#venus opposite Pluto
estrellogy · 4 months
Astro Notes Pt. 3
I have a lot of thoughts and observations that I want to share 😭 If you have any recommendations, please let me know as well 🤍
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- People often see 7th house as their ideal partner, but YOU are meant to embrace traits of that sign for growth.
For example, a Libra rising will begin to see more personal growth after learning positive traits from Aries e.g. Being more assertive, believing in themselves instead of looking for others’ approval, putting themselves first, etc.
- This might be a controversial opinion, but I don’t think minor asteroids influence your chart. Asteroids like Bride, Groom, and other very specific ones. The interpretations for them can usually be found somewhere in your main placements already. It can make you over complicate your chart and feel even more disconnected with yourself because you don’t focus on your core energy.
Not every small detail about you has to be explained by astrology. At the end of the day, you’re a person with free will and complex experiences that shape you beyond astrology. This is just a tool, not a determiner of your life.
- Pluto in 5th house 🤝 destroying/deleting your creative works when they’re not up to your standards
- The difference between Venus/Pluto hard versus soft aspects is in their expression. They all are intense, magnetic, and obsessive to some degree. However, hard aspects have a harder time owning these traits so they tend to swing between extremes (e.g. total obsession and then indifference). The soft aspects are just as intense and can have the same toxic tendencies as the hard aspects, BUT they have an easier time accepting it as a part of them and seem more ‘stable’.
- 6th house placements are so overlooked! That’s literally the house of your health and daily life. I notice that when you work with your 6th house energy effectively, other areas of your life also improve.
It’s interesting that 6th house comes right before 7th house of relationships. In order to be in a relationship with someone else, you have to take good care of yourself first!
- Aries and Mars aspects (especially hard ones) can overpower other aspects in your chart until you learn how to master that energy and channel them into something productive
- Jupiter in 12th house used to be seen as negative. But I think Jupiter here is one of the luckiest placements to have. This is the placements of coincidences happening in their favors, things lining up in crazy ways, book falling off the shelf right at the page they need to read. Their experiences feel divine.
They are very connected to the Universe, Source, Spirit Guides, or whatever you believe in! Anyone can with practice, but these things come more naturally for them.
- Shoutout to my Virgo Venus and Capricorn Mars for being the only things that stop me from going off the rails 😍
- Saturn in 11th house often feel unloved by the people around them due to earlier experiences with rejection. Saturn is trying to teach them to unconditionally accept themselves. Also, those bad experiences teach them how to read people a lot better and spot the ones with bad intentions. The reward from Saturn will be genuine, solid, and loyal friendships/connections.
I’m so glad you guys enjoy these silly notes! I have a ton of fun making them 😭
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bestlilithian · 3 months
Horribly aspected venus culture
(negative aspects to Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus and Lilith)
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- being delusional or people being delusional about you (went into spiritual psychosis once in an unrequieted love situation, also had a guy convinced his love for me was requieted after I explicitly told him I didnt like him *twice* and then having him tell me "How do you know you wont like me in a few years?")
- either not giving a fuck at all or being completely insanely jelaous
- staying single for a while and pretending youre 'focusing on yourself' but really youre just scared of getting hurt
- alternatively, never being single and using relationships to fill a void
- craving love and intimacy but fearing the possible pain and betrayal
- obsessive crushes
- being very beautiful and magnetic but thinking the opposite of yourself
- people living in your head rent free, or living in peoples heads rent free
- loyal to your own demise, probably
- weird kinks ngl
- having stalkers 🫶 and to take this a step further for the especially crazy babes, having a stalker and wishing it was your crush instead of some creepy random
- might romanticize abuse and dangerous situations bc you dont know any better
- possibly confused about your sexuality
- not being able to tell between romantic and platonic feelings
- obsessed with romance (whether its shows in your actions or not)
- self esteem issues
- feeling like youre unlovable
- situationships (esp for venus/uranus ppl)
- commitment issues, attachment issues, every single insecure attachment or possible relationship blockage in the book ...
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letters-to-me · 1 year
astro observations | pt. 1
Hi!🤍 This is my first post with astrology observations. I am not a professional astrologer, but I have been interested in astrology for several years.
Note: These are just my observations, you don't have to agree or identify with them. Do not take everything seriously. English is my second language so forgive me for mistakes and typos. do not copy, steal, rewrite my work, or repost on other social medias
Sun square Uranus creates highly individualistic and unconventional individuals who may appear selfish and eccentric. These people have a strong desire to showcase their uniqueness and serve as examples for others. They struggle with accepting authority and often resort to rebellious behavior to draw attention to themselves. A classmate of mine from primary school has this aspect and used to rebel against teachers to impress his friends. He also bullied the weaker ones. Moon sextile Mercury this aspect gives really good memory. People with this aspect are often very intelligent. These people are interested in their origin and roots. Mercury sextile Uranus gives the ability to discover and invent new things. These people like new technologies. They often need to exchanges ideas and opinions with others. They have novel way of thinking and they like to argue about opinions. Jupiter in 11th house people are really lucky when it comes to friends, groups. Others find it easy to befriend them. Even their open enemies are relatively respectful and have shown mercy. They usually have a lot of close friends. People with the Moon in Virgo feel that anything they do is not good enough for their standards and will always find something to complain or nag about. Virgo moons tend to get upset if certain things aren’t perfect. I also noticed Virgo moons can have severe bitch energy. Libra moons may avoid conflicts and confontation. People with Moon in Libra, that I know, love to be the centre of attention and are keen to express their opinions. Most of them can be people pleasers. Scorpio venus are incredibly receptive and observant. They can come off as very passionate but may also get attached very easily as well as being obsessive. It’s like a 'ride or die' placement. I’ve never met a person with Venus in Scorpio that didn’t obsess over their partner. Scorpio venuses smell bullshit from a mile away and are not afraid to tell you what’s up. Venus square Neptune people day dream a lot and idealize people. Venus square Neptune makes people have rose-coloured glasses. They are too forgiving. Mars in the 11th house may find it difficult to make and keep friends. There may occur competition amongst friends. These people also have a habit of distancing themselves too much and ghosting other people. Venus opposite Pluto natives tend to attract people who are obsessive, attached and controlling. There may be insecurities in relationships, such as an obsessive fear that your partner may cheat on you or leave you. You may feel tempted to control your partner. "Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." – Napoleon Bonaparte who had this aspect.
I hope you enjoyed it. Wish you all the best and have a wonderful Thursday!!!🤍
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astrologysbabe · 2 years
💘✨✨💝💕💖 Venus aspects 💘✨✨💘
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© it isn't mine!!! it's from astrology books and another resources. just sharing the knowledge
◾ Venus conjunct Ascendant
You have a charm and an appeal about you that others cannot resist. You draw people to you like a magnet and you have the uncanny knack of attracting anything and everything you need. You know how to tell people exactly what they want to hear, which is not always good. At times it is difficult for you to say no because you do not want to hurt anyone. Yet you do not see that many times you use people and think quite nothing of it. Remember that one day you will reap what you sow.
◾ Venus conjunct Jupiter
You are a generous, warm-hearted and open-handed person who shares every resource with others. You give of both yourself and your possessions to those whom you favor. You do not want to be limited in any way, either with your affections or with your personal possessions. You enjoy luxury and refinement and you desire to always be in comfortable, elegant surroundings. You hate having to get your hands dirty. You are charming, gracious and charitable and you are the model host or hostess. This aspect brings material good fortune, which has been earned from previous lives. If there is a negative here, then it is your tendency towards self-indulgence, over-extravagance and laziness. Sometimes things come to you so easily that you do not appreciate them. Things are most appreciated if one has to work hard for them. There may be a love of rich, sweet food as well as too much of it, hence a tendency to gain weight. You are a very gentle and social person who loves harmony, beauty and travel. There may be vulnerability through emotional, ethical or moral naivete.
◾ Venus conjunct Mars
You are extremely amorous and romantic and there are times when you find it difficult to control your passions. You seem to be a magnet to the opposite sex, regardless of whether most people would classify you as beautiful or attractive, although you may well be. You are simply fun and pleasant to be around and that is why you attract so much attention. When you are interested in someone, you tend to pursue them with all the fire within you. Of course, sometimes you come on just a little too strongly and that can cause difficulties. You have a strong desire for love and beauty and involving yourself in some type of creative activity, whether it be art, music, sculpture or poetry, would help to satisfy this inner craving. The more you channel your creativity into means such as these, the less problems you will have controlling your hormones.
This aspect brings a certain charisma and you seem to naturally draw people around you. You like to socialize and are perhaps happiest when surrounded by others. In fact, it may be hard for you to be alone in your own company. You have a great need to give and receive affection from others. Just be careful of where you place your affections. Not everyone feels the same as you do. It is sometimes difficult for you to take any relationship lightly, hence the need to be discriminating with where your heart is placed. This can be a difficult aspect at times because it tends to produce love-hate relationships with those you care about. There are hostile and affectionate feelings both at the same time towards the same person. Channel your energies into creative endeavors.
◾ Venus conjunct Neptune
You tend to be what some people call the hopeless romantic. You are very idealistic about love and romance and many times it isn't so much the case that you love someone or that you are in love with someone as it is that you are in love with love. You tend to put your loved one on a pedestal and this can bring problems because when the loved one eventually does something to "fall from grace", then huge disappointment and disillusionment set in and you are crushed. You need to stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and see things for how and what they really are.
Another facet of this aspect is that you may have such an ideal mate built up in your own imagination that no real person could ever come close to your fantasy. You may spend your entire lifetime looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect such that you miss Mr. or Ms. Right. Come down to earth and realize that no one is perfect and there are no white knights ready to come dashing along to save you. Stop the dreaming but don't give up the dream.
There is danger of falling into the wrong type of relationship, a relationship of co-dependence. Either you or your partner may enjoy or feel obligated to play the role of martyr, victim or savior. Remember that no good relationship is unequal. Two equal partners who neither feel the need to save or be saved make the best couple.
You are a sensitive person who enjoys the finer, aesthetic things in life. You desire harmony and beauty and are probably attracted to the arts in some way, either painting, music, dance, theater or drama. You are perhaps attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations. There is a certain charm about you that others find unworldly. The unusual and the intuitive, the sensual and the explorative appeal to you. You are insecure in matters of love. Simply remember that everyone has some human frailty, so do the best you can as that is all the Universe asks of you.
◾ Venus conjunct Pluto
You have deep, compelling and sometimes irrational feelings of love and passion and you will not settle for a relationship that isn't intense. You are wildly passionate towards the ones you love, as well as being perhaps jealous and possessive of them as well. Whatever you feel, you want to feel it down to the deepest level of your existence. Of course this can cause problems with everyday life because no relationship can be that intense and that interesting all the time. At times you do not care whether the emotions you feel are good or bad as long as they are powerful. So agony and ecstasy are both okay with you, although you're not silly enough to prefer the agony. Well, maybe. These intense relationships, even if they do not last, have a way of transforming you and that is why you instinctively seek them out or why they seem to come to you.
You tend to have a certain emotional fanaticism about the things you care about. It's all or nothing — there are no half-way measures for you. There can be trouble through emotional excesses, misplaced passions or the loss of control of the sensual nature. Self-control and self-discipline are necessary or you may self-destruct. Channel your hormonal energies into things creative, such as art, music, poetry, sculpture, drama, etc. You must not allow yourself to become too self-indulgent or hedonistic. Feelings of jealousy, envy and possessiveness must be controlled or any relationship will be eventually destroyed. You need to develop your self-confidence so that feelings of insecurity do not drive you over the edge. All these experiences all meant to force you to reconsider and transform your values.
◾ Venus conjunct Saturn
Intimacy with another does not come easy for you. You have been hurt in the past and you are reluctant to open up to others because you fear being hurt again. It is painful to relive bad experiences and you have sort of resolved within yourself that if you do not get involved, then you won't get hurt. As Simon and Garfunkle once said, "I am a rock, I am an island". As a result of your experiences, people may think you are cold, aloof, unfeeling and uncaring. The challenge here is for you to learn to open up and warm up to people, regardless of the possible consequences. You need to remember that you cannot find true love if you are unwilling to first give love, regardless of the results. Love is not barter and you cannot expect everyone you love to love you back. That is not how it works. This aspect is trying to teach you that love is universal, all-encompassing and should be doled out with no strings attached.
You find it difficult to trust people because of past painful experiences, so it takes time for you to take down all your barriers and defenses. You perhaps feel that you are unworthy of love and you cannot think of many reasons why someone should be able to love you. But, that type of thinking is an illusion. You are entitled to as much love as the next person, but love does carry responsibilities. You are worthy of love and there is a lot to love about you, but you must change your attitudes before you can experience the truth of what I have said. People do care about you, but they will tend to leave you alone if they feel that you are trying to shut them out. Open up your emotions and take your chances. It won't kill you, unless you let it. And that would then be your fault.
So, here it is. You need to learn to value and love yourself more and to express your appreciation for others more openly. Not with material gifts, but with honest and true emotion. You have a complex emotional nature and it needs to be examined. You are very loyal and steadfast towards those you love once your emotional needs are understood and that is an admirable trait. You tend to be very serious and responsible in relationships. You may involve yourself with noticeably older or younger partners. Try to be less sensitive and more forgiving when you think a loved one has slighted you. You have a need to feel secure and if you do not, then that tends to throw you for a loop. All manner of negative emotions surface then.
You find it difficult to show love physically. Stop being such a miser with your affections as well as with your possessions. You have a stingy streak in you that does not serve you well. After all, you can't take it with you when you go. So use some of it now in order to spread a little happiness. You may have a tendency to equate having things to having security. This is another illusion. You don't really become less secure by giving away possessions. In fact, the only true wealth you have and retain is that which you give away to others. This is another lesson for you to learn. To end on the bright side, you are a reliable friend who can be trusted.
◾Venus conjunct Uranus
You are excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. You tend to fall in and out of love very quickly and have little self-restraint or concern for propriety when your feelings have been stirred. You are unique, a bit eccentric and unconventional and you don't mind experimenting. You love and crave excitement, especially in your emotional life. You enjoy the thrill of the chase and you split when things start to get boring. Your strong suit is not in hanging around for the long haul. You prefer non-traditional relationships, ones that give you plenty of freedom and independence as you do not like to feel tied down. You like playing the field and settling down in a permanent, one-to-one relationship may be asking too much from you. In fact, you may intentionally choose partners who are otherwise unavailable because it helps keep things from getting too close and involved. You don't like strings attached to relationships and you prefer to remain rather detached with it all.
You have a highly unusual and explosive emotional nature. You change emotionally as easily as the wind changes direction. You are troubled with the emotional ups and downs which you do not understand and you have the tendency to blame whoever is handy for your emotional lows. The crazy emotional tides which you feel are coming from within and they are because your creativity cannot find a decent outward expression. Use your wonderful creativity ability and your fine intuition in the pursuit of something artistically or musically creative. Then you won't be quite so at the mercy of your erratic emotions.
You have a lot of personal magnetism and sex appeal. Others find you very alluring, exciting and interesting. Being restless by nature, travel would be good for you as it would give you an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity and your wanderlust. Change is necessary for you and one way or another your life will be filled with it. In general, you do not care what people think of you or the ways in which you relate to the world and to others. You will do what you want. You need to exercise self-control over your sensual nature.
◾ Venus sextile Ascendant; Venus Trine Ascendant
You are cheerful, fun-loving, charming, easy-going and have a pleasant personality. You love beauty and harmony and you are happiest when things are going smoothly. You do not like discord and you do not go out of your way to make waves. You may have artistic talent.
◾ Venus sextile Jupiter; Venus trine Jupiter
You are a generous, warm-hearted and open-handed person who shares every resource with others. You give of both yourself and your possessions to those whom you favor, although you will rarely put yourself out too much in order to do so. You enjoy luxury and refinement and you desire to always be in comfortable, elegant surroundings. You hate having to get your hands dirty. You are charming, gracious and charitable and you are the model host or hostess. This aspect brings material good fortune, which has been earned from previous lives. If there is a negative here, then it is your tendency towards self-indulgence, over-extravagance and laziness. Sometimes things come to you so easily that you do not appreciate them. Things are most appreciated if one has to work hard for them. There may be a love of rich, sweet food as well as too much of it, hence a tendency to gain weight. You are a very gentle and social person who loves harmony, beauty and travel. Be careful not to take things too much for granted or take the easy way out.
◾ Venus trine Mars; Venus sextile Mars
You are warmly romantic and openly express your affection, appreciation and love of the opposite sex, though rarely in a crude or insensitive manner. You seem to be a magnet to the opposite sex, regardless of whether most people would classify you as beautiful or attractive, although you may well be. You are simply fun and pleasant to be around and that is why you attract so much attention. You have sex appeal and others like and appreciate your easy-going emotional nature. You like getting people together and if it were up to you, you would have the whole world paired off, living happily ever after.
You have a strong desire for love and beauty and involving yourself in some type of creative activity, whether it be art, music, sculpture or poetry, would help to satisfy this inner craving. This aspect brings a certain charisma and you seem to naturally draw people around you. You like to socialize and are happiest when surrounded by others. You have a great need to give and receive affection from others. You are warm and demonstrative in your affection for others. You are very much alive and others find this very appealing. Fulfillment and harmony in love is likely for you because you know what you want and need in a romantic sense and you express those desires honestly and openly. You have no hidden agendas. You are a non-combative individual who likes peace and serenity. You put a lot of energy into your emotions.
◾ Venus sextile Neptune; Venus trine Neptune
You are a sensitive person with a lot of artistic imagination and a flair for creating beautiful things or environments. You find peace in listening to good music and many times it will be the catalyst for your trips of fantasy. You are romantic and would like to have a story-book kind of life where you live in bliss with your one and only soulmate. These are indeed high ideals, but it's okay for you to dream because at the same time you are dreaming, you are able to keep your feet on the ground and not get carried away by it all. You are compassionate and seek to help others who are in need. You are a natural "giver" and it makes you happy to serve. You want what's best for all concerned and you do not have a problem with your ego getting in the way. You find it difficult to be too assertive as you like peace and harmony, without making waves. You are capable of great sacrifice for those you love and you do not necessarily need to be recognized for that or receive anything in return. You have a mystical side to you and you like being around artistic or mystical people. Church music stirs your soul and is as a breath of fresh air from your true home, the heaven worlds. You may have real talent with music or singing. You are devoted and devotional. You generally root for the underdog and can sometimes be a sucker for a sob story. You will attract people in this lifetime who will help you continue the soul growth you started in previous lives.
◾Venus sextile Pluto; Venus trine Pluto
You put everything you have into your emotions. Because you feel and love so deeply, so passionately and wholeheartedly, others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or very threatening. You are charismatic, with sex appeal and a certain amount of animal magnetism which can't help but be noticed by the opposite sex. You have the ability to use your attractiveness and charm to manipulate others, oftentimes without even realizing it. This aspect gives you the opportunity to transform your values or to be the catalyst to help others transform theirs. There is artistic ability along with a desire to create beauty, harmony and comfort. You have an understanding and an empathy for the problems of others and you are always looking for ways in which to help them or at least find the good that is in them.
◾Venus trine Saturn; Venus sextile Saturn
You are loyal and steadfast in matters of love and affection. The feelings of others are a serious matter to you and you don't play games with people's affections. Fidelity is highly valued and you don't want to settle for less. Security plays an important part in your life and you have a fine enough opinion about yourself and your own self-worth that problems with insecurity don't cause you much aggravation or upset. Still, you are somewhat reserved in showing your affections as you want to be sure you can trust whomever you are involved with. Your tastes and needs are simple and although you appreciate beauty and luxury, you do not need every luxury and convenience in the world in order to be happy. A person's character and inner nature matter more to you than their appearance. Casual or superficial relationships are not what you want and you aren't looking for them. You understand that the best kind of love takes time to develop and real love only gets better, deeper and more satisfying with age. The friendships you form are generally solid and long-lasting. Stability of emotions is one of your hallmarks. You have an innate sense of duty and responsibility towards your loved ones. Self-control is relatively easy for you to practice. You wouldn't be considered a party animal as your outlook on life is a little more serious and reserved than that. Still, others appreciate the fine qualities you have spent lifetimes developing. You have an inborn strength and courage to face life's difficulties.
◾ Venus sextile Uranus; Venus trine Uranus
You are very creative, intuitive, original, outspoken, and open in thought and emotion. You have a magnetic charm and sex appeal that attracts others to you. You enjoy surprises and anything that provides excitement to your life, including your relationships. You are independent and want a good deal of personal freedom in your involvements with others. Your ideas about love and romance are open and progressive and you are willing to try almost anything. You make and are drawn into unusual friendships with unusual sorts of people. Many people come and go into and out of your life and they are all there to test or challenge your values and your ability to change and to be flexible. They somehow fill unique needs within you. Same with friends — they come, but they go out of your life when they no longer fulfill a need. You have quite unusual ways of looking at things and you always seem to come up with clever solutions to the problems that are presented to you. Things happen to you quite suddenly, very much out of the blue. You cannot anticipate these events, you can only merely react to them. This is particularly true with love relationships. You will constantly receive exciting, unusual and unexpected events in your life which are of considerable assistance in your achieving both personal and soul growth.
◾ Venus opposite Ascendant; Venus square Ascendant
You seem to need the approval of others in order to feel good about yourself. You may lack self-assurance and self-confidence. You attract things you need with virtually no effort on your part. You like to be with warm, sociable people. You have a charming and pleasant personality but you may be insincere. There is also a tendency to take things for granted and to be somewhat lazy at times.
◾ Venus opposite Jupiter; Venus square Jupiter
There are many possibilities with this aspect. Perhaps you will try to have a relationship with one who has completely different interests than you. Perhaps your devotion to some pet cause is annoying to the one who is nearest and dearest to you. Or you may be financially wasteful or extravagant, or perhaps bombastic in your appearance. There are tendencies here for self-indulgence and over-extravagance and your love or cravings for rich, sweet food can cause you trouble with your health in the form of circulation and weight problems due to excess. Perhaps you do not value what you own because it has all come too easily. Maybe you never really had to work all that hard to accumulate it, since you seem to have the ability to effortlessly attract most everything you need. The challenge here is to balance your desires for material things with your desires for philosophic ideals. Your values will be called into question and you may need to rearrange your priorities. You have an expansive emotional nature and you have the tendency to become involved with that type of love that is commonly referred to as "blind" love. Perhaps your feelings of love are motivated by considerations of money, property or social status.
But in spite of all that is said above, you are basically a warm-hearted and generous person who will come to the aid of friends if they are in need. People know they can count on your emotional and material help without your judging them in the process. You tolerate and accept other people's shortcomings and this goes a long way in keeping harmony, which is something that is really important to you and necessary for your well-being. At times, though, you avoid confronting difficult issues because you don't want to make waves or upset people's feelings. At times you need to be more self-assertive, though, not only because it is right to stand up for your beliefs but also because your needs have to met in order for you to retain a healthy balance. You are a lover of social situations and you like to be surrounded by people. You know how to handle people and still be liked. Being alone with yourself makes you somewhat uncomfortable. You need to learn self-restraint.
◾ Venus opposite Mars; Venus square Mars
Amongst various possible tendencies are these: Your need to satisfy your own desires before considering other people's needs causes anger and frustration. You suppress your own desires in order to maintain peace, which causes internal conflict within you. Sex and love can cause problems because either you run hot and cold alternately, or you don't know the difference between the two or perhaps you simply have love-hate types of relationships. Your high sex drive can lead you to squander your creative force through sexual excess and sensuality. Perhaps you "fall" into love easily with whoever pays you the slightest bit of attention and affection.
You are intensely amorous and attractive to the opposite sex and are not inclined to simple, friendly platonic relationships. There is a lot of tension in your love life because you often put your own needs ahead of your partner's or you are impatient when it comes to having your own needs met. You tend to run hot and cold in your relationships. If your partner is hot to trot, then you are not, and when you are ready for action, then your partner is not in the mood. You probably find yourself releasing your "hate" through verbal or physical fights when there are differences of opinion with your partner and after your hostility is released, then you once again feel "love" for that person. Of course, while your emotions might be back to normal, you partner is still trying to figure out just what happened and what hit them. You are ready to go again, but they are not and you can't understand why. This can create a great deal of frustration and disappointment that you do not easily shrug off because you cannot understand what the other person's "problem" is. If you are not in a love relationship, then you want to be in one and if you are, then you don't want to be. Your emotions are not stable and you have problems dealing with them. You are indecisive and your values and standards of behavior change from one moment to the next. You need to learn how to compromise with others so that your anger does not erupt when you do not get your way. Blowing off steam is fine, and perhaps you need to buy yourself a punching bag so you can spar with it when you are upset, but it is not right to use other people, especially loved ones, as verbal punching bags or as objects of your assault tactics. Additionally, you need to overcome your feelings of love and hate toward the people you care about.
◾ Venus opposite Neptune; Venus square Neptune
You tend to be what some people call the hopeless romantic. You are very idealistic about love and romance and many times it isn't so much the case that you love someone or that you are in love with someone as it is that you are in love with love. You tend to put your loved one on a pedestal and this can bring problems because when the loved one eventually does something to "fall from grace", then huge disappointment and disillusionment set in and you are crushed. You need to stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and see things for how and what they really are. Your ideas about how people ought to relate and love each other get in the way of your actual relationships.
Another facet of this aspect is that you may have such an ideal mate built up in your own imagination that no real person could ever come close to your fantasy. You may spend your entire lifetime looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect such that you miss Mr. or Ms. Right. You become very disillusioned when you discover that no real, flesh-and-blood person ever quite lives up to your dream image of the perfect mate. Come down to earth and realize that no one is perfect and there are no white knights ready to come dashing along to save you. Stop the dreaming but don't give up the dream. Although you frequently fantasize about love and romance, you may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. You can be evasive and dishonest with yourself and others when it comes to love.
There is danger of falling into the wrong type of relationship, a relationship of co-dependence. Either you or your partner may enjoy or feel obligated to play the role of martyr, victim or savior. Remember that no good relationship is unequal. Two equal partners who neither feel the need to save or be saved make the best couple.
You are a sensitive person who enjoys the finer, aesthetic things in life. You desire harmony and beauty and are probably attracted to the arts in some way, either painting, music, dance, theater or drama. You are perhaps attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations. There is a certain charm about you that others find unworldly. The unusual and the intuitive, the sensual and the explorative appeal to you. You are insecure in matters of love. Simply remember that you have human frailty, but do the best you can as that is all the Universe asks of you. Recognize, too, that human weakness exists even in those you love. Sometimes others cannot live up to your expectations, which may be quite unrealistic at times. You may be unrealistic in matters of love. You may believe that if someone loves you enough that they can read your mind. This will set you up for many disappointments because that is just not true. You need to tell people what you want and how you feel. They cannot read your mind no matter how much they love and care about you.
You need to transform your material values into spiritual values and to turn personal desires into universal desires. Personal property and possessions may disappear in strange, mysterious ways in order to teach you that material possessions are easily replaced and therefore are of limited value. The only thing you can take with you when you die are your spiritual and personal growth, your experiences. You need to learn to love without expecting love in return. You must learn to forgive and thus release inner resentments. You need to learn how to turn the other cheek while not becoming a doormat for all to walk on. One last thing, do not turn to drugs or alcohol when you feel sorrow or when you feel like escaping from the world. Life must be faced head-on if you are to get anywhere and resorting to drugs or alcohol will only make things much worse.
◾ Venus opposite Pluto; Venus square Pluto
You are drawn to powerful and compelling emotional and sexual attractions and experiences that you may feel you have little choice or control over. You crave intensity and these incidents provide you with the opportunity to satisfy your wanton desires. You feel an overwhelming need for love and you may be emotionally or sexually greedy, insatiable, obsessive or compulsive. You tend to be very jealous of and possessive of the objects of your desires and although you keep tight reins on your partners, you do not want them to question or control you in any way. This makes for very one-sided types of relationships. You need to become aware that your jealous and possessive traits will drive away those you profess to love. Power struggles are likely in your relationships as you want to wear the pants, yet you continually attract that same sort of person for a partner. Your love life is passionate and often explosive and painful, but you don't seem to mind because the intensity helps make you feel that you are alive.
The challenge here is to transform your values. Important psychological problems are being worked out because of and through your relationships with others. Because of this you may attract people and friends who act destructively towards you. The reason this happens is because these people are mirroring the same type of acts you yourself have done in former lives. You are now reaping what you have sown previously. You are being given the chance to wipe your slate clean if you do not respond to evil with evil. Release all thoughts of revenge and learn to turn the other cheek. When your debts are paid and your lessons are learned, then destructive people will no longer be part of your life. This aspect shows a readiness on your part to atone for past mistakes and cruelties.
In matters of health, this aspect tends to interfere with the magnetic forces in the veins and prevents proper drainage of toxins and waste material from the tissues. It can also hinder the filtering process in the kidneys. This leads to improper cleansing of the blood, with the result that toxins and waste material seek exit through the lungs and skin in the form of lung congestions and skin eruptions. The spiritual lesson here is to let go of ill feelings (emotional toxins) and forgive (elimination, transformation), rather than trying to get even or seeking revenge.
On the positive side, you do have the emotional power and unusual creativity to bring about beneficial and healing changes into the lives of others if you can focus on other's needs instead of your own.
◾ Venus opposite Saturn; Venus square Saturn
Your emotional development may have been delayed or it may simply be inadequate. You find it difficult to be warm and loving towards people because you have been hurt in the past and you fear it may happen again. You are stingy with material resources and with affection. You believe that everything must be earned and paid for — there are no free lunches. Because you find it difficult to express your feelings, you tend to show people how you feel by buying them gifts as a substitute for you and your feelings. If they reject your gift, then this is easier to take than if they reject you. Though you crave love and affection, intimacy is difficult for you. You have a shallow opinion of yourself and your own worth and talents. You do not understand why anyone could possibly love you. You feel that you are unlovable. This is something you need to strongly work on as your life will continue to be miserable if you do not learn to change your attitude. You are as worthy of love as anyone else, but you must come to realize that for yourself. Do not let past experiences govern your actions and feelings for the rest of your life.
You are a serious and reserved person who appears to others as cold, aloof, unfeeling and uncaring. You are not necessarily these things, it's just that you are very cautious in letting anyone see the real you or in letting people get close to you. You want to love and be loved, but you find this very difficult. You need to remember that you first have to give love to get love. And you can't buy real love. It doesn't work that way. You find it difficult to enjoy yourself in a light-hearted, open and playful way. You understand work, duty and responsibility a lot better than you understand feelings, affection and love. Rarely do you do anything for pleasure. If something involves work or getting something done, then that is pleasure for you. Other people do not understand that about you. There are times, though, when you procrastinate and put off attending to necessities with the result that duties tend to pile up. You need to learn how to balance the seriousness with life and the enjoyment of life.
You may become romantically involved with people who do not value you or treat you well. You need to learn to love and value yourself before you will find happiness in love. Security is very important to you, yet you do not know how to feel secure. Your fear of loss, of money, property, loved ones, etc., makes you very insecure. This negativity colors all your relationships for the worse. You must learn how to trust again. You must learn how to face your fears, even if it is painful. This is the only way you will ever overcome them.
You have the tendency to lose your faith and your optimism when life presents problems with which you must cope. It's fine to have a well-developed sense of responsibility, but you must also learn to trust in divine wisdom which has attracted these difficulties to you to help you develop personal and soul growth. You better than most can understand that the purpose of life is not happiness, but experience. Yet that does not mean you have to live your entire life feeling miserable. You may feel lonely, but this is because you are unwilling or unable to see that people really do love you. As I have mentioned previously, the problem may lie in your own opinion of yourself. You must first become a loving person yourself in order to attract love.
You may become defensive about expressing your real likes and dislikes for fear of being criticized or put down. You may have a jealous and possessive streak in you such that when you are in a relationship, you do anything and everything in your power to try to hold on to what you have. Of course this makes your partner feel as though they are in prison and they will try to escape the first chance they get, which is what you are fearful of in the first place. You must realize that you can never hold on to anything that doesn't want to be held on to. Love is free and there should be no contingencies placed upon it. You need to accept the difficulties you experience in life as spiritual lessons. These lessons are attempting to help you establish better values.
◾ Venus opposite Uranus; Venus square Uranus
You are excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. You crave emotional excitement and you tend to fall in and out of love very quickly, having little self-restraint or concern for propriety when your feelings have been stirred. Relationships begin with sudden, electric attraction, but they often end abruptly. You are unique, a bit eccentric and unconventional in your tastes and you don't mind experimenting. You love adventure, especially in your emotional life. You enjoy the thrill of the chase and you split when things start to get boring. You tend to be faithless in love — your strong suit is not in hanging around for the long haul. You prefer non-traditional relationships, ones that give you plenty of freedom and independence as you do not like to feel tied down. You like playing the field and settling down in a permanent, one-to-one relationship may be asking too much from you. In fact, you may intentionally choose partners who are otherwise unavailable because it helps keep things from getting too close and involved. You don't like strings attached to relationships and you prefer to remain rather detached with it all. There is the possibility of clandestine relationships.
You have a highly unusual and explosive emotional nature. You are temperamental and change emotionally as easily as the wind changes direction. You are troubled with the emotional ups and downs which you don't understand and you have the tendency to blame whoever is handy for your emotional lows. The crazy emotional tides which you feel are coming from within and they are because your creativity cannot find a decent outward expression. Use your wonderful creativity ability and your fine intuition in the pursuit of something artistically or musically creative. Then you won't be quite so at the mercy of your erratic emotions.
You have a lot of personal magnetism and sex appeal. Others find you very alluring, exciting and interesting. Being restless by nature, travel would be good for you as it would give you an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity and your wanderlust. Change is necessary for you and one way or another your life will be filled with it. In general, you do not care what people think of you or the ways in which you relate to the world and to others. You will do what you want. You need to exercise self-control over your sensual nature. You also need to discipline yourself so that your strange and unusual tastes and proclivities do not make it impossible for you to get along with your fellow man and woman.
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mercurianchild · 2 months
a fellow 8th house venus here. a quote that fits this placement?
I thought about this for quite a while and there are so many that would fit. But I’m gonna use a few from one of my favourite movies, Corpse Bride. 🩵
“If I touch a burning candle, I can feel no pain. If you cut me with a knife, it's still the same. And I know her heart is beating, and I know that I am dead; yet the pain here that I feel, try and tell me it's not real, and it seems that I still have a tear to shed.“
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“I've spent so long in the darkness, I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
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“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.
Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.
With this candle, I will light your way in darkness.
With this ring, I ask you to be mine.”
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And a little extra for when it’s this time of the year again…
“A toast, to Emily. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride! Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break once it's stopped beating? Hm?”
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Feel free to add your favourite quotes for this placement 🩵
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
venus opposite pluto (rx)
while this type of opposition often involves a power struggle, this might be more about an internal tug of war between what you think you *should* do for others vs what you *must* do for yourself. you can do it all, but start with yourself.
and meanwhile still don't take any crap.
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
Hey. What aspects are very binding in synastry and composite chart, aspects that make you fight for relationship? Thank you.
Saturn and Pluto 100%
Saturn aspects, especially between Venus and Saturn are an indication that you are very stubborn about the relationship. That's why it is an indicator of a long-term relationship.
Saturn itself is the planet of suffering - something may cause you pain but you still enjoy it and do not want other options. That's how it can manifest in relationships as well. Saturn is persistent and devoted.
The Venus-Saturn conjunction is the most prominent. Stubbornness and willingness to forever fight for the relationship even if it causes you pain. The Saturn person can be a true masochist. The Venus-Saturn trine and sextile is more toned down. Commitment naturally happens, it is not something forced and it doesn't feel like you have to fight for it. Venus-Saturn opposition can bring difficulties, but there is stubornness and it can easily work out if both people make compromise. Venus-Saturn square is something else. Stubbornness, you are willing to fight for each other even if there is absolutely no chance. Commitment can happen slowly, there could be outside circumstances that prevent it but does that matter? No. It can be very complicated though.
I have noticed that difficult aspects, especially square or opposition make the Saturn person even more stubborn to make things work. Saturn is the planet that makes us addicted to pain and suffering, so in a Synastry the Saturn person is always the one wanting to make things work out even if the relationship is bad for them.
Saturn aspects with other planets can be considered as well, but for romance Venus is the most prominent one.
Now Pluto is based on obsession, uncontrollable attraction and connection.
Venus-Pluto conjunction in Synastry can show a very difficult dynamic. It is an aspect for a very strong connection, one that is truly passionate, unbreakable. You can be obsessed with each other to an unhealthy level. In a pair with this aspect fighting for the relatonship is highly likely as you fear what you will do without the presence of the other person. They are bonded to you forever. Venus-Pluto trines and sextiles are once again easier to deal with. It is passionate, but not unhealthy. You still hold onto each other though. Venus-Pluto opposition or square is where the battle for control begins. The Pluto person will do anything to keep the Venus person. They can be possessive, controlling, but the Venus person can be drawn to that - Venus loves attention, even if it's unhealthy. It can create a very toxic dynamic at times with a lot of games, jealousy, bad behavior. I don't think this aspect manifests that badly in most pairs who have it (unless they have multiple strong Pluto aspects and 8th house placements). But it can be a relationship where you want to keep each other and fight for each other, even if the relationship itself is complicated and hard for both of you.
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
method for placements and aspects that need healing: love and feeling unworthy 💔🔄💓 [Practical Astrology]
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How about healing yourself through words and thinking about constructive things?
Chiron in Libra, Chiron in the 7th house, Lilith in Libra, Lilith in the 7th house, Venus square Saturn, Venus opposite Saturn, Venus conjunction Saturn, Saturn in Libra, Saturn in the 7th house, Pluto in the 7th house, Venus square Pluto, Venus conjunction Pluto, Venus opposite Pluto.
repetitions for placements and aspects that may be in need of healing: love and feeling unworthy
we may not understand the power that the words have for the people around us and for ourselves, but what we hear always enters our mind, to some extent. some things impact us directly, others, unconsciously. examples:
how many times have you dreamed of something random that happened in your day, and that you didn't remember anymore? everything that happens to us enters our being, because we are always sharing and receiving information. that's why I've been talking for a long time about the importance of knowing how to consume the right information and being in environments that bring "good information" to your mind.
the more time you spend in places and with people that don't help, the more you receive negative messages, fuel for complicated, dysfunctional, negative thoughts.
a clear example: a person who has a terrible love relationship, living with this person who constantly says negative things about him/her, who nourishes in this person's mind feelings of incapacity and lack of love, of not being worthy of love. the damage that this relationship will do in that person's mind is immense.
many times, even after getting out of difficult situations, we tend to believe that we are fine, because consciously certain issues no longer affect us. we are wrong. because the most sensitive issues are always being dealt with in another "layer" of our mind: the unconscious.
therefore, the importance of working with the health of your thoughts is immense, healthy thoughts are thoughts open to change, healing, which admit your weaknesses, your internal needs. exaggeratedly negative thoughts need to be removed from your mind, but don't force yourself to change them, don't believe that running away from them is the ideal thing to do. what we need to do is replace them with other thoughts which, after a certain amount of time being repeated, will become things you will believe. thoughts that others will rarely speak to you. but do you really need to wait to hear these things?
we need to take care of ourselves, be responsible with our life. and for that you need to face your insecurities and try to heal them in the ways available to you.
"but I don't know exactly what are my insecurities."
I have some posts here where I mention which are the placements on the natal chart that indicate the Shadows of our personality. I remember some: placements with Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, Pluto, and some of the aspects with them.
In this post, I bring part 1 of repetitions to heal wounds, part 1 is about love, relationships in general, and healing the feeling of unworthy, unimportance, which can generate a series of problems in relationships, and, first, problems within you.
these are words that need to be truly spoken, and I believe that many, if not all, will feel the depth of these words, perhaps having difficulty speaking some of them at first. don't give up, the more you have difficulty talking, especially to yourself, the more you should keep trying.
remember that words have power. repeat them whenever necessary. and adapt to your reality. the important thing is to say something that will help you to understand your inner problems.
I say that because when you are full of misconceptions and you say something different, your mind rejects it. if you feel rejection towards these more constructive words, it means that you really need it, because you have many distorted ideas about this subject: love and worthiness.
repetitions for the following placements and aspects: Chiron in Libra Chiron in the 7th house lilith in libra Lilith in the 7th house Venus square Saturn Venus opposition Saturn Venus conjunction Saturn Saturn in Libra Saturn in the 7th house Pluto in the 7th house Venus square Pluto Venus conjunction Pluto
"My love life, blessed and happy, I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you"
"I declare light, harmony, respect and happiness in my love life. I align with my soul mate and thrive with romance and harmony in love. I open myself to unconditional love, I love myself, I allow myself to truly love and be beloved. the love that sets free, the love that is light, and that flows from my divine spark and expands to the world around me. and so it is. My love life, blessed and happy, I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you". (by Marta Allegretti, Pt-Br)
other possibilities (my phrases):
"I believe that love exists. I stop believing that love was not meant for me and that love is about negative experiences and enduring bad things."
"I want to be love. I am love. So be it. And so it is." "I forgive those who hurt me. I forgive myself for hurt me. So be it. And so it is."
"I allow myself to receive a love that nourishes me, that frees me from the distorted feeling that loving is for few"
"I understand what love is, from the inside out. I understand that I need to love myself first, to then want to be loved. I understand that loving is a process, that I respect, and from which I deserve to receive the best."
"love is aligned in my life now. love is present in all my actions now. I am open to love. true love sets me free, from the inside out."
"Through the connection with my feelings of self-love, I learn the essence of loving, that from the most intimate contact with myself, I know to recognize the most sensitive needs of human life. I am ready to give, receive and trust in the love, so that I can share and receive from others. I know how to have empathy and compassion. So be it. And so it is."
"My emotional wounds, which are being healed with compassion and openness, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm grateful, I love you."
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Predicting my 2023 solar return chart because I couldn’t sleep😴
2023 solar return chart is looking too much scary and crazy for me. My birthday is in June and it’s 2 months ahead but I think the effects have already started to show up in some areas of my life at this moment.
•Scorpio rising at 18 degrees (Virgo deg)
-I think this year, I would be mainly focused on transformations for myself, emotionally and physically.
-I went through a very intense and messy breakup and I found myself reflecting these circumstances a lot lately.
-I’ve been watching videos about self-concept, psychology and manifestation on youtube because I actually want to transform myself and I have a feeling I would succeed.
-I want to transform myself into someone who’s powerful with a lil bit of mysterious aura.🤭
-I started to take interest in occult and metaphysical topics and witchy stuff.
-I bought my first tarot deck about two weeks ago just because my gut told me to do it.
-I started to rely a lot on my intuition and most of them are on point.
-I had some prophetic dreams which came true in real life. (thanks to my natal Neptune and Uranus in 8th house too) IT’S KINDA CRAZY. THAT DREAM HAPPENED EXACTLY IN MY REALITY.🤯
-I notice that I also tend to become more private on social media and I back away from people, even from my best friend who I used to talk with everyday because I feel so drained for literally no reason. (but maybe this solar eclipse and mercury retrograde are the hidden answer😏)
-I’ve been getting lots of compliments too. One of my guy friends told me that I look like a maneater in these days. (I just had leo rising in 2022 SR chart and my attention-seeking ass is enjoying this too much hehe🙊)
-The MAIN reason why I’m scared of scorpio rising in SR chart is because I was bullied at school, got slapped by my mom, sexually harassed and these all happened for the very first time in my life and also my biggest secret got exposed (which was kinda like receiving karma for what I had done) in the year I had scorpio rising.😃
-The rising degree was at 29 degrees and I was slut-shamed publicly. (❗️Tip: if you have 29 degrees on planets or points in your solar return chart, that might indicate the end of a chapter and a new beginning, for better or worse depends on what you have done and the planet shows in which area you’ll encounter these endings).
-All students knew my name but in a notorious way like “oh that girl? Ummm🙄 *shrugs*”. -These events brought major changes into my life. It changed my whole personality.
-I was scared and in the dark for the whole year. But to face my foes, I had to put on that “I’m fucking strong bitches don’t you dare touch me” mask the whole year. No one was on my side. But these events helped me become a girl who I am right now. I used to be a fun, outgoing, optimistic, free, flirty and giggling little girl but right now, I’m not that kind of girl anymore. I’ve become a brave and strong girl who had gone through a lot but still didn’t give up. However, I have never shown my vulnerable side to anyone up to this day since that year. That year is the year that I’ll NEVER forget. And that’s why I’m feeling a bit nervous to go through another year with scorpio rising.😰
-I might receive karma for what I had done. Good or bad.
-I might also attract a lot of unwanted attention from others since I also have Venus conjunct mars and Lilith conjunct MC this year. Main theme is transformation and shocking things might also happen. My secrets could be leaked maybe. Just don’t wanna assume things before anything happens.🥱
•Sun in Gemini in 8th house at 24 degrees (Pisces deg)
-This year is literally screaming “TIME TO TRANSFORM YOU BITCH” at my face lol😂. -My main focus is gonna be healing ofc and transformation I guess.
-I might have to face my shadow side and I think the universe will push me to deal with it to achieve my higher self.
-I also kinda observe things deeply a lot nowadays and it could go on for the whole year.
-I feel like I might go through my ego death or as I said, an old chapter could end and new beginnings would come.
-I’m a bit worried about me and my family’s health. I’ve been feeling ill for quite some time now due to low blood pressure. I’m also worried about my parents especially my dad because idk I just feel something weird but let’s not think about it because I don’t wanna manifest anything bad to him.🥺
-I’m not going to predict further about this because I’ve said enough above as this is quite similar to scorpio rising. My main focus is 8th house and scorpio themed.🖤
•Sun conjunct Juno
-People say this is like “meeting your soulmate” aspect of the year. I hope I would meet someone too whether it’s platonic or romantic because it’s fun to interact with new people.😺
•Sun square Neptune
-My creation skills could be kinda blocked. It’s happening even right now. In the past, when I started to write about something, the words just naturally flew out of my head but right now, I’m a bit stuck and delayed. My thoughts are delayed. I even forget how to structure sentences creatively.
•Moon in Taurus in 7th house at 21 degrees (Sag deg)
-My emotions could be mainly invested in relationships and partnerships.
-I could be thinking a lot about how to get better in relationships and any-ships.
-I just hope I won’t be lost in love again but I’m pretty sure I definitely won’t too.🤡
-Btw, I love having moon at sagittarius degree because it might mean I would feel optimistic and free like a little girl version of me before 2019!
•Moon conjunct Uranus
-Mood swings. URGH. I don’t even need to predict this because they’re already happening. I have daily mood swings but I notice that since about the start of April, I’ve become so much unstable and inconsistent in my emotions. One minute I’m on instagram and another minute, I’m on google. Another minute I’m on tumblr and I just keep jumping from one tab to another A LOT.
-I also feel quite chaotic and confused about some of my relationships. I love my best friend one minute and another minute, I kinda reconsider if she’s really good for me or not. And I just feel exhausted just by existing.😮‍💨
•Mercury in Gemini in 7th house at 6 degrees (Virgo deg)
-Idk how to interpret this. Please HELP kindly if you can. Thank you! Maybe share your experiences?❤️
•Venus in Leo in 9th house at 8 degrees (Scorpio deg)
-I love having Venus in 9th house when it comes to SR charts. I had this placement in 2022 and man, I had 3 trips in one year and all of those were amazing times for me. It’s pleasant and I felt so excited by those adventures.
-Needless to say, I also met my ex in college (actually the first time we ever met was in 2019, at a language school but we met again in college🙄) and somehow most of my relationships were based in college and they’re going to go more for another 7 years so you can say they’re quite significant.
-So, I think I might also get a boyfriend or boyfriendS from college this year. Or else it could be through traveling, education and religious places.
-I might find aesthetics in learning about spirituality and might be focused and might have fixated opinions on my belief system related to religion (as it is in leo).
-I started to become more religious in these days and I also started to stand firm in what I believe instead of being a people-pleaser and saying “oh I also believe that” to every opinion existing.👏🏻
•Venus conjunct mars
-Yayyy people say this is the year I’m getting most attention from both genders. I mean I don’t like attention that much because it’s draining but who doesn’t love being put in a spotlight if it’s for good? (at this point my natal sun in 12th house being indecisive if he likes attention or not)🤦🏻‍♀️
-I love receiving love from people so this is a great placement for me.
-And also, my sexual energy can be highly increased this year.😶
-I might have several options for romantic partners and might come out more charming and alluring than usual.
•Venus opposite Pluto
-Kinda scared again because my SR chart ruler is in hard aspect with SR Venus which is in 9th house.
-I hope communication between peers would go well and relationships won’t be destroyed because of misunderstandings in communication.
-Idk why but I have this gut feeling that I’m going to attract someone or be attracted to someone who’s manipulative, toxic and jealous. Or I might be the one who would be obsessed with someone having all of those plutonic qualities. My relationships could be pluto-themed and transformative I guess.
-Some people say that this is also an indicator of glow-up in SR chart and I find this pretty accurate because I’m going to the gym for the first time in July!🤩
•Venus conjunct vertex
-Fated love? Fated relationships? Can be through 9th house related places and the other person may have leo or taurus qualities. Or the meeting could be leo-themed I guess?
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•Mars in Leo in 9th house at 14 degrees (Taurus deg)
-This can mean I would put a lot of effort into college and it can be true because I have my final exams in June and I have to sweat my ass off for that.😵
-I might be rethinking about my belief system and replanning about my education too.
-As I have my natal mars in natal 9th house, I kinda like this placement because it’s friendly to me.
-I might seek for freedom and would cancel anyone who’s blocking me from becoming confident and free.
-I might go under a sexual encounter which may be brief but transformative. Or maybe one-night stand LMAO (jk I don’t like one-night stands personally).
-I’m a virgin so I’m even a bit curious if I’m going to lose my virginity this year because I have a very strong gut feeling about having first sex with someone who’s important for me.😭👀
•Mars conjunct vertex
-Fated sexual encounter maybe. Maybe fated accidents? Lol I’m sorry I don’t wanna manifest accidents for myself haha😂 But personal planets in conjunction with vertex can also mean fated people might be brought to our life to teach us something, both karmic and non-karmic ones, eg like a teacher or a mentor.
•Mars conjunct Lilith
-I have a very strong gut feeling that I’m gonna gain lots of sexual attention or might attract aggressive partners who want to tame me (sorry guys but my Lilith in 1st house won’t let it happen🤗).
-I might become comfortable and have courage enough to express my sexuality.
-May have power struggles with authority figures.
-I notice that I’ve been feeling like “who are you to judge me bastards” towards controlling authority figures.🌝
•Mars conjunct MC
-I might work hard to reach my goals.
-I might also appear assertive, daring and competitive in public.
-This is also special because my natal MC ruler is mars and it is now highlighted in my SR chart.
-I’m going to the gym for the first time in July too so maybe people would see me athletic and confident this year.
•Jupiter in Taurus in 6th house at 6 degrees (Virgo deg)
-Jupiter is about expansion and luck so, I might gain luck and blessings through my health, my routines, my colleagues (but for me, friends).
-I just wish I won’t gain weight because Jupiter sometimes indicates weight gains and 6th house is health and physical house thank god I’m going to the gym.
-My health could become better BUT since both Venus and mars square Jupiter, love and sex might deteriorate my health in some way - idk how to interpret this.🧘🏻‍♀️
•Pluto in Capricorn in 3rd house at 29 degrees (Leo deg)
-Transformations could arise around siblings, neighborhood, education, short trips, knowledge and communication.
-I also have my natal chart ruler in my natal 3rd house so this energy is quite familiar for me but let’s see how Pluto energy would go this year. (i had Pluto in 6th house last year and I had eating disorder LMAO🤧)
•North node in Taurus in 6th house at 3 degrees (Gemini deg)
-My purpose might be to take care of myself- my health mainly as I said that my health is not so good in these days.
-Also it could be showing that I need to reconstruct my daily routines and abandon every bad habit that is no longer serving me. Maybe I might need to balance my studies and my relaxation time.
•Uranus-moon conjunction conjuncts descendant
-There could be unexpected and sudden changes, events occurring in my relationships. -I feel like I might go into a romantic relationship but that won’t be committed or at least, it would be weird and unusual. Not traditional and maybe shocking too. I might be the one who’s not willing to commit because right now, I have zero desire to start another relationship. Tbh, my ex is still in a part of me and I need to cut him off first. I might attract unconventional people too.
•Lilith conjunct MC
-I started to feel a bit outcasted since my breakup and it became worse. My ex has a new girlfriend now but she and her friends are gossiping about me. I heard it through one of my mutual friends and it’s so Lilith-themed in my opinion. They wanna slut-shame me for no reason. I don’t know why but when other girls kiss their boyfriends, they seem pretty normal. When I kiss my boyfriend, I suddenly become like a slut. I also kinda have to put on “Wtf you bitches, seriously!? Sorry but I’m unbothered” mask in college just to defend myself. As a result, I could be seen as someone who��s unapologetic, daring and untamed. Or maybe I might represent Lilith traits unconsciously in this year.🔫
•Part of fortune in libra 11th house at 15 degrees (Gemini deg)
-I might gain luck through friendships, connections with people, humanitarian work, beauty, social media.
•SR ascendant falls into natal 4th house (3 degrees away from 5th house cusp)
-Mainly focused areas - family, past lessons, roots and childhood. Could also be - romance, fun, flings, dates, creativity, children.
•Fixed dominant
-My mind can be fixated and I might stick to one decision only.
•Earth dominant
-I might be a bit stable but Idk how I feel about this one because I also have moon-Uranus conjunction haha
•Taurus stellium
-Love and beauty could be mainly focused? But I love having taurus stellium because I love taurus energy. They look so calm. In my opinion. At least.🌸
•7th house stellium
-Might be “Love is in the air” year for me but I’m closing my nose till my prince charming comes and commits to me fully and gives me princess treatment. Plus, I don’t wanna kiss froggos anymore. Yuck.💀
Anyways, this was a long ass post and I’m so freaking excited for the upcoming year. Afraid, nervous but at the same time, so curious about what might happen because placements in this year’s chart are a bit crazy and intense in my opinion. Also please bear with my grammar mistakes as I’m an ESL student. You can also share your experiences with me if you have had any of these placements in your previous years’ solar return charts. Thank you!❤️
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libra-stellium · 4 months
Tracking Venus transits!
Notes from Planets in Transit - Robert Hand
Venus sextile Ascendant (May 8 - May 12)
I was sleep deprived during this time from my loud upstairs neighbors so I didn't go anywhere lol it was still a chill time
Very lighthearted time, you should be able to relax with friends
You feel so good you want to share it with everyone and express your feelings of affections
This transit helps to improve your relationships with everyone especially those closest to you
Good time to go out and meet people
Transit helps ensure you make a favorable impression
Venus sextile Saturn (May 13 - May 18)
This transit will show you in a positive way the duties and obligations that you have to live up to in your relationships, this will not be difficult
On 5/17 my aunt came to my apt asking for a slice of bread (she lives in the building lol) and I was like just make a sandwich and she did and at the same time my bestie texted me she was on her way and I was like ??? you're a day early lol but she didn't want to stay at her house so I told her it was fine to come and that was honestly fine! I think that the space I created for myself is so homey that it also brings other people comfort when they are here and I'm happy to share it!
Transit favors any creative activity demanding close attention to details
I made so much progress on my 3000 piece puzzle! I went to zumba and that was a lot of fun!
Your work will be carried out with great discipline
I packed my suitcase so easily!
Venus trine Neptune (May 15 - May 20)
Very pleasant transit, not very good to get work done, daydreaming
I didn't have any work at work and I was getting ready for vacation lol
Enables you to deal with people with great compassion and tenderness, you understand what they feel and think
That same night my aunt came for the sandwich we had a conversation and she was basically saying how she doesn't like having thoughts and i was like ??? tf?? lmao but basically she doesn't process anything ever bc to her it happened in the past so it doesn't matter anymore lol and then in the same convo she wants to talk about stuff her dad did when she was younger and the effect on her lol like....okay girl
Transit induces unselfish and spiritual love, just wandering about in a fog
I think this was an ideal transit to have while traveling bc this sounds like barely sleeping on the place and still having a fun day out bc it doesn't even feel real!
Venus trine Uranus (May 18 - May 23)
Transit will bring a little excitement to your life, something unexpected and stimulating that will help to make ordinary days more easily borne
New experiences every day in Amsterdam!
People you meet today are likely to be quite different from your usual friends
I was in a different country so everyone was different lol all super nice! Although tell me why at baggage claim when we arrived this lady literally punched my shoulder to move me out of her way LMFAO old ass bitch
You will seek different forms of entertainment today, maybe a concert of experimental music
Bestie and I tried edibles for the first time! It just made me more hilarious tbh but it was interesting to see that i had the same "sober up" power for like 5 min that I have when I'm drunk which is just enough to make sure we were safe and would get to our hotel safely lol
Venus opposite Pluto (May 20 - May 24)
You will seek feelings and emotions that transport you out of the ordinary
I feel like it was fated to try edibles in Amsterdam lol
Existing relationships may suffer difficulties because of obscure conflicts
I wonder if my aunt sharing my pics with my mom on 5/21 would count as an obscure conflict....
Be aware of yourself at all times, don’t let resentment flare up, air tensions but not destructively
I don't remember tensions tbh
Venus trine Sun (May 23 - May 28)
One of the most pleasant transits, good for enjoyable activity
This was the last couple days of my vacation, the trip back and first day back at work lol it was a fun time overall and that first day back at work no one emailed me asking for things so that was great!
Transit is good for recreation, pleasure, and amusing yourself with friends
Bestie and I went on these swings at the top of a building in Amsterdam and that was amazing!
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jellypepsi · 1 year
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Me with Pluto opposite both ascendant and Venus </3
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thursdayschild76 · 10 months
Hell's Heaven
"Has the scent of heaven and the taste of hell"
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taratarotgreene · 2 months
Weekly Astrology July 8-14 Soul Mates and power struggles
July 8-14 Venus trines Neptune, a very romantic idealistic soul mate energy,but then she dances into Leo and opposes Pluto.
JULY 8 VENUS SEXTILES URANUS + MERCURY SEXTILE JUPITER IN GEMINI- Your love life and values, creativity, writing, ideas, and big light bulb energies,there are unusual communications or cyber screw ups. JULY 10 SUN TRINE SATURN – 8:05 pm PDT, 11:05 PM EDT Use the serious spiritual energy to donate to a charity supporting abused women, get serious about addictions and signing up for rehab, and…
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moonsquaremars · 1 year
catch an opp
i still carry the scars from your love
when you made me feel like
i was in heaven
now we’ve plunged to the depths of hell
and i have enough tears
to fill a well
what do we have you’re making me want to sing in song
i don’t know how my heart will go on
but is what we have
dead and gone?
i thought you were the one
you broke my heart
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black-lake · 2 years
Hi! I love your blog and loved the Pluto opposite ascendant post. Could you tell your interpretation of an individual with Venus & moon in taurus opposite Pluto in scorpio?
tysm I'm happy you liked it ♥︎
venus is domicile in taurus, it is comfortable, relaxed and looking to enjoy the physical pleasures and material aspects of life. moon in taurus is grounded and sensual. venus conjuncting moon in taurus emphasises these traits even more. they create beauty everywhere they step, may have beautiful voices and taste in fashion. moon opposite pluto swims even deeper in their emotions, both the bad and the good intensify. they've explored what others haven't. may have had a difficult mother, they learned to internalize their emotions because no one will understand their depth anyway. with venus being in domicile, and having two major aspects to it, they're romantics at heart. venus conjuncting moon makes the native graceful, balanced and pleasant to be around, opposing pluto it increases personal magnetism and presence, resilience and willpower.
with venus opposite pluto both in the signs of their rulership it creates an extremely sensual and deep person that desires physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy nothing less. they have intense feelings towards romance, and can be obsessive. they attract connections that transform them and connect them deeper to their core values where they learn more about themselves and their behaviors. overall this person will learn how to connect to and use their senses to their advantage, how to balance the physical and emotional, and how to give and receive love a healthy way.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
venus opposite pluto
this is always an intense opposition, definitely charged as a body electric and with underworld-queen tones. it can be very magical, or devolve into worldly piddly power struggles. so use it wisely. pomegranates are auspicious.
this one begins with venus in cancer but ends with venus into leo. the most intense part can be grabby, clingy, bordering on stalkery in harder cases, but should lighten up with more leonic vibes.
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