#vascular neurocognitive disability
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i think i have vascular neurocognitive disability and i kind of want to just lie down and scream lmao.
i really really really want to talk to a doctor about this but my neurologist is super unresponsive* and i don't think my EDS specialist is familiar enough to help beyond telling me to see that neurologist so. wails.
*as in unresponsive to the point that i was in gabapentin withdrawal for a week because she wouldn't answer calls or emails or put in the order
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pierayanna · 4 months
We are currently in the largest COVID surge of all-time in the US.
There is also a new variant that is not protected by the previous vaccine.
Please start back masking and please get the COVID-19 booster (schedule with your local pharmacy).
Wastewater counts are obscenely high right now, belying the official case numbers. Considering that we've stopped collecting or reporting most COVID data, wastewater is the best way we have to judge the actual infection rate now. Wastewater is collected from washing our hands, going the bathroom, etc. We shed COVID into the water system and based on the concentration of COVID in waste water, we can get very accurate estimates of how many people are infected at one time.
We are currently seeing ten million new infections a week, and can expect that to greatly increase within the next three weeks.
* If you've stopped masking, please start again, for your own safety and the safety of your community. Many hospital systems are already trending toward being overwhelmed right now; wear a mask when in crowded, enclosed, or poorly ventilated areas, and keep a safe distance from others, as feasible.
* Avoid unnecessary gatherings where possible.
* Ventilate your spaces well (Corsi-Rosenthal Box).
* Reevaluate casual habits (touching face, respiratory etiquette—covering coughs and sneezes, clean your hands regularly, stay home if you are sick, get tested if you have symptoms, or if you might have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or influenza)
Please be aware of Long Covid.
COVID impacts the immune system similar to HIV in that it hides in the body and continues to wreak havoc in the various organ system by driving inflammation and disrupting the immune response. It causes neurological, vascular, and immune dysfunction.
Patients with long COVID generally have symptoms that fall into three categories or phenotypes: fatigue, neurocognitive symptoms such as brain fog or headaches, and cardiovascular symptoms such as shortness of breath, heart arrythmias, exercise intolerance, and blood clots. Patients may have more than one type, and some also have symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, or loss of taste and smell that don’t seem to fit neatly into one of the three groups.
This is a period where we need to act with more care. Not a time to panic, but a time to be more cautious.
If you contract COVID, these are some helpful things that work to reduce viral load in the hope of minimising symptoms. And your chance of developing Long Covid:
* Brush & floss as usual
* Mouthwash (CPC (cetylpyridinium chloride, an ingredient in many/most commercial mouthwashes), cooled green tea, salt water)
* Green Tea (drink on an empty stomach if possible; can also be used for swishing/gargling once it has cooled; if green tea isn't doable for you, black tea is an alternative)
* Nasal Spray (if chemicals in nasal spray causing an issue for you, saline nasal spray also an option)
* Vitamin C supplement
* Antihistamines
* Other prophylactics to consider: Nattokinase, Grape Seed Extract, EGCG supplements
* Natto (if this is something you already eat, or would like to try. It's fermented soya beans and is popular in Japan
* Mask & Vaccinate!! A fully vaccinated individual is five times less likely to continue to have any symptoms or ill-effects three months after their initial infection compared to someone who has not been vaccinated.
Not a medical professional but compiled resources from medical professionals and individuals with disabilities including long COVID.
Free Palestine. Free Congo. Free Sudan. Free Tigray. Stop Cop City. Eyes on the Mass Graves in Jackson.
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