#venomania au
blu3-f1nch · 7 months
Would you mind sharing what your version of Cherubim/Venomania’s story is?
There's uh.. A lot to share here lmao- I'm so sorry this is gonna be kinda long, but a summary nonetheless. My body horror drawings of him are not a part of this canon.
Short answer; Many of the original themes of the story made me deeply uncomfortable so I didn't just re-write Cherubim, I re-wrote 90% of the universe and Cherubim just ended up being my hyperfixation. Yes he is still a lust demon, but lust doesn't always = s-x, it can also mean strong desires, his strong desire was freedom. Boom.
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[Anatomy of the "False Angel" design can range heavily as he's essentially a shapeshifter. He can't just turn into random animals though-- I just mean that its anatomy can range from almost weasel like to humanoid.]
Long answer: For starters.. I re-wrote a lot of the universe, I wasn't super deep into the entire world and didn't want to spend more time reading the wiki than I already had (I'd been reading it for a few days trying to find specific information).
I re-wrote and/or added a lot of the gods, made an entire ranking system for the demons of the world, changed a lot of the lore- and really only did this because I was uncomfortable with one silly little purple haired mans' themes that led me into a week long spiral.
So for starters, his youth is much the same but is changed slightly. He wasn't born with any sort of facial deformation as I'm a tad uncomfortable with portraying characters who do abhorrent things because of a deformation/disability. Not to say people can't write these themes, I just was not comfortable with it under this context. Instead, he was born out of an affair, this he was known about to the public to some minor extent, but very little was known about him and he was kept out of the public eye out of shame. So he still didn't leave the castle much. [I do not have any concepts of him as a kid]
At one point he did have a taste of freedom, leaving the castle with his brother, as the two actually had grown up around one another and were rather close. They did this many times and Cherubim got to feel what it was like to have real friends outside of the guards and maids he spoke to, since his parents paid him little attention. He was caught however and after this was just kept in his room, rarely able to leave. He grew bitter and resentful, angry at his parents, angry at the world. He was just a confused kid. He had this deep desire to be free, so no one else could control him. These wishes attract a kind of demon known as an affiant. Hers [I call them Heirs] don't exist here in the same way that they do in the original work, they are something different. An Affiant is someone who has made a contract with an item of sin, so a human turned demon. Heirs are still born as purely beings of evil, but they have a bit of a different purpose. Anywho, aside from that, the Clockwork doll works differently here too. The original demon sealed within the doll has awoken and controls its body, though it still has much of its magic locked away. The Doll wasn't always this way but that doesn't matter. The doll was drawn to Cherubim for his deep desire for freedom and begun to speak to him, and over the course of a few years- until about his mid-teens, where they introduce the idea of forging a contract with a demon to get what he desires; Freedom. [I also do not have any concepts of the clockwork doll yet]
Cherubim is very off-put by this, he is not comfortable with this idea, and starts backing away from the clockwork doll, who is not pleased by this. She stabs Cherubim with the venom sword, forcing him to make a contract with the demon. In his initial moments, he had zero control over himself. He transformed into a being that would be dubbed "The False Angel," with the demon mostly in control at this point, it slaughtered the royal family. Cherubim was all that was left behind, going back to his normal form he would pass out. He doesn't remember much of these events, but he too was pinned as a victim; A fortunate survivor of some bloodthirsty demon who came in and slaughtered the royal family.
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It has been many years since then, he's now 27. My take on lust is not lust in the sexual manor, but a deep desire for freedom, freedom through the acquisition of power and being above all others. However, because of the re-write I made of the lust demons powers, he more feeds off of emotions of the people around him, so keeping his people happy is incredibly advantageous to him. For this, he's generally admired by the public while at night he slaughters other demons not to protect his own people- but to acquire their power as well. He's actively seeking out the other vessels to gain their power as well. He's very self-serving in this AU, but not a straight up s-x offender (makes me deeply uncomfortable lmao) So here's my description of the Venom sword and the powers it gives its affiant: "The Venom sword -- is a katana with purple runes inscribed on the weapons blade, and the weapon itself is able to shift and change its appearance to any weapon of the users choice. In order to make a pact with this demon, one must be impaled by the sword, which leaves a scar that persists through any disguise the user takes on. It allows the user to change their face, body build, sex, etc- though again the scar remains. And much like a few of the other vessels, it allows the user to take on a more demonic appearance that is unique to each user, though often reflects one aspect of the original demon's appearance when it wasn't stuck within the vessel. This demonic form is extremely strong, and is when the user is most powerful. The lust demon also grants the ability to manipulate the memories of others, as well as the emotions they feel. They feed off of the emotions of the people around them, and sometimes other people's emotions make it difficult for the user to retain composure and their typical mannerisms. They must feed off of others emotions to replenish their magic. Feelings of happiness, excitement, bliss, etc give the user the strongest boost."
Sorry if any of this didn't make sense, it's 8 AM and I'm sick lmao-- I didn't proof read.
original drafting/Older design
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This design felt too "human" to me, and so I started going with a more harpy/feline-like feel. This creature is supposed to resemble an angel, but something is supposed to be completely wrong about it. I don't feel like I hit the mark on this one, and I don't particularly like these drawings anymore- kinda got made fun of over them but I like them enough to share.
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Clothing stuff I never finished or colored, one of my friends had me make a furry design for him lmao The gold and indego/purple theme is what I have for his clothes, and I'm thinking about changing his hair color. It'll be purple still, but it'll lean more towards magenta like in that one body horror drawing I did.
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Here's the last of it, I don't have a whole lot of art of these designs honestly, I haven't fixated on him again and have been in bad art burnout-- just trying to focus on commissions and my OCs.
But yes, he doesn't go by Sateriasis Venomania because he never stole his brothers identity/had the memory fuge.
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ghoostrash · 1 year
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Duke of Woohoo but MCL
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nye-draws · 1 year
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This is so low quality but I’ve been thinking about wrath lukana au
The mental image of lukana tenderly leading lilien home makes me go insane (lilien is trying to ignore the blood on her hands. they’re both pretending it’s working.)
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kaitohateblog · 7 months
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guys wtf did i do
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sotogalmo · 3 months
6:25 am
MY WIFE‼️‼️‼️⁉️⁉️⁉️😭😭
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hex-mania-animatics · 4 months
Cover finished March ‎24th, ‎2023, video finished May ‎11th, ‎2023, posted to YouTube on October 6th, 2023
More Evillious Chronicles Twin Dragons AU woo! (The AU I'm working on with @lovedtogekiss for those who don't know). Unfortunately for y'all, I did decide to age restrict this cover because, well... It's Madness of Duke Venomania. So I'll be info dumping all of the Lust Arc stuff on the post sharing The Portrait Glassred Drew. This way, y'all actually have something listen to while reading lmao
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kathzujar · 2 years
Reversed Gumina Glassred
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wrath-lukana · 1 year
Intro post wheeeeee
Hi uh this is just a silly lil side blog for an evillious au! The basic gist is: what if yufina wasn't able to give grim the end to karchess? what if lukana accidentally got her hands on it? what if she was the one to assassinate duke venomania?
I honestly should've held off on making this blog cause I gotta. Draw more and post more abt it, but feel free to send asks anyway!
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mikussabbath · 2 years
While searching for his missing friend Zack, whispered rumors of a man who deals with demons and kidnaps young women lead Cloud to a manor deep in the woods.
Though it requires wearing a dress and a failed murder attempt, Cloud does find Zack. It’s what else he finds that’s the problem.
Rumors aren’t to be trusted, as rather than women, it turns out that the mysterious manor is home to four beautiful men that Cloud finds himself hopelessly falling for.
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papperface · 4 months
At this point I thought they had completely forgotten my reference drawings of Duke Venomania because it didn't get many likes anyway but I think it's funny and it makes me happy that people are asking about that AU kjskdjs I'll see what I do with it, although you can ask more things if you want!
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"... Fuck it, I'm in! I'm all about that zero accountability life!" ~Lucette, probably
Guys I randomly remembered about Cinderella Phenomenon, me and my besties (the gal who introduced the game to us and the guy who wanted NOTHING to do with otome) read like 2 routes of that together in 2019 and it was legit good?? What happened to that??? Anyway the thought was. Karma was cursed by a witch bc he kept seducing women for the lulz and didn't care about them or their feelings and cast em aside eventually, right? And so she put a curse on him that 1. Every woman who sees him falls in love with him and 2. If he falls in love with one of them he turns into a monster and scares them off Which means her entire plan hinged on him NOT being as bad a person as the witch thought he was. Like what if her plan to get back at him / make him change through s u f f e r i n g backfired horribly by virtue of him actually being exactly as bad as he seemed?? Girl woulda had the dude going full on Duke Venomania in chat and for what??? Anyway AU where Karma never tried to redeem himself and just went Fuckboy Times Eleven using the Beauty part of the curse and never suffered from the Beast part precisely bc he didn't give a single fuck. And in his route Lucette is The Mikulia in Venomania!Karma's harem who's immune to his curse but still joined him bc "What, I get to leave the family whose guts I hate and go back to live in a castle with this loaded royal hottie while doing nothing to better myself? Neato."
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boiling-potato · 11 months
You don't have to answer this, feel free to delete.
But, I've been thinking of the Masquerade Au,
And I've been thinking of Tom, Lo and Meztli. As Trickster is the organiser.
I imagine Lo being very much like the song "Lunacy of Duke Venomania" if you've ever heard of it.
He lures people in with his gaze. They belong to him. His eyes, so enticing, his victims lose all their ability to resist. (in Lo's case, Metaphorically.)
Side note; Ive been planning a design for Master Quill already.
Oh yeah!! I know that song!! (I'm also a huge vocaloid fan!! ^^) and :00
IT'S PERFECT FOR HIM!!! I LOVE THE IDEA!!!! YeeeEEeeeEssssSSsSs!!! It's part of the story now!! (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)👌✨✨‼️‼️ Also can't wait to see the design of master quill!! (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)✨ Here's a quick sketch of him! ^^ 🫴
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Love the design!! (⁠≧w≦⁠)💕💕‼️
Tagging @aesopsbaby and @sealedchasm !!
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nye-draws · 2 years
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there was no love, this is no love
AU where Lukana, with the spell on her weakening, accidentally gets her hands on Grim the End thanks to Yufina and kills Venomania like the girlboss she is.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
they both have that soft horniness (+the weirdness) 😭
✦゜ANSWERED: Your art is amazing and you had me boppin my head at 1AM to the madness of Duke Vermonia sdgkdhsbk
But look me in my eyes and tell me Ren wouldn't do a Luka Megurine cosplay if he ever found out that the "pink hair + blue eyes" was your favourite combo kfdjgd
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jojomaxine · 1 year
tw // blood , self injury
Continuation of this AU!
Art trade for @enrimooncci! more about the Duke Venomania AU😼
To save Enrico from Donatello's grasp, Perla has to avoid his hypnotic power... there's only one way. And so she has to blind herself.
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They were childhood friends. Enrico was a slightly older boy from the town, also from wealthy family, and aimed to be a priest. Years, years later, when Donatello insinuated that he liked Enrico... the priest laughed. Donatello, the cute younger boy? he couldn't see him as a potential partner. It wasn't a malicious laugh. Enrico saw him as a little brother. But Donatello didn't take it well 😿
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tw Happy ending that I took out of my ass(? At the verge of death, Donatello makes a last contract with the devil. Give Perla back her eyes and take his. He'd die doing one last thing for his crush He gets scolded the fuck up but Perla and Enrico feel bad and get him healed🥺
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orchid3a · 2 years
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Aria Skellington, Pumpking Queen of Halloween Town, is here to announce to her people the special event for Halloween!
Four works centered around horror and dark themes, but let’s see them!
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↳ Yandere!Duke Venomania!Kisaki Tetta x Princess!f!reader
↳ Yandere!Serial killer!Sanzu Haruchiyo x lil sis Hanagaki!f!reader
↳ Yandere!Tailor of Enbizaka!Mitsuya Takashi x gn!reader
↳ Yandere!gn!reader x Hanagaki Takemichi (Misao au!)
TAGLIST  ↝ click here
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