#verena is vox’s and alastor’s daughter
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Nothing stopping this man from showing off his kids (and future overlords/rulers of hell)
OCs belong to @bunny-is-cute and are from their blog @hells-greatest-performers
Please consider checking their blog out! It is so captivating, charming with many twists and turns that keep you wanting more!
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**hours after making sure the baby is healthy and can survive outside an incubator*
Vox: *completely baffled* Huh…
Velvette: Well you did it. You made a daughter.
Vox: Yeah…I did…
Velvette: Got a name for her? Preferably something that starts with V.
Vox: I have the perfect name. A name that means “to respect” and “to fear!” My daughter…your name is Verena!
Velvette: Oh that’s so good! *takes picture of baby*
Vox: Vel? What are you doing?
Velvette: Making the official announcement of a new baby in town.
Vox: Hey wait! Ask me first before you do that!
Velvette: Done!
Vox: *gets the notification*
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Original baby design & art by @lucifer-imaginaryfriend
Vox: I should have posted it on my page first!
Velvette: It is on your page. Change your password you moron.
Vox: *frown and looks at his baby girl* Verena…Christ I’m a father…I’m a father…I…have a daughter *it’s truly sinking in*
Verena: *looks at Vox*
Vox: She has my eyes…
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Alice in wonderland Hazbin Hotel Style!
Idea from the talent @bunny-is-cute
Characters from @hells-greatest-performers
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No denying they are sisters and share a certain powerful parent
From @bunny-is-cute @hells-greatest-performers
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All Verena💙💜🩷❤️
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Fully grown version and some baby drawings; one without her Jacket and also being held by her parents Vox
@bunny-is-cute It was so cool to make this OC and I am happy to work with you
Can't wait to see her get into exciting stuff in the future (being Vox and Alastor’s daughter and all)
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Hey Alastor, have you heard of remote work or work from home?
You could do your work from your room. Hopefully you would get enough rest and also be able to spend quality time with the kids.
I know you shouldn't be running about the hotel right now.
Alastor: Well I have Husker to help me if I am unable to perform any tasks. He knows how to run some of the parts of the hotel and we also have —
*crash into the lobby*
Emily: Hi! I’m so glad to be back at work! Lucifer told me that the hotel was opening back up and I came as soon as I heard. *looks at the baby pen and sees the babies* OH MY GOODNESS! CALLIOPE AND FREYA HAVE GOTTEN SO BIG! IVE BEEN WATCHING VERENA AND SHES STILL SMALL!
Husk: Who’s Verena?
Emily: Oh! Uh. She’s Vox’s daughter!
Husk: *chokes on his own saliva hearing that*
Alastor: *stops what he was doing and turns to Emily*
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Emily: Vox’s daughter…oh! I have a picture! She’s so cute!
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*Husk, Niffty and Alastor look at the pic on Emily’s phone*
Emily: She’s about three months old now. No wait! She’s four months.
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Niffty: *turns to Alastor* Hey that baby looks like a blue version of you!
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Alastor: VOX!?!?!?!?!?!?
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Wow. Everyone will be Alastor's descended in the future at that rate. Bro somehow will become responsible for the overpopulation of hell alone.
Alastor: This is some nonsense! Vox and I never even —
Vox: As much as I would have loved to crush that ass…Verena was created through a simple spliced cloning process.
Alastor: Of course she was…
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Velvette: *walks in Vox’s office* Okay we have the — *stops*
Vox: *TV screen is playing Baby Shark*
Verena: (age 8 months) *watching and clapping to the song*
Velvette: *goes over and turns off the TV screen*
Vox: *wakes up* Holy shit! What just happened?! I was doing some work when the next thing I know Verena was touching my face!
Velvette: Sounds like Verena found out how to hijack your face for some video time.
Vox: *angry but also proud that his daughter is a smart hacker and not even a year old yet*
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Vox, I wish you the best of luck, and keep Verena in a safe location, Alastor is like to attack at any moment.
Vox: *minding his own business*
*door crashes and gives way to Alastor in his demonic form*
Alastor: VOX?!
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Vox: Hello Alastor. To what do I owe the displeasure of seeing you today?
Alastor: A little birdie told me you had a daughter and I couldn’t help but noticed the resemblance. Care to explain?!
Vox: well who says you should be the only one with progeny Alastor? *leans down and picks up his baby from her bassinet that was beside him*
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Vox: Meet Verena and while I had used your DNA to make sure, rest assured she will be better than you or your little royal bastards ever will be.
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Alastor: you made me another daughter?!
Vox: She’s mine but…I supposed genetically she is related to you.
Alastor: you dumbass. You do know that I have rights to her. After all I refuse to be a deadbeat parent.
Vox: You’re not going to ruin her with your old-timey tech. She’s mine! And one day she will end your existence!
Alastor: Now see that is not conductive to growing up healthy. But you’re a new parent so I’ll forgive you for that mistake. How old is she? Four months?
Vox: What’s it to you? You’re not gonna be involved.
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Alastor: *laughing* Oh but I will. Just visitation of course. I have that right. And she does have siblings she should meet.
Vox: Oh she’ll meet them when she is going to crush them under her heel!
Verena: *making spit bubbles and clapping her hands*
Alastor: Adorable. Now what days would be preferably for visitation?
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So Lucifer and Alastor have four kids- Charlie , Calliope and the newly born twin boys.
Bunny: Don’t forget Verena! That’s Alastor’s daughter with Vox!
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Art by @lucifer-imaginaryfriend
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All of the amazing Art was done by @lucifer-imaginaryfriend
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Verena’s First Birthday Party
Written by @bunny-is-cute
The Morningstar Family approached the Vee Tower, children in a stroller. Lucifer put in extra effort to maintain his composure. Despite bouts of nausea and unusual cravings for anything electrical, he knew that his presence at the party was non-negotiable at this point.
Alastor opened the door while Lucifer pushed the stroller through. They walked over and saw a sign that read “Verena’s First Birthday Party. Invited Guests Only” with an arrow pointing them in the right direction. A large demon stood alongside some velvet ropes, indicating high status and a barrier for uninvited demons.
“Name?” the demon asked.
“Surely you know who we are! I’m Alastor, the Radio Demon!”
“And I’m Lucifer Morningstar,” Lucifer added.
The demon looked over the list and saw Alastor and Lucifer’s names, along with the names of their babies. He unhooked the rope and said, “Enjoy the party.”
They walked inside and saw an opulent ballroom adorned with lavish decorations and shimmering lights. This didn’t look like a party for any one-year-old they’d ever met.
Vox, standing at the entrance, greeted them with a broad smile. “LUCIFER! ALASTOR!” The TV demon approached and hugged both of them.
Neither of them liked it.
Vox broke the hug quickly enough but positioned himself between Alastor and Lucifer, keeping an arm around the blonde king. “I’m so glad you could make it!”
Alastor growled, his ears flattening against his forehead. “Yes, well, I would never miss my child’s birthday. Speaking of, where is Verena?”
“She’s in the play area with her nanny and some of the other children. You can drop off your children there as well,” Vox said, gesturing to the large play area where some of his employees acted as babysitters.
Lucifer pulled away. “Well, I better drop the kiddos off then!” He laughed nervously and pushed the stroller away.
Alastor approached Vox. “Don’t get too handsy with Lucifer. He still hasn’t forgiven you for what happened months ago.”
Vox laughed. “Perhaps he’s forgiven me more than you realize.”
Alastor raised an eyebrow.
“You know, Alastor, I’m a good parent to our Verena. She never wants for anything and has all her needs and desires fulfilled. A true princess if I’ve ever seen one.”
Alastor didn’t like the tone Vox was using. “Why did you put a tiara on her?”
Vox laughed. “Well, she is the birthday girl, and she is your daughter. You are dating the King of Hell, so technically she is royalty.”
“Your logic is all hat and no cattle.”
Vox gave him a confused expression. “Did you just use an old-timey insult on me?”
“Some call it old; others, more sophisticated people, use the word ‘classic,’ and that’s something I hope to instill in my children.”
“You mean my children?” Vox growled.
Alastor felt his ear and eye twitch. “What did you say?”
“Enjoy the party, Alastor. I know I will!” Vox said with a smirk on his face as he left to mingle with the guests.
Lucifer returned from the play area, looking somewhat relieved. He joined Alastor, who was still fuming from his exchange with Vox.
“Everything okay?” Lucifer asked, noticing Alastor’s tense expression.
Alastor took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “Vox is being his usual insufferable self. But let’s not let him ruin the day.”
Lucifer nodded. “Agreed. Today is about Verena.”
They made their way through the crowd, exchanging polite greetings with other guests. The ballroom was filled with demons of various ranks and statuses, all gathered to celebrate Verena’s first birthday. It was clear that no expense had been spared.
Vox watched from the crowd, keeping an eye on Lucifer with a knowing look. And he couldn’t help the smirk on his face as he viewed the grand prize in all of Hell.
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Oh so it is both cool cool cool
The hotel is a daycare now
We can call it happy hotel again. Don’t matter if it sounds like a kids amusement park. That’s just accurate advertising if it’s going to be NINE KIDS
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Lucifer: *four months pregnant* Oh yeah…totally a daycare. Maybe we can teach the residents responsible by making them babysitters!
Vox: Hey I already have one and another on the way! Though that does sound like a good (and cheap) way to help with the child care.
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Alastor: You think I’m just going to let some random sinner get near my babies?! I barely let Verena near you!
Vox: but she’s my daughter…
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Alastor: And that’s the ONLY reason you get to spend time with her.
Lucifer: *annoyed* Guys please stop fighting…
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That actually just a rumor, Vox. No one actually knows.
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Vox: Well. I know how to find out… *pulls up security videos all around the Pride Ring and one narrows down on Lucifer and Alastor as they walk through the city.
Meanwhile…with Lucifer and Alastor…
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Lucifer: *drinking sparkling water and hating it* I feel like my stomach is about to become a volcano….
Alastor: Well if you do erupt, don’t do it on the children.
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Alastor: *notices camera* Ya know if you’re feeling so bad, perhaps you should head home? I’m sure Vox will understand your absence.
Lucifer: No. I should go. Besides it’s just a child’s birthday party. It shouldn’t even take that long! Verena is your daughter and I want to show my support for you and her to have a relationship. And the kids should see their sister more!
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So Alastor... Have you spent time with Verena yet? Does she like you?
Alastor: *has Calliope, Caius & Caelan to meet their half-sister (there a 4-baby seat stroller)*
Vox: *holding Verena* What’s all this?
Alastor: Well since Verena is my child it’s only fair she meets her half (and superior) siblings. Princess Calliope. Prince Caius. And Prince Caelan.
Vox: *glitching with anger* Listen here prick, if you’re going disrespect my daughter you can forget this.
Alastor: Oh course not! But she should know who her superiors are early. I can’t help it if my children were made of angelic flesh and my magic while you made Verena out of my DNA and your overrated tech.
Vox: *beginning to smoke*
Alastor: *takes Verena out of Vox’s hands before he crashes and shuts down* See what I mean? Dear Verena I’m sorry you must deal with such inferior technology. Allow Papa to show you the greatest technology ever invented — the Radio! *puts Verena in stroller next to Calliope* Okay my darlings, let us be off! *Alastor begins pushing the stroller away*
Vox: *still on the ground*
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Hi! I'm new to your blog. Can I get a lore recap? (Sorry if this ends up being a stressful ask or anything)
Oh…boy this is gonna be a long recap…
The battle at the Hazbin Hotel ends with Charlie dying defending the hotel — leaving everyone devastated, especially Lucifer.
After proving that demonic souls and former sinners can go to Heaven if redeemed, Lucifer becomes determined to accomplish his daughter’s dream — by making a deal with Alastor.
The deal? Alastor will help Lucifer run the Hazbin Hotel in Charlie’s memory and help recruit souls to redeem. In exchange, Lucifer becomes Alastor’s to do with as he pleases.
That was the original fanfic summary…a lot has changed since then…
It’s been about a year since that deal was struck…
Alastor (while in rut) knocks up Lucifer. Their deal is that Alastor can do whatever he wants to Lucifer’s body (he’s been eating angelic flesh) but as Lucifer is discovering his pregnancy, Alastor accidentally creates a surprise baby (with his magic and Lucifer’s angelic flesh combining to make their daughter Calliope).
Following that, (and while Lucifer is still pregnant) Angel Dust discovers his own pregnancy. One things leads to another and Valentino gets 🔪🔪🔪 so he and can his baby with Husk!
Angel and Lucifer go into labor together but Lucifer’s baby was dying due to Lucifer falling again from Heaven (Heaven was trying to make him and Angel “return” their babies because they possessed souls not meant for hell). In order to save their son, Alastor consumes his son’s flesh and with a spell, creates a stronger, healthier body — and accidentally makes twins in the process.
Sideline for a second — Vox creates a child out of Alastor’s DNA to originally make them a weapon against Alastor, but he gets attached and actually loves his daughter, Verena.
Now it’s been a while and Angel Dust have baby fever (Alastor was pregnant and he wanted another kid) but he didn’t want to carry the baby so he drugs Husky which leads to his pregnancy (he’s currently 4 months pregnant and raising their daughter along as a single day because Angel relapsed and was using drugs again)
There is more but it’s been a crazy ride and a half.
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This is such a bad idea, this is gonna end so badly, oh my gosh, Luci!
Lucifer: Okay Al you’re not funny.
Alastor: Don’t call me Al. We are not on informal terms! Call me Alastor.
Vox: *coming back from cleaning up Verena because babies be messy* Hey is dinner ready yet?
Alastor: Vox?! Why are you here?!
Vox: Dinner with your mom…remember? Or has your radio finally shorted out?
Alastor: What did you say?
Vox: I asked if — *suddenly grabbed and being choked by Alastor*
Verena: *starts crying*
Ellie: Allie?! What are you doing?!
Alastor: *drops Vox and he collapses on the ground*
Vox: *holding Verena to makes sure she didn’t get hurt*
Lucifer: Alastor?! What the hell is wrong with you?!
Ellie: Allie Lester Hart! How dare you attack him! Especially holding your daughter?!
Alastor: Holding my what now?!
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