#vun cinderreaver
ratchaptermaster · 5 years
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The Chosen First.
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primestartes · 6 years
To my peoples
I need to write more and feeling productive, especially need to develop some of these blogs more. Please, leave a prompt or ask on these bois if you like. @noctischaplain - Helbane
@ratchaptermaster - Vun Cinderreaver and his Rats
@khornashflame - Vopi the Magnificent, Harpocrate, even...Ludwig the Aspired
@projironwithin - Kallipides
@thousandsonpyrae - Aaron
@chaosravencommander - Force Commander Aramus and the squad
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noctischaplain · 5 years
Hell I’d marry Helbane for as sexy as he is. What are your other character blogs?
The irony that he wears his helmet the most out of my current characters!
These are my blogs so far, they aren’t as intensely developed beside a couple. Hopefully, I can build them up.
@ratchaptermaster - Vun Cinderreaver, originally I started him as a mad Skaven warlord but he - and the Skavens - appear as a dark reflection of Ultramar under the way of a strengthened Great Horned Rat with he as the ‘Chaptermaster’, the foremost champion and leader of this Verminus Imperium.
@projironwithin - An attempt of a story-developing blog with a young Iron Warrior going through the Great Crusade and further. Mm, not as well as I hoped.
@thousandsonpyrae - A side character made from Project Iron Within that I enjoyed. Blademaster Aaron of the Thousand Sons, he appears in 40k as a rubric of questionable sentience. I might remake him as a Chaos Lord who just barely escaped Ahriman’s Rubric.
@chaosravencommander - The Chaos AU of the Dawn of War II main protagonist, the Force Commander after the bad ending. 
@khornashflame - Arguably my first 40k rp blog that I come back and forth to. Originally of two chaos champions of Slaanesh and Khorne, but now - mm, need to redevelop this one.
@iamomegon - Yes, I have the Primarch of the XXth.
@veteransonofscylla - a new blog of my homebrew Primaris Chapter, this one will take some time.
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ratchaptermaster · 5 years
News: Big Rats steals Little Rat
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Chapter-Master Vun: “This Sackrat is our, you-you can’t have-keep~!”
Grey Seer-Lord Qhet: [The Pettiest Rat Snicker Ever] “Nope-nope~”
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ratchaptermaster · 6 years
Chapter Master!
The massive rat in his nest of claimed treasures rolled, grumbling with a flick of his bladed tail.
“Chapter Master, More Preened and Finest of Rats. Wake-wake!” The plague-ridden chaplain squeaked at him, keeping a good distance while prodding at the horned head peaking with annoyed twitches of his nose.
There is no waking, Cinderreaver. If this wasn’t important, he wouldn’t even dare. However, this is important!
Underneath his dirty tarbard, the Master of Things pulled out a astartes-fist of Warpstone. The trinklet warpstuff crystallized into its precious appearance while the souls trapped cried out. Scratches at its delicious...beautiful...only for- no, no! Duty first! - surface. It causes movement.
“Wake-wake.” The Master of Things coos, then drops the warpstone. In a sudden burst of movement, a muscular arm thrust and caught it into its clawed fist. The muscles flexed and bulged, flesh almost devouring the ports for power armour before Vun peeked out with glowing red eyes. “What-what!? You drop warpstone? Is it Rite-Tribute already-now?” He questioned, blinking and flicker his tongue on the scratched surface. The tiny dust bringing a drug-addict’s pleasure through his addled brain.
“No-no! Most Deserving of Masters under only the Horned Emperor,” The Chaplain annoyed, skitter-leaping - ever odd to see when clad in full power armour - towards the visionary port before punching the corrupted servitor-eye. It blinked a couple times and opened to reveal the problem.
Outside of the grounded monastery, resting on their moon as it orbited the great Rat hiveworld, Skavblight, was a flotilla of tau ships attacking what is his! Vun stared a moment and absentmindedly dropped the warpstone from his mouth. Instead, replaced by a roaring boom of command-squeaks and gibbering of fit and rage that sent his slave-rats and pet-rats scattering like...rats!
In the end of it, the Master of Things were thrown through the door, who bounces and scutters on all fours to get it done with a bigger, daemonic shadow where his should be as he cackled in eagerness.
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ratchaptermaster · 6 years
I Wish
I could draw Vun being a merry ratman in his artificer terminator, jovially cackling in his unquestionable lack of sanity while firing thunderous rounds after rounds of warpstone-tipped bolts from his clenched powerfist, The Emperor’s Fist. In his other hand, the green fellfires of his double-cursed hellsword burning in utter hate. The two reflectingly off those beady red eyes of infernally favoured madness. Rending scores of his enemies down like a tally from some child’s murderous game while war blazed around him as if this hell of bloodshed was just for him.  Too bad, you reader...
will get to enjoy this!
Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! Those were the sounds of the clicking, releasing, and popping of a thousand blessed bolter-rounds feeding and vomited from the blasphemous weapon forged from the hellpits of his God-Emperor’s majesty long before. Given onto him. 
HIM! The Great Horned Rat-Emperor’s first and favoured of Champions, the Herald of the Vermintide, the Material Master of His Verminous Empire! 
This weapon clad onto his fist, feeding its belt into the spinning triplet-barrels under its crackling bulb-inserted armour-cover from the cultivated Warp-hole from his armour’s exhaust stocks, polluting the air with gaseous conversation of the Emperor’s favour and the close rot of the Stinky-One who find some amusement and patronage of their great crusade.
This weapon, The Emperor’s Fist, delivered onto the Fish-Things and their slave-thralls a gloriously bloody death that brought the Chapter-Master of the Verminus Astra nothing but cackling joy. They dare not come close, their fear-musk was ripe but utterly devoured by the battle-musk that Vun Cinderreaver, greatest rat, bestowed onto the battlefield.
His Terminator escort of Red Guard, the retinue of the First Company Veterans from another life ago, lumbered forward the moment their Unquestionably Bloody Lord snapped his arm back and clicked the weapon in its distinctive way.
At their legs, the flood of savage Rat-Guard who serve the Monastery as their constantly scurrying eyes, ears, and chattering chewing teeth charged with hateful squeaks and mimicries to their former lives’ howls in glory to the Imperium and the God-Emperor upon his gilt throne.
Now, they screamed for Vun and their Horned Emperor on his Throne made of Warpstone. 
The Tau’s staging ground was becoming overrun. Never did they expect this...unnatural counterattack. Not by Humans in such mad savagery, as if they have snacked onto a small hive and revealed the entirety was a forest of raving creatures. 
Their Commander almost buckled under the scampering weight of these things, flinging some off and stomping on another under mech-boot. Head swivelling for his bodyguards. Two were taken under, one closer of battle and blood, trying to fend off an odd thing. It looked like the Humans’ militia leaders. Fire warping into the air, its belching weapon caught and crushed under a pressurizing claw. The ruptures popping and exploding through the crisis armor’s equipped limb, blasting it messily off with a thyroid-ripping scream.
Lord Commissar Bleak cackled as he flung the arm at one of the bug-things from mid-flight before shot three more with his plasma pistol. “For the Emperor-God!” In his outcry, a blast shot and flung the rat-leader into the scuttering flood.
“Damn you, things!” The Alien cried out, “You will all-!” 
A fist crashed and forced the mech to make a ungainly tumble. Repulsors spitting and trying to lift, the Commander facing Vun. Long enough for his sword to slash across the chassis. The fires of the Red-One’s daemons with the ruinous blessing of the Warbringer cutting through armour as simple as...flesh! 
“You dare come to Vun’s system, attack what is mine-mine!?” The Chapter-Master questioned, “You will die-die!” The great rat, almost three times the size of any rat here, lunged with a savage cry. His burning sword swinging one way and arched another, the Commander trying to evade but in the closed spaces of the command center was not an expected fighting ground. His mass lifting in attempt to burst through the environmental-sealed ceiling. 
“Down-down!” Vun commanded, flicking his sword and the Red-Guard unleashed barrages of combi-bolter fire. The crisis suit’s armour rebuked a good number of the explosive rounds, energy shield flickering and returning fire of plasma managed to puncture through one of the Terminators.  The Chapter-Master looked almost bored before a drone flew by his face and another swooped for him, blasting its rounds at his him. It beated against his Iron Halo’s protection and even scuffed his pauldron, almost seemed to hit before erratically redirecting itself by some unknowing force.
Catching the second drone in his power fist, the Chapter Master glared at the refusing  commander before crushing the drone until its repulsor was useless. “Now-now!” 
With a hard throw, the crushed metal slammed into one of the crisis armor’s anti-grav emitters. Smoke billowed with the explosion, watching the commander spinning around and around in attempt to regain control.  Close enough for the Emperor’s Fist to snatch a leg before bodily-crashing the suit down into the war table with a snarl.
The courses of discharges popped, crackled and rolled through the alien armor.  The spasms provoking an amusement through the rats. However, Vun did not care. His boot lifted and slammed into the chassis,  pushing it deeper into the table more than he was actually crushing it. 
That annoyed the Chapter Master vividly.
“Die. Die.” 
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ratchaptermaster · 6 years
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Starter reference to Chapter Master Vun Cinderreaver. Terminator-clad with a gatling-like storm bolter mounted power fist and his cursed Hellblade bound with the Great Rat’s blessing on its hateful spirit.
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ratchaptermaster · 6 years
Chapter-Master of the Vermin
'I am the Horned Emperor's Herald! Kneel or die-die, traitor-man!"
Vun Cinderreaver, the deprived and mad overlord to the vermintide seeping from a blistering wound of the Dark Imperium, was once a noble and proud Chapter-Master. At the rouse of the Dark Rift that sundered the Imperium of Man apart, the Forsaken Sentinel Chapter was a codex-following successor of the Ultramarines, their monastery sitting on a semi-habitable moon overseeing a great hive world in the Eastern Fringe's systems. Vladimir was the Eighth and Last Chaptermaster before the system was suddenly attacked by the riding waves of Khorne's Blood Crusade. In the spontaneous attack, unprepared and taken by complete surprise, it was only the quick response of Vladimir and his Astartes that bought the rest of the system to some form of retaliation. 
Company after company, defense force to imperial guard regiment, fleet against fleet, the system of Yumir met the fear of being a complete sacrifice to the Blood-God. Thirteen days of separated offence and retaliation with supplies stretched thin and worlds already burning, In the midst of chaos, whispers were heard. The whispers of salvation, the coming of a force to aid them. These 'Primaris Astartes', warriors of unbelievable calibre, were to come and supplant the Sentinels...but they never came. 
The constant battle against overwhelming odds are the servants of the Blood God seemed endless, whether, of traitor marines or daemon, it drove a desperation against psyche. When despair was grasping mortal-minds, the stubborn fearlessness of Astartes forced the tide to a wavering standstill. The light of the Emperor in this dark time kept them strong, the words of his favour driving them into a deathless drive, unaware...this wasn't the Emperor sitting upon the Gilded Throne. Something else was watching over them, waiting for this one opportunity from the bowels of their Hive World. Feasting on the souls of the fallen and banished until in the thirteenth Day, as Vladimir and his Chief Librarian Quintus was attacked by a Bloodthirster, they heard the toll of a bell. 
Death has come, but for whom? With a call into the Warp, chanting to banish the great daemon and a wounded Vladimir trying to rise. Together, they accepted the powers of their Emperor for this one moment. In the name of him, in the name of their Chapter and system, they will not falter. And so, in the pact, Vladimir struck the weakened daemon with its own blade and its ether becoming the ink to a dark fate.  
With the pull of a great maelstrom ripping from their world's heart, a great being manifested through the populated clouds. A daemonic being, horned and verminous, devoured the souls of Imperial and Traitor in one gluttonous scope before laughing in joy to the feast as the tear between reality and Warp elevated a creature due for ascension. The creation of mankind's blightful despair, craven greed, and the very pollution of Hive Worlds made into one singular aspect - the Great Horned Rat. The Yumir System and all within became its domain in reality. All who looked upon the visage went mad and screamed. First, the sound of man, woman, and child and in a grotesque instant, the shrill screams of rat-mutants forever his. Their changed forms racing and devoured everything, not of them. Cursing, jeering and cheering in a deluded madness that can't differ of their change or new existence, only that the Red-Tide must die. 
On the fourteenth day, there was nothing. The Blood Crusade subsided and the system a cancerous warp of reality and not. On the floor of the Forsaken Sentinel's Monastery, a great bell tolled. Ringing from uphigh while its Master - in the dying throes of his sanity - wept of self-loathing and horror as he looked upon his battle-brother changed and unpure. His horned shadow touched by his new Master while a hand grasped tight to the weapon of the conquered. The hellblade burning as infernal as his soul and the weeping turned into mad cackles evermore.  
Now a century later, the Verminus Imperium crawl from its pestilent heart like a disease through veins. Consuming world after world in the darkness, growing while Vun Cinderreaver and his Council of 13 scheme for their vengeance and hatred of themselves and all before them.
WARGEAR: Terminator armour
WARLORD TRAIT: Hatred Incarnate
SPECIAL RULES: Lord of Chaos, Fearless, Sigil of Corruption, Eternal Warrior, Teleport Strike, Independent Character
The Emperor's Fist: A dark parody of his primarch's own arsenal, the Emperor's Fist is a clawed powerfist marked by the Great Horned Rat to deliver savage blows and armed with a horrifying storm-bolter of tri-barreled brutality firing warpstone-tipped bolts. Feared among the Vermintide as Vun's weapon of destruction and right of rule.
The Sword of Hate: This daemonic sword of Khorne radiate with trapped ire, folded and contained by the curses and bile-laced disdain of the Hive-World Rat-Lord as the final insult upon its former wielder. Its green flames burn and each swing is a scream for release, only music to its namesake's ears.
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