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Nothing stopping this man from showing off his kids (and future overlords/rulers of hell)
OCs belong to @bunny-is-cute and are from their blog @hells-greatest-performers
Please consider checking their blog out! It is so captivating, charming with many twists and turns that keep you wanting more!
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jacksonnah · 1 year
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idk how this ship called i just think they’re neat :)
(they both adults in their 20s so. i hope people won’t go crazy under this post @@)
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Uh oh, Calean, what you doing buddy?
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Blitzø: (from @helluva-family) *taking Caelan to Lucifer’s Manison*
Caelan: This is where Daddy lives!
Blitzø: Are ya sure kid? Cuz this is the King’s place. And he will kill me if you’re lying.
Caelan: No it’s my old home! *runs up to door and opens it* DADDY! DADDY I’M HOME!
Blitzø: *panicking* oh shit shit shit!
Lucifer: *hearing Caelan’s voice* Caelan? *goes to look for sees him running up* CAELAN?! What are you doing here?! It’s not the weekend. (Is it?)
Caelan: I know but the nice man brought me here!
Lucifer: *looks at Blitzø* You look familiar. Do I know you?
Blitzø: uh no! I’m just an imp who uh…my son accidentally brought your son to uh my partner’s house. I’m just returning him before any trouble was caused.
Lucifer: Hmmm Caelan made a friend?!
Caelan: Yeah! His name is Ørion! The O is silent! And he’s an owl prince!
Lucifer: an owl prince? Oh Stolas’s boy! Well thank you — *notices Imp ran off* Well…let’s go take you back to your Papa before he blows a gasket.
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helluva-family · 2 months
Blitz, Stolas, don’t kidnap this kid. He’s the son of Lucifer and Alastor. You don’t want to cross them.
Stolas: Of course not! *turns to Ørion* Sweetheart, this little boy already has a family. He needs to go back to—
Ørion: *starts crying and hugging Caelan* but I love him Daddy!
Stolas: I know. You two can still be friends, but he must go home.
Blitzø: Yeah and don’t be so clingy. People hate it when you’re clingy.
Stolas: *goes over and takes Caelan away from Ørion* come along now. Let’s take you home before Lucifer comes for us all.
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nicstylus · 2 years
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Each person took about 2-5 minutes to draw
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townofcadence · 6 months
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Super rough sketch, but i wanted to do at least a little something for TDoV before it was over!! I'm trans, so I have quite a few characters under the umbrella lol (and tbh this isn't all of them i just decided 6 was enough :'p)
Edit: updated the pic with a colored sketch because I played with it some more ^^;
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spigo-art · 1 year
Art Fight: Hisuian Trainers!
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This took me so long my queue is now empty
I feel like this is the best thing I've ever drawn. I'm really happy with the poses, the lighting (even though it doesn't make any sense, I don't care), the background, the colours in general... I'm just proud of this one
The characters:
(in the back) Caelan by me
(in the front) Netsui Platum by Fandomonian (twitter: @Fandomonian)
↓ sketch under the cut ↓
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somehow I just pulled out some really good dynamic poses for the trainers and the Samurott first try at 2 am and then I really struggled with the Typhlosion for a while. And here's the more detailed sketch too as a treat!
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incorrectspquotes · 1 year
Valkyrie: China, you have to help me! Caelan's crush on me has gone explosive.
China: Ah, isn't that great.
Valkyrie: No, it's horrible!
China: Maybe for you, but for me it's endlessly entertaining.
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hookeorcrook · 1 year
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you’re in this together, you realize, and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. you’re aching for him, and you have no recourse. give in and kiss him, he’s your present and your future— he’ll be the death of you, but loving him is like breathing. he wont heal you, but he’ll kiss it better.
another western au scene, but they like each other so so much now !!
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carouselofmusess · 5 months
@townofcadence from here
A singular eyebrow raised, as Caelan’s head turned towards the voice. He pulled the baguette from the shelving where he’d been testing their softness, feeling for the rim of his shopping car and then placing it inside. “You…Speaking to me?” What little of his face could be observed appeared unfazed, bu his tone carried a semblance of confusion.
They're all big eyes and innocent little smile, waiting for their meal to turn and face them. But then... what? What the fuck? He blinks, once, and then a second time harder. He's sure that he looks as confused as the other sounds, at least for a moment. Was this guy wearing a blindfold? While groping bread? "I am..." He starts, tone all soft and weirdly sugary sweet. Might as well at least try to push past the whatever this was. "But you already know that, don't you? You're such a terrible person. I'm sure your family would agree..." And maybe they were right, if squishing bread in a grocery store blindfolded was how he got his weird kicks.
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lux-scriptum · 9 months
I was digging through my Amara tag and found an old ask @cwritesfiction sent that included a reference to an old scene between Amara and a priest. I decided to find it, and I did!
Amara hit the ground running, and didn’t look back. She bolted down the street, sprinting through the crowd of people before her. She dove between them, squirming through the crowd despite the cries of dismay. Or maybe it was annoyance. She couldn’t tell, and she didn’t have time to care. She darted into a shop at random. Her breaths came in fierce pants as she moved deeper in the store. Several glances over her shoulder showed no one had followed her. She ducked behind a shelf of books, and only then realized the poor shopkeeper was staring at her.
“Don’t worry. I’m just...” She gave an uncomfortable smile, trying and failing to even out her breaths. “In a hurry. I really, really need...” After a cursory glance, she grabbed a book at random. “I needed this.”
The shopkeeper looked down at the book. Amara followed his gaze, and winced. A Christian Woman’s Guide To Dating all but screamed at her in great big gold lettering. 
She slapped down a few bills when the shopkeeper stuttered out a price. “Keep the change. I’m going to go read.” She scooped up the book, and sat down in the back of the shop. From this angle she could see out the door, and with her back pressed against the wall, no one could sneak up behind her. She flipped the book open, just to keep up appearances. 
She waited about an hour, eyeing each and every customer that wandered in with suspicion. The shopkeeper in turn never stopped watching her. She wasn’t sure if it was suspicion on his part, or anxiety. Either way, it was getting on her nerves. Her sigh made the man jump. She stood, muttered a half hearted thanks to him, and ducked out again. She made it halfway down the block when a nearby payphone started ringing. She almost kept walking, but could have sworn it got louder when she passed it. She turned back, frowning. No one else seemed bothered by it. She prowled closer, and carefully picked up the receiver. “Hello?”
Of course. She grimaced. “I already know how much trouble I'm in, so a rant is pointless.”
“Where are you?”
“Relax. I’m by some little bookshop downtown. I got a little turned around, and I’m not sure how to get back yet.”
“Again?” She could hear the sigh through the phone. “Do I need to come get you? You should have been back hours ago.”
“Well, I ran into some... ah, trouble.”
“Mmmhmm.” Amara slid a glance to her surroundings. “It wasn’t me, I swear. They just showed up.”
“I’m coming to get you.”
“Don’t bother. I’ll find a church, and then I’ll be home.”
“You’re going to come back a mess, and I’m going-”
“Good bye, Caelan.” She hung up, taking a great amount of pleasure at the thought of him spluttering at his end. She almost started jogging away, when something occurred to her. She retraced her steps back to the shop again. The shopkeeper didn’t look happy to see her, if his little jerk was anything to judge by. She waved her book at him. “Ah, bag? Please.” 
Book carefully out of sight now, she hurried down the street, not bothering to get directions. As long as she wasn’t being followed she didn't care. Caelan could wait. He’d spent this long waiting. Wouldn’t hurt him to wait longer. 
She felt it before she even heard it. The sense of unease that washed over her was familiar, but annoying. Something was wrong, but that was the story of her life, and it hardly did anything for her. She tucked her hands in her jacket pocket, feeling the familiar weight of the flask in each one. Hopefully she’d be able to remember which one was the holy water, and which one she wasn't supposed to have at all.
She picked up her pace, going as fast as she could without actually breaking into a trot. The unease didn’t fade, instead shifting to coil in the bottom of her stomach. It wasn’t clear where the danger was, but she knew without question someone was following her, and whoever they were, they didn't wish her well. 
That sense had saved her skin more than once over the years. It was vague, and irritating, but it was still useful. At least she knew something was wrong. 
She shifted the bag on her shoulder as she risked a glance around. Her gaze was drawn to one man in particular. The glint of turquoise eyes, too bright to be human, was all she needed to see. She snapped back around, seeking out a chapel with renewed interest. About five blocks down, she could see her destination. Weighing her options informed her that sprinting was a bad idea. 
She broke into a run anyway, darting among the people. Thankfully the crowd was thinning, but that meant if the demon bolted as well he’d have less to slow him down too. She was gasping by the time she darted up the stairs and into the chapel’s doors. She paused to look back. Nothing. She didn’t see anything. The man was gone, and she was getting strange looks.
Ignoring those looks, she edged inside. The sanctuary was empty, for now. Or maybe she hadn’t been loud enough to bring anyone running. Pity. No, not pity, she reminded herself as she prowled down the aisle. She didn’t have time to deal with anyone.
Unfortunately, she didn’t get much choice in the matter. As she meandered down the aisle, a door opened deeper in the building. Not long after, she found herself blinking at a stout man in pressed khakis, who in turn eyed her with no small amount of suspicion. 
“Hi,” she greeted lamely.
He considered her for a beat longer than was comfortable, before asking, “What are you doing in here?”
She scrambled for an answer, and ended up blurting out, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” and made a clumsy crossing motion.
That didn’t seem to be the right answer, because his forehead creased in a frown. “This is a Baptist church.”
Oh. She offered him a small smile. “Well, I still sinned.”
“I see.” His expression worried her, but he merely waved a hand at a pew. “Would you like to talk about it? A Baptist preacher is as much a holy man as a Catholic priest, and I might be able to help.”
It wasn’t like she had any other choice, so she edged past him to settle on the pew. It took all of her self control to not scoot away when he sat beside her. She fiddled with the frayed edge of her shirt, unsure of what to say.
“What has been concerning you?” the preacher pressed gently.
The problem was that Amara had no idea what of her problems she could tell him. She flattened her hands against her legs, and then said, “I steal.” Not untrue. “I pickpocket.” It wasn’t like the angels gave her an allowance. She shot a glance at him, but he had that same expression as before. Where was the anger? All she could see was concern and disapproval. “I drink.” She tugged out one of the flasks, prayed it was the right one, and waggled it under his nose. “You want a sip?”
“You sound more proud of what you’ve done than repentant.”
“I’m not,” she admitted. “Repentant, that is. But I’d like to be. I figured the Church was as good a place to start as any.”
“I see.” He waited a beat too long for her to be comfortable. “Well, if you’re looking for ... a place to find a higher power to hold you accountable, we have a youth group that meets every Sunday and Wednesday.”
“That might help,” she said agreeably. He wasn’t convinced, but he still nodded.
“Perhaps agreeing to leave the alcohol with me might be a step in the right direction as well?”
Shit. Maybe bringing it up hadn’t been a good idea. She shook her head, even when he held a hand out at her. He was persistent, though, and didn’t move until she handed it over. She watched where he tucked it away, and then looked down, pressing her lips together. 
“Is there anything else you want to talk to me about?” He offered. When she shook her head, he stood. 
“I think I'm going to stay here. Think. It's peaceful here. Quiet. I'm not used to... quiet.” She jerked her head up to meet his gaze. Again, she found herself unable to read his expression. 
“I'll be in my office,” he told her. Pity. It couldn't be pity, could it? He gestured back, the way he came. Towards his office, she assumed. His mouth tipped up on one side. “The sermons don't write themselves, you know.”
She laughed a beat too late, and felt heat rise in her cheeks. She wasn't sure if she liked this preacher. Something about him left her a little unnerved. She watched him go, ducking her head in faux piety when he glanced back at her. 
Not a minute later, the man was back. She lifted her head warily, but he merely held out a pink book. She had to choke back a laugh when she realized it was a bible. Not just any bible. A youth bible. She dragged her gaze up to his, and took it. “Thank you.” What else could she say? He nodded once, and turned to leave. “Wait.” She grabbed his sleeve. “I meant that. Thank you. I didn’t expect you to...”
“Something like that.” She smiled wryly, and let her hand drop slowly. He didn’t seem to know what to say, because he gave a small dip of his head and turned to go. She let him this time without complaint. Once he was out of sight she lifted the flask she’d stolen back, before shoving it in her boot. 
She only moved again when she was sure he was gone for good this time. Any moment now, Caelan would be retrieving her, and she still had to brace for that. He grated on her nerves, which was no doubt why the angels had made him her handler. The air behind the pulpit split in half as she approached it, and a familiar shape shimmered into existence.
“Caelan,” she greeted sourly. 
The angel, his mouth pressed into a line so thin she was surprised it hadn’t vanished, merely ordered, “Come.”
“Yessir,” she said sweetly, putting her hand in his. 
His sharp gaze had no give in it. He glanced around, as if demons could crawl through the walls, before he tugged her through the split that waited for them.
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Alice in wonderland Hazbin Hotel Style!
Idea from the talent @bunny-is-cute
Characters from @hells-greatest-performers
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spxtse · 4 months
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it has been many days since pride started but i finally forced myself to finish some art...hopefully i’ll post a lot more than the rate im going at would suggest by the end of the month but who knows anyways hello tumblr i genuinely missed this website a lot for some reason
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Wait now I want to hear each of the kids asking why you guys are fat😭
Lucifer: *making pancakes*
Caius: Hey Daddy…why are you carrying a ball under your shirt?
Lucifer: I’m not…?
Caius: Well it looks like you are.
Lucifer: *dumbfounded* 
Alastor: *doing laundry*
Verena: Hey Papa…I think you need bigger clothes.
Alastor: Hmm?
Verena: Yeah, you’re starting to seep out of your pants
Alastor: *realizing he’s developing “love handles”*
Lucifer: *reading the paper and sipping some tea*
Calliope: Dad I have a question.
Lucifer: Yeah?
Calliope: How come your belly is bigger? Did you eat a full breakfast?
Lucifer: *getting annoyed* No sweetie. I didn’t.
Calliope: Oh…well then how is your belly so big?
Alastor: *taking a moment to himself*
Caelan: *shyly comes in* Papa? Can I come in?
Alastor: Sure. Come over here
Caelan: *comes over and climbs on Alastor’s lap and notices the difference in Alastor’s body* Why is your tummy bigger?
Alastor: Well…your Daddy and I have a surprise to tell you and your siblings soon.
Caelan: Okay…does it involve your tummy?
Alastor: Yes it does. So be very careful around it.
Caelan: Sorry.
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teine-mallaichte · 2 months
I've been working on some original fiction 😮 well... I've been world building anyway... it's going to be some living weapon style whump/angst within a larger narrative likely told through snippets/drabbles.
Anyway, I've been designing my two main characters today and I've learnt that hands are hard to draw 🤣
Let me introduce you to Caelan and Eldrin.
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Centuries ago there was a war between the humans and the elves, the specifics have been lost to time but since then elves have been rarely seen. The majority isolating themselves, refusing to integrate with humans as the dwarfs did. Now the only elves that any human is likely to see are those known as "conscripts" or "owned elves", those born into servitude, used by the elites as status symbols, trophies, and tools.
Caelan is an elemental mage from a prestigious household. He travels from town to town as a scholar and researcher, hiring mercenaries as he goes but never working with anyone for long.
Eldrin is a mercenary who prefers working alone for reasons. But ends up working with Caelan when the mage needs someone to travel to some ancient ruins with him.
I've pretty much given away the first snippet/drabble here 🤣 but meh.
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nicstylus · 2 years
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