mvrcer · 2 years
⌊ anyone capped  |  fall harvest carnival ⌋  @vancitystarters ​
He's chanting expletives under his breath because this is a family-friendly event and he still has at least THAT much self-control left; regardless of how short the queue has become and the fact that for whatever reason, the very person who'd tasked him with holding their place in line was STILL not back from getting her 'desperately-needed' corndog. Jude isn't sure why he agreed to holding their spot while she was gone — isn't fully sure why he's here to BEGIN WITH, actually — but by the time he finally decides to just abandon ship and suffer his absent companion's ire, he's already getting herded onto the ride with the person behind him. There's no turning back now. Jude's expression is guilty as he takes his place, glancing back at the queue as if he could figure out if he'd stolen someone else's ride partner. All in all — FAR from ideal.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," he mutters, now that the necessity against coarse language has been rendered obsolete. His tone is both irritated AND apologetic — if the other did want to board with someone else, it would probably take another half hour wait in line. "Hope I haven't separated you from a friend or date or something. I was waiting for someone to get back." He rubs a hand over his face. "With their fucking corndog."
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sawyer-harris · 2 years
starter for: @vancitystarters​ where: haunted hayride (medical tent), october 31st
“--like, I don’t know what they expected from a haunted maze. What did they think it was haunted by, corn?” Sawyer’s eyes rolled at the thought, her exasperation clear in her tone. “But, anyways, then the guy in the Jason mask pops out of the maze and totally scares the absolute shit out of the people behind me, and they just completely bulldoze past me, knock me to the ground, and basically trample me on the way out.” Hence, the scraped up hands and the bleeding knees, the former of which are extended palm up for the other to see, currently waiting to be tended to as she sat on the (quite uncomfortable) plastic chair of the medical tent. “They’re just lucky I didn’t get blood on this outfit, you wanna talk about scary.” Sawyer huffed. Her eyes caught sight of her hands once more, frowning at the stinging sensation as she lowered them to her lap. “But yeah, that’s my story. What’s yours?”
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smarthilarie · 2 years
who: capped  when: end of the event  where: sully’s, samhain festival
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If there was one thing Hilarie loved about Halloween in particular, it was how visual the holiday ended up being.  While she wasn’t one to get over-excited about anything that required a display, she also appreciated the ingenuity of people who did get excited.  Their costumes were often so novel she was almost inspired to dress up herself.  That impulse just never won out, never lasted through until the next year.  
“All I’m saying is, that’s an excellent way to pull that off.  Just because you won’t catch me dead in that costume doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it on someone else.” 
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exhaleddcsires · 2 years
closed: @joshlincoln location: food stalls
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“I’m not sure what they really have to offer.” Elijah said with a shrug as they walked down the row, doing his best to take note of what each booth was selling. “Did you see beer? There’s too many signs to keep up with.” He let out a laugh. “Maybe once we start drinking they’ll make more sense.”
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maevewest · 2 years
for: @mvrcer​ when: halloween event where: cabin in the woods ; spooky hike
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Signing up for a haunted hike through the woods sounded like a great idea at the time of booking the cabin for a solo retreat. Now? Spying ghosts in trees felt like a cake walk in comparison to finding herself surrounded by a pre-assigned group of strangers. (Wasn’t this event supposed to be small groups? When did three become twelve?)
Flipping the pages of the memo absently for the umpteenth time, she pauses at the sight of a familiar face in an unfamiliar setting. The lines of her concerned expression iron out, smoothing as she takes to a pointed beeline to his side --- all the while stuffing the comically large map into the purse by her side.
"You own something other than basketball shorts.” It’s about as close as a hello that someone like Maeve can give. “The trail’s already to a scary start.”
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mattsullivan · 2 years
─── starter for @vancitystarters​ / capping at 4 replies
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SAMHAIN FESTIVAL, SULLY’S TAVERN ─── Large beer mug in hand full of mead, Matt offered it with a grin. “Have you tried it yet?” The live music was going strong, people were dancing and celebrating the Celtic New Year with mead and feasts of food. It was loud inside, there was a lot going on outside as well in the back lot with the party tents up. Matt leaned in a bit to be heard over the noise, “it comes ‘round once a year. Enjoy.” The sweetish drink was from an ancient Celtic recipe and something Matt had ordered in masses for the festivities. Since his grandfather had opened the tavern long before Matt had been born the Samhain Festival had been an annual thing, and since he had taken over he’d tried his best to keep the traditions alive. Especially since they’d always been so popular. “Want to join me outside for some fresh air for a bit?”
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arminxkhan · 2 years
starter for @sancmsayar​ location: mount pleasant monster bash 
“Thanks for volunteering with me,” Armin didn’t really want to sit at his booth alone at the small event happening in mount pleasant neighborhood. It was close to home and well, the person that was supposed to be volunteering with him was no longer in his life the same way that she was. It was his fault, he knew that, “And so last minute too, I really owe you. A home cooked meal or whatever you want, a bucket full of candy?” He didn’t know what would make up for asking her to do this on a night she might otherwise have been busy for. 
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silascodys · 2 years
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jack and wendy torrance. @jjaspr
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boyd-harris · 2 years
—Starter for @harlow-harris​​ Spooky Season: Costume Creation 101
One of the best — and worst — parts of having a child on Halloween was that Boyd was never responsible for coming up with his own costume. Every year, he let Matilda decide, and usually it was something that went on theme with her own choice. When she’d announced that this year the inspiration was Percy Jackson, Boyd thought he’d get off easy with something like Poseidon. Pick up a trident, maybe a toga... And it’d probably look good enough he could wear it to more adult parties, too. Easy. Done.
But of course it could never be so simple.
‘No, Daddy, you’re definitely Grover...’ And now Boyd was left to figure out how to make hooves.
“I swear, Sloane and Mattie are teaming up against me,” Boyd groaned. “I had to buy fur pants on Amazon. What the fuck am I gonna do with fur pants after I’m done with them?”
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raleighrose · 2 years
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2022 halloween: rose will be attending all halloween festivities as ‘zombie julia childs’ complete with pearls, wig, and suspiciously well-crafted creepy face pie. bone-apetite.
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decholmes · 2 years
for: @deandrethompsonjr​​ when: halloween event where: one of the scary maze houses
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“I don’t think my heart’s ever beat so fast in my life,” Dec admits freely while waiting in line, wiping the light sheen of sweat on his palms along his flannel button down. “Feels like I’m going to Scooby Doo run through this entire... fucking nightmare. Why did we do this again? We’ve got nothing to prove.”
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mvrcer · 2 years
⌊ @maya-talwar  |  carnival movie screening ⌋ 
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A glass of wine in hand and good company is all Jude really needs to enjoy a film — given he's not all that much of a cinephile nor usually fond of spending two hours on the couch staring at a screen. But even then, even if it's mainly going to be background noise; he DOES expect the film to be enjoyable at the very least.
Unfortunately, when the movie starts, the dawning realisation that this is NOT going to be the case starts to descend upon him. "I think I fucked up," Jude murmurs over to Maya, his eyes still on the screen with mild chagrin. "I must’ve misread the schedule... I didn't even know there were other movies made about The Addams Family other than the 1991 version."
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deandrethompsonjr · 2 years
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dj + ryuk thompson as season 1 daredevil and batman. 
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suhanadhawan · 2 years
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rajveervohra · 2 years
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maevewest · 2 years
for: @hiten-mosaad​ when: halloween event where: transcend gym, before the samhain festival
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“You’re here later than I thought you’d be.” Granted, it’s not unlike Hiten to take the hours that suit them. With no real schedule in place for the extra set of helping hands, Maeve can only assume she’s here alone. Dropping to sit beside them, she draws a slow exhale out. “Tired of festivities?”
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