#velvet yumekuro
touwara · 1 year
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"Why are you trying to stroke my head? "You're cute like a doll" ...Did you think that would make me happy?"
"The purchase amount of the mansion? I don't remember the details but— What, did Suzuka complain to you or something?"
"In order to deliver the best show possible, I expect top-notch behavior from my staff. You can do it, right?"
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"No matter what the situation, no matter who I'm dealing with. I will manipulate and guide you as you wish...to earn your trust."
"The time for loneliness is over. We're bringing you a happy opera. Come on, everybody. Are you ready?"
"No matter how bad your lines are or how awkward your dancing is, today you can have fun with us on the stage."
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"I'm forcing my happiness on you. Please, I don't mean to... but please, don't wake up from this dream yet."
"Hey, can you hold my hand? —Let's play together. Until the pain in my chest melts away in the night."
"I loved you so much. I'm stuck in loneliness... Are you going to leave me alone too?"
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"I'm not interested in boring things."
"My goal is to bring entertainment to the world. There can be no compromise."
"This world still lacks true entertainment. That's why I'm going to make it with my own two hands."
"You want to know more about me…? Ah, you're interested in my work. I see."
"If you're bored, come see our show. It's sure to introduce joy and wonder to your life."
"It's the beginning of the show."
"You won't be able to look away!"
"I don't have time to stop."
"Let's fantasize together."
"I won't give up…The show must go on…"
"What kind of entertainment do you typically enjoy? I'll show you something amazing."
"Delivering entertainment to the world, that is Fata Musica's philosophy."
"It's good to be enthusiastic about your work, but it is also important to take breaks. If you forget to have fun, you'll end up a terribly sad individual."
"Mmm…Good morning. I had such a happy dream. You were smiling so big."
"Maybe you are what brings me happiness."
"I need to rest. Offer me your lap, it's the most comfortable place to sleep."
"There's still so much to do. I'd better get back to it."
"Ah! Don't move. Looking at you has given me inspiration for my next play."
"You wish to make small talk? Sure. Which topic will you choose to entertain me?"
"I'm sure you're unaware of it, but the way that you speak is soft and soothing…It portrays a sense of empathy toward others."
"Compared to other entertainers, I must seem different. But, people who underestimate me because of my age, typically shut up when they see us perform."
"Sometimes teaching a group of such theatrical people is the most difficult part."
"We must try harder. The entertainment industry of this world is still in it's infancy."
"I think we've been better off since you came to the guild."
"You're as caring as Suzuka…Maybe even more so…I appreciate it."
"Once in a while, it's nice to take a break from it all and have a cup of tea with you."
"You want me to take you somewhere special? Hm…There will be a performance this evening, perhaps you'd like to see it."
"Hold it right there. You have ink on your cheek. Let me wipe it off for you."
"Hey, wait! That's too many gifts! I'm not a child anymore, you know?"
(gift like) "I always knew you had good taste, but this is better than I expected."
(gift normal) "It's fine, I guess. I'd prefer the best of the best."
(gift dislike) "This is for me…? You really don't know me at all."
"Don't you think you're flirting a little too much? Ease up a bit."
"Emma, here. I got this for you. It's a reward for working so hard. Take it, don't be shy."
HEATH : Velvet, I've been asked to do an interview about our next show. VELVET : Ah, no worries. I'll have Suzuka prepare you a script. You don't have to do this alone.
VELVET : Hm. When I heard about fairies this was not quite what I expected. I suppose it's nice to change things up every once in a while. BANGGAN : Gahahaha! Why are you looking at me like that Velvet!? Did I say something funny!?
VELVET : Perform at your best! HEATH : As you wish.
VELVET : Heath, how is your prosthetic hand? HEATH : Don't worry about me, Velvet.
BANGGAN : Velvet! Did I do a good job!? VELVET : Yes, you did. Now that's what I'm talking about.
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takuyakistall · 2 years
dear mr kent yumekuro
oughhh ur my honeypie snookum pookums ongydople sparkle fairy princess ketchup packet kitten meow meow jump rope beluflop skrinkly doo
signed, ass
"Huh!" Kent exclaimed, his eyes wide as saucers as he skimmed through the contents of the letter that was mysteriously left on his dressing table after one of his shows with the guild. He flipped the letter, hoping for an explanation as Velvet passed by and curiousity got the better of him.
Kent decided to ask him. "Hey, does this make sense to you?"
Velvet merely shook his head, eyebrows furrowing at the contents of the letter. "... Huh. No, what is this? Some type of new spell?"
"Is this a prank?"
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When They Wonder Why You Chose Them - 10
We're hitting double digits, and it's so exhilarating HAHAHA. We're at the second to the last guild! We got this!!! I'll be posting the last guild tomorrow HEHEHE and I can't wait!!
Featuring: Members of the Fantasy Opera Guild | Fata Musica
Type: Headcanons
Prompt: Each character musing over why did you pick them to be your first partner in this journey
Warning: Pre-Game Launch Character Assumptions
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To Velvet, it...would certainly be a problematic feat.
It isn’t that he’s against your choice or anything. Your aspiration, while full of opportunities for the guild’s benefit, truly is a worthwhile venture that rejecting it would make him feel wasteful.
However, he also can’t ignore the fact that his schedule is almost always full. It isn’t as if he can just move back his shows, save for injury or anything equally dire. He’d planned it all carefully—the time spent capturing the audience’s intrigue over their shows, the rehearsals, the construction of the stage, the design of the costumes and the making of the music, and so much more.
He discusses this with you, gives you a way out because as wonderful as the chance that you’re offering, he isn’t one to shirk anyone’s time. Yet, if you still wish to work with him, if it’s really him that you want by your side, and you tell him as such, the smile that blooms on his face is one that clearly comes from his heart.
He tries—he really does—to accommodate your requests, but it’s as expected. It’s a difficult act to pull off, but one that isn’t impossible with the right steps. He’s initially hesitant, but many great plays originate from unsure routes, and he has your support most of all. If he wants the guild to prosper, then he believes that he too should give guild the chance to do so on its own.
He’s a bit exasperated with the stunned responses he gets when he starts giving more responsibilities to others, responsibilities that he’d withheld for fear of their inexperience or incapacity. But he’s seen them flourish into their roles, has seen them build the most amazing results from the barest necessities, and he can trust them to do their part.
With less tasks for him to worry himself over, he’s able to have the time to accept more requests than the paltry number he’s accomplished before. You’re overjoyed, even though you take the time to check if he’s really firm with his decision, and he finds your smiles infectious as he waves away your concerns.
The thing is, he’ll never stop worrying about his guild. It’s practically a mechanism that he’d built into himself and never really knew how to remove, but it’s easier to to change his feeling over the matter whenever he’s with you.
He’s suspected for quite some time now that you’re the kind of person he’ll get along with, and to have his suspicions confirmed is a relief. You’re somebody hardworking and compassionate, you make it a point to help him advertise his guild’s upcoming plays to anyone interested, and your heart is in all the right places even if you stumble every now and then. But you get up, and he’s always been soft for people like you. You tell him, with the glow of the campfire illuminating your face, how excited you are to watch his guild’s performance when you two get back.
And just like that, his worries eventually transform into eagerness. Rather than fearing for something bad to happen, he’s anticipating how great of a show his guild will put up in spite of all of the challenges.
Time passes by swiftly in your presence and before he knows it, he’s standing in front of his guild with you, hand clasped in yours. There’s a fire stoking in his gut over what he’ll see, but he can’t take the step forward until he asks you, who has been the supporting actor to enhance his own role in this entire situation, why him?
You squeeze his hand and you give him your answer as freely as how he’d confessed his problems to you. The two of you trust each other at this point, but his heart never fails to race just this fast of a tempo whenever it’s affirmed by you. He squeezes your hand back once you’re done telling you, hoping that his eyes are able to convey all that his mouth is unable to say. He’s glad that he took the leap with you.
“There you are! I take my eyes off of you for a moment, and you’re gone! …So? What did you think about our performance? And don’t you dare lie if you were bored! I can take criticism… Hm… Mhhm… Okay, I see. So you had fun? …Heh, I’m relieved. I wanted to see you smile because of our performance.”
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There really is no other word for Kent to use to describe how blown away he is.
He’s sensible enough to know where he stands amongst the meisters, that he definitely doesn’t stand alongside many of them, that he doesn’t deserve to yet because he isn’t as smart or as strong or as experienced as they are, but he will.
He’s just little old him, but one day, he won’t be so little anymore, and the admiration he feels towards others will one day be directed his way from the younger generations.
He wonders, as he beams sunnily at you, if you admire him. And if that’s the reason for why you chose him.
Nevertheless, he doesn’t let himself think too much of it. He’s going to show you why it’s a good thing that you’d chosen him! He’ll make sure you’ll never regret giving him this chance! He tells you so, laughing at the astonishment that twists your features before you give him a tentative smile that he knows is genuine. He squeezes your hands, more so for himself than you, because he can’t wait to start.
And prove himself he does. He understands that he’s lacking in knowledge and experience, so he makes up for it with his enthusiasm and ability to discern somebody’s feelings. He makes it a point to get to know the people he’ll be helping, the people he’ll be working with, because it gives him more inspiration to dive harder into his job to have a face in his mind and the smile they’ll be giving him once all is said and done.
Of course, he doesn’t slack off in his training! Even though he’s received permission to skip rehearsals every now and then to help you out, he doesn’t want to fall behind his peers. He wants to be the one to shine the brightest, so it’s a given that he’ll have to work just as hard to attain that dream.
He somehow manages to rope you into his own impromptu training. You’re initially reluctant, and he can’t blame you for it, but you cave into his pleading with a warning that he shouldn’t be expecting Velvet-level performance from you. He hugs you anyways, because this truly means a lot to him, and he feels as if he can fly when you return his embrace.
He’s aware that he’s fond of you, and why wouldn’t he be when it’s so easy to like you, but he becomes aware of just how fond he is of you after one of his shows today and he’s being bombarded by a crowd who praises his performance and asks for his signature. It only takes him a couple of seconds to recognize their faces, but when he does, his smile grows warmer because he can’t believe that the people he’s helped before are now coming to watch him!
It touches his heart to know to see that they came to see him, but what surprises him the most is that, when he asks them how they heard of his show tonight, they all share a certain look before telling him that it had been you who informed them.
It floors him. That you’d go to such lengths for him. But if he gives it some thought, he really shouldn’t be so surprised. You’ve been by his side the most, have watched him succeed and trip, and you’ve been nothing but supportive of him in his endeavors when, in the first place, you chose him to support you. Just the thought of you, on the days that you aren’t together with him, going out of your way to invite others to come and watch him fills him with so much joy it’s as if his very soul could pop out of his skin any moment now.
He sweeps across the entirety of the guild, in search of you, because there is no way he’ll end the night just like that! When he does spot you, his heart gives another flutter in the same way his magic does, and there are a million thoughts racing through his head—why, why, why, why—but in the end, all he does is capture you in his arms and buries his nose in the area where your shoulder and neck meets, trembling from the sheer happiness coursing through him. When he pulls away, rather than the questions he so desperately wants to ask, he instead gives you a large and genuine grin and thanks you. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you, but he’ll prove it every day why he does.
“Heeeeeey! Did you see? Did you see?! Wasn’t I amazing out there? Hehehe! I know, I know! It was so fun! I wish you were there with me, but knowing that you’re watching made me want to give my very, very best!”
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Heath accepts because he’s interested in it, and it really is as simple as that.
He can feel the looks that his guildmates are giving him, how perturbed they must be over his decision. He shoots them a reassuring smile, but for some reason, that only makes their faces grimmer.
Meeting you is a memorable experience for him. Not because you particularly stand out at face value, but when you take his hand into his and tell him that you’re looking forward to working with him, he understands that there’s a distinctness to how you speak and act towards him and others—an in-depth gentleness, if he is to attach a word to it.
He doesn’t shy away from telling you this is one of his conversations with you, and he watches as you turn red at the cheeks. You admit that it’s not the first thing many people notice about you, and he tilts his head, confused, because it’s clear to him.
Whenever the two of you have a request to fulfill, he always looks forward to it. He gets to travel to all sorts of places, to learn an abundant amount of new things from people, and to listen to a variety of sounds blending together in a harmony he never thought possible. It’s during these times when inspiration is easy to grasp, and more often than not, he’s seeking out that little book in his bag to write down his ideas to share later on with his guild.
But, the best thing about these requests is that he gets to spend it all with you. You’re a joy to be with and he genuinely likes your company. You’re patient with him, answering his questions to the best of your capabilities, and treat his curiosity as not something to be tolerated but with understanding.
It warms him to the core, to know that you genuinely enjoy his presence, and more often than not, he finds his fingers twitching towards his little notebook, the makings of a musical piece coming to life in his mind.
Soon enough, the pages in his little notebook are filled to the brim with scribbles either crossed out, encircled, or unfinished. It frustrates him to no end, since the inspiration and dedication are there, but he can’t seem to know just where is right and how to do so. He doesn’t know that his agitation is starting to show on his until you consult him about it one day, even going so far as to offer to brush his hair because you know from past conversations that he finds it soothing.
He accepts your hair brushing offer. If there’s anything he knows that can calm his nerves, then it would be that. Amusingly enough, he wonders if he looks like a satisfied cat whenever you groom his hair. He certainly feels like one and he mentions to you, evoking a giggle that already begins to massage away the knots burdening his heart.
You encourage him to tell you what’s on his mind, but for the first time, he silences his own words. He wants to keep this a secret from you, wants to see what kind of face you’ll make when he plays the music meant for you for the first time. Instead, he focuses on other things that have passed his mind now and then, and he plucks the most prominent one.
He asks you why you’d chosen him out of the other meisters, and the moment those words had left his mouth, your hands pause. He waits for you to find the words, because he understands that not everything is so simple, but when you do tell him, in a gentle voice with your gentle hands carding through his hair, it’s as if a veil has been lifted from his mind and he suddenly knows what to do now.
He leaps to his feet, clasping your hands in his and peppering the back of them with grateful kisses. It’s clear that you’re flustered by his actions, but he gives you a beaming grin and tells you that you just helped him out with his problem. He leaves the room, feeling jubilant and hopeful for the first time in days.
“Oh, perfect. Come, sit beside me, I want to try something out… Huh? Hehe, don’t worry, there’s nothing bad going on. I just wanted to play you something on my machine organ… Hm? What piece? … You’ll find out, so listen well, okay?”
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Already, the beginnings of a headache are starting to make itself known to Suzuka.
He resists the urge to massage them or show any sort of displeasure because it’s not exactly your fault. It really isn’t. In fact, in any other situation, he’d be flattered to be your choice, but right now? When he’s trapped in an unending cycle of deadline after deadline because Velvet had thought that just because he was a talented actor in the past means that he could write this many scripts in such a short amount of time?!
The thunderstorm roaring in his head must show on his face because when he comes to, he immediately sees the hesitancy on your face and, not wanting to create a misunderstanding for his guild, he accepts with as best a smile as he can muster.
Later on, he brings up the matter to Velvet because surely, Velvet would have words about this. And he does, but ones that don’t support Suzuka’s cause—in fact, Velvet goes so far as to say that it’ll do good for him. That it’ll open his mind up more and give better results. Suffice to say, that conversation leaves him steaming and he’s incapable of writing anything that day, muttering underneath his breath that his mind and patience are as open as they can get, stretched out to their limit.
Nonetheless, in spite of his reservations of spending his time helping you around instead of doing his job, he’ll be lying if he says that he regrets it. Growing up, he knows very well the feeling of helplessness, of always worrying about tomorrow, next week, even next month if he’s able to get by. So, to be able to ease that weight on anybody’s shoulders is heartening and reminds him that everyone truly has their own problems, be they big or small, and sometimes just need a helping hand to push them forward.
On his journeys with you, he begins to learn all sorts of things about you and from you. He sympathizes with you when you complain about an asinine job, laughs with you over amusing situations that the two of you somehow land yourselves in every now and then, and knows by heart that you’re a genuinely good person even if you may deny it. In exchange, he shares things with you. His past, what it had been like to be a star actor, why he’d left, and how he managed to find himself in the guild, saddled with this position. You laugh at the expressions he makes and compliment him that he really is a good storyteller. He makes a face at that but half-heartedly jokes that he wishes he could be a good story maker as well.
He sees the interest that surfaces on your face and, since he’s known you for quite some time and can say with certainty that you wouldn’t turn tail on him, he confides in you about the scripts he’s supposed to be working on.
He watches as you marvel over what he’s written so far and, on the inside, he’s preening that you enjoy his stories so far. Still, when disappointment twists your features as you realize that none of the plots have yet to be finished, he can’t help but sigh even though he’d expected it.
However, what he doesn’t expect is for you to mention how he could incorporate what had happened to the two of you at a past request to one of his stories. It gives him pause and he goes over the script, mind whirring with possibilities because it would fit. In fact, he does the same with the other scripts, applying what he’d seen, what he’d learned, what he’d experienced in all of his adventures with you to his stories and it’s as if an entirely new world opens up in his head.
He turns to you, for once with hope blooming in his chest, and he profusely thanks you, promising to treat you out for lunch the next day because if you hadn’t shared your point-of-view in this, if you hadn’t chosen him to accompany you, then he wouldn’t know just which direction he’d want his plays to turn to. It makes him wonder, for the first time, why you chose him, but he doesn’t entertain it, much too focused on finishing his scripts once and for all.
But after, when he has the time, at the lunch that he’d promised to treat you to, he brings it up, trying to sound casual about it even if his heart is beating a mile a minute. You glance at him, surprised, but you tell him why with the same feigned easiness he’s trying to mask his nervousness with.
Your answer takes him by surprise, leaving him gaping at you. He doesn’t know what possesses you to stick a spoonful of food into his open mouth, but he nearly chokes out of surprise on it and shares a laugh with you afterward, the serious atmosphere between the two of you melting into something familiarly warm. Just the way he likes it.
“It’s hard, sometimes, to look back at the past and remember the things you can never return to… But there’s also beauty in the future, don’t you think so? You don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know what I want to do and that’s to give people all sorts of happy memories of our plays. Including you…”
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
i hadnt opened it in a hot sec but i logged in bc i saw you posting about it and they still havent added two of my favorite characters to the game but my sweet darling tamayura has a card now so all is well 🥰
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^those are my faves: tamayura, harriet, & velvet
ALSO idk if youve encountered or even been told abt their card blooming system with the two possible outcomes yet but here's the site i use as a dialogue guide to see which route gets you the "sun" version of the card and which route gets you the "moon" version. ppl write out the route guides in the comments sections of the character pages ^^ i also use the site for what their favorite items are for the mode where you can give them things.
OHMY... their designs are so 💝💖💞💘💝💞💝💞💘💞💝💕💝💞��💞💕💝🧡💕💟💟💕💝💞💝💞💕💕💞💖 but i have to say tamayura's facial expression is really drawing me in . Hello.
And oo! I actually read a beginner's FAQ the day i downloaded it (it was marinating in my games folder until now lol) so i've heard of it, but i didn't know it was like that!! Thank you for the link <333
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witchsinvitation · 2 years
i think . thye should hurry up nd add velvet to yumekuro
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valkyrietookmoved · 2 years
heeyy ✒️
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I recognized you from my notes a long time before becoming mutuals but I was scared to follow-back because brain dumb </3
Very chill vibes honestly
The madonee profile picture is a staple and O love seeing it
Sometimes I forget how many different media you like but it's very cool to see in the dash even if I don't understand sometimes ♡
I still think about the yumekuro ask you sent Korka sometimes (Tamayura, Harriet and Velvet??? TASTE)
We don't really interact much but I like seeing you around ^-^
Send me ✒️ and I’ll write your URL in my handwriting along with a little note about what I think of you!
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ACTOR 1 : She told me that she is the daughter of the Sherrard family! ACTOR 2 : That family opposes ours, there is no way her father would ever approve of your relationship with her! You must give her up! Velvet and I had decided to attend a play today. EMMA : (Those costumes and props are so beautiful and elaborate! It's a classical piece, so it's kind of difficult to understand what's going on, though…) VELVET : ……..
ANNOUNCER : There will now be a brief intermission. Act two is scheduled to begin in fifteen minutes. VELVET : ……… EMMA : Velvet, would you care to go out and get some fresh air during intermission? VELVET : No. I've seen enough. I'm leaving now. EMMA : What? I hurriedly followed after Velvet as he turned on his heels and made a beeline for the exit of the theater. He didn't stop, even as I called out to him. EMMA : Velvet, aren't you gonna watch until the end? VELVET : My time is precious. I cannot waste it on such a vapid performance. It would be more productive to return to Little Garden and watch the rehearsals. EMMA : (He's being as cold as ever!) EMMA : Which actor was it that made you decide to leave? VELVET : All of them. The casting is nonsense. They failed to properly bring the script to life. It would have been several times better if they had cast it differently. The direction they chose was an insult to the classic. I didn't feel that they cared to entertain the audience in the slightest. You also looked like you were trying your hardest to digest the content. EMMA : You noticed that? VELVET : In my profession, I must be aware of audience reactions. And your reaction was beyond obvious. I hardly even needed to glance at you to notice it. EMMA : I see. VELVET : It's a testament to my patience and respect of the art that I didn't get out of my seat in the middle of the first act. EMMA : Don't you think you're being a little harsh? VELVET : I'm simply telling the truth. Although he is only sixteen years old, Velvet is a savant. He is known all around the world for his planning and production. In his troupe, he does it all by himself. EMMA : (I'd heard a rumor that any performance in which Velvet doesn't get up from his seat until the very end always turns out to be a success.) VELVET : By the way, Emma. What are your plans after this? EMMA : I have an interview in two hours. VELVET : Then you have time. Follow me. EMMA : Where are we going? VELVET : You volunteered to come along on this journey and learn about my work. I appreciate your ambition. EMMA : Thank you very much. VELVET : However… As if to remind me, with a smile ghosting his lips, Velvet held up an index-finger and pointed it into my face. VELVET : In order to be our guild keeper, you must have a more discerning eye. This journey is a good opportunity for you to learn what true entertainment is all about. EMMA : Oh, Velvet! Wait a minute! He was already out the door. What kind of entertainment is he going to show me, I wondered. With excitement bubbling inside of me, I followed Velvet back to Little Garden.
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The Unified Meister Examination... It's a test of academic knowledge taken by every Meister under the World Guild Organization, conducted once a year.
This examination serves as one of the many metrics and criteria taken into consideration when the federation commissions work, as such, the UEM is generally seen as mandatory for all Meisters.
Once again, it would seem that time of the year has come…
EMMA : Next question. What is the name of the beer that can only be found on Yoka Island, the luxurious resort island of the pirate country, Ancyra?
HEATH : Yokayoka Lager!
EMMA : Correct!
KENT : Ah! I'm late to the party!
VELVET : What are you all doing?
EMMA : We were just discussing how to be prepare for the upcoming Unified Meister Examination.
HEATH : We’re killing two birds with one stone.
SUZUKA : Two birds with one stone?
KENT : Yup! Yup! With pub quizzes, you can concentrate on polishing up on your trivia blind spots, while still having fun! It can also serve as a reference for landing roles like The Quiz King or Trivia King, so killing three birds with one stone! It's amazing!
SUZUKA : I highly doubt it can serve as a reference for acting... but well, I see your point… For once…
HEATH : My general knowledge is pretty weak, so I've been taking part in order to improve.
HEATH : Even when I try to hit the book, I still just end up itching to play music instead.
SUZUKA : So, you turned our study into a "lighting round" style quiz.
EMMA : Yeah, I had prepared a hundred questions, and was just about to start asking Heath and Kent.
VELVET : A hundred questions? How very enthusiastic of you.
EMMA : They’re all from exams the federation held in the past. I gathered several years' worth of papers and selected the best ones!
SUZUKA : That must have been quite a hassle, right?
KENT : ...We'll make sure to thank Emma properly later.
HEATH : Of course.
EMMA : We've just finished the first ten questions. Would you guys like to join us?
SUZUKA : Sounds fun, but I'll pass. I have a script to finish.
EMMA : Oh, right. Your schedule was completely booked through to the unified examination.
EMMA : Maybe I should have taken some time to help you out, too…
SUZUKA : No, it's fine. The outline of the script is already coming together, and I usually score above average in the exams. If I keep up the same pace this year, it should be fine. But thanks for your concern.
SUZUKA : Take care of Kent and the others, Emma.
EMMA : I will!
VELVET : Maybe I should join…
VELVET : I have some free time anyway. And I really should help Kent study… It would be bothersome if he didn’t score above average this year.
KENT : Oh...!
HEATH : Is that guild policy?
VELVET : No. It's just embarrassing for me and the guild.
KENT : That's a blunt but incredibly hurtful reason!
HEATH : Well then, I'll have to work even harder.
EMMA : Okay, Velvet, here's your buzzer.
VELVET : Thanks.
VELVET : As someone who's supposed to be a genius, I can't afford to show weakness.
VELVET : Come on, both of you. If you can score even one point, I'll praise you.
KENT : Whoa, it feels like you're emitting the aura of the undefeated Quiz King...!
HEATH : Velvet's in serious mode. I need to focus too.
EMMA : Okay, on to the eleventh question!
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After the Unified Meister Examination…
VELVET : 80 points.
HEATH : 58 points.
KENT : 43 points!
SUZUKA : ...Alright.
SUZUKA : 43 points...
KENT : Huh? I have the same score as Suzuka!? I did it!!
VELVET : Suzuka…
SUZUKA : Don't look at me like that. I’m not happy about it either…
SUZUKA : Damn... I didn't expect to be up for three sleepless nights before the exam…
EMMA : (The tone of Velvet’s voice must have really got to him, by the looks of it…)
VELVET : I see. So you’re saying that it is my fault you couldn't get the result you wanted, huh?
SUZUKA : No, it's because of my own inadequacy. I failed.
KENT : Suzuka! Let's aim to get an average score next year! We can prepare for Emma's questions together!
HEATH : So much for becoming the Quiz King, huh?
SUZUKA : ...Damn it!!
EMMA : (He seems really upset about this…)
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That boy introduced himself as Velvet and he made me a proposal I couldn't refuse…
VELVET : There's an engineer in Woodman, part of the guild there. He's good. He might be able to forge you a new arm.
VELVET : Of course, that's easier said than done, but… If you're serious about being a musician, then I think it's worth a shot.
HEATH : Here we are… Over The Rainbow…
The certainty radiating from the boy was almost too much to bear, and before long I'd dragged my heavy body all the way there…
HEATH : (I doubt I'll ever be able to play like I used to… Even with a prosthetic arm…)
HEATH : (What's the point of even coming here… I can't play what I want either way…)
Still, I couldn't give up on what little hope he'd given me so I braced myself, and headed up the apartment.
Waiting for me there was… A tall, young man, with a surprisingly handsome face, almost as if it had been crafted by hand.
????? : ….Hello.
HEATH : H-Hi, I uhh…
????? : Allow me to confirm. Are you Heath?
HEATH : Yeah, I'm Heath… And you are?
????? : Lord Velvet told me what happened. I am Towa, the Puppeteer.
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HEATH : …Huh!? So it's you…
Velvet had given me his name.
He was my one hope. The one Velvet believed could save me.
And now that he was in front of me… I couldn't help feeling anxious, nauseous… Like I'd been holding my breath for far too long...
HEATH : Towa, I'm... I want to be able to make people smile again.
TOWA : Apologies, Master Heath. I do not understand what you mean.
HEATH : Oh, uhh… Sorry. I'm not good at this… I mean, umm…
HEATH : Assuming we went ahead with the procedure, I was, uh, wondering if I… If I'd ever be able to play the piano again…
TOWA : That I do not know. This is experimental technology. First, we would have to fit the prosthetic. We'll have no way of knowing until we do some tests.
TOWA : For what it's worth, the prosthetic I've manufactured is capable of understanding one's willl, and will move according to the user.
TOWA : Through rehabilitation and continued improvements to the technology, we should be able to bring the prosthetic closer in function to that of a real arm.
TOWA : So, to that, the one thing I can say at this point with absolute certainty, is that this will not be a half-hearted effort.
HEATH : I… I was prepared for such but… This is going to be a long road, isn't it?
A prosthetic hand that can move in tandem with the wearer… When I first heard about it, it sounded like some farfetched dream.
It's amazing technology but it's still experimental… That's exactly why I worry that this might just might just be a huge waste of time.
HEATH : (But… But I have no choice. I have to take my chances with this…)
HEATH : Please take good care of me, Towa.
I bowed my head toward Towa, dipping even further down than when I'd finish a concert set at a competition.
TOWA : Please raise your head, Master Heath. I've not yet done anything to deserve your gratitude.
TOWA : I will do my best to be of service to you.
HEATH : …Th-Thank you!
And thus, I took my first step toward rediscovering the meaning of my life...
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I was born to give my life to music.
I believed that without a shadow of a doubt
…Until the accident happened…
HEATH : Huh!?
HEATH : Aaaaaahhhhh!!!
PHYSICIAN : We did everything we could, but unfortunately… There was no way for us to save his right arm…
HEATH : …Not my… Arm…
I've tried and tried but still I cannot feel…
I lost my right arm in a rock fall accident…
It took me a long, long time to finally accept that fact.
It happened so suddenly.
You're probably wondering how.
There was a piano competition over in the land of music and arts.
I was in a horse drawn carriage, on my way to enter.
HEATH : …Why did you… Do this to me…?
Immediate impact. Catalytic shock. Indecribable pain.
By the time I came to, I was already in the hospital.
All I knew was there'd been a rock slide on the cliff's edge.
And that I was caught up in it.
A man in a white coat said something with a mournful look, but his voice didn't reach my ears, as if he was too far away for me to hear…
HEATH : ……..
The room descended into a deep silence once he left.
And before long I found myself looking down at my music sheets.
Slowly but surely the all-too-familiar black and white notes emerged.
I raised my left hand, setting it upon the keyboard in my imagination and began to play the notes.
HEATH : …..Da~ Da~ Daaa~ Daa~ Da~ Da~ Daaaa~…..
I remember back when I was a young boy.
The first day I ever got to touch the piano in my childhood home.
I immediately fell in love with it's beautiful tone.
Other kids would run around outside with their friends, read picture books, and talk to each other.
I had no interest in such things.
I was so absorbed in the sound of the piano that nothing else mattered. Night and day I'd practise.
That piano was everything to me. The only friend I'd ever truly need.
Maybe that's why… Even now I struggle to talk to people.
Before I knew it, I was an established and successful pianist.
I was counted among the lucky few that got make a living doing what he loved the most.
I was born to give my life to music.
I believed that without a shadow of a doubt.
And yet…
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HEATH : …My right arm is gone…
HEATH : --Ugh… Ngh… Urgh… Graaaahhhhhhhhh….. Ahhhhhh!!!!
The tears fell endlessly one after another staining the sheets.
I couldn't tell whether I was sad or angry or in pain.
I no longer knew myself at all…
The only thing I knew for sure… Was that it was impossible for me to ever play piano the same way again…
HEATH : (How am I supposed to live my life now…?)
HEATH : (What meaning does my life hold… If I can't even play the piano…?)
I don't remember much after that.
After being discharged from the hospital, I didn't have the energy to do anything.
I think I just… Watched the days go by in a daze…
That day, too, while I was sitting in a back alley.
I was in a daze. An empty shell of my former self.
I remember it started to rain.
I couldn't feel the rain or cold or anything at all…
HEATH : (…So I'm supposed to just leave it at that? This is how it ends?)
HEATH : (…Footsteps?)
????? : What a pathetic sight for such a genius pianist.
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It was unforgettable happenstance, a chance encounter between myself and Velvet, who would go on to become head of Fata Musica...
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Moon Wanderers
Dream Weavers
Magia Seminar
Primus Club
Maden Yugi
Eternal Flower
Over the Rainbow
Fata Musica
Hound Sweeper
Passionate Ocean
“Absolute Obedience × King’s Game"
“Outside HOLIDAY"
“DATEN QUEST ~The Lost Civilization & the Illusory Hidden Treasures~”
"Grateful Days"
“Wonder Tea Party”
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