withachanceoflaxus · 5 years
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MINERVA ORLAND AESTHETIC for @venomoustigress
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coeurspire · 5 years
💬 // venomoustigress~
minerva: “if this does not work out, we need to go to plan b.”sherry: “what’s plan b?”minerva: “something you will not like.”
send 💬 for an incorrect quote / accepting / @venomoustigress
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@venomoustigress liked for a starter!
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he was surprised to see minerva orland here today. normally, OG goldmine would make sure to be here if he knew she was visiting. and right now, not many people were in the guild. still, DJ sent her a wide smile and waved at her. “yo, what’s up minerva! kinda feel bad to be the one to tell ya, but OG goldmine isn’t in today. but if you’re not busy you can always hang here!” he wasn’t planning on going anywhere. but he never did plan when he went some places, either.
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sinshckled · 5 years
💬 // from venomoustigress~
★ |  * ⋆                - - - -  INBOX. ⌠ @venomoustigress ⌡
                                                  —   ☆ ☆ ☆   —  
MINERVA:  I don’t know whether to laugh or STAB you.
JELLAL:  Surprise me.
- - - - - - ( source: Lucifer?? * )
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lamiacrowned · 5 years
❛ so … this is it. i sold my soul for this ? ❜
lyon was not a preacher. he was too pragmatic for that. he explained his beliefs and if someone agreed with him, that was fine. if they disagreed, they could talk about their individual positions and why and that was that. but he was not a preacher because there was no point. especially in regards to the past and decisions that were made and could not be reversed.
what minerva was referring to. well. that was one of them. he could see that she regretted some of her choices, but whether they were right or wrong was not up to him. it was up to her.  he could see the why, though. what lead her down that path of self destruction and honestly? her past didn’t make her as hopeless as she thought she was. lyon truly believed that. it was his opinion and what the thought, he could remind minerva of this when it was needed, but he wouldn’t preach it to her because that was something she had to figure out for herself in the end. he could turn blue with his words, but it wouldn’t matter. all he could do, really, was just. remind her. give her a nudge when she needed one.
so, lyon sighed. he crossed his arm and shrugged at minerva.
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“yeah, you did.” it was harsh, perhaps, but lyon was not one to just soften truths. “but the ‘this’ part is all up to you now just as your past decisions. everybody is more than their pasts and that is because we all create our futures. your past can’t be changed, but where you go from there you can. that is something i learned myself.” he shrugged again. “no matter what, minerva, i can grant you this you one thing: i’ll be there.” because that was something lyon controlled.
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lucentaire · 5 years
“i promise you right now, i will never lie to you. it will be terrible.”
“ what isn’t terrible, these days? ”
carena had never been close to vindicta, and rena had never grown close to minerva either. she preferred to keep to herself, to steer clear of anyone who could disturb the peaceful quiet of the eternal autumn she had created for herself and that she did not like to leave. as far as she could guess, neither peace nor quiet accompanied the other, her nature simply did not seem to allow it.
for rena, this was alright. she would not fault another goddess for living her life differently, as long as no one was trying to pass judgement on her. though frankly, who was even  aware  enough of what she was doing to judge her? carena had never really been part of the divine community, had preferred to see to her domain and remain uninvolved otherwise. little gossip had ever made its way to her, but from what she could tell, she had made the right choice.
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stirring more honey into her tea, she shrugged. “ i do favour honesty, ” she said after taking a sip, her thumb idly wiping away the mark her lipstick had left on the teacup. “ but not at all cost. ”
and — not that there was a way to say this nicely, to wrap it into polite words — she cared too little about the other to place much value in her truths. if minerva lied to her, it would not hurt. it would not even sting. it would just be a lie, something only arden might get worked up over, but in the past, in ages when carena had cared about her fellow gods, the goddess of vengeance and love had gotten along well. there were others, there were people rena would  demand  honesty from, but — not minerva. their domains did not overlap, there was little reason for them to make grand promises.
her fork sunk into her cake without much resistance as she set down her tea cup. “ if you  truly  need a recipient for your absolute honesty, i recommend eleos … she’s less judgmental, i believe, ” she muttered with yet another shrug.
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arcanaaa · 6 years
venomoustigress replied to your post “Cana’s Smackdown list: -B.lue.note (giant pissbaby w a horrible...”
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gallantfairy-blog · 6 years
“That looks infected.”
(  @venomoustigress  )
                    ❛ Shit — you think so? ❜
          IT WASN’T FREQUENT for the valorous knight to showcase the usage of foul language, but such matter held little importance. Lineaments upon mettlesome mien wrinkled due to the physical pain occupying her left arm. And the sight of it wasn’t pleasant either; peculiar shades of mauve and blue were engulfing her forearm, reminiscing of a bruise. A sizeable one, she would tacitly and even loudly admit. And that was the consequence of her misjudgement placed on her foe; and now she is facing the crucial outcome of her error. Query whether this was, de facto, infected or not --- remained unbeknown for the gallantry personified. But it wouldn’t come to a surprise if this is truly the case, either.
          Furthermore, to deteriorate the circumstance, she was accompanied with someone that she wasn’t in the greatest terms with. Neutral at finest, but respect and acknowledgement of one’s meritoriousness stood there. Minerva Orland wasn’t someone to belittle. Albeit the fairy despises feeling dependent towards somebody, she was left with not many options to choose from. Not to mention the exposure of a vulnerability; she wasn’t perfect, nor she thrived to demonstrate such view. Merely; the thought of her being in a condition like this doesn’t sit well with her, inasmuch as this would affect the result of the quest she was tasked to accomplish.
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                    ❛ So --- do you have any suggestions on what this could be? ❜
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sirenavenganza · 6 years
Send me a “👶“ for a childhood memory from my muse.
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Tears spilled from her eyes as she ran away from the village park, away from the other kids that just stood laughing. She had stood up for a poor kid that was getting picked on, before she was shoved to the ground. Her hands and back dirty, hurrying home; she jumped underneath her blanket and cried.
At least the kid she helped hurried home before his bullies returned their attention to him. “Kagura?” Having heard the commotion, he hurried home when a girl Kagura’s age ran to him to tell him what happened. Seeing his sister under the blanket, he looked over at lump under the blanket. Walking over, he tried to remove the blanket but she held it tight against the futon. “It’s only me, Kagura. What happened?”
She let the blanket rise just to poke an eye out to look up at her brother, lip trembling, hiccups and ragged breathing escaping the little hole. “Oniichan.. I- I tried to be brave like you… A boy was g-getting picked on a-and I tried to save him… B-But, they pushed me and I fell. Then they all l-laughed at me.”
A frown appeared on his face, unhappy that no one stuck up for his sister in his absence. “Can I climb under?” She closed the small hole and it was quiet for a moment, before she raised her small arm to make a small hole for him to climb under. If there was one person she trusts, it would be her big brother. He climbed in and spoke up, “Don’t cry, Kagura. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you, but you did nothing wrong. In fact, now I look up to you for being brave to stand up for that boy. I’m proud of you and you did good.”
Taking a peek at her brother, she saw him grinning wide and she gave a small smile in return. Watching her brother raise a hand, palm up, she brought her own up and clapped her hand to his. “Then when you feel better, you can show me the kids who pushed you and I’ll make sure they don’t bother you or anyone else ever again. I’ll scare them with a lizard or something.” Not one for violence, but she gave a small laugh, happy she had him to make her feel better. @howladyminervastolexmas / @venomoustigress
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‘ your loss, not mine. ’
                                    ;;MEME // ACCEPTING
     Strike outs were a common occurrence, even the more obvious ones would never leave a bitter taste. Even with simple looks could he have a woman’s attention drawn to him – for this instance it was a not the case. No indications of a come linger were bouncing off him as she scoffed past with those words. Now, that bitter taste he never experience was very much known, but even more so he found himself confused than anything else. The lion knew of the woman, knew of the things she had done in the past – to his friends, to her. It seemed his natural curiosity was caught off guard as a flirtation. And though he was slightly offended, mostly his pride, he only shrugged in response.
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          “ I didn’t – say anything?? ”
A part of him wasn’t opposed, but he didn’t get a chance to act on one. Maybe if he was to pull some of his good lines, she’d change her mind. Thus, a lost cause – and yes, in a way it was his loss. What – a headache.
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withachanceoflaxus · 5 years
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coeurspire · 5 years
☆☆☆ love me janananana
How I rate your blog: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+
How I rate your URL: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
How I rate your blog theme: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | easy to navigate which is always a bonus~
How you play your muse: don’t know your muse | not my cup of tea | meh | OK | good | wow | EXCELLENT | i would like to keep you forever.
Thoughts/opinion on the mun: we met literal years ago and at first, i was a tad intimated since i was not yet entirely sure what i was doing. and then we started talking and actually writing together and now we still talk and still write together
How much I ship our muses: are you out of your mind?! | NO, given that minerva is straight and sherry is, at least in main verse, married | prefer not to | i need some convincing | MAYBE | let’s do our best for chemistry | what a good idea | YES | I’ve been hoping for this! | oh gods yes | LETS MAKE A NEW OTP | shipping hell!!
How attractive my muse finds yours: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | sherry has eyes, even if she needs glasses
Platonic attraction: i admit that i have no idea what this is supposed to be so ... uh ... | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 
Sexual attraction: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
A situation or starter sentence for our muses: something with the twins? something regarding their respective guilds? just chilling, drinking tea and judging people?
A scene I would want to write with you: meeting | cooking | kiss | fight | bed-share | shopping | world domination | solve crimes | stranded | distant friends | none of these but PM ME |
If we would write, my mood is: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | hurt / comfort | action | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre |
inbox cleaning ‘19 / please don’t.
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pantodinamos-blog · 6 years
(  @venomoustigress  ||  X  )
          NOTWITHSTANDING THE PERPETUAL SMILE UPON HIS FACE, the sentiment of surprise and wonderment was still there. His hands were positioned atop his sides, as concealed hues of deep blue were staring at the sight beyond him. And soon, his deep voice would HALT the silence amid the ambiance.
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                  ❛ ---- What an impressive quirk you’ve got there, young lady! ❜
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heirbaltasar · 6 years
@venomoustigress / starter call
Cigarette smoke rose into the air, carried away from his person and into the night air by the gentle breeze. To those who passed him by, he simply appeared as a solemn youth smoking on the marble steps of a Paris townhouse, but to those who knew him, he was an experienced watchman and skilled bodyguard keeping guard of his kin as the witching-hour set in.
Casting his gaze to the sky, an almost-full moon gazed back at him, and reminded him of the often insatiable thirst he - and so many others - suffered from. It wasn’t something he could dwell on for much longer - not now - as the sound of high-heels on polished stone drew his attention to the woman descending the stairs.
Everything seemed off. Usually, his troubles came in the form of too great a Dhampir presence in the city, but tonight was quiet - too quiet - and he didn’t like it one bit.
       “ Something’s not right tonight. ”  Breaking the silence, and snuffing his cigarette on the gold-veined marble beneath him, the Dhampir rose to his feet to acknowledge his father’s long-time friend - someone that Baltasar himself had become reasonably loyal to over the years.  “ Anyone would be a fool to cross you, Minerva, but ... you may want to be careful. ”
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lamiacrowned · 5 years
“just see how unbelievably stupid he is as well.”
lyon sipped his champagne, looking across the ballroom at the man in question. he did not really enjoy all these weird fucntions, but sherry, his powerful wife, was a guild master now and apart of that meant that at times, lyon had to accompany her as her husband to these…events. there were, so far, three upsides to this. one was watching sherry in her element which was always great. the second was the free alcohol served. the third, of course, was oftentimes minerva was around and he could always find a small nook to escape in and insult people with her quietly.
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“i am sure the show will be entertaining.” he agreed in a low voice to minerva. a smirk rested on his face and he sipped his drink again. “i wonder...perhaps we could make it happen sooner? a few words here and there. or is that just plain mean?” did lyon care? well, only if sherry cared, truly. minerva, however, was probably both the best and worst influence. however, no one was on gray’s level of influencing lyon into his worst behaviors. though! he was getting better at that!
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a-infusedwithamber · 6 years
❝ there’s a difference between missing someone & missing having someone. ❞ // from his queen minerva~
        “ I always thought it could be a combination of both, you know. ”
It had always been that way with him, at least. Conversations like these dragged his mind back to the sweeter times of his childhood. His best friend; his first  -- and only  --  true love. Her departure had left him missing her, and having her. Her smile, her laughter, the times they’d slip away from the watchful eyes of their parents with his sister in tow, off on a new childish adventure. To having someone to talk to in his difficult teenage years, a shoulder to lean on when the going got tough and her needed something to be tender.
She’d reminded him of his mother, someone he could rely upon and trust, with abundant intelligence but not without the empathy he needed to soothe his woes.
Even now, the thought of her still ran a knife through his chest; his heart, a part of him he’d almost convinced himself had been hardened to stone as the years without her drew on. Minerva was the one person who had come close to it, though his fondness for her was far different to that which he still felt for his long-since-departed childhood sweetheart.
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   “ And it’s the combination of both that leaves you even more desolate when they’re gone. ”
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