mvrders-are-okay · 7 months
waifu’s banner is in less than a week now. waifu’s still not home.
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n4n3x · 3 months
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Basszameg... - Mennyit néztem a vasam hátulját ~14 évvel ezelőtt.. - még örültem is neki hogy OC-s 280-as radeon volt benne, mert ha péntekenként éjjelig toltam a játékot, aztán lefeküdtem hajnal 3-kor, akkor délig hagytak aludni, és kb 11-ig nem is fáztam, merthát faternak hiába könyörögtem hogy gyújtsa be a gázkonvektort, nem igazán akarta megtenni.. - de egészen sokáig kihúztam a vasammal, az áramot meg nem én fizettem, max anyám csapkodta meg hogy nyomja be a fűtést az én szobámba amikor munkaidős tevékenységei között benyitott a szobámba amikor iskolában voltam hogy nálam "jégverem" van... Aztán meg nyáron megintcsak könyörögni hogy offolja le az őrlángot, mert felfűtöm a 22 fokos szobát 32 fokosra, amit a klíma nem győz 25 alatt tartani... :D :D :D Azóta se cseréltem ventiket egyébként, pedig mostmár időszerű lenne (főleg a zaj meg a sárgulás miatt) az 5 db CoolerMaster Jetflo 120-as ventit cserélni, csakhát... kopasz fehér ledes 120-as 4 pin PWM-es ventit találni a földön ami nem RGB-s kvázi lehetetlen... - Egyébként elhánytam a Type-C APA-ANYA hosszabbítómat a fülesemhez, aztán így ér a fejemhez, magamra már nem sajnálom a saját lakásomból a meleget :D
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shunukitrash · 4 months
Th÷ pain in my calves and lower back is back and I can't ho back to sleep plus dad is smoking qmd it's coming through my ventits 7 in the morning you dumb son of a bitch
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macarthur123 · 1 year
How are plantation shutters beneficial for houses?
Plantation shutters for windows are simply wooden windows that fit into the frame by drilling holes in the window or door frame. They can be fully opened from the shutters and arranged at any angle to allow control of the flow of light and air in the room. They are very strong and stable and protects from harsh weather conditions and gives an extra protection as they are framed with horizontal rails and vertical stiles.
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Its origins can be traced back to ancient Greece and the Middle Ages. Strong windows shutters were made of materials like wood and marble are installed in buildings for air protection and safety. Until now, they are known to improve sleep, can be used in children's rooms and are popular in bedrooms. Measuring and installing plantation shutters on your windows by window treatment experts and doors of all sizes and shapes to bring timeless style to homes around the world.
If you're new to the world of plantation shutters and want to discover more, you've come to the right place. Here you will just read what you what you need to know about plantation shutters, the various benefits that plantation shutters offer, and more.
Advantages of plantation shutters are:
Temperature control
Indoor plantation shutters for windows are very effective in maintaining indoor temperatures and reducing water and electricity costs. Block out the sun and cold winds, reducing the stress on your HVAC unit. Double-glazed windows also provide good sound insulation and protect the home from outside noise.
Keep the air well ventitaled
Exterior windows shutters are an easy and inexpensive way to protect your home from the elements. Install window coverings to reduce the chance of leaks, broken windows, and furniture damage during inclement weather. This saves on expensive window treatments.
Help fight very harsh weather
Another reason to install them on your window or door panels is, they give more protection from the elements. If you live in a windy area or at a high altitude, exterior windows are a better choice. Plantation shutters are ideal for windows that can be closed to reduce drafts on windows and doors. Similarly, if you live in an area prone to flooding, shutters are more useful. Shutters allow you to lock the windows and protect them from rain and strong winds. However, when shutters are combined with double glazing, they help keep the heat inside the house.
An additional level of security
A properly installed plantation shutter provides strong protection against burglars. People who have seen houses with hidden windows can be scary. Switching to these, allows you to add another layer of protection to your home. When the window is broken, the thief has to fight with the shutter, thieves will think doubled about damaging property and windows.
Ultimately, they are a good guardrail
Plantation shutters on window panels can add light and character to any home. It blocks the sun's rays well in the summer and protects the room during the day. As energy savings and productivity increase, plantation shutters campbelltown-wide in your house will help you focus and evern enhance look for your room.
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martjanerode · 3 years
Soooo... wazup
Okay so i'm here again battling this shit called a day in a life.
Trying not to complain for there are others going through some very challenging times in their lives. I really wish the world was at peace.... everyone should do one nice thing today; i know i will be looking out for my opportunities.... that's my thought this morning. Any one need to vent hit me up but i might not see it but it helps to type it out :)
Godd luck
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imblocking-you · 3 years
im gonna buy a bra with venti's face on it and call it "ventits"
This is so unnecessarily witty, fuck
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ukome · 3 years
somebody call the ambulance, i am currently suffering from the “i-want-to-pull-but-i-dont-want-to-pull” disease and it is making me VERY uncomfortable.
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disregardcanon · 5 years
i know a passable amount of latin prayers and church music from choir but we learned the latin lyrics to o come all ye faithful in elementary school and i’m like? why????? 
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rayofsunas · 3 years
bad apple | venti
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A/n: sooo, tumblr bullied me and deleted what I originally had, and lets just say I had been working on it since at least 1pm, it’s 6pm now... It was also one of my favorites in terms of what I’ve written... so yes I’m bitter, but nonetheless you said angst, here I am to deliver :0 enjoy bestieee!! <3
Summary: venti had fallen head over heels for you, that much was obvious. sadly though he’d fallen for a bad apple. 
Parings: Venti/Fem! Reader, Scaramouche/Fem! Reader (I added Scara because I can and I simp too hard for him)
Warnings: toxic relationships, angst, murder (mentioned), aged up venti and reader, implied smut/virginity loss 
Word count: 807
Requested by @mintydump
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You had spun so many lies, at this point, Venti was entirely sure that your whole story was falsely fabricated, to fit a mold he dreamed of. 
I’m from another land, you probably haven't heard of it. 
That was a lie. You were from Inazuma. You grew up there, up until leaving abruptly. 
You’re the first person to take my innocence, I’m happy it was you.
Another lie. Someone had been before him, he learned. A man who went by, Scaramouche. He was a fellow harbinger of yours, your true love, you taunted. 
My family abandoned me, that’s why I left home. 
Also a lie. You had murdered them, for some unknown reason to Venti. He could not understand why. Family was important, clearly not to you.
And now, wherever he went, he could feel eyes of pity, disgust, disappointment. He saw and felt it all. They couldn’t understand why. Why did he still visit you in your cell? Even after all had been revealed, that you were a spy for the fatui, the seventh harbinger... Why did Venti still go to see you?
He should’ve never peered over your shoulder that night, he should’ve never read the contents you were writing. But he had, and he wished he could return to before he had, to save him the pain and heartbreak. He wished Jean hadn’t told him that there had been more letters found in your sleeping quarters, sent from Scaramouche to you and vice versa, containing details of your mission, etc.  
Venti wished you truly loved him, instead of that man. Anyone but that man would've been acceptable... What did he have that Venti didn’t? Was he your true love? He couldn’t have been, right... You had said you loved Venti more times in a single day than you had ever said in the hundreds of letters to your lover. 
Why did you love him? How could you love that awful, awful man? Why did Venti still love you, was the real question... 
“Do you still feel the butterflies?” You would ask when he would come to visit, almost like clockwork. A chilling smirk would be on your beautiful face, but he would never respond. Venti knew you would just subject him to even more abuse, more malice, but nonetheless, he’d sit and listen like always. Take it like a champ, maybe he was easy, weak...
But by his silence, you got your answer, every time. 
“Good, it brings great pleasure to my heart to hear that; you’ll die with those butterflies.” You taunted. 
Jean was disgusted by it all, how could you be so cruel to Venti? Sweet, gentle Venti... She was more disturbed by the fact that Venti allowed his heart to still be persuaded by you, despite all that had been revealed; you were a spy, the fatui’s seventh harbinger nonetheless. 
“I could never have loved you. You’re too easy, not my type.” You would say, Venti would agree, but still, he loved you. On the rare occasion, he would reply, saying how, “You don’t have a heart, if you did, you wouldn’t be so evil.”
It was no secret you loved to torment and taunt him, Ventit was sure that was one of the main reasons you were still holding on; to taunt, torture and degrade him. 
So, a smirk would grace your beautiful face and you would chuckle. “Just because I didn’t love you doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart, my heart lies with another, not you.” Scaramouche, he assumed. 
Still he would sit at that stool every day and watch, listen to how pathetic he was and that he was stupid for believing your words were true, even after all this time. From the naked eye, you looked awful; clothes disheveled, but your eyes remained cold, that smirk was planted on your lips; such beautiful lips that would spew the most disturbing and disgusting words he’d ever heard. 
It didn’t matter to him, not as much as it should have. You were still the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. He’d lived a long life, but never had he met someone so wrongly beautiful, so evil and cruel, with the prettiest face. 
So yes, he was long past the shock of it all, but he still felt the heartache and pain. Because he really did love you. In his thousands of years of living, he allowed himself to fall in love once; he’d fallen for you, unfortunately for him. 
It was no secret, he loved apples. The sweetness that lingered on his lips long into the day. But now? He rather enjoyed the bitterness of a bad apple; the deep shiny red ones that although looked normal on the outside, tasted disgusting and bitter on the inside...
Why? Because it could explain his love for you.
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2.6.21, rayofsunas
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444names · 2 years
english towns + every single country in the modern world + brythonic deities + american states + herbs common names + minerals + places in cumbria + plants common names + roman place names + natural sattelites + scottish surnames
Abaccarg Akram Alachita Alaunite Aldeet Alderd Alinhaw Alvite Amhaite Amhallite Andromeros Anite Annisby Aplete Arawks Ardin Argite Arleate Arryson Arshonby Artonyx Asackfor Asite Athivy Austacite Auxensin Avelipley Azite Baniite Banite Baraster Baraus Bastridge Baunyite Beaftow Belse Berysite Bhard Bhelde Bircort Blanaelite Blaniteth Blellan Bleon Bloweet Blurn Blydochad Blödi Bougilly Bower Braceafgh Brann Braquan Braste Bratby Bream Bridge Bridh Brinatby Brite Briziithia Bromston Bronend Brugh Brusite Buellite Bukudon Bunabay Burite Burnite Burtle Burydrite Buryson Buytod Bànad Caddenite Cadon Caikin Calby Calia Callebite Candrunite Canite Caoreede Carry Carsdam Celsey Cevite Chamer Cheaslazu Chite Chromon Chrìgh Chumaria Chutte Cille Clacshìch Clain Clarawcein Clard Clite Coclaugh Coldeston Colite Colorne Coluxenite Conchite Conth Conum Cooth Coraite Cosea Cownmoron Creite Crogats Croot Crougbury Cuisrandry Culine Curgite Curroite Cyite Cynite Cyrkbrocea Còmhaite Dainite Deilsite Demon Derite Dioboth Ditite Donite Dossougham Doveley Doviborns Duffe Dunnos Dyhort Eadmote Efolawle Eginubwa Ellheig Ellia Enews Esidge Essows Eucatonia Eucklead Eulain Faite Fariel Farite Fazer Felsa Ferite Ferry Fertite Fielites Fierumeste Figham Fleaterna Fluck Forouckin Frite Fruna Fòlarwain Gabhrobab Gadstna Gallia Gardbeck Gardialivy Garlon Garry Gattuddend Giterite Goite Golarstia Gonnum Gortlauck Grathne Graywokel Greath Greedge Greite Grivin Grosern Haite Halinge Hamet Hamoss Harstrains Hearassate Heartone Heasbaw Heirch Heldel Helle Hencald Henohria Hercafgh Hetite Hiterow Hiterrouge Horphytt Hovenus Hutiterley Hydrite Hyris Hysot Hytte Håleck Ilite Inite Ionite Ireenholy Irikite Irinds Irite Isbrite Iscoir Isite Jante Jikir Kadge Karba Kentiathed Kinsill Kinta Kipen Kiston Kreeite Kyite Könewelin Lacheadde Landite Lanesidhg Lavey Lelach Lermet Lessite Lierby Literlite Loebie Lomenus Lornsin Lortite Losedwe Lowcasite Loweed Loweente Luochigh Luoria Lìoscam Maley Mallania Mande Mangtoch Manis Manite Manonite Manthoe Maphàidia Marasite Marave Marrinley Mazzincory Mefor Melin Merierk Metrelite Micambia Mighte Mingste Moirk Molledbury Nadkenite Nagarot Nealawick Neste Nette Neweshib Nonite Nosidhùn Obarry Ogante Ohosanria Olberite Oldown Olequall Onich Ordam Ormaye Orthin Oughailme Ougille Parisd Partsmet Pedwolite Peite Penite Pheld Phydrite Physidgite Pinite Plema Plette Plewlax Plexange Podanntite Polisantag Polme Ponite Porairby Porome Porthairch Portortin Prehilth Prenk Pstowwotle Purcefort Purite Pursacratu Pyrtlod Qatsingil Reite Rhamarby Rialesfoot Ridcreanig Roclanite Rootby Roote Rosegille Ruingstly Rundrum Rusonch Sachaingon Saclawks Saspard Saujaper Scaccichaf Schite Scrough Seaite Seash Seastyrite Seliter Serimite Sgais Shacdh Shurdi Sidhod Sielstoite Silite Sille Skermete Skett Skingirite Slesey Slowpe Smate Smide Smord Sonite Souppitter Sparite Spezzincam Spines Stclite Sthiantigg Sthsarge Stinnohurn Stite Stlarvis Stlebon Stles Stlygodh Stroa Strough Stwin Styite Suarpe Sugèin Sumberite Suthwaite Swerby Swesuthlam Telite Thaigh Theaf Thiles Thnite Tield Tinyx Tonaigg Tonum Tough Tuson Tàild Ucreed Umaind Upitenona Uraingjia Urleas Urmaraite Uttlenite Vaein Varedale Varworix Veadene Venepton Venis Ventite Veolite Verigmegha Vetinne Waite Waywootar Weenfer Weenite Wherich Whiston Wiceite Wicham Wiched Willenom Wiloodge Winerrair Wiston Woolme Woorsgaras Wooterlite Wootho Worabaite Wortinod Xanate Yankcrader Yarve Yelles Ymiuq Yttle Zamainsite Zanto Zarnsonite Zhamson
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unversed-reversed · 5 years
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Ventus is here too? I’m not attached to you anymore, so why follow me?
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jinmaeda · 4 years
Who decided crocs are bad they’re literally so comfortable and keep my feet ventitaled. Also I can customize them with fun accessories. You fucking wish you were me.
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holdakcsillagok · 5 years
oros: rina, értékelem, hogy próbálod angolra tanítani ventit... de lehetne, hogy nem vine utalásokkal csinálod?
rina: nem értem miről beszélsz
venti, a szoba másik felében: sTOP! i could've dropped my croissant!
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advaxendayi · 3 years
BOB Marley, Pas seulement un Rasta
BOB Marley, Pas seulement un Rasta
Bob Marley, de son vrai nom Robert Nesta Marley, est né le 6 février 1945 à Nine Miles en Jamaïque et est mort le 11 mai 1981 à Miami. Bob Marley fut un célèbre chanteur de reggae jamaïcain, mais également un auteur-compositeur-interprète. Bob Marley est le plus célèbre des chanteurs reggae et connut le succès de son vivant, puisqu’il ventit plus de 200 millions de disque à travers le monde. En…
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babyawacs · 4 years
@ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @fi sa  .@law @law @harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges    banks ofmine  proove howyouheklped that icanaccess m yown fortune daytime andhowyou keptit safe fromscum but empower wife yougameit like pil lage the savage sowhat youthe noble  pillaging people and pillaging savages and me the savage making dozensof bil lions with what iiiiican not pillaging people oryougameit like separation somehow somewhere something somehow alllofthat money there is somehow so mewhere not mine and somehow accessing it a mistake or b oldness or sth as if i didnt earnit as if customers did nt pay me for an invention the criminal germangovernment q uells immunisation formality outof criminal governance  t hey monstrosities harmed and now inventions they cant have adds to that  they misuse w ith time control accomplice their securitysystem as fraud i t as dayfool forever sowhat and if immunised ever we freezehim in a tube and keepthemo ney germannesses and intelshit /// druggmix ontable a nd jarmix is hereisno food  but t h a t they spoil and p oison and drug too e v e r y single t ime e v e r y single meal e v e r y single preparation  e v e r y s i n g l e drinking every single cho w time itis their mildest terror for 8yearsor six every single day icantbelieveitis midlsafe a day someone mus tbe newthen either kickedtheir ass or they must play how innocent they are again or setup how batshit nuts youare as nothinghappens /// destroy gasvalves minors rescue you m u s t prevent that germans use them or bad things must happen thegermans give em cockroachdrugs or a granny to p oison water w a t e r w a t e r maybe y o u live from boo ze ihave nothing else to drink they poison and drug and co ckroachdrug anything else too so sugars and preparionof mea ls orgas chow eating  so of course they poisonthewater t oo idontknow whatthe lawyers do but they clealry let em andor let thegermans use minors or grannies forit /// isthe second filter poisoned within an hour today bot h what a shithole what a s h i t h o l e detox chrystal acid ticket what everitis cockroachdrugs findit and jailthepieceof crap thatdidit if a minor did it setup by who why did noone pre ventit whogave emthestuff dependson the first mess the y efforted thesame again? or someone else? shows someone rad io connected toem gives em thestuff until sth happens and wants that i drink unfiltered water ispent 20bucks for a filter that held 1-2days now 1-2 hours h o u r s after daytiemchargingit publish jarmix in bag idiscardit  sothe sugars spoiled e a c h a n d e v e r y drink poisoned cockroach drugged yougotuse d to it that its  sowhat there is nothing else t o drink /// lawyers really what s mine is mine is mine is mine it doesnt matter whatthey want? it doesnt matter whatthey pretend? it doesnt matter how they quell in formation and access? whats mine is mine is mine  is m i n e //// that it i s daytime charged and a c c u r a t e l y so that is whatthey lull publishing it isnt to impres syou? its that e v e n t h e m ! know them youkeep as fool s and fraud just as badly that it iiiisnot safe allalong whilethe system tries sth foryears that its lulled and v ictimblamed that it iiiiiiis daytimecharged and a c c u r a t e l y so I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophis tication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Baby AWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @fisa .@law @law @harvard_law @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judges
banks ofmine
proove howyouheklped that icanaccess myown fortune daytime andhowyou keptit safe fromscum but empower wife
yougameit like pillage the savage sowhat youthe noble pillaging people and pillaging savages
and me the savage making dozensof billions with what iiiiican not…
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xanican-exile replied to your post “Maroon before meeting an elf: “Damn it. I’m not going to let the elves...”
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“Said the fucking simp for big tits, Ventit!“
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