for dessert, with ice cream-
He groaned, swallowing the mouthful of saliva he’d formed at the mere thought.
Not helping?
“I miss real food.” He rubbed his middle, feeling at least a little more full, enough to concentrate on work.
Have you checked your bandages?
Luther licked his lips, before shaking his head, looking away like a naughty schoolboy getting a scolding.
Do that. Please? It’s been a few days.
“Okay, okay.”
He went to the cramped bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror first. He looked rough.
Dismissing that observation, he slowly zipped down his top, careful to not get it stuck on his body hair.
How’s it look?
“Better. Honest.”
The bandage itself, on his right side just above the ribs, looked a little grubby, dried dark brown stains having seeped through. Carefully, he picked at the medical tape keeping it in place, wincing every time it caught a stray hair, but managed to rip it off and inspect the wound underneath.
A laceration done in such a way there was a small chunk of flesh missing, but it was healing nicely.
Luther reached for his first aid kit, pouring out some antiseptic onto a cloth and pressing it down. He winced again, gritting his teeth, but knew it was all worth it to help it get better.
As he prepared clean bandages to patch it up again, Ben chimed in.
It was scary when you did that. You were so scared.
Luther’s gut churned with unease, remembering the frantic, near manic state he went into a few days prior. It wasn’t the first time it had happened either. A sudden burst of wild emotion overwhelmed him, forcing him to his knees as he tried to let it pass, but the feeling inside him just got worse and worse.
Are you okay now?
“I don’t know.”
He bandaged himself up again, before he traced along a similar mark on his stomach, healed now into a bright pink scar.
His fingers curled into a fist, zipping up his top again before he could do more damage to himself. Ignoring the urge hadn’t done much good the last few times, but maybe this time he’d figure out a way to not hurt himself again.
Doubt it…
He went back to sit at a console, rummaging through the mess of paper cluttering the table.
What’re you doing today?
“Going through these.” Luther scratched his chin as he thought, eyes skipping down the page. “Need to arrange them in order, rewrite them neater...pretty boring, right?”
What work isn’t?
Luther chuckled, splitting the paper into small piles. “Got that right.”
And then silence. Luther became engrossed in his work, only moving to either stretch his back or use the bathroom, and even that wasn’t often.
Sure, it was boring but...it was his kind of boring. One of his earliest memories was pouring over a book on the solar system, using it to try and figure out the constellations he could see from his bedroom window. Him and Five raced to have their hand up first during their physics classes.
It became a one man race after he vanished.
Luther tapped his pen against his temple, chewing the inside of his cheek. His mind was drifting, thinking of his siblings again.
He tried not to think of Five too often, but he still wondered what the hell could have happened to him. Sometimes he wondered if his brother had just settled somewhere. Gotten taken in by a nice family who looked after him.
He didn’t like the alternative. The portrait that hung in the living room reminded him every day for over a decade of the alternative.
That’s how he tried to feel about Ben. He was in a better place. He was at peace. Happier, maybe.
Again. Better than any alternative.
He wasn’t even sure he believed in an afterlife.
With a heavy sigh, Luther pressed his head down against the desk, closing his eyes for a second...
He jolted to sit up again, muscles tensing for a moment before he relaxed, picking the piece of paper that had stuck to his forehead. “Wha’?”
Drifted off bud. Not long.
“Ah. Right.”
You have been working hard for a while.
“It’s not that long-“
Luther cut off upon seeing the time. Eight hours had passed since he started. “Oh. Dang.”
You deserve a break.
“No, I’m...I’m nearly done, it’s fine.”
“It’s fine.”
He didn’t mean to snap. He flinched the moment he did, putting his head in his hands.
Look, I get it.
“No you don’t. You’re a plant.”
Luther turned on his seat to face said plant, scowling at the thing. “You’re a voice in my head.”
Helps though, doesn’t it?
Luther wrinkled his nose a little, turning away and tapping a finger against the desk.
Helps to have someone to talk to.
“Crazy Luther Hargreeves, all alone on the moon with a plant that sounds like the brother he let die,” he muttered.
You know that’s not true.
“It’s true enough.”
He suddenly became aware of another console that had been letting out several beeps. Luther gritted his teeth and made his way over, reading the screen.
“Told you more food was coming,” he said, going to suit up once more. He’d missed it landing with his quick nap by about ten minutes.
Out on the moon’s surface, Luther tilted his head back, taking a slow deep breath. He could see the pod the package came in at the usual spot, but he desperately needed some quiet.
Inside his base, there was always some kind of noise. Little things, the consoles and monitors gently humming away in the background, the soft drip of a tap he might have left on. Constant.
Even back home in the mansion after everyone left, he grew used to the creak of floorboards, the structure settling around him. Every opening door making him perk up and hope someone was walking through, coming back.
Outside, on the surface, it was silent. It was like he could hear his body working, every thump of his heart that sent blood coursing through his veins.
In space no one can hear you scream…
So he did. He bent his knees, and took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lungs. Everything contained within his helmet.
Straightening up, he screamed again, a rush of catharsis overwhelming his brain. It felt good to scream. He should do this more often. Better than hurting himself.
His chest ached a little as he caught his breath once more, staring dazed at the ink black sky above him.
So much...nothing. The night skies were never this clear back on Earth and maybe now he was glad because being confronted with such a sheer vast nothingness every day was sure getting to him. Would explain why his plant was talking.
Luther scrunched his eyes tight, and went to get the delivery. He dragged it inside, changing from his suit once more and tearing the box open.
Anything good?
He glanced up, narrowing his eyes, before getting out smaller boxes of soy paste. He sighed, inspecting the writing. They always said they were different flavours, but he mostly got the same soggy muesli or stale bread taste with every packet he consumed.
That…doesn’t look like a lot.
“Shut up, I know…”
Luther set one aside and put the rest in his food cupboard. He didn’t take a chair this time, just slumped down on the floor and gently squeezed the contents through the packet, huffing heavily.
Luther, that’s not going to last.
“I’ll make it last,” he mumbled, unscrewing the top and sucking gently, trying to savour it, “I have to…”
He tried to focus on the gentle hum of the base instead, closing his eyes to help. He wasn’t sure what had happened in recent months that his food packages were becoming less frequent, and less in amount, but it didn’t help anyone to dwell on that. Dad was busy, he had stuff to do…
C’mon big guy. You know that’s bullshit.
Luther glared up at the ceiling. That was new. Hearing Ben’s voice had happened surprisingly quickly, the moment he decided to name his plant after him. He never heard anyone else’s voice, but having Diego’s growling in his brain was almost a welcome change.
You really think he’s that concerned for you up here?
“Shut up…”
Should’ve gotten out when you had the chance.
“Shut up!”
Luther slammed his head back against the console, grunting from the quick hit of pain. When Diego’s voice didn’t go away, kept taunting the same message of should have gotten out when you had the chance, he did it again...and again.
Until there was silence.
Too much silence.
Using the counter for support, he got to his feet and went back to his desk, staring at the piles of paper in front of him.
“This mission is of the utmost importance, Number One.”
That’s what his father had told him after explaining he was going to the moon. He’d blankly affirmed, not pointed out how pointless it was to refer to him by his number when it was just him left (because look what happened last time he said that), and gone along with it.
His whole life, Luther had been raised to lead a team and save the world. His team had left one way or another, and the ‘world saving’ work he did was mostly thankless.
But here he was. On the moon. Part of the mission. Everything was part of this lifelong mission. All the data he was collecting, the experiments he ran, they were important for...something.
Luther stared at his hand, the greyed skin and dark fur that kept making him forget it was his hand. This was all part of it too, somehow. It had to be.
He finished his work. Filed away the pages neatly and made plans to send them out tomorrow.
For a moment, he hesitated by the umbrella plant, reaching to touch it’s delicate leaves.
“...Ben?” he said softly.
Nothing. Of course not.
With a heavy sigh, he dragged himself back to his bedroom, grabbing his personal notebook from the side table. He flicked through the pages until he landed on the poem he’d been struggling with for the last week, tapping his pen against the words.
Constellations are families, each star has their purpose, their name and position.
They work together as something bigger, part of the galaxy’s nightly exhibition.
There must be times where they can do nothing but fight,
When it grows so tiring to always be shining so bright.
Luther clicked his tongue, frowning at the words. Of all the hobbies he could have taken to pass time up here, he never anticipated poetry, but he was really getting into it, having filled pages already, some of which he’d sent back...just in case Dad was curious.
He could just see his plant on the counter through the door. He went to call Ben’s name again, but he cut himself off and shut his eyes, focusing on the hum of the base once more instead.
The voice in his head was never Ben. Ben was dead. Five had gone long ago. Allison, Diego, Klaus and Vanya were back on Earth living their lives. Had been living their lives quite easily without him.
He’d managed by himself. He was exactly where he wanted.
In space. On the moon. Just him.
Number One.
By himself.
Like it had been for years now.
Tomorrow he’d wake up and go through this again. The self-doubt and the spiralling and the focusing on work so hard to forget what was really happening. Maybe his plant would start talking to him again.
But really they know that no matter how much they argue and moan,
Being a family at odds is far better than being one star all alone.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
OKAY here’s the weird dream inspired au where five was never supposed to exist and was more of,, a late addition by the Universe to the fun mystery birth line-up
Once upon a time forty-three women gave birth around the world. A fact made only odd because none of these women were pregnant when the day began. Forty-three women gave birth to forty-three children. An eccentric billionaire traveled in an attempt to obtain as many of these odd children as he could.
He got six.
But that’s not quite how the story goes.
Once upon a time, the universe was born. She is beyond human conception, and she left nebulae in her wake and lit up all the stars. Beautiful and wonderful and lonely, and so she had a daughter. A daughter who would grow fond of a particular planet in her mother’s playground.
A daughter who, one day, would meet a man named Klaus Hargreeves and tell him that she didn’t like him.
A daughter who, for the most part, was inordinately fond of the human race. A daughter who was displeased when a group of humans who figured out time travel decreed that the apocalypse must occur and safeguarded it. 
She did her best to fix it. But every time she tried, the group stepped up. No matter what factors she managed to tweak, as she could only interfere indirectly, no matter what changed, the apocalypse was always guaranteed by outside interference.
For all the millennia the Universe’s daughter had been alive, she was still a child. So she did what all children do when they encounter a problem too big to take on alone. She went to her mother.
Neither could interfere directly, and indirect measures were doing nothing. The universe was too vast to take a mortal avatar, and her daughter had barred herself from direct interference long ago to establish free will. There was a group whose free will just continued to get in the way. And so the universe had an idea, and she asked her daughter a simple question: if she wanted a little sibling.
For you see, neither the Universe nor her daughter could interfere directly, but the Universe could create someone who could.
So it goes more like this - once upon a time forty-three women gave birth around the world. A fact made only odd because none of these women were pregnant when the day began. Forty-three women gave birth to forty-four children. 
It was easy, to slip her child in next to another who was also not quite supposed to exist. To choose a mother of a child who was already known to the Universe’s daughter to be adopted by the man who would unknowingly cause the apocalypse.
An eccentric billionaire traveled in an attempt to obtain as many of these odd children as he could.
He got seven.
Little Number Five, as he was dubbed upon arrival at the lavish mansion which was to become his home for the next thirteen years, opened his eyes and saw fractals of light. He brought his little hands up to caress the paths and choices that existed just beyond the fabric of the universe, a language only spoken by now three individuals.
And he grew up with a gentle crooning voice in his ear - the voice of his mother. The voice that taught him how to part the veil and fall into the timeless space between worlds and out the other side. One that was constantly with him.
He grew up knowing he had a mission.
“You are here to prevent the apocalypse!” Reginald Hargreeves told his children severely as they rolled their eyes and scoffed. It was a sentiment he echoed often enough that it had lost all meaning to them. 
Do you love you siblings? The Universe asked her child with unparalleled gentleness.
Yes, Five projected back, because he did. He was aware that he wasn’t quite the same as the others, but he loved them regardless with a kind of fierceness that should be scary but mostly just made him feel warm.
Then prove it. The Universe challenged her child, and so he did. He pulled impossible stunts and stole food and spoke back to his father. He directed all of the attention on himself to spare those he could. 
“Why can’t I kill him?” Five asked the Universe one night when he was eight-years-old and sitting on his bed, inspecting the bruises that were still forming on his skin. “I need to protect them - killing him would solve things, right?”
It wouldn’t stop what is to come, the Universe crooned to her child in sorrow, There is much to be done. What is to come is safeguarded - those that guard it must die, first.
“But, you haven’t told me who causes the apocalypse anyway.” Five complained, a frown upon his face.
No matter what changes, the apocalypse comes. They make sure of it. One person does not cause the apocalypse - it is the symptom of a rot. It must be burned out entirely for the planet to survive.
“For my siblings to survive.” Five said, ever so softly. 
More years passed, until Five turned thirteen years old and the Universe whispered in his ear again and taught him how to part the veil and fall into the timeless place between world and travel in it.
Time travel.
I’m going to ask you to go through a trial. The Universe told her son, In order to save the world, you will have to sacrifice so much. You are so young, I wish I did not have to ask this of you - but it is important.
“It’s okay.” Five soothed his mother, ignorant of what was to come and oh so arrogant in his youth. “I can handle anything you throw at me. I’ll save them - I’ll save them all.”
He does not have quite the same attitude when he jabs at his father with words and runs out the door, fully intending to go back in a few hours before the Universe prods at him and tells him now. 
“But I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” Five protested, thinking of Vanya’s face as he left the table. But there was something exhilarating about falling through and riding the wave of time twisting like a snake under the fabric of reality and emerging in the future and he figured he could always return after whatever the Universe needed him to see in the future anyway.
Again, the Universe whispered.
He fell again.
Again, the Universe whispered.
Again, he rode the wave of time, except this time when he emerged it was different. The sky was filled with ash. All around him was rubble. There was a moment where his emotions were almost in freefall, before the ground caught up to him. Without his permission, his feet were already taking him back - back to the only home he’d ever known. Names tearing from his lips as he called for his siblings.
He found them. He recognized them by the tattoos on their wrists, putting names to faces, seeing the people he knew in the bodies that were left behind. 
He turned, frantic, hands rising to part the fabric of the universe again - 
STOP, the Universe commanded her son. If you go back, you cannot save them. And you will save them. This will not be the hand fate deals them. But I need you here, it is important.
“For how long?” Five rasped.
Do not worry. The Universe soothed, Time is a drop in the bucket for us. I will change you, as is needed to be done to make sure that the bait is taken and that you will be in position. I will restore you, have no fear. You will survive this, for you are my son. I will make sure of this.
And he did survive. He survived for years, growing up at the end of the world. He grew taller. His skin changed under the sun. He ate what he could find. He grew a beard. His hair turned grey. And that’s when they finally came for him.
A woman came, with white blond hair perfectly in place and makeup pristine against the chaos of the apocalypse. She smiled at him and offered him a job - and he took it.
“Can I go back now?” Five whispered, staring down the barrel of a gun waiting for his target - someone who he didn’t want to kill at all.
Not yet. The Universe sounded apologetic, Soon.
It was a question he asked with some frequency. Until one day he was staring down a gun at a road and a president and a car, and the Universe said - Now.
He dropped everything he was doing, and with a grin on his face pressed again the fabric of the universe and pushed. Pushed and pushed, and felt himself falling falling falling and changing changing changing and suddenly he was on the ground. He looked up at his family for the first time in so long and felt his heart swell.
And then he staggered to his feet and realized exactly what the Universe had meant when she said that he would have to sacrifice. Because the siblings that were in front of him were not the ones he left. Not even close.
They were the faces that haunted him, the ones he had found in the rubble. His siblings were thirteen and painfully young and old all at the same time, aged by the horrors that they faced together. These siblings were all wrong and right all at the same time. They weren’t right. He didn’t know them. 
And he tried to stop the apocalypse, he ran around trying to keep his siblings close and push them as far away as possible at the same time. He wanted them next to him right up until they reminded him of how much he missed.
(Klaus spoke about a man and osso bucco, and Five couldn’t bear to stick around. Couldn’t bear to look at a brother he didn’t even know anymore.)
“I need help.” Five howled to the Universe, “Give me a clue, a hint! Anything!”
Make a deal. The Universe told her son, Face the Handler. Accept the job. You need to get into position.
And so he did. He took Luther with him and set up a deal and watched as Klaus and Diego rode in on an ice cream truck blasting music and couldn’t help but feel insanely fond of his idiot siblings. When the Handler showed up and offered him a deal, he didn’t hesitate in taking it.
He had to save them, he had to save them all.
This child went to the Commission with a calm certainty, because his mission was not just to figure out who caused the apocalypse. Because he could part the veil of time itself - his mission was to make sure that those with the same power who wanted to ensure the world died took its place. 
This is a Five who didn’t go snooping into the messaging room with its many tubes, instead he kindly appropriated weapons and set them in strategic places around the Headquarters that he finally, finally had access to.
(The Commission were arrogant - they existed in a place outside the timestream where only those with briefcases and invites could go. Temporal assassins weren’t high enough on the food chain. They had only the one base, because if only they could get there then however could they ever be destroyed?
The Handler should have been more careful when deciding to play a game of cat and mouse with a creature that was neither.)
So he smiles at the Handler who holds a gun trained on him, he holds the grenade that will set off a chain reaction and winks. He doesn’t need the suitcase to get back to his own time, not when he is a child of the Universe. He sets it off and pushed through and feels the Universe ripple with approval around him as the Commission is eradicated off the face of the planet.
Oh, there’s still more to do technically. There are suitcases in the hands of temporal assassins who will never again receive an order. There are ground agents left to take care of. But Five cut off the head of the snake, and the body would be soon to follow.
Five jumps back. 
Klaus mentions seeing their father and mentions dying and Five leans forward eagerly to ask if he met God. Klaus blinks in surprise but nods, mentioning that the little girl hated him.
Five frowns at the thought, but the Universe sends amusement his way. It is not Klaus’s fault he got to be your brother. The Universe tells him fondly, It is simply a matter that he got to be so before she did. She has never been very good at coming in second, your sister.
The mansion is destroyed while Five is gone, and he finds a newspaper and freezes.
“I thought the apocalypse was off?” Five asks loudly, making his siblings look at him oddly. But Five has been in the habit of talking to ‘himself’ for years now.
You killed the guards. You can stop the apocalypse where before it was an impossible task. But you must stop this one first. The Universe tells him gently.
So they go to a bowling alley, and Five is not distracted by a cryptic message inside of a fortune cookie. They go to Vanya’s concert and aren’t interrupted by goons with guns. Allison stands proudly at the front with a smile, and Five is right there alongside her. Together they are a force to be reckoned with, and they bully Luther into standing down. At least for now.
It’s after the concert, when Vanya snaps out of it and they crowd around one another and they think about the ruins of the academy as Vanya cries fury and pain over years of terror and neglect.
They’ve lost so much in this week. Diego lost Eudora Patch. Allison lost her voice. Vanya became a murderer. Klaus lost the love of his life.
So Five holds his hands out to them, “I can take us back.” He tells them all, “I can take us back to the beginning of the week. We can undo the deaths. We can be prepared and handle it better. We can fix it.”
Because the Commission were fools. They existed outside of the timestream, which meant that no matter where Five jumped they simply no longer existed. Time was a funny little thing, and it was already healing from the scars that had been left.
So they take him up on it. They hold hands and Five hauls them through the timestream and they show up the day of their father’s funeral. Five sitting on the ground where he fell out of a portal and the rest spilled out into the courtyard to see the phenomenon.
And they heal from there, but that’s not all Five has to do.
Five watches his siblings find purpose and happiness and figures he has one favor he can call on - even if it’s from family he’s never met.
He slips between the fabric of the world, and ends up in front of a little girl on a bike.
“Brother.” She greets him, tilting her head up at him.
“Sister.” He responds easily, jamming his hands into his pockets.
“I suppose you want something.” She observes with no real judgement, “I’ve heard little brothers were supposed to be demanding little brats.”
“And I heard big sisters were supposed to be protective.” Five teases gently back, shrugging to indicate all the pain and hardship he had gone through at her request for her little pet world to remain intact. Not that Five can fault her for it, he loves the world just as much as she does. Or maybe not, he just loves a select and small group of people who live upon it.
She rolls her eyes, “Yeah, I guess I owe you one. Name your price.”
“There’s a man that you have.” Five says, voice measured and careful like he’s rehearsed this in his head a dozen times. “His name is Dave Katz and he died during the Vietnam war. I was wondering if we could have him back.”
“I’d need your help.” The little girl who isn’t really a little girl at all tells him very seriously. “I can put him back in a body and heal it, I have a few miracles in me. But I need a body to do so. Retrieve it from the way, after your brother has left, and I will do this for you.”
“And - Ben?” Five hesitates. He should have asked for it first, but he’d wanted to make sure it was possible. Which, given the nature of Ben’s death and God’s explanation for Dave’s return very well might not be. 
She sighs deeply. “It could take some time. His body was somewhat scattered among dimensions. In return for the legwork, however, I expect frequent visits.”
After all, Five did deserve some reward for doing exactly what she had wished for him to do.
“Family dinners with God,” Five grins back, already calculating exactly where and when he has to be to succeed at his given tasks, “I think I can just about manage that.”
It’s not exactly all sunshine and roses after that. Apparently producing your brother’s dead time-traveled lover alongside your usually very dead brother and explaining clearly that you ‘made a deal with God’ didn’t exactly cut it as far as excuses went. They all needed therapy. Vanya still had trouble self-regulating her emotions.
And then of course, a few years in, Five had to figure out how to explain the fact that he wasn’t aging.
(He was lucky he managed to convince his mother to let him keep his thirteen-year-old form for now - which considering God looked younger when she’d been alive for billions of years was very generous thank you. But he couldn’t artificially age on his own, and the Universe refused to put him through it a second time so - yeah he was a little bit stuck.)
Five was born with a mission, and it’s one he still had. He had Monday dinners with God, who bestowed upon him the location and time period where he would find yet another surviving briefcase from an agent to track down and destroy. 
But his biggest mission is to make sure his family is happy and healthy and cared for until the end of their days. It’s a mission he takes very seriously.
(And hey, it’s not like he won’t be able to see them again on the other side. Sometimes it pays to have God as a big sister, after all.)
Once upon a time forty-four children were born on a seemingly normal October day. One of them wasn’t supposed to be there.
But aren’t we all glad he was.
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dogbearinggifts · 5 years
Do you have any theories or headcanons on how each siblings' relationship with Ben was like when he was still alive, based on flashbacks or the reactions they had when Ben manifested? Or maybe when he's mentioned? Thank you
I have a couple, yeah. However, of all the siblings we meet, Ben gets the least screen time and the least development (which—it has been confirmed—will change in Season 2) so a lot of these are just extrapolation and speculation.
Luther: In the comics, we get a quote from Vanya’s autobiography stating that Ben “was so eager to please Father, he was easily drawn into his and Luther’s little games—and those two simply let him die.” I tend to think this quote is less accurate recollection of what happened and more Vanya’s resentment coloring the events as she remembers them, but from this it seems Reginald roped Luther into helping with Ben’s training.
However, I don’t think Luther was as uncaring toward Ben as the quote makes him out to be; we know that Ben was not fond of his powers in the slightest. A comics quote from Reginald establishes that Ben would cry in his sleep, and from what we see in the bank flashback, it’s clear he’s not looking forward to letting the monster out. Luther would have seen this reluctance, and while I’m not sure he would have fully comprehended why Ben felt this way (enhanced strength and endurance aren’t the sort of powers that hunger for blood and make you cry in your sleep) I think he tried to sympathize with Ben as much as Reginald would allow. Maybe he gave Ben a friendly pat on the back after a training session, told him he’d done a good job. Maybe he saw there was only one creme-filled donut left during one of their Griddy’s runs and made sure Ben got it despite wanting it for himself. Maybe he’d save out books from the library he knew Ben would like and leave them at his door, or listen to Ben talk about his favorites even if he wasn’t interested. I think Luther was a lot less aloof prior to his Moon mission (four years of total isolation will wreak havoc on your ability to relate to people) and while he wouldn't have gone against Reginald and tried to argue that Ben be exempted from training—which is what Ben probably needed—I think he did try to ease the pain as much as he could. It wasn’t enough, and it didn’t prevent Ben’s death, but we know from the comics that Luther blames himself for it—and if his reaction in the bowling alley is anything to go on, I think the show backs up this characterization. 
Diego: I wouldn’t be surprised if Diego was jealous of Ben’s powers. This is the kid who was told from a very young age that he would never measure up to Luther, and who spent his adulthood trying to outshine his brother as a superhero. His powers in the show are maybe a little flashier than Luther’s, but Reginald still likely saw them as a disappointment and told Diego as much. So I can see him looking at Ben—who can produce a whole monster out of his torso—and wishing he had a power like that. The comics tell us that Reginald was fascinated by what Ben could do, and so it would make sense if Diego saw this morbid curiosity as little more than extra attention lavished on a brother who didn’t even appreciate what he had.
At the same time, though, I don’t think Diego took out too much of his frustration or resentment on Ben. That same quote calls Ben “the kindest of my siblings,” and so while I believe he was envious of Ben for having seemingly cooler powers, I also think Diego might have felt guilty if he lashed out at Ben too often. I think it happened, but I think that if he pushed too far and genuinely upset Ben, he might’ve wound up feeling like he’d just kicked a puppy. If this were the case, Diego could have become more verbally abusive toward his remaining siblings following Ben’s death, both out of grief and misplaced anger, as well as a sort of bitterness that the best of them (in his view) was gone and there was no point in holding back any longer.
Allison: From her reaction in the bowling alley, I think it’s safe to say she cared about Ben deeply and that his death was still painful for her all those years later. But I also think that of all the Hargreeves, Allison would have least understood Ben’s aversion to his own powers. She tells Luther that she used her power to get everything she wanted. Whether or not “everything” includes Patrick’s love remains to be seen, but it’s clear she grew up seeing her power as an advantage that she used whenever it suited her. So if Ben ever confided in her that he hated his power—or even that he wished he was ordinary like Vanya—there’s a pretty good chance Allison would have looked at him like he’d just spoken Czech. How could he hate his power? It let him take out four bad guys at once. It earned him more of Dad’s attention. It was interesting. How could he hate something like that?
If his powers played a role in his death, this likely would have caused her to see his complaints in a new and darker light, and possibly might have made her wonder if she could have done anything to prevent it. Maybe a rumor would have made Reginald ease up on him; maybe it wouldn’t have. But I think she’d wonder, and those questions would probably haunt her.
Klaus: I’ve seen some fans theorize that personality clashes prevented him and Ben from becoming all that close before the latter’s death, but I don’t think they’re that different. Klaus—high, drunk and grieving—gets behind the wheel of an ice cream truck that he takes careening past two highly trained assassins while “Ride of the Valkyries” plays over the speakers and all Ben has to say is “Wheeee!” Ben has a wild, fun-loving side, and I doubt it only surfaced after his death.
More to the point, however, I think the two of them bonded over a mutual hatred of their own powers. Maybe they didn’t discuss it much. Maybe they didn’t have the words to really examine what they both felt, maybe they didn’t like thinking about the things their powers made them do and see. But I think there was always that understanding between them, and I think that’s why we see them together before a mission in Vanya’s hallucination. And I think that at this point in their lives, Klaus was still hiding the depths of his growing addiction, leaving Ben unaware of just how quickly he was spiraling downward. There’s a very good chance he knew, but not that he knew how bad things really were.
If he and Klaus were close prior to his death, then that might explain some of how he treats Klaus in the present. Not only is he able to see just how bad his addiction has become, but this is his friend. The only one in that household who even came close to understanding what Ben was going through, the one who commiserated with him and probably offered whatever limited support he could, and he’s destroying himself. After his death, it seems Ben spent even more time with Klaus than he did before, and so he would’ve had a front-row seat to all the ugliness of a full-blown substance addiction. When he nags Klaus to take better care of himself, he’s probably acting at least partly out of guilt, knowing he missed too many red flags while he was still alive and capable of action.
Five: Like Allison, I don’t think he quite understood Ben’s aversion to using his powers. He could use his powers without fear, and they enabled him to have a lot of fun at the baddies’ expense. More than that, though, Five wanted to push the limits of his power. He wanted to prove himself. I think he wanted more of Reginald’s attention than he got, and he might have resented Ben on some level for taking the spotlight off him. The fact Ben didn’t want that spotlight in the first place might have mitigated that resentment somewhat, or it might have made it all worse. After Five got stuck, though, I think he might have started to feel some sort of kinship toward Ben. His disastrous attempt at time travel probably left him afraid to use his powers for quite some time, and he probably thought back to Ben’s fear of his own powers. Five might not have understood completely, and he might have recognized that he’d never understand completely, but I do think his jump to the apocalypse cleared the way for a more sympathetic attitude toward Ben’s hatred of his powers. 
However, I think there’s also evidence that Five felt fondness toward Ben—perhaps even protectiveness. When he lands in the apocalypse, he calls out for Ben and then Vanya, both of whom are ranked lower than him and behave more like his younger siblings than his older ones. In the present, Five masks his emotions far more than he shows them, so it’s somewhat difficult to tell if the notion of Ben being there with them in the bowling alley affects him as deeply as it does his other siblings, but it’s clear he’s at least curious. I think he’s long since given up on the idea that he’ll get to see Ben again, and he’s not about to latch onto this hope if it turns out to be false, but he’s open to it.
Vanya: The quote I referenced for Luther paints Ben as one of her favorite siblings, to be sure, and the sheer level of resentment that quote conveys shows his death hit her hard. She saw his kindness and loved him for it, and it seems he treated her kindly as well. However, the fact he hated his powers and she longed to have any power at all probably drove a wedge between them. He probably would have killed to be ordinary, and she would have killed to have his powers.
Ben and Vanya don’t have a lot of interaction, but I think we see a bit of that resentment when she hallucinates him and Klaus suiting up for a mission. He gives her a flat look and tells her, matter-of-factly, that “To go on a mission, you have to have a power.” Vanya sees this as intentional cruelty, but I think Vanya’s desire to go on missions probably struck Ben as insulting and more than a little tone-deaf. How could she want to go on missions? Missions are horrible. He has to put himself in danger and let the monster free, walk away covered in blood and with fresh fuel for his nightmares. Vanya gets to stay at home and play her violin, and here she is acting like going on a mission is some sort of reward. Maybe he’s tried to explain it and maybe he hasn’t, but whatever the case, I think Ben is watching her beg to come along, thinking, She doesn’t know how good she has it. And, ironically, Vanya’s thoughts in that scene probably run along those same lines. Each has what the other doesn’t, and that grass-is-greener mentality probably formed one of the biggest cracks in their relationship. 
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Run Boy Run/ Five Hargreeves Apocalypse Imagine
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Prompt: Any chance you could do Five finding the reader is the only other person who survived the apocalypse? Learning to survive together? If you feel like writing it just whenever!! I love your writing so much and I haven’t requested something from a writer in forever but I’m a sucker for this kind of stuff lol 
Thank you so much @an-abundance-of-hannahs love for suggesting this it’s such a cute idea!!
‘Ben! Vanya! Dad! Y’N!!’ 
Five whips around, confused beyond belief and for the first time in his life, scared. No, to be more precise, absolutely terrified, and terrifyingly alone. The smoke billows out from underneath his school shoes like an inky monster retreating to its lair, it’s last tentacles tentatively puffing out in hot streams to make sure it had squeezed the life out of every last victim. They hiss against his feet as if daring him to run, run and hide, wrapping around his ankles like the pale hands of all those lost to the destruction. He whips around, his blazer blowing lightly against his shivering form as he wraps his arms around himself for some form of comfort. What he wouldn’t give now to hear his dad shouting at him, to hear Klaus yapping on as he rolls up another joint, his fingers trembling. To see Vanya smile to him from across the table. God, the scared little boy in him would kill to see anyone smile at him right now. But no, he thinks, I have to focus, look for any survivors. Please let there be survivors. His feet move of their own accord, tripping over themselves as white flakes begin to fall, unforgiving, on his head, falling like fresh snow into his dark locks as if mocking him. 
Landing on a tilted nearby newspaper stand, his breath catches in his throat as he stumbles forward blindly, not caring about the glass that scratches out against his legs or the splintered bricks that trip over his feet as he lands next to the bodies of his family, tears clouding up in his eyes as he stands there, helpless, unable to do anything except fall to his knees. His trousers rip lightly against the ground, skinning him as tears trickle unfairly down his young face like small dew drops as he sees the inky umbrella litter the arms of his loved ones, a gasping, painful sob finally ripping from his throat when his eyes land on you. Running over, his small hands try desperately to wipe the large chunks of rubble that lie over your chest, heaving ‘no no no’s tumbling out of his mouth as his fingers shake, his slender frame beginning to tremble violently. However, a small glimmer of hope flashes through his dull blue eyes as he sees the rubble rise slightly, your chest doing its best to draw in the humid air. Pulling you out from the wreckage, ducking his head down against your neck as loud tumbling bangs of buildings falling fill his ears, his breaths become laboured and heavy as he rests against you, his heart thumping painfully as he prays to everything he knows, thanking them for keeping you alive. Unsure of what to do, his hands light up with blue electricity as they shake, failing and blurring out of his vision as he screams ‘come on!’ Thumping his shoulders down in defeat, he pulls you against his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist as you lie there unconscious, pulling you so tight he feels his knuckles whiten as he nestles down next to you, the tears he had been trying to hide finally falling down in heavy streams as he sobs against your shirt, slight trickles of blood splattering down from your cheek and onto his nose like raindrops. 
The next few months are hard, to say the least. Five is so desperately overjoyed to have you, but some days are harder than others. Especially the days when he can barely move, sitting in his chair, scribbles surrounding him on the walls as Vanya’s book lies in his lap, an empty cup of Bordeaux lying on the wooden crate his knee is banging against. His hands hide his face from you as he blames himself for you ending up in this situation, stuck here with him. Other days, when tinned food supplies run low and his usual genius confidence levels are down, especially during the harsh winter when the snow crashes against your hole-filled jackets, your goggles clouding up and ice freezing against your flushed noses, he wants to just hold you. He would cover you two in the scratchy blanket you had found at the old Manor House in the outskirts of town, his fingers tracing gentle circles over your arms as you lie flush against his chest. A slight smile rugs on the corner of his lips to see you so peaceful for once, his growing fringe tickling the side of your cheek as he leans over you, gazing down at you as a warm safe feeling bubbles in the pit of stomach, his eyes widening at the unusual feeling. His fingers tenderly reaches out to trace over the dips and curves of your skin that he knows off by heart, his heart beating uncomfortably against your back as he leans down to place a warm kiss against the tip of your ear, breathing out a hot ‘thank you y/n, for loving me. And, you know, just for existing,’ which makes the two of you chuckle slightly as you gaze up into the foggy, starless night. 
He often gets up from his work, his knees and arms tired from pedalling and from holding his rifle for so long, shooting for cockroaches, to grab onto your hand. With light, childish chuckles that are so rare but so satisfying to hear escape from his thin lips he looks at you with his puppy dog eyes as you push his beanie back up above his forehead, smoothing down the light crinkles as he grins. He peppers a kiss against each of your knuckles before twirling you around, humming an old song he remembers fragments of as he lets everything just drift from his mind for a moment. ‘You always did have to left feet’ you say, laughing breathlessly as his clunky boots step yet again on your toes. ‘That’s the one good thing about the apocalypse I guess, plenty of time to practice.’ He dips you, and as he gazes lovingly down at you, feeling carefree for a moment in his heart as he leans down almost painfully slowly to press his lips against yours with a ferocious heat sighing against your lips and leaning into your eager touch so much so he nearly drops you. He whispers ‘I love you so much, y/n.’ And just in that second, seeing the old, confident and snarky Five sparkle in his devoted eyes, you knew the two of you would be alright no matter what.
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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@sunkiisscd​ asked “‘I do it all the time.’ five @ vanya” // IDKHBTFM sentence starters
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  “ARE YOU SURE YOU SHOULD, though?” Question is laced with genuine concern as Vanya faces her brother, conflict swirling through her head as she tries to come to a decision on the matter. All of it remains unfamiliar to her, to the ordinary sibling of the bunch, but then again...most of her doesn’t want to hold a similar grudge against Five— all of it somewhat irrational, deep down she remains aware, but Five...he had gone missing for so long. She still remembers the late nights leaving out sandwiches for him, just in case he decided to return, and the day the habit finally died down as she realized it was worthless... needless to say, she thinks she’s earned the right to be a little worried. 
         “I’m just trying to look out for you, Five, I mean...I know you’ve experienced...all of those years now, I guess, but there has to be another way that involves less...” Voice trails off, and she opts for a half-hearted hand gesture instead; she doesn’t grasp half of what he says. “...Of all this.”
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
@gheistfour​ // tua muses starter call
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    “I THINK I SHOULD TELL HER.” A pause of consideration, paired with the furrowing of Vanya’s brows, before a decisive nod. “Yeah, I will, I WILL tell her. I mean-- I know she doesn’t wanna stay with Carl-” The name is said with a tinge of distaste-- the both of them had been good to her, of course, when Vanya had showed up at a loss, an amnesiac with nowhere to go. But she knows Sissy ISN’T happy with him, knows with the warmth that burns in her chest every time she meets Sissy’s eyes, that they could run away. Find a life BETTER than what she has now, the life Sissy deserves. 
      Except the world is supposed to end in six days, she’s had too much to drink, and for once...Vanya makes the kind of choice she tended to shy away from. 
                                                                 SCREW IT. 
     “--And she said...she said we could run away together. I mean, it won’t LAST, but would be nice for a few days, you know?” 
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queerhargreeves · 5 years
Hey there! Ily sm💖💖! I just had this request I wanted to ask if you could do... Touch starved!Five and his siblings’ ways of comforting him. (He’s gotta be at least a little (read: a lot) touch starved after being alone for so long with only Dolores the inhuman and the Handler who is like ice)
thank you v much for the request!! i hope this suffices!! 
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He knows all too well what touch deprivation feels like
He’s struggling with it himself. He was isolated for so long and now with this new…body, he doesn’t want people to see it. To feel it. 
So Luther was the first person to notice the way Five would longingly stare at Klaus’ legs draped across Diego’s lap on the couch or at Vanya and Allison when they walk with linked arms
He first learns how desperate his brother is when he hears him screaming down the hall in the middle of the night
He barges into the room to find his little(er) brother thrashing violently in his bed, a stream of “no, no, no not again” and “please be alive, I can’t, I can’t” escaping his trembling lips
Luther gently shook the smaller man’s shoulder and was immediately met with Five’s blue eyes piercing open at him. He immediately shrunk in on himself looking too much like the 13 year old he used to be
“Hey buddy, it’s okay. You’re back, you’re safe, we’re safe..”
Five leaped up at his bigger brother, wrapping his arms tightly around his large frame as much as his small body possibly could
Luther tensed at first realizing he was only wearing a tank top and pants; He was vulnerable. But he then realized they both were.
Luther didn’t leave his brother’s side until 5 AM the next morning, staying up until Five was asleep and making sure he stayed as such
Since that night, Luther makes an effort to sit next to Five at breakfast. He starts by inching closer to him, noting the way his body language relaxes as he starts to lean into the touch. They’re shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. 
Luther eventually reached his arm across the back of Five’s chair, inviting him to rest on his chest. He happily obliges.
Diego has never been the quickest to pick up on things but one thing he definitely can read is body language
He watches the way Five leans into hugs or the way his hand lingers a little longer than comfortable when passing someone a glass.
Diego starts by ruffling his hair every morning, fully prepared for some snippy remark. But he was met with only a small scoff and a blush. Success.
When Diego sees that Five is particularly moody he’ll just walk up to the angsty boy.
He’s either writing on his walls or his head is stuck in a book or just…completely immersed in something. Once again lost in that incredible head of his. His shoulders tense, leg bouncing frantically. 
Diego will simply take the book or chalk out of his hands and wrap the smaller man up in his arms. They’ll stay that way: silent and in each others arms from 30 seconds to 5 minutes at a time.
If possible, Allison likes going out with Five at least a few times a month. 
Sometimes they went to the mall or just to a quiet cafe. She wants her brother to get a taste of the simpler things she remembered being ecstatic to experience for the first time once she left the Academy. 
She loves any time she can get with Five. She’d missed her brother. She had forgotten some of his “Fiveisms”. Little things like his insane sweet tooth and clear disdain for romance fiction (which includes her movies)
Sometimes when they’d walk around in the mall, Five would get overwhelmed. Too much noise, too many smells, too many people. It just was too much to handle. 
Allison would wordlessly take his hand in his, rubbing circles with her thumb against his knuckles. She never commented on how he wouldn’t let go until they got home.
Klaus has always been the most affectionate of the Hargreeves. He was always touching someone in some way. It was casual at this point, but he needed them. When he couldn’t tell who was alive and who wasn’t anymore, he needed to feel a warm body with a stable heartbeat. His siblings never really minded even if they acted otherwise.
Now as adults nothing has really changed. And nothing changed when Five came back either. 
After avoiding the end of the world, Klaus found himself struggling with uhhhh…everything. He was often found downstairs in the middle of the night. He’d either watch TV or be found in the kitchen. Always doing something. Keeping busy.
Five would join him. Klaus would watch him patter into the room and just motion him over on the couch. He’d let his brother rest his head in his lap. Klaus would run his fingers through his soft hair until he fell asleep. 
The pair always woke up with blankets draped over them.
Ben is now able to be around for a few hours at a time after everything. Klaus getting stronger meant he too got stronger.
Ben didn’t just check up on Klaus all those years. He checked up on everyone. But he couldn’t check in on Five.
Five always got along with Ben and Vanya the best - them being a lot quieter and frankly the least annoying of the bunch
So whenever Ben was around, Five gravitated towards him whether he realized it or not.
They’d sit in Five’s room on the bed. Being dead meant Ben had a lot of time to read, so he had an influx of recommendations. And Five was determined to read every single one.
Five would slowly inch closer to Ben until they were touching. At first, it overwhelmed Ben - the touching. Any touch at all really. But he quickly grew fond of the weight of his brothers head against his shoulder.
Ben would sometime spend all of his hours corporeal just reading. And Five appreciated Ben for his time and trust.
Vanya took Five’s disappearance the hardest. He was her safe space all those years ago.
Whenever Five heard the sound of her violin, he found himself wandering into her room to listen to her play. He’d missed that sound so much - it was something he held onto so tightly all those years in isolation
The pair would often listen to music together. It varied from 60′s bops to Vanya’s favorite classical pieces
The pair would also go out together!! 
Their favorite spot was still Griddy’s. Vanya watched as he stuffed his small frame with as many donut holes as possible.
They’d walk with their arms linked, talking amongst themselves about anything and everything
Whenever Five was having trouble sleeping and Vanya was around, he’d go to her room and she knew what he needed without asking. She’d put on her playlist of Bach cello suite’s and open her bed up to him. 
He’d fall asleep in her arms - safe and home. He never had nightmares in her room.
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vanillacaramelhoney · 4 years
Different (9)
Pairing(s): Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: "Put. Her. Down."
Warnings: Uh, none??
A/N: Sorry this part took so long, I just kinda lost motivation to write for a hot second there 🥺
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Repetitive noises typically annoyed people if they weren't the ones making it, but as YN laid, curled up on Five's bed as he wrote on the walls, the clacking of chalk against it was the only thing keeping her sane.
It gave her something to focus on- to keep her from thinking about Eudora's death, or the danger Diego was putting himself in, or what would happen to her younger self.
Upon seeing the traumatized girl, most people would scold Five for working on equations rather than comfort her. But Five knew her, and he knew that she needed time to process everything first. And when she was in need of comfort, he would be there- even if that meant not worrying about the apocalypse for a moment.
So, she laid on top of Five's bed, curled into herself. Five stood in front of her, writing on the wall behind her.
The writing stopped, and YN's thoughts started.
"Okay, I think I've got something." She looked up at Five at the sound of the sudden intrusion of his voice. "It's tenuous but promising."
YN watched as Luther walked into the room, confusion already present on his face.
"What is all this?" he asked.
"It's a probability map."
"Probability of what?"
"Of whose death could save the world." Five tapped on the wall. "I've narrowed it down to four."
"Are you saying one of these four people causes the apocalypse?" Luther asked.
"Their death might prevent it," YN explained for Five, her voice dull and eyes closed.
The sound of clacking came back for a moment as Luther glanced down at the girl.
"I'm not following." YN let out a hum as Five jumped into the explanation.
"Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum. The butterfly effect." Luther nodded. "So, all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the timeline, wherever they may be, and kill them."
Five dropped off the bed to look through Vanya's book as Luther came around to the other side of the bed. He looked over the names.
"'Milton Green,'" he read. "So, who's he? A terrorist or something?"
"I believe he is a gardener." YN opened her eyes to look at Five.
"You can't be serious," Luther said. "Wait, this is madness, Five."
Whatever words were about to follow halted when Five placed a case on his bed. YN sat up in curiosity.
"Where'd you get that?"
"In Dad's room," Five answered, unzipping it. "I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros."
He pulled it out, looking it over. "It's similar to the model I used at work. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable."
"But you can't- this guy Milton is just an innocent man!"
"It's a little distasteful, but his death could save billions of people," YN told him. "Besides, he'd just end up dead anyway."
"We don't do this kind of thing," Luther criticized.
"We are not doing anything," Five corrected. "I am. And if YN wants to come, then she's allowed to join."
"I can't let you go and kill innocent people," Luther said. "No matter how many lives it saves."
"Well, good luck stopping me."
"You're not going anywhere."
With a shriek, YN was lifted off the bed by the back of her shirt collar. She was shoved out the window and left dangling from Luther's grip.
"Motherfucker!" she screamed, kicking in his grasp as fury filled her body.
Five was quick to spin around, aiming the gun at his brother.
"Put. Her. Down."
"Put the gun down- you're not killing anyone," Luther countered. "I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this. It's either her or the gun. You decide."
"You know, I'm pretty sure if you drop me, I'll survive," YN continued squirming, "but that doesn't mean I'm fine with this."
It was silent as the two stared back at each other, waiting for the other to move.
Using his strength, Luther tossed the girl. She let out an alarming screech.
Five dropped the rifle and jumped forward to grab onto her.
He quickly pulled her back into his room.
"I can keep doing this all day." Looking back, Luther stood with the gun in hand.
Ignoring him, Five fretted over YN, having her sit on his bed.
"I know you're still a good person, Five," Luther continued. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked it coming back here to save us all. But you're not on your own anymore."
Five looked up at Luther. "There is one way, but it's just about impossible."
"More impossible than what brought you back here?"
Looking back at YN, she sighed, knowing where this was going.
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Pulling to the side of the road, Luther parked the car, and Five unbuckled his seat. YN sat in the back, more interested in looking out of the car windows.
With a sigh, Five spoke, "I never enjoyed it, you know."
"The killing," he clarified. "I mean, I was good at my work, and I took pride in it, but it never gave me pleasure."
It fell silent for a while.
"You think they'll buy it?" Luther asked, laying an arm on the briefcase.
"Well, what we do know is that they're desperate. It's like a cop losing his gun. If the Commission finds out, they'll be in deep shit. Not to mention that they'll be stuck here until they get it back."
"I should hold onto it," Luther said. Five hummed in confusion. "In case they make a move on either of you."
"Okay, Luther, but be careful," said Five. "I mean, we've lived long lives, but you're still a young man. You got your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it."
Luther stared at his brother, confused.
"There's a car coming up," YN announced.
Sure enough, a car appeared from behind a hill on the road.
"Here we go," Five said, the three climbing out of the car. They joined each other in the middle of the road, watching the car drive past.
"You sure you want to do this?" Five whispered to YN. "I can understand if you don't. You've been through a lot."
They watched as Hazel and Cha Cha exited the car, their creepy masks covering their faces.
"I don't really have a choice," YN responded.
With a sigh, Five walked forward to meet with their tailers, YN just a step behind him.
"The masks really necessary?" Five asked.
The two pulled them off and threw them aside.
"So, where is it?" Cha Cha asked.
"Wow, that's how you're gonna start," Five sassed. "You know, we can get back in our car and call it a day."
"You won't even make it halfway there," the woman said, pulling out her gun. She pointed it at Five, and Hazel raised his to YN.
"Maybe," Five said, "but as I'm sure you found out in your previous foray, my brother is not your average giant."
"He's right," Hazel said. "You dropped a chandelier on him, got right back up."
"You hurt us, and he'll destroy your precious briefcase," YN smiled.
"Probably us, too, right?" Hazel asked. "So, how do we help each other?"
"I need you to get in contact with your superior, so we can have a chat with her," Five explained. "Face-to-face."
"About what?" Cha Cha asked.
"Why do you care?" YN asked.
The woman took a deep breath. "Just don't tell her about the briefcase."
"Fair enough."
The four parted, Cha Cha and Hazel going to a payphone, and Five and YN returning to the car and Luther.
Five settled against the car, and YN sat on the hood.
"What now?"
"Now, we wait."
YN grabbed Five's hand to fiddle with while they waited. The sound of music typical to an ice cream truck had them confused.
Five grabbed YN's hand and pulled her down to his side as they looked back.
Everyone watched in confusion as it drove down the street, music echoing.
"Is that her?" Luther asked the two beside him.
YN's eyes widened in disbelief as the truck drove by.
Klaus sat in the front seat, smiling and waving out at them. In the passenger seat was Diego.
"What the hell is he doing here?"
The truck continued, Cha Cha and Hazel raising their guns to fire at it.
Luther covered Five and YN with his body, holding his arms out.
The two watched, however, as everything came to a halt.
They peered out from behind Luther.
"What the hell?" YN muttered.
Together, they walked out from behind him to take in the scene before them.
"Neat trick, isn't it?" Turning, the Handler stood there in all her unbridled glory.
She pulled back the net veil covering her face and removed her sunglasses.
"Hello, Five, YN," she greeted. "You two look good, all things considered. And I must say, I'm very sorry for your loss, dear."
She smiled at YN, who was held back by Five from doing anything.
"Good to see you again," Five said, whispering a warning back to YN.
"Feels like we met just yesterday," the woman said. "Course, you were both a little older then. Congratulations on the age regression, by the way. Very clever. Threw us all off the scent."
"Well, I wish I could take credit," Five said. "I just miscalculated the time dilation projections and, well, you know. Here we are." He briefly held out his arms.
"You realize your efforts are futile. So, why don't you tell me what you really want?"
"We want you to put a stop to this," YN told her.
"You realize what you're asking for is next to impossible, even for me," the Handler said. "What's meant to be is meant to be. That's our raison d'etre."
YN rolled her eyes, looking off to the side, and Five pulled a gun.
"Yeah? Well, how about survival as a raison?" Five gave a mocking smile.
"I'll just be replaced. I'm but a...small cog in a machine." As she stepped closer to the two, Five kept a close eye on her. "This fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse is just that- a fantasy. I must say, though, we're all quite impressed with your initiative, your stick-to-itiveness, really quite something."
YN narrowed her eyes at the flattery.
"Which is why we want to offer both of you new positions back at the Commission in management," she told them.
"Sorry, what's that now?" Five questioned.
"Come back to work for us again," she coaxed. "It's where you belong."
"The last time we were there, things weren't going that good," YN recalled.
"But you wouldn't be in the correction division any longer," the Handler corrected her. "I'm talking about the home office. You'd have the best health and pension, and an end to this ceaseless travel. You're distinguished professionals in-" she trailed off for a second as she looked down, "-matching schoolboy shorts. We have the technology to reverse the process. I mean, you can't be happy like this."
She reached over to push Five's gun down.
"We're not looking for happy," he told her.
"We're all looking for happy," she responded. "We can make that happen. We can make you yourselves again."
Five sighed, looking to the side. "What about my family?"
"What about them?"
"I want them to survive."
The Handler looked at Luther, then at the truck where Diego and Klaus resided.
"All of them?"
"Yes, all of them."
Without a word, they watched as the woman pulled out her sunglasses and put them back on. "I'll see what I can do." She held out her hand. "Do we have a deal?"
"One thing," Five said.
He nodded toward the gun lying on the road, silently telling YN to deal with it.
As she went to it, Five messed with a bullet that headed in Luther's direction.
YN unloaded the gun, throwing both parts to the sides before returning.
The Handler held her hand out again. Grabbing YN's first, Five took hers and shook it.
They were gone with a flash, everything returning to normal.
The bullet missed Luther, Cha Cha and Hazel fell to the ground, and the truck crashed into the back of the assassins' car.
Luther frantically looked around for the missing two, calling out their names in confusion.
Looking back at the assassins, he held up the briefcase.
"Come get it!" Cha Cha came running at him but turned when it was thrown to the side.
The man ran to the truck to help his siblings. They ran back to the car as fast as they could.
They quickly climbed inside, Klaus and Diego in the back, Luther getting in the driver's seat.
They were off in seconds, leaving behind the frustrated assassins.
@fancytravelerbird @megasimpleplan4ever @yikes-matey @we-all-are-strange @flowertoty @rasberrymay @lilacs-lavender @margotsfandoms @nibbles7192 @colie-babi @thegirlwholikestomanythings @halparkebitch @faith-quake @aesthetically-hailey
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Fear (four)
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Reader
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Warning: Dark Themes, Dark take on a character
Author’s Note: Part One     Part Two     Part Three
Tagged: @dawnson-hargreeves @ryans-mad-queen @alysweets @hyradun @lollipopdomination@awesometheydontknowiamhere@buckyandstevegayornay@anotherfanficreadingblog  @not-so-epic-iii @ampbian   @hank-mcdank-blade  @liveitdoll   @ynm1505
“Y/n! Come on! Come on!” Five urged with a laugh.
Diego sat back in between Luther and Klaus. Ben was off in the corner reading. Allison was in training with mom. Vanya was tucked away in her room practicing her violin. Their father was gone for the day. Which was very very rare for the Hargreeves siblings to have the day off.
Five was quick to go and bring Y/n back here for the day. She was everybody’s friend. Five’s best friend. He talked to her about things that he didn’t talk to anybody else. They had just finished a game of soccer, but Y/n and Five were still running around like maniacs just having a good time.
Diego was watching her. He was always watching her. He loved her. Well, he didn’t realize he loved her until mom had helped him sort out his emotions. Diego had never felt love before. The love he had for mom and his siblings were different. Diego didn’t even think he was capable of loving somebody the way he loves her.
But he kept quiet. He never acted on it. The way Y/n and Five were so close and spent so much time together, Diego was so sure that she was in love with Five. He knew his brother was in love with her. It was obvious. All of the siblings liked to tease Five about his crush on Y/n.
Five always fought them on anything and everything, but not when it comes to Y/n. He never argues about having feelings for her. He just stays mum. Diego couldn’t do that to his brother. He couldn’t just push him to the side just because he too was having feelings for Y/n.
Diego sat up a little straighter as he watched the two run full force at each other. Diego winced as they slammed into one another. They both went crashing backward. He moved to go check on them, but Klaus distracted him by showing him what he had done to his hands.
Five crawled over to Y/n and fell back next to her. The pair broke into a fit of laughter. Allison stepped outside looking around the yard. Luther jumped up leaving Diego and Klaus behind. Diego looked up as Ben walked over and pulled Klaus away leaving Diego alone.
Diego felt something wet hit his face. He looked up at the dark clouds above him. The sky opened it up and a storm fit.
Y/n shrieked as she jumped to her feet. Five followed close behind Diego made his way to the door hoping that once inside he could spend some time with Y/n, but he noticed that Five and Y/n weren’t following his lead.
He dragged his eyes across the yard looking for his brother and his friend to see them sneaking through the gate. A low growl rumbled out of his chest as he watched the pair disappear.
“Diego?” Mom’s voice was soft and sweet.
Diego looked up at her.
“Come inside silly before you catch a cold,” she said.
Diego gave her a curt nod and then followed her into the kitchen. She handed him a towel and he was quick to dry his sopping wet hair. Grace and Diego both looked up at the sound of running footsteps. Ben came sliding into the kitchen.
“What is it, Ben?” Grace asked.
“Dad’s home,” Ben whispered.
Diego could see the fear in his brother’s eyes. He handed mom the towel and then hurried after his brother. Father was shouting for all of his children. They were all lined up. In numerical order like they have always been trained to do. There was a spot left open between Klaus and Ben. Reginald stopped in front of the empty spot. A small scoff could be heard from him.
“Has anyone seen Five?” Reginald asked.
The siblings all glanced at one another. Diego knew that if their Father knew that Y/n had come over without his permission and distracted the kids all day long that there would be hell to pay. Diego didn’t want Y/n to get in trouble, but if Five was to be punished as well that would open up the opportunity for Diego to sneak away and see her.
“I have, sir,” Diego spoke up.
All of the other siblings looked at Diego in shock. They couldn’t believe that he would be so willing to give up Y/n and get her in trouble.
Unaware that Reginald himself was waiting for the pair, Five and Y/n entered the academy through the front door. They were soaking wet with full bellies of ice cream and sweets from the candy shop on Main St. Their laughter echoed through the quiet academy.
“Five! Y/n!” Reginald’s voice bellowed through the halls.
Five and Y/n both fell silent. Y/n looked over at Five with wide eyes. Five grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Follow my lead,” He whispered.
Y/n could only nod and follow close behind Five as he lead the pair to his father’s office. Y/n sucked in a deep breath as she and Five stepped into his office. His cold beady eyes were looking them up and down.
“You’re wet,” He complained.
“It’s raining, sir,” Five pointed out.
“Do you have not training and studying that needs to be done every day?” Reginald asked.
“Yes, sir,” Five answered.
“Then why are you running around with Miss Y/n?” Reginald asked.
“Because she is my friend,” Five said.
“Miss Y/n don’t you understand by now that my children have more important things to do than playing in the rain?” Reginald asked.
Y/n lowered her head. “Yes, sir,”
“I am extremely disappointed in the both of you,” Reginald began.
Five and Y/n looked at each other.
“Miss Y/n, you’ll be banned from the academy and my children until further notice,” Reginald said.
Y/n’s mouth fell open.
“Father!” Five shouted.
“You’re excused Miss Y/n. Five you and I will discuss your punishment at a later time,” Reginald said.
Y/n said nothing as she rushed out of the office. Five glared at his father but kept his insults to himself as he chased after his friend.
“Y/n!” Five shouted.
Y/n didn’t stop. She continued running. Diego stepped out of the library just as Y/n went running past me.
“Y/n!” Diego yelled.
“Sorry, I can’t be here,” She tossed over her shoulder before running right out the front door.
Diego looked down when Five came to stand next to him.
“What’s going on?” Diego asked.
“Father,” Five hissed.
“What happened?” Diego asked him.
“Nothing,” Five growled, turning on his heels, and storming away.
Diego couldn’t help but smile to himself. Y/n was banned. Five was in trouble. Now all he had to do was sneak away and have her all to himself.
You shot up in bed with a gasp. You scanned your room. It was pitch black. Looking over at your nightstand you glanced at the clock. It was just shy of six thirty in the morning. Groaning, you flopped back against your pillow. Your dreams were just riddled with memories of your childhood.
Knowing full well that you weren’t going to be able to fall back asleep you rolled out of bed and headed to your bathroom to shower and get around for the day. You weren’t quite sure what you were going to do with yourself. Five was supposed to take care of everything by explaining your disappearance.
It was weird having Five back in your life. Not only because he looked the same as the day he went missing, but he was your best friend. You had loved him all of those years ago. More than just as a best friend. He was your first kiss. Your first love. And now after growing up without him, you fell out of love with him.
That’s how you became so attached with Diego. It just made sense to you. You couldn’t even remember when exactly you fell in love with Diego, but you did. You felt disgusted though. Diego was Five’s brother. You felt as if you were betraying Five when you moved on with your life and falling for Diego.
Deep down you knew that’s what Five would have wanted for you. For you to move on. Having Five back was great, but the two of you would never be able to be the same ever again. And now with Diego, you were even more confused. You loved him. He knew that. He claimed to love you as well, but he scared you.
How could you be with someone that scared you? That tried to control your every move and keep you trapped with him? Part of you wanted to pack a bag and run away. It seemed like the most logical thing to do, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to bring yourself to do it.
There was a bigger part of you that hoped deep down inside of Diego was the Diego from your childhood. The boy you leaned on after Five’s disappearance. Diego had become your best friend not long after that. There was something going on with him and even with Five’s warnings, you couldn’t bring yourself to give up on Diego. He needed you now more than ever and no matter what it took you were going to try your damndest to bring Diego back.
“Y/n!” Five called out.
You darted from your bedroom to find Five standing in the middle of your living room bruised and bleeding.
“Five, what the hell?” You demanded to know.
Five slowly lifted his head to look at you.
“Five?” You softly said.
“The world is ending,” Five said.
“Wait, what?” You said in confusion.
Five dropped to his knees in exhaustion. You dove forward to kneel next to him and keep him from crashing to the floor.
“I can’t stop it. We’re all going to die,” Five said.
“Five, talk to me,” You pleaded with him.
Five leaned into you.
“I wanted to save them. My siblings. You. But I can’t,” Five sighed.
“It’s going to be okay, Five,” You said.
“I just,” Five paused. “Need a nap,”
Five slunked into your arms and passed out. You groaned at his weight and shifted so you could lay him flat. You grabbed a pillow off your couch and stuck it under his head. Once he was on the floor you covered him with a blanket. Concerned, you found your phone on the table and dialed a familiar number.
“Hey, it’s me. I have Five, you might want to come to my place. Something’s wrong,” You said as you watched over a sleeping Five.
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