mipexch · 8 months
tficjk ir threat
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nightmaretist · 3 months
How did the death of Inge's daughter affect how she views her own immortality?
[meta] It has made her more afraid of death and, with that, of disease and decay. To have seen someone die in such a way, not violently but slowly and in a draining way, has very much put her off the whole idea. To be immortal puts her above most disease, which is something she views as a definite perk. It has not just made her feel like her immortality is a good thing, though. It isn't often that Inge thinks of her state of being as something unnatural, but this? This was a confrontation that things weren't as they were supposed to go. No parent should lose their child, of course. That is not the order in which things are supposed to transpire. Not only did Vera die before Inge, she became physically older than Inge. Of course, this had happened to her siblings and ex husband as well, but that wasn't so startling: but to see Vera at age thirty six and dying when Inge had died at thirty three ... now that was just wrong, wasn't it? And I'd be lying if I said that she didn't consider it, attempting to immortalize her daughter. But she couldn't. Like all undead, mares are created out of trauma. Inge may not have always been the best mother, but she is not that terrible that she would terrify her own daughter so badly she'd die. So Vera died of cancer in stead and stayed dead, unlike Inge had. And that was wrong. But who would Inge be, to take that wrongness and think of it as something wrong with her? No, the wrongness is with the world, with disease, with her ex-husband, with medical professionals. She's very skilled at projection, while on the inside that grief and knowledge rots.
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chloenwckobia · 1 year
I know you’ve probably seen enough of me since I’ve been hanging around the theater a lot lately, but I was wondering about something these past few days and I think you’d be the perfect one to answer it. What’s the best seat to watch a movie at a theater? @verachadha
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sbovercopious · 7 months
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i'm seventeen again. i am not scared of death. i've got dreams again... vera dreschner edit 1/?
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spinebuster · 1 year
oh vera reblogged a mox gif let me read the tags @scissormedaddyass
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#im reblogging this again to say #bryan would cover his cock in barbed wire for mox to suck him like that
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xandcrstone · 1 year
🥳 - new year's eve party with @verachadha
It was New Year’s Eve, and Xander found himself leaning against the countertop of the bar with a glass in his hand, eyes wandering around Evolution as everyone seemed to be in good spirits. Xander was taking it easy, knowing he had a big day the next day but didn't want to miss out on the celebrations. A smile graced his face when he saw Vera out of the corner of his eye, his head turning in their direction. "Hey there, are you having fun tonight? The band's been pretty great. Kind of wish they'd play Toxic by Britney Spears, though." Xander spoke cheerfully, taking a sip of his drink.
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shefcked · 2 years
open to: all
context: your muse has been teasing vera for hours, edging her torturously. now that they’re alone, vera is impatient.
connections: spouse, relative, neighbour, student/teacher, boss/employee, anonymous sex ( one night stand ), son/daughter’s partner  etc
kinks: taboo, age gap, power dynamics, adultery, orgasm delay, teasing, overstimulation, toy use, double penetration, threesome, etc
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body  stretches  across  the  surface  she  was  laid  upon,  her  legs  spread  to  accommodate  her  lover  as  they  mouthed  hungrily  at  her  neck,  and  vera  moaned,  her  lips  falling  open  and  her  eyes  closing  as  she  pushed  her  head  back  and  strained  beneath  their  hold.  she  moaned  breathily  as  they  moved  down  between  her  breasts,  her  hands  moving  to  the  top  of  their  head  where  she  threaded  her  fingers  through  their  hair,  guiding  them  down  the  flat  of  her  stomach  and  to  her  hips.  her  legs  fell  open  further,  one  held  down  by  their  hand  as  vera  felt  her  arousal  soaking  through  her  panties.          “please,”          she  panted,  aching  to  fulfil  the  need  that  had  been  steadily  growing  within  her  all  day.
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metamorphesque · 6 months
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Brief Poems, Vera Pavlova
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greatprotector · 8 months
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human, spectre, commander : shepard, of mass effect. rooted in the trilogy, and headcanon based. multi-verse. a study in : the weight of the galaxy on your shoulders, abandonment, sacrifice, a belief in something greater, going against the grain, dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, shades of grey, breaking rules to do good, what it means to be alive, human ingenuity and perseverance, martyrdom, and overcoming overwhelming adversity. carrd ʷᶦᵖ . interest tracker.
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wanlittlehusk · 4 months
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ig: multitudescontainme
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nightmaretist · 10 months
Describe an NPC who is important to your character's story. Is this person still a part of your character's life? What are your character's feelings towards them? Have those feelings shifted, or have they always been constant?
[meta] Vera Beenhakker is born in 1971, when Inge is twenty five years old. She holds her daughter and it is the best thing that has ever been held by her hands, the best thing she will ever hold. Look, there was never a doubt whether Inge loved her daughter. This was an undeniable fact, something that was a part of her the same way Vera had once been a part of her. She loved her daughter. Sometimes love is not enough. Sometimes love is not all a child needs. Vera grew up with a father who worked and hated his life and a mother who didn't and hated hers. She grew up with a mother who suffered from night terrors for the first eight years of her life, making her a creature of dark-rimmed eyes and skittish movements. Maybe there was never a chance for her to have a good mother — maybe Sanne took it, maybe Inge let her take it. That's neither here or there. This is about Vera. Vera, who moved from Wanneperveen to Amsterdam when she was eight. Who didn't understand these city folk at first but grew to understand them. Who was loud and daring and funny. Who missed her father and hated him at the same time. Vera was ambitious and bright, went to university. Vera was angry. Vera had a mother who was wrapped up in something she wasn't allowed to understand. Something her mother tried to keep her from, and whether that was out of protection or out of an unwillingness to share, neither of them knew. Vera had a mother who would disappear at night, and return without opening the door. Who covered the keyhole to her daughter's door, with no explanation. Vera didn't understand, but maybe she did. Her mother was in love with another woman, and that woman had done something to her. Changed her. (That Sanne had killed Inge, Vera didn't figure out, but she knew well enough.) Vera studied, got a good job, got a boyfriend. Never got kids, because she knew that motherhood wasn't a fit for all. (It hadn't been for her mother.) She didn't see much of her mother, after a certain point, and when she did, she looked the same. Never a day older. Always with new jewlery. Always over the moon, ecstatic, but never glad enough to stay. Vera hated her mother. Vera hated her father. Vera loved them both. Vera died with them in the room when she was thirty six, three years older than her mother had been when she had died. (Vera asked her mother for the truth and her mother gave it. Her mother helped her sleep with a soft touch. Her mother held her, listened to her, spoke to her. She was loved and she loved in return. Time may have ran out, but there was always that — that love.)
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vaamins · 1 month
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LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who just couldn’t stop turning his eyes towards you during class. watching your furrowed bros in thought of something Yaga said. he couldn’t care less though. he thinks you look beautiful deep in thought.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who constantly yaps about you to suguru and shoko who tell him to shut up whenever ( he never listens though ) but he continues to go on a rant about how your the most perfect person he’s ever seen, he’s ever known.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who is somehow stuttering mess whenever you speak to him. finding himself tripping over his words like a lovesick Highschool girl. his mind races in thought of trying to impress you with witty jokes.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who later regrets ever saying anything when he revisits your conversations. groaning into his pillow as a light blush dusts his cheeks at the image of you laughing at his joke.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who personally helps you in mastering your CT. who can’t bare to watch suguru try help you. ever since he found you training with suguru, he finds himself annoyed at the very thought of someone else touching you. his fists clenching as he sees suguru swiftly save you from falling, a dashing smile on his face.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who subtly tries to show you his feelings through heartfelt gifts. an expensive bouquet of pink roses ( your favourite, though you never told him, he found out through shoko but insisted he just guessed correctly to further impress you ) or even small treats after a mission.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who loves seeing you happy after beating him in a game at the arcade you and your friends usually go to after school ( even though your horrible bad at the game, he doesn’t ever want to see you sad over losing )
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who only ever realises he likes you when Yaga brings it up. his teacher commenting that he bets you’ve taken up satoru’s mind from the amount of times he’s caught him staring at you.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who rushes out the class at his newfound discovery, his heart beating aggressively against the cage of bones in his chest.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who promises to tell you the next day. planning a great confession. he has what he says noted down on pen and paper, perfecting it so he won’t mess up ( but he has a slight inking he will. you’ve only ever been the one person to make satoru stumble over his words and forget them mid sentence )
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who stays up that night. unable to find respite in sleep, he stares at the ceiling mulling over thoughts of what may happen tomorrow after he does what he plans.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who prays that you feel the same for him all throughout the night and through the morning classes. so much so that suguru is cackling in laughter after satoru tells him what he’s been doing for the last few hours.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who waits for you after your mission at the steps to the school his feet aimlessly kicking at stray rocks on the ground, his white hair flying in the breeze.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who finally lets out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding in when he sees you emerge from the many steps, your feet light on the ground so much so that if anyone were not blessed with the six eyes like him, they wouldn’t have even heard you.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who is silent for s long time, studying the face he’s come to adore and love so much. you stare up at him, confused and waiting, a stray hair lies on your cheek and he thinks he’s never seen you more beautiful looking than now.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who blurts out his feelings in one go, blushing red by the end of it, his eyes burning behind his black sunglasses.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who waits for what you say, only to be taken aback when he finds you laughing at him. endless amount of giggles escaping your pretty lips, hes beyond confused ( he didn’t expect you to start laughing )
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who turns away, slightly saddened that you didn’t return his feelings before you pull him into you, leaning up to kiss him lightly on the lips. your soft lips slightly grazing his cheek as you pulls away, he sees the blush rising from your neck to your face.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who is shocked when you admit to liking him back before you run away, further into the school and to the dorms he presumes.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who’s feet are stuck to ground. he is in shock, he thinks. beyond bewildered and oh so so ecstatic.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who’s fingers lightly graze his keeps, wishing he could stand in this moment forever. to forever ingrain the feeling of the almost bursting of his heart and the rush through his veins.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who finally realises how lovesick he is for you.
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© VAAMINS 24  .ᐟ  do not copy, repost or plagiarise my works.
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tempikotee · 3 months
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vera i love u so much vera hi vera
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legayllyblonde · 25 days
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you can't win this one, apollo
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bonus vera and machi... nearly put molars on the sketchpad but 3D exploding klavier is too dear to my heart
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beasblues · 3 months
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they're just being silly, your honor
(small, silly mini comic from yesterday!! they're so oblivious...)
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tannnnblogs · 2 months
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"Aw, shhh, don't cry."
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