#varian birthday 2020
halloweenism · 5 months
early 2020 i read this fanfic where eugene and varian go on a beach day for vari's birthday and varian drowns and that shit fucked me up at 12 years old
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leania112 · 5 years
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Happy Birthday to the BEST BOY! :)
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tyushaold · 5 years
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I love them so much <3
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Oh, no goggles?
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It's only a week late...*laughs nervously* Happy belated birthday, Varian! Figured Rapunzel would probably gift him a painting. Tbh, Rapunzel and Varian's friendship is too often overlooked.
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punkydodd · 5 years
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Happy birthday to our special alchemist and royal engiener. But today is also my oc, Gerhard, birthday. Happy birthday to our boys.
Please like and reblog
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neetmemes · 5 years
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wallywestfest · 4 years
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Happy birthday to the awsome @lunarcrown !!!🌻🌻🌻 Let today and the rest of 2020 be amazing for you and everyone around you! Here's Hugo being s drama queen - pff it's just s cold, he's fine 😅 and Varian's had enough of his shit already haha 😄
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littlemisslol-fic · 4 years
Fic Masterlist
Might as well get all my garbage together for the sake of organization. Links to everything I’ve ever written under the cut!
Longer Fics:
Like a Rowboat On an Angry Sea and its sequel Set the Kindling, Strike a Match
Varian with an edited family history. Lots of angst and kidnapping for those who want a good cry.
Dear Fellow Traveller
A Varigo centered, Moonstone!Varian AU. Lots of angst here as well, but this one has a lot more bickering and sass. 
Alone We Have No Future
Apocalypse AU, focused on the Team Awesome dynamic. Mild angst, but a lot of physical violence and generally precarious scenarios.
Cor Meum
A Steampunk AU, co-written by myself and the beautiful @izaswritings​! Also has a tumblr devoted to itself over here for organization’s sake!
The Silent Opera
Varigo soulmate au! Lots of angst, an arranged marriage, and shakespearian level melodrama.
Darling, so It Goes (Some Things Are Meant to Be)   
Varigo week 2022 submissions! 7 days, 7 prompts, 1 overarching narrative linking them all together. Hugo tries to propose to Varian, and the universe kind of smacks the hell out of him for it lmao
A Thousand Lifetimes (And I'll Always Love You)
Varigo Week 2020 submissions, 7 days, 7 prompts. Cozy/Soft, First Kiss, Betrayal/Possession, Campfire, First Meeting/First Date, Flirting/Teasing, and a free day!!
The Dating Game
Also called “Fantasy Bachelor” by my friends on discord. Varigo. Rapunzel tries to find Varian a boyfriend, not knowing that Varian already has one. Generally light hearted shenanigans ensue.
Save Your Convictions (They Never Will Do)  
Also Varigo. Canon verse. Varian and Hugo return to Corona after the events of the Varian and the Seven Kingdoms AU, with mixed reception on Hugo’s part.
Now That You’re Here (It’s Time for You to Go)
Team Awesome with a twist! Based off of Finnoky’s AU, where the Dark Kingdom never fell, and Eugene and Varian were rasied as brothers. Eugene gets a new baby sibling, and is less than stoked about it.
Your Blood’s Gone Bad (I Knew It Would)
Based on the absolutely AWESOME/SAD comics by the illustrious Dr-Chalk on tumblr. Cassandra uses the mind-trap early. It doesn't end well for Varian. (Warnings for Major Character Death)
Things I Almost Remember
Varigo Anastasia AU! A birthday present for my beautiful friend jjgg_art
The Idea of One
A Trigun Fic! A Post-Fall Vash gets his hair cut and has a crisis about it.
Fic Answers for Tumblr Asks (Unnamed):
Prompt: Fever and Shackles
Eugene and Varian end up caught by the Saporians. They’re not very good hosts. Angst ahoy.
Prompt: Varigo and Puppy Love
Varian and Hugo break into an abandoned amusement park for a cute little date. Very fluffy!
Prompt: Rowboat!Verse, “Weight of the World”
Rapunzel watches over Varian after the evens of Like a Rowboat. A little angsty, but mostly introspective. Darling, so It Goes (Some Things Are Meant to Be) 
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
The Calm After The Storm
Hey! so this is for Varigo Week 2020! Wooo! Day 1 - Cozy / Soft
I thought ‘why not start it where it all began for me?’ so boom! A small snippet of life for the boys after the coffee shop au! Hope you all enjoy!
  Mornings like these made it difficult for Varian to want to get out of bed and leave his boyfriend for his classes. It honestly wasn’t fair how Hugo’s arms wrapped around his waist and held him in a cozy embrace as the seconds kept on ticking by the longer he waited, his breath ghosting against the back of Varian’s neck in his deep sleep. It seemed like years since they’d met in that coffee shop in the winter, christmas relentlessly edging closer each day, but he’d met Hugo and they’d spent it together in perfect bliss.
  Memories of dates and almost kisses flooded his thoughts as he shuffled further back into the warmth of his boyfriend to combat the coldness of the room. They really had been through a lot, huh? His favourite date by far was the ice skating - even though it had been a horrible night, for that one moment where it was just them, it was perfect. They twirled and danced over the rink without a care in the world as Hugo guided them in their own secret routine that outsiders didn’t notice - hands holding hands and fingers intertwined. 
  Also when they snuck out, streetlights and christmas decorations being their only company as they laughed and joked on the way to the park where Hugo presented him with his gift - the glowing necklace. Varian’s hand slid from its place on top of Hugo’s to play with the small vial still around his neck, it illuminating with a small shake. It really was beautiful. And when they got their tattoos, his eyes travelled now from the vial to the beaker on his right wrist that Irene had done for them oh so kindly as a gift for his twentieth birthday and Hugo’s small test tube on his left wrist peeked out slightly from under the covers. Wow. 
  Hugo had always been there to soothe him from his nightmares too, playing with his hair and placing gentle kisses to his forehead as he attempted to calm down. Like the night before trouble came, and they’d cuddled up with hot cocoa and snacks on a makeshift bed on the sofa to watch one of his dramatic teen movies to calm down. They’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms that night, his head on Hugo’s chest and legs tangled in their slightly awkward position, but neither cared. It was them and they were happy. 
  And then there was his mother returning. Of course she hadn’t stayed long, but in the short time she was here, all hell broke loose between them all. Hell, he’d even broken up with Hugo! What was he even thinking? Even he himself wasn’t sure - he was just so angry and confused and betrayed, because his Hugo wouldn’t do that and he just let himself believe Ulla. He remembered the heartache on Hugo’s face as he’d screamed at him - the way he was clearly trying not to cry as he ran out of the apartment. Varian had wanted to go after him and pull him into an embrace, to kiss and wipe each one of those heart wrenching tears away, but he just couldn’t. Not with Ulla there.
 But that was behind them now. All that mattered was them cuddling under the bedsheets in their room - even though Varian knew he’d have to get up soon anyway. 
  Varian wanted to shuffle out of Hugo’s grasp. To head out of bed while the other man was still soundly asleep and get changed and ready for college before Hugo tried to convince him to stay for the day and just call in sick, however something stopped him. He wasn’t sure he even wanted to leave today. He wanted Hugo to keep him in bed all day where they could cuddle with the bitter winds outside that seeped through due to the apartment’s shitty insulation and even worse heating units - it hardly even worked most of the time.
  A groan left Varian’s lips as he turned to face his still-sleeping boyfriend, his blonde fringe barely covering the scar running through his right eyebrow and the slight tilt of his lip making it look like he was smiling in his sleep. He reached out - slowly, carefully - to push the fringe aside and tuck in behind the other’s ear. He always looked so at peace sleeping. It was adorable. He’d missed this during their break. Sighing, he pushed himself into sitting up, a slight smile creeping onto his face as his legs swung over the edge of the bed to rest on the blue carpet of his floor, a familiar heat moving behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist again.
  “Yknow you could always just stay at home.” Hugo’s husky voice sounded absolutely heavenly at the moment - that alone making him want to sink back into the covers and fall into a sleep again. But no, he couldn’t just give up that easily. Not when it’s Hugo.
  “Mmm...I could, couldn’t I.” he muttered, leaning back into his boyfriend who placed a kiss to his shoulder that made his stomach melt and heart soar. God, he loved Hugo so much when he was being soft and affectionate. Ruddiger bounded into his lap and curled up, purring and promptly falling asleep. Ah. 
  “Well, the fat bastard has decided you’re staying. So, will you relent to the Lord and Saviour Ruddiger Ruddiger’s laws or will you suffer a whole day of your son ignoring you?” Hugo questioned, and Varian could hear the smirk on his face. Sure, Nuru would probably scold him for not showing up, as would Isla and Eugene, but...with Ruddiger making his rules and Hugo being such a tempting person, how could he leave his two favourite fellas at home? That would be unjust torture!
  “Alright, almighty cat lord. You’ve convinced me.” Varian relented with a grin as he flopped back into bed, Hugo moving to lay down as well and pull his boyfriend into another tight embrace as they did so. “But we’re gonna have to think of another illness to let me off. So what will it be? The flu?”
  “I’m thinking something more along the lines of...I don’t want to leave my extremely attractive and loving boyfriend syndrome. Absolutely killer disease. Took the life of my friend Zander. Very tragic.” Hugo commented sleepily, his lips ghosting on the back of Varian’s neck, sending little tingles down his spine and making him shiver all over. 
  “Sounds like the perfect excuse.” He murmured back. “Hey Hugh..I love you.” Varian whispered as he slowly shut his eyes, Hugo merely making a small groan of agreement to Varian’s confession as they both drifted to sleep once again, deciding to neglect all their responsibility for the day and just...live in the moment.
  Thank god for that coffee shop.
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sheyshen · 4 years
My FanFic compilation
I figured I have written quite a lot over the years and especially this year, that putting together something like this, that has everything I’ve written so far in one place all organized would be a good idea! So please! Enjoy!
There’s quite a lot so they’ll all be listed under the read more, They’re all organized by series (fairy tail, swtor, mass effect, dragon age, greedfall, anthem, and smut fics) as well as by pair with a short description, starting with the first fic I wrote (fairy tail) and the latest (fictober 2020 prompts)  :D
Fairy Tail: (Leading off with this because it’s my first ever fic) -Shall We Dance, Pair: Laxus/Lucy: 38 chapters, Finished https://archiveofourown.org/works/4351550/chapters/9870611
Swtor: Main fic: -Breaking the Bad News (aka BTBN), multi-pair, main focus is shan trio: currently 70 chapters, Ongoing. https://archiveofourown.org/works/9340892/chapters/21164699
Side Fics: Kara Hawke’s Backstory(s):
Pre-Class story: -A Smuggler’s Tyr, no pairing, intro to Kara’s first crew: Currently 1 chapter, Complete (Might add more eventually)
During Class Story: -Adventure of a Lifetime, no pairing focus but will mention Darmas, meant to build on what we have of the in game class story: Currently 1 chapter, hiatus (plan to work on more with 2021)
Post Class Story: -Hawke Legacy: While Kara Sleeps, mentioned Theron/Kara, focus’s on Koro delivering the news of Marr’s ship being attacked to Theron. 1 chapter, Complete -Downtime, Theron/Kara, Post arrival on Odessen but prior to chapter 9 on kotfe, 1 chapter, complete -Desert Reunion, Theron/Kara, Introducing Kara’s dad and bringing him into the Alliance, 3 chapters, complete -A Moment, Theron/Kara, but starting to poke at the idea of Arcann being involved, 1 chapter, complete
Prompts: -Fictober 2018, day 1: Can you feel this?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, post-umbara/pre-copero so theron’s only mentioned -Fictober 2018, day 3: How can I trust you?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, post-Nathema, and a bit on the trio +kids, dealing with Theron’s return -Fictober 2018, day 5: Take what you need, mentioned Kara/Caleb (her first husband from her original crew), takes place before the class stories, short story about a job she had done -Fictober 2018, day 6: I’ve heard enough, this ends now. Kara/Arcann (sometime pre-nathema so sorry Theron’s not really in this one), bit of covering a reoccuring nightmare Kara had for a few months -Fictober 2018, day 7: No Worries, we still have time, Kara/Arcann/Theron (Arcann’s not present tho, just mentioned), little bit of the pair of workaholics +kids taking a break -Fictober 2018, day 12/13: Who could do this/Try harder next time, Kara/Arcann/Theron & Koren/Trey (Will have this in both pairs), sometime post-nathema probably, little adventure with Kara involving having to save her sons -Prompt: I Care about You, Theron/Kara, little bit of a rebuild of their kotfe reuinion -Prompt: Come Cuddle, Kara/Arcann/Theron, Short fluff story of one of their movie nights with some bad jokes -Promptless idea: Arcann Singing, Kara/Arcann/Theron, I’ve always had this idea that Arcann can sing at least as well as Senya does, so here’s a bit of him singing to kara’s boys, and also kara. -Fictober 2019, day 2: Just Follow me, I know the area, Kara/Arcann mainly, post onslaught so Theron’s involved but just not featured in this prompt. Little bit of a romantic night out. -Fictober 2019, day 3: Now? Now you listen to me?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, follow-up to the fictober 2018 day 6 prompt, and resolution to the chronic nightmares Kara was having -Fictober 2020, day 7: Yes I did, what about it?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, post-nathema, small bit of theron and kara heart to heart about a choice she made (involving Valss because I’m still bitter we didn’t get a save option for him) and both prosthetic users in the trio are sore (maybe there’s a storm moving in) -Fictober 2020, day 15: Not interested, thank you, Kara/Arcann/Theron (Arcann isn’t present for this), one of a handful of reminders that Kara and Theron are parents, connor just really wants to make his lightsaber -Fictober 2020, day 18: You don’t see it?, Kara/Arcann/Theron (post umbara pre Nathema so theron is only mentioned), something of a pep-talk from arcann.
Nora Hawke/Mikael Hawke: -That Time Back When We First Met, backstory on how my sith warrior and pub trooper met before they started their relationship: currently 2 chapters, hiatus (plan to work on more with 2021) -Fictober 2018, day 4: Will that be all?, little bit after they first met, can be considered a continuation chapter... technically
Koren Gates/Trey Hawke: -Fictober 2018, day 2: People Like you have no imagination, Koren/Trey & Shey/Torian (will put it for both pairs), little adventure of my bounty hunter squad +sith BF -Fictober 2018, day 12/13: Who could do this/Try harder next time, Kara/Arcann/Theron & Koren/Trey (Will have this in both pairs), sometime post-nathema probably, little adventure with Kara involving having to save her sons -Fictober 2020, day 13: I missed this, Koren/Trey, bit of fluff between my overly caring hunter who could use a day off and his grump of a sith boyfriend. -Fictober 2020, day 28: Do I have to do everything here?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, Arcann and Koth decide to play a co-op holonet game, with only minor arguing. -Fictober 2020, day 30: Just say it, Kara/Arcann/Theron, Kara gets a little time to herself and the trio’s weekly movie night ends up being a bit more than just the three of them.
Shey Shen/Torian Cadera: -Fictober 2018, day 2: People Like you have no imagination, Koren/Trey & Shey/Torian (will put it for both pairs), little adventure of my bounty hunter squad +sith BF -Prompt: I’m Right Where I Belong, Shey/Torian sometime post kotet, a rare time that I bring up the fact that she has amnesia and still can’t remember anything prior to about 2 years prior to the class stories starting. -Prompt: ... out of habit (kiss), former Shey/Koro mention as well as Shey/Torian, because Koro is a mess and while him and Shey have been divorced for years habits die hard. -Fictober 2020, day 8: I’m not doing that again, Shey/Torian & Kurana/Andronikos (will be under both pairs), Little bit of a fun idea of who would win in a fight, our dear pirate or mando
Kurana Knight/Andronikos Revel: -Prompt: One Falling Asleep with their head in the other’s lap, Kurana/Andronikos, I keep thinking of this prompt now and then because writing Niko being soft for his wife is a lot of fun. -Fictober 2020, day 8: I’m not doing that again, Shey/Torian & Kurana/Andronikos (will be under both pairs), Little bit of a fun idea of who would win in a fight, our dear pirate or mando
Lyra Hawke/Doc: -Fictober 2020, day 1: No, Come Back!, Lyra/Doc, little adventure on an unnamed planet that I honestly love the idea of -Fictober 2020, day 6: That was Impressive, Lyra/Doc, Another little adventure of information gathering featuring Kara’s youngest son, Connor. -Fictober 2020, day 22: And neither should you, Lyra/Doc, little bit of fluff and doc trying to get his wife to take a day off
Ren Hawke/Vinn Atrius: -Fictober 2020, day 9: Will you Look at this?, Ren/Vinn, I need to write more of them outside of btbn so this was a start to hopefully more building on my didn’t plan to ship this as strongly as I ended up doing pair.
Ava Reiner/Jonas Balkar: -Fictober 2020, day 20: Did I ask?, Ava/Jonas, Small job featuring a couple of SIS agents, and including a bounty hunter I got attached to in a hurry.
Kyri Dennan/Arn Peralun: -Fictober 2020, day 21: This, this makes it all worth it, Kyri/Arn, little build up for another pair that I didn’t expect to get attached to, featuring some implant maintanence.
Airi/Theron (one off because disaster spy/spy pairing I had to write at least once): -Admittance, 1 chapter, complete
WoW: Aulara Stormdawn/Kieran Grimmarrow: -Lunar Eclipse, (Technically my first fic but I didn’t post it until after Shall We Dance), A story involving Aulara (an orphaned night elf priestess), Koren Haven (her brother from the orphanage, a human paladin), Kieran (a blood elf noble, hunter who doesn’t have much people skills), and the friends they meet including Rokar an old orc shaman and Sen a orc huntress, that navigates through the warcraft story starting with vanilla wow. Currently 7 chapters, on hiatus but planning on picking it up again in 2021! -Fictober 2020, day 4: That didn’t stop you before, Aulara/Kieran, A quest during Legion and a bit of a flashback from one of their first quests together around when they first started fighting side by side during BC -Fictober 2020, day 25: Sometimes you can even see, Aulara/Kieran, The burning of Teldrassil and Kieran deciding he’s willing to risk everything he’s ever known to be with his wife. Koren is there to give him a hand. -Fictober 2020, day 26: How about you trust me for once?, Aulara/Kieran, early BC before they became a couple, Kieran and Aulara get a moment to talk alone in Nagrand, involves something close to an awkward confession. >:3
Shey Wrynn/Varian Wrynn: -Prompt: Are you testing me?, Shey/Varian, post WoD but pre-Legion, little walk through elwynn turning into an adventure between the king and his wife, Shey is not amused when he charges in head first. -Fictober 2020, day 2: That’s the easy part, Shey/Varian, mid to late WoD, bit of fluff while planning the push towards hellfire citadel, bit of fluff and bit of proposal.  >:3 -Fictober 2020, day 10: All I ever wanted, Shey/Varian, post-BFA Pre-Shadowlands, proof I can write at least a little bit angsty, some platonic Shey & Anduin. -Fictober 2020, day 16: I never wanted anything else, Shey/Varian, something short around late Cata early MoP involving Shey having a birthday. -Fictober 2020, day 27: Give me that, Shey/Varian, probably what I consider the most ooc i’ve written him but honestly i had a lot of fun writing them being dorks. -Fictober 2020, day 31: I trust you, Shey/Varian, sometime early Cata soon after they started a relationship. The one and probably only time I’ll ever mention Shey’s old house, and a touch on the fact that i’m 100% certain that Varian would try and sneak out of the city time to time.
Shey & Anduin (platonic, it’s always platonic/familial between them) -Fictober 2020, day 19: I can’t do this anymore, Shey & Anduin, because sometimes a girl just needs to sneak her son out of the city to give him a break and maybe check out a ruin or something.
Shey Wrynn/Aethas Sunreaver: -Prompt: By your side, Shey/Aethas. Post legion, a bit of a moment between them early BFA. I started writing them as a potential pair before settling as friends with benefits that might form into more, so this is a possible hinting at them becoming “more”
Mass Effect: John Shepard/Kaidan Alenko: -Prompt: War’s End Kiss, Shenko, Post ME3 when they’re just a couple of retired old soldiers and John’s slowly recovering from his injuries from the final push. -Fictober 2019, day 4: I know you didn’t ask for this, Shenko, Post ME3, a bit of a heart to heart between them and tending to slowly healing injuries. -Fictober 2020, day 3: You did this?, Shenko, Post ME3, Kaidan runs across some old footage of John over the years from before they met to the reaper war. -Fictober 2020, day 14: You better leave now, Shenko, during ME3, short mission against a hold out of mercs, featuring James. -Fictober 2020, day 24: Are you kidding me?, Shenko, during ME3 probably, featuring Kaidan “my headache doesn’t hurt that bad” Alenko and John “please just take a nap” Shepard. -Fictober 2020, day 29: Back up!, Shenko, during ME3, mission to clear out a cerberus warehouse including some battle flirting and James lending a gun.
Scott Ryder/Gil Brodie: -Fictober 2020, day 12: Watch me, Ryder/Gil, Post main MEA story, something short of Scott looking forward to getting out and exploring while Gil (and eventually Sara) work on the Nomad. (Sara is my pathfinder)
Dragon Age: Garrett Hawke/Fenris: -Dawning, Fenhawke, Short bit of fluff and my firt step into writing dragon age. Late or post DA2.
Lia Hawke/Fenris (a one off when I was debating on canon hawkes & romances for them): -Fictober 2020 day 5: Unacceptable, try again. Fenhawke, little bit of teasing and bad taste in books.
Rana Cousland/Alistair Theirin: -Promptless ramble, Rana/Alistair, Set during DAO with Rana reflecting on those she’s lost, worrying for her brother and realizing just how in love she’s fallen with Alistair. -Fictober 2020, day 23: Do we have to?, Rana/Alistair, set post DAO, pre-DAI, little romantic picnic between the king and queen of ferelden before she heads off on her next mission. (hints at Nathaniel being involved with the both of them.)
Greedfall: Lydia de Sardet/Kurt -Fictober 2020, day 11: I told you so, Lydia/Kurt, short bit trying to get my footing writing these two, Lydia thinks she can still climb trees like she used to as a kid. -Fictober 2020, day 17: Give me a minute or an hour, Lydia/Kurt, short bit, and Kurt not being as subtle about his feelings about Lydia as he probably thinks he has.
Anthem: Raya Auren/Matti (1 of the 3 Matthias Sumner) -Fictober 2019 day 1: It’ll be fun, trust me, Raya/Matti, Bit of an adventure involving Raya taking her favorite arcanist out of fort tarsis to see something very special. (also involving me having no clue how they transport people when there’s only one javelin and winging it)
Smut: (all of them are swtor so far) -A Moment Reprised, Kara/Arcann, takes place post-umbara and pre-nathema, and sometime late in BtBN, no plot. -Moving on, Koren/Trey, takes place right before chap 35 of BtBN, featuring my dorks of a hunter and sith setting in stone they’re serious about each other. no plot -Just a short vacation, Kara/Theron, takes place post-nathema pre-onslaught, A moment in Kara and Theron’s honeymoon at a lovely resort and the closest to taking a day off Theron will ever probably take. No plot -Welcome Home, Kara/Arcann/Theron, unlike the other 3 doesn’t have a specific time that it takes place other than post nathema. No plot
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tangledbea · 5 years
Tangled Fandom Holidays
A list of holidays and birthdays created, assigned and celebrated by the Tangled Fandom.
Feel free to add on/suggest more!*
January 13 - Rapunzel and Eugene’s Anniversary (date of “Tangled Ever After” release)
January 26 - Eugene’s Real Birthday (date “Cassandra’s Revenge” aired)
February 2 - Eden Espinosa’s Birthday
March 1 - Anniversary of the Series Finale (ended March 1, 2020).
March 10 - Tangled the Series Anniversary
March 24 - Varian’s Birthday, Ruddiger’s Birthday (date of first appearance in “What the Hair?!”)
March 25 - Anniversary of Mandy Moore getting her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (March 25, 2019)
April 7 - Eugene’s 2nd Birthday (date “Lost and Found” aired, when Rapunzel gave him a birthday)
April 10 - Mandy Moore’s Birthday
April 14 - Crowning of Dark Prince Eugene (air date of “Destinies Collide,” when the Dark Prince Eugene theory went from theory to canon)
May 27 - Anniversary of the founding of the Tangled Fandom Resurrection (founded May 27, 2014)
August 6 - Day of Hearts (date “Under Raps” aired, when Day of Hearts was being celebrated)
August 13 - I Love Rapunzel Day (according to the official Tangled the Series Twitter account, established August 13, 2017)
August 26 - Fitzpancake Day (date that the fanfiction “An Obsessive Kind of Love” was published)
August 28 - Guardians Day (the day the comic of the same name featuring the holiday of the same name was published)
September - Arianna Appreciation Month
September 4 - James Monroe Iglehart’s Birthday
September 29 - Zachary Levi’s Birthday
October 22 - Arianna’s Birthday (date that “The Way of the Willow,” which featured Arianna’s birthday, aired)
November 20 - Jeremy Jordan’s Birthday
November 24 - Tangled’s Anniversary
*Note: This calendar features fandom-wide holidays, not individual observations, such as OC’s birthdays.
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tyushaold · 5 years
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Now I finally remembered I have tumblr xDThanks to Tangled fandom and Varian’s fans <3 
We didn’t had ending I expected but I still love Varian and I want to draw him more~
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Happy birthday dear boy! *gives you a gift* I hope you like those new goggles!
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Heyyyy! I loved it!!! tysm!
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bathedinobscurity · 4 years
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//OH BOY. 2020.
It’s been a year, hasn’t it y’all? I know for most of us it hasn’t been a good one by a longshot, including myself. Most of us have been on lockdown since March or April, some more so than others. And of course there’s all the other things that happened in 2020 that I can’t even begin to list here.
But ignoring all of that for a moment, a few big things have happened to / with me this year. And I figured I might talk a bit about those. Under the cut because it’s long [in hindsight, it’s REALLY long hsddfkjfkjf] and goes into some personal stuff not everybody is gonna want to read.
I wouldn’t call it a vent exactly, but both negative and positive stuff is talked about in this in a lot more detail than I’ve gone into otherwise, so beware of that.
Of course, the first big change was me choosing to archive @alchemyready​ and move here. I think it was the right choice, because I really was losing muse for Varian, and honestly... Tangled the Series was my life for an entire year, but I was getting burnt out. I needed a change.
Funnily enough, when I switched blogs, I never even predicted that Infinity Train was gonna take over my life. I had fallen headfirst back into one of my first three main fandoms- the RPG horror game Ib. That lasted for all of about a month before I caved and finished Infinity Train.
I’m super happy I got into Infinity Train, even if I really wasn’t ready to switch main fandoms when I did. I’m still really hoping it’ll get renewed soon. I have a lot of hope for a book four, but not so much for books five-eight. But you know what? We’ll see. Maybe HBO will surprise us.
Then there’s the second thing, which has less to do with the blog and more to do with me. I finally hit the milestone I’ve been waiting to hit for the last two years- I turned eighteen. That happened back in September.
I didn’t post about this a whole lot, but I was having a lot of problems with my mom prior to that. She’s been one of those parents that’s over-paranoid about the dangers of the internet, and she didn’t know I was on social media until late 2018 when she forced me to show her everything I was doing online.
Ever since then she was constantly threatening to make me give her all my login information so she could read what I was doing, which I did Not want to do, and I’ve been waiting for baited breath to be legally allowed to say no.
Now that I’ve passed that milestone, she’s stopped asking. I’m so thankful for that, ‘cause this year has been too stressful to deal with that on top of it.
The rest of the year has been kind of scattered ups and downs. I’ll be honest, my anxiety problems have gotten worse. I don’t talk about this a lot here either, but I’m nearly constantly dealing with that. I haven’t been formally diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but I know I have at least one if not multiple.
I struggle with health anxiety and social anxiety, as well as some anxiety issues I’m not entirely sure what to call. I deal with intrusive thoughts and anxiety attacks, and tbh some of my frequent bouts of writer’s block have a lot to do with this problem.
The lockdown has been dragging me down quite a bit. I’m under more restrictions than I’d really like to be under because I have yet to learn how to drive, and my mom is determined to keep us totally locked down for the most part. I haven’t been to any public business since February, and it’s extremely draining.
But, I’ve also discovered some things through the pandemic. I joined a survey website that gives me points to redeem for digital gift cards once I do enough surveys, and I’ve been getting more of the arts and crafts supplies I’ve really been wanting to get through that.
My brother got me a $25.00 Amazon gift card for my birthday, and I suddenly realized I could order a lot of stuff through there, which is what I’ve been doing. I finally got a couple of sets of Ohuhu brush markers which I’ve really been wanting to use with my traditional art.
My art has improved in leaps and bounds since the beginning of the year. I didn’t realize it until I went and looked back at some of my Tangled the Series art from January-February in comparison tor recent OCs and Infinity Train stuff I’ve drawn, but I have gotten SO much better. It’s wild.
I discovered new YouTubers to watch that I’ve really been enjoying. ZeRoyalViking and ChilledChaos caught my attention via Among Us videos, and I’ve been watching a lot of them lately. Also, I finally remembered to actually SUBSCRIBE to Ethan (Crankgameplays) which I should have done a long time ago LOL.
The Christmas season was difficult because things were so different, but I still had fun. I managed to get my family (meaning my parents and brother) some better gifts through Amazon than I usually do, and they all seemed to be really happy with what I got for them.
I got an Infinity Train shirt which I swear I will take a picture of me wearing at some point or other. As well as more arts and (mostly) craft supplies that I’ve been wanting.
ANYWAYS. I’ve rambled enough, I think. Kudos to you if you actually read this far. I wish you a very happy New Year, and I pray that 2021 is a much, much better year for all of us. Here’s hoping for a miracle and Covid-19 leaves us much sooner than expected.
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cassandrium360 · 4 years
Hey, this is my piece for the theme reunion for Cassarian month 2020, enjoy!!
This takes place about three years post series, so Varian’s around 20 here.
Varian shivered slightly as the frigid night air travelled through the window of his bedroom, causing the flame of the candle next to him to flicker slightly, the shadows cast on the papers in his hands dancing around. He tugged the pale blue blanket tighter around his shoulders, keeping his eyes trained on the letter in front of him. He leaned slightly away from the wooden frame of the window in hopes of avoiding the cold a little more.
He eyes continued to trace over the words he had committed to memory long ago, his fingers gently tracing the rough, imperfect edges of the page. They ran over a slight tear in the side of the worn paper, it had been the first letter she had sent when she had left Corona, and it still had to be Varian’s favourite by far.
She had written it a few weeks after leaving, still close enough to home to see the lanterns released on the princess’ birthday. She had messily written about all she had seen in the first leg of her journey, all she had done, and those she had met. She had asked about what he had been doing, how Rapunzel and Eugene were, and if he had gotten the nerve to propose yet.
He sighed, wiping away the tears that had begun to form in his eyes, a singled one slipping through his fingers, landing on the long faded ink of the letter. He shut his eyes, weakly vying the tears to stop. He knew why she had to leave, even encouraged her to do so but… Varian would be lying if he said a part of him didn't miss her. A pang of guilt rippled uncomfortably through his chest at that.
He understood why she was away; she had to find herself, discover where her destiny was leading her, and he loved that she had thought him special enough to share her journey with…which is why he despised that small part of him that couldn't help but wish she was back by his side, if only for a moment. His heart yearned for her, wanting to hear the laugh he had missed the last three years, see her fiery green eyes, see how much she had changed in the past few years, which he swore he could feel in her letters.
He shook his head, blinking any remaining tears from his eyes as he forced himself to focus on the words he had been mindlessly staring at all this time. He couldn't be selfish. Not right now. His gaze darted to the end of the letter, landing on the bit where she had asked him if he had been watching the golden lanterns cover the moon as well.
Varian’s fingers, that he swore were only shaking from the cold, set the letter on top of the others resting on his lap. He leaned over, carefully blowing out the candle that had been burning next to him for the past few hours, the smoke curling up before disappearing with the soft late breeze, leaving the pale glow of the moon as his only source of light.
He sighed, bringing his knees up to his chest, mindful not to fold the letters too much as he did so, his eyes never leaving the full moon’s gentle glow, “I miss you, Cassie.” he breathed.
Cass took a deep breath of the fall air, allowing the night’s gentle breeze to wash over her. Her path was lit by only the moon’s soft rays flickering off of the vast scape of trees before her. She shut her eyes to rest for a moment, trusting Fidella to follow the well worn path ahead of them.
The past few years had probably been the most freeing she had ever experienced, free to choose who she would be, what she would do, with no one around painting their expectations onto her. She had loved the thrill of travelling, finding a new adventure, a new job, and new people in whatever direction she had decided upon that month. But even after all of that, a piece of her heart still rested in Corona, and that had been what had called her back here, travelling through the dense forest surrounding the berth of Old Corona.
She slowly cracked her eyes back open, a few buildings on the outside of the small village coming into view. A renewed energy coursed through her veins, sparking at her heart with anticipation, after all these months, they were so close.
She leaned forward in the worn leather saddle, flicking the reins she held firm in her gloved hands slightly, “We’re almost home girl.” she whispered, her voice being carried away with the breeze. Her heart pounded in time with Fidella’s hooves beating against the earth, it felt surreal that after years she would see her family again.
She had meant what she said all those years, that Corona had never truly been her home. After all, she had learned through her journeys that a place could never really be a ‘home’. It had been the people; her family. She missed her friends with every fibre in her, never having the same connection she seemed with them with those that she had met on her travels. She had a home with Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance… Varian.
A smile broke onto her face as the stone tower of his house came into view, Fidella finally making her way onto the worn streets of Old Corona, slowing slightly as buildings of all sorts replaced the trees that had been there breaths ago. Her smile grew as they drew nearer the large house. She could hardly believe that after all these years, she’d finally see his lightened blue eyes, hear his nasally laugh that she couldn't help but picture reading every one of his letters.
Her land lightly traced over the small saddle bag that she knew held them, but her attention was snapped away from that as she all but jumped off of Fidella’s saddle, hurriedly making her way up the few steps that stood between herself and the door.
Her heart had yet to slow from the sudden movement, her hair falling messily from the wind, but she paid no mind to much besides knocking on the large wooden door, unable to fight the smile off her lips at the prospect of seeing him again.
She didn't take the time to consider how late it was, midnight long fallen beyond her grasp, not to mention the fact Varian had been spending increasingly late periods of time staying at the castle working on his engineering… experiments. Cass had to ask him more about his new job, never really bringing it up in his letters. None of those thoughts particularly mattered to her at the moment anyway; she didn't regret leaving, but she had been away far too long.
Varian sleepily opened the door a few moments later, sleeping rubbing the palms of his hands against his eyes as he did so. It took his tired eyes a moment to focus on who was before him, all of his excitement at he surprise of seeing the girl who never went a day without entering his thoughts coming crashing over him.
“Cassie!” was the only word he managed to form, immediately throwing his arms around her shoulders, resting his face into the soft dark fabric of her cloak as he did so. His smile only grew as he felt her arms wrap around him, returning the hug with near as much force and desperation, as if both were terrified to let go for fear she may disappear once more.
Varian’s chest shook with silent sobs, a few tears escaping his eyes and falling onto her shoulder. She had been away for so long… so was it strange that it felt as though nothing had changed? An overwhelming sense of peace rushed over Varian as they stood there, the smile unable to leave his face since he had laid eyes on her.
Eventually, he stepped back, running a hand roughly across his face to wipe away any remaining tears, only to realize that Cass’ eyes were shining as well. “I missed you too, Varian.”.
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