green-x-reaper · 8 months
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|| Now for da men!
Feat: @royleteas & @xanican-exile
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badxsshottiexllie · 8 months
Ellie, donning her mecha suit was fighting against someone who used dark magic. They were an evil sorcerer, who claimed to have the power to travel between worlds. With this power, they used it to destroy them as they pleased. Of course, knowing the redhead, she wouldn't let them get away it. This sorcerer needed to be stopped, or else his reign of terror would continue.
"Your becoming a real nuisance, time for you to go away and never come back." The sorcerer knew that he was about to lose to the other, so he decided to cast a spell to send the heroine to an unknown world.
There was the something about the force of said spell that caused Ellie's mecha suit to return to its database, aka her arm band where she is normally able to activate it. The next thing the woman knew she had fallen straight into the lap of a stranger.
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"Uh...hi....I can explain...." Guess she couldn't complain too much, at least she landed on something soft. However...it was pretty awkward so she immediately got up despite being pretty out of it from the fight that happened earlier.
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pxrifiedmxniac · 11 months
The ranger shall rub the kitties belly, even he is not immume to adorable creatures.
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Lily grants the ranger with finger licks for the belly rubs.
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@xanican-exile​ from here:
Arone had been wondering what was on Ven’s mind. They had been nursing their drinks and talking, but in a lull in the conversation, before which she had admittedly given a side eye that might have teased at invitation, he looked like he wanted to say something.
Of course, her curiosity is very quickly sated by Ven not only moves forward, and even pulls her into a kiss, and not just a peck either. The contact is quick but very deliberate, and it legitimately surprises Arone, not an easy feat most of the time. Her eyes linger on him, surprise slowly turning to thoughtful, and then eventually to a smirk, eyes narrowing slight.
“That all?” She finally says, fully expecting him not to have an immediate response and continuing after a moment. “I mean, that was nice, maybe even nice enough for another. Anything else you might want to try, if you’ve got chance? Or would I rather I go over there, Ven, show you what I think?”
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queenofthegalaxxy · 2 years
[[Starter for @xanican-exile !]]
Oh, she was so going to make that idiot pay. A travel without any registrations wasn't supposed to be this uncomfortable, shaking her around so much in this little capsule that it even knocked her out! Wait. Where was she even? There was no thumping music anywhere nearby, and the skies weren't colored in neon-multicolor either. This was not the party-moon of Kalrania.
Blackfire groaned as she climbed out of the capsule, pushing off the lid to get out, and she only saw what she had seen through the screen as well. A rather earthen-looking world, but... it didn't feel like Earth. Some people would say one couldn't sense these things, but with her experience with space travels and all the many worlds, Blackfire could sense that this was not Earth, and neither any of the other worlds she knew off that had similar-enough looks.
Oh. And apparently she was being stared at. Blackfire quickly put up a wide smile when she spotted the other, and finished her climb out of the capsule as elegantly as she could (though she noticed she was weaker than she usually was - maybe an effect from the very unpleasant travel). "Oh, hiii~! I don't supposed you can tell me where we are? Sorry, I've just had a rather bumpy ride." The first thing was to find out if she would even be understood, and for that it usually proved the best to just start talking right away.
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valorandheat · 1 year
Venix 🤝 Morgan
Being at the mercy of bigger and older gals
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"Does Venix have any ideas on why they keep being drawn to guys like us? Because I don't."
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valorandgold · 1 year
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@xanican-exile​ said:
"Sorry I'm late-" A rather dirty looking and slightly bruised Venix showed up to the Morgans. "I meant to get these to you days ago, but I got caught up in something." He hands them a pair of sheathed short swords, their scabbards and decorated with northern styles and Xanican knots.
"Happy birthday you two." He gives them a sizeable, though tired grin. "These are the same kind of blades rangers use back home."
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“Wow! These are pretty great Venix! They look amazing! You didn’t have to go to so much trouble to get us a present this nice but thank you! We really do appreciate it!”
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“But I’m more of a tome use-” 
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Male Morgan elbowed her in the ribs lightly.
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“U-Uh, I mean, thank you Venix!”
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“Aww how sweet. I have a little something for you in return, Venix, for getting something so nice for my figurative little nephew and niece here.” (Or daughter depending on the verse, but obviously that’s not this one)
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“Hmm? What’s that, Aunt Aversa?”
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“Oh, nothing that you need to worry your little head about, sweetie.”
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“Oh god, Aunt Aversa, you’re really gonna do this with him? On our birthday?”
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“A few days after your birthday, it’s fair game now. Besides, it’d be rude of me not to thank him for all his trouble, don’t you think?”
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“There’s thanking him, and then there’s what you have planned for him.”
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“...I am totally lost.”
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klumsymaid · 1 year
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psychcdelica · 1 year
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@xanican-exile asked: "Wave." Venix tosses him a rather heavy pack. "We have a few days free, lets head out for awhile."
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"Yeah! We should go on a fishing trip. Mom's always told me that the best way to bond with friends is to fish." He's preparing his fishing rod, clearly excited about this event! Hopefully, Venix will enjoy it as much as Wave does.
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starsmuserainbow · 8 months
@xanican-exile replied to your post “"Not even top three? Come on. And of course she...”:
"Red hair is pretty good. But sometimes black hair is better." That almost sounded like a compliment Venix!
​Looking over, Blackfire grinned. While she wouldn't agree that red hair is good - she hated it - the more important part was the second part of what he said.
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"So what I'm hearing is you admit I'm better. At least someone acknowledges it."
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green-x-reaper · 1 year
We talking ballroom masks, face covering masks, veils, cloth masks, whats your flavor?
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puelluna · 11 months
Venix kisses you kisses you kisses you kisses y-
Screaming goddess noises as she's kissed and kissed and kissed-
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pxrifiedmxniac · 7 months
Send me a ✖ if you enjoy my portrayal of my character.
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Thank you, Gricken~! And I've been liking how you portray your muse as well~
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Lightning infusion for Arone!
Send “Infusion: ____” Along with an Element Below for a Drabble of My Muse being infused with this power and how it would alter them, and how they would wield it. @xanican-exile
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Arone shudders as the power suddenly rocks through her, like a shiver down the spine that just continues to build until she can't hold back. Spears of lightning shoot out from her hands and eyes, spearing into the thankfully empty ground and sky. The abate after a moment, and she shakes her head clear of the lingering tingling as she looks down at herself.
Little bits of lightning arc between the plates of armor and the tips of her fingers, and, unbeknownst to her, her eyes are now glowing a soft blue-white. "Well shit... I don't know what the hell is going on, but this seems awesome..."
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queenofthegalaxxy · 1 year
Whats this? Another doll? Venix looks at the one already in his hand, They're practically identical save the hair color. "...Blackfire?" Maybe she'd gotten some fan or admirer, but then whats the first doll he got? He shrugs and picks this one up too, maybe he'll show her both of them later.
[[Thank you for sending!]]
How did this happen? Why did she end up in this? Blackfire couldn't recall how she got here. Much less why she couldn't move, and after what felt like an eternity of trying to move or shout or do something, was met with a huge Venix picking her up like it was nothing.
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It took seeing the doll in his other hand to realize what she probably was right now. But how?? Did she do some form of plan that went wrong? If Starfire was a doll, it was possible that this had been Blackfire's doing, but then how did she end up one too?
And how was she going to get out of this? Mentally, Blackfire screamed and shouted as loud as she could. The doll, however, kept her grin and slumped in Venix's hands just like one would expect a doll to do.
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valorandheat · 1 year
‘Chest Stare’ Tiki too~
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"Truly, Venix, behave yourself! I can quite clearly see where your eyes are lingering."
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"...and all of that is simply not to mention that we are in a rather public setting."
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