#verminus imperium
primestartes · 3 months
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ratchaptermaster · 4 years
Assault of Braying Walls
The scream hollered over the chorus of screams. The hatred and envy of man shrieking from a thing that was once a man, now a chattering ravenous thing that could barely concern itself as one. The ambition that stirred to the Terminator-clad warlord-seer pointing his crackling focus axe, commanding the wave of ratmen after ratmen against the fortification of witchcraft with the thunderclap of heavy armor blasting. The scrolling of corrupted High Gothic and Other Tongue adorn his own grey armour to the whipping tatters of robes that once been a noble Librarian, now something far fell and sorcerous. 
“Bring it down!” Seer-Master Krivov commanded with the vivid insane crave in his eyes. “I want those walls smash-crushed! Demolished! Grounded! Dust-dust!” As he screamed his commands to the winds, his axe whipped over his head and gathered the aether of the Warp whilst their enemy were attempting the same. 
Whilst the battle between his thralls and the Thousand Sons’ Tzaangor fought each other by blades, tooth, and blessings, Krivov was engaged in a duel of will to the Shaman leading the bleating knaves. He could see it zipping here and there, aligning the crystals stolen. 
Warpstone. Precious, glittering, screaming Warpstone! 
Arcs of green energies popped and rattled on his armour and grounds, turning into twisting glasses and gibbering, festering flesh. All of it pulled into the bejeweled axe and cycled to the warlord-seer’s mask. His mind twisting and pushing, condensing and expanding for the lore gathered and ambitiously weaving. Around him, his honour guard of storm-vermin turned at the disturbance by a mere sniff. 
In the discolouring air, the avian goatmen seemed to step through the vision of reality and not like water. Their blades shimmering of their trick-god’s touch, eyes gleaming in murderous intent with their grating bleats and chatter. Tails whipped, the Fang-leader licked his metal teeth with a ugly smile under his horned helmet. “Good-good, kill-humble these beast-things!” He ordered with a pointed claw, urging the artificer-armoured to meet the teleporting ambushers with the scream of bloodlust. Their churning chainglaives thrusting and whipping with a violent remembrance to the astartes they once were. At their backs, the bolter-armed fired in restrained discipline between each widened opening that their foremost kindred made while the beastmen charged by the blow of a distant wyrd-horn.
“Quiet! Quiet-silence!” Krivov commanded in another scream that roared beyond his own vocals. His axe swung more and more, creating a great tempest of blackening aether. The putrid pollution of the warband’s own smoke-choking warmachines were siphoning, even rats less weighted yanked and screaming into the black whirlwind. Warp-lightning crackling and popping before the warlord-seer hurled his violence manifested by the swing of his axe! 
The howling winds ravishing forward, throwing rats and beastmen aside with not a care of either’s lives. Their bodies torn and thrashed, even a helbrute were howling in its midst before it - and all the conjured force - slammed into the wall in a incandescent show of shrapnel and magicks. 
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noctischaplain · 5 years
Hell I’d marry Helbane for as sexy as he is. What are your other character blogs?
The irony that he wears his helmet the most out of my current characters!
These are my blogs so far, they aren’t as intensely developed beside a couple. Hopefully, I can build them up.
@ratchaptermaster - Vun Cinderreaver, originally I started him as a mad Skaven warlord but he - and the Skavens - appear as a dark reflection of Ultramar under the way of a strengthened Great Horned Rat with he as the ‘Chaptermaster’, the foremost champion and leader of this Verminus Imperium.
@projironwithin - An attempt of a story-developing blog with a young Iron Warrior going through the Great Crusade and further. Mm, not as well as I hoped.
@thousandsonpyrae - A side character made from Project Iron Within that I enjoyed. Blademaster Aaron of the Thousand Sons, he appears in 40k as a rubric of questionable sentience. I might remake him as a Chaos Lord who just barely escaped Ahriman’s Rubric.
@chaosravencommander - The Chaos AU of the Dawn of War II main protagonist, the Force Commander after the bad ending. 
@khornashflame - Arguably my first 40k rp blog that I come back and forth to. Originally of two chaos champions of Slaanesh and Khorne, but now - mm, need to redevelop this one.
@iamomegon - Yes, I have the Primarch of the XXth.
@veteransonofscylla - a new blog of my homebrew Primaris Chapter, this one will take some time.
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primestartes · 3 months
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Chaptermaster Vun, Master Regent of the Verminus Imperium and Lord of the Rattus Astartes
My beautiful ratty child, I haven't forgotten about you. You will rise again. The Horned Emperor bless.
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ratchaptermaster · 5 years
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The Deathmaster, the Council’s blade in the shadows. The One who was caught by the Flesh-Tear Eldar-things and escaped changed. Scarred and no-fur, eyes big and black, and senses a thousandfold - founded by the Prettiest Rat he was. Musk that reviled and adored, They-He taught the Deathmaster how to best kill-steal the Eldar-things. To be apart of Shadows and taste the sweet-musk of Fear, move faster than any before him! 
With flesh-cloak of finest Eldar-flesh and armour of Fake-man, drugs whine and sting sweet-pain into his spine and mind. See many colours, taste many flavours, smell many things, he is best kill-hunters! He is best for the Chapter master! Best to teach dull-nosed chosen-whelps to become almost as good-best. 
Chaptermaster demand and Deathmaster obeys! Sometimes Arch-seer too.
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ratchaptermaster · 4 years
The ratmen swarmed up from the Secondus and Quintus Levels with disturbing deftness. No human could have possibly done this, so many that it was like a living floor of dung-colored masses swirling their way from the dark pit of the Hive City. For the briefest moment, the long-hardened soldiers of the Adeptus Arbites has tasted inconceivable fear that no mutant before this day could even match in their careers. Scaly claws and chattering teeth drowned their screams. 
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ratchaptermaster · 5 years
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ratchaptermaster · 5 years
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Duty beyond the Tide.
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ratchaptermaster · 5 years
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The Chosen First.
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ratchaptermaster · 4 years
What is the 40k version of the hellpit abomination?
I have waited a long time for this.
A Hellpit Abomination in the Verminus Imperium is a powerful Chaos Spawn detained, experimented and reined by the insidious and ingenius science-magicks of Clan Moulder! 
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ratchaptermaster · 4 years
How does skavin tech effects 40k daemons?
The Verminus Imperium make any use of the Warp-things, they make such grand fuel and the Great Horned Emperor protects his aspirants in claiming dominance over these things. They have a good relations with the quick-daemons of the Pink-Snake, for they hate the Red-daemons as much as them. 
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ratchaptermaster · 4 years
What do the clan leaders think of ikit claw and his desire to build a bomb big enough to destroy the world
Clan Skryre, the former 9th Company turned into an absorbed power of the former astartes and the changed adeptus mechanicus now led by the Master of the Forge (The Lord-Warlock), have many, many weapons that have potential world-ending power. 
The ‘Ikit Claw’ of the Verminus Imperium has far...grander aspirations.
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ratchaptermaster · 5 years
I'm not sure why, but the concept of a Skaven-fied Imperium delights me and now, I'm imagining my favorite 40k characters as Skaven
You wouldn’t be too far off in the Verminus Imperium! It is an utter rotten Warp-thrown reflection of how corrupt the Imperium has become. The Astra Verminae are originally of Ultramarine geneseed (deep debate of being one of the Lost Legions but for now, Ultramarine Successor Chapter) and Vun, from his rank of Chapter Master and the Great Horned Rat-Emperor’s Foremost Champion, seem like a Skaven-reflection of Guillimane.  The Council of 13 serving as both the Chapter Command and High Lords of the Verminus Imperium. 
By the time the Indomitus Crusade is over and the Vigilus Defiant Campaign is in swing, the Imperium is disturbingly sizeable hiding under their god’s domain. Whenever they are spotted, people have seen them only sparingly - one group literally serving under a glory-hunting Inquisitor as a remnant of a mutated chapter seeking penance or a sparse Nurglite warband.
Never at the same time and if they are, usually from different clans and easily mistaken for something.
They know it and use it to their ravenous advantage. Kill a rival, take the loot, gain standing without breaking the Chaptermaster’s commands. It isn’t as ‘cut-throat’ among the astartes-rat compared to the guard-rats but they’ll be quick to establish who’s the current big rat. 
It is a controlled mess that could explode at any point or time.
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primestartes · 5 years
The Current Active Blogs of Note
@iamomegon - The Primarch of the Alpha Legion
@noctischaplain - The Last Chaplain of the Night Lords 
@ratchaptermaster - The Verminus Imperium, the twisted mirror of mankind
@chaosravencommander - The Chaos AU of the Blood Raven Commander
Probably more to be active and/or made, debating.
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ratchaptermaster · 6 years
Scribe-rat Report
The designed Communication-Rat of the Librarius skitter in, sweating beads of warpstone that he has been drinking, licking, snorting and other ways to feed his pain-ridden insanity mind.
“The G-great, ultra-impressive, and unquestionable Chapter Master has...er, decreed that we-we, the Verminus Imperium - Blessed by the Horned Emperor of Ratkind - will become active again. Excuse your lack of raids and rat-visits as we are usually so g-gracious to give you, b-but with the rise of our Lesser Brothers in the Warp, we have been given a Rattus Codex that can finally help us organize-control our field units and slave-things.
Chapter Master Vun and the Council of 13 is consorting as I speak-tell! Praise be the Emperor of Ratkind. More development-secrets will be divulged in time.”
With this, the Scribe-Rat scurry-runs away with his bundle of papers and bone-fingers to chew on.
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ratchaptermaster · 6 years
A Forge World under threat
The cravenous flight of Warp-winged Heldrakes born of mutated steel and abominations fused took to the polluted skies like screaming vultures for the carrion that came in the form of these defiant Metal Manthings and their defense fliers, followed by gunships blasting lascannons and roaring autocannons filled with screaming rat-men, lesser guard and godling Rattus Astartes alike. Fear in this great scheme was unacceptable and their Clawlord, Captain Qeel will not have defeat. Not over their cold dead bodies!
The Clawlord was a decorated warrior, assuming a near hundred years of life under the Verminus Standards - first as a Skrye-rat before finding their dogmatic obsessions to be nothing to the Imperium’s grand schemes. Serving under the Chapter Master’s ultimate demands more forwardly, the biotic-armed Captain screamed commands to outmatch his lesser officers in the vox. As he bounded and slipped through the burning ruins of the great Mechanicus-town, skittering up a couple pipes in unnatural deftness in dodging the fire of Metalman-things’ rangers until he vaulted up to a perch to meet the hooded interlopers.
“Gone!” Qeel commanded with the backhandish swing of his Nostraman-forged power sword, its crackled blade cleaving two of the rangers into spasming rags before killing the others with wild abandonment that had a murderous flail in the oddest remembrance of skill by the end of his combi-plasma’s bladed underside and his own tail. No room to vault or easily escape, most of the squad was dead before the last jumped with its augmented legs for another perch, the sizzling blasts of Warp-fire zipping by its frame.
“Scurry-run, Little metal-snack!” The Captain squawked in malign glee, almost going after it before his tower suddenly shuddered to something slamming its base. Looking down, he sees a Kakaphron Breacher slamming with its heavily-armoured frame and crackling weapons firing at the support. Fearless of such a mild thing, the rat-astartes holstered his weapons in quick succession and lept with his augmented strength and growing servos hurling his near ton frame across to a claw-screaming catch on a tank.
The bionic creature turns on its treads, aiming its great galvanic weapon at the scaling Captain. Its coils crackling in life, charging to fire before a lance of green energy speared through the air and it. The Breacher slumped on its ruined spin a moment and exploded in ruptures of its power and core. A Skyre Warpcannon Specialist cackled in its true shot before a small horde of guard-rats skittered and charged with the rain of lasfire and barking pistols for the coming Skittarii that were marching into the quarter. The armored warriors of the Mechanicus answered stoically with the logical answer of radium carbine-fire. Their radiated blasts were nothing short of perfection, each shot was a death. Each death was an advancement, however, explosions were noticeably avoided. A ruptured pipeline could lead to critical situations for both their attack and the city itself.
Something that Qeel recognized and answered accordingly.
With a lift of his combi-weapon, the Captain fired...
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