#vera arrivabene
mote-historie · 2 years
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1910s Contessa Vera Papadopoli Arrivabene (1883-1946) by Umberto Brunelleschi (1879-1949).
Vera lived in Palazzo Papadopoli in Venice and was the lover of Ignazio Florio, yes the husband of the beautiful Franca, who also fought a duel for her with Count Arrivabene, in 1912; for the scandal the two spouses separated, but Vera continued the relationship. It seems that in the last period of his life he was a victim of opiates. 
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couturiermilano · 1 year
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sophs-style · 2 years
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Vera Arrivabene and Viola Arrivabene at the premiere of ‘Tar’ at the 79th Venice Film Festival on Thursday (1st September 2022) in Venice, Italy.
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Countess Vera Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga  ||  Prada
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alexrivoli-design · 1 year
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Fu eseguito di getto a Parigi, il 9 aprile del 1886, il ritratto più famoso di Giuseppe Verdi, immagine indimenticabile di uno dei giganti della cultura musicale mondiale.
Pur nutrendo per lui un’autentica venerazione, il noto pittore ferrarese Giovanni Boldini dovette ricorrere ai buoni uffici di un comune amico per convincere il Maestro a posare, anche soltanto per poche ore, nel suo atelier parigino.
In verità, Boldini lo aveva già ritratto in precedenza, con un esito però giudicato non del tutto soddisfacente perché, come avrebbe affermato in seguito, disturbato durante il lavoro dalle continue chiacchiere di Giuseppina Strepponi, seconda moglie di Verdi.
Il nuovo ritratto a pastello ci presenta invece l’immagine forse più intima e vera del Maestro, raffigurato senza ufficialità, senza fronzoli e orpelli, come se fosse stato colto di scatto, in maniera inaspettata.
A Verdi in effetti quel quadro piacque, tanto da suggerire a Ricordi d’inserirne la riproduzione nell’edizione dell’Otello.
Di qualche momento di calma e relax, ora che gli anni iniziavano a pesare, ne aveva bisogno pure lui, anche perché, come dichiarò ad un amico, “dal Nabucco in poi non ho avuto un’ora di quiete. Sedici anni di galera!”.
A partire infatti dal 1842, quando alla Scala a 29 anni d’età ottenne il suo primo clamoroso successo col Nabucco, fra continue richieste e contratti da rispettare il Maestro di Roncole di Busseto compose, praticamente a getto continuo, numerosissime opere fra le quali, dal 1851 al 1853, la celeberrima “Trilogia popolare” con “Rigoletto”, “il Trovatore” e “la Traviata”.
Continuamente sballottato fra Milano, Parigi e Genova, dove amava svernare, se tuttavia voleva davvero riposare e trovare la concentrazione necessaria per il suo lavoro Verdi un’oasi di quiete ce l’aveva.
Si trattava della splendida tenuta di Sant’Agata, frazione a pochi chilometri di distanza da Busseto seppure già in territorio piacentino, dove il Maestro avrebbe vissuto quasi ininterrottamente, a partire dal 1851, per gli ultimi cinquant’anni di vita.
Solo in questo luogo il suo atavico amore per la campagna riusciva a trovare sfogo, tanto che “la Peppina” scrisse ad un’amica: “il mio Verdi si alza allo spuntar del giorno per andare a esaminare il grano, il mais, la vigna, le stalle, etc. Rientra rotto dalla fatica”.
Era anche ossessionato dalla cura del suo giardino, cioè dell’immenso parco che caratterizzava la tenuta, dove piantò alberi rarissimi e che abbellì di statue, grotte e persino un laghetto.
Qui lui, scrisse sempre la moglie, “czareggia or tanto, ch’io sono ridotta a pochi palmi di terreno, sui quali Egli non ha, per condizioni stabilite, il diritto di ficcarvi il naso”, sotto minaccia - in caso contrario - di piantarvi cavoli al posto dei fiori.
Oltre che giardiniere ed agronomo, Verdi si piccava però di essere anche un bravo “magut”, termine che in dialetto lombardo-emiliano significa muratore, dispensando consigli ed ordini persino quando si doveva rabberciare un muretto.
Così infatti scrisse di se stesso al conte Arrivabene nel 1867: “Se tu gli dici che il Don Carlos non vale niente, non gliene importa un fico, ma se tu gli contrasti la sua abilità di fare il magut, se n’ha a male”.
Era però di notte che “il magut” tornava ad essere il Maestro di sempre, quando cioè si levava di scatto dal letto per precipitarsi allo scrittoio piazzato in posizione strategica, a portata di mano, per scrivervi di getto le arie che aveva “sentito” nel dormiveglia, prima di scordarle.
Il mattino seguente, senza bisogno di rettificare una sola nota, le provava al pianoforte poggiato al muro della stessa stanza, sul quale pendevano appese le immagini del suo “pantheon” personale, fra le quali quelle dell’amico Alessandro Manzoni e del suocero Antonio Barezzi, suo primo scopritore e finanziatore, per il quale Verdi nutrì sempre un’autentica venerazione.
Il genio si manifesta anche così.
Accompagna questo scritto il “Ritratto di Giuseppe Verdi”, di Giovanni Boldini, 1886, Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna, Roma.
(Testo di Anselmo Pagani)
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CDA Juventus: cosa sta succedendo in questi giorni?
Il caso delle dimissioni di tutto il CDA della Juventus (compresi il presidente Agnelli, il vicepresidente Nedved ed l'AD Arrivabene) ha creato una situazione a dir poco surreale nel mondo del calcio. Una situazione molto intricata che deve essere raccontata punto per punto. CDA Juventus: storia delle dimissioni degli alti vertici bianconeri Nel momento in cui il mondo del calcio ha gli occhi puntati nella sfida tra Portogallo ed Uruguay in quel del Qatar per i mondiali, a Torino va in scena un vero e proprio terremoto. L'intero CDA della Juventus Football Club decide di dimettersi e lasciare le proprie cariche. Andrea Agnelli, Pavel Nedved e Maurizio Arrivabene decidono, quindi, di mollare la Juventus. La motivazione delle persone interessate è quella di "aver fatto un passo indietro per permettere un nuovo corso alla Juventus". La "vera" motivazione, però, arriva dalla procura di Torino e si chiama "Indagine Prisma". Cos'è l'Indagine Prisma? L’indagine Prisma è una inchiesta nata ormai un un anno fa. L'indagine è gestita da un pool di magistrati composto dai sostituti procuratori Ciro Santoriello, Mario Bendoni e dal procuratore aggiunto Marco Gianolio. Se il nome non vi è nuovo sarà perché ai tempi di Calciopoli nel 2006 aveva già indagato la Juventus per il reato di falso in bilancio. L'indagine Prisma vuole chiarire alcuni aspetti che riguardano la "vita finanziaria" della Juventus. Più precisamente, l'inchiesta verte su: - Le fatture per i compensi agli agenti - Le Plusvalenze dal 2018 al 2020 - La rinominata "Manovra Stipendi" ovvero il modo in cui la Juventus ha gestito la questione stipendi durante la pandemia Di cosa viene accusata la Juventus? L'indagine Prisma accusa la Juventus che nei suoi conti c'è una notevole differenza tra i risultati che sarebbero dovuti essere contabilizzati e quelli messi a bilancio al 30 giugno degli anni 2019, 2020 e 2021. Per essere più precisi i magistrati tre bilanci ed un anno ovvero il 2020 per la già citata Manovra Stipendi: - Bilancio 2019: secondo la procura la perdita sarebbe dovuta essere di 84,506 milioni di euro quindi un Patrimonio Netto di -13,567 milioni di euro. Il bilancio bianconero di quell'anno segna un +31,243 milioni di euro grazie alla differenza tra le perdite pari a 39,9 milioni di euro e delle plusvalenze dal valore di 49,728 milioni di euro. - Bilancio 2020: i conti dei bianconeri segnano delle perdite di circa 89,7 milioni e delle plusvalenze per 78,058 ma la Procura di Torino, invece, rileva che c'è stata una perdita di ben 236 milioni di euro - Bilancio 2021: i conti dello scorso della Juventus vedevano un +28,827 milioni di euro ma non per la Procura di Torino che invece stima un patrimonio netto tra entrate ed uscite pari a -175,791 milioni di euro. In ballo, quindi, ci son 205 milioni di euro di perdite. Questa cifra andandosi a sommare alle perdite già di chiarate dai bianconeri porterebbe il tutto a ben 542 milioni di euro di perdite. Quali sono le accuse verso la Juventus e l'ex CDA? Arriviamo, quindi, ai capi d'accusa che l'indagine Prisma ha formulato verso gli ex membri del CDA della Juventus e verso la società bianconera stessa. Il dimissionario consiglio d'amministrazione bianconero viene accusato per i reati di: - Falso in bilancio - Manipolazione del mercato - Ostacolo all’esercizio delle funzioni delle autorità di pubblica vigilanza - Dichiarazione fraudolenta mediante uso di fatture per operazioni inesistenti Insieme al CDA ad essere accusato di questi reati è l'ex direttore sportivo Fabio Paratici. Attualmente Paratici copre il ruolo di Direttore Generale al Tottenham, in Inghilterra. In qualità di persona giuridica, invece, la Juventus si vede imputata come ipotesi di reato quella presente all’art.2, 5 e 25 del D.Lgs n.231/2001 che si riferisce alla responsabilità dell’ente, ai reati tributari e agli abusi di mercato. Cosa rischia sportivamente la Juventus? Partiamo da un punto tanto semplice quanto fondamentale: la giustizia ordinaria e quella sportiva non vanno insieme, seguono due percorsi differenti. La Juventus, sotto questo punti di vista, è stata assolta anche in appello all'interno del procedimento sulle plusvalenze. La FIGC, prima dei nuovi documenti della Procura torinese, non aveva intenzione di aprire nuove indagini ma ora la situazione è cambiata. La Federazione ha, quindi, aperto un nuovo procedimento sulla parte relativa agli accordi con i giocatori per l'integrazione degli stipendi. Le possibili "pene" vanno dalla multa all’inibizione dei dirigenti, fino ai punti di penalizzazione. Lo spettro della retrocessione potrebbe palesarsi solo nella remota ipotesi che la procura della FIGC riesca a dimostrare che la falsificazione dei documenti contabili sia stata realizzata al fine di ottenere l’iscrizione al campionato. Una ipotesi, come detto, molto remota grazie agli ultimi tre aumenti di capitale. Read the full article
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royaltyandpomp · 5 years
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Viola and Vera Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga
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VERA ARRIVABENE at the premiere of “Tàr” at the 79th Venice Film Festival on September 1st 2022 wearing PHILOSOPHY DI LORENZO SERAFINI
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tiaramania · 3 years
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TIARA ALERT: Countess Vera Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga wore a pearl and diamond floral tiara at her wedding to Count Briano Martinoni Caleppio at San Pantalon Church in Venice, Italy on 16 October 2021.
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Dior Spring-Summer 2017  Haute Couture / Celebrity Snap
今、ファッション界から熱い視線が送られているラッパーの1人であるAsap Rocky(エイサップ・ロッキー)や、ロシア出身のスーパーモデルNatalia Vodianova(ナタリア・ヴォディアノヴァ)などそうそうたる面々が集まった。 
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Asap Rocky                              
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  Agathe Bonitzer
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  Alexia Niedzielski
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Anais Demoustier
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Anna Giradot
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Aymeline Valade
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  Beatrice Vio
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Bianca Brandolini D'adda
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Bianca Jagger
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  Charlotte Le Bon
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  Chiara Ferragni
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Chiara Mastroianni
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Daria Strokous
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Diane Kruger
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  Elena Perminova
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Elisabeth Von Thurn Und Taxis
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Eva Herzigova
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  Ines Sastre
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  Jing Tian
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  Joséphine Chiu Yee Ho
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Kirsten Dunst
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Lolita Chammah
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  Louise Bourgoin
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Lucie de la Falaise
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Marisa Berenson
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Natalia Vodianova
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Negin Mirsalehi
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Olga Kurylenko
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Olivia Palermo
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  Rami Malek
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Sai Bennett
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Sofia Sanchez de Betak
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  Sofie Valkiers
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Sveva Alviti
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  Vera Arrivabene
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Viola Arrivabene
Dior Spring-Summer 2017 Haute Couture Show Part1
Dior Spring-Summer 2017 Haute Couture Show Part2
Dior Spring-Summer 2017 Haute Couture Show Part3
Text / Kana Takeichi
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Vera Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga wedding in Venice.
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couturiermilano · 4 years
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Viola e Vera Arrivabene
Philosophy by Lorenzo Serafini
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sophs-style · 3 years
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Viola and Vera Arrivabene at the premiere of "The Hand Of God" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on Thursday (2nd September 2021) in Venice, Italy.
Viola and Vera both wore Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini Resort 2022 dresses and Roger Vivier shoes, styled with Pomellato jewels.
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theroyalfanzine · 4 years
Queen Victoria’s Descendants (LIVING DESCENDANTS ONLY)
If you see any mistakes or can offer info on something like “Child 1” or an unknown birth or death year, please let me know. The only non-living descendants I kept on this list were her children
Bold names=Queen Victoria’s children
* Descendants are already listed elsewhere on this list or the ones who would follow said person Examples:  Mark Nicholas van Eyck should be followed by  Princess Dorothea of Hesse but she and her descendants are also descended elsewhere. Another examples are Queen Elizabeth II & The Duke of Edinburgh’s descendants and the descendants of Princess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg und Gotha and  Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten
** I’ve seen reports that she died in 2002, but no obituary. Any ideas?
Bold and Italics together on one name denotes this person is presently the eldest and longest lived person of Queen Victoria (The Duke of Edinburgh)
The Princess Victoria, Princess Royal, German Empress (1840-1901)
Friederike Thyra Marion Wilhelmine Dorothea von der Osten(1959)
Felicitas Catharini Malina Johanna von Reiche von Heinz (1986)
Victoria Cecilie Alexandra Josephine von Reiche (1989)
Donata Friederike Diana Sophie von Reiche (1992)
Hubertus Christoph Joachim Friedrich von der Osten (1964)
Cecilie Felicitas Katherina Sophie von der Osten (1967)
Julius Marxen (1998)
Victor Marxen ( 2002)
Diana Renata Friederike von Nostitz-Wallwitz (1974)
Child 1
Child 2 (2011)
Princess Christa Friederike Alexandrine Viktoria of Prussia (1936)
Philip Kirill Prinz von Preußen (1968)
Paul Wilhelm  von Preußen (1995)
Maria Luise  von Preußen (1997)
Elisabeth Christine von Preußen (1998)
Anna Sophie  von Preußen (2001)
Johanna Amalie von Preußen (2002)
Timotheus Friedrich  von Preußen (2005)
Friedrich Wilhelm Prinz von Preußen (1979)
Friedrich Wilhelm  von Preußen (2012)
Charlotte von Preußen (born 201?)
Princess Viktoria-Luise von Preußen, Hereditary Princess of Leiningen (1982)
Princess Alexandra Ehrengard Viktoria Luise of Leiningen (2020)
Joachim Albrecht von Preußen (1984)
Georgina  von Preußen (2018)
Prince Michael of Prussia (1940-2014)
Michaela Prinzessin von Preußen (1967)
Child 1
Child 2
Nataly Prinzessin von Preußen (1970)
Princess Marie Cécile of Prussia (1942)
Kira-Marina Liepsner (1977)
Luise von Bismarck (unknown)
Sophie von Bismarck (unknown)
Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia (1976)
Prince Carl Friedrich Franz Alexander of Prussia (2013)
Prince Louis Ferdinand Christian Albrecht of Prussia (2013)
Princess Emma Marie Charlotte Sophie of Prussia (2015)
Prince Heinrich Albert Johann George of Prussia (2016)
Princess Cornelie-Cecile of Prussia (1978)
Prince Christian-Sigismund of Prussia ( 1946)
Isabelle-Alexandra Prinzessin von Preußen (1969)
Prince Christian Ludwig of Prussia (1986)
Princess Irina of Prussia (1988)
Patrick Edvard Christian Lithander(1973)
Pius Lithander ( 2005)
Hugo Lithander (2006)
Karl Lithander (2008)
Merle Lithander (2010)
Wilhelm Sebastian Lithander (1974)
Steen Lithander (2010)
Ebba Lithander (2012)
Princess Anastasia Victoria Cecilia Hermine of Prussia (1944)
Princess Augustina of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (1999)
Hereditary Prince Nicodemus of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (2001)
Prince Laurentius of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (2006)
Princess Kiliane Olympia of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (2008)
Prince Hubertus of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (1968)
Prince Dominik Wilhelm  of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (2001) 
Prince Frederick Nicholas of Prussia (1946)
Beatrice von Preussen (1981)
Florence von Preussen (1983)
Sylvie Beatrice Selina Tollemache (2016)
Augusta von Preussen (1986)
Frederick (Fritz) Stormont von Preussen (1990)
Prince Andreas of Prussia ( 1947)
Tatiana von Preussen (1980)
Arthur Frederick Richard Womack von Preussen (2015)
Frederick Alexander von Preussen (1984)
Princess Victoria Marina of Prussia (1952)
George Jean Achache (1980)
Francis Maximilian Frederick Achache (1982)
Prince Rupert of Prussia (1955)
Brigid von Preussen (1983)
Astrid von Preussen (1985)
Princess Antonia of Prussia, The Duchess of Wellington (1955)
Arthur Wellesley, Earl of Mornington (1978)
Lady Mae Madeleine Wellesley (2010)
Arthur Darcy Wellesley, Viscount Wellesley (2010)
The Hon Alfred Wellesley (2014)
Lady Honor Wellesley (1979)
Walter Montagu (2005)
Nancy Jemima Montagu (2007)
Lady Mary Wellesley (1986)
Lady Charlotte Santo Domingo (1989)
Child 1 (2017)
Child 2 (2019)
Lord Frederick Wellesley (1992)
Kira Alexandrine Harris (1954)
Philip Louis Johnson (1985)
William John Engel (1983)
Dohna Maria Patterson (1954)
Princess Marie Louise Marina Franziska of Prussia (1945)
Countess Sophie Anastasia of Schönburg-Glauchau (1979)
Rudi Federico Nicolas Alacreu y Schönburg-Glauchau (2017)
Carlota Alacreu y Schönburg-Glauchau (2019)
Count Friedrich Wilhelm of Schönburg-Glauchau (1985)
Prince Adalbert Alexander Friedrich Joachim Christian (1948)
Prince Alexander of Prussia (1984)
Prince Christian of Prussia (1986)
Prince Philipp of Prussia (1986)
Princess Stephanie Viktoria-Luise of Prussia (1966)
Aaron Emanuel Bao (1994)
Shoshana Twahia Sophie Bao (1996)
Amir Joel Tumaini Bao (1998)
Seraphine Bao (2002)
Princess Viktoria-Benigna  von Courland (1939)
Nikolaus Maximilian Ludwig Karl Ernst-Johann Maria, Baron von Twickel
Constantin Philipp Ludwig Friedrich von Twickel
Benedikta Elisabeth Ann Lucia von Twickel
Georg von Twickel  (unknown)
Kirryl von Twickel  (unknown)
Tassilo Heinrich Alexander, Baron von Twickel (unknown)
Antonius von Twickel (unknown)
Matilda Valentina Helga Benigna von Twickel (unknown)
Ernst-Johann, Prince Biron von Courland (1940) 
Prince Michael Karl August Wilhelm Biron von Courland (1944)
Princess Veronika Biron von Courland (1970)
Prince Alexander Biron von Courland (1972)
Princess Stephanie Biron von Courland (1975)
Princess Donata-Viktoria of Prussia (1952)
Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia  (1955)
Prince Oscar of Prussia (1959)
Prince Oskar of Prussia (1993)
Princess Wilhelmine of Prussia (1995)
Prince Albert  of Prussia (1998)
Prince Franz Wilhelm Victor Christoph Stephan of Prussia (1943)
Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia (1981)
Prince Franz Friedrich Christian of Prussia (1944).
Alexandra Maria Prinzessin von Preussen (1960)
Désirée Anastasia Prinzessin von Preussen (1961)
Princess Marie of Hanover, Countess von Hochberg (1952)
Count Conrad von Hochburg (1985)
Count Georg von Hochburg (1987)
Prince Ernst August of Hanover (1954)
Hereditary Prince Ernest-August of Hanover(1983)
Princess Elisabeth Tatiana Maximiliana Iacobella Faiza of Hanover (2018)
Prince  Welf August Johannes of Hanover (2019)
Prince Christian Heinrich  of Hanover (1985)
Prince Nicolas of Hanover (2020)
Princess Sofia of Hanover (2020)
Princess Alexandra Charlotte Ulrike Marym Virginia of Hanover (1999)
Prince Otto Heinrich of Hanover (1988)  
Princess Olga Sophie  of Hanover (1958)
Princess Alexandra Irene of Hanover, Princess of Leiningen (1959)
Ferdinand, Hereditary Prince of Leiningen (1982)***
Princess Olga of Leiningen (1984)
Prince Hermann of Leiningen (1987)
Prince Leopold Konstantin Rainer Andreas of Leiningen (2019)
Prince Heinrich of Hanover (1961)
Prince Albert Thilo Ludwig Arndt of Hanover (1999)
Princess Eugenia of Hanover (2001)
Prince Julius of Hanover (2006)
Prince George William of Hanover (1915-2006)
Princess Saskia of Hanover (1970)
Son 1
Son 2
Son 3
Prince Georg of Hanover (1949)
Princess Vera of Hanover (1976)
Daughter 1
Daughter 2
Princess Nora of Hanover (1979)
Son 1
Son 2
Princess Friederike of Hanover (1954)
Julia Emma Cyr (1982)
Jean-Paul Welf Cyr (1985)
Queen Sofia of Spain (1938)
Infanta Elena of Spain, The Duchess of Lugo (1963)
Don Felipe Juan Froilán de Marichalar y de Borbón (1998)
Doña Victoria Federica  de Marichalar y de Borbón (2000)
The Infanta Cristina of Spain (1965)
Don Juan Valentín  de Urdangarin  y de Borbón (1999)
Don Pablo Nicolás Sebastián  de Urdangarin  y de Borbón (2000)
Don Miguel de Urdangarin  y de Borbón (2002),
Doña Irene de Urdangarin  y de Borbón (2005)
King Felipe VI of Spain (1968)
Leonor, The Princess of Asturias (2005)
The Infanta Sofia of Spain (2007)
King Constantine II of The Hellenes (1940)
Princess Alexia of Greece & Denmark (1965)
Arrietta Morales y de Grecia (2002)
Ana María Morales y de Grecia (2003)
Carlos Morales y de Grecia (2005)
Amelia Morales y de Grecia (2007)
Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece, Prince of Denmark (1967)
Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece & Denmark (1996)
Prince Constantine-Alexios of Greece & Denmark(1998)
Prince Achileas-Andreas of Greece & Denmark (2000)
Prince Odysseus-Kimon of Greece & Denmark (2004)
Prince Aristidis-Stavros of Greece & Denmark(2008)
Prince Nikolaos of Greece & Denmark (1969)
Princess Theodora of Greece & Denmark (1983)
Prince Philippos of Grecce & Denmark (1986)
Princess Irene of Greece & Denmark (1942)
Princess Caroline-Luise Mireille Irene Sophie of Hanover (1965)
Princess Mireille Viktoria Luise of Hanover (1971)
Duchess Donata of Mecklenburg (1956)
Thyra von Solodkoff (1989)
Alix von Solodkoff (1992)
Niklot von Solodkoff (1994)
Duchess Edwina of Mecklenburg (1960)
Ludwig von Posern (1996)
Paul von Posern (1997)
Ferdinand von Posern (1999)
Crown Princess Margareta, Custodian of the Royal Crown of Romania (1949)
Princess Elena of Romania (1950)
Nicholas de Roumanie Medforth-Mills (1985)
Iris Anna Cîrjan (2016)
Maria-Alexandra de Roumanie Medforth-Mills (2020)
Elisabeta-Karina de Romanie Medforth-Mills (1989)
Princess Sofia of Romania (1957)
Elisabeta-Maria Biarneix (1999)
Irina Walker (1953)
Michael Torsten Kreuger de Roumanie (1984)
Kohen  Kreuger de Roumanie (2012)
Angelia Margareta  Kreuger de Roumanie (1986)
Courtney Bianca Kreuger de Roumanie Knight (2007)
Diana Knight  Kreuger de Roumanie (2011)
Princess Maria of Romania (1964)
Prince  Amedeo Umberto of Savoy-Aosta (1943)
Princess Bianca of Savoy-Aosta (1966)
Viola Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga (1991)
Vera Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga (1993)
Mafalda Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga (1997)
Maddalena Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga (2000)
Leonardo Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga (2001)
Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta, Duke of Aosta (1967)
Prince Umberto of Savoy-Aosta, Prince of Piedmont(2009)
Prince Amedeo Michele of Savoy-Aosta, The Duke of the Abruzzi (2011)
Princess Isabella Vita Marina of Savoy-Aosta (2012)
Princess Mafalda of Savoy-Aosta (1969)
Nob. Anna Lombardo di San Chirico (2002)
Nob. Carlo Lombardo di San Chirico (2003)
Nob. Elena Lombardo di San Chirico (2004)
Ginevra Maria Gabriella van Ellinkhuizen (2006)
Sophie Eila Brandram- Voelcker (1981)
Maximillian Walter Voelcker (2018)
Alexander Paul Voelcker (2019)
Nicholas George Brandram (1982)
Alexia Katherine Brandram-Hicks (1985)
Theodora Katherine Anne Hicks (2019)
Princess Mafalda of Hesse (1965)
Tatiana Galdo (1992)
Polissena Galdo (1993)
Count Cosmo Brachetti Peretti (2000)
Count Briano Brachetti Peretti (2002)
Donatus, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse (1966)
Princess Paulina of Hesse (2007)
Hereditary Prince Moritz of Hesse (2007)
Prince August of Hesse (2012)
Princess Elena Elisabeth Madeleine of Hesse (1967)
Madeleine Immacolata Tatiana Theresa Caiazzo (1999)
Prince Philip Robin of Hesse (1970)
Princess  Elena Margherita Lotti Christiane Elisabeth of Hesse (2006)
Prince Tito of Hesse (2008)
Princess Mafalda of Hesse (2014)
Princess Maria Tatiana ("Tania") of Yugoslavia (1957)
Sonja  Thune-Larsen (1992)
Olga Thune-Larsen (1995)
Helen Sophia van Eyck (1963)
Sascha Alexandra Sophia Harman (1986)
Pascale Olivia Harman (1989)
Mark Nicholas van Eyck (1966)
Princess Dorothea Charlotte Karin of Hesse (1934-2002?)**
Princess Marina Margarita of Windisch-Grätz (1960)
Réka Dorothea Sita Jakabffy (1988)
Sophia Magdolna Jakabffy (1989)
Princess Clarissa Elisabeth Fiore of Windisch-Grätz (1966)
Michel Jean Henri de Waele (1986)
Raphaël de Waele (2013)
Lucy de Waele (2015)
Mathieu Paul Philippe de Waele (1988)
Lizzie de Waele (2020)
Rubi Jade de Waele (1994)
Prince Karl Adolf Andreas of Hesse (1937)
Prince Christoph  of Hesse (1969)
Princess Irina of Hesse (1971)
Valentin Polycarp von Schönburg-Glauchau  (2005)
Prince Rainer Christoph Friedrich of Hesse (1939)
Princess Clarissa Alice of Hesse (1944)
Johanna von Hesse (1980)
The Prince Albert Edward, AKA Edward VII (1841-1910)
The Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary AKA Queen Elizabeth II (1926)*
David Albert Charles Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl of Snowdon (1961) 
Charles Patrick Inigo Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley (1999)
Lady Margarita Elizabeth Rose Alleyne Armstrong-Jones (2002)
The Lady Sarah Frances Elizabeth Chatto (1964)
Samuel David Benedict Chatto (1996)
Arthur Robert Nathaniel Chatto (1999)
David Henry George Lascelles , The 8th Earl of Harewood (1950)
Lady Emily Tsering Shard (1975)
Issac Shand (2009)
Ida Shand (2009)
Otis Shand (2011)
The Hon. Benjamin George Lascelles (1978)
Mateo Lacelles (2013)
Alexander Edgar Lascelles, Viscount Lascelles (1980)
Leo Cyrus Anthony Lascelles (2008)
The Hon  Ivy Lascelles (2018)
The Hon. Edward David Lascelles (1982)
The Honourable James Lascelles (1953)
Sophie Amber Lascelles- Pearce (1973)
Lilianda Pearce (2010)
Tanit Lascelles (1981)
Tewa Ziyane Robert George Lascelles (1985)
Son 1 (2014)
The Hon. Mark Hubert Lascelles (1964)
Charlotte Patricia Lascelles (1996)
Imogen Mary Lascelles (1998)
Miranda Rose Lascelles (2000)
Gerald David Lascelles (1924-1998)
Henry Ulick Lascelles (1953)
Maximilian John Gerald Lascelles (1991)
Martin David Lascelles (1962)
Georgina Elizabeth Douet-Lascelles (1988)
Alexander Joshua Lascelles (2002)
Prince Richard Alexander Walter George, The Duke of Gloucester (1944)
Alexander Patrick Gregers Richard Windsor, The Earl of Ulster (1974)  
Xan Richard Anders Windsor, Lord Culloden (2007)
Lady Cosima Rose Alexandra Windsor (2010)
Lady Davina Elizabeth Alice Benedikte Windsor (1977)
Senna Kowhai Lewis (2010)
Tane Mahuta Lewis (2012)
Lady Rose Gilman (1980)
Lyla Beatrix Christabel Gilman (2010)
Rufus Gilman (2012)
Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent (1935)
George Windsor, The Earl of St. Andrews (1962)
Edward, Lord Downpatrick (1988)
Lady Marina-Charlotte Windsor (1992)
Lady Amelia Windsor (1995)
Lady Helen Marina Lucy Taylor (1964)
Columbus George Donald Taylor (1994)
Cassius Edward Taylor (1996)
Eloise Olivia Katherine Taylor (2003)
Estella Olga Elizabeth Taylor (2004)
Lord Nicholas Charles Edward Jonathan Windsor (1970)
Albert Louis Philip Edward Windsor (2007)
Leopold Ernest Augustus Guelph Windsor (2009)
Louis Arthur Nicholas Felix Windsor (2014)
Lord Patrick Windsor (1977-1977)
Princess Alexandra Helen Elizabeth Olga Christabel of Kent, The Hon. Lady Ogilvy (1936)
James Robert Bruce Ogilvy (1964)
Flora Alexandra Ogilvy (1994)
Alexander Charles Ogilvy (1996)
Marina Victoria Alexandra Ogilvy (1966)
Zenouska May Mowatt (1990)
Christian Alexander Mowatt (1993)
Prince Michael  George Charles Franklin of Kent (1942)
Lord Frederick  Michael George David Louis Windsor (1979)
Maud Elizabeth Daphne Marina Windsor (2013)
Isabella Alexandra May Windsor (2016)
Lady Gabriella  Marina Alexandra Ophelia Kingston (1981)
The Lady Alexandra Clare Carnegie (1959)
Amelia Mary Etherington (2001)
David Carnegie, 4th Duke of Fife (1961)
Charles Duff Carnegie, Earl of Southesk (1989)
Lord George William Carnegie (1991)
Lord Hugh Alexander Carnegie (1993)
Haakon Lorentzen (1954)
Olav Alexander Lorentzen (1985)
Christian Frederik Lorentzen (1988)
Sophia  Lorentzen (1994)
Ingeborg Lorentzen (1957)
Victoria Ragna Lorentzen Ribeiro (1988)
Frederik Sven Lorentzen Falcão (2016)
Ragnhild Alexandra Lorentzen (1968)
Alexandra Joyce Lorentzen Long (2007)
Elizabeth Patricia Lorentzen Long (2011)
Princess Astrid Maud Ingeborg, Mrs. Ferner (1932)
Cathrine Ferner-Johansen (1962)
Sebastien Ferner Johansen (1990)
Nicoline Johansen (2019)
Madeleine Ferner Johansen (1993)
Benedikte  Ferner- Stange (1963)
Alexander Ferner (1965)
Edward Ferner (1996)
Stella Ferner (1998)
Elizabeth Ferner- Beckmann (1969)
Benjamin Ferner Beckmann (1999)
Carl-Christian Ferner (1972)
Fay Ferner (2018)
King Harald V of Norway (1937)
Princess Märtha Louise of Norway (1971)
Maud Angelica Behn (2003)
Leah Isadora Behn (2005)
Emma  Tallulah Behn (2008)
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway (1973)
Princess Ingird Alexandra of Norway (2004)
Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway (2005)
The Princess Alice Maud Mary, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine (1843-1878)
Princess Cécile Marita Dorothea of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1967)
Philipp Gottfried Alexander, Prince ofHohenlohe-Langenburg (1970)
Max Leopold Ernst Kraft Peter, Hereditary Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (2005)
Prince Gustav Philipp Friedrich Alexander of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (2007)
Princess Marita Saskia Friedelinde Charlotte of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (2010)
Princess Xenia Margarita Anne of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1972)
Ferdinand Gabriele Kraft Soltmann (2005)
Louisa Marei Charlotte Soltmann (2008)
Prince Georg Andreas Heinrich of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1938)
Princess  Katharina Clementine Beatrix of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1972)
Princess Laetitia Antoinette Julia Tatjana Felicitas of Waldeck and Pyrmont (2003)
Princess Alexia Natalie Luise Tatjana Maresa of Waldeck and Pyrmont (2006)
Princess Tatianja Luise of Hohenlohe-Langburg (1975)
Carl Stephan (2012)
Wolf Stephan  (2013)
Prince Ludwig of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1976)
Prince Nikola of Yugoslavia (1958)
Princess Marija of Yugoslavia (1993)
Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia (1959)
Victoria Marie Esmé Margarita de Silva (1991)
Prince Maximilian Andreas Friedrich Gustav Ernst August Bernhard , Margrave of Baden (1933)
Princess Marie Louise of Baden (1969)
Sophia Baker (2001)
Prince Bernhard of Baden (1970)
Prince Leopold Bernhard of Baden (2002)
Prince Friedrich Bernhard of Baden (2004)
Prince Karl-Wilhelm Bernhard of Baden (2006)
Prince Leopold Max Christian Ludwig Clemens Hubert of Baden (1971)
Prince Michael Max Andreas of Baden (1976)
Prince Ludwig Wilhelm Georg Ernst Christoph of Baden (1937)
Princess Sophie Thyra Josephine Georgine Henriette of Baden (1975)
Prince Berthold Ernst-August Emich Rainer of Baden (1976)
Princess Aglaë Margarete Tatiana Mary of Baden (1981)
Princess Sophie, Princess of Greece & Denmark, Princess of Hesse, Princess of Hanover  (1914-2001)*
Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh (1921)
The Prince Charles Arthur of Wales(1947)
Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, The Duke of Cambridge (1981)
Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge (2013)
Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge (2015)
Prince Louis Arthur Charles of Cambridge (2018)
Prince Henry Albert David, The Duke of Sussex (1984)
Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor (2019)
The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal (1950)
Peter Mark Andrew Philips (1977)
Savannah Anne Kathleen Philips (2010)
Isla Elizabeth Philips (2012)
Zara Anne Elizabeth Philips-Tindall (1981)
Mia Grace Tindall (2014)
Lena Elizabeth Tindall (2018)
The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York (1960)
Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary, Countessa Mapelli-Mozzi (1988)
Princess Eugenie Victoria Helena, Mrs. Jack Brooksbank (1990)
The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex (1964)
The Lady Louise Alice Elizabeth Mary Mountbatten-Windsor (2004)
James Alexander Philip Theo Mountbatten-Windsor, Viscount Svern (2007)
George Ivar Louis Mountbatten, 4th Marquess of Milford Haven (1961)
Lady Tatiana Helen Georgia Mountbatten (1990)
Henry (Harry) David Louis Mountbatten, Earl of Medina (1991)
Lord Ivar Alexander Michael Mountbatten  (1963)
Ella Louise Georgina Mountbatten (1996Alexandra Alix Nada Victoria Mountbatten (1998) 
Louise Luli Xenia Rose Mountbatten (2002)
Norton Louis Philip Knatchbull, 3rd Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1947)
Nicholas Louis Charles Norton Knatchbull, Lord Brabourne (1981)
Lady Alexandra Victoria Edwina Diana Knatchbull-Hooper (1982)
Inigo Norton Sebastian Mountbatten Hooper (2017)
Alden Peter Theodore Mountbatten Hooper  (2020)
The Hon. Michael-John Ulick Knatchbull (1950)
Kelly Louise Doreen Knatchbull (1988) 
Savannah Knatchbull (2001)
Lady Joanna Edwina Doreen Knatchbull (1955)
Eleuthera Roselyne Patricia Pernot du Breuil (1986)
Alexander Azriel John David Zuckerman (2002)
Lady Amanda Patricia Victoria Ellingworth (1957)
Luke Ellingworth (1991)Joseph Ellingworth (1992)
Louis Ellingworth (1995)
The Hon. Philip Wyndham Ashley Knatchbull (1961)
Daisy Isadora Louise Knatchbull (1992)
Frederick Michael Hubert Knatchbull (2003)
John Robin Rocky Knatchbull ( 2004)
The Hon. Timothy Nicholas Sean Knatchbull (1964)
Amber Diana Patricia Knatchbull (2000)
Milo Columbus John Knatchbull (2001)
Ludovic David Nicholas Knatchbull (2003)
Isla Selina Edwina Knatchbull (2005)
Wilhelmina "Willa" Victoria Agatha Knatchbull (2008)
Lady Pamela Carmen Louise Hicks (1929)
Edwina Victoria Louise Hicks (1961)
Maddison May Brudenell (1994)
Daphne Modupe-Ojo (2016)
Phebe Modupe-Ojo (2018)
Jordon Anne Brudenell (1995)
Rowan Michael David Brudenell (2001)
Ashley Louis David Hicks (1963)
Angelica Margherita Edwina Hicks (1992)
Ambrosia Maria Elizabeth Hicks (1997)
Caspian Donald Hicks (2018) 
Horatio Valentine Hicks (2019)
India Amanda Caroline Hicks (1967)
Felix Austen Flint Wood (1997)
Amory John Flint Wood (1999)
Conrad Lorenzo Flint Wood (2003)
Domino Carmen Flint Wood (2007)
The Prince Alfred, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of Saxe-Coburg und Gotha (1844-1900)
Paul-Philippe Hohenzollern (1948) 
Carol Ferdinand  Hohenzollern (2010)
 Ion George Nicholas Alexander Lambrino Hohenzollern (1961)
Princess Melita Elisabeth Bathildis Helene Margarita of Leiningen (1951)
Prince  Karl Emich Nikolaus Friedrich Hermann of Leiningen (1952)
Princess Cécilia of Leiningen (1988) 
Princess Theresa Anna Elisabeth of Leiningen (1992) 
Prince Emich of Leiningen (2010)
Andreas, Prince of Leiningen (1955)*
Princess Stephanie Margarita of Leiningen (1958)
Prince Karl Boris Frank Markwart of Leiningen (1960) 
Prince Nicholas of Leiningen (1991)
Prince Karl of Leiningen (2001)
Princess Julianna of Leiningen (2003)
Prince Hermann Friedrich Roland Fernando of Leiningen (1963)
Princess Tatiana  of Leiningen (1989)
Princess Nadia of Leiningen (1991)
Princess Alexandra of Leiningen (1997)
Princess Lavinia Marie of Yugoslavia (1961)
Nadya Marie Sidiropoulos  (1987)
Andrej Aristotle Sidiropoulos (1990)
Luca Orlando Christopher Prichard-Levy (2000)
Prince Karl Vladimir Cyril Andrej of Yugoslavia (1964)
Prince Dimitri Ivan Mihailo of Yugoslavia (1965)
Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand Joseph Maria Manuel Georg Meinrad Fidelis Benedikt Michael Hubert of Hohenzollern (1952)
Prince Alexander Friedrich Antonius Johannes of Hohenzollern (1987)
Princess Philippa Marie Carolina Isabelle of Hohenzollern (1988)
Princess Flaminia Pia Eilika Stephanie of Hohenzollern, Baroness von Stipsicz de Ternova (1992)
Princess Antonia Elisabeth Georgina Tatiana of Hohenzollern (1995)
Prince Albrecht Johannes Hermann Meinrad Hubertus Michael Stephan of Hohenzollern (1954)
Princess Josephine Marie Isabelle Sophia Margarete of Hohenzollern (2002)
Princess Eugenia Bernadette Maria Theresia Esperanza of Hohenzollern (2005)
Prince Ferdinand of Hohenzollern (1959)
Prince Aloys Maria Friedrich Karl of Hohenzollern (1999)
Prince Fidelis Maria Anton Alexis Hans of Hohenzollern (2001)
Princess  Victoria Margaritta Sielinde Johanna Isabella Maria of Hohenzollern (2004)
Princess Mechtilde Alexandra of Leiningen (1936)
Ulf-Karl Bauscher (1963)
Franka Silke Stephanie Bauscher (1996)
Erik Johann Berthold Bauscher (1998)
Lorenz Bauscher (2002) 
Berthold Alexander Eric Bauscher (1965) 
Johann Karl Joachim Fritz Markwart Bauscher (1971)
Gottfried Hermann Alfred Paul Maximilian Viktor , 8th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1897-1960)**
Donna Gerarda de Orléans-Borbón y Parodi-Delfino (1939)Carla d'Orléans-Borbón Saint- de Haro y Fernández de Córdoba (1967)
Nicolás de Haro y Saint (2001)
Sofia de Haro y Saint  2004)Mateo de Haro y Saint (2007)
Marc d'Orléans-Borbón Saint (1969)Christopher Saint-Campogna (1990)
Don Alfonso de Orleans-Borbón y Ferrara-Pignatelli, Duke of Galliera (1968)
Don Alonso Juan de Orleans-Borbón y Goeders (1994)
Don Alvaro de Orléans-Borbón y Ferrara-Pignatelli (1969)
Don Aiden de Orléans-Borbón y Acosta (2009)
Doña Amelia de Orléans-Borbón y Acosta (2017)
Donna Beatriz de Orléans-Borbón y Parodi-Delfino (1943)
Gerardo Alfonso dei Conti Farini (1967)
Luisa FariniAlessandra FariniElena Gioia dei Conti Farini (1969)
Claudia de Haro y Farini (2000)
Tomás de Haro y Farini (2003)
Elena Gioia dei Conti Farini (1969)
Claudia de Haro y Farini ( 2000)
Tomás de Haro y Farini (2003)
Don Alvaro-Jaime de Orléans-Borbón y Parodi-Delfino (1947)
Pilar de Orléans-Borbón y San Martino d'Agliè (1975)
Felix Henderson-Stewart (2007)
Louis Henderson-Stewart (2008)
Daria Henderson-Stewart (2009)
Xenia Henderson-Stewart (2011)
James Henderson-Stewart (2012)
Pedro Henderson-Stewart (2014)
Andrés de Orléans-Borbón y San Martino d'Agliè (1976)
Ines de Orleáns-Borbón y van Exter (2010)
Eugenia de Orleáns-Borbón y van Exter (2011)
Alois de Orléans-Borbón y San Martino d'Agliè (1979)
Alonso de Orléans y Solís (2010)Donna Eulalia de Orléans-Borbón y Rendina (2006)
The Princess Helena Augusta Victoria, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg (1846-1923) 
The Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, The Duchess of Argyll (1848-1939)
The Prince Arthur William Patrick Albert; ,Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (1850-1942)
Princess Margaretha Désirée Victoria, Mrs. Ambler (1934)
Baroness Sibylla Louise von Dincklage (1965)
Freiin Madeleine Charlotte Margarethe von Dincklage (1999)
Sebastian Eric Henning Freiherr von Dincklage (2000)
Charles Edward Ambler (1966)
Sienna Rose Ambler (2000)
India Tani Ambler (2003)
James Patrick Ambler (1969)
Lily Elektra Ambler(2003)
Oscar Rufus Ambler (2004)
Princess Birgitta Ingeborg Alice of Sweden, Princess of Hohenzollern (1937)
Prince Carl Christian of Hohenzollern (1962)Prince Nicolas Johann Georg Maria of Hohenzollern (1999)
Princess Désirée of Hohenzollern (1963)
Hereditary Count Carl-Theodor Georg Philipp Maria of Ortenburg (1992)
Count Frederik Hubertus Ferdinand Maria of Ortenburg (1995)
Countess Carolina Maria Franziska Christina Stephanie of Ortenburg(1997)
Prince Hubertus of Hohenzollern (1966)
Princess Désirée Elisabeth Sibylla,  Baroness Silfverschiöld (1938)
Baron Carl Otto Edmund Silfverschiöld (1965)
Anna Margareta Sybilla Désirée Silfverschiold (2006)
Baroness Kristina-Louise Silfverschiold (1966)
Estelle Louise Désirée Gerard, Friherinna de Greer af Finspäng(2000)
Ian Carl Gerard, Friherre de Greer af Finspäng (2002)
Fred Louis Gerard, Friherre de Greer af Finspäng (2004)
Baroness Hélène Ingeborg Sibylla Silfverschiold, Baroness Silfverschiold (1968)
Princess Christina Louise Helena, Mrs. Magnuson (1943)
Carl Gustaf Victor Magnusson (1975)
Désirée Elfrida Christina Magnuson (2014)
Tord Oscar Fredrik Magnusson (1977)
Albert Magnusson (unknown year)
Henri Magnusson (unknown year)
Victor Edmund Lennart Magnusson (1980)Edmund Magnuson (2012)
Sigvard Magnuson (2015)
King Carl XVI Gustaf  Folke Hubertus of Sweden (1946)
Crown Princess Victoria  Ingrid Alice Désirée of Sweden, The Duchess of  Västergötland (1977)
Princess Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary of Sweden, The Duchess of  Östergötland (2012)
Prince Oscar Carl Olof of Sweden, The Duke of  Skåne (2016)
Prince Carl Philip Edmund Bertil of Sweden, The Duke of  Värmland (1979)
Prince Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil, The Duke of Södermanland (2016)
Prince Gabriel Carl Walther, The Duke of Dalarna (2017)
Princess Madeline of Sweden, The Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland (1982)
Princess Leonore Lilian Maria, The Duchess of Gotland (2014)
Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf ,The Duke of Angermanland (2015)
Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice, The Duchess of Blekinge (2018)
Michael  Alexander Sigvard Bernadotte  (1944)
Kajsa Michaele Sophia Bernadotte, Countess af Wisborg (1980)
Daughter (year unknown)
Queen Margrethe II Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid of Denmark (1940)
Crown Prince Frederik André Henrik Christian of Denmark (1968)
Prince Christian Valdemar Henri John of Denmark (2005)
Princess Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe of Denmark (2007)
Prince Vincent Frederik Minik Alexander of Denmark (2011)
Princess Josephine Sophia Ivalo Mathilda of Denmark (2011)
Prince Joachim Holger Waldemar Christian of Denmark (1969)
Prince Nikolai William Alexander Fredrick of Denmark (1999)
Prince Felix Henrik Valdemar Christian of Denmark (2002)
Prince Henrik Carl Jochim Alin of Denmark (2009)
Princess Athena Marguerite Françoise Marie of Denmark (2012)
Princess Benedikte Astird Ingeborg Ingrid of Denmark, Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (1944)
Gustav, 7th Prince of Sayn-Wittengenstein-Berleburg (1969)
Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittengenstein-Berleburg, Countess Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille (1970)
Count Fredrich von Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth (1999)
Countess Ingrid Alexandra von Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth (2003)
Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittengenstein-Berleburg (1975)
Master Konstantin Gustav Heinrich Richard Johannsmann (2010)
Miss Louisa Margareta Benedikte Hanna Johannsmann (2015)
Queen Anne-Marie of Greece (1946)
Princess Alexia of Greece and Denmark (1965)
Miss Arrietta Morales y de Grecia (2002)
Miss Ana María Morales y de Grecia (2003)
Mr. Carlos Morales y de Grecia (2005)
Amelia Morales y de Grecia (2007)
Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece & Denmark (1968)
Princess Maria Olympia of Greece & Denmark (1996)
Prince Constantine-Alexios of Greece & Denmark(1998)
Prince Achileas-Andreas of Greece & Denmark(2000)
Prince Odysseus-Kimon of Greece & Denmark(2004)
Prince Aristidis-Stavros of Greece & Denmark (2008)
Prince Nikolas of Greece & Denmark (1969)
Prince Theodora of Greece & Denmark (1983)
Prince Philippos of Greece & Denmark (1986)
Katharine Ingrid Mary Isabel Fraser, Mistress of Saltoun (1957)
Louise Alexandra Patricia Nicolson (1984)
Rory Thomas Malise Morshead (2015)
Frederick Charles Merlin Morshead (2018)
Juliet Victoria Katharine Nicolson (1988)
Albert Alexander Gordon Rood (2018)
Alexander William Malise Fraser (1990)
The Hon. Alice Elizabeth Margaret Ramsay (1961)
Alexander David Ramsey (1991)Victoria Alice Ramsey (1994)
George Arthur Oliver Henry Ramsey (1995)
Oliver Henry Ramsey (1995)
Hon. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Ramsay of Mar (1963)
The Prince Leopold George Duncan Albert  , Duke of Albany (1853-1844) 
Anne Mary Sibylla Abel Smith (1932) 
Ian Richard Peregrine Liddell-Grainger of Ayton (1959)
Peter Richard Liddell-Grainger (1987)
Sophie Victoria Liddell-Grainger (1988)
May Alexandra Liddell-Grainger (1992)
Charles Montagu Liddell-Grainger (1960)
Simon Rupert Liddell-Grainger (1962)
Alice Mary Liddell-Grainger (1965)
Danilo Pietro Panaggio (1996)
Jessica Alice Panaggio (1998)
Malcom Henry Liddell-Grainger (1967)
Cameron Henry Liddell-Grainger (1997)
Katherine Emma Abel-Smith (1961)
Amelia May Beaumont Murray (1983)
Matilda Alice Murray (2012)
Archibald Peregrine Murray(2012)
George Wentworth Beaumont (1985)
Richard Christian Beaumont (1989)
Michael Patrick Beaumont (1991)
Elizabeth Alice Abel Smith (1936)
Princess  Caroline Mathilde Adelheid Sibylla Marianne Erika von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1933)
Margarethe-Brigitte Nielsen (1954)
Grandchild 1
Grandchild 2
Renate Christine Nielsen (1957)
Prince Hubertus von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1961)
Prince Sebastian Hubertus of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1994)
Princess Victoria Feodora Monika of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1963)
Prince Falk  of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1990)
Princess Sophie of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (2000)
Prince Carl-Eduard Wilhelm Josias of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1966)
Princess Emilia Lucia Josefina of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1999)
Princess Johanna Carlotta Sophia of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (2004)
Prince Friedrich Ferdinand-Christian Georg Ernst Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1968) 
Prince Nicolaus of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1987)
Princess Alice-Sybilla Calma Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1974)
Matthias Reiser (1999)
Carolin Monika Maria Reiser (2000)
Prince Peter Albert Friedrich Josias von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1939)
Prince Peter von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1964)
Prince Malte von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1990)
Prince Malte Georg von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1966)
Count Bertram Friedrich zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (1932)
Count Dominik zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (1965)
Count Michael zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (1967)
Countess Anne-Charlotte Catharina Victoria zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (1962)
Henrik Michael Frederik zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (1982)
Patrick Martin Conradin Rappu (1987)
Richard Valdemar Rappu (1989)
Fredrik Carl Anton Rappu (1990)
Count Carl-Eduard Friedrich Hubertus zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (1964)
Countess Sarah zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (1999)
Count Markus zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (2004)
Countess Viktoria Adelheid of Castell-Rüdenhausen (1935)
Alice Louise Esther Margot Huntington-Whiteley (1961)
Henry Alexander Sewell (1988)Benjamin Leopold Sewell (1990)
Beatrice Helena Victoria Irene Huntington-Whiteley (1962)
Frederick Francis Thomas Augustus Grant (1999)
Ludovic William Hubertus Miles Grant (2002)
Count Hesso Fridrich zu Castell-Rüdenhausen (1940)
Calma Barbara Schnirring (1938)
Sascha Nikolaus Herbertus Berger (1960)
Tristan Lee Berger (1984)
Nicole Calma Berger (1984)
Richard Darrell Berger (1962)
Richard Jonathan Ross Wheeler Berger (1985)
Rachel Kathryn Faye Berger (2000)
Riley Emily Erin Berger (2001)
Victor Dean Berger (1963)
Mary Katherine Berger Jacobs (1985)
Samuel Clinton Berger (1965)
Wesley Berger (1967)
Maximilian Elias Berger (2001)
David Charles Berger (1968)
Dagmar Schnirring (1940)Maria-Valeska Walz (1965)
Amilia Sofia Evangellatos (2002)
Andreas Michael Friedrich Hans Armin Siegfried Hubertus , Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of Saxony (1943)
Princess Stephanie Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1972) 
 Hubertus Michael, Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of Saxony (1975) 
Princess Katharina Victoria Elizabeth Cheryl of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (2014)
Prince Philipp Hubertus Andreas Christian of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (2015)
Princess Madeleine Aurelia Viktoria Carin of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (2017)
Prince Alexander Philip of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1977)
Maria Christine Sibylla Schäfer (1972)
Gian Martin Martens (2001)
Aimée Martens (2003)
Louis Martens (2006)
Gianetta Antonia Schäfer (1975)
Princess Beatrice Charlotte von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1951)
Princess  Marie Alexandra von Sachsen-Meiningen (1978)
Prince Constantin von Sachsen-Meiningen (1980)
Prince Simon von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1985)
Prince Daniel von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1988)
The Princess Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore , Princess  of Battenberg (1857-1944)
Robin Alexander Bryan  (1957)
Faith Bryan (1979)
Edward Curtis Houle (1979)
Elijah Alexander Bryan (1995)
Don Luis Alfonso Gonzalo Víctor Manuel de Borbón y Martínez-Bordiú (1974)
Princess Eugénie de Bourbon (2007)
Prince Louis de Bourbon, Duke of Burgundy (2010)
Prince Alfonso de Bourbon, Duke of Berry (2010)
Prince Henri de Bourbon, Duke of Touraine (2019)
Stephanie Michelle de Borbón (1968)
Nicholas Stefano Alessandro de Borbon McMasters (1994)
Christian Alfonso de Borbon McMasters (1995)
Jaime Sebastian McMasters de Borbon (1996)
Richard Carl McMasters III (1998)
Alexander Leandro Joaquin Gonzalo McMasters de Borbon (2004)
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myworldofelegance · 5 years
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Viola and Vera Arrivabene
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firisaardianti · 8 years
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from Dior Haute Couture Spring 2017 front row
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