wikixadia-kazi · 2 months
kazi do you feel so sigma
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I feel... umm... unprepared. That word isn't in my human vocabulary index...
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 months
(yes, we just watched the new season. any asks with questions regarding season 6, will be tagged with "#tdp season 6 spoilers" until a few weeks have passed)
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wikixadia-kazi · 3 months
(have you seen s5 yet? I want to send asks relating to it but don't want to spoil)
(so sorry this took so long, but yes I am all caught up)
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wikixadia-kazi · 3 months
Hey Kazi, is the ocean a stew or a soup?
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Neither! The primary ingredients in the ocean are salt, plant matter, and protein, usually in crustacean or cordate form. Linguistically, the only root word that makes sense is the Latin root "sal" which is the current root for the word "salad," which is simply a list of ingredients in salt. Water is simply the medium by which all this is held. We don't include the bowl on the list of ingredients, which means that the ocean is neither stew nor a soup, it is linguistically, a salad.
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wikixadia-kazi · 3 months
Is this blog alive?
I have been away for some time, but I believe I have plenty of time to dive back into some questions
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
What are mornings like for Janaya? Who's more romantic?
Mornings are busy. They definitely share quarters (tent, bedroom?) whatever it is. Janai gets up with the Sun. It's just the way her body is attuned. She will hold Amaya until she wakes up. Amaya is terrified of waking up, no matter where she is. You can't hear rustles, voices and everything is too big and your eyes don't work quite right, and Amaya's eyes are everything to her. The rare occasion Amaya gets up before Janai she'll leave a sill note for Janai which Janai will laugh upon reading. Than they go off to their seperate duties.
Janai is the most romantic though. Every detail of the proposal was planned painstakingly over the course of MONTHS. She knows Amaya is a bloodhound when it comes to finding out secrets and nothing can surprise her so Janai really wanted to try. She is the only person to successfully surprise Amaya. Janai plans all the dates, meetings, etc. because she loves her fiancee very much and wants to spend every second with her. EVERY SECOND. Only two people knew about the proposal, (except for the dancers which I don't count,) which is Gren and Kazi. I imagine Kazi had a hard time with this but succeded in keeping their mouth shut.
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Whoo this was a long one. Fun though. Send me more questions I'm DYING of boredom.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
hello would you like a hug because if so I would really like to hug you because you are Nice
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I love hugs! Especially from thoughtful new friends.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
So one of my favorite (non-canonical) ships is you and Gren. Is that true? *fingers crossed* And if it isn't what do you think about people shipping you guys?
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I appreciate Gren as a friend, but it would be dishonest of me to claim I am unaware of some extraplatonic habits we have with each other. As of now, we are still simply friends, but I could entertain a change if that appeared to be a comfortable step.
As for those who ship us, everyone may see different habits stand out in our interactions, but I will neither confirm nor deny any interpretation.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
Why does Garlath (I assume it's him but the artist forgot his boots) look so manly, like holy cow, is he from a different elven breed?
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Even academic artists get creative when they are bored, I suppose... I am certainly innocent of this particular bias....
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
riddle; It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars, and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, Ends life kills laughter.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
Kazi what would you do if you came face to face with a creature that all Dragons see as the God or dragons.
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They would have to prove they're a god by withstanding my scholarly curiosity.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
Hi Kazi Do dragons have a code they follow by like let's say a life debt?
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As far as I can tell, it used to be a much more popular practice for dragons and royalty, and even further back, it can be seen in groups like the Golden Knights of Lux Aurea, and even in the Ventus Foedrium Nuntii.
Though, I don't believe any life debt is currently in practice of any dragons. I do however see that some like to promise aid to those they feel they have wronged. Think of the human Crown Guard, Soren's friendship with the Fire Dragon, Pyrrah. There is no life debt, but the two of them have some sort of mutual agreement that if one is in need of aid, they may ask their friend for help and it is promised.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
These star dragons sound like as if they have been corrupted by the void from the world of runeterra
Because the universe of Runeterra's only known Star Dragon actually creates Stars and seeks to mantain them, viewing them as pieces of art.
Come to think of it the star's celestial energies seem to be closer to the world of Runeterra than they are in Xadia.
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That reminds me of the old Sanctum of Sol Regem. They were a group of devout Sunfire followers of the Sun Dragon, Sol Regem, and they believed that he had created the Sun and that it was the Sunfire Elves' job to maintain it. They were the group that brought the protective chants and spells against the Star Devourers into public practice. However, they seemed to dissipate once the Sun King lost his throne.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
Your ancestors surely have myths about how they came to be and how they connected to the primal sources
I mean during the era of the first elves there were no sunfire elves or moonshadow only various elven tribes that had affinity to a certain primal source that's why you have various shades of skin tones or not?
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Much like many different religions, we have many different creation myths, as well as magical myths. Occasionally, there's one that combines the two. Many elves have myths about how the primal sources themselves created their elves and dragons, and some have myths about how elves connected themselves to their primal sources.
There are so many in fact, that different belief systems have constructed around different historical events or theories.
As for skin tones, I think that has more to do with the physiological than the magical. At least in some cases. For instance, Skywing elves are slightly more resistant to cold temperatures and shocks, but they can still get hypothermia or electrocuted. Many Sunfire elves have more melanin in their skin and that protects us from the sun, but we aren't completely immune to sunburn. As far as I can tell, humans from lands where the sun is a common danger, like Neolandia, also have more melanin in their skin.
It's not as though fixating on something as simple as skin color accounts for all the physical differences between elves. Physical traits that effect skin color aren't the only physical differences in elves. Apart from the many differences in horns, we have differences in many other aspects of our bodies. Moonshadow elves are known to have very good eyesight, which gives them a physical advantage in noticing small details. Earthblood elves' bones are more dense than most other elves, which gives them less susceptible to breaks or fractures. And of course Tidebound elves can breathe underwater.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
Riddle for you; the King needed to find a successor he picks 1 kid from 5 clans he gives the 5 kids a pot and a seed the king asks them to plant the seed in the pot water it and bring it back in 4 weeks when those 4 weeks were up 4 of the kids bring in pots with lovely flowers in them and 1 has brought the pot but no plant had grown the king chooses the kid who's seed has not grown why did the king choose that child to be his successor?
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Perhaps all of the seeds were dead? He chose the child who was hopeful enough to keep putting work into the seed that was given despite the lack of sprouting, and the child was honest enough to bring his empty pot.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
"Ever wonder what kinds of other types of worlds exist out there beyond the one you see?"
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I do often wonder what worlds exist beyond my observation of Xadia and worlds beyond the Sun. And while I am known to let my curiosity to get the better of me, unfortunately my lifetime may never see such extraordinary discoveries.
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wikixadia-kazi · 2 years
"Have you ever run into beings that aren't elves, but are elf like in appearance and magical talent?"
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If I have, I might have mistaken them for elves.
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