#vegaspete are dumbasses in love
fandomdynamics · 1 year
I feel like the fandom glosses over the fact that Pete is a severe dumbass. Like boy has no thoughts in his head.
He’s goofy and a little stupid. He also makes dumbass facial expressions. Once he got with Vegas, they stopped showing that. But I feel like this is important to remember.
He’s a older version of Chay “the sunshine boy” Kittisawat.
The fics write themselves at this point.
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sonnburn · 2 years
When the fandom adopted Payu as the VegasPete son I was like, “Yeah, that makes sense, carry on”. But when they started pushing Prapai as the Kinnporsche son, I was like, “Eh, that’s a stretch.” It felt like they were only doing it because the other ship was doing it, ya’ know? But then episode 8 happened.
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Arrogant, comes from money, works for/with his father, looks good in suits, used to getting what he wants, falls in love fast, painfully unsubtle flirting techniques, impulsive, sleeps around casually, guilty of dubcon, involved adjacently with the mafia via illegal street-racing? Yeah, that’s Kinn.
But also, charming, drop-dead gorgeous, loves motorcycles, chaotic gremlin energy, biggest dopiest smile when in love, good big-brother/caretaker, loyal friend, lots of sexual experience but NO romantic experience whatsoever, kinda slutty (affectionate), and a certifiable dumbass? That’s all Porsche, baby!
This episode changed my mind, it made a very convincing argument for Prapai being the Kinnporche son and now I am here for it!
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
How has Cupid’s Kitchen managed to create both the miserable trollish fuck and the earnest dumbass that I love so much? And of course neither of them are a main character. Blu, I actually didn’t want to like you, but here we are in Ep 11 with you pouring out your heart to your cooking mentor over Xiaoyu, and I can hardly bear it.
It’s a good thing that I do like you, though, because I kind of feel like I can see where this storyline is going - with you pulling her back from the precipice of becoming an awful person in her jealously over her cousin by the power of your lurrrrve - and I’m not sure I’m down with that. (ETA3: I ... am not thinking about this in relation to the Vegaspete storyline right now. I am NOT.)
ETA: WOW. Still on Ep 11, and I have to admit this is the first time I’ve felt sorry for Elise. But watching her have to stand around in fancy dress in broad daylight and watch Jiang Qianfan’s sadsack roses-filled misery wallow to his dead mentor on a lake shore on his birthday fills me with all kinds of cringe-fueled sympathy. otoh, she still wants to fuck him, so it’s really on her, I guess. on the OTHER other hand, Jiang Qianfan, are you DRUNK?
ETA2: WOW AGAIN. And now Boris is here with an accordion to play sentimental songs in memory of their mutual mentor on the banks of a rose-strewn lake. I. What. The ACTUAL fuck? I realize I’ve had a couple of drinks, but WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?
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qlventingspace · 2 years
Just because I'm up to date with everybody else for once, I'm gonna share my feelings about the ep. 11 of KinnPorsche, before going and reblogging the shit out of you guys.
Right, so I'm just gonna pretend that inlove Kinn and inlove Porsche being absolutely dumb and not themselves is part of their character. Like abandoning everything you stand for and care about just because you fell in love and cannot see anything else but your lover...
...such people exist and I'm willing to pretend they're just two horny inlove dumbasses *confused in arospec but okay* who are blinded by love. (Please, please let them get their heads on right till next time, I beg you)
Seriously I have to say I don't give a fuck about Kinn and Porsche anymore. Maybe it's because for me, their potential is already fullfilled and their lovestory is not moving anywhere right now, or maybe because I enjoy the 'how did we get there' storyline more than 'we are happily in a relationship'.
I had to physically stop myself from skipping their scenes.
Not even talking about disrespecting Big *screams into distance* dishonor on you!
Also what.the.fuck. at everything that wasn't VegasPete...
Chay and Kim story, though - nice development! *applauds* Seriously, while I was having no feelings about them till now, this episode just screamed character development and finally something interesting happening with them.
I love Chays and Kims solo scenes, they seriously made me care about the characters (finally, I might say). I loved every scene Chay and Porsche have, cause the brotherly relationship really is very well portrayed. Also Barcodes recognition of Kim and confrontation was just *chef's kiss* I'm looking forward to Kim and Chay more in the future.
I mean KinnPorsche who? Nothing such exists now, only VegasPete.
I was bit afraid they're gonna rush things, cause ya know, just 4 episodes left. And to be honest, it fell a tiny bit rushed, but nothing that would take me out of the experience.
The expressions, delivery, eye communication, not to mention the hard torture scenes (bless them, I hope it didn't take a toll on them)...they are just extraordinary.
And the cut between angry/torturing Vegas and panicked/caring Vegas was very well played sir *bows down to Bible* Bible plays all of Vegas' layers so well, I just can't...I believe him everything.
And sweet, amazing cupcake Pete...*sighs* First I love, LOVE the scene where Vegas calls Pete's grandma. The emotions, suppressed anger and then disgust when Vegas touches him, the screams after.... *bows down to Build*
The scene where he shares about his dad and the connection they have with Vegas, the little subtle way Vegas realizes he doesn't suck because dad beats him, his dad himself sucks (and maybe Vegas does suck too because he himself beats Pete), changing of the atmosphere between them and Vegas smile... *sighs and stares off to the distance with satisfied smile*
The thing I love the most about Build and Bible is, that they are fully their characters. There is not a second I would say 'oh this is Bible' or 'little bit of Build is showing'. No. They embody their characters to the last bit and for that my respect grows even more.
Yeah, so...can we get a WHOLE episode of JUST VegasPete, pretty please?
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27vampyresinhermind · 2 years
Venice is literally the MOST MINOR character yet I’m having so much fun writing him with all the other characters. Pete and Vegas love their son so much! Macau loves his little brother so much. Chay loves his surrogate little brother so much. The minor family house is so full of love!!!!!!
And this isn’t even a VegasPete fic! Just haven’t made it to the KimChay parts of the KimChay fic yet!!
@poppinglollypop doesn’t know what she’s gotten herself into with my dumbass!
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berestweys · 2 years
Kinnporsche Rewatch - Episode 12
Summary: Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you
Or, alternatively, for people who still have their wits about them (not me): Some boys fuck up and other boys fuck.
Favorite Line: “If you’re feeling sad it means it’s important.”
Porsche’s Wacky Antics: Arm and Porsche together again! CODE RED we must spy on Kinn immediately to make sure he’s not cheating, using Arm’s Super Secret Spyware. Uh oh, CODE BLACK Arm you gotta go catch them red-handed! … Uh oh this is... not cheating but. Uh oh. Elsewhere, he moves Chay into the Main Family house, moves him back into Porsche and Chay’s house, and we already know because this is a rewatch that in short order he’s going to move Chay back into the Main Family house. 
Why is Chay crying? He’s sad he’s about to break Porsche’s heart by not going to his Music Academy University interview. Come ON kid.
Woe is Big: Still dead. Still no wake. Poor Big.
Tankhun Highlight: Tankhun has disappeared from my eyeballs. Disappointing.
A Woman Speaks: University student asks Chay if he’s here for his interview. When he says no, she goes and starts greeting other students.
What’s Pete eating, and who prepared it for him? Pete doesn’t eat anything. Of the two of them, Vegas is the only one eating. 🍑 He savors it.
Vegas Report: Vegas and his assortment of wide leg pants emphasizes how pocket-sized he is. I would like to pat him on the head. Right as his big pet is recovering and regaining his spark, Vegas’ littlest pet is sick and he fails his dad again. “Everything my dad gives me to do is important,” and Vegas failed in keeping any of the pets foisted on him by his stylish fuck of a father alive. His life is pathetic, and Macau is the same. Being born into the Minor Family is a Series of Unfortunate Events.
Shipping Activities
KinnPorsche: Oh nooooo Porsche’s spying reveals Kinn was behind the debt to force Porsche to take the bodyguard job. People in love don’t lie to each other, Kinn! He was following Korn’s orders and he didn’t know Porsche then. He promises he’ll do better & help Porsche find any answer he wants. He waits until Porsche’s body language indicates permission to touch, and they are such dumbasses with the constant lying and mistrust (it’s hilarious I love it) but they also demonstrate respect for each other? Kinn’s excited to be a domestic goddess at Porsche and Chay’s house – isn’t bread and water a delicious snack? (From a purely Watsonian perspective, these dudes are obsessed with eating bread.) They talk about who has the best home and Kinn is firm that he wants to be in whatever house has Porsche in it. Kinn supports Porsche when they go to take revenge on the dude who supposedly killed his parents, but Porsche can’t hurt someone’s grandpa. Of course he can’t. They revisit the back of Hum Bar where they first met and they start all over again, with no secrets between them (Once again, Ha!). Then there’s bug eating and this time I skipped over that shit because I can only tolerate one watch-through of bugs.
VegasPete: Okay. Okay. *cracks knuckles* Pete’s reading a book about personalities and blood types because “what else is there to do around here,” and Pete is the funniest dude on this show. He and Vegas bicker: “You’re an idiot.” “No, that’s you,” and tease: “I wish I was AB not O type. O is handsome, cool, smart and clever, though.” (It’s notable that Pete is no longer addressing him as Khun.) Apparently pets can reveal their owners’ personalities, and a hedgehog’s owner looks strong & scary but is sensitive inside. You need love, Vegas. Oops, you touched a nerve, Pete. Put your insights away. Vegas “accidentally” leaves the key to the cuffs on the bed when he runs off to save the hedgehog, and Pete’s free! He’s gonna run along home! Except… is that Vegas over there on the lawn? Is he- Is he crying? No, no, gotta go Pete. Time to hightail it out of here. But… what if Vegas is really hurting? Pete knowingly gives up his chance to escape, and when Vegas realizes he looks just as stunned as Pete. Pete shuffles closer and it’s so sad that little hedgie is gone, and Pete slowly reaches out with a gentle touch. I’m holding my breath this is Too Much. That’s all it takes for Vegas and the waterworks really begin. They have a lovely funeral for the hedgehog (This is not the time or place but WHERE IS BIG’S FUNERAL). Pete willingly follows Vegas back inside and he doesn’t know why he didn’t run. Everything Vegas loves leaves him and he’s stupid and he starts self-flagellating but Pete won’t let him. It’s okay to be sad but it’s stupid to hurt yourself. Vegas accuses Pete of thinking Vegas deserves this grief but Pete is not having that nonsense and he tells him so. Vegas regains enough composure to be cruel – he’s got insights too, Pete. He can see you like it when Vegas is “moody.” He can see behind Pete’s mask too. Don’t go around perceiving people when you can also be perceived! It’s rude! Pete tells Vegas he’s a psycho and Vegas basically responds with yeah? Well so are you. What are you gonna do about it, huh? Pete’s ready to let whatever is happening here happen, but Vegas isn’t willing to take this one thing. It has to be given, and Pete has to make a choice. He chose to stay, and now he must choose again. Vegas isn’t interested in a passive doll. So Pete Chooses. He grabs, demands, and takes. He asks. He wants, he hungers, and he chooses to give that to Vegas. He offers Vegas trust. Hip hip hooray for explicit consent!!! Between the two men hanging out in the torture bungalow, everything until now has been force and coercion, but this is shared and freely given. My screams are loud and unceasing. The focus on Pete’s tattoo! Pete handing Vegas the rope! The kiss to his bound hands! The tenderness! The unwavering eye contact! Asking for what you want and getting it! Their smiles in the afterglow: knowing and being known for the first time in their lives. I see you. I see you, too. I know you. There you are, my reflection, finally after all this time. There’s nothing more to question here, right? ... Right? The white noise surrounding me is rolling thunder and high pitched keening. I’m undone.  
Do I care about KimChay yet? No. Porchay jeopardizes his future at University because of this useless fucker. Stalking him to a club does not make it better, Kim (Did he put a tracker on Chay’s phone? Did he? I will fight him. He’ll take me out with his bare hands but I will fight him.) Yeah Chay’s making some questionable choices but that’s none of Kim’s business. Chay can be an idiot without you, dude. (Oh dear. I’m rereading that and realizing my tone is not one of disinterest. Well shit. If I’ve played myself here I’m gonna be so pissed. No. Nope. I’m just gonna breeze on by that moment of self-reflection mmmkay?)
# of KimChay scenes in this episode: 1
# of KimChay scenes I watched without skipping through: 1
Kisses: Vegas and Pete consummation sensation. Porsche and Kinn smooching and eating bread. More KP smooching behind Yok’s bar.
Tits Out: Pete and Vegas, baby.
What’s Gun wearing? He left Vegas alone for five minutes, praise all the gods. Wherever he is I’m sure he looks amazing.
Serious Observations of Various Sorts: Porsche and Chay are precious together. That’s all. Watching Korn lie through his teeth without a care in the world is just *clenches fist* grrrrrrrr fun. His betta fishies in their terrible vases smashed up against each other! Gah! Tay is the ultimate cinnamon roll: too good for this world, too pure. Time ought to get his shit together and be worthy of him. Or, you know, ASK first before trying to start up a polycule. Tay is clearly over the bullshit and I support him I will buy him so much Farmhouse bread.
Have I calmed down? No, and we’re close enough to the end that I’m starting to worry I just… won’t. I know what’s coming and it does not bode well for my future peace.
Episode 1/ Episode 2/ Episode 3/ Episode 4/ Episode 5/ Episode 6/ Episode 7/ Episode 8/ Episode 9/ Episode 10/ Episode 11/ Episode 13
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Finally watched it and what another wild episode. Okay, here’s my formal apology to Arm. Good on you tech boy. Literally just making things left and right for the main fam, but apparently they have no idea how to use them until a very convenient and specific moment. Cool cool.
Also, I suppose I should never underestimate Vegas. Plus, if Vegas gets any closer to kissing or touching Pete with bare hands then that’s when he will lose himself in him. Yeah, Stockholm syndrome, a little bit in an absolutely different way than Tawan. However, you see this thing I got with Pete is like in the back of my mind; he’s liked Vegas for awhile now but of course that’s a no no. Don’t go fraternizing with the minor family. You can’t do that. Sure, Pete may be unaware of Vegas’s tactics until just recently when seeing him torture a man with 0 reactions and here we are now; laughing to hide fear or laughing to show Vegas, yeah we can play. Holding Pete hostage also has no leverage so Pete really knows he’s in for it and part of him has never felt so alive. So yes, when Vegas decides to join in some of it and place bare hands or lips on Pete, he’s going to come undone and so will Vegas.
Anyway…let’s get passed all the freakiness or wait. Never mind it’s just a different set of freaks I’m going to talk about now. Kinn and Porsche communicated a little bit. Seems a bit empty…? Like I need more. Also, of course, it feels awkward because yeah dumbass you forgot Pete. One of the two, who is literally salvaging this operation and is the reason why you can Porsche enjoying being wrapped in your arms. Thank you Big for the other sacrifice. When you realize that boy was holding onto that much unrequited love. Lordy. Still feel like there’s another shoe that’s going to drop. Or maybe Vegas does still go off the deep end and attack the major family house while Porsche has decided to “resign” and so he gets called back into action for that shoot out scene? Or something else entirely has been written/filmed that’s different from the early trailers?
Okay really though. Kinn and Kim being in contact over the years? I don’t know about some of these little details. I’ve got holes in any direction I thought this was headed so yeah…just more. More please.
However, I’m not sure I’m ready for Vegas and Pete to come undone. Yeah…uh. Actually, I’ll just blast Desire by Meg Myers because while I do enjoy Criminal as one of their songs- there’s just something more spot on about Desire. Will someone please make me gif sets of VegasPete to the song Desire and later on when more scenes are to come, maybe a video?
It just feels like there’s more. I need more. No, no that’s not right. I desire more. Feed me!
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ktkinsbl · 2 years
So It’s Confirmed then...Kinn is a total a$$hole.
I watched the episode on my break during a 12hr nightshift, so I am off to bed now but some quick thoughts before I hit the hay.
*Kinn sucks, admits he sucks but does nothing to modify his suckiness- check
*The BibleBuild/VegasPete scenes, both together and separate, make everyone else look sh*t...seriously Big’s death scene was beyond awful - note to writer; if you need a dying character to bolster your ship and main character then clearly both are not worth it. Porsche looked like he’d spilt soup or something..face palm
*They made me feel sorrow for  Tawan....he really did love Vegas & I can relate to that.
*I thought Vegas had some genuine feelings for Porsche. I am so glad I was wrong!!!!!!!. 
   Evil laughter... Vegas may have ultimately failed but he did succeed in making     you all look like dumbasses 
*Vegas appearing to be a heartless sociopath, makes him falling for Pete all the sweeter.
*I hope all the Kinnporsche shippers enjoyed their moral high ground while your couple were rolling around in the sheets as Pete was left to be tortured .....oh not to mention the very recent death of a loyal bodyguard who illogically sacrificed himself for your horniness. 
*Holy Cr@p!!! Biblebuild’s chemistry is ...........need new words...
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onstoryladders · 2 years
Hi and sorry if you got this already from someone else or from me ,at this point i don't even keep track of my mind with Kinnporsche, but for the Vegaspete songs, what about: peaches by josef salvat? Why a butterfly can't love a spider by Frank carter and the rattlesnakes? Erode by TENDER? i'll be good by Jaymes Young?
Thank you. 😁
Waking up
Counting all the reasons I must let you go now
Even if I don't want to, I know I got to learn
To love me the way I should have loved you better
I should've loved you better
This is Vegas overthinking till he fucks up 😭 also allow me to be a dumbass for a moment:
No, I can't look at peaches now
Because they remind him of something else 🍑
When I'm high, I'm in heaven
When I'm low, I'm in hell
When I'm up, I'm a sinner
When I'm down, I am unwell
And it might keep you warm
But you can't see the fire
It might keep you calm
But you're in love with a liar
While you dance all night
You watch as the web gets tighter
These are the reasons why a butterfly can't love a spider
This is also from Vegas’ PoV but jokes are on him since he's the one being trapped in Pete's web 🕸
Oh like an island, we're surrounded by a deep blue sea
You're the waves that push and pull against me
You wash me away, bit by bit
I will slowly erode 'til there's nothing left
If you want me like that, that's who I'll be
If you love me right back, I could be anything
My past has tasted bitter for years now
So I wield an iron fist
Grace is just weakness
Or so I've been told
I've been cold, I've been merciless
But the blood on my hands scares me to death
Maybe I'm waking up today
I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the times I never could
This was a Vegas’ PoV Fest and I loved it 🙌🏻
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recs are closed, no more songs, thanks 💖
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
totally agree with your post about how the series changed after episode 8 because kp weren't the main plot anymore, and the thing that makes me angry is that i actually really like every kp scene in episodes 9-14?? like they are the best part of every episode objectively ? man i wish they had just not introduced vegaspete at all and the focus had been on korn's secrets and kp trust (or lack of trust) to each other
Same here, anon! You are preaching to the choir.
I really did enjoy their scenes in those episodes, but the episodes as a whole just aren't my cup of tea. For example, I can still rewatch episode 7 without skipping through any of the scenes. I can and will sit and watch that episode from front to back, back to front with no problem whatsoever. And yes, even with Vegas being featured so prominently in the episode. He's not even enough to ruin the perfection of that episode for me. But that could apply to any one of the episodes in the first 8, in my opinion. Despite the squeeworthy shippy moments you got from KP in the first 8, they were still the main focal point of the episode and the show. They were still the driving force of the overarching plot.
But that's the thing though - we got these adorably shippy moments from KP in the back half, but it just seemed as if they were put there to distract you from what was actually happening in the episode. I loved every minute of them being happy and in love, but I can't help but to feel like it was to throw us all off and distract us from the fact that the real meat and potatoes of these episodes were going to other characters and not necessarily them. It seemed as if they were no longer driving the plot forward anymore, even though they're the leads and they should be. They were kind of just ... there? Again, I'm not saying that their scenes were pointless because they weren't. It just feels like a lot of distraction. There were legit scenes in these episodes that could have all been parsed down and shown in one full episode instead of being scattered across multiple episodes like it was. They didn't have any time left in the season but we had time to watch stupid scenes where these dumbasses just talked about absolutely nothing. We had time for pillow talk in the aftermath of the most lackluster sex scene in BL drama history.
They tried to get back to what the show was originally about by fully diving into the mystery surrounding Porsche's parents but they couldn't even successfully do that. They couldn't do that because they kept cutting back to nonsense that shouldn't have even been happening at all. Why do I care about these two dumbasses kissing after beating the fuck out of each other when Korn is pretending to be dead while Porsche's mom is trapped in a tower like a fairytale princess? You had all this time and you waste it on bullshit? I cannot. I simply can't.
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
Ok ok ok. A couple of things about Vegas and about Pete and about Vegas and Pete before we all move on from Ep 6:
- Most significant thing about their interaction in Ep 6, for me, is that Pete is now on Vegas’ radar. I’ve talked before about how Vegas probably couldn’t pick Pete out of a lineup, but now we’re past that. I don’t know that Vegas sees him as anything particularly special yet, I don’t think he’s going to go out hunting, but I think it puts Pete in a dangerous position if oh, say, Vegas happened across him again, particularly in a situation that piqued Vegas’ interest. If you lined up Arm and Pol and Pete and Big and Ken and whatever other random assholes you had sitting around in the Bodyguard Ready Room, Vegas now would probably be able to point at Pete and say, well, that’s the dumbass who was tailing me, the one who was so incredibly easy to rattle with a condom and a little bit of smouldering at him, and I smoulder at people quite well, so if given the chance, why not play with this food a little bit before I eat it, like the mighty predator I am? This is what happens when you’re SO EASY TO RATTLE, Pete. Which leads me to:
- Pete is comfortable with violence. He is NOT comfortable with sex. And I wonder if one of the reasons Vegaspete is going to work is because the violence will paradoxically make him more comfortable as we edge toward the sex, if it will put him in a place where it’s something familiar he can respond to as he and Vegas play out some kind of games that intertwine violence and sex, along with the question of how much he’s just wired for masochism. (And I cannot tell you how much I would love to see some SM content, in particular, dealt with the same levels of complexity and respect we’ve already seen from this show in dealing with the complexities of Kinn’s and Porsche’s relationship.) Anyway, showing my work on this one: A) Violence he recognizes, he can deal with. He may usually be on Tankhun’s detail and stuck in the house, but Kinn didn’t think twice about taking him out with Ken while Big was down, in order to give Mes a beatdown, and Pete didn’t hesitate to do it. There was no flinching away from the actual act, no second-guessing it, and he looked like he knew what he was doing. I don’t know if I want to say that he can even relish violence, in some circumstances - although he looks a little reluctant to leave off kicking Mes in the ribs in order to babysit Porsche, if you ask me, and he kind of needs a second to collect himself - but I also have to wonder at Pete’s background, at what led him to his worldview that there are no heroes or villains, and what he might be keeping locked down behind the Bodyguard Facade. B) Pete is reduced to an idiot in the face of sexualized situations. (Also, corollary: Vegas is a walking sexualized situation, merely by existing. I’m not sure I even need to show my work on that.) I’d wondered if it was just Pete responding to the general threat Vegas poses, the way Pete seems SO uncomfortable whenever he draws Vegas’ notice, a kind of instinctive response to a predator, or maybe an outgrowth of what kind of intel they may have on Vegas and his proclivities ... but then I saw how Pete responded to the situation when he woke up in bed wrapped up in Porsche the morning after the first night out at the bar, both of them thisclose to kissing - the way he shoved Porsche flailing off one side of the bed, the way he tumbled off the other side in his haste to get away, and most importantly, the way he literally clutched his shirt closed over his chest like some kind of offended maiden. I don’t know precisely what is behind Pete’s discomfort with sex, yet, but it’s there. I think there’s a reason we keep catching Pete (literally) with his pants down and the way he panics about it when it happens, and it’s not just comic relief. I think it contrasts sharply with small details like his demeanor in Ep 5 when he’s hauling Tankhun home drunk (again), Porsche has fucked off on a date motorcycle ride with Vegas, and Kinn is so furious about everything in his own life that he can’t even decide what he wants done about Porsche and Vegas, but he knows he can (at least verbally) take it out on Pete. Pete’s standing there helping to keep Tankhun from hitting the floor, the Heir is spitting mad and giving contradictory messages about whatever the fuck is going on with Porsche, and Pete doesn’t look happy about being yelled at, but he doesn’t look at all rattled by it. This is, like, a day that ends in “y” for him (or, you know, the Thai equivalent of that). Just make up your mind and tell him what you want him to do, ffs, and can he please put Tankhun in bed first? By contrast, all Vegas has to do is lean against the roof of his car like a working girl offering a bj, and Pete turns into an idiot. It’s like every bit of Bodyguard training and cool oozes out of his brain via his ears, and I can’t help thinking that Big Daddy Chan would throw his hands up in despair on seeing him. NVM the box of condoms or that sly little stroke Vegas gives Pete’s hand with his thumb. Score: Pete 0, Vegas 1 million.
I can’t tell yet if it’s coincidence that Vegas chooses this weapon to rattle Pete on stakeout, if it’s just Vegas’ standard sexual predator MO, or if Vegas’ instincts have already picked up on Pete’s sexual hangups. Also, I have to wonder if part of Pete’s nervousness around Vegas is if he recognizes Vegas as someone who can deal out some sexualized pain, and Pete isn’t quite sure what to do with the fact of his own response to the idea of being the object of that kind of attention, rather than the one who’s performing the violence.
Anyway, I’m ready, Show. WHEN?
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