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VELVET : In order to be our guild keeper, you must have a more discerning eye. This journey is a good opportunity for you to learn what true entertainment is all about.
VELVET : Here we are. We'll start with this museum. EMMA : What? But I don't even have a ticket. DIRECTOR OF MUSEUM : Oh, my dear Velvet! Please do take your time and enjoy the exhibition to it's fullest! VELVET : Thank you. EMMA : (They recognized him by his face alone!?)
VELVET : The troupe in today's exhibit has a history that dates way back. The performers are top notch even to this day, and they have only ever used the finest instruments. VELVET : Next up, we have the conductor. His performance is always impressive. EMMA : That sounds wonderful! VELVET : ………. And so, for the next few hours, the two of us indulged in "true entertainment." Dissecting each performance throughout history and everything that made it so special. With a rumble of my stomach, I knew it was time for dinner. OPERA SINGER : Oh! Mr. Velvet! I've heard a lot about you! VELVET : Ah, hello. May I just say, your performance the other night was absolutely wonderful. The vibrato was as deep as the sea. I admire your troupe's ability to stay at the forefront of the field even after so much time. EMMA : (This must be a very famous opera singer. It's impressive how many connections someone as young as Velvet has…) OPERA SINGER : By the way, who is this woman? Ah, she's the new guild keeper of Fata Musica? I just wondered because it's so rare to see you bring anyone to one of the exhibitions. Especially a girl. VELVET : …………. EMMA : (Velvet got so quiet…Should I say something…?) EMMA : Ever since I arrived, Velvet has been spending a lot of time with me. VELVET : ……..!? EMMA : I've only been with Fata Musica for a short time, but still, he's been so considerate and constantly teaching me things. That's why he brought me here. In order to repay that kindness, I'm doing the best I can for the guild. VELVET : Indeed. And I am looking forward to her success. OPERA SINGER : I see. I see. Parting ways with the opera singer, Velvet and I continued our journey through the museum. I was astonished by the depth of his knowledge. He knew every detail about the troupe and the production behind their performances.
Returning back to Little Garden, the two of us took a moment to watch one of Fata Musica's rehearsals. It started on stage with a spotlight directed at Heath. EMMA : (His music is so delicate and profound…) And then the acting began… SUZUKA : "Are you truly about to give up on your dreams!?" KENT : "I would never give up on my dreams! No matter what!" EMMA : (Suzuka's script combined with Kent's direction is so captivating!) VELVET : This isn't good enough. Kent, you are only following the lines of the script. You're not putting enough emotion into it. And Suzuka this script isn't quite there yet. KENT : Ugh!
SUZUKA : Hey, Velvet, how does the script look now? VELVET : There are mistakes here. Here. Here. The whole second scene needs rewritten. There is too much dialogue. Make it simpler. SUZUKA : Oh, for heaven's sake, here we go again. I'll have it finished by tomorrow. VELVET : Finish it by the end of the evening, please. SUZUKA : What!? You're crazy!! VELVET : The later we finalize the script, the less time we have to practice. SUZUKA : You know, Velvet, even I need time to think. VELVET : Suzuka, you are capable of doing the script, right? SUZUKA : Damn it! Yeah, I can do it. VELVET : Everybody do your best! Bringing true entertainment to the world is the philosophy of Fata Musica! We must not compromise! FATA MUSICA TROUPE MEMBERS : Yes, sir! VELVET : ……… Even though he looks so young…. EMMA : (It's because of you that we were able to put together such an amazing play.) I was left breathless by the dream world woven in front of my eyes on that stage. And finally I was able to understand firsthand why Velvet was considered a savant.
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ACTOR 1 : She told me that she is the daughter of the Sherrard family! ACTOR 2 : That family opposes ours, there is no way her father would ever approve of your relationship with her! You must give her up! Velvet and I had decided to attend a play today. EMMA : (Those costumes and props are so beautiful and elaborate! It's a classical piece, so it's kind of difficult to understand what's going on, though…) VELVET : ……..
ANNOUNCER : There will now be a brief intermission. Act two is scheduled to begin in fifteen minutes. VELVET : ……… EMMA : Velvet, would you care to go out and get some fresh air during intermission? VELVET : No. I've seen enough. I'm leaving now. EMMA : What? I hurriedly followed after Velvet as he turned on his heels and made a beeline for the exit of the theater. He didn't stop, even as I called out to him. EMMA : Velvet, aren't you gonna watch until the end? VELVET : My time is precious. I cannot waste it on such a vapid performance. It would be more productive to return to Little Garden and watch the rehearsals. EMMA : (He's being as cold as ever!) EMMA : Which actor was it that made you decide to leave? VELVET : All of them. The casting is nonsense. They failed to properly bring the script to life. It would have been several times better if they had cast it differently. The direction they chose was an insult to the classic. I didn't feel that they cared to entertain the audience in the slightest. You also looked like you were trying your hardest to digest the content. EMMA : You noticed that? VELVET : In my profession, I must be aware of audience reactions. And your reaction was beyond obvious. I hardly even needed to glance at you to notice it. EMMA : I see. VELVET : It's a testament to my patience and respect of the art that I didn't get out of my seat in the middle of the first act. EMMA : Don't you think you're being a little harsh? VELVET : I'm simply telling the truth. Although he is only sixteen years old, Velvet is a savant. He is known all around the world for his planning and production. In his troupe, he does it all by himself. EMMA : (I'd heard a rumor that any performance in which Velvet doesn't get up from his seat until the very end always turns out to be a success.) VELVET : By the way, Emma. What are your plans after this? EMMA : I have an interview in two hours. VELVET : Then you have time. Follow me. EMMA : Where are we going? VELVET : You volunteered to come along on this journey and learn about my work. I appreciate your ambition. EMMA : Thank you very much. VELVET : However… As if to remind me, with a smile ghosting his lips, Velvet held up an index-finger and pointed it into my face. VELVET : In order to be our guild keeper, you must have a more discerning eye. This journey is a good opportunity for you to learn what true entertainment is all about. EMMA : Oh, Velvet! Wait a minute! He was already out the door. What kind of entertainment is he going to show me, I wondered. With excitement bubbling inside of me, I followed Velvet back to Little Garden.
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